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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1979, p. 14

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GRANT - Fraser and Cathryn (ne. Crago) are pleased to announce the blrth of their first chlld, Heather Lorraine, 7 lbs., October 3, 1979, af the Oshawa General Hosp Ifal. Proud grandiparenfs are M r. and Mrs. Kelth Crago, Bowmanville and Dr. and Mrs. William Grant, Hamp- ton. 49-1 HEAKES -, Ed and.Jane are peased ta announce the arrivai of their son Christopher David, 7 Ibs. 1½ ozs. on Novem ber 23, 1979 at Peel Memorlal Hospital, Brampton. Flrst granchlld for Ralph and Le. Mclntyre and f lrsf great grandchiîd for Mrs. W. E. Deane, Missis- sauga. 49-1 MALCOLM - Jamie and Jennifer are delghted to announce the blrth of their flrst chlld Brennan James, 9 lb. on Monday, Novemnber 26, 1979. A granc(son for Nel I and Noreen Malcolm, Blackstock and Kelth and Jean Sweet- man, Port Perry. Great crandchlld for Mrs. Kathleen Leask, Mrs. Mary Sweetman, Mr. Louella Cook, and Mr. Stanley Malcolm. 49-1 MARK -Joe and Connie (nee Ruegger) are happy to announce the blrth of their first chlld Stephen Thomas, November 17 at Oshawa General Hospital. Welcorned wlf h love by grandparents Alfred and Dorl Mark and Ulrlch and Ruth Rueqaer. Many hanks ta Ors. Lyndsay, Wrankston and nursing. staiff on 4and 5A. 49-1 SHAND - Ken and Anne Marie (nee Yeo) are pleased -ta announce the blrth of their son, Wesley Alexander, at Edmonton, on December 4th, 1979. Proud grandiparents Marie Yeo and -he late Pat Yeo, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Shan, Of Calgary. Great grand- mother Mrs. -Grace Nelson, Toronto. 49-1 WELSH - Jennifer Lee arriv- ed at Haliburton Hospital on Friday, November 30, 1979. Prouc( parents are Dan and Ann. Grandparents are John and Dorothy, Beattie, Orono and Paddy and Rocky Welsh, Wlberforce. 49-1 WIGGANS - Ted and Louse (nee Mann) are happy to announce the birfh of hel r son, Jordan David, on November 19, 1979 af Regina, Saskatchewan . A brother for Noah and Kalelgh. A grandson for Bey and Ray Wlggans and Ted and Joan Mann. 49-1 BEV'S FLORAL CREATIONS "Flowers with Feeling" For any Occasion 623-3377 Sundays and Holidays- Bev. 579-5021 Ruth 623-7259 il-t? CARNATION, FLOWER SHOP 33 Division St., Bowmanvlle 623-71~ HOSPITAL and SYMPATHY ARRANGEMENT~ Flowering Plants and Cut Flowers COCHRANE - Randy Ralph William. At Oshawa General Hospital, on Sunda y, December 2, 1979, Randy Cochrane ln his seventh yea r. Loving son of Ralph and Pat Cochrane, dear brother of Paul, dear grandson of Mrs. Audrey Brrio, and the late William Britton, and Mrs. Norma Cochra ne, and the late Leslie Cochrane. Rested at the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home. Service was held in the chapel on Tuesday affernoon. Interment H-amptonf Ceme- tery. Donations to the Oshawa General Hospital, 2F Wlng, woulId be appreciated. 4- COCHRANE - Roy at Memorlal Hospital, Bowman- ville on Tuesday, November 27, 1979 Roy Coch rane of R .R. 2, Orono l n hîs 83rd year. Beloved husband of Ethel EmpringhaLm. Dear father of Mrs. L. Brown (Mildred), Donald, Mrs. M. Martin (Audrey), Allan, Mrs. A. Reid (Velma) and Jlm, brother of Mrs. T. McRoberts (Ethel). Rested at the Northcutt Ellitt Funeral Home. Funeral service was held Thursday afternoon. Interm ent McCrea's Cemetery. COLLI.SS - At Bowmanville Mémorial Hospital, Thursday, November 2th, 1979, Louse Colllss, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, agd 82 years, wlfe of the late Thomas Colliss, dear mother of Margaret (Mrs. James Geddes), James, Ernest, Roy,, and the late Edward, loved, grandmother of il grand-' children and six great grand- chldren. