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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1979, Section 2, p. 7

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Durham Urged To Rejecet Seaton Plans Durbam's regional council *as urged last week ta reject plans for a new comtunity in narth Pickering. opposition ta the proposed cormmunity of 70,000 ta 90,000 in habitants in tbe west end of the Durbami Regian camne tram seven Pickering resi- dents wbo spoke ta memnbers of regional counicil for about ,an our and one-haif last 'dnesday. O ne of tbe alternate plans for tbe 25,000 acres of land owned lby the Ontario Land Corporation in nartb Pickering was ta develop the territary info a farming corn- rnunity. Dr. Charles Godfrey, a representative of the People or Planes graup (POP), lainied that thbe 43,000 acres earmarked for the Pickering Airport and the new Seaton community consist maînly of lass one and twa farmland Describing, this land as a God-iven gift, Dr. Godfrey noted that this 12-mont =osi cannot be duplicated anwere else. The POP spokesman sug- g ested that if this area were turned into a farming com- munity, if would create 840 jobs. Rougbly 200 family farms could bç establîsbed in nortb Pickering, according ta the estimates fram POP. Referring ta the existing land use in the Seaton area, a second POP spokesman said ("We want to get rid, of this rural slum." Donald Given, a representa- tive of the Whitevale Residents' Association,' told regional counicil that the Province of'Ontaria ougbt ta prove that there is a need for the new cammunity of Seaton. IIWe feel the housing market is now properly served. There is an awful lot of housing on the market today." be said. Mr. Given represented 60 private homes in the White- vale community whicb is, located, in the heart of the proposed Seafon community. Another> resident wbo spoke Walter Frank Real Estate Provides Headquarters for SPLASH ICendal Women's Institute met an Tuesday evening, NoVemfber 20, at the borne of MrS. Martin Manders witb 13 ladies present. Mrs. Helen Hlendersan apened tbe meeting with the Institute Ode followed by tbe Mary Stewart Collect. The minutes of the October Meeting and financial repart were gvn and, appraved. A doaton ta Particip ation 'House was passed. Mrs. Manders is ta obtain poinsettias for the Institute gifts. The pragram was in charge of the Family 'and Consumer Affaîrs cammittee. Tbe roll caîl was answered by telling a favaurite way ta dress up food. The motta "Let's be artistîc in the Kitchen. " Mrs. Henderson called an Mrs. Gasson ta give ber report as a delegate ta tbe Area Convention held in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto and tbanked ber for a fine report. The Chiristmas meeting is ta be held at tbe home of Mrs. Diane Wybenga an December l8tb witb a pot luck dinner at 12 noon. The pragram will be in charge of Mrs. Dykemnan and Mrs. Holland. There is ta be an exchange of gifts not ta' exceed $3.00. The Menibers of the SPLASH committee are wearing sweet smiles of success here as their pool-squash court planning continues to fail into place. Though still on the fund raising trail, the committee is now' within sight of its financial target. SPLASH members and the manager of Walter Frank RealEstate look over the architect's drawings here for the proposed recreational complex. A headquarters office from which to conduct SPLASH fund raising operations was donated by Walter Frank Real Estate in their building at 234 King St. East SPLASH members from left, Carson Elliott, Barbara Schouten, AI Strike, and Walter Frank Real Estate manager, Joe Bosco. to Durham council objected