Tyrone Senior Citizens Club Christmas dinner meeting wasý held on December 5, 1979 at the Community Centre. Eighty-five people sat down to aý delicious turkey dinner served by Long Sault Club 50. Mr. and Mrs. James Lowery, Orono, entertained after dinner with rnany "good old tunes" on the piano, saxophone and violin. This was very much enjoyed. The playîng of cards and Bingo completed a satîsfying evening. Officers for the coming year are as follows: ,st President Dick Gibbs; ,,resident Aif Mlîson, lst. Vice Pres. Farewell Blackburn; Secretary Mrs. Leverne Taylor; Treasurer Mrs. Doreen Park; Auditors Mrs. Edna Philp, Mrs. Ann Phillips; Director John Broome, Mrs. Meta Swain, Mrs. Audrey Rosevear, Earl Prescott, Leland Milîson. Over nineteen tables of euchre were in play at the weekly Senior Citizens Club etichre on Friday, Dec. 7th. lst Edna Vivian, 2nd Clara Nesbitt, 3rd Doug Brock, 4th Garnet Goyne, 5th Leland Millson, 6th Martha Woolley. Ladies low Helen Thornpson, mens low Tony Janczyn. 50-50 draw Marjorie Tennant. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm visited Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rahrn, Spring Brook. Glad to hear Mr. Thomas Dodds is home from hospital. Mr. and Mrs. George Alldread are in the process of rnoving to Bowrnanville. They will certainly be missed frorn the village. Mr. and Mrs. John Vaneyk and farnily, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk and farnily, attended the double wedding cerernony of their nieces, Joanne DeMille and David Moze, Carol DeMille and Bill Williams, in Bowmanville on December 8, 1979. A very happy event took place on Sunday afternoon, Hoping every one of our frienda 1s snowed under with joy and merriment. We seud, warm thanks this frosty holiday. f rom the Staff ai Gi nI'su Ha ir Goodyear Retirees Association Holds Christmas Banquet Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmani bLetters toS 62 Prospect St. Bowmanville Ontario, Canada November 26, 1979 Dear Santa Clatis; I Dear Santa I feel I've been a Retirees from Bowmanville's Goodvear plant held their annual Christmas get-together at the St. John's Church Hall on Monday, December 10. Pictured above are some of the head table guests in attendance at the banquet. The front-row from left to right includes: Rev. W. Flynn, and Archdeacon Tom Gracie, of St. John's Church; President Arnold Lobb; Secretary Treasurer N. Allison, Harold Cobbledick and Lance Plain. The back row includes, from left to right: Frank Hooper, Don Hannah, Don Kemp, Evert Winacott, Mac. Moore and John Popovich. About 70 retirees attended the banquet. December 9, 1979, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Hoar when relatives from Bowmanville, Bethany, Orono and Toronto held a presentation for Miss Pam Jelley, Barrie, Ont., bride- elect of Gordon Werry, Orono, r frYomc iLpTeh 23 imsn jv 14Bowmanvill Ont. The wedding is to take place on Dec. 29, 1979. Mrs. Edna Philp, Miss Jean Philp and Miss Cathy Phasey, Maid of honour, were co- hostesses of a bridai shower for Miss Judy Clark, held on December 2, 1979. Although Judy was in absenti'a, friends and family members gnthered in her honour w ith gifts and rnoney added to their good wishes. Judy Clarke wili becorne the bride of Wayne Phasey on December 24, 1979 in Calgary, Aberta. The 4H Honernaking Club held Achievernent Day in Kirby on December 8, 1979. Cornpieting their unit in Needlepoint were Karen Vaneyk, Kim Vaneyk, Debbie Roy, Judy Kovacs, Lori Gerrard, Susan Siernon, Carolyn Craig. County Honours was received by Kimn Vaneyk for the compietion of six units. The Tyrone exhibit was "Needlework - Past and Present." Leaders for this unit were Mrs. Blair Vaneyk and Mrs. Steve Renton- White Gîft Service was held at Tyrone Church on December 9, 1979. Rev. Kempling lead the service. Mrs. Janice Cornish, Mrs. Betty Pascoe, Mrs. Pat Drysdaie gave a presentation entîtied, "Sharing the Gifts of God", with the help of the youngsters in the congregation who unwrapped gifts of bread for life, a candie for light and a1 musical instrument for songs of praise. Blain Vaneyk sang "O Corne,, O Corne, Emmanuel", accompanied by Mrs. Jacqualîne Vaneyk. Our regular organist, Mrs. Elinor Brent, is sick in hospital and we wish ber a speedy recovery. The Church filled early on Sunday evening, December, 9, 1979. It always does for the Sunday School Christmas prograrn. The sanctuary is warrn and giowing with candle-light, a Christmas tree, lighted wreaths, poinsettia plants and scarlet bell banners. Mr. Doug Dewell plays a beautiful piano music prelude; this is the