4 The Canadian Statesman,1 Planning Dept. Hope@ to Keep Within Budget Newcastle's planning department has spent approximately 89 per cent of its 1979 budget according to a progress report presented to members of the planning and development committee last week. Planning Director Don Smith said it appears that the budget allocation will be exceeded but he added that re-';tmnue will also be larger than expected. thtwt It is anticipated htwh the recovery of monies fromn certain projects that the net expenditures will be within the 1979 budget allocation," he said. in a summary of how the planning department spent its time between June and September, Mr. Smith noted that zon ing and land division matters take up approximate- ly 24 per cent of the hours worked. Official Plan and subdivision,,matters combined amount to 29 per cent of regular staff time. Debt on Arenas Coats '$5,OOO Each Mont h The Town of Newcastle is now paying about $5,000 per month in interest on interim financing of arenas in Orono and Newcastle Village. Treasurer Klass De Groot told the finance and adminstration comamittee on Monday that about $400,00 in boans is outstandings on the buildings. Interests amounts to about ,$5,000 per month. Mr. De Groot told the committee that the maximum amount of outstanding loans neyer exceeded $1.4 million and he added that this amount of outstanding debt was-only experienced briefly. He said the maximum interest paymnent on the arenas would have been $10,000 to $12,000 per month. Mr. De Groot made these observations during a discussion of the town's cash reserve funds this week. Newcastle Mayor Garnet Rickards said the municipality should work with the arena organizations in Orono and Newcastle to dlean up these outstanding debts. However, the committee was told that compared to the cost of debentures, the two arenas are being financed at bargain basement costs. A debeniture debt of $1.6 million to finance the Orono and Newcastle facilities would have resulted in payments of $250,000 per year for 10 years, Mr. De Groot said. Letters to .Santa Dear Santa, I have been a good boy (most of the year) . For Christmas I would like Alego Building Set. I will leave you. some cookies and milk on Christmas Eve. So hello to your elves and helpers and your riendeer for me. I love you Santa Shaun Whalen 25 Strike Ave. Bowmanville, LIC 1K2 38 Southview Drive Belleville, Ont. Nov. 18,1979 Dear Santa, I arn having my Grandma and a microwave oven. 1 also have a new baby sister that wasn't here last year. Could you bring her a nice cuddly doîl and a "Pooh" plastic story tube. Santa, I will eave you a hot chocolate and a plate of cookies and some carrots for your reindeers. I love you and your reindeers. Melanie and Michell Beauprie. 51Hetherington Drive Bowmanvihhe, Ontaric Dear Santa, 1 have been a good boy.1 love Kindergarten. For Christmas 1 would like hockey gloves or Star Wars things. Love Matthew Aitken o manille, November 28, 1979 W. reserve the right to limit quantifies f0 normal f&amiIY r.quirements! Prices effective thru Saturday, December 1 st, 1979. WE REDEEM ALL FOOD STORE COUPONS! Loto Canada, Provincial & Wintario tickets available at A&P Food Stores! IAEF LOUR mrE97ý 2.5 kg bug Our Regular Pr ice 1.93 ton Pce! Picnic - Frozen, Concentrated JUICE 12.5-fI-oz tin Stock Up Now! 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CHIP, CooklieS ASRE SINGLE THIN PROCESS CHEESE SLICES Black Diamond FAMILY PACK - 4.4 LITRES (PLUS Coca-Cola réprabl McCain Superfries ASSORTEO VARIETIES Snyders Vegetables ASSORTED VARIETIES Catelli Pastas 25c of7 ile b ACTION PRICE! 48-fi oz lin 79< ACTION PRICE' 48 fi oz lin 59< 2lb.8 ACTION PRICE' 2-lb Dkg 3.49 ý FER OTI DEPOSIT) 750 nIl 24 botties 24 ACTION PRICE! 4-lb okg 1.89 14-FL-OZ TIN 3 f.r 1.00 ACTION PRICEI 32-oz pkg 99< 1O-oz jar ISAVE 1.201 Instant NESCAFE COFFEE 99 1~ Our Regular Prce 7.19 Save on these Sealtest producis! Sealtest - Assorted Flavours 2 litre tub FA L UW1.7 9 ICE CREAM Our Regular Price 2.49 - SAVE 70c Plain & Assorted Flavours-Light 'N Lively 'Y0 utë mm c artoni .19 Our Regular Price 1.83 - SAVE 64c Sealtest - Light 'N Lively COTTAGE CHEESE 500g~o Our Regular Price 1.23 - SAVE 34c SEALTEST OUR REG. PRICE 1.19 - SAVE 20e Egg Nog , 1quart carton 99ý' SEALTEST OUR REG. PRICE 1.06 - SAVE 27 S>our Cream 5oogctn,79% OUR REG. 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