12 The Canadian Statesmai, Bowmanville, December 19, 1979 Phono CIn@@if itI Ad. PhiR 623-3303 623-30 CIussifiled Deadline Tuosday 12 Noon s e - BIRNEY - Ken and Dianne (nee Kimbali) are peased ta announce the birth of their son Sean Michael, 8 bs. 6 azs. at Oshawa Generai Mospital on December 5, 1979. Proud g randparents are Jack and Wanda Kimbali and Leonard and Frances Birney. 51-1 FINNEY - Murray and Gail (nee Faiis) are proud ta announce the safe arrivai of their first chihd, Jeffrey Neil, at 12:31 a.m. on December 10, 1979 weigh ing 9 ibs. 6azs. First g randchid for Mr. Neil Finney and Mrs. Vivian Stoldt of Pantypool and third grand- son for Mrs. Jean Falhlis of Bowmanvilie. S pecial fhanks ta Dr. Lai and Maternity Staff at Oshawa General. What a nice christmas gift for ail. 51-1 McCULLOCH - Calvin and Carol McCulloch are thrihhed ta announce the birth of their first chlld, a daughter, Lisa Michelle, on Decemoer 15, 1979 in Oshawa Generai Hospital, wei ghing 8 bs.' Praud aran d oarents are George and Jane Vande Meent and arold and Agnes McCuiioch. 51-1 YrELLOWLEES - arold and Lois are praud ta annaunce the arrivai of a chosen son David Thomas Michael. A baby brother for John. 51-1 N MALCOLM- Joyce Leanara. At her late residence R.R. 1 Bethany on Tuesday, December 11, 1979. Joyce McMulIen was in her 51sf year.Belaved wife af Murray Malcom, dear mother of Marîeah (Mrs. Paul Bowen) of Janetville, Darne of Edmanton, Vararie of Oak- ville and Lana at home. Sister of Lis (Mrs. Sem Adams) of Bowmianville and Gary McMulen of Janetvilîe. Daug hter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert McMulen of Janetville. Rest- ing at the Mackey Funeral Home, Lindsay. Funeral service was held in the chapel on Friday, December 14 at 1 p. m. Interment Yelverton Cemetery. 51-1 MICHAUD - At Memorial Hos pital, Bawmianville, Wednesday, December, 12, 1979 uguette Michaud, aged 52 years. Beloved wife of Lea Michaud, dear mother of Dennis and Rochelle. Sister of Maniette ,(Mn-. Latour), Bucingham, Quebec and Florian Lafontaine, North, Bay. Rested at the Mrris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville. Funeral mass was held in St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church Saturday morning. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery.51-N CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Divisian St., Bo wmanvillez 623-714 HOSPITAL SYMPATHY ARRANGEMENTS Flowering Plants and Cut F Iawers ADAMS - Isaac Oscar. In loving memory of a dear father Who passed away December 18, 1974. Deep in the heart lies a picture, Of a loved one laid ta rest, In memory's frame we shahl keep it Because he was one of the best. - Always remembered by his family. 51-1 ARMSTRONG - Beatrice and James. In loving memory of Nonie and Pappy Who passed away December 19, 1973 and March 1, 1975. Gone are the faces, we loved 50 dear, Silent are the voices we loved ta hear, Too far away for sight or speech But not too far for aur thoughts to reach Sweet ta remember Pappy and Nopie Who once were here and Who Though absent are just as dear. - Sadly missed but happily remembered, by the grand children and great grand- children. 51-1 BEGLEY - In memory of a dear father William "Bill" Begley Who passed away December 17, 1973. If a phone caîl to heaven cost only a dime Dad I would caîl you ail the time. A father's love is very dear I miss you Dad, wish you were here. Six years aga this very day Was when the Lord took y ou away. They say He only takes the b est Only the ones Who pass Mis test Me called for you that winter's night Everyne says that He was r ight OnI you could hear Hlm caîl Dadyou were the best of a il. No one can take your memory from me For in my heart you will always be. I knaw we will be together again someday. 