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvilîe, on Safurday afternoon. Interment Bow- manvil.le Cemetery. 4- GAEBEL - At Bowmanville Memorlal Hospital, Monday, December 3rd, 1979, Gordon Gaebel Sr., Newcastle, aged 59 years, belaved husband of FloredaGaebel, dear father af Gordon, Jr., Florida, and Margaret, Syracuse, New York, dear grandfather of Laura, brother of Hlda Bruce and Albert, Bancroft, lnzaý Tomson, Capreol, Margaret O'Leary, Scarborough. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, on Wednesday after- noon. Cremation. 49-1iN PETHICK - Sheldon R. At Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville on Tuesday, November 27, 1979. Sheldon R. Pethick of Enniskillen in his 96th year. Beloved husband of Rena Sheppard, dear father of Flayd of Scarborough, and Cifford of Bowmanville. Predeceased by Verna and Oswa Id. Rested at the North- cutt Elliott Funeral Home. Funeral service was held Friday afternoon. Interment Bethesda Cemetery. 4- FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS and MARKE RS Look for this seal. st'5your p ~ \ ermnanence. ~q5IBROS. LTD. Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 ~X'~'-sESTABLISHED 1881 4 DIVISION ST. £ 35 8 -BOWMANVI LLE 6348 TWO OFF STREET PARKING AREAS rHOýIC, ',FULNESS ÛNCE R N SERViCE Service to yôur needs ... ou r f irst concern. So that you will be relieved from, worry and detail. 53D1'uISON STREET, BO)WMANVILLE 623-3668 S M Simpson Memorials Monuments - Granite or Bronze Markers - Inscriptions -Sandblasting 49 LAVINIA ST. PORT HOPE 885-6434 Home appointments gladly arranged BROWN - In loving memory of our dear parents who passed away. Mother Leona B rown, December il, 1969, Dad Lue Brown, September 9, 1972. Softly the leaves of memory fal , Gently we gather, treasure them ail; Some rnay forget now that you're gone, We will remember no matter how long. - Lovingly remembered by dauçhters Reta, Audrey and Ella, sons-in-laws Andy, Len and Sam. 49-1 BROC K - ln lovin g memory of Lillian Brock, who passed away December 9, 1967. May the wlnds of Heaven blow Ona qiet, peaceful spot Where the one we loved lies sleeping And wil11 neyer be forgot, Nothing could be more beautiful Than the memnory we have of you To us you were sa very soecial And God must have thoughf 50 tao. -Always remembered by the family. 49-1 FOWLER - In loving memor of a dear husband and faÏ'her. Richard (Dick> who passed away Decem ber 3, 1978. SadI y missed along life's way. Quietly remembered every day No longer in my life to share But ln mK heart you're alwayst ere. - Always remembered by wife Grace and family. 49-1 FOWLER - In memory of our dear father and grandfather. John Richard who .passed away Decem ber 3, 1978. Always a smile instead of a frown -Always a hand when one was down Alwars true, thaughtful and Wanderful memories you left behlnd. - Lovingly remembered by your daughter Doreen and grandchil dren Elaine Karen, Pauline and Jeffery. 49-1 GILMER- In loving memory of a dear husband, father, and grandfather, Frank Gilmer, whopassed away an Decem- ber 6th, 1978. "His memrory is as dear, As in ine hour he passed away' - Sadly missed by his wife Violet, four sons and their familes. 49-1 PANAS - In loving memorp of a dear father and gran= father Michael Panas who passed away, December 2nd, 1972. This world may change from yea r to yea r, .And f riends f rom day to day' But neyer shaîl the one we loved From memory pass away,. -Lovinalv remembered Hielen and Dave, Bill and 8ev and grandchildren. 