The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 19, 1979 3 ORONO Quote - "Oh, I don't know how to say it, but it seems to me That at Christmas, man is almost what God sent him here to be." - Guest Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ullman spent Wednesday in Toronto, and Mr. Ullman attended the King Tut displays at the Art Gallery. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wood attended the wedding of their grandson Donald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wood, Kendal to Miss Tracy Budai, wedding took place in Kendal United 'Church and reception follow- ed, Saturday, December 15. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Cowan and Mr. and Mrs. Bev Cowan attended the 35th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborne, Morrish. Kirby U.C.W. ladies catered to the delicious turkey dinner served to the Heather Social Club ladies last Tuesday night, at 6 o'clock. Approxi- mately 45 ladies sat down to the well laden tables. Mrs. Doreen Swan acting as Santa Claus entertained the ladies ànd helped in the gift ex- :change that followed. Mr. GIordon Watson took pictures ' f the evening's proceedings and these will be viewed later on. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Wood, their family and Ralph Wood attended the dance held at the Lions Centre, Bowmanville, honoring the newlweds Mr. and Mrs. Don Wood, wedding Saturday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ervan Rainey were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles T Indoor Gardening Sumi Day Approximately 150 attended the first Sun Day for the cours "Indoor Gardening" s ed by the Dept. of Agric home economics bi Tuesday, December Orono Arena. Miss Caldwell, home ecoi Bowmanville, reporte course was very well at and enjoyed by all par ing. Groups representedi ed Bailieboro W.L, B W.I., Blackstock (2), manville, Courtice, Eli ville, Kendal, Maple( Millbrook, Morrish, Nes Newcastle, Newton Orono (2) and Solina. Miss Caldwell welcom large crowd and then ca Mrs. Barkwell, Car croft, to call on the v reports from all groups. A very interesting presentation and comm by Miss Caldwell, of plants, herbs and h propagate by cuttings was enjoyed by all pres< The groups all had in ing displays of their projects, and included plants, dish ga terrariums, macram Christmas decorations exceptional displays by ladies, Maple G Morgan's Corners and castle projected the nov for everyone to join the horticulture club forf training in the gar ideas. Everyone prese invited to cast their ba Send our FTD Season Greete Bouq t now. Your owr ment of f FTD Wo Christma one andt have oth n special holiday greeting. A festive arrang reshflowersand holiday greens inan exclusi% oden "Nutcracker" bowl. And featuring as candle. It's so beautiful, you'll want to ser take one home. Just call or visit us now V er special holiday ideas for you too. Helping you say it right NEWS aylor. to their favorite topic for mary another course. Courses sug- gested included, quilting, ladies crewel embroidery and bread mmary making. es on Another feature of Ibis ponsor- course on gardening included ulture, an interesting manual (68 ranch, pages) on all topics covered - 11, in Plant Growth, Propagation, Linda Decorating with Plants, nomist, Problems, Succulents and d this Cacti, Terrariums, a section tended on Herbs as Houseplants, ticipat- Macrame etc. This manual is a very excellent coverage of includ- al!topics and is from the ethany Department of Agriculture. Bow- Lunch was served to thelarge zabeth- crowd and all proclaimed this Grove, a very successful course. stleton, The residents of the Durham iville, Sr. Citizen Complex were pleased wit the pretty ned the Christmas decorations put up lled on by the Sunday School class of mpbell- Mrs. Carol Bailey. various The planning committee of the Town of Newcastle have slide given approval for the new entary Orono Plaza. Proceedings for bouse rezoning will now be under- ow to taken and the residents can s etc., look forward to a new ent. shopping plaza, here at home! terest- With the new gas hîkes, as a work result of last weeks budget, bouse shopping at home wihl be a rdens, welcome prospect. e and Mrs. Gladys Moffat, Orono, . Some vîsited recently with ber Solina daughter Mrs. Jack Morton Grove, (Patsy) Bowmanville I New- Junior Gardeners Christmas 'el idea Show ir local "A very exceptional display further of entries, sent 10 the Royal 'dening Winter Fair", commented nt was Penny Fairbrother, the illot as original founder of the Orono Jr. Gardners. Penny was a surprise guest at the annual Christmas party held in churcb hall, last Tuesday e evening. Mrs. Zegers and Mrs. Donna Scott, leaders, led the children in a varied