ings Favorable Comment s fr-oin Many Visitors OKs Treasury Expansion From Page 1 enquiries, help handie insurance claims, expedite Wintario grants and to maintain employee records. The intermediate accountants job would include assisting the treasurer in preparing financial statements and budgets, controling accounting records, and othier accounting work. work piles up if a person is away on holidays or ill. Mr. Guiler said there is no way the municipality could, load any more work onto this department, s ince its staff is already working some overtimne. The job of the treasury office secretary would be to type, file, handie routine finance department GO, Transit Takes Over. From Pagel1 Scost of the repairs took preparect on thie repair, remov. astle Mayor Garnet Rickard restoration of this part of rprise. "I just can't figure out building. gion. P1lanningtoSl Registry Office in Durham's Regional Council is year. Actual expected to decide today whether oïl Whitby headc< not it will proceed with plans to seIl out in 1981 a the Bowmanville Registry Office. million. Sale of the building on Liberty St. Bowmanvil has already been recommended by Prout said the Durham Region's management understands commýittee in a meeting held last would be mý week. Today (Wednesday) the Bowmanvilke committee's recommendations goes Councîllor Pr before Durhamn Region Council for plans to disp4 final approval. to centralizej The management committee has The council suggested that the building and 1.52 to see the reî acre site be sold in order to help because it finance the construction of the residents wi Durhama Region's headquarters Wh-itby if thE expansion in 1981 and 1982. SeIlling any documen the registry office is expected to Councillor provide $144,000 which the Durham the Durham Region can use towards the design finalize its and development of working registry off drawings for the headquarters. already goi The design and developmnent alone management are expected to cost $450,000 next approved by1 T'Iown il construction of the [uarters is to be carried ýnd 1982 at a cost of $6 lle councillor Maurice yesterday that he the registry office- oved to Whitby if the ebuilding is sold. Irut said that the region mse of the office in order its operations. 1 illor added that he hates ýgistry office leave town means that local illI have to travel to ýy want to make use of nts it contains. .Prout said hie believes n Region is likely to decision to sell the îice because it has Dne as far as the it committee and been that group. Sidewalks Included in Hwy 2,Plans' Newcastle's public works committee would like to see provisions made for sidewalks in the widening of Highway Two to four lanes. Newcastle Council recommended last year that sidewalks be buit between Oshawa and Courtice Rd., on both side of Number Two Highway. In addition, walkways were recommended in urban areas along the highway east of Courtice Rd. Jack Dunham, director of public works, told the works, committee on Tuesday, November 27, that the municipality would have to pay for the sidewalks. The cost of constructing them on both sides of the highway from Oshawa to Courtice Rd. would be $200 000, Mr. Dunham estimated. Mr. Dunham estimated that it may be 1983 before the Highway Two widening project gets underway. sehedule will be basically the same as the old one with minor changes. Pa ssengers should note that there will be no Sunday or holiday service and that the, two late-evening departures in each direction will run on Fridays only. Passengers should also note that the bus drivers will seil only single - and haif-fare tickets on, this route and that 10-ride books, monthly passes and tickets for travel to other parts of the GO system must be bought from either the Oshawa GO Terminal or the new Bowmanville GO agency -- Four Seasons Travel at King and Scugog. Regular riders are urged to taxe advantage of the substantial discount offered by GO's 10-ride tickets and monthly passes. Timetables and fare charts are available at the Oshawa terminal and the new agency; anyone wanting more details should caîl GO Transit's telephone information centre at 579-4224. Local Council Is Nowa Fuli-Time Job, Says Barr, After a year in office, Councillor Keith Barr says that it he were to rua for re- election in 1980 he would be seeking either a regional council seat or the office of mayor. Councillor Barr, who is now serv ing as a local councillor for former Clarkre Township, Newcastle and Orono, said that he would not run again for this position. He said the job takes up 90 per cent of his timne and is, really a fuli-time occupation because of meetings and' regular work with constituerits . While not saying he would definitely seek re-election next year, Councillor Barr said he feels he could accomplish more as a full time representative "If I'm going to do it again, F'm going to taire it on as a full time job," he said. Councillor Barr, who is a former member of the Newcastle Village council, said that there is no comparison between, the amount, of time required in village government and the amount of tîme that must be spent on the Town of Newcastle Council. He said the village council meetings totalled 90 to 100 per year but he pointed out that sinice the area was compacet, it was easier to administer. Parents, Friends and Associates are cordially invited ta attend the OFFICIAL OPENING CEREMONIES Sof Waverly Public Sehool in the General Purpose Room Wednesday, December 5th, 1979, 8:00 p.m. Guest Speaker The Honorable Bette Stephenson, M.D. Minister af Education Choir selections will be performed by Waverly Public Sehool students. Visitors are invited to tour the new, facilities after the programme. Refreshments wiIIbe served. .Councillor Barr said that he jymcq C has been fortunate this term of 11- office 'because bis son carrnes Now Open: Thursday and Friday 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. on Most of bis business interests, leaving him time for BOOK NOW FOR YOUR FESTIVE council responsibilities.EAOAPINTET According to Counceillor SAO PONMN Barr, the office of local council should eventually be Phone: 623-4901 considered as a fuil-time13CurcStEBwmnil occupation iln the town. mmMUmmmmImmumUmmmmmm mmmmmm I'ady for Chfistrnas! Bowmalnville %Me-,rchants4 C'hrisiýmas Store Hours * (CLIP THIS CALEN DAR FOR HANDY REFERENCE> ISUN. MON. TU ES. WED. THURS. FR1. SAT. I *November- 26 27 28 99 30 1 December 6 p.m. 6 p.m. (Ip.m., 6 pm. Gp.m.Spm I *December 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 à *Closed 9 p.m. 9 p.m. 9 p.M. 9 P.M. 9 p.M. 6 P.M. 9 *December 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 Closed 9 P.M. 9 P.M. 9 p.m. 9 p.m. 9p.m. 6 p.m.I * December 16 17 18 9 20 21 22, *Closed 9 P. m. 9 p.m. 9 p.m. 9 p.m. 9 P.M. 6 P.M. December 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 *Closed 6 p.m. Closed Closed 6 p.m. 9 p.m. 6 p.m. I *December - 30 31 1 * .anuary COSOed 6 p.M. Closed These store hours are flot compulsory, but are recommended to ail merchents In thie Interests of iunlformlty and customer convenlence. I RETAIL MERCHANTS COMMITTEEI * BOWMANVILLE CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE Imm mMm m m-mm m mmm m m Mm mwmsan Jiairporf St~d449 ~9- Jere ! Ideal for bath Men and Women. We have the new discovery . . . La Cysteine Perm. Naturel ingredients that actually help add to the healthy look and strength of your hair, naturally! And theres absolutely no odor; what a nice relief that is! Your long-lasting, beautiful hairstyle, s walting for you, so do el for an eppointment todey. Manicures, Pedicures, Lashes, Eyebrow Arching and Living Nails Complote Facials hu Mfirl* m --ý ai