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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Nov 1979, p. 6

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6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvile, oem r28, 1979 Satuarday evening dinner1 guicsts with Mn. and Mns.j ~oadBurley were Mn. and M'îrs. R~oy Berry, Orono, Mn.1 ,)d Mrs. Don Vinkie, Newton- ville and Mn. and Mrs. Donald Elliott, Newtonville. On Sunday, Mn. and Mns. Ronald Bunrley attendeti the christening ofý thein grand- daughter Allison Burley, daughten of Mr. anti Mrs. Bob Burley, Oshawa. On Saturday,,November 17, s.everal members of the Ted Matin family attendeti the Martin - Montgomery pot luck supper and social evening at Hampton Hall. Mn. anti Mns. M. Fadel, Toeronto, visiteti the Hev. anti Mýrs. Allan Haltienby on Suntiay af ternoon. Mn. anti Mns. Wayne Manke, Alyssa anti Antinew, l',ïarborough, wene weekenti ,isitors with bier parents, Mn. anti Mrs. Stanley Powell. Miss Judy Powell, Bnpckville, anti Mfiss Barbara Bowman, Sarnia, also, visiteti the Powell's. Svmîpathv is extentiet to fnetsanti family of Mr. Eanl WNalkey, who passeti away on Fn-,iday, November 23, 1979. On Suntiay, November 18, Mn. anti Mrs.' Rick Pearce, Kevin anti Trisha, Mn. anti Mvrs. Abert Pearce, Mrs. Peggy visser, Toronto anti Mrs. May Scott, Brampton were dinner guests of Ted anti Elizabeth Walton, Brampton. On Montiay, Mn, anti Mrs. -lrt Peance visiteti John iat Marlyn Speers, Caletion. MrýS. K e nnrietb Pearce, G7rangeville was also a visitor there. Mn. anti Mrs. Siti Hallowell, rono, were Saturtiay night su-ppen guests of Mrs. Gladys Mn. anti Mrs. Ray Bennett, Omemnee, were ,Sunday visitons with Mrs. Nellie Spencer. Suniday dinner guests of Mn. anti Mrs. Afredi Gray inclutieti ber brother anti bouse guest, Mn. Bill West, ,Edmonton, brother Pete anti is wife Josie, Hamilton, anti nephew, Bennie, Mn. George Gray, Mn. Terry Gillies anti frienti Diane Scarborougb. Mrs. Sam Powell anti Miss Dorreen Powell, Lake Shore, accompanieti Mn. anti Mrs. Jack Crago on Sunday when tbey visiteti Mn . anti Mrs. Floydi Coulten, Kevin anti Keith, Campbèllville. Mn. George Huber is a patient in Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. Bîrtbday getns to Bertha Powell,=owrdAlun, Doneen Lake, Ivan Brawley and Frances Wright. Mn. and Mrs. William Storks attended the, Grey Cup party sponsored' by Rowntree Maclntogh, at the Skyline Hotel on Sunday. Mr. George Gray, Scarborougb, and nephew, Deric, Oshawa, were Thurs- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gray. Mrs. Prouse and son Charlie Prouse, Port Hope_ were Saturday evening guests of Mns. Gladys Wood. Mrs. Jean Rickard, Mrs. Annabelle Rickard, Mrs. Gail Hickard and Mns. Romona Rickard enjoyed Tbursday, viewing the exhibits of King Tut in Toronto. Mrs. Glenda Humbles, Norwood and ber mothen, Mrs., Wilda Jobnson visited Gary Johnson, Toronto on Saturday. Glenda and Krista, Norwood, were Sunday visitors witb ber parents, Mr. and Mns. Lorne Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. George, Buckley visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Challes, Hamilton and with Mr. John Buckley, rystal Beach. Newcastle Lions are holding the children's Christmas party on Saturday, December 15, ' Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Leslie, Leamington andi Mr. andi Mrs.' Don Murdoch, Kars, were overnight guests last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade. Mr. Ross,- Ciswell, Cambridige, was a dinner guest recently . Mr. and Mrs . Colin Cooke, daugbter and son-în-law of Mn. and Mrs. Frank Hoar, have returned fnom a belateti boneymoon in Flonida. Mr and Mrs. Leslie Aldred, Oshawa and Mn. and Mrs. Francis Thompson, Bowman- ville, were