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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Dec 1979, p. 7

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 26, 1979 7 I 4 I iN ub tub oteu 1,Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago, To ail our readers, we wish a ings to Margare Happy New Year! We take Miller. this opportunity to thank al Anniversary who contrîbute to our coiumn congratulations and ask for your continued Mrs. William Keý support. and Mrs. Robin A On Thursday, December Weekend visit( 2th, a busload of Newcastle and Mrs. Stanley Senior Ctizens enjoyed a tnip Miss Judith Po to Sherway Gardens and ville and Mr. an( supper at the nearby Garwood, Be« Ponderosa. After their repast, Quebec. a tour of, city Christmas lights Mr. and Mrs.1 was enjoyed. Some of the and Ian, Ottawa business exhibits were excep- Mrs. Nico de JE tional with residential areas were Sunday visii showing quaiity rather than and Mrs. Murray quantity. Since. Toronto Mr. and Mrs. received more snow, the Ottawa, were shrubbery in the residential visitors with ber areas was beauitiful in its and Mrs. R. B. R mantde of wite. Al in ail, it On Friday an was a mucb enjoyed bus trip. December 14 anc A good attendance turned Mrs. Larry Wa out for the Women's Institute Barrie wbere thl Christmas meeting beld last ed in the Homn Wednesday, December 19, at party. the home of Mrs. Bessie Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson'.- Bowmanville Saturday visitors witb Mrs. Christmas Eve Dorothy Harmer were hier parents, Mr. and daughter, Mrs. Ethel Traili, Hoar. Kevin and Kim, Scarborough, Mr. and Mi and granddaughter Shelley Ormiston, Bown2 LeGrou and ba be, Pickering. Saturday ever On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. guests of Mr. and George Buckley visited with Powell. Miss Jessie Lamb, Omemee. Mr. and Mrs. 1 Mr. Grant Hendry, U.N.B., Albert, Aiberta, Fredericton, is home for the the Christmasv holiday with his parents Mr. his family. and Mrs. Alex Hendry. Misses Susana Mr. Lorne Aluin, University Wagar are both of Guelph, is spending the University witht Christmas vacation with his Mr. and Mrs. BuE famnily, Mr. and Mrs. William, Mr. and Mrs. Alin. enjoyed the Or, For those Tommy Hunter staff Cbristmas fans who saw Fridlay nigt's Dutch Oven, Oroi programme and Miss Saliy evening. On Sa Shortt playing lher banjo, they were among so me Newcastle residents wiii CUPE 1206 m remember her gnandparents 'smorgasbord ( as the Shortts who had the dance at Little L antique shop on Mill Street near Coîborne. Soutb. Sally's parents are > Anglican Chu Terry and Roma of Oshawa On Sunday, D( (nee Glanvilie of Orono) and at the 11: 15 SE tbey must be yery proud of George's Angli( tweive-year old Sally. there were carol Mn. and Mrs. Phiiip Sam Cureatz Barcitard and. Cameron, Dawson were si Edmonton, Aberta, are day and Jeffrey spending their Christmas Cr ucifen.- Miý vacation in this area, with hier Fletcher, the ont parents in Oshawa and with a prelude of Chri his parents, M. and Mrs. Ed The Readers wei Barchard. Lynn Linton, J Bitbday greetinizs to Sharon DeJong, Carolyn Garrod, Audrey Joy Ritchie, Mil Sanday, Fred Glanvilie and Wayne Linton fri Theda Bedwin. Belated greet- Group. The C], CouncQ Newcastle council will continue to press for toll-fnee calling privileges for pensons who have to phone the hospital in Bowmanviile from the Orono - Newtonville area. "I would hate to see this matter dropped on the basis that it is not the responsibiiity of the bospital." said Council- ion Keitb Barr. in a letter to0 the Town of Newcastle, the directons of Memoial