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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1979, p. 15

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NE WTON VILLE NEWS Newtonville - Starkville Bowling Team Standings - Adams 24, Stacey 18, 'Arnold 15, Scuik 15. High single - Dian Scuik 285, high triple - Dian Scuik 670. 200 games - Dian Scuik 285, 226, Marlene Stacey 268, Pat Millson 268, Bernice Hender- son 261, Cathy Adams 252, 238, Gai! Milison 244, Peggy Millson 217, Jean Arnold 210, 207, Vi Patterson'210, Blanche Jones 207, Barb Elliott 204, Mary Topple 204, Janis 9)ilworth 202. The Newtonville Hall Board met on Wednesday evening in the Hall with seven members present. The members of the Town of Newcastle toured the building on Sunday, Novem- ber 18th. After the usual opening, it was, decided to buy a vacuum cleaner. A letter of thanks to be sent to the donors of the pop cooler and tea pots. Wallace Boughen 'agreed to' tighten some of the card tables and Clinton Farrow to have the water tested. The same caretakers and the same auditors for the coming year. Instead of groceries for prizes it was suggested that cash be tried until the Christmas one on December 2lst when turkeys would be the prizes, at the card parties held every other week. The prize winners with the high score was Mrs. W. Milligan and Jim Loman. Lucky draws were Mrs., Lawrence Greenwood, Alice Wood, Arthur Clarke and Bill Morley. 50-50 prize was won by Mabel Ellîott. There were 10 tables in play. Next card party will b e Friday, December 7th at 8 o'clock. The Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Mae Burley's, Newcastle with 17 members present. After the usual openings and the minutes read and treasurer's report given it was decided to have an exchange of gifts at our December l9th meeting. The leaders who presented the course "Indoor Gardening" were also to be remembered. t was announced that the 4-H Achievement Day on Decem- ber 8th at Kirby Centennial School and Summary Day on December llth. An invitation to Hampton on Dec. 4th at 12:30 was accepted. The rol cail was "A modemn medical aid I appreciate or a recycling hint I practice. Jean O'Neill gave an account of the Aen Convention she attended at the Royal York, Toronto, Bea Jones read an article from the Home and Country entitled "What If". She also conducted an "ch" contest and won hy Olive Henderson Institute Grace was sùng and lunch was served. Another show "Grease" was held in the Community Hall Sunday nfternoon at 3. This was the -last one till March. Ladies fromn the Port Hope District who attended the Bazanr in Newtonville lastý Saturday nfternoon were Mrs. Edna Ruthven, Mrs. Hazel Irwin, Mrs. Barbara Irwin, Mrs. Violet Gilmer, Mrs. Sybil McCullough, Mrs. Olive Jones, Mrs. Verna Cnnn and Mrs. Nettie Long. Mrs. Barbara Donnelly Darrell and Lori-Anne Port Hope, were supper guests of Mm. and Mrs. Don Stapleton and afterwnrd the Hockey Gamne in Orono when Darrell scored two goals for Port Hope. 1Mr. and Mrs. O. Montgomery are lenving by bus on Tuesdny for a lengthy stay in Florida. The Church service Sunday morning was led by Rev. A. Tizzard assisted by Mary Vinkle. The nnthem by the choir was Heavenly Sunlight. The greeters at the door were Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton and the sermon was entitled Facing the Facts. Mnny from Newtonville attended the Masonic service and afterwards for Mr. Earl Walkey of Bownnville at the Morris Funemal Chapel. Sympathy is expressed to bis wife Gladys, his daughtem Joan of Oshawa and son John of Bowmanville. Mrs. Anne Bickell wns hostess for a Tupperwnre Party at hem home on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Paeden visited with Mrs. C. Burley Tuesday. afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mermill, Cambelîford spent the weekend with Mrs. lien Jones. Mm. Harold Lambemt returned home f rom Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville on Wednesday. Mrs. Roy Buley, Bowman- ville spent the weekend with Mrs. Lena Clysdale. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hender- son with Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Henderson, Campbellford spent Saturday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Skinkle, Port Hope visited with Mr. and Mrs. Reid Woods on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. David Fletcher, David Jr. and Melissa, Morrice, Michigan spent the Ameican Thanks- giving with Mr.and Mrs. Ken Fletcher on Thursday and on Saturday Mr. and Mms. Bud Virtue and Mr. Don Fletcher of Oshawa were dinner guests with them aIl. Mr. and Mms. Glenn Stapleton attended the Durham Hostein Club Dinner and Dance at Blackstock Community Centre on Fridny evening. We welcome the Corley family in the former Quellette home. Saturday dinner guests with the Rev. and Mrs. A. Tizzard were Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Methop, Toronto and Gary Mehanney, Camp Borden. On Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. John Carlow, Warkworth visited his aunt Mrs. Bea Jones. Mrs. Marie Trim and Jerry Welch spent the weekend at their cottage at St. Ola. Mms. Lena Clysdnle spent a few days lnst week with Mrs. Gilbert Toronto. Sympathy is also expressed. to Mrs. Norman, McCullough and family in the loss of a husbnnd and father. They were one time esidents of Newtonville but now of Port Hope. Miss Melody Johnson, Whitby, Miss Leah Woodward, Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wood, Newcastle were dinner guests on Sunday Spiderman Helps, Kinettes with Coloring Book Projeet Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rainey, Marie, Miss Linda Rainey, Ryerson College, Toronto, Mr. David Hicks, Ryerson, Toronto, were Sun- day evening dinner guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ervan Rainey, Church St. and celebrateci Mildred's and Linda's birth- days. Mr. Lance Plain, and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Bruton were guests at the recent Beagle Club banquet held in Port Hope, Saturday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rainey, Lindsay were visitors at the Ervan Raineys last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Watson, Mrs. Glad Gambsy, Mrs. Irene Murray, Mrs. Dora Plain, attended the "Irish Tips on How to Store Your Summer Tires This Winter You can head off problems next spring bY proper storage of the regular tires that come off your car when the wintem tires go on. "It's nuick and easy ad it can ndd to tire life and performance," says Michael Lewis, Goodyear Canada's- Dimector of Public Relations. Here's how: 1. Neyer - repent, neyer - store tires standing upright on their tneads. Permanent fiat- spotting can esuit. 2. Lay them flat - whitewall against whitewall - in a cool, dry pince. Keep tires nway fnom electmic motors, water, petroleum products and heat sources, including direct sun- light. 3. If tires are stored mounted on wheels, reduce inflation pressures to about 15 pounds. Don't forget to rein- flate in the sping, Lewis cautions. 4. lndicate 'n tire's wheel' position by mnrking the side- wnhl with chalk. Radial tires should be retumned to the wheel positions they had when they were removed.* Finally, Goodyear recom- mends, remove stones from tme,ad grooves and check tires for damage. If you'me unsume, ask an expert. The Canadîan Statesman, Bowinanvie, Novemnber 28, 1979 15 YEVETO Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jenkins, Bloomfield, Mich., U.S.A. were visitors this week with Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Moore. Mrs. Howard Malcolm and Candy returned from Jamaica on Friday all nicely tanned fromn their week3s vacation there. Disgusting !!! Candy took a U-turn to the lef t and grabbed a plane with her girl friend for a 10 day holiday in Los Angeles, U.S.A. A couple of camloads of Lînday Branch U.C.O. Board delegates nttended the annual faîl Zone 3 Directors meeting held on Thursdny in Wandylu Inn, Trenton,Ontamio. On Fiday your correspondent and wife Cornie attended