Something Differe nt in Chers Hats Ail in the Way You Hold'Your Tongue Making Christmas cookies at Courtice Secondary Sehool last Wednesday turned into a real treat for Country Roads Nursery Sehool students. Grade il and 12 girls studying family life at Courtice were given an opportunity to observe the youngsters through relating and reasoning. In addition to cookie making, the children were entertained with a presentation by the School's theatre group and a visit to their library. Pictured here rolling dough is 2 year old Emily Warkman and cutting it is Terri-Ann Snowden, 3 years. Letter to Santa 50 Rbonda Blvd., Bowmanville, Ont LiC 3Y Nov. 25, 1979 Dear Santa, I have been a very good girl ail year. I'm in Grade 1 and I am good at scbool also. 1 would like Dancerella, Lite Brîte, and Wonder Woman Barbie. I will leave sometbing nice for you to eat on Christmas Eve. Tbank you Santa for bringing ail the toys. Love from Keri P.S. 1 love you, Santa. Keri VanderEnde 50 Rhonda Blvd. Bowmanville, Ont. LiC 3Y NESTLETON Court Lady Snowbird L1930 Christmas Tea and Bazaar Nestleton Community Centre was filled to capacity on Wednesday evening Nov. 28 for Court Lady Snowbird's annual Tea and Bazaar. The evening began with a choir from Cartwright Central Public Sehool under the direction of Miss Kathy Morton, singing a selection of Christmas Carols. The Bazaar was officially opened by Mrs. Rita Wygerde, Nestleton, then the large crowd, eager to make their purchases, converged on the baked goods and craft tables. The penny sale was a success and many of the children went home witb prizes. The choir then rè-entered the hall, which was darkened, carrying lighted candies and sang a few more Christmas songs. Tbey wished everyone a Merry Christmas. The choir looked very attractive in white blouses with each girl wearing a red flower and the boys red ties. A very special thank you to Miss Morton for the timfe and effort sbe bas p ut into directing these children the fine singing and good manners of each of the children was much appreciated by the folk in attendance at the Bazaar. The winners of the Ceramic Christmas Trees were 1. George Crozier, Nestleton 2 Andrea Morris, Oshawa. héb grocery hamper donated by Jim Grieve. IGA Store, was won. by Janice McKenzie, Caesarea, and the afghan made and donated by Mrs. Beatrice Cooledge was won by Cindy McCall, Nestieton. Tea, coffee, orange drink, sandwiches and dellcious desserts, comprised the refreshments and were served tbroughout the evening to all present. A sincere thank you, to everyone who helped make- the bazaar sucb a success. Euchre Resuits The winners for last Wednesday evening euchre party beld in Caesarea Community Centre were:1 1. Val Prieb (84), 2. Bill Ringbam, 3. Tom Robins. Wednesday evening, Dec. 5th, samne place, samne time for an interesting game of euchre. Family News of Interest Mr.and Mrs. Normi Mairs were Sunday luncheon guests with their son Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mairs, Steven and Katie,,Nestleton, and enjoyed supper witb daugbter Mr. and Mrs. John Slute and Jeremy Jay, R.R. 1, Oshawa. Steven and Cathy Bourque and baby Alexander of Oshawa, attended Nestleton United Church Sunday morn- ing and were afternoon and- evening guests of Cathy's parents Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nicholîs of Caesarea. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Robin's daugbter Linda and busband Glenn' Cuip have just bought a farmn at Ashburn. Glenn is employed at the Nulear Plant at Pickering. Glenn and Linda have two sons, Derrick and David. We extend our "best wishes" to this-young couple in their farming operation, and Derrick and David will enjoy tbe farmi life to the utmost. Visiting on Suniday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson, Nestleton, were Ruth Corner from Aurora, and a friend Gertrude Cowan of Toronto. Hospitai News Mrs. Hattie Cole has been discharged fromn Port Perry Hospital and is now recuperating with bier son and daugbter-in-law in Brantford. Mr. Bruce Heaslip of Nestleton, is holding bis own witb some improvement in Oshawa Hospital. His wife Olive is staying in Oshawa near the Hospital and visits each day. Bruce's