49-1 RUE 1 wish to thanik Dr. Bower- man and Dr. Cummings, the nurses and staff of 5th f loor- Oshawa General Hospital, also f0 those who called to visit. Clinton'Bigelaw 4- Mere words cannot express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to ail our friends and relatives for the many acts of kindness and sympathy shown to us In the loss of our husband and father Earl Walkey. Thanks f0 the first floor staff of Memorial Has- pifaýI and Doctors Miklos and Sc 'vr Special fhanks ta the Mrris Funeral Chapel, Rev. Tizzard, Eastern Star No. 181 and Durham Ladge No. 66. Gladys, Joan, John and family 49-1 Hom. he famiy seseca- ly grafeful to the ldisof nniskillen U.C.W. for fea and refreshments fol lawing the service. Rena Pethick and famiiy. 49-1 Im I wish ta thank my friends and relatives for ail the cheery cards, flowers and visits during my stay ln Sunnybrook Nora Colwill 49-1 Sincere fhank you f0 my friends and family for the food, cards, f Iowers and consolin~ words on the deatli of my laterS Elgin Finch. Your ki 1ns 5isgreatîy appreciated. Marie and Art Braoks and family. 49-1 Psychic, ,lnternatlonaily Rnawn. Privafe consÏultaft6ons bY appoinfmenf onl y.Cal Rosamond af 576-7492 Oshawa, affer 4p.m. 46-6 MALE, lafe 40%, taîl, well, g roomed, financially secure, tree af day fime, seeks lady friend. P.O9 Box 282, Cobourg, Ont. K9A 4 K. 49-1 BE A BIG SISTER! Volunteers are needed in this area ta be a friend to girls aged 7- 17, who are in need of supportative relationships. CALL' SIMCOE HALL SETTIEMENT HOUSE a? 728-7525 26-tf N When words fa il. Flowers express yaur sympath y. And we can heip. Stop byorcall. Fiowers are as beaufifully alive as a memary. F lowers by JaCkman IN THE BOWMANVILLE MALL 623-3365 À. Flowers Say It 'Best"ý VAN BELLE DAILY Delivery to ... Oshawa - Bowmanville Area Phone 623-4441 BARRON'S GIFT SHOP HAMPTON OPEN HOUSE (3 Days Only) Friday, Saturday and Sunday Dec. 7th, 8th and 9 th Hours - F. 9 - 9, Sat. 9 - 6 Sunday 1 -5 COFFEE SE RVED and FREE DRAW ON A ROYAL DOULTON Very speclal prices-on many glft lUnes. Phone 263-225.1 49-1 N O.N.O. New Year's Eve Dance, Blackstock Recreation Centre, Music by Jackman. B ar pnivileges and buffet. $15 per couple. 986-4927. 49-2 N Luwasa dollar plant sale. Christmas open house. Flrst house norfh of Hwy. 2 on Courtice Road. T hursday, December 6, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 725-4229. 49-1 Christmas Sale WE HAVE and Show GOODIES ANTIQUES and CRAFTS December 15 - 16 12 nodn -5p. m. REFRESHMENTS Stella's Canadian Trend Shop BY MOSPORT ROAD ALL WELCOMEI 49-1 N The Messiah, Part 1, wili be presented by Trlnlty United Church Choir on Sunday evenlng, December 9th af 8 o'clock In fthe church (Division and Church Streets, Bowman- ville), assisted by, Wlnd Ensemble fromn Bowmanvllle High School, Conductor Lynda Shewchuk; soloisfs:. Rose- mary Merkley, Joanne Crook. shank, Ross Mettait, Ross Cotton. Tickets $2.00 at church office or from choir members or counicillors. 48-2 First Hampton Girl Guide Christmas Bazaar, December 13, 1979 fromh 6:30 - 9 p.m. ln Hampton Township Hall1. Everyone welcome. 49-1 N WAVERLEY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION PR ES ENTS "P U F 1 N S T U F" St. Stephen's School Il -3 p.m. Decem ber 8 50C HADASSAH FABR1C SALE NEW SHIPMENT 0F JEANS CLEARANCE 0F SMALL PIECES 0F UPHOLS FABRICS-Socand $1.00. BRAND, NAME JEANS AND GOOD SELECTI( USED CLOTHING. Tuesday, December i Wednesday, December 12 9 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. BETH ZION SYNAGOGUE 144 KING ST. 