Hospital" Bowman- ville, stated that they feel there is an unequai distribu- tion of telephone services in the area-. Howeven, the board added that "this is not a ho spital probiem". andstated that it is not pnepared to take any action on instailing a toll-fnee numben at this time. Acting on a motion by Counillor Barr, council voted to nefer the matter to community services commit- tee chairman MUaurice Prout who wili see if an arrange- ment can be mnade for emergency calis to the hospital to be bandled on a collect cail basis. ,t and S*usan wishes and to Mn. and Ban and to Mn. Alldred. tors with Mn. y Powell were Ewell, Bnock- d Mrs. Terny aconsf ield, David Milton and Mn. and Fnge, Whitby itors with Mn. yPaterson. ,David Milîs, ýe weekend rparents, Mn. Lickand. Ld Saturday, id 15, Mn. and ide were in iy participat- ne Christmas Rob Griffin, C, spent ,ewith lber id Mrs. Frank nrs. Howard nanville, were ning suppen I Mrs. Stanley rim Gnay, St. are spending vacation witb and Jeannette h home from their parents, id Wagaan. ;Jack Crago 'ono-Lockhart ;party at the ono, on Friday .turday night ig members'of vho enjoyed dinner and Lake Pavîion- irch News )ecember 23rd 'ervice at St. can Church, s and lessons. and Brian esmen for the ,Lake was the ss Allison -anist, piayed ristmas music. nre Joy Yates, Jeffrey Lake, Grace Ton, &eLocke, and rom the Youth 'hurch School pupils and te achers attendeai the service and Mrs. Cureatz and Mns. Wood led them in singing carols. The choir sang 'an old English canol, Remember O Tbou Man. In the message by Rev. Haldenby the idea of nejoicing at Christmas was put fonward. We have worries and feans, ilis and weariness that are hard to overcome, but if we let tbem get the upper hand, they can do us barm and we can miss God's greatest Gift, hîs Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus came with Love, Joy and Peace. The Gif t was mneant for everybody. To accept God's Gift of lis Son is more important than most of the tbings we tbink are important. One tree in the chunch had been decorated by the childnen of the Chunch School and the Nursery 'School. Onnaments for another tree had been made by junior membens of the Horticultural Society. Many of the Christmas flowens were already in the cbunch and the churcb looked lovely. Michael Tait assisted in ligbting the Advent candies. At the 8:30 a.m. service, David Gibson was Sidesman and Kaine Hayman was Server. 1Members of St. George's Fellowship Club made up flowen bouquets in vases, on Friday, December 2lst and they were distributed to nursing homes and also to shut-ins and pensons who had been iii lately. St. George's choir met at the nectony aften practice on Fniday night and celebnated, the season with singing and nefreshments. United Cburch News On Sunday, December 23rd, ai Newcastle United Church, Michael Rickard lit the fourtb Advent candie which was white representing purity. The preceding candies were green representing Creation, blue for Royalty and ned for Marlyrdom. The Wise Men's Gifts was the pageant presented by the following cast: Narrators, Enla Jose and Marilyn Martin; Joseph, Francis Jose; Mary, Elan Rickard; Innkeepen, Wayne Blackburn; Shepherds, Ron Verbeek and Murray Jose; Angel, Johnna Brefs Town Manager Abert Guiler reported Monday that Newcastle's municipal offices will be operating witb a skeleton staff fnomn Wednes- day of this week to January 2. The town manager expiain- ed that he bas tried to book members of staff on bolidays during the Christmas season to make up for overtime worked duing the year. Councillon Bill Clarke suggested Monday night that Newcastle's civic officiais