Imm Used Cars ti-7raham,'sGarage Phone 263-8172 1974 MERCURY BOBCAT Hatchback, 4 cylinder, 4 speed, very en K 2 190PONTIAC PARISIENNE Two door hardtop, 350 automnatic, p.s., p.b. ATM 589. 49-1 N 72 DATSUN 1200. As lis. Also Datsun parts. 263-2657. After 6 p.m. andweekends. 49-1 74 TOYOTA Celica A-i body and Techanical. Wili certify. $1600 firm. 623-2145. 49-1 1973 PLYMOUTH Scamp, p.s., p.b. Excellent condition, $700 as Is. 623-3590. 49-1 '76 CUTLASS,' cruiser wagon, 20 options, Ziebart, certified, excellent condition. Phone 263-2709. 49-1 N 1970 OLDS Delta 88. Body fair, motor good. As is, $400. 623-3592. 49-1 1974 MONTE CarIa, certlfled, $1795. '75 Chev haîf ton, $1995. 1-786-2308. 49-1 N 1978 OLDS Delta 88 Royale, fully loaded, blue with white Landau top, best offer. 623-6002. 49-tf N '78 MONTE Caria Landau, maroon, V8, excellent condi- tion. Many extras. Cal 979-6617 after 4p.m. 1976 CHEV 1/2 ton, standard 350, 52,000 miles. $3000. Cal 725-8406. 49-1 N 169 DODGE 4 x 4, with or withaut plough. Truck cap, 8 ft. Fleetside. '67 Beaumont, cortlfled, Chov 4 speed trans- mii ssion. Phono 263-2140. 49-1 N J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tire,,your ane-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 35-tf N '78 SUBARU rat, 4 X4, 22,000 km, asklng ' $5500. PhonE 623-7996 after 5:30. 47-tf N 1979 G.M.C. HEAVY 1/2 ton, velour seats, many options, must seII, new truck coming, -make offor, reasonable. 623-6002. 49-tf N The great seven day money back warrainty Now theme Is a "no gaml used car 'warranty "MACDONALDFOI COUNTRY" that cannot ,ettered. If youare ra telysatisfied with y eled Used Car puhc tromn us, retumn It withlnse% rao s&go esndays for' a full refund. A' more information c 623-4481. Another meason m this is "MACDONALD F0I COU NTRY" Detached Humi Your Choice 3 bedmoom ralsed bung double garage, mec roorî f ire'place or bed backsplit with 2 roams. Bath must be rented FAMILY TRUST COF RLTR. Marg Russell 623-6622 -623-9249 FURNISHED bachela ment, $175, heat, hydro, and last manth's mont. phono 623-7264.' H EAT ED a pa rtment for central location, no chul no pets-.623-5784. THREE bedraom hausý shame. Reasonabl e r esponsible parties. smakem preferrod. P 623-4023, - s *Wante The Northumberland and Newcastle Boarmd of Education Applications are invitod for the position of Payroll Supervisor The successful applicant wilI be responsible for implementation of ail payroll procedures of the Board as well as supervision of the payroll department. The system has ovor 20,000 pupils in 59 schools with 1,500 employees. Sala ry will be commensurate wlth quai1fications and oxperience. Duties to com- mence as soon as passible. Appicants should apply ta the undersigned in wr ting on or before December 11, 1979. James A. Bird Business Administrator and Treasurer' P.O. Box 470, 834 D'Arcy Street Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L2 49-1 Relief Manager for Saturday, Sunday Days Monda y ,Tuesday Evenings Should h ave some food and beverage experlence. Mature, roI iable, lntorosted. Apply: Flying Dutchman Motor Inn, Liberty St. S. ai 401, 623-3373. 49-1 HELP WANTED URGENT Mon interosted i n helping a boy becomo a man. There-is no cash reward for a Big Brother, but, there Is na, groater rewàrd than when a man l helps a boy. F or informa- tn teIephone 623-6646 or writeto Box 13, Bowmanvilîe, Big Brother Association af Newcastle, or contact locali , Lionel Parker, 623-5651 br Murray O'Brien 623-3396 or 26.3-8265. 