program of recitation, readings and musical numbers. A very colorful display of wreaths, wall hangings, table centres, Sr Christmas cards etc., were a challenge 10 the judge to select select winners. The hi-lite of the evening was the showing of slides by Mrs. Maria Vogel, of the "Jr. Gardeners through the years." Mrs. Fairbrother gave the commentary and many pretty slides were enjyedry those presenti The prizes were given outo the winners. There were 10 members entering, and 41 entries. Andrew Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott, won the prize for the best arrangement. This mwas a Christmas wreath, made out of various nuts and con. Scott Riches, son of Mr. and e- Mrs. Bob Riches was the pwinner of the prize for tbe youngest participating a member (7 yrs.). d The prize monies for the Me Royal Winter Fair winners was given oui, and an interest- ing note was found attached 10 the first prize winner's, Brooks Cowan's cheque. This was from the OHA. Treasur- er Mr. srael, congratulating tae winner and reminding him of meeting him, las summer at their summer homes in Burleigh Falls, Big Cedar Lake. (Small world we live in! g Also congratulations to one of our junior members, Arnold Mostert, who bas recently won (F can IL tF-cutDod Ce, a, Marg, O UL cueInocu Uxt1î'- 6nt e can 'n ttic a fBndE Outelephncu - Jn yo Ul f a Ê a dc C~~CI f~ 00( tLin- in Eff MerCh rsmas CeIýa, Marg, Dodlýe & jean 62 Kenneth Mvenue (Beside GM mainl oitce ctBofd St. E), Tleere e 7-56 Christmas Seal Campaign Reaches Half-Way Point On Saturday, August 25, 1979, at 3:30 p.m., in Kendal United Church, the Reverend A.M. Tizzard solemnized the marriage of Sheila Langstaff, daughter of Ariel and Alta Langstaff, R.R. 1 Newtonville, and Mark Dalmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Garry Dalmer, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Dalmer are now residing in Kitchener. -Photo by McRobbie an honorable mention and cheque for $50.00 for an art entry in a farmers' magazine contest. Good news for Orono area telephone users! The Ontario Telephone Service Commis- sion has turned down the request for an interim rate increase from the Community Telephone Co. This may well be only of temporary relief to users, but will be welcome news at this time anyway. Our local Orono Hydro- electric Commission held their final banquet, December 7 at the New Dutch Oven restaurant for their staff and employees. Our local hydro offices have served us well over a period of forty-one (41) years and now once again, our local powers are taken away and will be under the jurisdic- tion of the Town of Newcastle. Small communities are real- ly the victim of the regional governments, "larger is better" thinking. Congratulations to Cheryl Saunders, who was the recent winnèr of the Poulon Electric Grass Trimmer in the draw held in the store opening for Vander Stoop's Flower Shop. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor and Mrs. Ruby Bryson were Wednesday luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Beckett, Oshawa. We are glad to report that Mrs. Touchburn bas returned home and we all wish her a speedy recovery! Mrs. F. Saxby, Mr. and Mrs. George Dennis, all from Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. George MacDonald, Belle- ville, were all recent visitors at the home of Mrs. Etta Irwin. Orono U.C.W. News The Orono U.C.W. held its annual Christmas dinner and installation of officers, Thurs- day, December 13 at 12:30 p.m., in Orono Church Hall. Everyone enjoyed the bounteous noon luncheon, and the table looked very festive with a large white candle, in centre of table, with red candles on either side. Unit one was in charge of the devotions and their theme was entitled "The Lighted Candle." Unit No. 4 gave a very hilarious skit, doing a take off on Dr. Watt, who bas been making headlines, re church catering, preparing meals, etc. These young ladies performed to an appreciative audience and looked, oh, so elegant in their decorative headdresses. This was much enjoyed by all present. The reports of the nominat- ing committees, as follows for 1980: President - Mrs. Lois Brown; Recording Secretary - Mrs. Doreen Wood; Corresponding Secretary - Mrs. Stella Carson; Treasurer - Mrs. Eleanor Shetler; Social Functions Convener - Mrs. Merle Gilbart; Program Com- mittee - Mrs. Eileen Billings, Mrs. Stella Carson, Mrs. Nellie Baird; Pianist - Mrs. Bertha Touchburn. Orono White Gift Service Sunday, December 16, was the date for the annual White Gift Service and the theme "A Festival of Lights". A very beautiful and meaningful Christmas program was in charge of Miss Donna Hutton, from the Sunday school departments. Her assistants included Mr. Marvin Calvin, Mrs. Carol