'E. PLAN TO ATTEND Christmas Sale and Open Housi of Crafts and Christmas Items by the KUKU'S NEST MANY UNIQUE CHRISTMAS GIFTS AND Il STOCK1NG STUFFERS GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE FOR~ HAND KNITTING 0F COATS, SWEATERS,E 31 HOLGATE CR. 10a.m.to4p.m. WHITE Tom caf, Liberty St. Norfh and Taunton Rd. area, nervaus of strangers, may be caming home fa Easf Oshawa. Calîl 725-5639. 49-1 ROOM for rent in Bowman- ville, kitchen privileges, abstainer. Phone 623-4108. _ Ontario Hydro's Dariingfan Informaftion Centre will be closed from December 14, 1979 ta January 2, 1980. Messages wiil be answered at 623-7122., 49-4 Congratulations ta Norma Mefcal f for bowling a goad game of 205 an November 27th. 49-1 Pr e-school Story .Hour WILL NOT BE HELD IN DEC EMB ER Please register for the winter session nowl BowmanVi lie Public Library 623-7322 49-1 1, Gary H. Burgess, Lot 20, Concession 2, R. R. 6, wiIi not be responsible for any debts cantracted in my name by anyane on or after fhis date, December 5, 1979 withouf my written consent. Gary H. Burgess 49-1 N Ontario Hydro's, Daringfan g.eneraflng station 'Informa- rion centre is open Tuesda ys 9 a.m. fa 1. p.m., Wednesdays 1:30 ta 5 p.m. and Thursdays 1: 30 taS5 p.m. The Centre Is at the corner of, Hoif Road and the South Service Road. Tele- phone Suzanne Stickley, 623- 7122. 33-TF .B.M.H.A. hockey pool resuifs for November 24. Time of firsf goal 8:10 winner Gord Tucker, time of last goal 13:29 winner Jahn Bray. Resuits for December 1 time of first goal 4:15 winner Andy Lamaont, time of last goal 9:52 wlnner Sam Snowden. 49-1 49 and CRAFTS 9: 30 a. m. Friday, Dec.-7 AT BOWMANVILLE MALL TUESDAY NIGHT TOPS 49-1 Pre-school STORY HOUR Sou7s, stories, and films TUESDA/S AT 2p.m. Starting January 15 Continuing for 9wegks. Please register at the ibrary. Bowmanville Public Library, 623-7322 49-1 Chlldren ages 10 f0 14 are lnvited fo a Cadet and Calvinette Club featuring- Bible and Craffs wlth many- other outings on Thursday nights 7:30 f0 9:30 af the Christian Reformed ýChurch,' Hwy. 2. For Information calI 987-4958. 49-1 N Old Tyme DANCE if TYRONE ORANGE HALL Musicby WILLIE &BOB onL 49-1 December 8, 1979 - No Blue Jeans Please Admission $2.50 per persank 9-1 49-1 K INSME N STERY Christmas Bingo ON OFTues., Dec. i )N 0F 7:30 pm ORONO A àEA and COMMUNITY CENTRE AIl players are entitled toaa chance at 40 Regular Cash Pnizes including $500.00 JACeKPOT in 50 numbers or Iess -or OSHAWA $300.00 JACKPOT 49-1 N in 55 numbers or less Free Coffee throughout the night Plus Free Draw on Turkeys ;e throughout the night Plus A chance on a Oianf Turkey Raff le Plus A chance to sit on Sanfa's knee and tell him what you wanf for DEAS Christmas Came early. Doors operi af 6:30 p.m. This wilI, be aur iasf Bingo ETC. unfil1 January 8, 1979. 49-1 N Decem ber 8 49-1 N CONCERT FOR DIABETIC RESEARCH The County Town Singers willbeappearing a ST. BERNADETT ES PAR ISH CENTRE Harwood Avenue and Bayly Street, Ajax on Monday, December 10, 1979 at 8:15 p.m. On behaîf of the Canadian Diabetes Association. PROCEEDS FROM THE CONCERT WILL BE GOING TOWARDS DIABETIC RESEARCH Tickets Adults $4.00, Children and Seniors $2.00. FOR TICKETS CONTACT Miss Lee Paul 576-3714 Theresa Noonan683-0329 Lynn Vida 576-2050 Mrs. Anne Lawson 728-0281 OUR SUCCESS IS YOUR SUPPORT 49-1 MONSTER BINGO Every Tuesday night Armstrong Auditorium 88 King St. W., OshawE Starts 7: 15p. m. - Doors open 5:30 p.m. $1000 JACKPOT MUST GO EVERY WEEK $250 JACKPOT MUST GO EVERY WEEK Sa me ca rd for both jackpots Gia nt Sha