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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1979, Section 2, p. 4

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4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. December 5, 1979 Section Two Dim and Distant Past Present site of I.G.A. and Mary Brown's Chieken 49 Vears Ago Thursday, December 4, 1930 The Bowmanville High School orchestra under th e direction of Mn. Francis Sutton, Mus. Bac., provided musical selections at Commencement Exercises held last Friday in the auditorium.* Members of the orchestra wene Grace Craw- forth, John Jury, at the piano and reed ongan, iolins, Chester Jury, Bradley vHoney- man, Jack Bennett, Ned Rehden, Fred Wood, clarinets Doug Adams, Kenneth Wood, cornet Chalie Cawker, trom- bone Ken Morris. Do you remember wheu Map le Grove football team beld the township champion- ship with Fred Bond, Tommy Cole, Donald MacDonald, Will Jeffrey and the Snowden boys, the heavyweights?. Orono Women's Institute held its meeting on Friday, with an interesting and instructive pnognam given on Trees versus Human Life. Musicat numbens were given by Miss Viola Noden, Mrs. R. H. Brown and -Mns. M. H. Staples. A large crowd'turned out on monday night to near Col. E.E. Snider explain the new school grants. A new feature is the attendance grant of $1 per pupil. D. R. Monison and Rev. C. R. Spencer appeared before town council on Monday, on behaîf of the Community Welfane Committee to ask for a grant of $125 to feed transients who stop oven hene duning the winten. The meals are to be 25 cents eacb. The grant is haîf the estimated cost to feed the transients. 25 Vears Ago Tbursday, December 2, 1954 Big Glen Lander won the first bowling houons of the season in t he Men's Major League, when he put together scores of 257, 239, 278 for a 774 triple, tops for the night. Ralph Strong gave the valedictory address at the Cartwright High School Commencement Exercises held on Frîday in Blackstock town hall. Onono Odd Fellows officially opened their new hall on Thunsday evening. P.D.D.G.M. William Riddell gave the large gathering of over 250 a history of the local lodge. Past Grand Gordon Plan Business Seminar At Oshawa 's Golf Club The Fedenal Business Development Bank's Manage- ment Services will hold a management seminar for small business in Oshawa, at the Oshawa Golf Club, Alexandra Street, Oshawa, on December l2th, 1979. The day's pnogram will deal with taxation as it applies to the smnall business person, an area of growing concern these days when every penny counts. Several members of the local business community are expected to attend the seminar ou December l2th, 1979. Using the Case Study method, and with the expert advice of Edmund Burrows, a chartered accountant and partuer in the firm of Dunwoody and Company, they will examine problems of taxation lu a small business, the correct methods of tax calculation and the steps a smàll business person can take to reduce the amount of tax payable. Some of the problems to be discussed during the day include the choice of a year-end, the tax implications of incorporation, dividend Watson was the toastmasten and chairman of the evening. Mrs. Henb Murray and Noble Grand Ed Graham accepted a large framed Dhoto of Queen Elizabeth Il from Mns. 0.F. Robson. Keith Van Camp of Nestie- ton was recently awarded the E.H. Stonehouise Memoial Tnophy, at the Royal Winten Fair, for the top-ranking boy ln Inten-County Judging Competitions, donated by the National Dairy Councîl of Canada. The new $2,500,000 maxi- mum secunity Ontario Reformatory, being built just west of Millbrook was started lu September, and will take two yeans to complete. The building will be sunrounded by a 20 foot wall. Rev. Warren Turner of St, Paul's Church,. recently ne- ceived a letter from Rev. Tom fliqtan who is living and working at Palampun, Pun- jab, India. Over 400 children are expected to attend Branch 178 Canadian Legion Christmas Party. The Tartan Club bas donated $25 and the Women's- Auxliary to the Legion $100 towards the party. payrnents, the employment of a spouse, and year-end bonuses, amoug others.' 