The OPENING at the Parlor Boot AFTER A STRENUOUS MONTH with our big "Removal Sale" at the old stand and directing affairs at the new store, we are pleased to announce that we are now in ; Our New Shoe Home and extend herewith to the p'ublic a. hearty invitation to meet us Over on the Sunny Side We have spared neither pains nor expense expense to make it cosy, convenient and nviting and feel quite proud, of the results. We desire to thank our . many friends who ' generously helped us buildup such a successful shoe'bus- ness, and assure yom that in- our new " store, with more space, larger display and.greater variety to select we will be in a better position to please you than ever before. . The Authentic Styles for .Spring in all their grace and beauty, . from the best Canadian and American makers, will be shown',, but we want you to look in and see "us whether you intend to buy or not -- Mr. Cecil Welsh, .Rochester, N.Y., is visiting at Mr. A. B. Werry's and with other friends... .Mrs. McAllister, Ottawa, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) S. F. Dixon.. Mr. Wm. Walter has returned to Swift Current, Sask.... Misses Ethel and Dorothy Brooks are visiting visiting their cousin, Miss Mary Hall, Osh- awa... .Mrs. Geo. Pearce is in Goderich. More cases of sick headache, biliousness constipation,can be cured in less time,with less medicine, and for less money, by using Carter's Little Liver Pills, than by any other means,. _ / • _ ENFIELD JOTTINGS, The following^ cutting from "Toronto Saturday Night" of March 15th will bë of interest to all those who are looking forward forward to the approaching performance of this great opera by Bowmanyille Choral Society: .. Tb®_recent appearance in Toronto of the De Wolfe Hopper Opera Company has revived for us pleasant memories of many of those haunting, lilting songs of innocent - which we find abounding in the delightful masterpieces of Gilbert and Sullivan. The humor is so fresh and brilliant, and.the music of siich a superior quality, that it almost borders on sacrilege to place these/artistic works in the same class with most of thè modern comic operas which have their little day and cease to be," Spring Model 1913 Recent visitors: Mr. Thos. West, Wood stock, with relatives; Mr. and Mrs. C. Powell at Mr. B. Powell's; Mr. and Mrs. W. Avery, Raglan, at Mr. W. J.. Ormis- ton's; Mr. and Mrs. Webb-Lamb, Brock, at Mr. J. Niddery's; Mr. Levi Reattqire, home from Toronto; Miss M. Hogarth, Solina, with relatives; Mr. R. Pascoe at Toronto and attending reunion of Durham Durham Old Boys... .Dr. W. E. Tilley visited our school and left an encouraging report of the teacher's work.... Mr. Frank Campbell Campbell has gone to White wood, Sask., after spending the winter here .... Mr. Howard Ormiston has been spending a few days at Kèdron. .. .Mr. J J. Mason, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, gave a very able discourse here on Sunday. Always avoid harsh purgative : pills. They first make you sick and then- leave you constipated. Carter's Little Liver Pills regulate the bowels and make you well. Dose, one pill. R. BOWMANYILLE Ontario ENNISKILLEN NEWS, A THE- UNIVERSAL ÇLA-R, Noise? About all the Ford makes is the praise it inspires. It's the silent Crtr. It's silent because it's mechanically right. And its mechanicalrightness mechanicalrightness has made it "the universal car"--serviceable, economical; economical; long,lived. Better order yours to-day. Every third car a Ford. Nearly 180,000 have been sold and delivered. New prices, runabout $675--touring car $750--town car $1000--with all equipment, f.o.b. Walker- ville. Get catalogue from Ford •MotbiL Company of Toronto or BRADLEY BROS. Local Dealers - Oshawa j Funeral Directors - Embalraers DISNEY BROS. ' Bowmanville ~4 Ph one 9, Day or Night Up-to-date Outfits -- Prompt Attention Reasonable Prices. _ EASTER HOLIDAY RATES. Special Train" From Bowmanville; The Grand Trunk Railway. System will operate a special train .for Belleville, leaving Bowmanville 3.16 p.. m., March 22nd, stopping at Newcastle; Newtonville, Port Hope Jet, Cobourg, Grafton, Col- borne, Brighton, and Trenton, arriving at'Belleville 5.35p.m. ... Tickets will be issued at Single Fare for round trip between all stations in Canada Canada east of Port Arthur, also to Detroit and Port Huron, Mich., Buffalo, Black Rock, Suspension Bridge and. Niagara Falls, N.Y. Good going March 20, 21,22, 23, and.24, valid for return on or before Wednesday, March 26,1913. Full particulars and tickets from Grand Trunk- Agents. J. Hr H; Jury, Town Ticket Agent, phone 78. Station Ticket Agent, phone 27. ■ 12-lwn Recent visitors: Mr. and Mrs. James Stainton home from a pleasant fortnight in the city; Mrs. H. J; Werry. with friends in Orono; Mr. J. J. Mason at the parsonage; parsonage; Dr. Amos Campbell, Chicago, and