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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1979, p. 13

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NEWCASTLE area - 2 bed- room bungalow. Broadlaomed living roam. Comfortabîe kitchen. Basement. Fenceci lot. On paved road. $300.00 monthly. Immediate posses- sion. Call G. Van Dyk R e aitor 623-4428. Ask for George or Ann. 51-1 TWO bedroom apartment, heat and hydro included, Maple Grave Road. Available January lst. Phone 623-9253. 51-1 COMMERCIAL space for rent. Bowmanville prime downtown location. Available now 200 sq. ft.- 7500 sq. ft. Call 623-4172 or 723-0575 between 95p. m. 28-TF THREE bedroom townhouse, $296 per mQnth plus utilities. Caî11 between 9 a. m. a nd 5 p. m. 623-6391. 50-3 BOWMANVILLE, central apartment, four rooms and bath, immediate possession, reasonable, Cable TV. Phone' 623-7523. 44-tf N * e *te PRSiON ~ experiencea in floral desig and fîower shop routine. lea se reply in writing, giving' complete resume ta L. Koenderman, 33 Division Street, Bowmanville. 51-IN HELP WANTED URGENT .Men interested in heîping a bay become a man. There is no cash reward for a Big Brother, but, there is no greater reward than when a man hel ps a boy. For informa- tion tel aphone 623-6646 or write ta Box 13, Bowmanvilîe, Big Brother Association of Newcastle, or contact locally Lionel Parker, 623-5651 or 'Murray O'Brien 623-3396 or- 263-8265. 121 -tf N- The Northumberland and Newcatla Board of Education Invites Applications for the Fol lowin g Position NEWTONVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL One Teacher for Grades 2 and 3 Class (This is an occasional teachingposi tion, February 22 fo April 3, 1980) Please apply in writing stating qualifications and experience ta: Mr;. E. S. Taylor, Principal, Newcastle Public Schoal, Box 418, Newcastle, Ont. LOA 1 HO EXPERIENCED HAIR DR ESSE R (some cl ientele preterrad) Good working conditions in modemn shop. Cal V.I.P. HAIRSTYLING 623-6252 48-tf Laboratory Supervisor Applications are invited from Ragistered Laboratory Tachnolog ists with a. minimum of five years experience in an active treat- ment hospital. The successful candidate will have gooti communication skills and wiIl have or will be capable of developing other le adarship managerial qualitias. -Res Ponis ibilitt fes of th is posi- tion includes supervision and regular R.T. duties, including on caîl and caîl back. Detailed resumes should include ex perience, qualifications and sa Iary expected and may be submitted ta the Administratar The. Port Honn and isitrict Hospital~ 53Waillington St. Port Hope, Ont. LlA 2M Coppercraft Guild of Canada is expanding and needs New Counsel lors COMMISSION PLUS BONUSES Na deliveries or caliecting. If interested phone 885-6007 Mac * CASH for gold, silver, coins, guns, dlocks, jeweîîery, dishes, furniture, cracks, raintings, sealers, appliances, Friendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 9-tf N USED furniture and ap- ýliances. Paddyls Market, lampton. 263-2241. 26-tf USED piano wanted in good condition, 263-2325. 51-1 N SMALL angine repair, used furniture and applia Caîl Elmars Furni- Liberty and Scugog Hampton, 263-2294. PAYING 81/2 timas face for Canadian coins b: 1968, guns, antiques, gai( diamond rings wai 579-1018 Oshawa, 985-7057 Perry.-5 CASH for most aid tl Phone 623-3060. 4( NEED a pressure system? Water Softeners? Repairs ta GORD SIMPSON aIl makes. Harvey Partner, Phone 983-5808 Orono, 983-5206, Bowmanvilîe, Orono, Ontario 623-2301. 5-tf N AVAILABLE' immediateîy, bed-sitting room incîuding private bath and kitchenette. Main floor central location, $140 per manth, includes utilities. First and last manth's rent in advance. Phone 623-5971. 51-1 11/2 STOREY detached, central B o wm an vi1e, immediate possession, $325. Phone evenings 1-889-1480. 51-1 LARGE three bedroom semi detached house, $350 per mionth. Cali 885-2258 days and 623-272 evenings. 