21 -tf N RELIABLE Nurses' Aides roquired at nursing homo. Cali betwoon 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. 987-4703. 46-4N TRACTOR trailer drivers. For applicatian and interview cati bfore 5 pm. Tra!n'ng also avalla b le. Phone 1-251-2275. 147-5N The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Applications are lnvited for the position of: Personnel and Employee Relations Ma nager, The successful applîcant will be rosponsible, for the coordination and manage- ment of the personnel depart- ment, dovelopment and administration of personnel policios, as welI as the administration of the collec- tive agreements for both toaching and non-teaching staff. The system has over 20,000 pupils In 59 schoals with 1,500 omployees. Salary will bo commensurate with qua lifications and experience. Duties ta com- mence as soon as possible. Appicants should ap ply to the undersig ned in writ ing on or beforo December 11, 1979. James A. Bird Business Administrator and Treasu rer P.O. Box 470, 834 D'Arc6Streot Cobourg,6tar* K9A 4L2 naro49-1 EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER (same cliontelo preforrod) Goad working cÔnditions in modemn shop. Ca Il V.I.P. HAIRSTYLING 623-6252 48-tf Paperboy-girl Needod ta deliver The Canadian' Statesmnan 16 PAPERS Lawrence, Hetheringtan and Holgate Streets Phone, 623-3303 49-1 CLEANING persan,1 woman proferrod, a few hours per weok. Courtice area. Phone 728-8695. 49-1 N EXPEIRIENCED Burner Mechanic for Durh-am area. Establishod company 579- 0151. 49-1 Coppercraft Guild of Canada is expanding and needs NEW COUNCILLORS COMMISSION PLUS BONUSSES No deliveries or collecting. If interested phone 885-6007 49-2N WE'RNEA mDING YOUR WAY We are-accepting, applications for Ail Military rades le" ln R D be not Four iase ýen Any Far :il (1) Deposit of 10 per cent by certified cheQue, oable rta The Northumberland an Newcastle Board af Educa- tlon, ta accampany tender. ' (2) Successful bîddom must arrange ta pa% balance in cash within 60 days of tender closng. (3) The Board reserves the ight ta reject any or al tenders. (d) Sealed tenders, cloarly mamked as ta contents, wiIl bo received by the Business Admfinistrator and Troasurer,, at the Board Office, D'Amcy Street North, Cobourg, untîl 4:00 p.m, Friday, December 141 1979. (5) Inspection: Monday, Decemrber 10, 1979, 2:00 p.m. '0o-""p. m . (6) Appraised value available upon roquest. For any fumther information, contact Mm. G. Savage, (416) 372-6871, Ext. 32. THREE bedroom apartment in Waverley subdivision. $291 per month. 623-1158 affer 5 o'clock. 49-1 4 BEDROOM house, Scugo RdXN, $350 manth plus uti F- ities. Avallable December 1 - June 1. Call 623-5871 between 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday ta Friday. 49-1iN ONE large bedroam apart- ment, large kitchen, stove and fridge, 4piece bath and Iivingroom. Separate en- trance. Heat and 'hy dro in- cluded. At Ma ple Grave at Hwy. 2. Availa ble December 1,623-2463. 49-1 1 B EDROOM basement a art- ment. $125. a month. N~one 623-1058. 49-1 GARAGE for rent. Phone 623-5026. 49-1 ONE bedroam apartment, heated, fridge and stove. Bawmanville $180. Phone 1-983-5428. 49-1 TWO bedroom apartment with fridge and stove. Available January 1. $225 per month. Ca Il 623-1633. 