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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1979, p. 14

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14 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmànville, November 28_1979 Wednesday, December 5 il a.m. Hoisteins Complete Luckyhill Hostein Dispersai owned by Gordon Partridge, Castieton, Ontario, seiiing at Wilsons Sale Arena, Uxbridge, Ontario. 90 head. Registered, R.O.P. tested, ciasslfied. Herd average. 135-139 BCA. Ail homebred. Ail by Unit Sires, 7 by Kem p, 5 Rockman, 12 Perseus Leader,, 12 bred to A Clinton Camp Maljesty (+ 16 +16), 17 bred to, A Gaydaie Fury Alert, 9 to Almerson Marquis Prince. 50 milking age females, several fresh cows, 10 bred heifers, 30 open yearlings and calves. Herd is f ree listed. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson, Auctions, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 48-2 Thursda y Night November 29 6:30 Sharp At Orval McLean Auction Center, Lindsay On Little Britain Road, just south of Highwvay7. Prop erty of Mrs. C. J 11Isen, Kim g St. and Mrs. Kay Lashly (formerly Kay Jamieson), Lindsay, and others. Furnture: appliances; antiques; dishes; antique parlor stove; box stove; trunk; 2 swivel rockers - flike new; leaier cnair and stool; beautiful 4 p c. walnut bedroomn suite, Speed Queen spin washer; crib; ladies bicrycie; chests; dressers, chi d's rocker; 30" automatic stove; round wooden coffee table - glass top; chrome set; mirrors; single continental beds; white bedroom suite with twin beds; wooden high chairs; wooden coffee table; lamp; 3 excellent beige rugs;, large porcelain sink unit; pas dryer; shower unît; captain's chair; sink; new black and gold drapes; movie camera; console sewing machine; metal cabinet; hall'table and mirr inger treadle sewing machine;good vacuum;6 chromechairs;polo lamp; drophlea able; laundry tubs; crock; 2 Windsor armn chairs; firescreen; good cash register; new folding doors; gr een chesterfield set; good Beatty wring er washer with lnsulated tub; blonde 6 pc. dining roomn suite; Ta ppan automatic 30" electric stove; sinks; buffet; 54" continental bed; large assortment of dressers; chests; some dishes; gate leg wainut table; 6 mahogany dining chairs; small round table; 'small china cabinet; radio record player; Charles of London chesterfield suite; hall tree; antique rope bed; exceptional oak wardrobe with drawer and bevelled mirror; bow front chest; large chest; single wardrobe; small book- case; round wicker planter; old resback rocker; marbie sink; o lamp; old cupboard bottom, etc,. No reserve. Note timre: 6-.30 sharp. Dale and Orval McLean, Aucioneers, 324-2783 Lindsay. 4- FINE 9QUALITY MONUMENTS and MARKERS Look forthis sea i. guaranteo ot permanence. STAF FORD BROS. LTD. Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 COCHRANE Roy. At Memorial Nos pital, Bowman- ville on Tuesda y, November 27, 1979 Roy Cochrane of R.R. 2, Orono in his 83rd year. Beloved husband of Ethel Empringham. Dear father of Mrs. L. Brown (Mildred), Donald, Mrs. M. Martin (AudreyY.Al1lan, Mrs. A. Reid (Velma) and Jim. Resting at the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home. Funeral service 1:.30 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Interment McCrea's Ceme- tery. 48-1iN PETHICK - Sheldon R. At Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville on Tuesdlay, November 27, 1979. Sheldon R. Pethick of Enniskillen in his 96th vear. Beloved husband of Rena Sheppard, dear father of Floyd of Scarborough, and Clifford of Bowmanville. Predeceased by Verna and Oswald. Restin at the North- cutt Eliott Funeral Home Thursday 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 p.m. Funerai service 3 o'clock Friday afternoon. Interment Bethesda Cemetery. 