51-1 TWO roams in private home, will rent together or separate- lIy. 623-4023. 51-1 NEW stores and offices for rent in downtown Bowman- ville. Offices suitable, for lawyers, . insurance, accounitants etc. Phone 623-7664. 39-tf CLEAN rooms for rent in largecountry home. Full use of k itchen facilities, Iocated South of Mosport Park. Mature gentlemen preferred. Phone 725-3305. 50-3 R.R. 1, Hampton 48-tf N B owmanville Glass 143 Wellington St. 623-3410 Speciaîizing in Cash and Carry glass, mirrors, alumi- num products (sîiding doors). 28-tf N WHYTE'S UPHOLSTERY Have yaur chesterfield and chair prafessionaliy upho stered. For free estimates call RALPH WHYTE 623-5252 FilutiMUTTON MASONRY AIl1 Types of Cament Work - 51 -1 N Bricýk, Blocks, Chimney etc. SPECIALIZING IN CONCRETE FLOORS 623-5981 20-tf N Ma rp le Auction Services 623-3060 50-2 N 13-tf N E lectrica I Installations I of any typa. Commercial1, Residential or also Industriai incas. FREE ESTIMATES tr, Ph one 623-1562 6-tf N value before Id anci intad. 7 Poriý 50-tf N\I things Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 45-tf SullIiva n and Huycke Building and Renovation Spaciaîizing in Additions Garagesanti Racreation Rooms AIl Work Guaranteed No Job Too Small For Free Estîmata Cail 623-7451 Bowma nvi le or 683-2541 Pickering 51-4 Lloyd Barnes Plumlbîng Carpentry, Renavating AIl Generai Rapairs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 Ref rigeration and Appliance Service Commercial anti Domestic Raf rigaration - Milk Caolers PHONE BERT SYER Days ....... ..623-5774 Nights . ...... 623-3177 Lander Hardware anti ELECTRIC 2-tf OXFORD Brick layers and Stonemasons Lt. (Our fireplaces do not smoka) CHIMNEYS CLEANED Orano 983-5606 49-4N Auction Sala Saturday, Decem ber 22nd at 1: 15 p.m. at Bannister's Auctian Hall in Bewdiay Consisting of: sideboard, chests of drawars, tablas, chairs, dishes, glasswara, Iamps, colored and black and white TVs, bads, spin washar dryar, TV stand, record playars, books, trames, and other items still being cansignad. Rager Bannister, auctioneer, 416-797-2651. 51-1iN Auction Sale Saturday Evening, Decamber 22 Pethîck's uction Barn, Haydan, ana mile east of Enniskil Ian. Large q uantity of furniture, like a horse saddle, fridga, 3 alactric staves, daap freezer (chest), single bed caffeea tables, end tables, lamps, coal and waod range (small size), and a lot of other articles. Tarms cash or- gaod chaque. Again it is a pleasura ta wish you ail a Marry Christmas. Cîiff Pethick, auctionear. P.S. Last sale for this year. 51 -1 N Auction Sale of Antiques from variaus astates Thursday Evaning, Decamnber 20 at 7 p. m. at Bannistar's Auctian Hall in Bawdley Washstands, sideboards, chests of drawars, Duncan Phyta table, rocking chairs, set of aak chairs, hanging amp, dishes, glassware, g i ngerbread dlock, Tiffany a mp (dama ged), cracks, round table, Quebac heatar, add press backs. A good sale. Plan ta attend. Rager Bannistar, auctianeer. 416- f797-2651. 51-IN ri UinqII~ Paperhanging Ca rpentry Remnodelling General1,Repa irs Interior Extarior 14-tf Ron's Floor Care Cammercial and hausahaiti cleaning. Dry foam rug anti carpet shampoaing. Wax re- maval, waii washing, Ron Turcotte 623-7966 33-tf Don Brooks &Son Genera I Contra ctor and Custom Builder Phone 723-6176 or 623-6690 New homes, additions, aiterations, mac raoms, garages, repairs af ail typas, etc. 5-tf D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renavating Rec Rooms Repairs of a Il types. P HO N E 623-2263 20-tf Potts TV Service R.R. 1, Bawmanyiile We Service AIl Makas 263-8272 14-tf N BILL SELLERS CARPENTRY Genera I Contractor and Home I mprovemnents ADDITIONS GARAGES REC ROOMS KITCHENS BATH ROOMS CERAMIC TILE PRIVACY FENCE WOOD DECKS PATIO DOORS Repairs0f aIl typas FOR FR EE ESTI MATE f CA LL 623-4116 IF NO ANSWER CALL AFTER Sp.m. 39-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BIJRNERS-FIJRNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Bax 43 - Bawmanville 30-tf M. BROOKS CARPENTRY Cupboards, Vanities, Remotieiling, Rec Rooms, Additions, Garages, Sun Decks, Porches, etc. ALL GENERAL REPAIRS 623-5566 9tN Auction Sale Private Estate From the Public Trustees from 111 Pacific Ave., Toronta. To ba hald at Stirtavant's Auction Hall 33 Hall1 St., Oshawa Thurstiay, Dacember 20th at 6 p.m. Chesterfield suite, chrome suite, dinatte suite, caffee and end tables, table lamps, spin washar and dryer, chests of drawers, dressers, bedroom suite, desk, vanity, electric stave, portable sawing machina, wringer washer, platfarm rocker, rugs, complate line of kitchan appliances, dishes, pots and pans, toals. Also -large ]ot in tram finance company. List not availabla at time of publication. This will ba the final sala of the year 1979. Next sale ta be held January 3, 1980 with a rivateaestate tram Brooklin . Oebahaît of myseif and the staff we wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy Naw Yaar ta all aur custamers for the coming year. Tarms cash. Mylas ing, auctioneer, 725-5751. 51-1 Thursday, Decambar 20 7 p.m. Auction sala af furniture and antiques and dishes salling at tha Wilson Auction Barn, 2 miles narth of Uxbridga, including small china cabinet, press back chairs, child's rockar, Simplîcity washer spin dry (excellent>, small tables, chairs, dishes and gîasswara, taak wall cabinat, drapes, dresser, color T.V. (an excellent opportun ity ta buy a Christmas gift), plus numarous ather items. Sala at 7 p.m. Sale managed and sald by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524, To ail my friends, neighbors and relatives a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR Sophia Kovacs Bill's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanvilîe, Ontario. Phone 623-5187. Mon.- Fri. 8:00 -5:0 Sat. 9 - 12 noon Shaet and Float Glass Sealad Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Coored Glass and Glazing. 9-tf N D& R CUSTOM FENCING CUSTOM CHAINSAWING Phane Orano 983-5005 or 983-9627 il-tf Yard or Garage Clean-up Rubbish remnoval,- light maving or painting, scrap pick-up. AN DY 623-9379 14-tf REYNOLDS' UPHOLSTE RING Modern, Traditianal and Antique. Free pickup and delivery,. FREE ESTIMATES P HON E 263-2132 To relatives, f riends and neighbars we wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY PROSPEROUS Winston, Anne, Don, Dave and Lori Howa rth Karen and Derrick O' Donnel I 51-1 Stan and Ethel Goble wish ail their relatives, friends and nei ghbors a MERRY CHR ISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEARZ 51-1 Ab and Anne Piper wish their many friands, neighbors and relatives a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR WeWish al laur relatives, friends and nei ghbars a MERRY CH RISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR Jack, Gloria, Heather and Wendy Brown 51-lN Ta my friends, neighbors and relatives WISHING YOU AIL GOOD TIIINGS IN ABUNDANCE AT CHRISTMAS AND ALWAYS Kathleen Kimbali MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY and HEALTH) NEW YEAR ta friands, relatives and neighbors Clarence, Merle, John and James Avery 51 IY 1-1 MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR toa aIl our flriends, neighbors Sand relatives Gabriel, Helen, Judy and Louise Kovacs 51-1 Wishing ail my friends and family a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR Rick Hayward 51-1 May Christmas bring ta yau the gift of iaughter, the loy af friendships, the b Iessings ofGad's presence. The Herrons Grant, Helen, Peter, Lynda and Paul 51-1 SEASON'S GREETINGS ta allaur friends, neighbars and relatives and MAY PEACE REIGN ON THE HEARTS 0F ALL Lois and George Huber 51 -1 GOOD WISHES ta ail my relatives and friends, far and near, a JOYOUS CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR! Violet M. Gilmer AI51 -1 Wishing aur friends, relatives- and neig hbars a VERY MERRY CHfRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR Margaret and Erin Nicks 51-1 N Ta