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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Mar 1913, p. 4

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X. Try E-clipse Flour for and Pastry. It makes delicious pies, cakes and fancy pastry. It Less Shortening than Manitoba flour. That's why so many of the best cooks prefer Eclipse Flour-- It-, is" economical. Sold by all Grocers. Manufactured by > F red. C. Vanstone, ^ Phone 77. -7 Bowman ville. ♦ > < ' ■ Lehigh Valley FRESH FROM THE MINES r»- jijfe e e j&fc w e e e WEST DURHAM LIBERALS. Annual Meeting, Saturday, March 29 A meeting of the West Durham Reform Association will be held in the COUNCIL Room,. Bowmanville, on Saturday, March 29th at 2 p m., for the election of officers and the transaction of general, business. All Liberals and friends of the party are-cordially requested to attend. A. B. Cryderman, W. R. Allin, President. Secretary Hampton, March 17th, 1913. / ~ HOSPITAL RECORD Messrs. Alexander ' and Mitchell Withdraw from Board. Ti If you are needing more, coal to put you through the Winter, Winter, we have the best now, just fresh, from the mines, in all sizes--EGG, STOVE, CHESTNUT and' PEA COAL. Also plenty of DOMESTIC COKE which so many have been using this Winter in "place of coal. ^ : Our prices are always right and yçu can depend on getting ^ the best when your .order is booked with us.' $ E. W. Loscombe 4^ Yards and.Office at Holgate's Evaporator,^Corner Division and ■ÿk Queen-sts., opposite High School. Phone 177. j>èv. vi - »-- .wte it*- -üfe .jfe. -jpte jjfe. v ^(i? *#? 'i#T ?tT ?•? » e jTâir. jüfc >1? We have received our stock of Spring Wall Papers and now, have them ready "for your inspection. They are the finest assortir! assortir! e^wê-bavë 'ever shown and at prices that are very tempting. One advantage you have buying from us, we carry stock of all samples samples so, that all orders can be delivered at once. Call and let us show you. ' W. T. Allen Big 20 Bookstore Phone 30 Corn Sale -- Corn JÏJST IN--A car of choice American Corn for feed for sale at the mill. Best grades of bread and pastry flour, cereals and mill feed always on hand. .. Custom grinding done while you wait - Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices right. ; Charles Horn, Phone 129 r 6. Hampton. Bowmanville has on the way-a hospital. It was to have been opened last December December but owing to delays it may be openec this month. The building and grounds known as. South Park were very generously generously donated by Mr. J. W. Alexander, President of the' Dominion Organ & Piano Co. and at a meeting of the Executive on April 20 he was thanked for his munificent munificent gift. Early last year an appeal -was made thru "this journal- to all Durhamites at home and abroad for subscriptions. July 12 it was reported at a meeting that . $5,456.85 had been subscribed, of which $1,765.35 had been paid. At the same meeting these citizens were appoint ed directors: Messrs. J.,W. Alexander, J. B. Mitchell, J. J. Moriarty, C. Rehder and J. H. H. Jury. Later these officers were elected: President--Mr. Jury; Vice President--J. President--J. B. Mitchell; Secretary--J. Lyle, J.P; Treasurer--Fred J. Mitchell. _ , July 25 three members were présent at a meeting at which plans and specifications specifications were submitted for alterations to buildings and tenders were to he invited. Sëpt. 19 another meeting was held with three members in attendance. c Nothing of importance was done. Oct.. 2 the Executive met again with same three members present--Jury, Rehder, Rehder, Mitchell. Tenders were accepted as follows: Plumbing and heating, Sturgeon & Co, $2078; masonry, woodwork, painting painting and glazing, H. T. Hickey $3550, Ôct 21 Messrs. Lyle and Wattleworth were appointed to superintend alterations to building, and Messrs. Alexander and Jury to interview local doctors in reference reference to equipment, etc.. Oct. 25 at an executive session* present Messrs. Alexander, Jury and Rehder, Architect Langley addressed them and W.K.DeLong's contract for wiring at $150 was accepted. Nov. 15 Messrs. Jury, Rehder and Mitchell at a meeting ordered ordered No. 5 and No. 7 boilers. . r Jan. 6 Rev. T. W. TolHffe and Thomas Tod w<?re appointed directors by the Board to fill vacancies. Minutes do not state how vacancies occurred' and Secretary Secretary Lyle says he has not received any resignations. We learn from outside sources/ho wever, thaf MiVj.'Wr A-lcxah- der/ ihe donor of the hospital and grounds, and ex-Mayor J. B. Mitchell, Vice President, President, have