4- 48-1m DOUBLE snowmobile trailer, '71 - 300 skidoo. '69 Nordic. '70 Snowpony 220. '70 Motoski. '71 Motoski and a ski-boose trailer, ail in good shape. Firewood - level 1/2 ton $20. Phone 1-786-2308. 48-1 N On Oct. 2th the Taras played host to the Ajax Major Bantams and came up with a 2-2 tie. This game could have gane either way with each team deserving a win. Bill McArthur was superb in goal making many difficult saves. Scoring the Taras 2 goals was Shaughn Houston unassisted. Oct. 18th the Toros were defeated in Oshawa 7-2 by the stronger city team. Scoring goals for the Toros were Steven Taylor and Shaughn Houston. Gaining assists were Dan Ritchie, Shaughn Houston and Timmy Preston. Oct. 28th the Toros won their second league game defeating Markham in Markham. The Toros came out flying and it showed in their hustie in the opponents end. Scoring 2 goals each for the Taras were Trevor Martyn and Gen Matthews. Gaining assists on hard work and preserverence were Gen German (2), Shaughn, Houston (2), and Danny Ritchie. Nov. lth the Toros played in the Cobaurg Tûurnamnent and were defeated by Peterborough 4-1 and Cobourg 5-1. Scoring for the Taras was 5-1. Scoring for the Taras was Shaughin Houstan unassisted and Trevor Martyn from Steven Taylor. Nov. l3th the Taras travelled ta Bay jRidges and were defeated 3-2. The Toros were rabbed in this game deserving at least a tie. Scott Bate played fantastic in goal frustrating the Bay Ridges players. Bath goals were scored in the second period with only 20 seconds between and they were almost identical making them look like instant replays. Scaring the goals were Scott Richards from Shaughn Houston and Gen German and 5haughn Houston scaring fron\ Scott' Richards and Tim Preston. In an exhibition game on Oct. 8th, Whtby defeated the Taras. Scaring aur only goal was Dan Ritchie from Shaughn Houston. Oishawa Monument Co. Family Momorials - Markors AUl Design and Lettering Don. by Us on Promises -NO SALESMEN INVOLVED - Please Telephone 728-3111 for Full Details SeIIging Your House by Ed Vanhaverbeke FARI. EDVAN REALTY LTD. WHIYA MIDDLEMAN? The role of a real estate agent is ta act as liaison between buyer and seller. He shows the sellers merchandise (bouse) ta the prospective buyer and carnies back the prospects offer of purchase. Then he may return ta the prospect with a counteroffer. This back-and-forth may continue until a price s agreed upon. There may be several prospects involved al one lime. Why do the buyer and the seller need the agent between themn? Wouldn't they be better off negotiating directly, face ta face? No. Direct negotiations between interested parties leave the door open ta personality conflicts, misunderstandings, and other pressures. A seller cant caîl a buyer ta urge a de- cision without seemning over-anxious, for instance. The real estale professional, a dsinterested third party - a middle- man, a diplomat, if you will - can consummate the sale. Put a professional ta, work for you. List with Edvan Reaity Ltd. 987-4733. Dim and Distant Past Hf 49 Vears Aga Thursday, Navember 27, 1930 Bowmanville High Sehool students won the following prizes, during the year. Margaret Whiteman, Form 1 General Proficiency, and first in British History, Phyllis Challis, Form II General Proficiency, Elsie Carruthers, best short story and Pauline Wagar, best poem, in the Screech Owl. Town council held a special meeting on Saturday'evening an psed a special by-law ta prvd for erection of a concrete addition to the reservoir 54 x 54 x 12 at Salem, and a by-law to prohibit the burning of leaves on the street. Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Fletcher, and daughter Mrs. Elmo Anderson, attended the annual meeting of the Rose Society of Ontario, held at the Royal York, Toronto. Mr. Fletcher was guest speaker. A disastrous fire early Sunday morning completely destroyed Newtonville United Church, the Sunday School, a large frame driving shed, and barns, and at times, threatened the school and community hall. The loss is estimated at $15,000, and the insurance placed at $3,500. [arbor, Port Bowmanvilie. Bowmanville and Port Hope fire brigades responded to the eall. Walter Hately won the cash prize this week with a 319 roll, at Martyn's Bowling Alley. Next week Casey Martyn is offering military brushes and combs, for highest individual score in a league, $1.00 for second and .50 for third. Members of B.H.S. rugby team this year are Don Williams, Bill Ingram, Harold Colmer, Clarence Oke, Herhert Colmer, Doug Adams, Morley Vanstone, Harold Semon, John Jury, Ken Morris, Gordon Adams, Jamie Wright, 'Newton Hackney, George Veale and Ken Osborne. 25 Vears Ago Thursday, November 25, 1954 President Ross ,McKnight conducted the initiation ceremony of new members of Branch 178 of the Royal Canadian Legion, at a special meeting on Sunday. New members are Albert Donoghue, William Spry, Leslie Finn, Norman Bragg, Frank Osmond, John Weise, Cyril and Ronald Beard. Walter DeGeer, was the first member of the local Rotary Club ta become a grandfather during "Rotary's Golden Jubilee Year." Dave Morrison presented him with a trophy, and named him "Jubilee Grandpaw." The valedictory address at BHS this year was given by Gwen Bartlett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bartlett. Solina Home and School Club elected the following officers for this year. President - Perey Westlake, vice-pres. Mrs. Wilhiard Gorr, sect'y-treas. Mrs. Wes. Werry, pianist Patsy, Davis, assistant Barbara Hooey. Dr. Charlotte Horner, of the Northumberland and Durham 4Health Unit, spoke to the Maple Grove W. on her work at the Counties Health Unit at the November meeting. Mr. Robert Gi, new owner of the Royal Theatre has recently widened the screen at the theatre to six feet to show the new wide screen movies. At the recent Oshawa Dog Show, Miss C. McCausland, R.R. 2, Orono, won the highest honor in the terrier group with her famous, Kerry Blues. At the Royal Winter Fair, she won the Champion doe award with her Poggenburg goats, a first and second on yearlings and third and fourth on kids. Recreation Hockey Resuits November lth, 1979 Ontario Hydro Employees Union - 16 - Steve Bizi 5, Nick Dennis 4, Paul Smithurst 4, Ryan O'Neil 2, Greg Brown 2, Richard Gardon 1, shut out ýta Dawne Adams. Bon Rae (Preston Transport) - 0. Bonded Paving - 2 - Doug Lever, Dean Baumhaver. Bil's Glass - 2 - Greg Goode 2. Don and Clair (Tim's Rental) - 8 - Richard Smit 5, David Godsmark. Consumers, Gas (Marina Hotel) - "2 - Philip Green, Steve McCullough. ATOM Kinsman - 2 - Shawn Broom, Steve Muscat, Frank's Variety - 2 - Doug Moffat, Craig Hollowell. Lange - 5 - Kyle Virtue 4, Tony Dyer 1. D & R Sports - 1 - Gardon Murchison. November 15, 1979 Darlington Auto - 8 - Chris Shmyr 4, Rohbie Davidson 2, Brian Dodd 2. Frank's Variety Royals - 2 - Doug Moffatt 2. PEE WEE November lth, 1979 Goodyear Ranger - 4 - Danny Player 2, Todd Balson, Kelly Balson. Nichols Motors - 2 - Michael Vanderwouden, Donald Snowden. Osborne and Shank Insurance - 8 - Bruce Cooke 4, Bob Gili 2, Joey Hennessy 1, Paul Herron. Mr. Submarine - 5, - Steve Smith 2, Randy Smit 2, Todd Lewis 1. BANTAM Kool Enterprises - 6 - Paul Lebeau 3, John Hache 2, Eric Vyskocil 1, shut out ta