ta not only the Seaton communi- ty but also the name wbich bas been suggested for this place. She said that the Ontario Land Corporation bas billed Lard Seaton as a bero wben it described its reason for nam- ing the new community after one of Upper Canada's lieutenant governors. But Brenda Davies told council that bis tory indicates Lord Seaton was responsible for someè of the harsh measures used to put down tbe rebellions in upper and lower Canada durîng the 1830s. Some of tbe rebels wbo lived in the Pickering area were either hung, dîsplaced from tfheir A Contemparary Christmas Wrap your Christmas presents in thepresent - that is, in the vivid colors and off beat patterns of today. -Yo- can create a fabulous- effect witb texture that shines and color that glows! The wrappings are actually very simple? - fia frilis and furbe- lows, just paper and yarn. The color and gloss- carry the imat, and it works in just aotany combination of shades - but most of ail - you yourself have created it! Materiais 1 rail of wbite glazed shelf paper (about 20" wide) poaster paints in 3 ta 6 assorted light land or exiled as a resuit of Lord Seaton's actions. "We don't get hanged in Pickering but we certainly get barn- strung," said Mrs. Davies. Regional councillor Alan Dewar said after last week's presentation by Pickering residents that they had given council members something to think about. "I trust that council has flot only heard but lis tened," he said. A-rts and dark colors; paper1 cups or muffin tins; watercolor brush. :Direction 1. To prepare paper, measure and cut a strip of sheif paper to designed length (a 24', strip is a comfortable size to work with). Fold paper lengthwise, crease lîghtly, and open, Pour poster paints into separate paper cups or into muffin-tin cups. Add a few drops of water to each to thin paint slightly then stir. 2. Start painting with the lightest colors. With your brush, spiatter a small amount of paint along crease. Fold paper on crease and smooth it with hand to create a symmetrical design. Open paper and let paint dry. 3. Rinse brush and repeat the process with another color, progressing to the darker colons tili desined effect is achieved. It is important to let paints dry thoroughly between applica- tions so you won't get a muddy effect. As you progress, you wilI see that varying the technique slight ly will produce different resuits. For example, long quick spatter strokes of paint will give you fine lines, and small droplets will make a lacy effect., Also, the amnount of hand pressure you apply when folding the paper will vary the design. Try, Pressing in one direction or making a circular motion with your hand. THE SIGN 0F A GOOD BUSINESS NEIGHBOR.. THE SIGN 0F A MERCHANT WHO CARES ABOUT PEOPLE . This emblem identifies the civic-minded businessmen who sponsor 34oK0î 2e5l n the cornmunity. For information calI Marq Bain Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 5, 1979 7 KENDAL NEWS Achievement Day for those taking the course/on Indoor Gardening is Decemnber Il at' Maple Grove. A social haîf bour was enjoyed over lunch provided by Mrs. Ransberry and Mrs. Cathcart. 