1The goal of this semînar is to provide the small business person with an insight into some of the basic pnoblems. Funther, it is intended to help him -ber to recognize pnoblems when they arise, so that they can then seek the appropriate. advice. "Taxation: an Introduc- tion" is the latest in the Federal Business Develop- ment Bank's popular series of management seminans for' small business. These seminars are only one of the Bank's many manage- ment services. Also available are management courses, a complete small business information service and management counselling. Save$500 on losulation and Labor Yes ... If your home was bulit prior ta 1961, you may quallfy for the qovernment grant that wiII pay up to $350.00 ror materials pius 1/3 of labor Up to Il 50-00 Insuate NOW and SAVE! For more information and f ree estimates, cali Huttn EtWiggans Insuat.ion Telephone 623-2551 Bowmanville BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accou ntancy WILLIAM C. HALL B".Comm. Chartered Accountant 361/2 King St.E, Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowmanvi le Phone 623-3612 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 11 8 King St. East, Suite 2 623-6555 WINTERS & SUTHERLAND Chartered Accountants 23 Silver St., Bowmanville 623-9461 20 Coiborne St. W., Oshawa -579-5659 Dental DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D.D.S. 26-Frank St., Bowmanville (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9.30 a.m. fo 9 p.m. including Safurday Telephone 623-3181 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY .CLINIC 36 King Sf.W. 623-4473 Office -tours: Mon., Thurs. & Fri 8:30'fil 5:00 Wednesday 830 'fil noon Closed Tuesdays Ch trop ract la LAWRENCE A. GREY Doctor of Chiropractic 270 King St. East Bowmanville Phone 623-4004 G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin Street Corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hou rs: By appoint ment LEONARD JAY, B.Sc., D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 96 Queen Street Bowmanvi lie Phone 623-9297 Country Roads was' the scene'of the best Hallowe'en Bash ever! The children made their, own Hallowe'en table cloth, there own very unique masks and paper pumpkins. Trudy. Broome made us a fantastic Witchcake while Dianne McDonald, Joanne Hill, Barb Drummond, Alida Hannah, Joyce Huot, and Karen Kennedy very generously supplied us with everything from cheese to taffy apples. We really appre- ciate you, Momns! We beld a good-bye panty on November 2 for Janet Hannah, who is moving to British Columbia. She'll take a "good luck" book with bier as a personalized nemembrance of hier Country Roads experience. Friday, oember 9th, was Red Circle Day, when we concentrated exclusively on things that were round and red. Evenyone wone a red circle in honon of the, day. The youngsters took a big interest and I'm sure everyone grasp- ed the concept.. Mrs. Jill Devenish from Courtice Secondary School is teaching ber grade e4even and twelve Home EL-onomnics classes a course in Family Life, one part of which deals with the pre-school child b is development, needs, and how to relate to him. She has an extensive background of working with childnen of al ages, s0 is quite knowledge- able in this area. Another bonus for ber students is that she understands the importance of nurseny school. I visited her classes and told them a bit of what pre-school education was ahl about, then they started- visiting our school, two or three at a time, to observe and interact. 0f course they have assiguments to complete, insuring that the exeine is beneficial., The fedakhas been very posi- tive. The littie are enjoying the visitors land delight in showing what they can'do, and talking to the girls - not to mention theextra attention! The students have corne to realize that kids are people too - only smaller! As an extension of this experiment in education, Mrs. Devenish and I arranged a field trip for the Nursery School to the Secondary School, last Wednesday. My personal thanks to ail the teachers involved in making it a success and especially to Mr. Bradley, principal for penmitting this trip. The children were escorted on a one-to-one basis through the more "interesting" areas of C.S.S. Mrs. Coverly's Theatre Arts, group performed a particularly intenesting nendi- DEVON, SLICED S id Br-otn LB. 9 ONTARIO GROWN Brussels Sprouts ONTARIO GROWN CANADA FANCY GRADE Red Deliclous Apples tion of Goldie Locks and the Three Beans. In the Home Ec. room they made cookies and playdough, and participated in crafts. They toured the office, the environmental science noom, library, gymnasium, the business departmnent, and did a locker inspection., This is one ins tance when I can say Hoonay for Progress! Rememeber when Home Ec. iuvolved learning how to make frozen orange juice? Thanks to Judy Daeg and Jackie Runza who donated their time to help us out. November 