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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Mar 1913, p. 5

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wm m ."'---• *-*>>■■ Kr^-tLV- ■ - 7 ^/<c' :_- ;-"S; r '_': rv.Æ • - • v:r V.:;.:' 3 ;-'•■/ V .-- ya'üSi '■:-* •?•;.:>: ■;« r> Y'A'A ; i SOMETHING FOR Nor not exactly that, but SOMETHING BIG to assist you to become one our many customers. of We have 425 satisfied customers customers "in Bowmanville and there are a couple of hundred who want to have more ELECTRIC LIGHT 6. w~ in their homes. We want to serve these couple of hundred and are very anxious to get started at it; therefore will give FREE OF CHARGE TO EVERY NEW CUSTOMER who signs an application before the end of April, either one of the following 1st, CARBON LAMPS valued, at 20 cents each for all outlets, or equivalent value in Tungsten lamps. 2nd, all electric current, current, used by Consumer up to June. 1st, 1913. chance and as This is an excellent for you to save money, this usually is the slack season the electrical contractors ready to give you a price, too. are good low Electric Light is the CLEANEST, SAFEST, MOST CONVENIENT, * AND UP-TO-DATE LIGHT £ OBTAINABLE and at the same time LOW - PRICED You know that, you want ft ! You could not ask for a better opportunity to get it. You take advantage of opportunities, opportunities, therefore GET YOUR HOUSE: WIRED AT ONCE. SEYMOUR POWER & ELECTRIC Go., Limited, Phone 192 - Bowmanville Are you using Naismith's Bread If not try a loaf TO-DAY, Fresh every morning. W. J. BOWMANVILLE BHi BOWMANVILLE GOING EAST. STATION. .GOING WEST Express Express Passenger Local Mail > "r. : Daily,' 8.52 a. m. 10.18 „ 3.31 p. m. 6.49 „ 9.58 , : Express Local Passenger :Paaaenger 4.22 a. m. 7.43 " 1.48 p. m. <•19 ... BOWMANVILLE, MAR. 20, 1913 GÔODMAN& GALBRAITH Barristeis and Solicitors. Notaries Public. A. K. GOODMAN, D. C. GALBRAITH 508 Lumsden Bldg. Yonge & Adelaidè-sts. Toronto Ontario W. H. ALEXANDER, V. S. Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col* lege. Diseases of all domestic animals treated by latest known methods. Office at hie residence, King-st, East Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Phone 198. ; > j-v : . . ' Mr. John M. Bond, Chief of Police, Port Hope, has resigned. Cause--criticism of cranks. ■ Sir John S. Willison was guest of Mr. D. B. Simpson, K.C., and Mrs. Simpson while in Bowmanville recently. 1 .... : - Mr. F. J. Hall cut 3400 blocks of ice on the gravel pit pond Orono this winter, The blocks measured- 17x24 in;- and the" .ice clear as crystal. ~ Dr. W. W. MfcKinlev has performed over 20 surgical operations in Port Hope hospital since it was opened last autumn and every patient has been ,.out of bed within a week, A fine record, surely. Clarke Council has lined up with other municipalities in Durham and made a grant of $50.00 to the. 46th Regt., for- the better equipment of the men and noncommissioned noncommissioned officers at their annual camp. , ' The T. A. Lytle Co., Limited, pickling vats, twenty in number, at C. N. R. station Bowmanville, have been moved to Orono the soil of that district being better adapted adapted for growing cucumbers tharrfhis part of Darlington. We feel a trifle uneasy now that Brer. Cuttejl of the Orono News is invading our agricultural realm. In the leading editor^ ial last week The News says : The "back to farm" cry is not a joke, it is a wail on the part of those who have seen the error of their ways and would be glad to get back and find that the farm has. gone away ahead of them." Dr.T. E. Kaiser does not "heartily" approve approve of appointment of Editor W. J. Watson to the Police Magistracy of Osh- awa at $1200 a year. Wonder if the Dr. would have liked the little stunt himself? Here is a sentence from his letter to the Ontario Reformer: Such were the circumstances circumstances surroùnding the birth of our sup-, posed Police Magistrate. Born of