1At tbe card party Friday evening in Kendal Orange Hall, eleven tables were in play. The prizes went ta the following - Hîgh lady - Mrs. Dot Mercer, low lady - Mrs. Jili Hancock. High man Roger Downes, low man Arthur Clark. The 50-50 draw was won by Mrs. PearlJ Clark. There will be another card party in two weeks. The P.T.A.G. fromi Kendal - Kirby Scbool sponsored a Crafts, Hobbies and Bake Sale Saturday in Kirby Scbool. This proved' a successful adventure. Sunday was the 1sf Sunday of Advent. Rev. A Tizzard entitled bis sermon "Hello Mary' taken from Luke 1: 26- 38. Pamela Frank conducted a short service on the first Advent assîsted by Patricia Frank and David Frank who lit the first candle. Members of the Sunday 'School were preparmng for the Christmas Program next Sunday morning, with lunch ta follow in the church hall. Next Sunday evening the Pastoral Charge. Hymn Sing and Enrichment Service will be held in Kendal Cburch, The guest speaker is Rev. R. Hopkins. The Couples Club Christmas dinner was held Sunday evening in Kendal Cburch Hall witb a record attendance of, over sixty sitting down ta well laden tables of turkey and al the trimmings, followed by a Christmas sing sang. Then Rev. Tizzard sbawed bis picture an their trip ta, Great Britain and Ireland and places of interest in England, Wales and Ireland. He bas more pictures yet flot developed on Scotland and other points that we look forward ta seeing at a later date. Lawrence Harris moved a vote of thanks ta Mr. Tizzard and then conducted a business meeting. The minutes of the October meeting were read by tbe secretary Mrs. Annie Fisher. Tbis being the end of a two year term for 'fbe president and secretary, tbey endeavered ta elect replacements. No one agreed ta take tbe positions. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Little and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Westlake agreed ta be responsible for tbe January meeting. Rev. Tizzard moved a vote of tbanks ta tbe ouf gaing afficers for a job well done in the past two years. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Elliott and family of Map le Leaf had dinner on Thursday with, bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliot. Mrs. E. Faster returned home an Friday after spending a couple of weeks witb Mr, and Mrs. John Fonk, Waodsfack. SPECIAL ALL TV SERVICE CALLS WITH 0 THIS5AD $5 FALC ON TV 426 Simncoe St. S. Oshawa Telephone 723-0011 Guaran tee on ail parts and service mi I Osborne ,&Shank. Insu rance Agency 108 Liberty St. North Bowmanville Tel. 623-2529 Clare Shank Gayle Windsor One agency looing ai fer ail your insurance needs. KUT'N KURL. BEAUTY S HOP For a Il your Hair needs SKI N & BEAUTY PRODUCTS OPEN 6DAYS A WEEK, THURS. & rFR1 EVENINGS igSt. E. 623-5019 * j DODO & SOUTER COIRCENTRE LIT. SPECIAL Coronet "%SOLITUDE"5 Reg. $23.95 sq. yd. SA LE ($13.95) sq. yd. 136 King St. E. 623-5581 COUNTY CHRYSLER DODGE ITD. Sales & Service Durham Couintys No. 1 1Dodge Dealer inquire about CoUty's ail Make Leasing Plan 623-2586 Toronto-Ajax Line 683-2751, Hwy. 2 - 2 miles west at Bowmanville ONE STOP FABRIOS FABRICS -VELOURS PATTERNS - RIBBON SEWINQ NOTIONS for ail your sewing needs. Watch for our Valued Specials 188 Church St. 623-4831 Subway Pizza is for Pizza Lovers Choce of 12 INGREDIENTS 3 SIZES Assorted SubfrtrirTes Sili the Bî ggest Stili the Best TAKE OUT &DE LIVERY' 242 King E. 623-6434 LET'S B EI ACQUAINTED T &C H.B. Electronios Small Engine Stereo and T.V. *tB~'u ]11p0 Repair Service Sales -Service SnowbowersSee the SANYO Specializing FRin:oblwesPLUS SERIES FISH & CHIPS by Gilson OPTONIGA: SHARP SOUTERN RIE Seeourdispay.QUASAR SOUHCEN S.ordipaService ta Ail Makes Poulan 16Wvre d 136 King E. Ph. 623-1781 Chain Saws 8795623-1100 Rd R.R. 1 Hampton 6310 IDENTIFY THESE -MERCHANTS ANO YHOBET/XTO ADAM AND EVE UNISEX Specializing in Modem Hairstyling Techniques Men & Women 21 Temperance St. Bawmanville, 623-4191 No Appointment Necessary No rmans' Entertainmnent Centre *Records e LP's *45's *@Country e Cassettes 8 8Tracks a.Posters *Recording Tapes Bowmanvilie-Mal Open until 9:00, Saf. 6:00 623-4535 Ohargex miaster charge Television