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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Mar 1913, p. 3

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Z -, % P 1 X ALLAN r mTl l TO LIVERPOOL LINE Grampian Tunisian Hesperian Victorian Grampian Numidian - Scotian Scandinavian -Parisian Ionian St. John 22 Feb. 28 Feb. . 8 Mar. 14 Mar. 22 Mar. • TO GLASGOW . From Boston 27 Feb. Halifax Direct 1 Mar. Direct. 15 Mar. Direct Mar. 13 Portland 6 Mar. 26 Mar. A MESSAGE FOR THOSE WHO SUFFER A SIMPLE PRESERVATIVE. MRS E. J. TALBOT TELLS THEM • TO FIND A CURE IN DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS, ' # _ Mar. 27 < - For tickets and full particulars of rates etc., apply to Local Agents or. THE ALLAN LINE, 77 Yonge st., Toronto She Had Rheumatism,: Lumbago and Neuralgia and Found the Remedy She Was Looking for in Dodd's Kidney Pills. .. Hamilton, Ont. , Mar. 17-(Special) - (< r know there are a lot of people people who. suffer and do not what will cure. them. Dodd's Kid- ney . Pills will. " -7 v , ' _ J' _ These are the words of Mrs. L. J. Talbot who resides at 293 Wellington Wellington street north, .this city. - And, Mrs." Talbot: speaks out of her own BOWMANVILLE TIME TABLE (Daily except. Sunday) 1 TRAINS LEAVE For Toronto an! Intermediate.Stations 9.15a.m. 7.44 p.m. For Trenton, Belleville, Deseronto, Napanes and Intermediate.Points; also C. O. R. Stations between Trentonand Picton. 11.15 a. m. 7.24 p. m. For Coe Hill and Intermediate Stations 11.15 a. m. For Yarker, Tweed, Harrowsmith, Sydenham Intermediate Stations on"Bay of Qmnte Ry. 11.15 a.m. . - TRAINS ARRIVE. >; From Toronto and Intermediate Stations . : 11.15 a. m. - 7.24 p.m. From Napanee, Belleville, Trenton and_ Inter- -P " " mediate Points: also Picton and C.O.;R. Points 9. 30 a. m. 7.44 p. in. . From Maynooth (Ç. O. R.) 7.44 p. m. From Sydenham, Tweed, Yarker, etc, 7.44 p.m. For further particulars see other advertisement appearing in.this paper, or apply A. M. WILLIAMS, Bbwmanville Agent sick, IP experience, x -v ' - "Last July I was- very Mrs. Talbot continues. ■ "My heart bothered me, my limbs were heavy, and I had a dragging sensation across the loins-. ' Rheumatism, lumbago and neuralgia added to my sufferings, and the doctor -I .called in did not help me much. "I finally decided to try Dodd s Kidney Pills. I have, used seven boxes and I am so much stronger and better that I feël I ^must recommend recommend them to others." ; . Mrs. Talbot's, complication of troubles, all came from sick kidneys. That's why. " Dodd's Kidney ,Pills cured them. For Dodd's Kidney Pills are no cure all. They simply cure kidney disease of any kind. They never fail: to do that. - Egyptians Lashed Boards Together - to Keep Out Dampness. " : There were weather compensations" compensations" in Pyramid times, y Prof. Flinders Petrie, the celebrated Egyptologist, has' made some most interesting discoveries in an extensive extensive cemetery, : some thirty odd miles south of Cairo. Noticeable in the cemetery was the wonderful preservation of materials. materials. : Thus, the linen is .quite fresh and strong, and in some instances instances the pieces were as white as if they had just left the loom. The coffins, - all wood, of acacia .or shit- tim, we ré quite sound, and many of the tombs still had the original beams in position. This is quite remarkable remarkable as the cemetery dates from the earliest age down to the time of thé Pyramids. , Thé remains of the houses of the. period were found used in the construction construction of the coffins and. thé specimens showed that the ancients of this period cut tie holes in thé edges of the planks and lashed them together in such a manner that they could slide over one another another during the change in climatic température. ;..