iniquity, iniquity, cradled in spite, suckled by insults, clothed in stubbornness, destined for a rocky road, and marked for an early death. Miss Nellie M. Taylor, : BIackstock, is visiting her aunt Mrs. J. J. Gibson. Mr. J., Ô. Herity, editor of the Belleville Ontario is very, ill with an abscess on the brain. - Mr. and Mrs. Alpha Pinch have returned returned from two weeks' visit in Cleveland and Buffalo. Miss Lriella Everson, Oshawa, was guest of her aunt, Mrs. Jas. Cour tic e, over the week-end. Say, there was a crowd at Challis & Mutton's on Saturday--advertising evidently evidently pays. Miss Jean Tod, who has completed Her training as a nurse at Grace Hospital, Toronto, is home for a holiday. Last concert of this winter's hospital series was-given Monday evening by the Trier Sisters and was well attended. Editor M. A. James is in Toronto attending attending Grand Lodge A.O.U.W. and a meeting of "Methodist Book Room, conv- mittee. ' . Albert Encampment No. 12, will. TritS; if 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month. Ail members requested to attend on March 28 th--important business. Messrs. Luther and William Nichols have purchased the butcher business from Mr. Elgin Wight. Encourage these young men by giving them a trial order. Un account of the bad condition of the roads,.the annual "meeting of West Durham Liberals has been postponed to Saturday March 29. Everyone interestéd make an effort to kttend. Mr. W. S. Given, editor and proprietor of the Millkrook Reporter, has returned home after" spending a while in Louisiana, U.S., with his daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Ellis. See his letter in another column. Mr. James Gil.lis was injured in the arm arid side Friday afternoon while running a saw at the D. O. &. P. Co., the Wood he was cutting coming with such force against him as to render medical aid necessary. necessary. - . Lièut.-Col. N. F. McNachtan, C.V.O., has been retired from command of the loth Brigade, C.F.A. after forty-five years in the Canadian Militia Service. He is succeeded by Lieut.-Col. T. -W. H. Young, Peterboro. Mrs. J. H. Cavanagh and son Williams, who have been spending a couple of months with her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Williams, Liberty-st., _ left Thursday for their new home at Medicine Hat, Alta.- - ' We publish this week an article giving information obtained from Secretary Lyle's books that we think the public has a right to know, but President Jury seems to differ. We think it best in a case of this kind to give contributors at any rate thcgparticulars. " . Bl'antford claims to have made a great success of paving its streets with cement. The; city engineer- further makes the assertion assertion that of the seventy miles of cement cement sidewalk laid since 1890, none has required required ' renewal, and only-four: miles was laid by contract. - ~ The Shelter at. present, is caring for seven small: children, ail of whom are boys, ranging from two to eight years Anyone consideridg adoption apply at any time to Miss Henderson, Supt. Children's Shelter, Oshawa. Visiting days first .and second Tuesday of each month. . Wolverhampton Lodge S.O.E. had a very interesting evening Mar. 10. À Whi te Rose Degree team was down from. Bow- manville, and they demonstrated the work with splendid effect, afterwards giving an excellent program,'showing the, splendid talent that Bowmanville can turn out.