all aur friends aid and new warm wishes far a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR taa Frank and Eva H oa r Newcastle 51-1N A MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR ta al myfriends Ji m Hogarth 51-1 We wauld like ta wish al aur friends, relatives and neighbars a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR John, Heather, Lisa and Marcy Lyle 51-1 MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR ta al laur friends, relatives and neighbars Liz and Guy PolIey 51-1 Ta aur f riends, relatives and neighbars we extend CHRISTMAS GREETINGS and a HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Harry and Leona Farrow 51-1 SEASON'S GREETINGS ta al laur friends and neighbars Joe and Mies Hogervorst Ta ail aur friands and relatives a MERRY CHRISTMAS GREETING with BEST WISHES FOR HAPPINESS in the NEW YEAR Sincerely Jean and Jim Firth 51-1 We wish allaur friands and neighbors a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR Joe and Ann Visser 51-1 1 wish my relatives, neîghbars and many friends GREETINGS 0F THE SEASON a nd MAY YOUR LIFE BE FILLED WITH HAPPINESS, PEACE andi LOV E Rena Pethick SEASON'S GREETINGS ta ail aur relatives, friands and neighbars Harry and Ma bel Wade 5i-iN MERRY CHRISTMAS andi a HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ta ail my friends, relatives and neighbars inciuding the editar andi staff of the Canadian Statesman Hilda Crossman 51-1 We wish ta ail aur friands, relatives and neighbors MAY CHRISTA BLESSINGS- BE YOURS NOW AND THROUGHOUT THE YEAR Sincerely Denis and May Pickard Mr. and Mrs, Martin Wind R. R. 2 Nawcastle, Ont. wauld like ta wish ail their famiiy and friands a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR 51-IN Taka Joy and Lave, anti biend with Warmth and Chear, for a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS anti a HAPPY, HAPPY NEW YEAR, Bruce and'Joan, Susan, Patti, Phillip and Jennifer Down 51-1 Toaail aur friands andi neighbors CHRISTMAS GREETINGS and BEST WISHES for a HAPPY NEW YEAR Frank and Mary Blunt Wa wou Id lika ta wish ai a1 ur f riands anti re latives, a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS antia' HAPPY NEW YEAR BilI and Jean Holroyd Jo-Anne, Judy and Jennifer 51-1 Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fer guson and fami ly wish averyana SEASON'S GREETINGS 51-1 We woulti lika ta extend a MERRY CHRISTMAS a nd HAPPY NEW YEAR ta ailaur friands Gordon and Theresa Ma rti n 51 -1 Mr. arid Mrs. Brenton Darch wauld lika ta wish thair friands and neig hbors a MERRY C HRISTMAS' andi HAPPY NEW.YEAR 51-1 Wa waulId lîke ta extend a MERRYCHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR ta ailaur friends Jack and Myrna Mant le MERRY CHRISTMAS anti HAPPY NEW YEAR ta relatives ani friands Betty Brown 51-1 Warmest wishas for a MERRY CHRISTMAS ani a HAPPY NEW YEAR The Jim Nickersons We wish aillaur friends, nela hbors and relatives a M ERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW VEAR Don and Betty Bishop and farnily 51-1N SEASONIS GRE ETINGS ta aill ur relatives, friends and neighbors Sincerely Eva and Will Stapleton 51-1- SEASONIS GREETINGS toall my friends and relatives Sincerely Ethel Gilmer rNesuî l 69 Concession St. W. 51-1 SEASON'S GREETINGS toa aIl aur relatives, neighbors and f riends Vînce and Pat Prout 51-1 We wish ail aur f riends and relatives a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW VEAR Clarence and Shirley Stainton and family, I take this appartunity ta wish my relatives, f riends and neighbors a MERRY CH RISTMAS and a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Wes Martin and family Marg and Bill Lawrie wish thei r f riands and neighbars1 ALL TH EBEST FOR CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR 65 Temperance St., Bowmanville 51-1 MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR ta aur relatives and friands Norm and Joan Avery and famnily 51-1 Wa wish a Il aur relatives f