refused to longer act on the Board of Directors. This. announcement will create great suprise and no doubt the interested public would like to learn what caused these originators of the hospital "enterprise to suddenly withdraw from the Board. J Jan. 28 Messrs. Jurv, Moriarty and Rehder Rehder at a meeting ordered two sterilizers at $290 and $20 respectively, and Miss Bruce was appointed 'Superintendent at $40 a month. Unpaid, subscriptions were handed to Ladies' Auxiliary for collection. Feb. 12 all members-were présent ât Board meeting. A long letter was read from Miss Bruce outlining several matters matters and stating that she had enggaed two nurses at $35 a month. A telephone was orderéd and the fraternal societies are to be asked for subscriptions. À payment of $100 to Langley & Howland, architects, was approved. Rev. T. W. Jolliffe was appointed Vice-President. Messrs. Jury, Moriarty and Rehder were deputed to purchase electric.light:fixtures.. Subscriptions paid in. to date about The Goodyear Gun Club will hold their opening shoot for the season at 2 p. m. Good Friday. There will be-two events each for A & B class, with prizes of umbrellas, pipes, pocket knives, etc, En- trance fee 25 c. v; WEDDINGS. : Thowson--Hogarth. One of the pretty home weddings of thé week occurred Wednesday, March 12 at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boothroyd when their niece, Miss Helen Hogarth was united in piarriage to Mr. Harold Thompson, of Windsor. The Rev. Angus Cameron of Emmrinual Presby terian church officiating. Miss Hogarth was gowned in white brocaded satin and carried a shower bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley. "The only attendants attendants were Miss Mary Totten, who acted as bridesmaid and Mi\ John Doratty as best man. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson will be at home after April I at Windsor, Ontario.---Detroit Ontario.---Detroit Free Press. - •" Elliott--Clayton. A very pretty wedding took place Wednesday, Wednesday, March 12 at the home of Mr. T. H. Clayton, Whitby, when " his youngest daughter,Laurel Estella Grace, was united in marriage with Mr. Otto. Buchanan Elliott Elliott of Edmonton. Promptly at 4.30 to thé strains of The Mendelssohn- wedding march played by Miss Rhea Jeffrey, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, the bride entered the drawing room leaning on the arm of her father arid took her place under a large floraL.bell. She looked charming in a travelling suit of "champagne whipcord with small hat of king's blue flowers and carried a sheaf of roses* lily-of-the-valley and maiden hair fern, wearing thé groom's gift a pearl and amethyst necklace. After the cerèmony a sumptuous wedding supper was served in the dining room which was prettily decorated decorated with roses and carnations. The happy couple left on the evening train amid showers of confetti and best wishes for their future home in Edmonton. Guests were present froiri Toronto,-JBow- manville, Maberly and Brooklin. - MUSCULAR RHEUMATISM. Muscular rheumatism exists in two forms:Acute and chronic. In acute muscular muscular rheumatism there is first noticed a I dull pain in the muscles which gradually increases. This pain often shifts from one muscle to another, and the working of | these muscles makes the pain very severe. Muscular rheumatism is a blood disease and should not be neglected. À proper treatment should begin with the first symptoms. Rheurno is recommended by the foremost people everywhere because it drives all uric acid poisons from the blood and enrichis it so that the system becomes healthy and free from the tortures tortures of rheumatism. Get a bottle of I Rheumo today and rid yourself of rheurri- atism,_Sold inJ3owmanville only at R. M. Mit;eheliuC<ro> ffrug stora.,. ACCIDENTALLY KILLED $4,00b. Port Hope council has instructed the High School Board to discontinue the collection collection of fees from pupils of the town. It was considered a hardship that parents should have to pay a special high school tax while county pupils were paid for by the counties. YOUR FRECKLES. Need Attention in February and March or Face May Stay Covered. ' Now is the time to take'special care of the complexion if you wish it to look well the rest of the year. The February and March winds have a strong tendency to bring out freckles that may stay all summer summer unless removed. Now is the time to use othine--double strength. This prescription for the removal of freckles is the discovery of an eminent skin specialist, and is so uniformly successful successful that it is