--------• ; Dizzy Headaches Cured in One Night If Troubled With Head-Fullness, Ringing Noises, Specks Be fore the Eyes, the Stom ach is at Fault. Quick GRAND TRUNK syster? CALIFORNIA MEXICO FLORIDA AND THE SUNNY SOUTH The Grand Trunk Railway is the" most; direct route from all points East through Canada, via Chicago, Detroit or Buffalo. ONLY DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE round trip tourist tickets, giving choice of all the best routes, together with full information, may. .bè obtained- from any Grand Trunk Agent. No matter where you are going, we ivili deliver your tickets to your-home or office - if up Phone No. 7£. J. H. H. JURY, Agent Prejudice. "Professor, who invented the accordion accordion ?" ■ • - . "Why seek to And out, my boy? Perhaps hé repented of it ; before he died." - Enquiring His Way A lawyer,; driving through a vil- Relléf and: Certain Cure From dr. Hamilton's Pille. Came "I had terrible pains in my head. My appetite faded away, and when I did eat anything it disagreed and made me very sick for Lours after. - each" meal. The. pains' in my stomach, and the dizzy headaches, headaches, I liad to.. endure almost set one wild. Sometimes attacks came on so ee- uli fy r n _ verely that I-had to go to bed. I womd Cottage tO 1 „>» nrn.n ilonroMeS and ut1 AN INTERMITTENT SPRING. The Water Cumes and Goes Like a Thief iti the Night. lage, stopped at a contage - vu | feel ^ worn . depressed and utterly mis quire his way. The lady oi tnei > er ^ié for ,hours I wouldn't speak house "told him he must .keep! ^ niy family. My system was poisoned straight; on for. some time, -then ^ith wastes and nothingf helped me till I turn to the right ; hut said that she use d Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Without this herself w T as going to pass the road grand system-cleaning remedy I would was, cured And occasional light dressings of Cuiticura Ointment will prevent prevent it when all else fails. he*must take", and if " he would wait I still be sick, but each day brought me Cuticura Soap and Ointment are sold throughout the world. A liberal sample of each, with 32-page booklet on the care and treatment of the skin and scalp, sent post-free. Address Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Dept. 23D, Boston, U. 6. A. Marion Bridge, C. B.. Majr 30, _02-_______ I have handled MÎNARD S LINIMENT during the past year. It is. always the first Liniment asked for here," and unques tionably the best ■ seller of all .the differ- ■ -* t t handle. MidS ° f LinimCT ^ E IL" i-EBSUSON. "She's been very busy telling mé how to rear my baby." "Well ?" '-But she got into perfect panic when I asked her to take care of the. child for a couple of days. You know I was suddenly called-ciUv'Of town." „ .- ,, , , p Make and wiU always uee. and recommend Dr. pany is better- "phan none. MaKe Hamilton , g p ms / haste." Ofter jogging on hve or "MRS. B. 0.. CURRAN, six miles the gentleman asked. if he j - > Westport P. O."- had not come to the road, he must Thoùsands who ar-s In an ailing, Jow take. ■ "Oh, yes," said she, we I etatQ of health need nothing else but.Dr. have passed it two or three miles j Hamilton's Pills. 25c. per box, or. five back ; but, as I agree that bad com- boxes for $1.00, at all druggists and' etore- pany' is better than none, I kept j keepers, or the Catarrhozone Company, you" along with me." ; Near the village of Alcham, in a secluded valley of the North Downs, England, within a few miles of busy Dover, is an intermittent spring of water that is at present in full force and activity." It has long periods of quiescence, for, according to tradition/ tradition/ it appears only every seventh seventh year. V As a matter of fact, however, it has appeared with more or less regularity any time within the last four years. It comesi like a thief in thé night, and in a Jew hours turns a fertile bottom into a- generous lake that, overflows the highway and makes of it a raging torrent. - After keeping above ground for a few hundred yards it disappears as mysteriously as it came,' and its subsequent course is not visible. A countryman whose house borders Dillingore, as the stream is called, told me it gave no warning .of "its approach, says a .writer. I asked him if he had ever seen any water bubbling, up, andi