Mr. N. Washington, Zion; with friends; Dr. Campbell taught at Baker's School in 1873; Mrs. Wm. O. Herring and Mr. Aylmer Aylmer with friends in Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. W. Webber and daughters, Man., at Mr. W. O. Herring's; Mr. and Mrs. John Run- die, Haydon, at Mr. John Slemon's; Mrs. W. H. Hooper, Drum Corners, Mrs. À. J. Henderson, Cavan, and Miss Maud; Benson, Benson, Pontvpool, at Mr. W. H. Argue's..,. Mr. J. J. Mason, Toronto, gave an address on Temperance and'Moral Reform work Sunday evening which should have a lasting lasting influence. In a clear and forceful way he proved that every living , person has. an individual responsibility and we all are builders, either for good or evil, in our national life... .Next Sunday evening is the usual W.M.S. Easter service; Pastor Robeson will give an address in the interest interest of the Society. - Thank-Offering envelopes envelopes to be returned... .A number from here spent a pleasant evening at Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Smith's, near Enfield Mrs. C. E. Stewart was suddenly called to Toronto again by the illness of her daughter, daughter, Mrs. E. Hall... .Mrs. W. H. Stainton entertained a number of friends recently. If there ever was a specific forXmy one complaint, then Carter's Little Liver Pills are a specific for sick headache, and every woman should know this. Only one pilla dose. Try them. Messrs. A. and F. McKenna, the well- known Toronto costumers, are looking after the un forms for the leading characters, characters, wigs and sandals, etc., for the chorus so that an accurate and picturesque production production may.belooked for. As there has been difficulty in arranging dates with the costumers a change : of date of performance performance may be necessary. Watch this paper for further notice thereon. SALEM Good Friday evening, March 21st at 8 p. m. Sàlem Epworth League will hold a first class concert consisting of readings, dialogues, vocal and instrumental music. Come and have a good time. Admission 15c, children 10c. u-2w Corns cripple the feet and make walk- J torture, yet sure rëlief in the shape of Holloway's Corn Cure is within reach of all. A Rexall remedy for every ill, all guar-, anteed. For sale by Jury & Lovell. LIVE STOCK NOTES. Farmers in the township of Darlington will be glad to hear that Mr.' A. E. [endings, [endings, mine host of the Temperance House Hampton, has bought from the executor of late John Joli estate the famous stock horse Pride of All that has proved himself such a splendid.sire. We commend. Mr. Tennings for his enterprise and feel sure he will receive extensive patronage from ■ farmers who know of the superior qualities qualities of this popular imported Clydesdale Beautiful New Neckwear The showing is so extensive and comprises so many new and novel creations that you'll .find it mighty hard not to-select more~than one. .The long narrow four-in-hands for the close-fold collars are here in great variety and plenty of elegant new designs and-colors in.all other shapes. A" Neckwear 25c to $1.00 Hosiery 25c to $1.00 Shirts 50c to $2.00 Belts 25c to $1 50 Men.who demand style up to the minute, highest qualities and a painstaking service' should come here for their new spring 'Togs.' New Clothes Time Easter time is new clothes time and we offer you the opportunity to choose your new clothes from the choicest, creations of the world's greatest men tailors. Garments that embody everything that's new in style, every thing that's best for service Ask to see the big value $15 SUITS we.liave for Spring. We have the fiat you want. sire. HAMPTON NEWS. Lovely and Good are the advance Spring Fashions in Suits, Coats and Dresses for Women, Misses and "Juniors." F. A. HADDY. Thursday and Saturday CALIFORNIA NAVAL ORANGES THURSDAY and SATURDAY, California Naval Oranges--Special purchase, at special prices. A bargain sui e enough 25 O. d. O Z « TURKISH DELIGHT Just imported from England--a choice line for 15c. per lb,, or.,,i*,,,,,,•••, « • » •,,, e •» • ,4 lb. box for ooc. PRUNES Another lot of those Prunes at 3. lbs. for 25c. . Try these. CANNED SALMON Good Salmon', regular lb. size, ...........2 : tins for 25c. TO I LET SETS ' Hegular $4.00 line for .... $3.00 - for Thursday and Saturday "only. : Paid for Butter and Eggs •A; On Good Friday evening March 21, under under auspices of the Epworth League anc Women's Missionary Society, an illustrated illustrated lecture on the life of Dr. David Livingstone Livingstone illustrated with stereoptican Views will be given by Rev. C. W. Barrett in the Methodist. Church, Hampton. f Easter music will be furnished. Program to be | gin at 8 p. m. Admission 15c and 10c. ' • I1-2W. Write to-day for our Spring Style Book -examine the advance Spring, Fashions shown. Better still---pay a visit to our