the annual meeting of Foxboro U.CO. Branch at Thurlow Communitv Centre, Rovers Concert" in Oshawa Saturday evening. Mrs. Ruth Ruth. Peter'- borough, Mr. ana ivirs. Howard Gordon Port Hope, Mrs. Viola Morton and Mrs. MaryJ. Morris, Omono, weme Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stapleton. The executive meeting of U.C.W. of Orono United Church was held in the church hall, Monday afternoon. Recent Sünday visitons of the Donald Paddicks Orôno. Spiderman thrilled dozens of youngsters at the Bowmanville Mail last Friday night when he made -a personal appearance to autograph giant coloring books beîng sold by the Kinette Club. The coloring book service projeet is being sponsored by the Kinettes to raise funds to donate to Cystie Fibrosis. hosptal and is well enough to return home. Mr. and Mrs. David Henderson, and Christopher and Bob Henderson of Oshawa Mrs. Brenda St. John, Whitby, Mr. Doug Henderson and Miss Brenda Vander Spruit, were Sunday dinner guests of Mm. and Mrs. Trueman Hender- son. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Morton, Kendal, were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton and in evening attended the Cîvic Auditorium, Oshawa to hear "The Irish Rovers". Mr. :and Mrs. Alf Perrin, Newcastle 'were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chanton Farrow. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. A. Ton on their 46th wedding anniversary last Friday, Novemben 23rd. Mr. and Mrs. William Endicott and children, Rosenere, Quebec spent Wednesday and Thursday with Mr.* and Mrs. Jim Dilworth and girls. Mrs. Violet Gilmer aften attending Church Services in Port Hope was a dînner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer. In the afternoon ahl visited Mrs. Karen Trizzino of Cobourg. On Thursday' Bea Jones visited Mr. William Herriott who is a patient in Cobourg Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morton, Kevin and Dwnyne, Kendal were supper guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton. BLACKSTOCK DYLKSTmRA'S 73-77 King St. W. Bowmanville, Ont. Li C 1 R2 TRY OUR Ai STEER BEEF BON ELESS ROLLED BRISKET ParTROAST >1.79 LB. BONELESS SIRLOIN STEAK 3.19 LB. IBONELESS CHUCK-STEAK 2.19 LS. STORE SLICED SWIFT PREMIUM DINNER MIVIM2é69 LB. FRESH STORE SLICED CORN MEAL BACK BACON 2.29 HOME PRIDE 24 oz.LB BUTTER CRUST BREAD 59" EACH CHAPMANS ICE CREAM STILL ONLY .1.29 A 2 LTR. CRT. CHRISTMAS GOODIES NOW IN STOCK. BANANAS 2Ç B ORANGES 991 . .DU. DOZ. PO RED EMEROR' CRISP & TASTY GRAPES HEAD 59~ m~.49" NOW ARRIVING FOR ONE AWAY \. . FOR YOUR GIFI Fancy Fruit or Fooid Basket - Ranging from $1 0.00 to $35.00- We-wîII make it fo suit the occasiofl. ENJOY A FREE COFFE received hem secondary School Honor Graduation Diploma. Many local folk have attended the operetta The Pirates of Penzance presented in the Port Perry Town Hall over the past two weeks. Katie Visser and Glenn Larmer took part in this production by Scugog Choral Society. Merlin Bailey and Katherine Burney of London were weekend guests of the Neil Bailey's and visited other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey entertained on Friday evening Mr. and Mms. Neil Wemny, Mm. and Mrs. Harold McLaughlin, and Mm. and Mms. Merrili VanCamp to a dinner party on the occasion of Mrs. Eleanor Werry's 39th? birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pawly, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Petch, Kent and Catherine of Aurora were Sunday dinner guests of Mm. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and girls. Mm. and Mrs. Fred Lewis of Norland and Betty Jane Taylor of Trent University spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Taylor. Family Skating has startecl at our local rink on Sunday afternoon from 2-3:30 p.m. t is open to children with'at leastone parent. A grent idea for some good old-fashioned family fun. Come and join the fun. major Appliance SERVICE to ail makes and models Paddy's R.R. 1, Hampi Market tonT Telephone 263-2241' Taunton Road "We Buy and Sel Used Appliances" ES m 1979 LTD Il BROUGHAM1 V-8, auto, P.S., P.B. Brougham 'interior. Package. Under 7,500 km. Real sharp. Lic. No. ORB 525 1975 CH EV VAN V8, auto, P.S., PRB. Under 60,000 mi. Semi-van-con- version. Exceptional condition. Lic. No. H46 666. 