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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Dec 1979, p. 6

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6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 5, 1979 ~iyt NtIura0 de i ub t ptub tut Telephone 987-4201 Editors: Hazel and Jack C His many friends will be pleased to know that Mr. Bert DeBruin, who suffered severe burns early this summer, at àis Newcastle Block plant, is progressing favorably at Scarborougb General Hospital. Mr. Kenneth Stepbe.nson, Secretary-Treasurer of Lindsay District Trappers' Counci?' reported last week that local trappers had their first sbiping' day of the season, th e 1l'ast Saturday of November. In this sbipment were assorted furs, about nine bundred muskrat, three hundred racoon, eighty-two beaver, sixty mink, etc., the estimated value of which may be twenty-three thousand dollars. Mr. -and Mrs. Talbot Alldread- attended the Warden's Banquet in Cobourg on Wednesday, November 28. At this social evening, Talbot was presented witb bis 35-year ring. We extend our congratu- lations! On Wednesday,, November 28, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cuffe had a surprise visit from their third son, Eric MeCrone, Vancouver, Britisb Columbia. on ,Tbursday, November 29tb, ail the village Wintario outlets were sold out of tickets. One big winner was our crosswalk attendant. From is book of five tickets, he had four windfall tickets - a choice for twenty prizes next week. Lots of luck! Mr. Willie Woo and bis fiancee, Miss Katby Spencer, enjoyed Tuesday evening ýat the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, where tbey took in both performances of the Sisters Sledge in the Imperial Room. Beside the restaurant on King St.' ýE. in the village, a new store, The Odd Shoppe, bas been opened with Laurel Hansen, proprietress. A real assortment of goods is there, including cermaies, bandbags - even dolîs' lothes.1 Mr.'iHoward Alun, Mr. Jay Yott and Mr. George Huber are patients in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred were. Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Alldred, Oshawa. Mrs. May Burley and Mr. _Artbur Clark spent the week- end recently at Carrying Place. Wile there, they visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Tfomlinson. On Tuesday Bessie Stephen- son, Arthur Clark and May Burley, enjoyed a bus trip to Peterboroughb. Mr. Harold Powell and Mr. Art Van Dolder, Toronto,,were, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell. Mrs. Marguerite Cooper, Oshawa, was a Wednesday visitor witb ber sister Mrs. Kathleen Kimbaîl. Mr: and Mrs. Jack Kimbaîl, Port Granby, and Mrs. Kathleen Kimbaîl were Satur- day evening visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Graham. On Tbursday, Mrs. Louise Jose, Mrs. May Burley, Mrs. Bessie *Stephenson and Mrs. Madeleine Buckley attended the Christmas meeting of the Orono Horticultural Society. According to Mrs. Judy Hope, the Old Timers Hockey Tournament on the weekend went very well, with proceeds going to the Arena Fund. Miss Melissa Hendry spent a few days witb ber grand- p arents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hendry, who took ber borne to Cam~bridge on Saturday. 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Mclntosb, Stirling, Mrs. Larry Woods, Brian and Debbie, Niagara Falls, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hagerman. Mr. Ivor Brawley wbo suffered a speli at the Horti- cultural Meeting on Tuesday nigbt and was taken to Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, was pleased to return home on Friday. Miss Dorrene Powell and Mrs. Barbara Ann Porter, Asbburn, attended the Cana- dian Craf t Show at the Queen Elizabeth Building, Toronto, on Sunday. Miss Lorraine Scott, was a weekend visitor with ber grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, while parents Rob, and Sophia moved frorn Little Britain to Osbawa. Mrs. Bea Jones, Newton- ville, Mrs. Helen Nesbitt and Mrs. Madeline Buekley attended the Retired Teachers' Luncheon a t Simcoe St. United cburch last Wednesday noon. Her many friends will be sorry to learn that Miss Doris Spencer is a patient in 'Oshawa General Hospital With a broken leg. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Tom Spencer accornpanied Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Spencer of Bowman- ville to Toronto to a bouse-, warming party in bonor of Mr. George Gray. His parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Alfred Gray also at tended this bappy event . 1Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Coulter, Kevin and Keitb, Campbell- ville were Sunday visitors with bis aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago. RCMP Corporal James Scott and RCMP Constable Vernon Fraser, Sydney Nova Scotia, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood, Newtonville, were Sunday evening visitors with bis mother, Mrs. Gladys Wood. 1Mrs. Gladys Wood attended the cbristening of Ian Hallo- wel Scott at Shilob on Sunday, and was guest of grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell for lunch after the Baptismal Service. Mrs. Rachel Dennis, Mrs., May Burley, Mr. Arthur Clark andMr. Bill Morley attend the card party in Leskard on Saturday nigbt. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Coucb and Wendy and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coucb visited on Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. Art .ra go. 'Bourgeois and family, Belle- ville. Miss Mary Margaret Bonathan returned Saturday from a three week holiday in Lakeland, Florida. Birtbday greetings to, Helen Harris, Douglas Rowe, Lena Graham, Alex Hendry, Rev. T. Smith and Scott Rekker. Mr. Calvin Murray, Oshawa, was a Sunday visitor with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Murray., Sympathy is extended to, ,Mr. and Mrs. William Allin and family on the death of her aunt, Mrs. Ulricb. 1The Home Econornics Branch of the Department of Agriculture and Food is spon- soring a final summary day of Indoor Gardening at the Orono Arena on Tuesday, December il from 1:30 to 3:30 p.rn. Presidet Margery Freethy of the Newcastle Horticultural Society assures us it will be an interesting afternoon. .Mr. and Mrs. Alec Martin and Gregory, spent the week- end in the Ottawa area, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Martin, Shelley and Leanne at Manotick and Lloyd and Enid Reaurne, Ottawa, where Mr. and Mrs. Alec McNeil were also guests.. Mrs. Pat Bernard, Flesher- ton, spent last Wednesday wîth bier mother, Mrs. Nellie Spencer. Mr. -and Mrs. William Lake Sr., visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner, Bowmanville. Horticultural Society Meeting On Tuesday evening, November 27th, at the New- castle United Church Sunday School Hall, many members of the Newcastle Horticultural Society, augrnented by Bowmanville and Orono guests, attended the pot luck dinner and meeting. The tables were artistically decorated and the food was plentifuil. Minnie Zegers was judge for this Christmas show. President Margery Freetby introduced Mr. AI Foss, Pickering, who is Director for District 17 and Assistant Director Mrs. Challice, Orono. Mr. George Buckley was presented witb a plaque bonoring hlm for ten years of faitbful service in the Horti- cultural Society. Many attendants were lucky door prize winners. Mrs. Freethy demonstrated the,. plantîng of a disb garden, usin *ingredients and flowers obtained