riands anti neig hbors a VERY MERRYC HRISTJ ani a HAPPY NEW VEAR Very sincerely, K. E. and Tom Coatha m Ta ail 1aur friands and relatives wa wish a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a JOVOUS anti HAPPY 1NEW YEAR George, Millile and Debbié Reac S, MAS Bob and AhIce Brown wish ai thair ne ighbars, friends and relatives a MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR 51-1 I wauid like ta wlsh allmy frienis and neighbars a MERRY CHRIST MAS and a HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR May Gad bless you a Il William Morley 51-1 SEASONIS GREETINGS toa aIl my friends, neighbars and relatives and may peace reign in the heartsaof ai. 1-1 51-IN i wish my friands, relatives iwuiilk aws and neighbars a 1mv relie, frins MERRY CHRISTMAS m aiesfaris and aan egbra PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR MERRY CHnRISTMAS ani Eva Farrow HAPINESS 51-1 NEW YEAR Best wishes fora Marion Edgerton MERRY CHRISTMAS 5- ani a 51-1___________ HAPPY NEW YEAR wuciktis ta ailaur friands 1wuI -k ows and neghbosa Il my f riands and neîghbars a antineigbarsVERY MERRY CHRISTMAS Charles and Clara PR anROdNWEA Jacobine Vaneyk 51-1 Wa wauld like ta wish a Il aur relatives, friands ani neighbars a MERRY CH RISTMAS ani a HAPPY NEW YEAR Fannie and Ryerson Gibson 151-1 I woutId like ta wish ai my frientis anti neighbars a MERRY CHRIST MAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR Mil ëton Stainton 51-1 i wish a Il my friends and relatives a BLESSED CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR Laverne Orcha rd 51-1 Relatives, friends and neighbars ta one and a Il a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a PROSPEROUS and HAPPY NEW YEAR Ken, Anne, SaIly, Kerri, and Kenny Kilmer 51-1 MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR ta friends, relatives Ackerma n Excavating Ernie, Marion, Phyllis and Brendla Knapp 51-iN Ta aur many f riands, naihbams anti relatives a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS anti a HAPPY NEW YEAR siSm oke and Marion SEASON'S GREETINGS ta you ailand may the NEWYEAR ba PROS PE ROUS and HEALTHY Cliff and Stella Peth ick 51-1N We wish aIllaur family, f riands and neig hbars a BLESSED CH R ISTMAS and HA PPY NEW YEAR Mr. and Mrs. A. Taisma 4 Nels on St., Apt. 106, Bowmanville 51-1 A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY and HEALTHY NEW YEAR t a aIl my friends and relatives Farewell Blackburn 51-1 SEASON'S GREETINGS ta al1 my relatives, f riends and neighbors Ethel Mutton d We wish a Il aur relatives and friands a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR Edith and Laverne Clemens Hampton 51-1 Wishing ail aur friands, relatives and neighbars a MERRY CHRI STMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR Ted and Yvonne Martin 51-1 MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR ta ail aur friands and naighbars Dick, Tillie, Mike andPaul Bedard * W~.A. . . *J.W'Z*A ~-.. --. ""'a WA 2 * . . * *f ff fi 0 - a, a, a~ *e a, o, In the Spirit of Warm Fruandship and Goad Cheer MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR Lloyd, Sandra, Suzanne and Paul Stainton 51-1 N Neyer a Christmas morning, Neyer the aid vear ends, But someone, thinks of sameone, Old dayjs, aid ti mes, adfriends. Maurice, Mary Anne, Linda and B rett Richards 51-lN Ta my friends, relatives and neighbors GREETINGS af the SEASON a nd BEST WISHES < for the NEW YEAR, Stu Candier 51-iN MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR ta ailaur customars Avery Masonry 51-1 MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR ta family and friands Doug, Cathy and Corey Stapleton Christmas donation ta Cancer Foundatian 51-1 MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW VEAR ta aur famiiy, friands and neighbors Joe, Diane, Scott and Lisa Rekker -51-1 3 - - -*-*--.-* g 1h~1hL. 'L5tt,'L5lf EJEII*E1IIIL* 1111 ~.Li~ifik*lf 1Z~It, ýl

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