tenth year he bas assisted with the music. Mr. David Craig, who shares superintendent duties with Mrs. W. Loveridge, welcomed the congregati-on and extended thanks to ahl the teachers, their belpers and the Sunday Scbool students for their hehp with the presentation. Special tbanks goes to Mrs. Betb Meszarios, Mr. Doug Dewell, Mrs. Jacqueline Vaneyk, Tim Southwell, Biain Vaneyk, Explorer Leader Mrs. Goldie Tidd, Tyro Leaders Ralpb Bowers and David Johnston. The Tyro Boys and the Explorer Girls group, smarthy uniformed, sang "Corne Let Us Worship", "Little Grey Donkey" and "The Christmas Story. " "Looking for Jesus" is the theme of tonîgbts presentation. Narrator Karen Vaneyk initiated the guest. The ligbts dimmed for a rocessional of tiny, light- earing, baloed angeis, shepherds, kings and ahl sorts of wise men and wornen to the strains of "O Corne Ail Ye Faithful." Debbie Roy read the scripture account of God's message to Mary. The Young Peoples choir sang "I Love to Hear the Christmas Belîs." This group is cornprised of Kimn Vaneyk, Susan VanDorp, Ian Bowers, Debbie Roy, Leeann Haines, Carolyn Craig and Karen Vaneyk. Narrators Carolyn Craig, Tirn Southwell, Leeann Haines', Kirn Vaneyk, Ian Bowers lead the search through the unfolding Christmnas drama, aided by readers from the varlous Sunday School classes. Ushers Susan Siemon, Lynn Gaudet, Darryl Vaneyk and Jirn Woodley received the offering whîle the Tyro, and Explorers sang "Go Tell It On the Mountain." The wee angels IL', NC May the Star of~ Bethlehem inspire Sail men's heartsl L L& LTooI Ltd. S240OSimpson Ave. SBowmanville fairly good girl aiîd hope you'Il visit our bouse. If you do ther i are three maybe four thing& I'd like. The first thing is a Superstar Barbie Doll. The second is the Barbie Star and shepherds sang "Away in a Manger". The shepherds sang "Do You See What I See?", echoed by the Young Peoples choir. The gold- crowned Kings sang "We Three Kings." The tableau, now complete, was well poised for the caption "Star of The East" played on the piano with conviction by Tirn Southwell, The mood was rnaintained by Blain Vaneyk's solo "O Holy Night." 'Sulent Night", sung by the Sunday School, indicated the search was ended. "Bethlehem is more than a village, It's a journey for the mind, to the place where Christ the Saviour carne, a gift to al rnankind. So the gifts we give to others, and the one we al receive are a srnall part of God's great gift, given if we just believe." Birthday cake and coffee, served by Mesdames Ann Pleasance, Arlene Rowan and Lorraine Delaney, extended the fellowship of the evening. TYROinNE NEWS M~ May the enciearing customs and pleasures ~of an oldfashioned Chri.stmas decorate eve,I moment of your Yuletide. ïBowmanviIIe SportsI 349 in t Cycle and Toys 34 igS.W. 623-3531 the beauty andl splendor of the living earti urheartfelt thanks for your treasured fri From the Management and Staff at DYKSTRAlS ELICATESSEN AND FOOD MARKET LTD. "Home of Quality", 3.77 King St. W., Bowmanville iville, December 19, 1979 5 anta Traveller. The third is Fashion Plates and if you have enough lef t over I wouid like a Deluxe Double Seater Stroiler. How are the reindeer and Mrs. Clatus? I will leave, some goodies on the t.v. for you Christmas Eve. Love your Friend Patty MeGregor. P.S. Don't take the wrong hole in the chimney and end up in the basement. Patty Dec. 10, 1979 Dear Santa, I have been doing some good work in school and some a littie bit bad. I would like you to bring me a typewriter and an AFX race set to share with my brother Greg. I hope you don't get sick at the North Pole where it is very cold. I will leave your reindeer some carrots and 1 will leave you some cookies and a drink. I got one front tooth out last week and I hope 1 will be getting another one out maybe on Christmas Day. 1 arn going to write a joke for you. "Christmnas is fun. There is a war with pots for helmets and guns made out of sticks." Geoffrey 73- end CHEESES make charming gifts. SEE US TODAY FOR: Gift Boxes of Cheese and Cheese Trays for Parties. ALLOW 3 DAYS NOTICE WARKWORTH CHEESE HOUSE 1 mile North of the 401 Highway on 115 and 35 Phone 987-4339 OPEN - Dec. l7th to 2lst 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., Dec. 22nd. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Dec. 23rd. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., Dec. 24th 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. C LOS E D - Ch r stIm a sDa y, B oxlain gD a y aundIN ew Year's D ay. vship. .3541 6234' - ýe lýw >ew.>.m >,ele >---à Ilz* >---à YZIt,ýWA 3WA >-,-à >-lm >CM -Ilt