he said : ' 'No ; the place will be dry overnight, and full of water in the morning, and that's all we know about it." He bad no idea. whether a wet winter such as this which followed a wet summer had anything anything to do with it. A similar spring' exists near Croydon, in the Caterham Valley, known as the" Woe waters, from Jhe belief that its appearance presaged plague, famine, famine, or war. . Dillingore must be tne overflow oî a large subterranean reservoir in the chalk, which is fed by the-natural drainage of the sur rounding; heights. - TRY IT WHEN YOtJ'IUS TIRED You will find it wonderfully refreshing UPTON'S ft sustains and cheers TREES THAT SHOW ANGER. Buffalo, N. Y.,- arid.Kingston, Ont. Headache Over the Eyes ? Look For Nasal Catarrh HOW THE SAP RISES. A Species in Idaho Which Shakes and Emits Unpleasant Odor. In Idaho there exists a species of the acacia tree which is entitled to be classed as one of the wonders of plant life. .When full grown- it closes its leaves together "in coils each day at sunset and curls its twigs to the shape • of pigtails Cure Your Sore Throat Nerviline Will Do It Blessed Relief Comes Quick, You Get Comfort, Every Pain Disappears. Catarrh Never Stops in One Place -- It Sprëads Rapidly--Often Ruins Health Completely. In, this changeable climate it is the little colds. that drift into Catarrh. Unlees the inflammation is checked it Organized Marvels of Mechanical the tree has thus settled it- self for its night's sleep, it is said Construction. . th t if to UC hed it will flutter as if How the raw sap travels from the agitated or impatient at the distil r- absorbing roots beneath the ground fiance. The. oftener, it is averred, to the topmost twig of an oak or the foliage is molested, the more elm tree, more than 100 feet above, violent will become the shaking of and to nearlyfour or five times that the branches. Finally, it is fur- height in the ease of some of the ther alleged, if the shaking is con- mammoth, gum trees (eucalyptus)- of tinned, the tree will at length emit the Tasmanian forests, and in the a nauseating odor quite sufficient to of the STRAYED from the X Ranch Corral a wall eyed Pinto Broncho with a Roman nose, - and lightning heels. We have issued a humorous descriptive circular of this remarkable "bronco with illustrations illustrations of his antics. Sent free on application to any/èader of this paper. This is the most famous circular ever printed in the English language. More than half a million copies have already been distributed to advertise our famous Pinto Shell gloves made from tough Bronco hides. For a free copy send postal to HUDSON BAY KNITTING CO. , Canada's Expert Glove and Mitt Makers. MONTREAL FARMS FOR SALE. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. 500 ACRES JT with Three Houses: large Ba^k Barn, Must be sold quick. Price is very low. OOD STOCK FARM OF FARMS IN Manitoba; Alberta and Saskatchewan that can be bought', quick, sale. ; S EVERAL DESIRABLE ] Worth the money for T HAVE OVER ONE HUNDRED GOOD farms in different section*? of Ontario on my list, me. If you want a farm consult H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. STAMPS AND COINS passes rapidly from the throat or nose gigantic Wellington!» of .California, indtice : a headache in the case < to the bronchial tubes and thén to the Has lopg pu'^ijSd^ifee^l^^ifc.lPzLperagn-rdistHrMi^gJfch^ree. H0MESEEKERS* EXCURSIONS Each. TUESDAY, MARCH- 4 to OCTOBER 28 (inclusive). Via Chicago and St. Paul. Winnipeg and return, $35.00 Edmonton and retûrn, $43.00 Tickets good for Ô0 days. _ Proportionate Proportionate low rates to 'other .points in Manitoba, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Is the shOldest shOldest anil quickest route between Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Saskatoon, Edmonton. - - " Time Tables/Land Pamphlets and other descriptive descriptive literature relative to the Grand Trunk Pacific Rv. may be obtained from.- nearest Grand Trunk Agent:. • J. H. H. JURY, Agfc., Phone 78. Only One "BROMO QUININE" That is LAXATIVE BROMO_QUININE. Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. Cures Grip in Two Days. 25o. - Health is wealth--except for the doctor. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget In Cows. "This" dog of mine is some dog, let-me tell you I He has .a wonderful wonderful pedigree !" . "I suppose you trace him away back "to the dog Noah took into the ark." "Say, this dog's ancestor- didn't go into the ark. He had a hark of his lungs. You can't make new lungs any I explain, says ithe sEtÿahd Magazine, inorërthan you can. make new fingers ; ôr old idea that'toapiUarity is the toes, but you can cure Catarrh. ^ j factor at work, the fluid being co-n- The surest cure consists of breathing in v ^ vec j up the trunk and branches I. « *L t*..» hnleOTTlin P. R " Of I -■ - m'ï • ll the healing balsamic essences- ?. f | a .f£er the manner of oil through the CATARRHOZONE, which is simply'a medicated medicated vapor so full of rich curative properties properties that every trace of Catarrh vanishes vanishes before it. "The soothing piney vapor of Catarrh- ozone is the most powerful medicine I wick of. a" lamp, becomes an altogether altogether inadequate explanation. Especially Especially is this so when we realize that, in some of the internal tissues' of the stem, the pressure exerted ever used," writes Mrs. Edmond J. Çhris- reac hes from eight to twenty atmos- tinë, of Saskatoon. "Every breath drawn pEercs, or in. other, words from .120 through the Inhaler sends a grateful j ^ 3 qq pounds to the square inch-- feeling through the air passages of- the , & grater -than that in the nose and throat. Catarrhozone cured me i ... •, of frightful h«adacb=6 over the eyea. re- boder of a normal, railway engine 01 y 1 This mighty- pressure scattered own. When Your Eyes Meed Care Try Murine Eye Remedy. No Sm arting-^ï ecl s lieved me of a stuffy feeling in the nose, --- . ,, , „ and an irritable hacking cough that had more or less irregularly, through tne been the bane of my life for-a year. My tissues of the tree,- drives the sap general health is greatly improved, my Uo the buds a-nd forces them open, appetite and digestion are considerably expands their leaves, and is contin- better than, before. Catarrhozone has ua l] y work wherever the process been the means of giving me such health » building Tiew structures is going as I always deeired, but never poseessed. | _ ^ ^b^s,-therefore, that Even" though catarrh has a firm hold 1 on you,. and affects your throat, nose; or | the engineering arrangements- for 1 ears;• you . •... • • , . - « ... . • • Catarrhozone. Large size, guaranteed, this powerful stream of life-giving can thoroughly cure it with j the -conducting and controlling of Wat^ A Ey S es^d k G; a ^fa"a f EyeHds: | c4sts"$LO0Ï "smaller size.-50c.; sample size | gap must _be very- perfectly organ-. trated . Book in : each Package. " Murine ; Is compounded by our Oculists--not a "Patent Med- » • . r „ 1 a. - jm 1--. Dhtfclolnna' ici né"-- but used in successful Physicians' Prac for many years. " Now dedicated•tO-the- Pub-; lie and sold by Druggists at 36c and 60c ,per Bottle. 1 Salve in Aseptic Tubes»-wc-and: 60a. - - " Chic Murine Bye Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago FrcB.:Wg3^-L: Btearfier: : r. From,Bristol Royal Edward Wed. Mar. 19 " Wed/Apr. 2 Royal Edward - Wed. Apr. 16 Wed. Apr. 30 "Royal George" ' • Wed., May. 14 From Montreal. Royal Edward Wed. May. 14. .Wed. May. 28 . - and Fortnightly thereafter Full particulars and tickets from M. A. JAMES, Bowman ville Agent for Canadian Northern Steamships '•I am- a "self-inadè man, I- am." "Well, I think there is one thing you needn't worry, about.". "What is" that ?" ' 'Taking out a, patent." Mlnard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. 