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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1979, Section 2, p. 12

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12 The Canadian Statesman, Bawmanvihle, December 5, 1979 Section Two0 Orono Horticultural Society Holds Entertaining ChrtmsSo Winners of the photographie show were David and Lynn Harrison at left with Ann Evans who was in charge of this projeet. Mrs. M innie Zegers was the winner of this collection of nuts native to this area display. On Thursday night at Orono United Çhurch, there was a large crowd present for Orono Horticultural Society's Christmas show and awards night. 0f special interest was this Christmas tree decorated with donated mittens that will be delivered later to the Salvation Army for distribution to those who need them. At left is Secretary Mrs. Lorna Atkins, with President Mrs. 1. Challice at right. Quote - "Happiness is a per- fume you cannat pour an others withaut getting a few draps on yaurself." Our best wishes to Mrs. Katie Lowery, Kirby, wha reenlycelebrated ber Bth Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bailey and family, Mrs. Dorothy Bailey and Mrs . Eileen Billings spent Sunday with the Carl Kimmett family, Lindsay.1 Several framn area spent ast weekend in Montreal atthe Grey Cup game, goad times reported, but, many head- aches! Sympathy of the area is sent ta the families of the late Roy Cochrane, Pantypoal. Mr. and Mrs, Gardon Atkins spent the past weekend in Ottawa. Many from Orona attended the Kirlby Craf t and Hobby Show an Saturday. Many interesting booths and goodies were on sale, and this writer found theKirby ladies caok- book ta be an exceptional bargain! Recipes from ahl the ladies in the area, fram Pickles ta, pie crust, plus laads Of tasty casserole dishes. Buy one and save money on your faod budgets. Gaod gift item! Horticultural Meeting A gaod attendance at the Annual Christmas Show and partlastThursday evening. ladysBown entertained the audience with ber usual musical talent an the piano, before the meeting. The presi- dent welcomed the crowdu, and especially the visitars from Bowm-ranvJille and Newcastle. Tbe lights were then dimmed and the origin of the Christ- mas candle was then read. The secretary read the past minutes and several motions were passed and announce- ments af future interest. Mrs. Doreen Lowery then introduced aur musical guests of the evening, namely - Kevin Lowery (lead) soprano and alto sax, Steven Haynes, alta sax, Andre Lambier, tenor sax, Will Scoffield, baritone sax. This musical quartette thrilled the audience with their excellent renditions, and are ta be congratulated on the high calibre of music selected. This goad loaking graup of young men are a fine example of aspiring artists of the future!, Many rounds of applause from tbe audience attested ta their popularity. Ann Evans, in charge of the photography contest announc- ed the wmnners and Mr. Rick Gould, 'Bowmanville then shawed the winning slides. ,Mr. Gould brought his excellent presentatiati, "Peaple,, Places, Faces and Tings, and this was much eoyed y alî present. Our new "Mitten Tree", praved very papular and 30 pairs of brightlu hand-knit mittens and the flashing Christmas lights, added ta the evening's enjayment. These mittens are ta be donated ta the Salvatian Army. Mrs Dini Schaenmaker was the capable judge for tbe arrangements, and gave her CONSERVE ENERG Y-CUT HEA TING COS TS FREEIINSULATION Under the Government C.H.I.P.» Program SAVE Up TO $500 Hurry! Take advantage of this Government offerwhile it Iasts! Homes buit prior ta 1961 are elgible for a home insulation grant up ta $50000. 1/30F LABOUR COST paid by the govern ment 100% 0F MATERIAL COST UP TO $350.00 pald by the governiment Government grant portion Is due to WHYTE'S INSULATION only when you recelve your rebat. choque. Our representatIves wilI prepare ail necessary paperwork for you. We use onlyC.M.H.C. approved insulation Cali us toda y for details or drap in ta aur location. TELEPHONE 576-5606 Some homes can be done for as 10w as $20.001 N WH ITE%' I I FOR THE BEST IN *WITES i zt z Ir No. L 2 INSULATION Speciali.sts in blawn insulation ELWIN WHITE COU RTICE comments. Our show chair- man and press reporter are bath retiring this year and we will miss them greatly . Mrs. Nellie Baird and comn- mittees served a delicious lunch ta the crowd.. Mrs. Mary J. Marris was the recipient of the prize for the oldest senior citizen (89 yrs. yaung) and she certainly has the youngest autlaok! Mrs Jean Dykstra (former- lv Bowmanville) and naw Grand Bend, Ontario receiveci the prize for coming the farthest distance. -Saturday evening dinner guests of the Albert Munnekes, R.R. 1, Orano, included the Lamne Thomp- sons, the Jahn Hancocks, the Bob Williams and the Bil Hannahs. Those attending the annual horticulture pot luck dinner in Newcastle last Tuesday even- ing included, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wood and Ralph, Mrs. Gladys Moffat, Mrs. Bertha Touchburn, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Baird, Mrs. Ann Evans, Mrs. Dorothy Branch and Mr. and Mrs. 0. Challice. A deliciaus dinner and demonstration on care of house plants and the making of a dish garden, p lus their show, and slides of Mr. and Mrs. Pallan. Mrs. Jean Dykstra, Grand Bend, Ontario has been a vîsitor at the Frank Zegers residence this past week. Congratulations ta the new proprietars of the Flower Shap in town, Dick