sold- by your Druggist under guarantee to refund the money if it ^Uls;" Get an dunce of Jothitie-- -double strength âncl. even 1 a Tew applications should show a w onderful improvement, some of the smaller freckles even vanish- iug entirely. r > :: ; ;-e"" PHOTOS ! PHOTOS ! It has been rumored around that I am leaving the town, but I.wish to assure my customers that they will find me at the same old stand, always ready for business. Workmanship the best. Prices right. . : v ~ THOS. ROBSON, : • The up-to-date photographer. OBITUARY Mr. Robert McCaw, OshawA. Mr. Robert McCaw, a well-known resident resident of Oshawa passed away in the hospital hospital there early Friday March 7, where he had undergone a surgical operation on Wednesday. He was a man of good judgment, of independent thought and action, action, and enjoyed public confidence in a marked degree. This was evinced by the honors repeatedly bestowed as members of the Town Council, Waterworks Commissioner, Commissioner, and in : other responsible positions. He was a Mason^ of long standing and _ . merit, and Will be missed riot oniyrby the craft, who gave deceased;an honored burial, but the whole community. The funeral Sunday afternoon, interment taking taking place m Bowmanville cemetery. The foregoing is a summary of the transactions of the Hospital Board as shown by Secretary Lyle's minute book but he was not notified to be present at some meetings and therefore cannot vouch for the completeness of the records. The people who have subscribed and who. aire invited to subscribe to the hospital fund, and equipment would like some further information, as to how much the expenditure expenditure up to date exceeds the subscriptions so that some idea may be had of the" amount of money still required. We will gladly publish a detailed statement of ex- pendituresTto date for the édification of the people. We think that it is * due to the public to know what caused Mëssrs. Alexander, ànd Mitchell to withdraw from, the management, and why no record of it appears in the minutes of proceedings of the Board. > : ^ , v ;y- President Jury has asked us to appeal to our readers for further subscriptions and also to announce "Hospital Week" from' March 14 to 21 when merchants will make special window .display oî articles suitable for donations to hospital. MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. Mr. Chas. Rogers. who .recently moved from Hampton to Medicine Hat, - writing to a friend in town says : I left Bowmanville Bowmanville on Feb. 13 arid after calling on friends at Oshawa, Whitby and Toronto spent Sunday with my brother, Rev. David Rogers, St. Thomas. From there I visited visited _ my daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Ryley in Chicago. We heard Rev. Dr. Guns.aulus preach to about 5000 people in the Audi- toriam Theatre Sunday morning and Rev. J. J. Rae, formerly of Bowmanville, in the evening and had a friendly chat with him after service. Arriving at Medicine Hat we found all our family well. Weather has been quite cold through February but March so far has been like Indian Summér only warmer. I plowed^"my garden last week and expect to plant some things this week. Our household goods arrived safe- lyffiut we cannot get into our house until April I. Cook cars, shacks and tents are being occupied as any thing will now do to live in since the weather became-warm. Very little snow and no sleighing this winter; winter; This is a busy city, a lot of building going oil all winter. Robert has started to school, his teacher at Muncey being a- friend of the teacher here helped him at once to. get into school here which is yery fell of pupils. Mr. Thos. Allin, Port Perry, Struck . BY A FALLINGxTREE. The wide circle of friends and relatives relatives in this vicinity of late Thomas Allin, J.P., will regret to learn he was accidentally accidentally killed about 80 miles north-west of -Edmonton on March 10th. Several members members and friends of the Church of England England mission at Padstow-with their pastor, Rev. W. R. Ball, B.A., were cutting down timber to build a - little pioneer church. Mr. Allin hid kindly offered the trees and was supërvisirig the work. All was going along happily until a treé falling some 15 feet away broke some dead wood off a neighboring tree and this falling,. just missed the clergyman and struck Mr. Allin on-the head, killing him instantly." His kind-hearted neighbors did all they could and Mr. Ball rode about 40 miles to Entwisle to send word to . his relatives. Dr. Edgar W. Allin, of Èdmonton, immediately immediately went out and made arrangements arrangements to send the remains east. The late Thomas Allin was the youngest youngest son of the late Richard and Ann Allin, of "Providence, and lived for many years at Sunderland. He was educated by the late Mr. Loscombe, Bowmanville, and taught school for several years. He married married Ann Thompson who survives him. The family are R. Winifred Allin, B.A., Secretary of the Church Missionary Society, Society, Toronto; Mrs, D. DeLury, M A.