Store. • • . Every Garment Guaranteed perfect in material and make. Anything . not entirely satisfactory we ask you to return at our expense. A card with your address brings our Spring Style Book to you. W. R. BOYLE, LTD. 278 Y onge Street; Toronto ! F. A. HADDY; ST " ALL VERY You can't Put your Feet 1 NY o u r Pocket Very well then ! -- Do the very next best thing in order to protect Jbhem. That is,--make an application application of the corn cure that never fails to relieve you of sore, troublesome troublesome corns, bunions and callous places. • - • ' CARPLE'S CORN CURE •is easily applied and acts quickly. After a few applications the corn, bunion or calkrus place can be easily easily and quickly removed. --Simple and easy. Sure to relieve. Apply it to-night, have relief tomorrow. A 15c box will place, you on Easy Street. " X Jury & Lovell, When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly. -.. Mrs. Ambrose Trenouth has returnee from Toronto. . . .Master Howard Price and Miss Helen Johns who have hac pneumonia are much better... .Mr. E. Trenouth is under the weather... .Mr. J. Colwell is moving part of his farm bu.Idr ings to the west side of the road. .. .Mr. C. N. Ruse attended. Supreme meeting of Canadian Home Circle in Toronto,... .Mr. E. Ward and family have moved into the Rogers house... .Mrs.C. Clemence, Kirby, recently visited her brother and family . : ...Mr. and Mrs. M. Munday, Bowmanville, visited friends here... .Mr. Harold Clarke has returned trom Waterous,Sask .. .Mr. Chas. Johns has gone to Toronto for an operation. . ;. Mrs. George Kerslake who has been in poor health for some time passed away Thursday * March 13--two weéks after-her husband. The funeral took place Saturday to Bowmanville cemetery, cemetery, service being conducted at the home by her pastor. Rev. C. W. Barrett and Rev. H. B. Kenny, Bowmanville,. officiated at the grave. The pall-bearers were four nephews, Messrs A. B. - and' Walter Cry- derman, Mr. Byron Moore, Mr. Jas. Bedford. Bedford. Mr. Frank Ruse, Exeter, and Chas. Ruse, Toron to> brothers, and Mrs. Lewis Ruse, JToronto, attended the funeral. Bëautiful flowers were placed on the casket casket by loving hands. .V. . .After a few days' illness from pneumonia, Mr. John Robbins passed away at the home of tiis father-in-law, Mr. I. L. Brown, March I2th Deceased was born here August 15, 1871, where he lived continuously until until seven years ago. Being a'great suf-. ferer front asthma he was advised to go to Manitoba and for the first three years was much; better, but the old disease gradually gradually returned and last December he with his family returned to Ontario in -very poor health. The funeral Friday to Bow- manville cemetery was largely attended by friends and neighbors. Rev. C. W. Barrett conducted a short service at the house and officiated at the Interment. The pall-bearers were Myron, Levi and Arthur Robbins, three brothers, and brother-in-law, Mr. E. Haggith. He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife and three children, besides the three brothers mentioned and. two sisters, Mrs. E. Haggith, Haggith, Hampton, Mrs. Will Robbins, Swift Current, Sask. Lovely flowers were, placed on the casket by kind friends, among them being a beautiful spray from the Epworth League. Having disposed of the celebrated stal- - lion, Pride of All, to Mr. A. JE. Jennings, | Hampton, I would still solicit, a. continu- 1 ance of public patronage in future along breeding, lines. The verdict of the people is that hë is the best sire of Clydesdales in this community. Thanking all for past patronage, Yours respectfully, G. Joll, \ Administrator o^Estate. of the Late JohmJoII. Hampton, Mar. 15,1913. . 4 - We have always felt that it was a matter matter of sincere regret when any sire which had proved himself "a first class sire" of draft horses, was.sold away from a district district where his success as a .sire was an assured assured fact. In this, connection we are therefore pleased to announce that while "Pride of All" has been sold by the John Joll Estate, he will still be owned and kept for service in this vicinity às Mr. A. E. Jennings of Hampton-is now his happy and lucky, owner. "Pride of All" is a typical Clyde of royal breeding, and as a sire he is in the front rank of good sires. His stock is most highly prized and : eager- Iy sought out, and possesses in a very large degree quality, beauty and style rarely seen , in Clydesdales. While we must congratulate Bert in this business venture, yet we cannot refrain from also congratulating the farmers of this locality locality that they still will have the privilege of availing themselves of the services of this justly renowned Clydesdale sire. _ We have no hesitation in. making that assertion assertion because our showing this season is so extensive. We have the hats the up-to the minuté young'fellows want and the ones the older men desire. . - LATEST IN GAPS--All the new shapes in Tweeds and Worsteds---the Worsteds---the new large English shape and. the medium American style 50c to $1.50. The Anderson Clothing Co. M BOWMANVILLE DARLINGTON , NEWS. If your eyes are troubling you, do not neglect them. Consult Jury & Lovell's Optician. A corrector of Pulmonary Troubles.