1 love you Dad. - Always remembered by daughter Carole Ashford, Aylmer, Ontario. 50-2 BOLDERSTONE - In loving memory of a dear husba nc, dad and g randfather Tom, Who passed away .December 17, 1972. As time g oes by without you, As days turn into years They h ohd a million memories And a thousand silent tears. The things we feel so deeply Are the hardest things ta say But we, yaur family loved you Tom In a very special way. - Sadly missed by wife Lit and family. 51-1 DEMARK- In sad and loving memory of our dear son and brother Michael Who passed away suddenîy Decem ber 20, 1975. We do not need a speci al day To bring you taour mind For the days we do nat think of you Are very hard to find If ail this world were ours fo W. ive, Wedg iveit yes and more To see the face of you dear Mike Come smiling through the door. - Gone but not f orgotten, love Mom and Dad, brother Hen ry, sisters Marion, Date and Karen. 51-1 THOUGHTFULNESS- CONCERN - SERVICE Your thoUghtfulness for others, 15 our f irst ConCern. We wiIl arrange for charitable foundation donations (sUch as Heart or Cancer Society) to be acknowledged any- where in Canada with the appropriate acknowledgemnent Card present on the same day, with the other tribUtes. This is part of our service to commUnity. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 S Simpson Memorials M Monuments - Granite or Bronze Markers - Inscriptions - Sandblasting 4LAVINIA ST. PORT HOPE 885-6434 Home appoîntments gladly arranged G LASS - ln loving memory of aur dear parents; Mother wha died December 20, 1965; Father, Decem ber 16, 1961. O happy haurs we once en îoyed, How sweet their memory stili, But death has ieft a ioneiness The worhd can neverf!Ili. - Ever Remembered by the famihy. 51-1 HEPBURN - In Iaving memory of a dear mother and g randmother, Verna Stephens) Hepburn, wha passed away December 25, 1977. God knew she was suffering, And the his were hard fa climb, So he closed her weary eyel ids, Then whispered, Peace Be Thine, We miss you in sa many ways We miss the things you used ta say And when aid fi mes we recali Its then we miss you mast of ai. -Lavingly remembered by Don, Eileen, Denise and Ed, Cathy, Wolf, Janny and Lisa. 51-iN JONES - ln having memary of aur dear mather Catharine who passed away December 23, 1970. ln the book of lite there are memories, 0f the happy days we knew, And recarded in have are the blessing s 0f a wonderful mather like yau. - Lavinghy remembered by Helen and Winnifred. 51-1 POTTE R- In oving memory 0f Roy Ptter,, wha passed away Decem ber 21, 1978. We d not forget, for do we intend We think of you often, wilh ta the end; For ,otten by some you may n aur memory you will ever be. - Remembered by his feliow workers. 51-1 POTTER- In having memory of Roy Ptter who passed away December 2lst, 1978. This month cames back with sad regret if brings back a day we shahl neyer for get You feul asiheep withaut a goadlbye But aur memories of yau wilh neyer die We miss yau more than anyone knaws As each day passes the emptiness grows The tears we shed we can wipe away But the ache in aur hearts wiih aiwaysstay Na one knows the grief we bear When the famihy meets and yau're not there You ieft us suddenhy, your thoug hts unknawn But yau ieft us memories we are proud ta own The worhd has hst a very beautiful persan You will live on in aur hearts forever. - Sadly rmIssed and aiways remembeed by sister Marie, brother Cifford, brother-mn- iaw Alan and nephew Adam. ROY - In loving m emory of a dear mother and gandmother Charlotte wha passed away Dece m ber 23, 1976. God saw you getting tired When the cure was nt ta be Me chased his arms araund you And whispered came to me Sa keepyaur arms aroundher Lord And give her speciai care, Make up for ail she suffered And ail that seemed unfair. - Sadhy missed by son Bill, daughter-in-haw Eie and granddaughter Debbie. 