-, Walker, Miirinesota; Mr. Jos. Allin, Black- water; -Mrs. Jackson, Vancouver; and the Misses Sadie and May with their mother at Port Perry. Mr. Allin always took a great interest in educational and church matters. He was a member of the Church of England. " He was the youngest of a large family and the only one born in Canada. JTwo brothers, John Allin, of Whitby, and Samuel All in, Bowmanville, and one'sister; Mrs." Richard Foster, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, survive. In a.short time Mr. Allin would have proved up on 480 acres of splendid land beautifully: situated on the" Paddle River, in what is called the Pea Vine country. The railroad building to the Peace River country passes near the farm. He was beloved by a large circle of homesteaders in the west, and by all who 'knew him in the east.-. The funeral took place Wednesday Wednesday at Sunderland. Among the relatives relatives from here were: Mr. Samuel Allin, arid daughter, Miss Annie Allin, and Mrs. Richard Foster* Messrs. T. C. Bragg, S. S. Bragg, arid S. Chas. Allin. . - Single Mothers . can easy know when their children are troubled with worms, and they lose no time in applying the best of remedies---Mother; Graves' Worm Exterminator. Exterminator. ; Canadian Northern Ontario Railway for jRourid Trip riv;;-,;- Good going March 20, 21, 22 and 24, . rptitirQing Marqh 26th, - tietweeri all stations on the Canadian Northern XDntano, Central Ontario and' . Bay of Quinte Railways. For tickets and all information apply to A. M: Williams, Local Agent. E ARE NOW BUSY taking ordërs for "20TH CENTURY CLOTHING" and a beautiful and exclusive range of pat- to choose from. • v,. WONT)) ÔTYLE is the quality that marks the clothes of distinction and sets them apart from the commonplace, commonplace, Style, plus quality, plus fit r tells the story of 20th Century Brand success. You are entitled to vour rrionev's vvorth.~ * V (OBRING Overcoats in guaran- ^ teed 20th Century Brand make are here ready'to fit your body and your purse; We are exclusive agents. • In the years we have been handling handling 20th. Century Brand garments we have never had such fine clothes from these famous tailor shops as we are showing this Spring. They are smartly styled, beautifully tailored tailored and produced in the choice of the world's best fabrics. Limited Phone 83 West End. House Bowmanville Expert Opticians .Sole Agents for Neilson's Chocolates R. POST OFFICE PHARMACY T Necessities Absorbent Cotton, Hot Water fBottles, Plain and Medicated Gauze, Peroxide, Listerine, Dioxagen, Disinfectants, Carbolic,- etc. Fountain Syringes, Household Syringes, Breast Pumps, Rubber Tubing, Household Invalid Cushions, Nurses-.Rubber-Gloves, Atomizers,, Medicine Droppers, Invalid Cups,; Ice Caps, Medicated Plasters, ; V - Toilet Articles. Experienced Dispensers of Physician's Prescriptions Agents for Nyal's Family Remedies ISS GLADYS'JACKSON. M. E., Graduate of Ontario Ladies' College, in Oratory, is prepared prepared to take pupils and accept-concert engagements on reasonable terms. Address: Newcastle, Ont. 28tf M LOSCOMBE & SENKLER Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries '.* Public • %'.!■.■ - * R.R.Loscombe, K.C. E.S.Seukler, B A. 1 Money to Loin. Office: Mason Block, King Street Bowmanville, Ontario. ■ . DR. J. C. DEVITT, DENTIST, Gradnate of Royal Dental College, "Toronto. OFFICE: Temperance St. i Bowmanville, .. (just off Kbag St.) > . OFFICE HOURS: - 9a. in. to.6 p, m. daily .. except Sunday. BLACKSTOCK: 1st Monday, of each month. Will be at Bowmanville office rest of time. Phonb 90a A : v . A: House Phone 90b TAILOR MADE SUIT AT $15. Jos. Jeffrey & Son are busy these days catching up with orders for their Famous Tailor-made Suits at $15--really worth $18 to $20. They Have an excellant sélection Of worsteds; arid twèed suitings to choose from. Why not have your suit tailor-made instead of wearing a misfit ready-made suit? You never saw better bargains at this price, quality and work considered. Have your ^measure taken to-dar . • -

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