1978 CHEV MONTE CARLO ý305 V-8, auto, P.S.,' P.B. Radio, defroster. Could be your dream car! Lic. No. MWL 593. north of Belleville. This spanking new centre was originally a cheese factomy converted with considerable originality into a vemy useful community centre. We learned with regret this week of the passing of a former county council colleague and past Wamden of the United Counties - Mr. Eaml Walkey of Newtonville. Earl had set something of a record in bis municipal political career in having been accîaimed for Council, Deputy-Reeve and Reeve of Clarke Twsp. and then Warden of the United Counties of Durham and Northumber- land. Deepest sympathy is extended to wife Gladys and their family in their sad bereavement. South included Mn. and Mrs. Gemald Greenley Wamkworth, Ontario and Don and Betty La Page, Cobourg, Ont. Members of the Heather Social Club are busy prepar-, ing for their mammoth- bazaan, this Sntumday in the I.O.O.P. Communîty Centre. Mr. and Mns. Joe Garrett, of Londsoune weme recen t visitors, of Don and Ann Paddick, the Paddick family are newcomers to our fair village and live in the former Aldread house. Now there is a"no gamble"used car warranty in "MACDONALD FORD COUNTRY"that can- not be bettered. If you are flot completely satisfied with your Certified Used Car purchase from us, return it within seven days for a full refund. Any reason is a good reason. For more information cal .623-4481. 1975 FORD GRANADA 4 DOOR In silver metallic. 6, auto, P.S., P.B., reclining buckets, rustproofed when new. Under -34,000'mi. One owner (lives locally). Lic. No. HRB 988. 1979 CHEV CAMARO In dark brown metallic. V8, P.S., P.B., 4 Spa., PW, stereo cassette. Under 23,000 km. Sharp! Sharp! Sharp! Lic. No. NLQ 503. 1978 GMC4x 4PICKUP In black. V8, 3 spd., P.S., P.B. High Sierra trim wit h buekets. Rustproofed, perma-shined. Under 29,000 km. Lic. No. E45640. OROuNO -*NEWS HAIRCUTTING BY T HOM AS."ý Grand Openlng Speclîal 25% Off Any Service With This Ad SPECIALIZING IN a Sculpture Cutting a Perm Designs e Long Hair Designs e Conditioning Treatments e Highlighting & Special Effeots Master Halreuttlng by Thomas KING 401 KIng St. West, Just up from Oshawa Centre> 576-1924 This badly mixed up fal weather continues with tempematures like September but oh ahl the wet, rniny days. They certainly are plaguing the efforts of many of the farmers at their faîl tasks. Next Wednesday, Dec. 5, on the P.D. Day the Pathfinders will be operating a Bnbysitting Service for shopping mothers in the C.E. Room at the United Church. They will be open for business from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the rate of $1.00 per hour per child with a group rate of $1.25 per hour for more than one child. Lunch will be provided. Any age children will be welcome. Money is to be used by the Pathfindens, a new group in the Guide progmam. For further information cal 986-4620, Brenda Bryant, one of the leaders. Improved health is wished for Carl Wright, Mms. Cecil Hamilton and Mrs. George Cnwker. The Senior Citizens' Card Party hnd 25 tables with the following winners - 1. Verna Smith - 85, 2. Flossie Cameron -85, 3. Charles McLaughlin - 84 4. Ella Venning - 81, 5. Rachel Dennis - 81, 6. Susie Harris - 79, Low - Anne Taylor. Joy Lane Vogel entertained a few friends to a pyjama pnrty on Fiday night to eelebrate hem ninth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mackie and boys attended the Commencement Exercises at the Clarke High School when their niece Janet Lawrence SPECIAL 1973 FORD F-350 One ton with duaf wheels. V8, auto, aluminum. Van Body. (Certified). Lic. A29 806. Our Best Buy $2... 795,001 ... ...... îîï ïï . . . . -. . . .. . .. . . ý 1

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