51-1 ROY - In having memory of a dear math er and grandmother, Charlotte, who passedi away December 23, 1976. Thoug h absent y au are near, Stili loved, sti hi missed and very dear. - Sadly missed by daughter Mary, san-în-iaw Bihl and g randchihdren Cle and Nancy. 51-1 STEPHENS - In loving memory of aur grandmather Verna Viola (Found) who eft thnae M f ius he haed 'F lowers Say It IBest" VAN BELLE- DAI LY Deivery ta ... Oshawa - Bawmanville Area Phone 623-4441 43-tf WADDINGTON - (Harry). In 'Oving memory of a dear father and grandfather wha passed away December 19, 1978. Please, God, forgive a sulent tea r. A fervent wish my dad was here. There are Cthers, yes i know. But he was mine, h ioved hlm 50 Dear God, take a message To my father in heaven above. Tell him how much h miss him And cuve him ail my love. -Ahways laved and missed by daughter Betty and famihly. 51-1 WHITNEY- Bruce. In laving memary of father and grand- father who passed away December 14, 1973. - Ever remembered by Roy and Olive Nesbitt and the familles, Fart Macleod, MThe famiîy of the ate Joyce Maicohm wish ta express their sincere thanks for the cantinuous help and concern, cards, etters, visitations, gifts, food andi fowers, from ahi aur neighbors, friends, relatives, and 'cammunity organizations, through the past six months, and expres- sions of sympathy, fowers and charitable donations, during aur recent bereave- ment. Murray Malcolm and Famihy 51 -1N I wauld like ta thank my relatives and friends wha visited me and sent me flowers and cards during my stay in Bowmanville Memarial Hospital. Speciai thanks ta Drs. Spears and Semnon and staff an surgical floor. Lii ooper My sincere thanks ta neigh- bars, friends and arganiza- tions for their many acts of kindnesses shown during my recent engthy stay in hospitai. Mrs. Olive Herd, Leskard Road, Orono, Ontario. 51-1 i would like ta express my warm thanks for ail the gifts, cards, fiowers and vis its1 received'during> miy leng thy stay in Port Mape kaspitai.A special thanks ta Dr. Anne Tesluk, Dr. Spillsbury and aiso the attending nurses for their good care. Mrs. Blanche Muldrew h 15sychic, internationaily known. Private consultations by appaintment onl y.Cali Rosamond at 576-7492 Oshawa, after 4 p.m. 46-6 BE A BIG SISTER! Volunteers are needed in this a rea ta be a friend ta girls aged 7 - 17, wha are in need of suppartative reîationships. CA LL SIMCOE HALL SETTLEMENT HOUSE at 728-7525 26-tf N BEV'S FLORAL CREATIONS "Flowers with Feeling" For a ny Occasion 623-3377 Sundays and Holidays Bey. 579-5021 Ruth 623-7259 il-tf When words fait. Flowers express your sympath y. And we can heh p. Stop by or ca 11. Fl1owers a re as bea uti fu 11y a 1i ve a s a memory. F lowers by Jackman N THE BOWMANVILLE MALL 623-3365 r-INE QUALITY MONUMENTS and MARKERS Look for this seal1. ItflhI*u g uarantee of permanence. SSTAFFORD SBROS. LTD. Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 BANQU ET FAC ILITIES AVAILABLE ElmhUrst Hotel Newcastle Phone 987-5808 45-t f N Ladies, y ou are invited toaa Bible Study at the Christian Reformed Church, Mwy. 2, Bowmanviile every other Wednesday marning tram 9:30 ta 11:30. Babï'sitting provided. FrInforma ion cal 987-4958. 