-- Orono News. Thomas Quinlan died at Newcastle Monday Mar. 10 after a few days' illness from pneumonia. He was taken ill after attending the funeral at Port Hope of his brother Andrew who died in Toronto of pneumonia. Mr. Quinlan was 56 years of age and: was one of three sons whohave all passed away in eight months. Anew and rather novel idea has been adopted in connection with municipal affairs affairs at Bracebridge. Council will hold monthly open sessions • and invites ; the ratepayers to participate in discussion pi town affairs. The m'otive is excel but whether the proposal will - result anything of practical value being accomplished accomplished is another question. Read the inside pages this week. * See Big 2d window. /Isn't it very nice Mr. A. Barber was in Toronto this week. -' Mrs. F. J. Horne will not receive today (Thursday.) ' • S. W. Mason &. Son are receiving piles of Spring goods. / • Mrs. W. J. Williams recently visitée old friends at Newton ville. After the 1st of May thëre will not be a licensed bar in North Grey. Local merchants made very attractive window displays the past week. Mr. T. H. Tremeer, Lindsay, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. F. A. Foster. Those who'have seen the new Hospita are delighted with its appearance. Fresh stock Of groceries at lowest prices, cash or credit at W. W. Roberts'. Can you resist the bargains offered by Statesman advertisers these days ? •' Should you require the services of an ambulance phone 10. L. MORRIS & SON. ^ Mr. T. H. Fee, Omemee, visited his sister-in-law, Mrs. J. McIntyre, last week. Miss Rhea Sheridan, .Oshawa, spent Sunday at her grandfather's, Mr. R. Treri- outh. Mr. T. H. Spry, ex-Mayor, is representing representing Bowmanville Lodge, A.OfU.W., in Toronto. , ; The Seymour-People want more business business and they'are getting after it in., the right way/.-/ 5 : . ; Dr. James L. Hughes, Toronto, addressed addressed the Irish-Canadian Club in W hitby on St. Patrick night. Our ambulance is fitted with Marshall mattress and all modern: - conveniences.: L. Morris & Son. Phone 10. if" If yoii do not use Electric Light be sure to read the Seymour Power Co's ad in this issue. • It will interest you. Durham^ Old Boi r s, some reports of weddings including a golden wedding, and editorial notes are on an inside page. A western reader writes to say that some explanation is due why every contract contract for hospital was left to outsiders. No better place to buy groceries than at W. W. Roberts'. Leave your next order, no matter how small, and be conVinted. . Miss Alice Thompson* 1 Mrs.- Clarence Mason and Miss Bruce, Superintendent of the Hospital, were in Toronto Tuesday. Mrs. Moase and Mrs. Wra. Jones, New- tonville, and Mr. Walter Moase, Mariposa, Mariposa, recently visited at Mr. W. J. Williams'. Williams'. Mrs. T. E. Knowlton and two children, Toronto, are visiting her father Major W. C.King. Mr. Knowlton also spent Sunday here. -" //;, "Mr. Geo. ; H. Bickell, this town, his brother, Mr. À. J. Bickell,' and Mr. Milford Milford Wilkins, Oshawa, were in Toronto on Tuesday. • • Regular meeting of Bowmanville Women's Institute will be held at Mis. W. L. Keys' Friday March 28. All' members and their friends invited. • Mrs. A. E. McCready and. Mrs. Fleming Fleming were" in Oshawa Monday attending' the funeral of the late Mrs. R. B. Dickie, whose husband died on-Feb. 23. Those who prefer having their clothes made in the city should leave their orders at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's as they are agents for the célébra ted "Fit- Reform" Lailey Trimble and Levison & Co. None better in Canada.- Mr. Thos. Stewart, barrister, Lindsay, who has retired from the Board of Education Education in that town after 26 years' membership,. membership,. 10 of, which he was chairman, was recently presented by-the Board with an illuminated address and a grandfather's clock. • The last concert in the hospital series was given Monday evening in the Opera House by the Trier . Sisters. ' The alto twins and the soprano twins with the accompanist accompanist presented a most complete program program of solos, quartets, recitations, etc., that was both pleasing and 'entertaining. Mr. Rod'k M. Mitchell, pupil of Mr.Rus- sell G. McLean, sang at a recital in Toronto Toronto Conservatory of Music Monday evening March Ioth and v. on high praise with a number of other pupils, who assisted assisted in the program of songs,all chosen with fine musical