49-1 TWO bedraom apartment on Lamb's Lane, $227, includes heat and hydro. First and last month's required. Phone 623-5888. 149-2N Industrial Space For Lease. VAN HOOF and SMITH 263-8488 or 668-4560 49-11f N THREE bedmoam semi. Central location $255 monthly. Avallable lst af Januamy, 623-2492. 49-1 BOWMANVI LLE apartment, two bodroom, stove, fridge, air conditioner, laundry fadIl- ties, electmic heat,.wall ta wal carpetlng. $296 includlng utîli- ties. Avallable January lst. 623-4480 or 623-5206. 49-1iN BOWMANVILLE, central apartmont, four ooms and bath, immediate possession, reasonable, Cable T V. Phono 623-7523. 44-tf N APARTMENT, country, 3 rooms with fridge, stave, heat and hydro.* Furst and last month's ent at $200. Adults preferred. Roferences please. 728-6609. 47-tf N COMMERCIAL space tor mont. Bowmanville prime downtown location. Available now 200 sq. ft. - 7500 sq. ft. Cal1 623-4172 or 723-0575 between 9-5 p.m. 28-TF N EW stores and offices for ment in downtown Bowman- ville. Offices suitable for lawyers, insurance, accauntants etc. Phono 623-7664. 39-tf OFFICE space. Central Bow- manvîlle. Fimst and second floor available immodîately. Suitable for medical, account- ing, legal or similar uses. 263-8800. 47-4 PERSON ta shame an apart- ment with awn private bed- room.,623-1560 or 623-2729. DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE FORCE Clea ning a nd Janitoria I Services Durham. Regional Police Force Buildings TENDER NO. DRP 4-80 No. 18 Division 650 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario -and- TENDER NO. DRP 5-0 No. 25 Division 962 Kingston Road Pickering, Ontario Sealed Tenders, plainly marked as ta content, will be rece at the office of the Chiot af Police for the Regional Munic i af Durham, 77 Centre Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, LW y up until1 12: 00 noon, (E. S.T.) an Wednesday, 1979, 12, 19, far cleaning and maintenance of the Durham Regional Palice Fg buildings. No. 18 Division - 650 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontamic r No. 25 Division - 962 Kingston Road, Pickering, Ontario Tender forms may be p icked up or roquested tram the offic Supeintendent Gerald Robinson, between the hours of 8:00i and 5:00 p.m.,,Monday thmaugh Friday. Telephone 579-1 extension 236. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accpoted. Jan M. Jenkins, Chiot af Police. C &H WRECKERS Top Prices for Scra p Cars Will pick up aid fridges and stoves, etc. f ree of charge. 728-6609 or 725-5618 47-4N USED fumniture and ap- Sl iances. Paddy's Market, amptan. 263-2241. 26-tf ÏBARN for wreckîng. Phono 987-37 aftor 6 p. m. 49-2N CASH for most aid things. Phone 623-3060. 40-TFN REGULATION size pool table and accessamies, good condi- tion, reasonably pmîcod. Phono 786-2337. 49-1 SMALL engine repair,a uséd fumnitume and applianc Cail Elmers Fumnitu Liberty and ScugogS Ham pton, 263-2294. PAYING 8 times face va for Canadian coins bef 1968, guns, antiques, gaoldi diamond rings want !579-1018 Oshawa, 985-70W57 Perry. 46 SNOW blawor and la mowem, in gaad conditiona fairly priced. Phono 623-7 mast evenings. 48 ?Ived ality 4B7, rthe :orce io RELIABLE cleaning lady. Bowmanville area, references available. Phone 623-1819. 