51-IN Yau are invited foaa Christmas Pragram n o Friday, December 21sf at 7:30 p.m. Refreshments wilh be served and babysitting pro- vided at the Christian Reformed Church on Mwy. 2, Bowmanville. 50-2 ElIva Reid Gal1lery PRES EN TS "A Christmas Collection" Books, pattery, weaving, cilass, iewellerv etc. Open December 1sf thraugh December 22nd. 11la.m. - 5p.m. Ciosed Mandays and Tuesdays Located an Durham Rd. 9, 2.8 miles east of Kirby <Hwy's. 115Sand 35) Phone (416) 983-9339 50-2N Cammencin g Fr i day January 4, 19830th e b 1n go held every Friday evening sponsred by the Memnor ial Piark Association will begin at 7: 30 P.m. NO BINGO AT ARMSTRONG AUDITORIUM Tuesday, December 25th Merry Christmas f rom St. Peter's Couples Club 51-1 $2,500 MUST GO $2,500 MUST GO SHAMROCK BINGO Every Wednesday Night ARMSTRONG AUDITORIUM 88 King St. W. THE BIGGEST REGULAR WEEKLY BINGO N OSHAWA DOORS OPEN 5:30 CARDS SOLO 6:-15 EARLY BIRD GAMES 7:15 20 REGULAR GAMES AT $40.00 EACH IBONUS JACKPOTSI $1380 MUSTGO Giant Sha re the WealIth LARGEST $5.00 PACK IN TOWN 8 Early Bird 4 Jackpot No. 1 4 Jackpot No. 3 10 Regular 4 Jackpot Na. 2 4 Late Game 34 CARDS 43 Winners Every Nite PARKING BEHIND THE CARPET WAREHOUSE Operated by the Shamrock Ath letic Association Lic. 284961 Tables for non-smokers! $2, 500 MUST GO $2,500 MUST GO Dr. Kent's office will be closed Christmas week from December 24 - January 1 inclusive. 51-2N NEW YEAR'S DANCE December 31 SOLINA COMMUNITY HALL RAY AVERY'S ORCH ESTRA $10.00 per persan Hot and CoId Buffet Tickets available from Hall Board members. C. Gibson 263-2010 50-2 N L>Ont 0e aisappointed, make ý, our Christmas and New ear's appaintment taday. Cali 623-5019. Kut 'n' Kuri Beauty Shop, 71 King St. E., Bawmanville. 50-2 Whoever broke aur mail box, phease came farward, if has ta be rephaced. 987-4948. Mrs. Martin Wind 51 iN Ontaria Hydro's Darlingtan Information Centre will be closed t ram Decem ber 14, 1979 ta January 2, 1980. Messages will be answered ai 623-7122. 49-4 CHESTERFIELD 89" casters, burnt orange matching chair, casters, and 13' x 8' lined drapes, like new, 728-5826 or 623-1136. 51-1 CHRISTMAS' Specials - no longer any need to drive miles for bargains and selection on saddles - tack - Iewelry etc. Take advantage of our every- day low-low prices - open Tu esday through Friday until nine - Saturday and Sunday until six - Gi adwin & Co.'s Tack, Shop - Durham Road Twenty-three South, Whitby, 668-1282. 45-tf N CUT YOU OWN Christmas Tree SCOTCH PINE &SPRUCE W. Richardson Farms Ltd. Hwy. 35, Pontypool 705-277-2312 OPEN WEEKENDSONLY 50-2 N FRESH cider, no additives. Steve Carruthers, Paradise Orchards Ltd., Concession 3, 1/4 mile west of Liberty St. Hours 4 - 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday. 51-1 McDOUGALL piston water pump, nearly new, no further need. Excellent for small home or cottage. Asking $75. Phone 263-8430. 51 -1N CROSS country skiis and palIes, boots size 8, $45. Snow res H78-15, like new, $55. Phone 623-5843. 51-1 Ail makes and models for FREE pickup and delivery in Osh- awa, Whitby, Bowmanville, Ajax and Pickering 571-1385 Bernina Sewing Centre Whitby Mail Whitby Complete tuneup $15., inci cletin, oil, adjust tension and timing. 8-tf SNOW fence, li ke new, 8 roilîs, 100 feet at $30 each. Williams Grove Orchards, 987-4563. 51-1 ONE 40' TV tower, two brand new 6 month old aluminum doors, one table saw. 623-5127.. 51-1 TWO nylon snow tires G.M. rims, used 3 months. Phone 623-1508. 