and Tina Vanderstoop, Newcastle. Many gorgeaus Christmas plants and the poinsettias are sa very attractive! Came in and brawse. A full bus laad of Orano, Kendal, Kirby folks set last Tuesday in Peterbaorough, daing their Christmas shopping. The Heather Social Club annual Christmas bazaar drew a large crowd as always, and the various boaths were all busy. The bake table as usual was sold out early in the afternoon. The prize wiriners for the draw were: the quilt - Patty Mercer, hamper of graceries - Patty, Mercer, hamper of apples - Michelle Rutherford, littie daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. Dave Ruther- fard, winnier of the decorated cake - Mrs. Cubbage, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Evans attended the 6th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Williams, Nestieton, on Sunday. Several from area attended the Peterborough Santa Claus parade on Sunday, and repart the floats were excellent, particularly1 the Bell Telephone, the Cathcart Transport Lines, and the Parks anc1 Recreation Depart- ments. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Joy Terrili, the former Miss Linda DeJonge, who were married Friday evening, in Orono United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy Gray and Mrs. Frances Suttan attended the 6th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Williams, Nestieton. The Christmas party and noon pot luck luncheon wîll be held Thursday, December 13, of the Orono United Church Women, special Christmas program. Sunday dinner guests of the Fred Dayes, Nestietan, included the Kennedy, Grays, and Mrs. Frances Sutton from Orono. The winners from the Kirby Craft and Hobby Show were Donna Lowery, winner of the $25.00 gift certificate donated by Chantelle Fashians; Brock, Van Schaik, the ginger bread bouse, donated and decorated by Mrs. Shirley Hanes. A very successful day reported and manies will be used for special fund raising events in future for the Kirby P.T.A. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor, Scarborough were recent Wednesday visitors of the Charles Taylars, and attended the funeral of the late Roy Cochrane. Kueepiing Pace withu Conveyor Wingfoot Clan There are few trucks in sight at the Syncrude ail sands praject in northemn Alberta, where production recently reached 100,000 barrels a day. Trucks are few because the mountains of tar sand that must be mfoved ta the extrac- tion facilities are moved by canveyar belting, Goodyear steel-cable conveyor belting, ta be exact. The Bowrnanville plant bas produced nearly 50 kilometres of belting for the project aven the past three years. The abrasiveness of the sand, the effect of the ail on the betîng and the extremes af cahd and heat, from 35 degrees C in summer ta -40 degrees C in winter, all take their taîl, making repairs and replace- ments necessary. Repairing and splicing steel-cable canveyar belting is a specialized field and none are mare qualified ta do it than the men involved in production of the belting. Doug Hatherhy, foreman of the conveyar belt department at the Bowmanville plant, bas led repair and splicing crews ta the Syncrude site'on many occasions since tbe first Belting Goodyear belt was installed, and all the crew members have been fram his depart- ment., Working with Hatherly are Jim Martin, who has 35 years of service; Bill Bruce, who marks 25 years with Goodyear this year; Bill Lusb, a 17-year employee; George Bawering, wha has twa years af service, and Lyle Finch, with four montbs. For Finch it was the first trip ta the tar sands site. "lIt certainly is different fromn working in the plant," he commented. "And the scenery is not much like what I'rn used ta around Bowmanville" For the veterans, summer is the best time. "Af ter you beat the masquitos," Martin said, "4you've got it made. In winter, it draps ta 40 below here and that's not what yau'd cali comfortable." But comfortable or flot, the Goodyear crews can be relied upon ta do the job, according ta Hatherly. "It's bard work and we are unider pressure a lot of the time because the conveyar belting carnies the tar sand ta the extractars. If there's a beit aut' of service it casts aur customer money. " Somne of the entertainment was provided by this saxophone quartet, from lef t to right, Steven Haynes, Kevin Lowery, Will Scoffield and Andre Lambier. N-EW SERVICES Oshawa-Bowmianivlle @ Hourly service e Fifteen trips daily in each-direction Monday through Saturday e Extra late-evening Friday departures Wh itby-Oshawa e Many trips to choose from along Hwy. 2 for local travel within Whitby and between, Oshawa and Whitby. Connections wth all points in GO Train and GO Bus sytems For full information cali 579-4224 Hon. William Davis, Premier Hon. James Snow, Minister A.T.C. McNab,Chairman Wind-up the seasonwvith agreat It's "Do lt Yourself " buffet month at Kentucky Frrc'd Chicken. And theres just no better way ta wrnd up sports and communrty group activiires ihan wrrh .a par ty Cail your nearby Kentucky Fr ied Chicken Store manager 2 honi s aheci Then pic k t up. bs a real feast, with 3 pleces of chicken and generous helprngs of salads for everyonie. Plus everythingyou need for serving up a g reat banquet fol- 15 people, or more. Z'0% à% Akrt Cali your local manager for détails. Colonel Sai iet Ckickeno Colonel Sanders' boys and girs make tl tfnge lckin'good. Good chichlef w1 ........... ...........

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