Youngeat Winner in Legion s Remembrance Day Contest Youngest winner in the Legion's Remembrance Day essay contest was Anthony Webb, 7, of Kendal- Kirby Public School. Anthony, who placed third in the junior division, is pictured here with teacher Jean Hay and Bob Brown of the Bowrnanville Legion. *The Salem unit of St. Paul's unit leader Mrs. Iva Twist SU.C.W. met in the Salem opened with a Christmas SSunday school room on poem and then conducted the SWednesday, December l2th at business. Secretary Mrs. 8 p.m. The meeting was in Bessie Shackleton read the Echarge of group three, and our minutes of the last meeting and Mrs. Evelyn Buttery gave a treasurer's' report. Our bazaar netted about $470.00 Sand allocations were made to 56 St. Paul's and donations to the Star Santa Claus fund and the 4 ~ ~ *I ~ Salvation Army. Visits to Ný_ rGhosgtsof t Christmas s" ~ ~ i Marrset yCobs and Mrs iii iY I I Buttery took part. Devotional Region Seeks Legisiation On Hazardous Materials Durham's regional council has agreed to support a request for legisiation on the transportation of hazardous materials. At its regular meeting in Whitby last week, regional council endorsed a resolution from the City of Kitchener which called for the provincial and federal governments to "place higher priority on the development and presentation of appropriate preventive legilation governing the transport of hazardous materials." However, Newcastle Mayor Garnet Riekard warned that the consumer could be faced with higher costs as a resuit of added restrictions on the handling of chemicals. Mayor Rickard said that because of restrictipns on these., chemicals, persons involved in the industry are finding it difficuit to meet al requirements and costs are increasing. Councillor John Aker suggested that the resolution from Kitchener does ndt deserve much credence because it was simply an example of a municipality jumping on the bandwagon and expecting to "save the world with a 25-word motion." It was suggested during the discussions of the Kitchener resolution that governmenit agencies are already working on this problem. However, the majority of regional councillors voted to support the stance taken by the City of Kitchener. closed with. prayer by Mrs. Twist. Mrs. Shirk introduced the guest speaker Mrs. Fulton, whom we have had with us on other occasions. This time her slides were taken in Italy and Austria on a trip she took in 1972. The excellent sldes were taken in Florence, Venice, Romie and other places of historical and artistic interest. They were accompanied by ber very amusing dialogue which we all enjoyed. The speaker was thanked and lunch and a social, hour followed. Number preserit 16, next meeting on January the 9th. Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvîlle, December 19, 1979 i Wins Trophy in Legion's Remembrance Day Conteat Receiving hier trophy for placing first in the Legion's Remembrance Day, essay contest in the intermediate division is Natalie Nowasad of M.J. Hobbs Senior Public Sehool. Pictured fromn left, teacher-Harvey Webster, Natalie Nowasad, Legion member - Bob Brown and sehool vice-principal, Susan Morri son. GrëinsadBest Wishes for a ~ S wonderful Christmnas Season. May you find peace and contentment I throughout the years to corne. ... Ltd ~ As nature sparkles i her new, white coat, we eas think of those who hav been great friends. 47 Kig St.EastSCHWARZ BROTHERS 47wma i ng 623-5081LIVESTOGK Ltd. Bomnile63-01 R. R.6 623-2895 Bowmnanville~ TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN IMANUEL, C.G.A. Income Tax and Related Accounting Services 118 King St. E., Suite 2 Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 1N4