Jeff Vyfschaft. Larry Sports - 0. Frank's Variety - 8 - David Hancock 7 4 - Steve McHugh 2, Sandy Wiseman 1, Kevin Fry, shut out ta Rick Martin. Brownies Food Services - 0. Dennisan Mfg. - 2 - Ryan Brown, Eddy Bird, shut out ta George Kennett. Attersley Tire - 0. November 17th, 197 9 Kool Enterprises - 5 - Glen Klampmaker 2, Eric Vyskociz, Ian McKay, John Hache, shut aut ta Jeff Vyfschaft. Brownies Food Services - 0. Frank's Variety - 2 - Todd Stevens 1, Sandy Wiseman 1. Attersley Tire 1- Paul Stocker. Dennison Mfg. -5 Ryan Brown 2, Eddy Bird, Wayne Bragg' Brad Simser. Larry Sparts- - Tocld Beers, Greg Smith. MIDGE' D & R Sparts - 5 - Jim Maltar 3, Russell Hagg, Robbie McKay 1. Gill's Texaca - 1 - Allan Shakespere. Navember 20th, 1979 NOVICE Bonded Paving - 8 - D. Braumhaver 5, Colin' Dempster, Paul Cleland, Daug Lever. Tim's RentaI - 1 - Danny Stone. Bill's Glass - 2 - Greg Goode 2. Ontario Hydro Employees Union - 2 - N. Dennîs, R. O'Neil. Marina Hotel - 8 - S. Edmondsorn 5, S. McCullough, C. Fleming. Preston Transport - 2 - D. Killens. PEE WRE November 17, 1979 Goodyear - 6 - D. Player 2, K. Balson 2, M. Hill, S. Murchison. Mr. Submarine - 5 - S. Smith, R. Smit, S. Sarginsan, D. Bakker. Osborne and Shank Insurance - 12 -B. Cook 5, P. Harron 2, D. Mann 2, B. Gill 2. Nichais Motors - 2 - T. Whalen, E. West. MIDGET November 13, 1979 Marianna Development - 7 - J. Maltar 3, R. McKay 2, D. Engley, R. Hogg. Canucks - 0 - shut out ta G. Erwin. November 16, 1979 Newcastle - 3- T. Oke, B. Felstead, L. Rosmond. Reddi Chef - 2 - S. Thompson, G. November 2th, 1979 Reddi Chef - 4 - R. Thompsan 2, B. Pouliot, B. Sarginson. Gill's Texaco - 1 - R. Worden. Nqeighbors Stili O0bjeet To Rezoning Three nearby landowners raised abjections ta the plans for rezoning property on Liberty St. north in order ta ul1nw a trucking business ta continue its aperations. Martin Chizen, owner of 50 acres adjoining the Brooking Transport property on Liberty St. North, said that the proposed re-zoning of the land would interfere wîth future residential development pro- posed for the neighharhood. "A trucking business is most offensive in what should be a high-class residential area, " he said. A neighbor, W. A. Kilpatrick, said he is opposed ta the re-zoning because of the noise caused by the trucks, especially in the early morning hours. "If this Wins President's Award at Kinsmen Interclub Mark Borutskie, Past President of Bowmanville Kinsmen, won the Zone Award for President of the Year for 1978-79. Chairman for the evening was Past President Ken Lee of the Manvers Club. Honored guests were Hon. Ailan Lawrence, MP, and his wife, John Eakins MPP and his Wife, Manvers Reeve George Neals and his Wife. A tribute was paid to Kin District Governor Lorn Scanlon of Blackstock who was killed in a car accident a week ago. Some Lucky Person Will Win This Train Set.for Christmas The many visitors who visited the Visual Arts Centre last weekend during the 'Yuietide at the Mill' event, saw this model train set in one corner of the main floor. It is being raffled off to raise funds for the Centre's activities and was put together by these model train experts, Norm Johnston, Art White and Larry O'Connor. They are members of the model train club that meets regulariy in the basement of the Mill. H.L. Wood By Bill Paterson Thursday, November 22 at Pickering Village Arena the Transparters played their best game this year as they skated away with a 6 - 2 victory . The Taras counted their first two points in the game twenty-six seconds apart in the first period. The f irst of the first period. The first off the stick of Darcy Cummings assisted by- Randy Hanthorn on a power