Tbursday eveming supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred. Mrs. Elsie Manes, Leaside, was a weekend visitor witb ber sister-în-law,, Mrs. Reta Embley. Mrs. Reta Embley was Sunday dînner guest of Muriel, Will and Morley Terwillegar, Osbawa. i Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris spent a week recently in Kingston witb their son, Mr. anti Mrs. Lyle Harris and family. RAI NBOW MOTEL R.R. 2, Newcastle FOR RENT Two-room housekeeping units, pletely furnished, $195 monthty. during renovations. com- Open, FREE TIRE CHAINS wlth the purchase of any TWO-STAGE SNOWTHROWER * 5 hp Tecumseh Sno-King engine * Heavy duty auger * Tw-stage power * Safety interlocks Boens 5 hp Snowthrower wit h ire chains NOW IN STOCK RIding Tractors and Snow Ilowers at GARAGE 3 iles east of Newcastle on Hwy. 2 786-2424 meMCumu mm Mrs. Mary Grace Milton and son Ian, accompanied by ber mother, Mrs. Marjorie Paterson neturneti to their home in Ottawa last week af ter spending some time witb ber family in Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ferguson anti girls, Oshawa, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris'. Mr. and Mrs. Sierd De Jong bosteti a surprise family party on Saturtiay night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Brere- ton, on the occasion of their twenty-fiftb wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gordon, Lisa and Julie, Oshawa, visited on Suriday witb Mrs. Gladys Pacey and, the Hooey family. Mrs. Myrtle Naylor accompanieti Mr. and Mrs. Ted Martin to Elgin on Monday, November 19, wbere they attended the funeral of Ida Hogerson Yurkowski.. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Naylor enjoyed the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gary- Naylor and family, Kingston. United Chiurch News on Sunday, November 25tb, at Newcastle United Church, Miss Beatrice McLean and Mr. Hon Motum, a Mission and Stewardsbip teamn from Oshawa Presbytery presented Opportunîty Now '79, the story of United Cburcb Mission and Service. The prayer for this week is Lord God, who gav,,e Jesus for us; help us to see the possibilities as well as the responsibiliies in giving and sharing for we would be like our Lord. Amen. Next Sunday is Advent Sunday. Following !the service, pot luck lunch %wýill be enjoyed followed bDy the Ad- vent Workshop wben Christ- mas decorations will be made, and everyone should be home by 1: 30or 2p.m. -Sunday, December 9 is White Gif t Sunday wben gifts wrapped in white are passed on to the Men's Hostel in Oshawa. On Sunday evening, November 25th, nine couples enjoyed a progressive supper. Pot luck was enjoyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hay Noble, Stephenson Hoad and dessert was served atý the, home of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lancaster, Beaver St. South. The Hi C members met on Eliz abethvi,7llq Hev. Herb Linsteati was with us on Sunday. He brought us a message on Living in God's World. He also, had a message for the young folk. The choir had aý number. Several concerts are planneti 'for December and young folk arebeginning to practice for these events. Our Womnen's Institute will meet December 4 at Miss E. Carruthers at 2 p.m. Our U.C.W.,Unit Il will meet December l8th, postponed from ll1th. Our general meeting will be December 12 in the form of a pot luck dinner at Ganden Hill Church. Last Tuestiay afternoon we finisbed up our indolor garden course with making _a macramne hanger. Each made a terrarium and seeded boxes of henbs and those wbo took the macrame made hangers. Our achievement day is Tuesday, the 1lth of December. Sevenal in the area took in the Bewdley Senior Citizens bus tnip on Wedneýý-sday and visited Simpson's