51-IN DOUBLE Ski-Doa trailer, needs some repair. Phone 987-4948. 51-1 N AQUARIUM, 15 gallon, with Most equipment necessary, $20 f irm. Phone Roger 579-1169. 51-1 AIRTIGHT STOVE FUEL FIREPLACE FUEL Dry Hardwood FIREWOOD Slabs - Softwood 2 Miles West of Bowmanville (north side) Christmas Trees Delivery Available 623-6570 50-2N NEW 1980 Yamaha snowmo- biles, sales, service and accessories. Fulll une of cloth- ing. Buy now while stock is available. Asselstine's Yamaha, south of Blackstock, Durham Road 57. 44-8N CHRISTMAS trees, cut your own, Spruce only, 12 miles north of Bowmanville, 21/2 west of Mosport on Durham Regional Rd. No. 20. Phone 263-2556. 48-4 N TALISMAN Emporium, North St. and Hwy. 115, Newcastle, open Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays, 10 - 5 p.m. ail year. 41 -tf N J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your ane-stop like new. Phone 623-2346 after 5 p.m. 51-1 HAY, Don Welsh, 263-2325. 51-IN SNOW tires, oversize, mount- ed on 15" rims, Pontiac wheels, like new, $30 each. Edgar Wright, Enniskiîlen, 263-8486. 51-IN ELECTRIC train table, 4' x 6' with track power controller and train set. 623-4588. 51-1 PIANO Gerhard - Heintzman for sale. Phone 623-5632. 51-1 '77 SKI-DOO TNT, like new. Caîl Greg at 1-983-5395 after 6 and weekends. 51-1 FIRE PLACE WOOD ALL DRY HARDWOOD Maple, Oak, Beech and White Birch CUT and SPLIT DELIVERED 1/2 mile north on Martin Rd. (Hwy. 57) Look for signs 623-4550 or 623-2176 44-tf Wl LL do repairs and smarpen- ing to chai1n saws, mowers, and small engine repairs. Phone Bill 263-8430. 49-4 N FUN THINGS FOR HAIR Glitter Comnbs, F lowers, Feathers, etc. Came in and brawse around. K UT'N'KURL BEAUTY SHOP 71 King St. East, Bowmanville 623-5019 50-2 PADDY'S Market now has new furniture, appliances, T.V.'s and stereos and also used f urniture and applilances. Will accept trade-ins. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263-2241.- 33-tf D RESS ED geese, 786-2413. 49-3 IDEAL family gift. Christmas gitt-packs of extra fancy, argeapples,.Gibson Orchards LUd 623-3358. 50-2 FEMAL E golden Lab, scarred face and stamach, tamily pet. Answers ta " Cu b". Call 1-786-2509. 51-1 ONE female Walker hound, black and brown and white, one maie Walker hound beige and white, 3rd Line of Clarke. Phone 987-4875 or 786-2317 after5. Reward. 1<1I I N, about 6 mantns aid, orange and beige, found, in Simpson Ave. area. Phone 623-5214. 51-1 FREE REMOViAL 0F FRESM, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STrOCK CALL MARGWI LL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope 885-5274 YOUNG BUDGIES $10 and up Phone 623-1316 42-tf N URGENTLY needed, goad homes for kittens, 987-4714 days, 987-5318 nights and weekends. 51-1 COCKER Spaniel puppies, registered. Blonde, ready for Christmas. 623-2805. - s ACCOMMODATION for one horse year round, personai care, $50 per month. Cali 987-4710. 51 -1N ALPINE Biliy goat, reasonabie. Phone 263-2932. - 51-1 N RARBITS, goats, ducks, chickens and pigeons. Also W inea fowl and guinea pigs. hone 725-4021. 51-1 N RABBITS, Breeding stock, average 6 manths old. New Zealand Whites, Blacks, Silver Grays, Sandys, Reds, Checkers, a so Dutch. For beginnersg ive yaurself a Christmas *gift ïa fa$15 breeding rabbit and in 3 maonths you shouid double your money. For information 723-2732 Oshawa. Last calî! 51 -1 SKI-DOOS, new Citations 2 cyl. $1,475. Blizzards liquids $2,495. Tracks $89. Farmer woodstoves double door $439. Chimneys $99. Orono 983-5444. 51-2 N TECHNICS saund system - direct drive semi automatic turnitable, 75 watt Technics amplifier, pair of 45 watt speakers, 3 months old. Mint condition. Asking $800.00. Phone 623-6431. 