play. The, second goal, also a power play effort, was set up by a pass from Greg Smith to Mike D'Entre- mont ta captain Marc Richards who put it in the net. Pickering finally hit the scoreboard in the second period after two minutes and 19 seconds of play, a power play effort. Bowmanville came back with two more quick goals, Mike D'Entre- mont from Randy Hanthorn and Brian Strong at 7:05 folloWed 43 seconds later by Darcy Cummings unassisted, the first of which was another power play tally. Pickering found the work once mare in the second with a Tara off for elbowing. The Transporters came back once more in the second and then in the third. Darcy Cummings getting bath unassisted, ta give him four goals on the night. Mark Lee had an outstand- ing game in net for, Bowmanville, final score Bowmanville 6, Pickering 2. goes through, I will have ta sell," he said. John Fine, a lawyer repre- senting Dr. Peter Zakarow, a Liberty St. North resident, said that the committee would be opening up the door toaa flourishing trucking business in a residential neighborhood if it approved of re-zanîng in this location. Committee members, how- ever, vated to approve of the proposed re-zoning and refer it ta Newcastle council for approval. In taking this step, committee members agreed ta allow the planning depart- ment ta work an agreement covering such things as screening, fencing and flood- lighting. Only a small portion of the property would be re-zoned as a transport depot. van Belle Floral Shoppes ... much more than a flower store! 4 STORES S.Highway No. 2 King Si. E., Oshawa S.Shcoesi. N., Oshaw a .King St. W., BowmanvIle Midgts Playing November 14 Darlington Sports Centre, Bay Ridges came for their first visit of the season and outskated Taras for a 6 -3 win. Bowmanville again found the mark first with only 1:03 gave on the dlock when Kevin Welsh took a pass from Brian Strong and whipped it home. Bay Ridges tied it up five minutes later ta finish the scaring in the penalty-less period. Bay Ridges scored first in the second period only ta be tied up when the Taras' Randy Hanthorn finished off a beauti- ful set-up by Marc Richards and Darcy Cummings. 1 The third period saw Bay Ridges score the first one. Again the Transporters came back ta tie it up with Dana Severn blasting one in from the point set-up by Darcy Cummings. The Taras' game plan becamne a littie fuzzy fromf here on when Bay Ridges hit at 8:42 followed by twa more at 10:31 and 12:09. Mark Lee had ta make many key saves in the game especially late in the third period. November 17 and November 21 will go down in the H.L. Woods Midgets' record books as twa dates ta remember that they ýdon't want ta have repeated. November 17, Newcastle 4, Bowmanville 0 and November 21, Markham 4, Bowmranville 0. The last * 500 Hockey, Down Pickering game was a league game that saw, the Transporters skate with a new determination against a faster, bigger club but not give up even down ta the dying minutes. *B eef iver and Onions *Hot Chicken Sandwich e Fish & Chips (vegetables, potatoes, coffee or tea) ony ...$19 or get - A) Egg Roll Sweet & Sour Chieken Chicken Fried Rice Cookie, Coffee or Tea B)Egg Roll Chieken Chow Mcmn Chicken Fried Rice Cookie, Coffee or Tea f or j ust $1.@95 This offer appliesfrom Il a. m. - 3 p. m. - Nov. 28-Dec. 5 9,dLaay 9B Grilled B.C. Salmon Steak (7 oz.) ,Satiitd, OnL' Roast Prime Rib (Above orders include chef's salad or tomato juice, bread and butter, vegetables, potatoes,' rice pudding, coffee or tea) FOR FAST TAKE-OUT and DELIVERY CALL: 623 -22c%2 or 60%23.122 FIPISTCft L EAM CAItIA)AtY FOQD 59 King St. E., Bowmanville 1

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