25e. All storekeepers and druggists, or I Indeed, they ^are more than The : Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. Y„ and I ; they present marvels of méch- Kingston, Canada. ^ ~ ; > : J anical cohstrüétion which are not " " only astonishing on account of their In Idaho it is called- the^apgry tree," a;nd it is said -that iif was discovered by men who on making camp for the night placed one end of a, canvas covering over one of the sensitive bushes, using it for a> support. support. Immediately the tree began to jerk its branches sharply. The motion " continued, with increasing "nervousness," until at last came a sickening odor that drove the tired campers to a more friendly location. location. -- ■ "Experience- has . taught me that the quickest way to- cure a sore throat ie with Nerviline," writes Mrs. Enoch P Maclean. "My children always seem to get wet feet and stay out in the cold and in consequence I have to keep good household remedy handy. I rub in Nerviline almost every hour, give children eay twenty drops in hot sweetened sweetened water, and make. them gargle with it. I have yet to see the cold this won't break up quickly." • From the. La Have Islande, N .S., Mrs. John Walfield 'writes:--"We have been using Nerviline for about nine years, and find it excellent. When we find any of up gétting a cold w-e tnke Nerviline in, hot water. It is-a sure relief for it, and is also an instant relief for internal pa-iiis^of any kind." The remarkable pain-subduing power of Nerviline and its "ability to check- colds- influenza and sore throat is unequalled Every home should have Nerviline handy on the shelf for sudden illness at night like cramps or internal pains. Largf family size, 50c. ; trial size 25c., at all storekeepers or druggists, or The Catarrhozone Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo. - N. YV - -- TAMP COLLECTORS--HUNDRED DIF- m. Cataloene. Marks Stamp ferent Foreign Stamps. Catalogua. Album, only Seven?Cents. Pomnn nv. . Toronto'. . BILLIARDS. F I VERYBOpiT ENJOYS BILLIARDS -- J Barbers and Live Men in towns only 100 population make big money. Be first to write for book", "How to Start a Bit- . Hard Room"--Cost. Easy Terms, etc. Calathe Calathe i.iogues of tables for Homo and Club free. If you have a table ask for our supply catalogue. Brunswick-Balke-Collender ,Com- Toronto. 7 ZAM-BÜK DOES CUBE PILES. a Briggs--I asked .your : perfection, but are-so minute that daughter s very important ques- man can only penetrate the myster- tion last night, sir, and she referred hies and beauty of their structure by me to you. • Old Blunt--Want to means of., high-power microscopes marry her, eh? Well, you won't ! and careful chemical investigations. If she'd really wanted you she Even then he is left baffled, and wouldn't have bothered- about me wondering. Mrs. C. Hanson, wife of the proprietor proprietor of the Commercial Hotel, Poplar, B.C., suffered from,piles for years. , Went to doctor after doctor in vain. Finally went to Spokane and had an operation. Twelve months afterwards she .was as bad again. She savs, "One day I read about Zam-Buk and- thought I would try it: The first one or two boxes-gave me more ease than anything else I had tried, so I went on with thé treatment. In a short time I began to feel altogether oil pany. MISCELLANEOUS. OSTCARDS FREE--BOYS_AND GIRLS write for pai Co., Sparta, Ont. write for particulars. Elgin Novelty LUMPS. ETO, G anger., tumors. internal and external, cured wttn< out x rain by our home; treatment. Writ* uf before too late. Dr, Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. Collinewood. Out. Ç( ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND HLAb- der Stones. Kidney trouble. Gravel. Lumbago and kindred ailments positively cured with the new German Remedy, FSbol," price $1.50. Another new remedy f or Diabele^MApilne. ; and sure cure, ie Ranol's An tFDiaUetea^" Price $2 00 from ir.usgists or direct. The'V^xgi Mannrao- 'nring Company of Canau^.i^^Limitea. ■'inninog. Man. Just a Minute JAP LEGEND OF CATS. ferent and better, and I saw that at all. : House-hunter --"But whenever there's a flood I should think the water would always come right up to the Jiouse." House Agent --- "Possibly, sir.. But there are preci- ous few "properties where>you can get- fishing from the dining room window.". . ; r - PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS WHY Tour druggist will refund money if 1PAZ0 OINTMENT fall» to cure any case of Itching, Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in t to 14 days. 60c. Next to Them. UNFIT TO LIVE--MUST DIE. |y The verdict, rendered a thousand ' times when corns get sore.. Do them to death by Putnam's Corn - Extractor; it cures painlessly in 7 twenty-four hours. Use "Putnam's," the only vegetable remedy known; " Price! 