should be encouraging the use of natural gas as a beating fuel. Counillor Clarke explained tbat we appean to have large quantities ofgas and suggest- ed that using it would belp to ease the energy cisis. Noting that heating fuels are in short supply, Councillon Clarke saîd "I'm just wonder- ing if it's going to be gas or wood. " Councillon Cowman stated tbat the majority of residents living on Darlington Bivd. in Courtice would like to have natural gas installed. Council recommended that the Consumers Gas company be contacted in a letter whicb would ask what, use couid be made of the existing gas franchise in Newcastle Village. It would also enquire into the f easibility of installing natunal gas on Dalîngton Blvd. Aspeciai committee looking into pnoblems of ovennigbt parking in the town bas recommended tbat no changes be made in ovennigbt parking negulations. The only exception to this suggestion is as follows: It was receommended by the committee that parking be pnohibited on King St, Bowmanville, fnom Ontario St. to Scugog Rd. between 6:30 a.m. and eight a.m. from April 1 to Novemben 15 and also on King St., Bowmanville, from Liberty St. to Scugog Rd. between 2 a.m. and 7 a.m. fnom Novemben 16 to Marcb 31. THE SIGN 0F A GOOD BUSINESS NEIGHBOR .. . ' fIn l enr,, THE SIGN 0F A MERCHANT WHO CARES ABOUT PEOPLE . .. This emblem identifies, the civic-minded' businessmen who sponsor n the community. For information cali èvarg bain, Telephone 987-4201 4yn Chard; Angel's voice, GlIenn Alun; Henod the Great, David Rickard; Wise Men, David Foote, Charles Cnowthen, Alfred Perrin; Soldiers, Greg Martin, Gary Schmid; Mothers, Gail Rickard and Joan Blackburn; Jesus, Jack Chard; Satan, David Spivey; Henod Antipas, Steven Aluin (soloîst); Pilate, Gannet Rickand. The pageant potrayed finst the Birth of Jesus. The second part was acted by the Wise Men bringing gold for tbe King. The third segment, frankincense, the gift for a priest, was neflected in Satan's tempting of Jesus. The fourth act, the gif t of mynrh for embalming, showed Jesus brought before Pilate and then canrying the cross. The choir rendened fitting anthems appreciated by the congregation. On Thunsday evening, December ý0th, tbnee wagon- loads of singers did thein Christmas canolling, ending up at the manse for refnesh- ments. On Sunday evening, December 16, the Hi-C membens and leaders treated their parents to turkey dinner at the Sunday ScbooL. PONTYPOOL Curts McKfor as been o done by the childnen of the Laurie Quirk, Christine Cthescist thi ns wee. We Sunday School. The pnogram Jeffrey, Carnie Lynn Challice, trusclsttt hilsoon b. e was as follows: Sharon MeMahon, Holiy feelsgt mha etter. Curtise Welcome by Marg Scott, Slack. Wse Men - Christopher hasin to be r ealyjlt tte nduti minister of Pontypool United Turner, Larry and Darryl cashurchad sil nce his endasChurch. Houston. Choir - Andy and vcrandtwice on Sundway w Carol Singîng - The Finst Kathleen Smales, Kim and vaoanthtwhe ois rl und er Noel, O Come Ahl Ye Faithful. Tammy Molloy, Paul Quirk, the weather." Christmas Welcome - Craig Karen and Kim Medd, Ms.Gerg RidMantel. Jannette and Craie~ Mantel. and abysonof inday ere Noel Recitation - Jannette Shaun, Christie and Bruce, Snd ay gss of Mri nd Mr Mantel, Robin Fisk, Carol/ Ratcliffe, Kathy McMahon, Rondy amlto r and Armitage, Shaun Ratcliffe. Barbara Pleadwell, Carol Rym o and rs Jmichard Christmas Presents - Armitage, Richard Jeffrey son and boys.of Lindsarwe Christie Ratcliffe. and Robin Fisk. sun ndys oaLiersywith Rut Christmas Always Solo - Nelly Michel - "Ave Richardson and family. abr ladel ai" High bowlen in the Ladies