Bailey and Mrs. Thelma Gilbank. All depart- ments from Sunday school took part and brought their white gifts to the front of the church. A special part of the Oshawa service was the opening of the treasure chest, and the various gifts, of a loaf of bread, of joy, love, and sharing were presented. Special Christmas music under the capable direction of Mr. David Gray at the organ and his mother Mrs. Joyce Gray, piano enhanced this beautiful service. All white gifts will be donated fram the Sunday school to the sponsored family (boat people) when they arrive here in Orono, in the near future. Orono Hi C groups will again sponsor their Christmas Eve service Monday, December 24, at 10 p.m. St. Saviour's Reports Following the regular At its halfway point, the Christmas Seal Campaign in Durham Region has raised $56,000 ot its $85,000 goal. "We're still a long way from our objective," says Campaign Chairman Marline Veater "but we hope that using our Seals on Christmas mail will remind people to send in a donation." Mrs. Veater is "disappoint- ed" with the poor response Sunday morning church service, the St. Saviour's Sunday school departments held their special Christmas party and, concert. Mrs. Anthony Wood, was in charge of the programs and treats were handed out to the children. An excellent pro- gram of music by the Jr. choir, the Jr. classes present- ed (2) skits, (1) The Christmas Story '(2) Christmas Spirit. Roger Proctor gave three excellent piano selections. Next Sunday we will look forward to our annual choral readings and service. Our annual A.C.W. meeting will not be until January. This Tuesday, December 18 the A.C.W. ladies will cater to the Past Noble Grands annual Christmas party and exchange of gifts. Your correspondent wishes the season's best to the staff and our readers and may 1980 bring a more settled and lasting peace to our world. from Durham's business com- munity. "We hoped for more evident support from this area" she says "as lung disease is the greatest cause of incidental absence in busi- ness and industry." A large proportion of the funds raised in Durham Region are used for local programming. Of last year's $81,000, $19,500 was allocated to research. The remaining $61,500 was used for free local projects like Family Asthma Courses, Asthmatic Children's Summer Camp, Better Breathing Courses for patients with chronic chest disease and a variety of other education or rehabilitative support services. If you have mislaid your Christmas Seal reply envelope, donations can be sent to Durham Region Lung Association, Rooms 464-466, Oshawa General Hospital, Oshawa, L1G 2B9. Block Parents Ask Sehool Board to Support New Program The Town of Newcastle's 300-member Block Parent organization has asked for help from the Northumber- land and Newcastle Board of Education in order to establish an absentee program in local schools. The program would introduce parents working with schools in order to ensure that students absent from classes without notice from their parents are safe. Janice Slocombe, a spokes- man for the Town of Newcastle Block Parents, explained that without the absentee program it might be the noon lunch hour before a child would be missed by bis or her parents. "They may play hookey for a couple of days before someone tries to find out where they are," she told the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education at a meeting in Cobourg last Thursday. Mrs. Slocombe pointed out that high schools run daily checks of all students absent rom classes. And she suggested that a similar program among younger students is even more important. The Block Parents are asking that the school board encourage principals to support the absentee program. The project would mean that a Block Parent should take a list of all students absent from a school in one day and make phone calls to the parents of children on the list. Support from principals would help to make the program a success, Mrs. Slocombe said. She suggested that once parents are accustomed to the absentee program, only a few phone calls would be needed to check the whereabouts of absent children. Parents would be encouraged to notify the school on days when their children would be absent and this would eliminate the need for phone calls from the Block Parents. The Board of Education has agreed to consider the request from the Block Parents group and will make a recommendation at a later date. THE OPTICAL BOUTIQUE IRENE McROBERT, Dispensing Optician 30 KING ST. WEST BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623-4477 The finest n photography for WEDDINGS and ANNIVERSARIES TE LEPHON E 623-2404 for dates available or drop in to our studio at 78 King St W , Bowmanville Gould Photo r----4