48-1 REYNOLDS UPHOLSTE RING Modern, Traditional and Antique. Free pickup and deIivery,. PHONE 263-2132 P P V1, Hmptn Bowmanville GI 143 Wellinigton, 623-34,10 specializing in Cash Carry glassmimmrs,z numn produts(sliding d WHYTE'S U PHOLSTE F Have your chesterfie and chair professiona upholstered. For f ree estimnates ca RALPH WHYTE 623-5252 MUTTON MASONRY Ail Types of Cemnent wo 8ricýk, Blocks, Chimney, SPECIALIZING IN CONCRETE FLOOI 623-5981 Ail kinds of BRICKWORK, CHIMN P. LOUWS CONSTRUCTIC 149 Scugog St BowmanviIlle 623-2756 E lectrica 1 Insta llations of any type. Commercial, Residenti Industrial FREE ESTIMATE! Phone 623-1561 MOVING To, Fmom and Withint Town of Newcastle (Newcastle, Bowmanvi Orono, etc.) CALL BROOKING TRANSPORT L' 623-3821 or Zenith 619( GORD SIMPSON Phono 983-5808 Omono, Ontario Painting Paperhanging Ca rpentry Remodelling General Repairs Interior Extemior 14-tf 48-tf N Ron's Floor Care Commercial andhusod lass laig Dry faam rug and St. moval, wall washing. Ron Turcotte 623-7966 i and 33-tf alumi- doars). 28-tt N Don Brooks &Son Genera I Contra ctor ty and Custom Builder eld Phone 723-6176 aîly1 or 623-6690 New homes, additions, aIl a aterations, roc rooms, garages, epairs of ail types, etc. 5-tf 23-tf D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating ork - Roc Rooms ,oetc. Ropairs 0f ail types. N PHONE 623-2263 20-f 20-tf N 4 EYS 0 'N Ref rigeration ana L Appliance Service e Commrcia land Demestic Rofrigeration - Milk Coolers 3-f PHONE BERT SYER 31-fDays .............. 623-:5774 Nights------------...623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC ial or 2-tf -S OXFORD 52 Bricklayers and 49-4N Stonemnasons Lt. (Our f iropIaces do not smoke) CHIMNEYS CLEANED OronQ the 983-5606 ille, 51 -tf D&R CUSTOM. .TD. FENCING 9049-2 CUSTOM CHAINSAWING Phono Orono a.of JACK BU RG ESS 983-5005 or 983-1 1520, OIL BURNERS-FURNACES _______ CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PotTVer PHONE HAMPTON otTVSr R.R. 1, Bowmanvil 263-2151 We Service Ail Mal 49-1 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanville 263-8272 m ~30-tf___ M BILL SELLERS utn&Wg - CARPENTRY Httnsu&Wigg also Genera I ContractorInuato and HomeBLOWN METHOI Imprad oementsFREE ESTIMATI -tf N ADDITIONS GARAGES 6325 - REC ROOMS KITCHENS BATH ROOMS ale CERAMIC TILE INSTALL an 'Esso fu .fore PRIVACY FENCE boilor, humidifier, he aned WOOD DECKS air cleanor. Combi ted.t PATIO DOORS wood, and ail. Fini PortN Repamoaîve available. Furnaces c 6-N FOR FREE ESTIMATE Parts and service policl CALL Harvey Partner. vour awn and .7106 8-2N CASH for galai, sîlver, coins, guns, dlacks, jowollery, dishes, furniture, cracks, paîntings, soalers, appliances, Friondly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 9-tf N IF NO ANSWER CALL AFIER 5p.m. 39-tf WILL do sewing, altemations etc. 12 Prospect St. 623-1414. 48-4 HANDYlMANi Cars,, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Can Do Alrnost Anything Snowmobiles NREA SAL For Wrecking Purposes 623-4717L SMALL SCRAP METALS 6341 HIGH EST PRICE PAID482 ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Mrl uto Yard 623-5756 Mrl uto Residence 623-7112 Services 45-tf 623-3060 WATER Wells bomed, 30 tile. Wamd's Weil Baring. Tele- phono 342-2030. Representa- 1ive Hammy L. Wade. Tele- phono 987-4531. 16-tf W ILL do mpairs and shampen- îng ta chain saws, mawers, and small engine repairs. Phono Bill 263-8430. 