nephew and - CAESAREA We 'are pleased to report that Mrs. Tom Robins, Caesarea, is doing splendidly and bas been home for two weeks, but will return to hospital for therapy in the near future. Time doesn't bang heavily on ber hands as she is a talented lady and keeps making crafts,. She donated the doîl for the Ladies Aux. Doîl draw held recently at the Wednesday evening euchre. Keepup the good work Mrs. Robins!1 Don't forget the Christmas Program to be held at the Caesarea Community Centre on Sunday, Dec. 9th at 1 p.m. Cartwright Cub Pack The Cartwright Cub Pack are presenting a Christmas Concert to be held in Black- stock Recreation Centre on Friday, December 7,7:30 p.m. Admission free. Refreshments available. Mr. Arthur Weir, Nestleton, is Cub Master, for the Caesarea Cub Pack. Birthday Party David and Joanne Malcolm, Nestleton, had a delightful celebration for their littie son Kingsley, who was 2 years old during the past week. A birthday cake with two candles on it was the centre of attraction. Grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins helped Kingsley to celebrate. Hie was thrilled witb the assortment of toys and other gifts he received. Happy belated birthday to Kingsley! New Baby 'Congratulations! to David and Michelle Adams of Nestieton, who are the proud parents of a baby girl, a little sister for Nathan. Mother and baby are home and doing fine. Nesteton United Church In the United. Church on Sunday morning Rev. Victor Parsons chose as his theme "What's So Special!'" taken from the Holy Scriptures Isaiab 9: 2.-7 and Luke 1: 46-55. Mr. Parsons spoke on the meaningof Christmas - each one of us think of Christmas in a, different way. Many of us tbink of material tbings, - tree lights dancing among gaily wrapped parcels, the music of ancient carols and jingle belîs, the hustle and bustle of shopping. What bas alI this to do with Christmas? t is true it is very easy to lose sight of the real Christmas. As we celebrate His birth again this year we can look forward to a day of loved ones, and warmth and happiness. The greatest gift is to give of ourselves, put time and talent into our giving, Christmas is a joyful event, it isn't complete until we experience joy within us, and certainly an inner aware- ness that this is all a wonderful birthday party for Jesus. Keep in mind the annual Sunday School Program to be beld Sunday, December 23rd, 7:30 p.m. Nestîcton Presbyterian Church Service was held at 11 a.m. on Dec. 2nd with Rev. Fred Swann speaking on Christ's mission to the world and compared it to the mission of the Astronauts in space. The preparations for the mission in both instances were long and -required the very best tboughts and skill available. The price of the mission was great both for the, space program and for Christ. It cost Christ, bis life in order to redeem mankind. The results of the Lord's journey to earth was the satisfaction of seeing men and women reconcîled to God. Mrs. Scott presided at the organ. Anniversaqry Celebration A great assembly gathered on Sunday afternoon to do the bonors to Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Williams wbo celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in Nestleton Community Centre. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 5, .1979 Newtonville Teens Having, a Bail at Their Dance On Saturday night, Newtonville's recently renovated community hall was, jumping with about 100 young people holding forth during their regular teendance. These two photos show some of the action with the music supplied by Dise Jockey 'Sparky' Ron White of Orono, who is also a volunteer firem an. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Boughýen were in charge of proceedings and obviously the young people were having a' great time./ Enni*ski»llen Enniskillen U.C.W. The Enniskillen United Cburch Women h feld their Annual Christmas dinner on December .3, 1979 in the Hampton United Church Hall. A delicious turkey dinner with Al the trimmings was served by the Hampton ladies to members and former, members from Oshawa and Bowmanville.' After eating, Annie Wright at the piano, led in a lively singsong of carols and Christ- mas music. Worship was opened by Norma Kempling lighting a candle of the theme ",A Celebration of Light". Varjous bible readings by Shirley Stainton, Doreen Lamb and Eleanor Werry brought us through the beginning with Genesis 1: 1-5 into the prophecy and fulfilîment of Malachi 3: 1. We must welcome the light and take it into our hearts for as Jesus said "I am come into the world as light so that no one having light shall remain in darkness." President Ella Bowman reminded us that we have a lot to be thankful for and each member named the important blessing in our life. Thank- fulness for living in Canada, and for family and friends headed the list. An amusing skit was presented by six ladies supposedly planning a dinner after. the furor of Dr. H.E. Watt's stipulations for church catering earlier this year. Ella read two humorous pieces entitled "My husband could neyer leave me" and 'How Pa killed the tractor". Our time of fellowship ended with everyone joining hands and singing "Taps" led by former CGIT leaders Margaret Ashton,- Elva Orchard and Annie Wright. We were deeply saddened by the death of Mr. Sheldon Pethick a nonogenarian in bis 96th year. We extend our sincerest sympatby to bis sorrowing wife, two sons Floyd and Clifford, their wives and families and many close relatives. We are sorrowing over the death of lîttle Randy Cochrane, but now bis suffering. is over. We join in deepest sympathy with bis parents and brother. The first meeting of the Three Suffer Minor Injuries In Head-on Collïiion Fridàay A two car collision on Taunton Road Friday evening totalled both vehicles and, sent the three people involved to Bowmanvîlle Men's Canadian Club was held in our church when our good cooks provided food for body and the programn was excellent food for 'the mind. Wednesday sports night at Enniskillen Public School willl be taking a Christmas Break after Dec. 5, starting again Wed., Jan. 9. Andy Piggott attendeci a birthday party, on Sunday for Neil Dudley: 1Linda and Lisa Cryderman were Sunday night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Len Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Angus King, Little Britain. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wannamaker, Seagrave, Mr. Adam Sharp visited Mr. and: Mrs. Francis Hall, Agincourt on Monday and later called on Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Byers, Bowrnanville and had, their dinner at the Heritage Restaurant. Oshawa General Hospital with minor injuries. A 1970 Dodge driven by James A. Burgess, 31, Bow- manville, was eastbound on Taunton Road near the Courtice Road intersection wben it collided head on with a westbound 1965 Pontiac driven by Andrew Bezubiak, 19 of Newcastle Village. Police report both vehicles were destroyed and the drivers, plus a passenger in the Bezubiak car, Shelly Richards, 16, R.R. 2, Orono, were transported to Oshawa General Hospital by ambulance. Durham Regional Police have charged Mr. Burgess witb impaired driving. BALMORAL GA LLER Y Hwy. 115 & 35 ai Klrby 983.5476a "FOR GIFTS THAT LAST" Beautifully Refinished Canadiana Blanket Boxes - Dressers Tables - Glass - China - Accessories of bygone days Paintings - Pottery - Carvings Crafts - Books OPEN: dally 10-6, Sun. 12-4 CIosed Tues. "YOUR CHRISTMAS GALLERY" *ATTETINI ur SaIl s Con tinuing fa Ia 20%/ Off 'Regular Prices Boys' T-Shirts and Pants Girls' Blouses, Ski ris andl Dresses, -Teens' sizes 6to 14X No lay-away on Sale items No Exohanges or Refunds Ail Sales Final THE Joh &, Judy SHOPPE 'CHARGEX VISA Childrens sizes 2 to 3X; 4 ta 6X; 7 ta 14 15 King St. E. 623.3293 Bowma~iviIIe Thnank You! We appreciate everyone's help in the Paper Drive in November. Future dates wilI be: February2, April 12 and J une 14 or 21, 1980 Bowmfanville Boy Scouts 20aufy Festive time is near. Why not treat yourself to a new look - a stunning hair-do-fun style! (Style, eut, a fashionable perm or beautiful, highlights) Topped off with a complete make-up with proper instructions on how to doit later, yourself! P. S. "Make your special holiday appointments today s'O YOU won't be disappoinited." Cal 623-5019 71 KING ST. E., BOWMAN VILLE (1 \(, \ "We have great gift iueas &e gift certificates too!9 623-3293 15 King St. E.