25c., at all dealers. • et I'm sure," said the guest he Health is the greatest of gifts, j 1 SAILINGS TO AND FROM ENGLAND SCANDINAVIA and the CONTINENT CAHAD.AMar22TtUT0HICMar.29 ILatesi Cabin (XX) *50 to ^§5.00ÿ ThiiA j Class $31.25 and up,according to destination g Sailing* eow rea< SUMMER and list* open. Bool SF.ASON.19l3 early. Send for Map. Folder and Handsome Booklet .... Local Arénts;: .M - j ury .-Company »OSct-TD«mtOi * - - 4 IS "THE BEST FOR YOU. BECAUSE It keeps your" "White Clothes", looking "* US It does riot Spot or Streak the clothes L 1ST EN ! as there is no settling. It is_ theMHandlest Kind ' to usc. _ It Is Guaranteed to give Perfect Satisfaction Satisfaction or money Cheerfully Refunded. TRY IT, and Prove It for YouraeH. A TO centpackage centpackage lasts about 6 months, as it blues *s Go.od Blues."" - Mrs. >rankr J. Sloe Washings > Ont. . "J-R Blue is much better than any other." -Miss Thomson, Belmont, Man. "J-R Blue is an Excellent. Blue, Superior to other Moore, Conn, . "j-R Bldo As. the, 6gst- Blue l èviû^used. Sârs.'W. -. Switzer, Brandon, Man. - nf.clored by KSSi. can. had unexpectedly brought home to .<jo n ten:ted n ess the best , riches j: ^xronincr "t.hîi.h T havft L, -VX • ",-i 1 J. dinner that evening, "that I have | ij ru 'tbthe best of relatives. put you out." ÿTot at all, " she replied sxvëeti 1.7^ Hub-^Why are -.'you so elated ? Iy." 1 'Not at all. We gave you just \yff e __i picked up a horseshoe, to- what we were " going to "'have1 our-, ■ 1 - gub--Huh ! Old superstition -I ' ~r hit rlisvnûP . • y -* selves. ' Just our ordinary, dinner, nonsense ! Wife--Don't jump at Zam-Buk was going to cure. me. Well, I went on using 'it, - and by the time I had used six boxes I was delighted to find myself entirely cured." ■ 50c. all. druggists and stores; ' . .@1..-- . ■ . : ;v The Acirie. ;■ Briggs---Here's . a fellow 7 who writes about the acme of selfishness without having^ the slightest: idea, of what it really is ? ■' : : * ", Griggs--Well, what is it ? * Briggs--Having -your wife a . cold- air fiend, insist upon leaving both windows in the room open and then rolling .herself up. in all the bed clothing ! - - ' " ' - Mlnard's Liniment Cures Colds, Et». you know:: . , , t conclusions, dear. It . was .a dia- ; "r wish J .could believe chat, but mon< j horseshoe, and I picked it up I still feel that.I have put you to a Ly. a "bargain counter;. ! great deal of trouble and annoyance. annoyance. "If so l am sorry that I allowed allowed your husband to persuade me to come. "I-don't want you to feel, wav at all. We were delighted to have you with us. We love to hâve our. friends drop in and take pot luck with us." : And when he got outside, he looked back at"the house and muttered muttered : ' 'Liars ! I smelled corn beef and cabbage when I. entered that home, and what I got was mutton chops and green peas." . in What is the worst thing-about riches ?" asked a school teacher ; of the pupiî, ànd was imniediately rewarded rewarded f ulltnarks.