re-the- WealIth SPONSORED BY ST. PETER'S COUPLES CLUB Licence No. 284933. Under 16 not adm itfed. Free parking behind Carpet Warehouse $2,500 MUST GO 47-fl $2,500 MUST GO SHAMROCK BINGO Every Wednesday Night ARMSTRONG *AUDITORIUM 88 KinStW 'rHE,,BIGGEST REGLLAR WEEKLY BINGO IN OSHAWA DOORS OPEN.5:30 CARDS SOLD 6:15 1EARLY BIRD GAMES 7:15 20 REGULAR GAMES AT $40.00 EACH IBONUS JACKPOTSI $1380 MUST GO! Giant Share the Wealth LARGEST $5.00 PACK IN TOWN Il Earîy Bird 4 Jackpot No. 1 4 Jackpot No. 3 10 Regular 4 Jackpot No: 2 4 Late Game 34 CARDS 43 Winners Every Nite PARKING BEHIND THE CARPET WAREHOUSE Operaed byfthe Shamroc k Athi eti c Associatian Lic. 284961 Tables for non-srnakers!, $2,500 MUST GO $2, 500 MUST GO BANQU ET FAC ILITI ES AVAILABLE Elmhurst Hotel 1Newcastle Phone 987.5808 45-tf N Acres Restaurant NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE Tickets $30 couple, Includes hot and cold buffet and refreshmienfs. Phone 263-8421 49-1 Christmas Dance TYRONE COMMUNITY CENTRE December 8 8 -1 a.m. J. - JACKMAN 55.00 per couple a? door 47-3N ,NEW YEAR'S DANCE ST. JOSEPH'S HALL December 31, 1979 MUSIC BY JACKMAN 520.00 per.couple BUFFET REFRESHMENT Reserve your ticket Cal: Mary Chisholm 623-5196 48-2N, Ia 1977 - 3/4TON, 4 x 4,' Chev. truck, 36,000 miles, Ioadedi, $6000. Spruce Christmas trees, $5 each. Brand new 12,000 B.T.U. propane furnace with vent kit and thermostat, 1sf $272Z seil for $175. Phone 623-2888. 49-1 NEW and Nearly New ln Orono oppste Odd Fellows Hall, Frri a, 'Decem ber 7th, 10 f0 8, Saturda y, December eth, 10 fa 2. lass, china, books, toys, col lectibles, items fao numerous ta 1sf lncluding Christmas. 49-19N DOUBLE 5nowmobiIe fraller, '71 - 300 skîdoa. '69 Nordic, '70 Snowpony 220. '70 Motoski. '71 Mot oski and a ski-boose frallpr. all in aood shape., Firewood - level 1/2 ton $20. Phone 1-786-2308. 48-1 N bKATES, CCMTacks, cross country ski boots - bof h boy's si ze 6. None 623-5161. 49-1 N FRESH cider, no additives.. Steve Carruthers. Paradise Orchards Lt. Concession 3,1/4 mile west of Lberty St. Hours 4 - 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday. 49-1 TYPEWRITER, standard, Smith -Corona deluxe, $75. Small 3M Photocopier $100. Phone 786-2449. 49-1 N 24" ELECTRIC stove, $60 or best offer. Simolicitv washer- V ners3uor oest ofter. FramuJs 5.string brloand case. $250'. Phone 623-51 §0. 49-1 HANDMADE crafts, ideal as Christmas glffs. 987-5267. 4- 2 SNOW tires 8.25X14, best offer. 623-7590. 49-1 NEW Mason bay window, 5'6" x 10'. Double glazed. New $550. Will seil $400. Cali 579-6376. 49-1 ChristmasTrees For Sale Scotch Pife, Spruce and Balsam Ali Sizes Locafed at the BOWMANVILLE ZOO King St. E., Bowmanville 49-2 DOUBLE snowmobile trailer, $195. '71 300 Skidoo, $375. '69 Nordic, $425. '72 - 400 Moto- Ski, $425. Ski-boose, $110. Scrap firewood, $10 level 1/2 ton. 1-786-2308. 49-1iN Tropical Fish Crc le Gift ideas ta get you started in the aqujarium hobby. 10Oto 15 pieces Starter Kits HAMPTON 263-8838 49-4 NEW propane barbeques, complefe with rotisserie, serving trays., 20 lb. propane -tanks, Arkla. Reduced prices.. Phone 623-7125. 1 49-tf FOUR 4 x 12 kindling woôd, 12" long; antique wheel chair, 100 years aId. Phone 263-2786. 49-1 SPARE 'tire carrier, fits Blazer and Jimmy trucks. 623-4358. 49-1 PAIR F78-14 snow tires (on rims), used one season (500 miles), fit Dodge Aspen, $75. Phone 623-2624. 49-1 N ELECTRIC guitar and ampli- fier, $75. Phone 987-4237. 49-1 gift. Christmas g iff packs of extra fancy hohey, large ape G ibsan 49-2 TRlMgym, $45, f loor polisher, $15; large fish aquariam with equi pment, $25; au gooc condition. Phane 623-280. 