discrimination in regard to the ability of the pupil,,, resulting in quite remarkable artistic effects*. Mrs. Newton Mag wood, sister of Mr. McLean, presided at the piano. ■ V Thè remains of Mrs. Annie Younie, widow of the late John Anderson, were brought here from Toronto arid interred in Bowmanville cemetery, the funeraLbe- ing held at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. J. H. H. Jury, "Woodlawn" . Monday afternoon. Service was conducted by Rev. H. B. Kenny, pastor of the Methodist Methodist Church. -Mrs. Anderson was a former resident of this town where she was .well- known and highly respected. <f : A number of the ladies interested in and connected with Jfie Goodyear Go., have organized a club which is to be known as the "Goodyear Guild." Not only is social intercourse to be promoted among them, but relief in case of sickness and assistance to newcomers will be afforded afforded by the members. The newly elected elected officers are : President--Mrs. J. J. Mor- iartv; First Vice--Mrs. D. Davis; Second Vice---Mrs. W. E: Kavanagh.; Treasurer-- Mrs. J. M. H. Fowler; Secretary--Mrs,H. W. Cooper. • - / % Be" up-to-date. Uè^Electric Light.. ; If vou are fond of chocolates, try a box of Ford's.. Jury & Lovell. - . Boy wanted to learn printing. Apply | at The Statesman office. Stop that cough. Take Tamarac Cordial-, Cordial-, 25c at Jury & Lovell's. Highest prices paid for butter and eggs in cash.or trade at W. W. Roberts'. A splendid assortment of chocolates in fajicy boxes from 10c up at Thos. Tod's. Order all ybur funeral designs or cut flowers from. S. J. Jackman. Phone 80. Who wouldnft uire electric light when they; can get it tor three months free of charge ? Y - .■ For celery, green onions, radishes, lettuce, lettuce, etc. at lowest prices go to W. W. Roberts'. Men's hats, the very latest English and American styles just received at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's Having had numerous requests for the use of an ambulance, we have added one to our, equipment and it is ready for calls Mr. Victor J. Tully, of Peterboro, will be in charge of the New Jewelry Store which will soon be opened one door west of Bank of Montreal. Mr. Tully has had large experience in the Jewelry business in Peterboro, North Bay and Belleville. In North Bay he was for some years with the, Official Inspector of Watches for the T.N.O. Railway, All repair work .will receive prompt and careful attention. Satisfaction Satisfaction guaranteed. Our assortment assortment of high class jewelry will be AhoSt complete. ' ' C. H. HAD DY, Jeweler Leave ÿoür riext order for hams, bacon, etc., at W. W. Roberts'; a fresh supply just received. ' Statesman* Weekly Globe, and Canada Canada Farmer, and Dominion Poultry Review Review for balance of 1.913 for $1.50; Butson Bros, announce that they are prepared to do electric house wiring. AH orders promptly attended to. Phone 143, or call at "'office, three doors east of Caldwell's Caldwell's Livery, Bowmanville, 8-3w Notices of Births 25 cents> Marriages SO cents; Deaths, 50 cents, each insertion. . : When funeral cards are printed at this office, insertion free. ; ^-->1 c BIRTHS : • ; Hayes--At Columbus, March 14, to i.Mr. Mrs. Clarence Hayes, a son. and MARRIAGES Honey--Hutchinson--In Bowmanville, March 15, by Rev. C. WÏ Barrett, Hampton, cousin of the bride, Mr. Fred C. Honey, Darlington and Miss Leah M. only daughter of Mr; William Hutchinson, Bowmanville. Glanville--Pjngle--In Toronto, March 13th, 1913, at the Methodist Parsonage by Rev. R. Corrigan, B.A., B.D., of Woodgleen Methodist church, Re'a Adelia, youngest daughter of Mr Tho's. Piugle, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Tho's. Ping! _ John Henry Glanville, Toront o. • -DEATHS .: Daulington--In Brook!in, March 17, Charles Arthur Robert Darlington, aged 7 years. ROBBINS--4t Swift Current. Sask., March 3rd, to.Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Robbins, a daughter, died March 6th. - = ' Kerslake--In Hampton ' on Thursday, - March 13, Maria Ruse, relict of the late Geo. ' Kerslake, in her 71st year.- Pedlar--In Oshawa, -March 16" George H. Pedlar, President of the^^Pedlar People Limited, in his 70th year.' ALLIN--Near Edmonton, Alta., March 10, Thos. Allin, Port Periv, aged 68 years, 11 months, (ac-, id.) BUSINESS CHANGE Having purchased the butcher business fonherly conducted by Mr. . Elgin Wight we are now prepared to serve the public with a nice line of all kinds of meats at. the very lowest price. Give us a call. ■ Nichols Bros., ... : I2-tfsn - Phone 38, Bowmanville. HOSPITAL OPENING Wednesday, March 26,1913. Bowmanville Hospital opening ceremonies ceremonies will be on Wednesday March 26. Lieut.-Governor and Lady Gibson, Hon. W. J. Hanna, Provincial Secretary, Dr. R. W. Bruce-Smith, Inspector of Hospitals, Toronto, and others are expected to take part in the ceremonies. POPULAR CONCERT COMING cideutçilly killed.) Rigby--At the Lodge. Trinity Gollega School, I Port Hope, March 16, Ellen, dearly beloved wife " of Rev. Oswald Rigby. Cheer--On Thursday, March 13th, at 53 Grant- st, Toronto, John A. Cheer, dearly beloved husband husband of Minnie Cheer. Formerly of PortHope. - La will e--In-'Darlington, March 18, "William Lawrie, in his 83 rd year. Funeral from hislate residence. Sale 1 », today (Thursday) at 2.30 p. m. to Bowmanville cemetery, Anderson--At 577' Sherborne-st., Toronto, March 14, Annie Younie, relict of the late John Anderson, aged 73 "years. Interred at Bowmaiï- ville. Mother of Mrs. J. H. H. Jury, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. didn. t I have this bathroom w - put in Inrio- o<va t#. ;--- -i -- it ü ago. It is so clean and beautiful beautiful that I feel provoked thinking of all thàt time that I worried along with the old bathroom/' Don't wait .until you can say that when a bathroom put in by us will mean so much to you now. 11 = In Memoriam--In loving memory of Mrs. Wm. Trewin, Enniskillen, who died March 21,1911. One precidus to our hearts has gone, A voice we loved is stilled; The place made vacant in our home, Can never more he filled. -, Our father in his wisdon calléd 1'liD boon his love had given, And, though in earth the body lies, The soul is safe in heaven. Husband and Children. . 'Lest We Forget" Opera :House. Bowmanville, Thursday, Thursday, April ioth. The third annual grand popular concert under" auspices of Morrison's Goodyear Orchestra' will be given Thursday, April 10, by the Kellog Haines Singing Party, which is composed of the following artists : Miss Lotta Fabien, Soprano. Miss Altha Montague, Contralto. Mr. John Eichenberger, Tenor. Mr. William A. Goldburg, Baritone. Mr. William James Breach, Accompanist Accompanist and Monologist. - Plan of hall opens Tuesday, A.pril 1st, a:t 12 o'clock at R. M, Mitchell's drug store where tickets may be secured, or from members of the Orchestra. PROF. DELURY'S. ADDRESS AT THE HIGH SCHOOL on short notice, & Son. Phone io. L. Morris Children FOR f LETCHER'S CASTOR I A "The Wonders of the Heavens." ,_The meeting of the school Literary Society Friday night, was appreciated and enjoyed, not only by the members of the Society but by the ex-studerits and other citizens who bad 1 accepted the invitation to be present as given thru this journal last week. President Norman Reynolds took the chair and conducted the opening exercises. Miss' Kate Percy, Secretary, in a clear voice and with a business air that would be worthy of an experienced public official, read the minutes of the last meeting; The President extended à welcome welcome to the visitors in a few appropriate words and then requested Mr. W. B. Couch, chairman of the Board, to preside, and, as was expected, added to the interest interest of the meeting by à brief but suitable address. The students' share in the proceedings, proceedings, was the subject of very favorable comment by all-the visitor?. The music