- !' Not a Coin plainer. There is a good deal of complainb because people don't walk more, but it doesn't come from the'" head of a large family with* shoes to buy. Dcuioiis That Devour Old Women and Take Their Shape. "Legends about wicked cats are of a different character from those about dogs, which protected mankind mankind ; the. Japanese 'nekomata, ' or : ' bewitching cat, with her forked tail being an exceedingly dangerous demon,, who-.devours old wpmen and assumes their shape,"- Writes Mr. Lawson in thé Referee. . "In the seventeenth century she is spoken of as an animal of darkness, a do- înestic tiger , and the Japanese "place a sword at the side of a corpse in order to prevent the cat- from walking walking over it or causing it to' revive and change into a terrible demon. "In the legends of the -nineteenth century, however, the cat plays a good part- instead of that of an evil demon, and in these tales she sacrifices sacrifices her life on behalf of her master master and is rewarded by burial in a Buddhist, churchyard, with masses read for her soul. "There isij also an old tradition among Jap^Sese sailors, which survives survives to thif day, according- to which a tiiree colored _ tomcat (white, black and brown) is an excellent excellent charm against evil spirits He knows wflien a storm is coming and climbs upon the mast, where he drives away the demons ; and thé sailors of Dai Nippon do not care what price they pay for such a cat and make great': sacrifices in order tP have one as a mascot on board ship." ; , Sufferers from protruding or bleeding piles can- be çured by using nature's own medy--no medicine--no operation. inis remedy does not profess to cure internal piles, but is a certain cure for protruding •--•ice. Discovery was made by sufferer or ^ years* standing, who is now quite well. Full instructions on receipt of $1.00. WM B OXLEY. .294 Berkeley St.. Toronto. "Papa, is it necessary to whip me?" "You "ought to" know." "Well, I sometimes think you don'b realize how little good it does me." CARPET DYEINQ This Is l «Décialty with the and Cleaning. This Is l specialty • British American Dyeing Co* Bend particulars bjr post and we are sure to satisfy. Gold. Med-ilist; Address Box 233, Montreal New and Secondhand, Secondhand, for healing and power purposes. TANKS AND SMOKE STACKS. Agents for Stnrte- VantlVenstialiug" and Heating Systems. P0LS0H i *u"h"ed ks I0R0HT0 Engines and Shipbuilders f CCIhen buying your Piano insist on Tvavin^ an OTTO MIGEL Piano ÀctioTx <» Maypole Soap CLEANS AND DYES Gives tich glowrng colors, fadeless in sun or suds. Dyes coiton, silk, wool or mixtures. Use it yourself at home. trouble- no mues ^24 colors-- will give-any shade. Colors 1 Oc,black 15c, at your dealer's or postpaid with booklet "How to Dye" from lo6 quickly stops , coughs, cures colds, and heals the ickly at e throat and lungs. 95 Cents. V F. t, BENEDICT Ctf. Montreal Lew Colonist Rates to Pacific Coast Improved Farms er will do the seeding this spring Via Chicago-and North Western Railway. On "sale daily, March 15t1 and eoll with the crop. For further PerOÿ LOVO VoSfîurd* -TorOiltO particulars write owner uh to April 15th inclusive, inclusive, from all points -in Canada to Dob Angeles, .San Francisco,-. Portland, Halt Lake City, Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, Nelson-. Bbsalahd.r and many other points. Through tourist sleepers and free reclining reclining Chair cars : from Chicago. Variable routes. Liberal stop overs. For full information information as to rates, routes and literature literature i ■ write or. call on B. H. Bennett, Gen- "eral Agent, 46 Yonge Street, Toronto. ED. 4- • lb is easy ito forgive your enemies- "âf ter v gébtihg" iqUare. : with 1 "A themf ISSUE 12---'13. njnard's Llnlrhshl Cur** 1 Dtst*inp*f. Make the Horse Clad and Eager for Work Cilnhlm before you put him et the eprinz work. - Ikkè off hi* winter ooet th»t holds the wet tat enddirt. Hell set more tfood from Me d, look bette. - , rest better end live you bet- ■ eorvloe In every way. Don't buy eny bui The Stewart Ball Bearing ClippingMaehlne me -that terne copier, ellpe the mecblne thet tt»msea*>er . ollpe feeter eod' wtsssxffliaagSF*-*- " - vl 1 1 ms Even a stingy man lias to give in occasionally. FOR SALE on easy terms in the most desirable farming farming district in the Canadian..Northwest.' Good rich, black, clay loam. Each farm fully equipped. Own- m . ' ■ •v.-.-i., / -, awssai ' i-': 7 • - % Y. •;L v» - • I vj.- ; Ç. A " . -VSC-'f-' V" :• '"

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