49-4 N WOMAN with toaching exporionce will babysit in own home. Toddlers, preschoolers, or kindorgarien a ged, weokly. Central school, Si, ver St. area. Telephane 623-7140. 49-1 NEED a pressure system? Water Softeners? Repairs ta aIl makes. Harvey FPartner, Omono, 983-5206, Bowmanville, 623-2301. 5-tf N B iIlVs GLASS and MIRROR S LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phone 623-5187. Mon. - Fr.8: 00 -5: 00 Sat. 9- 12 noon Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass an d Glazing. 9-tf N 13-tf N Yard or Garage Clean-up Rubblsh emoval, iight mnoving or painting, scmap pick-up. ANDýY 623-9379 14-tf Lloyd Barnes Plumbing Carpentmy, Renovating AilI General Reairs REASONAB3LE RATES 263-2288 27 -tf servic ' del'er " ostimates.Orona 983-m Bowmanville 623-2301. 2 service. BYAM PLUMBING & HEATING AND AIR CONDITION NEW WORK AND RENOVATIONS FREE ESTIMATE! Village of Tyrone, R.R. 5, Bowmanviîie 263-2650 Phono for appolntment WWtAJ2I Annivosary, J ~ Wedding.and W$~ Portraits In Our Studio, Vour Home, or on Location 78 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2404 2-tfN M. BROOKS CARPE NTRY Cupboamds, Vanities, Remodeiling, Roc Roomns, Additions, Garages, Sun Decks, Porches, etc. ALL GENERAL REPAIRS 623-5566 29-tf N Auction Sa le Satumday evening December Sth at 7 p.m. at Pethick's Auction Barn, Haydon One mile oast of Enniskillen. Largo quantlty af fumnîtume and small articles, frldges, oloctric stovos, beds, dressers, chest of drawrs, small washer, autamatic washer, lad y's atain chair. Sale evemy Saturdeay might ta Christmas. Terms cash or good choque. Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. 49-1 N Thursday, December 6 7 p.m. Auction sale of furnituro and antiques selling at the Wilson Sales> Amena, 2 mi. narth af Uxbmldge, încluding fine china, antique dishes, antique parlor tables, antique chests, corner china cabinet, 9 pc. aak dining room suite, chester- field, cookstovo (excellent condition), antique parlor stavo, 50 pr. sait and poppors, racking chairs, antique cup- board (ver y unusual), brass bed (single), wall telephone, tools. The proporty af Miss Darothy Anderson,' Uxbmidge, (Miss Anderson has had ta Ive up hem hame because of ealth measons), plus addition- ai cansigniments. Sale manag- ed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions,' Uxbridgo, 416-852-3524. 49-1 Auction Sale Grist Mill Auction Centre Newtonville Fmiday, December 7th 7: 00 p. m. Sollin the partial contents from a Raglan homo including round aak pedestal table, 5 oak chairs, buffet, pine table, washstand, tollet set, aId frames, small occasional tables, accasional chairs, beds, twin single walnut beds, dressors, chests of drawers, loveseat, ladder back rocker, 2 pc. chestemfield,. carpets, Franklin fireplace, fridge, 21 inch stove, wringor washer, eîectric Sunbeam snow blower, and many ather good items. Terms cash. Auctionoor Frank Stapleon 786-2244. 49-1 N Auction Sale Saturday, Decem ber Sth lla.m. Charlie's Callectibles, No. 2 Hwy. and Division St., Bowmanville. Clearing balance af Charlie's Collectibles incîuding fumni- tume, glassware, antiques and gift items. Old gun, diamand ring, coins, packet watch, figurines, Iamps. Do youm Ch ristmas shopping the Auctian Way. carl Davis, auctianeer. 728-4455. 