18 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 5, 1979' Section Two Celebrates His Firat Birthday I "Howdy Folks". Thiis littie buckaroo is Bradley Adam Terry. On November 26, my Mommy and Daddy, Sandra and Dale Terry of Bowmhanville, rounded.me up to celebrate my first birthday. Best Wishes came my way from my grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mason -of Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. W. Terry of Bowmanville. My great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. N. Lodge of Oshawa, Mrs. H. Ellis of Cobourg, Mrs. I. Terry of Bowmanville. Dear Mr. Wise: I arn interested in home- steading somewhere in north- ern Canada. IA the Canadian gorernment stili seeking peo- pie, to homecstcad1i outlying areas?1 MD., ClarAlto. Dear M.D.: -Homesteading now is prac- tically nôn-existent in Canada. The federal goverument has jurisdiction over land only in the Yukon and Nôrthwest Territories. The disposition of land for agri- cultural purposes in those two areas was suspended in 1975 pending further study of agricultural potential in the North. In each of the ten prov- inces, Crown land is, ad- mînisteredby the provincial governments. There may be some pockets of land in the northern parts of some western provinces that are suitable for agriculture, but they are usuaily available only to farmers of the area who wish to expand. A suggest that you contact the provincial agencies res- ponsible for Crown land if you wish further information. Deùr Sir: I read in a recent article that many chiekens are in- fected with salmonella. If this is truc, I may have to strike -chicken frorn my shop- ping lis t. R.D., Vancouver, BC Dear R.D.: Don't, act too hastiiy. Salmonella bacteria are found everywhere in our environ- ment,, particulariy where warm-blooded animais are present, whether they be dogs, cats, cattie, chickens or humans. Scientists agree that the elim ination of ail these bac- teria from our food system is an impossibiiity, but we are doing al we can to minimize their presence. As a consumer of poultry you have nothing to fear as long as you follow good food-handling ,techniques. A few simple precautions are to wash all countertops, tables and utensils used in handling raw meat, refrigerate meats at 6-'C and cook al meats to an internaI tem- perature of at least 700C. Dear Min ister: I wouid like information on earthworm farming and the possibilities this Une of business has in Canada. An interested businessman, Tiisonburg, Ont. Dear Sir: Worm farming can be a risky business in Canada. Before you venture into a situation you may have trou- ble wriggiing out of, there are severai factors you shouid keep in mind. The only worms. soid commercially in eastern Canada are dew worms. Dew worms cannot be grown and raised economicaily on a commercial basis in Canada because of the high costs of heating. Instead,. they are picked, at night on golf courses and other sodded areas and then stored in containers. There are no worm mar- keting agencies in Canada and it is up to each producer to find his own markets. *HOMES BUILT PRIOR TO *l1961 ARE NOW ELIGIBLE FOR AtW *HOME INSULATION GRANT UPTO$500.OO. I aAfID DSTGPID BY m* 1/3 OFF LABOURI1 S oVERN MENT 1 100% MATERIALCOST UP TO $350-00 à PAID BY GOVERNMENT Goveriment grant portion'is due ta PEELI FENCE on/y when your receive your rebateI *che que. Our representatives w/Il pre pare ail *necessary paper work for you. *WE USE ONLY C.M.H.C. APPROVED CELLULOSE *INSULA TION. CALL US TODAY FOR DTIS -ONE WEEK INSTALLATION -I *PEELFENCE (PICKERING) LIMITED 'l "Insla Ul Dvision)u il 1976 Notion Rd., Pickering 883-2691I Moe l" AtcIsltin-Ro en ntlaio i okIurned