Better Than Toys - Tammy Guitar Selections - Frosty League on Monday was Molloy. the Snowman, Rudolph the Audrey Davidson with 229 as In Grandpa's Day - Kathy Red Nosed Reindeer, Jingle ber single and 428 her double. McMahon, Bruce Ratcliffe,' Beils, Rocking Around the Sunday visitors with Mr Kim Moiloy, Kathleen Smales. Christmas Tree, Joliy Old St. and Mrs. Terry Slack, Holl Guitar Selections, - What Nicholas, Silver Belîs - Fran and Erin, were Mn. and Mrs~ Child is This? It Came Upon a and Jim Ratcliffe, Marg Scott, Borden Slack and Mn. and Midnight Clear and O Holy Father Walsh. Mrs. Abe Walken ail of Night by Fran and Jim Solo - Keith Dewar - "The Oshawa. Ratcliffe, Marg Scott and Holy City". Christmas Progrn Father Walsh singing and Carol Singing 0 Little Pontypool Church accompanying themselves on Town of Bethlehem, Joy to the The congregations of Ponty- guitars. Worid. poo Uite Curh ad ~. Pageant - "The First Santa Claus arrived to the poo UntedChuch nd t.Christmas" - Narrator tune of "Santa Claus is Thomas More Parish held a Meis DufrMr CongtTw"addsr- joint Christmas program in Jenifer Dunaos, MJoseph buted Tto"a i the the'church on Sunday evening Mnihee Flet, shephd b- hîd re Progr a lse wth at 7:00 p.m. In spite of the MJohllmFlst, Json Mhes, singin o "We Wis You a winds and snow there were JLene PmlesJnMadwl, Stephe n Merryofhnistmas." Y very few empty seats in the Le Pedel tpe er hita. church. The church was McLaughlin, Sean Muller, A special thank you is beautifully decorated with Bruce Hamilton. Angels, - extended to Pam Molloy and tree, candies ;nid pietures Karen Medd, Lisa Hamilton, Rodney Maachs' for making T - - costumes worn in the pageant. Ballydf histmas Service On Suda=fternoon a t 2: 00 p.m., Rev. Fred Swann conducted a special Christmas service to a capacity congre- gation in Ballyduff Presby- tenian Church. Jeanne McMahon was the organist. During the service there wene three christenings. They were: Darryl Lorence, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorence Britton, Lindsay'; Adam Wayne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne MacKenzie, Whitby; James Michael, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chapman. Fo!lowing the service Barrie and Bruce Armstrong distributed treats to ail the children. The next monthly service will be held in Ballyduff Hall on Suniday, January 20th. Christmas Greetings to ail from your Pontypool correspondent. "Christmas" A time for songs and endless 1cheer, A time for friends both far and nean, A time for faith to lead the way, A time for hope each time we pray, A time for blessings from above, Yes, Christmas is a time for love. Bruce Adams of Pontypool had a good night at Barrie Racveway on, Satunday, December l5th Terms of sale: One day only Dec. 27, 8: ,00 a.m. ta 5:00 p.m. Ail stocked merchandise only. No special orders. No layaways. Cash & Carry. No charges. No deliveries. No advance orders. Ail sales final. No exchange or refund. Get acquai4ited Coupons cannot beused for extra 5% discount. __AJAX WHITBY OSHAWA COURTICE PORT HOPE y282 Monach Ave, 223 Brock St. N. 100Bond St. W. Bort .f l6eeS Mon-Tus. . 8. Mn Tes .6 Mon.-Fri. Oshawa Mon.Tues'...8-6 on.-ues.. . -6 1M rn. -Wed. . .. 8-6 Mon. Thurs 8,5:30 D II W ed -Fr1 . .8-9 W ed Fri. .. 89 O8 - 9 Thurs.-Fri. . 8-9 Friday . . . 89 ____aturday..8-6 Saturday ...8-6 Saturday..8-6 Saturday . 8-5:30) Saturday. . 8-4 HER~CAGX 686-1881 668-6821 728-1617 728-1611 885-2423 VISA RAINBOW MOTEL R.R. 2, Newcastle FOR RENT Two-roomn housekeeping units, corn- pletly uringed $195 monthly. Open ,Mou'

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