2 The Canadian Statesman, 1towmanville, December 19, 1979 Section Three Nedleeraft Projeets Add to Holiday' Deeor The entire famîly looks forward to decorating the house for the holidays. Cherished ornaments are pulled out from their year- long storage place; pine boughs are cut and arranged on mantels and table top.-; holly is tucked into baskets and bowls-the whole house glows with the spirit of the season. This is the time of year whentime is devoted to making handcrafted items to adorn the home or give as gifts to special friends and relatives. Many of these handmade items, such as stockings and tree orna- ments, will be passed on and cherished by generations to corne. Today's needlecraft kits allow even a beginning stitcher to create profession- al-looking Christmas items. Now's the time to start on projects for the upcoming season. The kits themselves maké wonderful gifts, too, especially for friends and family Who enjoy creating their own holiday memn- ories. ~4 47+ Make àt A Musical Holiday! An old French carol tells Willie to get bis drum and Robin'10 bring bis flute to play the traditional Christ- mas songs. Today, it is more com- mon for the family to gather around the piano or organ for caroling. And to have other members play IREJ0IE ýAT THE BIRTH î IPEACE AND IVEJH~S SShoppe 9 33 King St. E. M Bowmanville m 623-3685 9 along on guitar, brass and even harmonica. Christmas and music go together. And Christmas is an ideal time to introduce youngsters and aduits to the enjoyment of being amateur musicians. Music stores have a wide range of items that are suit- able for gift-giving-from sheet music and small instruments for beginners to the super gifts of pianos and organs. Small instruments such as flutophones, tonettes, triangles, sticks, recorders or melodicas are excellent stocking stuffers-inexpen- sive, fun to play and ideal to start the child on music participation. For the slightly older child, who is already in- volved in music, a good gift might be a new instrument, an accessory for the one he already has or selections of sheet music. Hielen's L Tailor Shop Bowmanvllle Christmas in the Holy Land Will Be Cèlebrated By the Faithful Each year, more than 20,000 pîlgrims assemble in the littie town of Bethlehem to sing carols or pray in its "Shepherds' Fields." Stili a greater number crowd the area in front of Nativity Square to enjoy midnight mass in the Basilica of thîe Nativity, one of the holiest churches in the Holy Land, said to be built over the grotto where Mary gave birth to Jesus. Con- structed by Constantine the Great, many changes have taken place over the cen- turies. Its structure now em- braces Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox and Arme- nian Churches, The Basilica and other buildings convey the im- pression of a massive, un- adorned medieval strong- hold. Their strength and simplicity suggest the Considering Returns and Exchanges? Be Tactful! if there's a chance the ex- change will be discovered by the giver, perhaps it's best to keep the gift. Don't risk hurt feelings! How- ever, under certain circum- stances, exchanging or re-ý turning a present makes sense. For example, when ap- parel is not the right size, return it for the proper fit. if the present arrives in forlorn or beat-up condi- tion, it is best that you return it yourself to the store where it was pur- chased, and not involve the giver. Surely the store will want to miake it right. An out-of-town store? Write a note, explaining the situation, describing the da mage in detail, stating depar tment, item number, Bethlehem is bu t one of the goals of modemn travelers in Israel. Daily buses whisk people through the land stretching along the 150-mile Mediterranean Coastline. Two-thirds of the area lies west of the Jor- dan River and descends from 9000-foot Mount Her- hu mbleness of Jesus' hirth. mas Eve, December 24th. Coptic, Syrian, and Greek Bethlehem enjoys three Orthod'ox Churches ob- Christmases. Western serve January 6th, whereas churches celebrate Christ- if available, to facilitate action. However, if the gift was mailed and insured by the giver, he should be in- formed. Gift not insured, not adequately wrapped? Make the best of it. Acknowledge receipt with as good grace as you can muster. Don't make an unhappy situation worse! After all, it's the Christmas holiday season! výýI Tips to Santas: Gifts take on new radi- ance when you lightly spray sparkling gold on the bow and paper. Spray-paint the outside of a coffee container . .. it makes a particularly suit- able gift-can since it bas a plastic tight-fitting cover. Excellent for packing cookies, candies. the Armenian Church solemnizes -January l8th, corresponding to the Julian calenda r. mon through the gorge and into the Dead Sea. Palestine takes up the remaining 70 miles. Where simple shepllerd.once came in wondering awe to see where the Christ child lay, now sophisticated, jet- age travelers come to pay homage each year. In our books you're big cheese! It's been a pleasure serving you. MERRY CHRISTMAS! ..~Ii.9 Here's hoping Santa brings you lots of happiness this Christmas. Have a wonderful holidlay season. f rom the Staff 0f ~Manufacturing Lt. 200 Base L'n'e Rd. E. Bowmanville ~Nothling fancy or very neiv, SJust thanks and Merry Chr]istnias: SFron us to you! Best Wishes f rom Rae and Muriel, Doug and Cathy, Elia, Murel, Cindy, Ron, Ted, Gord. ABERNETHY'S Paint and Wallpapr Mt.Ï and J. Rae Abernethy Contracting Ltd. King Si. W. 623-5431 Bowmanville WE WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO WISH OUR CUSTOMERS A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and THE VERY BEST FOR 1980. JoAhn-1 & JudyHP, SHIRLEY - PATTI.- ELAINE - GAIL - LOUISE 15 KIng-St. E. omnle