Service Co. Authorized Dealer Phiips @ Magnavox *PhNilCo YE AR END CLEARANCE SALE Expert T.V. Repairs 185 Chu rch Sf. 623-3883 LIBE RTY BOWL Open Bowling Sat. 3 p.m. - 12 Midnighf' OPEN FRIDAY 12 noon to07 p.m. for OPEN BOWLING 30 Base Uine Rd. E. Bowmanvlile 623-5663 LIBERTY BOWL WIN CASH WEEKLY RU LES: Simply Unscrambie the name of the business under each caricature and match themn with their cor- responding ads. Cut out the pictures and their matching ads and mail ta: LET's GET ACQUAINTED EDITOR c/o Cana- dian Statesman, Bowmanviile, Ont., P.O. Box 190, aiong with your Name, Address and Phone Numfber. First cor- rect answer drawn each week will de- termine the winner and they wiil be not- ified. You may enter as often as you like. lnsulated Greb Kodilaks Plain Toe Steel Toe $50.95 $52.95 Steel 70e and Sole $54.95 Available in sizes 4-13 &îâ&îi Open Thurs. & Fr1. f11l9 p.m. Chargex & master charge 42 King St. E. 623-3211, CARTER'S BAKERY SpeCiaIizing in Home Baked Bread, BUnS, Pastries, Cakes, Meat and Chieken Pies DaIIy Specials A Famiiy Business aver 43 years. 21 King St.E 623-58511: I I I EEGSOGR ist for Christmas G if t Ideas BOWMANVILLE AUDIO VISION LTD. "RADIO S HACK" Authorized Sales Centre 20 King Sf. W. 623-2312 I I ELLIOTT'S DECORATING CENTRE E iden Smooth, washabie finish ln 1200 colours Reg, 16,99 Now 10.99 gal. BowmavilleMal 623-9121 SANDI'S FASHIONS for the latest fashions Sizes 5-20 eDresses a Sports Wear e Lingerie Accessories, 20% OFF new arrivaIs winter coa ts wool suifs and velours. Bowmanvllle Mal 623-4466 TRI li4lHO M PRICES TO SUIT EVERY BUDGET "We're The Best" ln Sight 30 King West Bowmanville 623-4477 The STYLE SHOPPE Free HairAnalys with every perm. 4REDI<ENC Hair & 5kin Care Produots 623-5455 14 Silver St. THE TOYBOX Large Selection of TOYS by Leading Manufacturera Children's Books Games and Records For Ail Ages 43 King St. W. 623-6266 GINI'S HAIR FASHIONS Special Feature for the Holiday Season BODY PERMS $25.00 103 KIng St. E. 623-7312 James Insurance Age ncy Mt. For Ail Your Insurance Needs 24 King St. E. Bowmanvllle, Ont. 623-4406 HARVEY SMITH RADIO &TV REPAIR Authorized "Zenith" Sales and Service Centre "A Name Vou Can Trust" 56 Duke St. Bowmanvllle 623-2015 BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS <1973) LTrD. Dry Cleani ng - Rentais Shirt Laundry, Pick-up and Deîivery 84 King St. West 623-5520 TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL,' C.G.A.. Incarne Tax and Related Accounting Services 118 King St. E., Suite 2 Bowmanville, Ontario LI C 1 N4 Lincoin Carpets Limited You buythe carpet.. we l ins tali them for you. Specîalîzîng in Expert Wall-to-Wall InstallatOns Vinyl - Cushion Floors S ta lys Upholstery Binding and Vinyl Repairs W. do everything f0 please youl - 10 YEARS EXPERIENCE - installation chargé:, Vlny-tushlon f Iooring........1200 àq. yd. Carpets................. ... $1.50 sq. yd. Free estimates within 50 miles SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 840 Dundas Street Easti Whltby Telephone 668-0799 A Or buyaVolkswcugeni... When It cornes ta fuel economy, Volkswagens are always cimong the leaders. But now we're ahead of the enir, fild. In first place is the Rabbit Diesel 5-speed (rated at 5.1 L/1 00 km*). And right behind if, the Rabbit Diesel 4-speed (rated at 5.A L/1 00 km*). Estimoates bosed on laborotory tests usng opproved Transport Canada test methods. Your fuel consumption wil1 vary'.-owever these estirmates provde a guide for comporisons. * ,0ý XeOwasco A Volkswagen Audi Ltd. m m 1425 Dundas St. E. Whitby WH ITBY 668-9383 TORONTO 361-1128 -L commamm 1

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