49-1 N MINI bike, $125. and 10 speed bike, $60. Phone 987-4407. 49-1 LADIES ten speed bike $50. Upnight vacuum $20. Ladies yý aif clubs, and bag $45. aloraid One-Step (used once> $15. Size 9 Bauer skates $8. Ladies size 7 ski boots $15. Size 40 mens, sparts jackets and winter coats, size 11-12 evening dresses. Cail week- days 623-6591. 49-1 PADDY'S Market now flas new furniture, appliances, T.V.'s and stereos and also used f urniture and applilances. WiI11 accepf trade- is. Paddy's Market, Hiampton, phone 263-2241. 33-tf 8' F-ORD pick-up oox. s125. Phone 623-2279 days. 4-1N ET300 YAMAHA snowmobiîe, '79, carbides, caver and more. CaîIl affer 5 p,m. 623-4362. 4- WOODEN Shoe Antiques moving ta new location, lasf weekend at present location December 8 and 9. Everythlng on sale at,10 percent discount or more. 30 Church St.,, Newcastle. Phone 987-5433 or 987-5205. 49-1 N NEW 1980 Yamaha snowmo- biles, sales, service and accessories. Full line of cloth- ing. Buy now while stock is available. Asseistine 's Yamaha, sauf h of. Bîackstock, Durham Road 57. 44-8N Firewood Special Bundled hard and saft wood 4x4x8onl y$25 Picked up, noadelivery, Cal lafter 5 728-6852 46-4 USED furnifure and ap- ý liances. Paddy's Market. ampton. 263-2241. 33-tf FRIDGE and stove, chain saw, occasional table, chairs, dresser, base board heaters. 1-983-5817. ,49-1 N FUN THINGS FOR HAIR Glitter. Combs, Flowers, Feathers,,- etc. Come in and browse around. KUT'NKURL BEAUTY SHOP 71 King St. East, Bewmanville 623-5019 49-1 N TWO snow ftires J78-15, 2000 miles. Phone 723-5655. 49-lN TECHNICS Sound System., Direct drive semi automatlc turntable, 75 watt amplifier, pair of 45 watt speakers, 3- months aId, 0.05 distortion on, whole systemr. Asking $850. or, best offer. Must seliI. 623-6431. 49-1 N- Chesterfield Suites Loveseats, Sectiona Is Less than 1/ Price@ LARGE SELECTION McKEEN FURNITURE 524 Simncoe St. S,, Oshawa 725-5181 FREE DELIVERY 25-tf N, FIREWOOD DRY HARDWOOD Reasonable, Dellvered Phone 263-2570 444tf FIRE PLACE WOOD ALL DRY HARDWOOD Ma pie, Oak, and White Birch CUT and SPLIT DELIV'ERED 1/2 mile north on Martin Rd. (Hwy. 57) Look for signs, 623-4550 or 623-21 76. 444tf Ail makes and models for FREE pickup and delivery in Osh- awa, Whitby, Bawmanville, Ajax and Pickering Bernina Sewing Centre Whitby MaIl Whitby Complete tuneup $15., iRcl. cle&tn, ail, adjust tension a-id timing. ~ f D RESSED geese, 786-2413. 49-3 TALISMAN Emporium, North Sf. and Hwy. 115, Newcastle, open Saturdlays, Sundays and Holidays, 10 - 5 p.m. ailI year. 41 -tf N CHRISTMAS trees, cuf your own, Spruce only, 12 miles north of Bowmanville, 21V2 west of Masporf on Durham 'Regional Rd. No. 20. Phone 263-2556. 48-4N~. J and M TIRE Service for- Michelin tires, your one-step radial centre. 299 Dean Ave.,' Oshawa. 576-1220. 35-tf N- WASHERand dêryer matChlng set G.E. Immaculate candi- flan. 5 yrs. old. $150 each. Mattress and box spnlng $40. 54 x 72. 623-1578 after 4. 49-1 CHRISTMAb bpectaiz - nu longer any need to drive miles for bargains and selection on sadd'les - tacký - jewelry etc. day Iow-Iow pnl ces - pei Tuesday through Frlday until nine - Saturdayïaiid Sunday until six -Gladwin & Co.'s Tack Shop Durham Road Twenty-three South, Whify YOUNG BUDGIES $10 and up Phone 623-131,6 42-tf N FR EE to tgood home, pure white kitten. Good with chlldren. 623-2733. FREt RIEMQVAL U- FRESH, DEAD 4nd DISABLED FARM STOCK; CALL MARGWILL FU'R'FARM Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope 885-5274 of

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