49-1 N Auction Sale Thursday Night, December 6 Our Final Turiday Night Sale at Orval McLean Auction Conter Lindsay Consignments f rom Mrs. Mol Ion and othors. Furniture, antigues, appliances, Singer tread1le sewing rnaching; cnrome sui te;,, orossers; -9627 chests; vacuum; apt. size il-tf shelves; large beige rug; beds; couch and ch'air; modemn bedroom suite; sin ice washer - liko new; squame illa Spoed Quoen wringor washer - ks (like new); green 2 doar efrigeratar and matching stove; 2 antique muzzle loader guns; rollaway; antique 14-tf N wickor rocker; capper boiter; picture trames; sealors; oiI sgce heater; Franklin stove; ans c esterfield set; aid hand swing machine; Hoaver.spin was hem; television; D aqurium; Beatty wingem Easher, gaad 9 pieco oak dining room suite, camner cupboard, Iovely Quebec Habitant bedroom suite, 33-tf N trunks, teakwood sidoboard, toakwood dining table, irnace, Jacobian hall table, round item or carved Jacabian table, desk lnation and stool for sewing machine, 1ancîng carvod coffee table, ail paint- leaned. ings, Iamps, two oak lamp 'y. Caîl tables, oak coffee table, goad r Esso single and double continental Free bods,dishes plus ather furni- 5206 or ture,' Appliances comlng in 24 haur Monday.Ta consign ta. this 17-tf N sale cal now. Orval McLean, Auctianeer, 324-2783. 49-i N Auction Sale Saturday, December 8 S1: 15 p.m. NIG Bannister's Auction HalIl, DIN Bewdley cansisting af chests af drawers, match ing 4 chairs, table, and hutch, bed chester- - ~ field, box sprinp and mattmess, kitchen cabinet, dishes, le glassware, lamps, pin washer-dryer, calored Sand black and white T.V.'s, small 50-tf N appliances, carpets and other items still being consignod. Rager Bannister, auctioneer, 416-797-2651. 49-1iN Auction Sa le Saturday, December 8th 16 Bond St. E., Oshawa Selling custom car parts from bankruptcy iPeterborough, p lus furniture and mîscel- laneous articles. Consisting af approx lmately 80 mag wheels, 131to 16", Cragar E T Keystone Western etc. Custom shi fters, truck flares, shocks, assorted headers, carburetors, gauges, approxi- mately 100 rad hases and tan belts. Furniture: dressers, chests, old radio, ceramics, pine coffee and end tables, skis, plus odds and ends. Viewing f rom Wednesday 1 p.m. ta 6 p.m. Ross McLean, Auctianeer. Also Flea Market, Saturday and Sunday 9 a.m. ta 5 P. M. 57-7550. 49-1 N Corneil's Auction Barn Friday, Decem ber 7th at 7 p.m. Three miles east of Little Britain or seven miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay - Little Britain Rd. Parlor stove, 3 pioce bedraam suite, broad axe, electric cash register, wardrobe, chest of drawers, Franklin stove, 2 door refria erator, ,washstand, quanfity of hand tools, quanti- ty of picture frames, quantity of china and glass, coal ail lamps, wicker table, 1971 Ford van (not certif led) plus many mare antiques, furniture and hausehold items. This will be the last sale ai the yoar. We would like ta extend ta everyone, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Don Corneil, auctrioneer at R.R. 1, Little Britain. 705-786-2183. 