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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1979, Section 2, p. 14

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14 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 28, 1979 Sect ion Two Principal Walks 17 Km. to R aise E i Monn Y for. Schools Plawyround Wally Pitt, principal at Mitchell's Corners School, laces up his running shoes in preparation for a walk from bis home in Bowmanville to bis school. The 'Principal's Walk" on Saturday, November 24, was a one-man fund-raising event to r-aise funds for a special playground facility to be buit at Mitchell's Corners Sehool later next year. Mr. Pitt said he hoped to raise around $1,000 in the 17 kilometre trip to Mitchell's Corners. Students were encouraged to obtain sponsors and collect pledges for the walk.Mr. Pitt left Bowmanville at il o'clock Saturday morning and arrîved at Mitchell's Corners in time for the Funzaar being held at the school by the Home and School Association, ENNIS.ý-KILALEN UA.CÂ.W. The Novemnber afternoon meeting of Enniskillen United Cburch Women was bonored to have as guest speaker, Mrs. Bob Ann, Dickson, second vice-president of Oshawa Preshyterial United Cburch Womnen Executive. Using as ber text Ephesians 2: 10 - "It is God imt-self wbo bas made us wbat we are", Bob Ann stated that we afllbave been given differen t talents and to build a solid foundation for coming generations we must bave a positive outlook and use our gifts, whetber it be in our cburcb, or ini our community for probiems of ecology or nuclear energy. By saying "I believe" we must be prepared as stewards of our cburcb to obey the command "now Go" and as a team continue to work in our communities for a strong cburcb from sea to sea. Bob Ann announced some upcoming events to remnember, namely: the Annuai Preshyterial U.C.*W. meeting at Nortbminster United Churcb, Oshawa, on March 2, 1980 witb guest speaker Marjorie Levan; on April 8 and 9, 1980 the Annual Conference U.C.W. meeting at Kingsview United Churcb, Oshawa; and St. Stevens United Cburcb, Oshawa will bost the January 1980 meeting for local U.C.W. presidents and vice-presidents. The ladies from Eldad and Enfield U.C.W. were special guests at our meeting., Mrs. Donna Jobnston of Eldad led us in the worsbip service. Donna used 1 Corinthians 12: 4-11 as the scripture and urged tbat we eacb use and deveiop our special abilities for service in Jesus' name. Using a poem, Donna compared our lives to tbe making of a quilt with varîous patches; and using our gifts to the best of our abilities, we fashion our lives in a wortb- wbiie manner. Norma Kempiing announc- ed a study- conducted by the United Cburcb of Canada entitled "Wbat is a congrega- tion? " Our charge bas been chosen to participate and the four sessions will be beld at the Manse on Tbursday mornings from 10 - 12 starting November 22. Everyone is welcome. The nortb and soutb group served tea in the Sunday Scbool room and a social bour was enjoyed by ail. IISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hoimes, St. Catharines, Miss Tracy Pollard were Saturday evening supper guests of Mrs, G. Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery and James were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rekker and family, Newcastle. Mrs. David Stainton and Michael, Cobourg were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Len Stainton. Miss Betty Wright spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Wright, Jeffrey andý Trevor, Ponty- pool. Mr. and Mrs'. E. Taylor attended the Solina People's Reunion on Saturday night. Elizabeth Worden, Bowmanville R.R. visited a few days last week with ber grandparents Orville and Margaret Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. AI Martin, Bowmanville were recent supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue and family. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Wright, Jeffrey and Trevor were Saturday vnng supper guests of Mr. ad rs. Edgar Wright and Betty. Mr. and Mrs. John Dodds and Kyle were recent visitors of Mr. andMrs. Ralpb Virtue and famiiy. Miss Betty Wright was, a Saturday evening visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burke and Renea. A number from here attend- ed the Holstein Banquet at Blackstock on Saturday even- ing. Waly and Velma Griffin were Saturday evening callers of Allen and Diane Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Howe, Mary Lee and Tim, and Miss Tracy Henderson were Sunday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dickson, Bewdley. Sunday brought forth our worshippers for the cburch and Sunday School service. The subject for the children's story was "The Heartbeat 0f God". After the children's Museum Prepares for Ylule Party The volunteers of the Bowmanville Museum, stili in higb spirits after their successful pre-Christmas sale, are niow decorating the Museum for their Christmas party on Friday, November 30 at 8:00 for the aduit party to be held at the Museumr at 37 Silver Street in Bowmanville. The Georgian-style bouse with its massive verandah and conservatory offers an invita- tion to a past elegance unresistabie wben the bouse is seen illuminated on a winter's nigbt. Inside the former jury famîly residence special baking wili be served witb bot mulled eider. A door prize will be presented to the bolder of the winning ticket la the form of a band-crafted table size Christmas tree. The new owner of the doli bouse will also be announced as the winning ticket is drawn that evening. The camaraderie of a gatbering at the Bowmanville Museum is an enjoyabie beginning to the Christmas montb and don't be surprised if you see ladies from the past century percbed on a Victorian chair or looking over the hand work of another era. Regretfully the newly form- ed choir of students from St. Stepben's and St. Josepb's Scbools wili not be singing as previously announced due to the illness of their leader to whom, tbey send ail good wishes for a complete recovery and good bealtb in the new year. Home and School Asan. Holds Funzaar in Mitchell's Cornera hymn and prayer the teachers and students retired to the Sunday Scbool rooms for their classes. Our minister's sermon was entitled "You Show God By Your Life" where he clearly explained how we show our love for God by the kind of lives and we al have responsibilities of the world and Jesus will guide us. The Bulletin had a question for you - "Wbat are you most thankful for about this congre- gation?" which worshippers are to answer and place on offering plate next Sunday. This week's events were: (1) S.S. practice for the White Gift Service following the Sunday School Session. (2) Youth Group meeting follow- ing the churcb service. (3) Monday, g:o0 p.m. The Officiai Board met in Enniskillen United Church Hall, (4) Tbursday, 10: 00 a.m. The "What Is A Congrega- tion?" study group met in the manse. Coming events are: (1) Saturday, 6 p.m. lst Enniskil- lent Scout Group Christmas Party will be held in Hampton Community Hall. Advance notices are: (1) Monday, December 3rd, 12 noon Enniskillen U.C.W. wili bold their Christmas party in Hampton United Cburcb. (2) Sunday, December 9th, White Gift Services will be held in both churches, with the Sunday School participating. (3) Monday, December 24th, 7:30 p.m. The Crstmas Eve Service will be beld in Enniskillen United Churcb, The job of the, personnel b j manager would be to amînister personne an * manage the personnel depart- ment. However, the board bas U decided that wboever is chosen will not negotiate collective agreements. STrustees decîded that it would The Mitchell's Corners Public School was a good place to do some Christmas shopping, enjoy a cup of not be desirable for the same tebuy some baked goods or play some games last Saturday, November 24. The school was the scene of pgesontwho aworkdou hae a Funzaar sponsored by the Home and School Association in order to raise funds. Shown above is a table administer school, board displaying crafts for sale. personnel. TihirtS make great Christmas Glfts! *printed while you wait e great selection of colors and S'Izes now available at ... NORMAN'S ENTERTAINMENT Your one stop record shop" Bowmnanville Mall6 23-4535 q ScholBd. To Hire Chief of Personnel 'hie Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educationý will bire a fuil-time personnel manager to deal witb employee relations' and personnel administration among the school system's 1,900 employees. At a meeting at Cobourg iast week, trustees recommended that the role of a personnel employee relations manager be filied. Sheila Parker, vice chair- manof the board, said there was no intention at this time to bire any additional persons; she said the hiring 'was a matter of re-arranging exist- ing job openings ana replacing retired employees. . 3MM

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