frorn Vanderstoop's Lawn Gardens. The President also gave tips on the care of gif t plants, poinsettia, Jerusalem. Cherry, Gloxinnia, Crysantbemum, Christmas cactus, azalea etc. The winning show slides were sbown by Mr. Len Palmn prior to bis presentation of slides hie took last summer while visiting England, Wales, and the Isle of Man during its Millenium. These were beauti- ful pictures and were mucb enjoyed. , Prizes for winning entries were presented to the follow- ing: In Class A2 a Christmas corsage - lst Margery Freethy, 2nd Narda Hoog- kamp, 3rd Carol RoWlpy, 4th Wendy Freetby. Small table centre- lst Narda Hoogkamp, 2nd Jean Rickard, 3rd Carol Rowley. An arrangement that copies a Christmas card - lst Diane Holmes, 2nd Carol Rowley, 3rd Wendy Freethy. Wînter Wonderland, an ail- -white arrangement - lst Narda Hoogkamp, 2nd Major Appilance SERVICE to aIl makes and models Paiddy's R.R. 1, Hampt Market ton7 Telephone 263-2241' raunton Road Margery Freethy, -3 rd Jean Goo de. Homemade Christmas tree decorations - ist Wendy Freethy. A wall hanging '- lst Wade Rowley, 2nd Jean Goode, 3rd Jean Riekard. Welcome - lst Narda Hoogkamp, 2nd Jean Goode, 3rd Margery Freethy, 4th Jean Rickard. The poem contest, Winter, was won by Queenie Fletcher with 2nd Dorotby Trenwith and 3rd Becky Crockett. Photographie Competition Section A Slides 'only. Climb Away lst Madeleine Buckley, 2nd Wendy Freethy, 3rd Len Palmn. Llac Time - lst Madeleine Buckley, 2nd Sylvia Vander- male, 3rd Margery Freethy. Our bus tri p - lst Madeleine Buckley, 2nd Dorothy Tren- witb. A single bloom of a rose - lst Mr. Len Palmn, 2nd Margery Freethy, 3rd Wendy Freetby. Spring Blossomns - lst Len Palmn, 2nd Wendy Freethy, rd Sylvia Vandermale. Canadian Scene - lst Sylvia Vandermale, 2nd Dorothy Trenwith, -3rd Madeleine- Buckley. Section B- colored prints only. Along Nature's Trail - lst Mairgery Freethy, 2nd Wendy Freethy, 3rd Madeleine Buck- ley. Caught, Unaware - lst Margery Freethy, 2nd Wade Rowley. Horticultural Public Plant- ing - lst Madeleine Buckley, 2nd Margery Freethy. Junior Show A Christmas Plaque - lst Lori Rowe, 2nd Diana Stephenson. A Christmas Vase - lst Diana Stephenson, 2nd Lori Rowe, 3rd Becky Crockett, 4th Jenny Hopkins. A Christmas Serviette Holder - lst Johnna Chard, 2nd Jenny Hopkins, 3rd Diana Stephenson, 4th Lori Rowe. Junior Photographs Nature's Beauty - lst Becky Crockett, 2nd Suzanne Vandermale. New Fallen Snow - lst Suzanne Vandermale, Best Friend - lst Wade Rowley, 2nd Kathryn Vander- male, 3rd Robert Hoogkamp. To Captain Bertha Gibson and ber 'Girl Guides who assisted in clearing the tables and dish-washing, President Margery Freethy extended a vote of thanks. Anglican Church News At the Wednesday evening Communion in St. George's Anglican Church, there was a film strip shown on the churcb's work in Moosonee and Latin America. It reveal- edý the emphasis _placed on training people for ministry among their own people. The church school of St. George's had' a Christmas party on December lst, Mrs. Kathryn Cureatz,, Mrs.- Eleanor Wood, Mrs. Catherine Moulton, Misses Joy Yates, Sharon De Jong and Irene Brereton have over 40 pupils. Several mothers assisted them and Santa Claus made an appearance ougt of scbedtule. The first Sunday in Advent was marked at St. George's by the lighting of the- Advent Candle.The sermon dealt with the paradox that Jesus is present in our lives today and yet we look for His coming again in the fullness of Glory. United Church News On Sunday, December 2nd at Newcastle United Church, Lisa Vickers lit the first Advent Candie which was green, sîgnifying God's crea- tion which neyer ceases. The choir rendered a beautiful anthem. Rev. David Spivey's sermon, learn from the trees, like