51-1 N Chesterfield Suites Loveseats, Sectionaîs Lessthan 1/2 Price LARGE SELECTION McKEEN FURNITURE 524 Simcae St. S., Oshawa 725-5181 FREE DELIVERY 25-tf N DETTSUN SNOW BLOWERS Christmas Specials 72", List $1300. Sale $1125 84" Li st $1400. Sale $1225 88" List $1500. Sale $1350 (hydraulic rotator) SALE ENDS DECEMBER 21sf TREWIN FARM EQUIPMENT Blackstock 986-4283 51i-1 FRED'S FRUIT MARKET Hwy. 115 - one mile South of Orono Mas ail your Christmas needs - Pine and Spruce Christmas Trees - Fancy Macilntosh, matsu, Delicious, Spy, Russet Apples - And far your baking needs Bulki-Baker Products 1SPECIALS Home-made Apple Cider 4 litre - $2.95 No., 1 Small DeliClous Apples 1/2 bUshel -. $3.95 OPEN ALL WINTER 51-1 N EXTRA! EXTRA! FRESH TREE RIPENED FRUIT FROM TEXAS MAKE EXCELLENT CHRISTMAS GIFTS IMMEDIATE PICK-UP 20 lbs. oranges $8.50 20 lbs. grapefruit $8.50 Ca Il 725-4985 Sponsored by COURTICE SECONDARY SCHOOL BAND PARENTS ASSOCIATION *-IN 1978 SUBARU BRAT 4X4 $5500 Blue, 4 c linder,' 4 Pspeed, 22,000 km, leba rted, Perrell tires, white mags, push bar,ý sliding rear window, trailer hitch, removable back seats, weII1 taken care of. Phone 623-7996 a fter 5:30 p.m.5-N 1978 CHEV Caprice 4 door, p.s., p.b., 305, V8 motor, excellent condition, under, 30,000 miles. Phone 1-797-2688. 51-1 The great seven day money bock1 warranty!. Now There is a "no gambie" used car warrantý in "MACDONA LD g'0RD COUNTRY" that cannot be bettered. If you are naf co mpleteiy sati sfiedwithy aur Certified Used Car purch ase, from us, return it Within seven days for a full refund. Any reasan is a goad reasan. For more information -cail 623-4481. Another reasan why this is "MACDONALD FORD COU NTRY" 219 King'St. E. ,73 J ÉEP, CJ5, 4 wheel drive, certified, $2500 or best offer, must seil. Phone 623-9350. 51-IN '73 FIAT, 50,000 miles. As is. $700. Phone after six 623-6335. 51-lN '71 FORD van, 302 motor, panelîed inside, as is, $600 or best off er. Phone 263-2113. 51-iN '77 FORD vanE101, power steering,, power brakes, automatic. 43,500 miles. $4800 or best offer. Phone 1-983-5686. 51.1IN '72 CH EV, as is, best offer. Phone 623-5841. 51-1 1979 G.M.C. HEAVY 1/, Grande package, velour seats, chrome step bumper and mirrars, stereo, sh ding rear window, list $8,500, sel far $6,300, warranty, must sel! th is week, 623-6002. 50-tf N J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, yaur ane-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 35-tf N '72 CHEV $500 or best offer, Phone 1-983-5597. 51-1 N 1973 FORD Country Squire, 9 passenger wagon. Four new F irestane 721 tires, recent valve job, as is $550. Phone 623-1647. 51i-1N FOUR bedroom home. in Bowmanville, convenlient location, $300 per month, first and hast month's rent. Reference required. Cali Orono 1-983-9765. 51-1 TWO bedroom tawnhouse In Bowmanvilhe. Pay awn utihi- ties. $240 monthhy. Cahi 623-7661. 51-1iN SPACIOUS penthouse apart- ment, 4 bedrooms or 3 bedrooms and a den. Cali 623-6722 or 579-9519 after 5. 51-1 COMMERCIAL, 2 bedraom home, large lot,,main street location. Asking $500 monthly. Cali 623-7661. 51-1 N TWO bedroom apartment an Lamb's Lane, $227, includes heat and hydro. First and hast month's required. Phone 623-5888. 51 -1N APARTMENT, country, 3 rooms with fridge, stove, heat and hydro. First and hast month's rent at $200. Aduhts preferred. References please. 728-6609. 47-tf N Industrial Space For Lease VAN HOOF and SMITH 263-8488, or 668-4560 49-tf N A - s 81 ,~»~z~NESTABLISHED 188 4 DIVISION ST. * 35 8 BOWVMANV ILLE 6 3*48 1 'rkOF