they gave was excellent." Miss M. C. King arid Miss D. Sanderson always play well. The girls' quartette--Misses Marion Van- Nest, Helen Johnston, Florence VanNeS;, and Marjorie King--greatly pleased all with their selection, and thirteen high school boys accompanied by Miss Lillian McLean at the piano, gave two rousing choruses in good style. The chief interest, however, lay in the fact that Prof. A. T. DeLmy, M.A., of Toronto University, a former student of the* school, was present as an invited guest of the Society and gave an address that made stridents of the present year proud to be able to class him as an old Bowmanville High School boy. His subject--"The subject--"The Wonders of theTIeavens"-- might be heavy as dealt with"- by some speakers, but not as handled by Prof. De- Lury, choice in his diction, apt in illustration, illustration, and with the art of the true teacher, he gave à lucid and attractive presentation. presentation. of this great subject that will not soon be forgotten. For about an hour lie held thé close attention , of his audience and gave to all a clearer conception than they ever had before of the . beauty and grandeur of the great universe in which our little earth is a mere speck. . v Messrs."Norman Reynolds and Reginald: Jolliffe, on behalf of the students, moved and seconded a motion of "thanks in - brief addresses that were alike creditable to them and the Society of which they are officers. Principal Elliott,- Rev. ;T. A. Nind, und Mr. M. A. James also spoke- in appreciation of Prof. DeLury's kindness in coming down to Bowmanville. It was a pleasure to hear the Professor's expressions expressions of good-will to the old school .and to know that he recalls the days spent under the teachers here then--Principal W- Oliver, James Millar, B. A.,-James Gil- fillan (now all deceased) and Miss King-- as both pleasant and profitable. We question whether this school in any one year has sent up such another- quartette of boys as the following, all of whom matriculated at the same time: A. T. De- Lury, M.A, Toronto University; Geo. H. Hogarth, B.A., late principal Whitby C.L, now of the Collegiate Institute,. Brandon, Man; A. H. Gibbard, M.A., Chief Librarian, Librarian, Moose Jaw, Sask; arid Rev. Neil McPherson, McPherson, M.A„ D.D., Springfield* Mass. Further, two B.H.S. girls matriculated with high honors at Toronto University the same year-r-Miss Maggie Oliver arid Miss Blakeley. E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc,, in Granite and Marble, Bowmanville, . Ontario: FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Most Complete Equipment Sunday and night calls promptly attended to. " - Bowmanville Phones 10-34 Branches : ORONO HAMPTON DR. R. W. CLARK, Physician, Surgeon, etc. OFFICE:-- Silver Street, Bowmanville. Successor to Dr. L. Potter. PHONE 23. 4-1 yr. s&n. 1 RODERICK MV MITCHELL • Baritone Teacher of Singing Pupil of Mr. Russell G. McLean, Toronto. Studio at Residence, Wellington-st., East, For information and terms apply at R. M. Mitchell & Co's. Drug Store. Phone 02a &b Bowmanville. DR. W. WILSON PORTER CHER0PRACT0R The cause of disease removed by adjustmënt-of the spine. Hotel Bowman Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 9.30 a.m. to l p.m. Phone 55 -Consultation Free 11-4* Address: 1/ King-st., E., Oshawa H OUSE PARLOR MAID WANTED. Apply to Mrs. J. W. Alexander, "The Evergreens," Bowmanville. 12tf PPRENTICE WANTED--To learn millinery, i Apply at once to Haddÿ & Co., Bowmanville. ^ 10-tf G OOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK-- Apply to Mrs. Chas. Wattleworth, corner Wellington & Ontario-sts, Bowmanville. 12-tf ANTED--Experienced la:dy post office clerk, capable of : taking chargé,' daily reports, $60 "a month. Send references. W. J. Coleman, Coleman, P. M., Vanguard, Sask. pARM TQ--RENT--500 acres, B.F., Bowman- H ville, on which are two brick houses and one * frame house* barns, outbuildings, etc. Possession Possession April 1st. Apply to Marvin Burk, Elgin St., or box 67,-Bowmanville. 