Warehouse; Allen- Gardens, the Eaton Centre and bad dinner at Olti Ed's Restaurant. Thursday, the Golden Age Club met at Campbellcroft. Mn. and Mrs. H. Quantnill attended the 'Peterborough Wantiens Banquet at Hock Haven Saturday evening. Miss iane BeattyToronto, Sunday evening and practised. for their play which will be presented at the Sunday School Concert on Sunday evening, December 9 at 7:30 P.m. Anglican Church News On Saturday afternoon a bazaar was held by the Young People of St. George's in St. George's Parish Hall. It was well supported by donors and buyers and the young people 'are most grateful. Stir Up Sunday, which is the Sunday before Advent was observed at the servicesin St. George's and St. Saviour's. There was a coffee hour after the service at St. George's. At the meeting of St. George's Fellowship Club Sunday evneing, Hazel and Jack Crago displayed a collec- tion of buttons collected by the late Mrs. Gartshore. The story of buttons bas much to tel about human life. Ivor Brawley was congratu- la ted on his 70th birthday. P.S. The editors enjoyed the deliciouis lunch prepared and served by Mary, Fran and Audrey. Anglican Cburch Plates are available from Feilowship Clubmembers - a Christmas gif tsuggestion. Nestleton-Caesarèa News Wiit Christmas Programme A treat is in store for Sunday afternoon, December 9, 1 p.m. at the Caesarea Community Centre when a programme of Christmas music will be presented by Mr. Honi Hewitt on the Electric Organ. The Ladies Auxiliary are looking forward to this event and tbey expect a good attendance. If you are a music lover this is an opportunity you won't want to miss. Election of Officers The Caesarea Ladies' Auxiliary held their election of Officers for 1980. Those elected were: President - Mrs. Carnie Miller, Vice-President Mrs. Betty Iverson, Secretary-Treasurer ,Mrs. Shirley Gettins. Very, best wishes for a successful year to this bard working group. Euchre Party Lucky winners on Wednesday evening -- list. Doris Nottingham, 2nd. Anne Manins, 3rd. Della Bush. Nestieton United Church On Sunday morning at 11: 15 a.m. Hev. VictorPansons used hiAthme "Neyer Without a 'Witness" ,4tken from Acts 17- 16-31 and, IL Corinthians 4-- 15. Mn, Parsons noted that we, are ail concenned with our own fornm of religion. God is not far from any one of us, we are bis children. 'It is easy today, to condemn tbe Moslem religion Jews, Chrîsians ail have roots in the same Area. Our native people were savages who rather than suffering destrucwtion sbould be enbanced by Christian ideals. We need to co-operate 50 that- ail may live together. Integrîty is needed in living, understanding and love in al we do and say. He mentioned two great missionaries and what tbey accomplished namely -- Albert Sweitzer and Dr. Robert McClure. In closinghe lasked, "How are we in our own way going to witness, spread the word, make God visible? " Lan the choir Miss Gail Malcolm sang beautifully a great favourite sacred number "Amazing Grace." Offering taken by Mr. Ralph Sadler and Mr. Grahame Fisb. Closing number "O Jesus, I Have Promised." Everyone welcome to our Service next Sunday at 11:-15 a .m'. Nestieton Presbyterian Church Rev. Fred Swann spoke on Worship, pointing out that when we worship we are confessing our need of God and His forgiveness andi recognizing Him as Lord of Lords and Kings of Kings. In addition Wonship involves Tbanksgiving and a recommitment of ourselves in His service. ,Mr. Swann, with the aid ofa visuel chart explained to the congregation wby we worship as1 we do, with Prayens, Scripture neadings and Hymns, pointing out that in, the Reformed tradition of worsbip the, Sermon,, tbe exposition of God's Word is the bigh point of the Service of Worship., 1With