God's creation, grow patiently, generating and re- generating. Flowers in the church were' in memory of Mrs. Ulrich. The prayer for the week is: Move into the events of my Christmas, Lord, as King. Save me from trivialisîng the great event of your grace. Speak to me again the message of peace and'good- ,will to all people. Amen. After church, pot luck' luncheon was enjoyed befôre the Advent Workshop when f eple worked on deçorations oer their bornes for Christmas. Next Sunday is White Gif t Sunday when gifts wrapped in white -groceries, clothing or toys will be most appreciated. In the evening on December 9th at 7 p.m. the Sunday School concert will be beld. Hi-C members met on Sunday evening, practising their play for the concert making plans for treating the parents to dinnercon Sunday evening, December 16. Newcastle Bowling Vouth 125 Over P. Foster 148, E. Empey 126, D. Miller 176, T. Bender 160, T. Abbot 128 - 129, J. Blam 139, R. Hoogkamp 200 - 140, W. Couch 129 - 220, J. Wind 174, John Wind 175 - 184, G. Martin 160- 235, K. O'Boyle 174 - 141, L. Wind 149, P. Hole 142 - 158, B. Crockett 140 - 141, R. Wanna- maker 165, S. Reicheld 143,' A. Stene 141 - 142, S. Stene 157. K. Martin 167 - 172, T. Sluymers 166. Ladies D. Neal 216 - 229, H. Couroux 257 - 221, D. Mercer 205 - 226 - 238, N. Prescott 224, A. Stephenson 203, A. Langstaff 221, K. Mercer 212 - 216, D., Langstaff 218, E. Perrin 202 - 211, M. Burley 207, J. Holmes 221 - 204, G. Henry 209, S. Meadows 209, B. Major 200,- 207, M. Major 204 - 218. Men T. Embey 230 - 246, R. Loseby 205 - 238, J. Grahamn 237, H. Fox 203, J. Forrester 210, K.' Cowling 221, G. Cowling 226 - 219, W. Flintoff 231 - 215 - 201, L. Wright 222, G. Murphy 255, G. Watson 206, R. Clapdorp 200 - 222, J. Clapdorp 213, E. Taylor 216 - 229, W. Forget 215. Thursday Mixed J. Forget, 233 - 221,B. Glanvile 248 - 238, K. Southern 200, F. Lewis 203, W. Forget 232. Fridav Mixed G. Henry 216, M. Wright 224, R. Couch 209, W. Couch 206, E.- Cbapmnan 201 - 216, V. Grey 205, B. Kentner 271 - 293, B, Welsh 211, T. Cowles 200, ý Webb 207, K. M. Munro 213'ý 267, R.' Couch 221, T. Couch 322, J. Turnball 216 - 210, M. Skinner 211, A. Pearce 220, B.. Pearce 215, J. Holmies 215,,L. Pearce 212 - 203, R. Pearce 20-2 - 219. M. White 209. Tax Deductible Donations Gratefully Received at thý- .A Banks Toronto Dominion Bank canadian Imperial Bank of Cort.,erce (Ali local branchies) Why wecal ulaill Demonstration Friday, Decem ber 7, 4 p.m. - 9 p.m. Ajax& Oshawa Stores rSaturday, December 8, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Ajax &Oshawa Stores FRES H-FACEâ-4 iRON-ON DECORATIVE PLASTIC LAMINA TE Fresh-FaceTM brings a whole new dimension in beauty ta kitchens and saves you hundreds on the cost of redecorating. (n easy-to-do steps, you can give surfaces the luxurlous, look of real woods and solid colon Introcluctory 41 0 off Offe Sav ,~ reg. offrISv % price Stock avallable In Oshawa & Ajax only Ice Sait by Sif to Can be used ta meit ice on driveways, patios, sidewalks, etc. Keep ice sait in the trunk of your car during icy winter months. 10 kg. bag 20Okg. bag Looking for a Oift Suggestion? Give a Buildail GiftCertif icate to the "Handyman" In your famlly. They're easy ta purchase for any dollar value you wish. Just corne ln askto any Henry Buildail location and Quallty Carpetlng SaveiI On ail carpeting in stock. 'RAINBOW MOTEL R.R. 2, N-ewcastle FOR RENT Two-room housekeeping units, çom- pletely furnished, $195 monthly. Open during renovations. "We Buy and Sel Used Appiances" .9 mâý -M mon 6" minoussusK ill, là Il lI II ýIl 1 1 111 iiiiý,ili'IIiI:!ýýýiil V il fi i; ;! Ii i iýI!11 il ý 1 ýiý lil i i 1 il!; ; !ii 1ýI I I mm@MRRZM

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