30 manked a day that we'd ail been, looking forward to for some time - The Puppet Show!1 The five area nursery schools converged on the Lions Centre to see "Stanley"~ an'd "King Abert"' make Dragon Stew. The finale was a juggling act by the puppeteer. From the rapt 77 kingý Street East, Bowmanville' Values Effective at> Bowmanville. Store Only PI E T ASSORTED COLORS ScottwelsCUT FR, G RAI 2RL79BI PKG. 79Ra Maxwell Ho useBLD Instant Coffee JAR5 .9 BCUT FROM C G RADE A B FOUR STARCrs1 Mushroom io-FL. _ rs Pieces &Stems Ras ISLAND QUEEN, BON ITA Chunk63/-0 TunaTI 100% PURE VEGETABLE OIL Monarch .B PAROI- Margarine PG Z.8 i.,49 OR SWEET MIXED Rose Brand Pickles q . E OR BEEF &~ KIDNEY Savarin. Pot Pies POZ: 34 I.G.A. ASSORTED FLAVORS Fruit Drinmks O. TN 34 FOUR STAR14L. 0 Choice TomatooS OZ. TINzM POWDERED Sunlight Detergent ORANGE PEKOE Red Rose Tea Bags IGA, ROYAL GOLD, MILD, MEDIUM, OLD COLORED OR OLD WHITE .Cheddar RAN DOM Cheose EGT Look for these cards! Take advantage of these many supplier reductions through- out the store. The expiry date appears on each card., 6L27 BOX 15 LBF 1099 L gy AILN ~ TI-nToJlu C OM CANADA CUT FROM CANADA ýDE ABEEF lae basts BONE REMOVED ANADA 3EEF Rib ts PG1319 MARY MILES , -B Wieners PKG. 10 CANADIAN QUEEN LINK OR FARM STYLE 4ff Pork Sausages LB . 09 Bologna LB .79 RISE 'N SHINE, FLAVORED POLY BAG OFnn NEILSON, ASSORTEO VARIETIES 9 DZ fin * 4 x 314 OZ.0 -z Orange C.rystals PKCS. 9 Count Crusp Bars BOX Rf AppIescluce E. D. SMITP Apple or Raisin Pie Filling 28FL' 1.79 OZJAR .8 IGA Fruit Cake 1LB. HOLLANDIA, SCOTTISH SHORTBREAD, FESTIVE SUGAR, PARTY TREAT, CHOCOLATE 19 FL. OlSUGAR SHORTBREADOR COCO, OZ. TIN u89 SHORTBREAD 7 T 07 /2jIl Festive Biscuits20Z. PKG S.Og BONI a- 51/2 Z . M Toma to Paste TINS. Vegetable Oul 2.49 0 NATURAL g ae 695mL 70i Perrier Spring Water BTL CARNATION, REGULAR OR WITH MARSHMALLOWS500Og à% fl9 Hot Chocoate JAR . Saran Wrap Oatmeal Cookies PKG. M&M, PEANUT OR PLAIN 7OZ 1. Chocoate Candies PKG-12 TWIN PACK 4 Pringles Potato Chp 1.49 Disposable Razors 0F 5 100-FT. ASSORTEDCOLORS ROLL BOX B9 J-Cloth Towels .69 .0 F0F 10 0 Country Roads -Nursery Sehioot Visits Courtice Secondary faces, I can safely assume he made a terrific impression on them. We ail had a good time. Thanks to the Lions Centre for hosting this event, and to Lorraine Buchan, Dianne McDonald, Judy Dagg and Lynda McRobbie for SIZE 176's DOZ. L 59 ONTARIO GROWN Rutabagas 3-LB. P ODUE Fu.S.A. B 1.29 Peanuts-in-the-Sheli LB. .1 LB. .89 In closing, we celebrated two birthdays this month - Wayne Cowell turned tbree on November 22, and Jeff Tonks was four on Novemben 29th. Congratulations guvs! - K. Tordiff, Supervisor Letter to the- Editor Dean Editon;, Empire Building Typical of bureaucnacy to have our Newcastle financial dep antment advocating additional staff to coven a leisure workload while our Newcastle plannens depant- ment predict Bowmanviîle is entering a minimal growth peniod over the next decade. It would seem that an office staff of1 seven (7) persons being efficient over the work- ing period would be ail that woufd be required to _operite the finance departmnent., Lt certainly is. pathetic management to bine addir' al help in anticipation f sickness'on holidays. Is thene no one in ii Durham Region who realiges we cannot affond more and mone taxation to cover the shont-coniings of the munici- pal administration? Jack Locke 375 mL Scope Mouthwash Roasting Pans EACH I.U GLAD, POLY .69 Kitchen Catchers F l 2 69 BIRDSEYE 1F FROZEN, CONCENTRIATED oz2FL 69 Awake Orange Drink TIN 6l GUSTO, FROZEN, 12-INCH SIZE f Ail Dressed Pizza G2 m39 KRAFT, PROCEss 50g Cheez Whiz JARg 1.89 PRICES EFFECTIVE WED., DEC. 5 TO SAT, DEC. 8,1979. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMITOUANTITIES. t a Matter of Lie and Boeath. Mu MADE IN CANADA Flame-Glo Firelogs EA 1.19 CAS STORE HOURSý Mon.-Tues.-Wed.Sat. 9-6 Thurs. & Fr1. 9-9 OPEN SUN DAY WE DELI VER TELEPHONE 623-4161 GRADE A BEEF Chuck Sho rtRib Roasts CUT'FROMCANADA GRADE A BEEF Cross,,Rib Steaks LB1M79 MARY MILES, SLICED, MAC & CHEESE, MOCK CHIrl<ENC OR RLcONA 16O Sandwich Meats 6Jjmu SHOPSY'S, SWEET PICKLED BRISKET 2 TO 3LB. AVG. Corned Beef LB.8 LBZ CUT FROM CANADA GRADE A BEEF LEAN, BON ELESS Stewing Beef LBI9 FRESH! Pork Hocks LB.49 FRESH! Pork L"iver LB.49* PRODUCE 0F U.S.A., Red Emperor Orapes PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. Florida, Tangerines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,GRAHA

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