10-4w H ACKNEY WANTED^-A chestnut Hackney filly or gelding, about 15-1 with three or four white legs and white strip in face; must be sound, no objections tir being in the rough. Apply Apply P.O. Box 315,.Lennoxvill e, Que. 10-3wsn S EED . GRAIN FOR SALE--No. 21 Barley, Goose Wheat, grown on Baby Head Farm, ; price 70c.and $1 00; also Red Clover at _$11.Q0.. Apply to J." L."Metcalf, lot 18, B-F-, Darlington; " - 9-tf C OTTAGE TO RENT--Cottage with about 3 acres of land, good orchard, situated in northwest northwest part of town. lVill rent by year. Apply to James Veale, Bowmanville. Phone 139 R 2,3. 12-tf sn BED POTATOES--P ttsburg Blight Proof Potatoes f»r sale. $1.25' per .bushel: : Apply ^to John Penfound, lot 33, con. 2, Darlington. Drop a line to Courtice P. O. or phone 180 r 32, Oshawa. 12-2w * sn r^ARM FOR SALEf-About 112 acres good farm" H ing land about 1Ï miles west of Ebenezei 1 , 20 1 acres seededdown, 12 acres permanent ; pasture pasture with living stream. Good house and bank barn also hog pen, over 4 acres orchard." Price right. McKenzie Penfound, R. R. No. 2, Bow- manville; ■ 11-tf ■ Ohildr e n Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAS TO R I À F ARM FOR SALE OR RENT--ICO acres of good clay loam. It is a first-class stock and grain farm situated on lot 14 and 15, Broken Front, East Whitby, County of Ontario," with suitable buildings. Three miles from town of Oshawa. Terms easy. Possession immediately. D. W. Rogers, box 484, Oshawa. . - H OUSEHOLD F URNITURE'-Bargains for another another week, bedroom suites, iron and walnut bedsteads, tables, chairs, hall stove, parlor cook, kitchen range, washing machine, lawn mower, secretary, bookcase, and a variety of other articles. J. E. Sanderson, 107 Sougog-sfc., Bowmanville. F OR QUICK SALE--That beautiful home at Hampton, close to C."N. Oi.Railway, four miles from lousy Bowmanville, situated on lot 18,con 4, Darlington, comprising about 13"acres, a two storey brick house, hard and soft water, stables and barn; a quantity of apple trees and small fruits; first-class soil, well fenced, all in good state of cultivation. -Suitable for garden and vegetable farm. For fuither information enqnirô bn tbe r pr"emises or address, Mrs. JOHN JOLL, Hampton P O. 12-3w Sample Engines at Special Prices. I IL 3J and 6 H.-P. sizes. They, have been only slightly used. They will be adjusted and in perfect perfect condition and just like new Üeforë r leaving our factory. -Prices and further particulars on request. ■" The Page Wire Fence Co., Ltd., Walkerville, Ont. 12-4w sn 5 LOCAL AGENTS, Opposite Post Office an an ï c- I T V AL «k XT ^ /S * Xj / ÎÎ 5 From Kitchen Chairs, Tables, Bake Boards to Kitclian Cabinets, at prices to suit you. x Just arrived eight Parlor Suites, from $20,00 to $50,00.. A splendid splendid selection could be made just now. Our new Baby Carriages are arriving and are best in quality and lowest in price. We have a splendid range of Iron and Brass Beds from $2.50 up-all sizes L. Morris & Son. Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directois. Ambulance Headquarters. Phene io Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits, Coats, Skirts . (Northway Make) Ttie Very Latest Styles. NEW DRESSES NEW DRESS MATERIALS NEW SILKS IN GREAT VARIETY NEW WASH MATERIALS; ALL KINDS NEW LACE COLLARS NEW KID AND SILK GLOVES NEW PRINTS, GÏ NGH A MS, 1 C H AM B RAYS, ETC. Great Bargains in Ladies' Waists Sixteen dozen only--fine Swiss Muslin, eLgantly trimmed waists, assorted patterns, sizes 34 to 42, regular regular price $ 1 .75, for 9Sc each. A full assortment of articles" and. materials useful to the Hospital. Take something with you when you visit the Hospital. Agents for Home Journal Patterns S. W. Mason & Son Next door to Standard Bank, Bowmanville. 4 4 & I S: A ; : ; l3 ; 7k -e# |t y y; S

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