Mrs. Scott presiding at the Organ the choir sang "Great Is Tby Faithfulness." Hospital news We extend best wishes for good bealth tô the following residents: Mrs. Hattie 'Cole, Mr. George Heaslip and Penny Grandel, Nestleton, Mrs. George Till, Caesarea. Mr. Fred Dayes, Nestleton, is doing well after baving surgeny in Oshawa Hospital and expects to be home before long. Mr. Bruce Heaslip is improving, slowly in Oshawa Hospital, recovening fnom surgery, due to a falat the Community Nursing Home in Porýt Perry. Friends regret the -;~s N - set-back for Bruce and trust better health is in store for* him soon. Social news of interest Mr. and Mrs. Frank, McGillien, Mrs. Jean Hooper of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Delton Fisher, West Hill, were weekend visitors with Mrs. Minnie Fisher, Caesarea . Friday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Brown of Oshawa, called on Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson, Nestleton. Ruth Tettman of Toronto, spent a few days visiting with her -Mother Mrs. L. Cooledge of Nestleton. Pleased to know 'that Eric and Lois Huntington, formerly of Scugog Point, are stili living in the area. They reside in tbe village of Nestleton. Family visi ting over the weekend with the Cawkers, Scugog Point were: Mr. and Mrs. Grant Cawker, Christopher and Cathy, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Cawker and Chistie, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cawker ail of Oshawa. Folks from this area were well represented at the presentation of "Pirates of Penzance" operetta by iGilbert & Sullivan, held at Town Hall 1873 durîng the past week.' Congratulations! to the Scugog Choral Society for a once again very successful show. .News for next week please caîl 986-4715. Tbank you. Telephone 987-4201 rago Ed -Itorg: Hazel and Jack Ci before yougetcoUd teeS Cold feet lke cold hands may indicate a warm heart, home. The best way to keep the heat inside and the insulation guide that gives simTple step-by-step instruc- but more than ikely they mean a cold house, and a cold outside is to meet them with the resistance that tions, and tells what type and how much insulation sure sign of poor insulation. If your home isn't properly insulation provides, in walls, over ceilings and under you'Il need. insulated, turning up the thermostat isn't going to help. floors. Instalti g or adding insulation in your home is Insulate now and get warm feet. Let the Iower fuel cost AssDoonias.heat isgenerated ittriestoescape fromyour easier tijan you think. At Buildali, we have a handy warm your heart. k r, ,y - rI,"< , , ,xl Fiberg las Insu lation 1" x 48"1 Friction Fit R-8 R- 12 (covers 140 sq. f t. (covers 90 sq. f t. R-28 R-20 (covers 37 sq. ft.> (covers 50 sq. f t.) bdl. B bdl. FREE. Insu lation up to 35(00 Under Federal Government CHIP Program; houses miusi be buili before January 1, 1961 to qualify. Inquire at your nearest Henry Buildali store for more details on how you can quallfy for f ree insulation with Henry Buildali. No payment due until you receive govern- ment cheque. Also under CHIP program ydu can dlaim caulking, attlc ventilators, weather stripping. AJAX WHITBY OSHAWA COURTICE PORT HOPE 282 Monarch Ave. 223 Brock St. N. 100 Bond Sf.W. Bloor St, E.of Il.6 Peter St. Mon.-Tues .... 8-6 Mon-Tues.... 8-6 Mon.-Fri. Oshawa Àe 4àk 0%Mon .Wed . .. .8-6 Mon.-Thurs 8-5:30 B J L L L Saturday. .. .8-6 Saturday. .. .8-6 Saturday ... . 86 Saturday . 8-51:30 Saturday . ..84 CHGE 686-1881 668-6821 728-1617 728-1611 885-2423 ro i __ Mfl1 il AUItems may flot b. ln stock at ail stores. AUI tems may flot be exactly as shown. Prices subjeat to change withoui notice. ý ý,, ýl - -,

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