49-1 N Auction Sale Saturday, December 8 1Il a.m. Complote estate of late Mrs. Minnie Samis, Canningtpn solîing at the Orval McLean Auction Conter Lindsay AIl household furniture, car, appliances, including excel- lent 9Fpce. oak dining room suite, Fran kIin stavo, E lectro- home 20" portable television, modemn chestorfield, console sterea, chest freezer, wickor settee and chair, cedar chost, bedroom suites, mantle dlock, rocking chair, lamps, Singer portable sewing machine, rugs, roclining chair, love seat couch, platform rocker, tents, ail space heater, chestorfield table, records, neodlepaint tootstaol, humidifier, books, hall tree, Engjlish antiqueý chair wîth cane seat, parlIor chair, schoal cdock, wringor washer, Frigidaire stave, rofrigorator, luggago, vanity and staol, 9 x12 goa rug,good dryer, Simplicity spin washer, ail la mps, cameras, binocu- lars, vacuum, dishos, fancy dishes, caoking utonsils, same antiques, hand toals, etc. 1970 Chev station wagon. A good sale. Note timo Il a.m. Noe location at the McLean, Barn in Lindsay on Little Britain Road just south of Hîghway 7. No reserve. Orval McLoan, auctioneer 324-2783 Lindsay 49-1N Wednesday, December 5 il a.m. Hoîsteins Complote Luckyhill Holstein Dispersai owned by Gard(on Partridge, Castleton, Ontario, selling at Wilsons Sale Arena, Uxbridge, Ontario. 90 head. Registerod, R.OP., tested, classified. Herd average 135-139 BCA. Ail homebred. Ail by Unit Sires, 7 by Kemcf 5 Rackman, 12 Perseus Lea or, 12 brod to A Clînton Camp Maiosty (+16 +16), 17 bred ta A Gaydale Fury Alert, 9 ta Almerson Marquis Prince. 50 milking age females, several fresh cows, 10 bred heifers', 30 pon yearlings and calves. Hierd is f ree listed. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 48-2 Saturday, December 8 Il a.m. Auction sale of furnitume and antiques for the property af Hug h Strong, 467 Simcoe ýt. S. in Prince Albert (so uth of Part, Perry - lst place north of store in Prince Albert). Antique chest of drawems, pressback racker, wicker flower stand, chostertîleld and chair, retrigerator, 24" electric stove, G.E. calor T.V., Philco black and white T.V., 9 pc. dinlng room suite, Fleetwood storea, Viking washer, Moffat dlryer, kitchon tablea nd 6 270 HOLSTEINS We have been instructed ta seil by auction, the complote Hal-Beth Holstein Herd, owned by Hol-Beth Farms, Stella, Twa-thimds Rogistered Otro One-third N.1. P. Grade On D. H. 1 A. Tuesday, December lBth - 1l a.m. 130 bmed and open heifers selling at. Eastern Holstein Sale Amena at Cardinal. Wed nesda y, Dece Mbe r l9th - il a. m. At Wilson Sale Arena Uxbridge - Ontario 130 Milk Cows plus their heifer calIves. A gaad uddered herd with 30 fmesh cows. An excellent oppatunity tabuycos due lato faîl and wintor. SAL EMANGEMENT: EASTERN HOLSTEIN SALES INC., CARDINAL, ONT. .and LLOYD WILSON AUCTIONS, UXBRIDGE, ONT. 416-852-3524 es THREE bedmroom semi, Wt garage. Close ta schoal and shopping. $2 prmanth. Cal galow, 623-2446 orm623-3'471. 491 FOUR bedroam house in extra Bowmanville. Nice, dlean naw. homo with carport, fenced R P. yard. Available now. F Ctand 623-4749. 49-1 494iN ONE bediroom apartment on ground floor, Bawmanvillo available December 30. $200àa apIr t- month includes hoat. 723-2728. Tele- AVAILABLE January 1, 1980, 49-1 bàsement apatment, central - location, partially furnished, ent, ail facilities, suitable for one Idren, person only Telephane 49-1 623-3964 atter 4 .M. se ta 49-2 nta I4JEE bedroom tawrihouso, Non $296 per manth plus'uti-lities. Phone Caîl between 9 and 5 p.m. 49-1 623-6391. 49-1 Vîsit our Mobile Recruiting Unit Canada -Employment Centre Oshawa Canada Employment Centre Oshawa - December 12 and 19 10: 00 am. -3:00 p. m. Work Watiý;,i"