-- Many testimonials could be presented showing the great efficacy of Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil in curing disorders of the respirator processes, but the best testimonial testimonial is experience * and the Oil is recommended recommended to all who suffer from these disorders with the certainty that they will find relief. It will allay inflammation in the bronchial tithe as no other preparation preparation can. SOLINA DOINGS. Mr. John Metcalf's fine herd of 23 fat- cattle were shipped to Montreal Thurs- j day. 15 of the cattle brought an average ( price of over $100 each. The other good ones were bought by Mr. Elliott... .Mr. Walter Foley has settled with the C.P.R. for $3000 for damage to two. farms. On the farm occupied by Mr. Ernest Foley the buildings all have to be moved and a new well dug .. .Mr. Erastus Burk bought \ 5 head of cattle at Highland Creek. ..... Mr. Pearl Metcalf is visiting her unclè, Chris. Cox Mr.. Cephas Rundle and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Martin "and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hare visited their father, Mr. Jas. Rundle, who has been ill. Leave your order for. your spring suit now at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's, they have, j'ust opened out the newest goods in suitings. The Best Meat EVERYBODY WANTS THE BEST AND WE HAVE IF AUCTION SALES. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Haro Always Bought Bears the Signature of Mr. Harold A. Thompson, Windsor, and his bride, nee Miss Helen Hogarth, are spending their honeymoon at her father's, father's, Mr. A. Hogarth. They were tendered tendered a reception on their arrival Thursday Thursday night. We extend congratulations. They will be at home after April 1st at 36 Elm Avenue, Windsor.... . .Mrs. Ed. Millson entertained her Sunday School class at her home Saturday afternoon .. Messrs. J. Reynolds, T. Baker, L. T. Pascoe Pascoe and Jas. Stainton attended Mr. A. J. .Reynolds' sale at Scarboro Thursday.... Mr. Cecil Vice, Pontypool, is calling Q n old friend»......Mr. W. N. Pascoe had a, wood bee and oyster supper Wednesday • • • - Miss Vera Baker is visiting friends ât Newcastle.. .-.Mr. and Mrs. W. Werry visited at Kedron.... Miss Hazel Pascoe, Taunton, spent a few days at her uncle's, Mt. A. Hogarth.... Farmers' Club meets Good Friday afternoon... .Mr. Paul Wit- . iams' sale is Tuesday next...... Master ; Howard Price is improving nicely from pneumonia...... Miss Effa Brooks is visiting visiting friends and attending the Deaf and Mute Bible Conference in Toronto. Tuesday, March 25--Mr. Paul Williams lot 23, con. 6, Darlington, will sell all of his high grade and thoro-bred stock, implements, etc. Sale atl o'clock. See bills. L. A. W. Tole, auctioneer* Wednesday, march 26--Mr. Robert Barrett, lot 12, con. I, Darlington, will sell all of his'farm stock, implements, etc. Sale at one o'clock.. See bills. L. A. W. Tole, auctioneer. " Thursday, March 27--Mr. W. W. Dickinson, Dickinson, Concessiorr-st, East, Bowmanville will sell by auction all of his farm stock, implements, cream separator, household household effects, etc., S lie at 1 p m. See bills. L. A. W. Tole, auctioneer. Frid ay, March 28--Mr. W. H. Trewin, lot 15, cpn. 8, Darlington, who is going West will sell all of his farm stock, implements, etc. Sale at 1 o'clock. See bills. L. A. W. Tole, auctioneer. When you want the best meats of any kind at the lowest prices call at Challis & Mutton's Mutton's up-to-date, meat and provision provision store. We handle the best-, always fresh and choice. We have just put in a nice line of sweet, sour and mustard pickles and a fine brand of catsup. The Eggs and Butter we sell are always fresh. Try our superior superior canned goods. Challis & Mutton The Up-To-Date Butchers PHONE 225. Horsey Block - Bowmanville LOOK FOR THIS GIRL. Leave your orders for mangol,. corn, etc, etc, at P. Murdoch's. If your hands are sore get a cake of j Harmony Glycerine soap at Jury & Lovell's. Price 15c, 2 for 25. CLUBBING R ATES. .The Statesman or News clubbed with. Toronto Sunday World for $3.00. Send orders to James Publishing House, Bowmanville. New subscribers can have Statesman or NEWS, Weekly. Globe .and Canada Farmer and Dominion ■ Poultry Review for balance of, 1913 for $[.50. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S G ASTOR I A When you ask for Sageine see that this girls'.picture is on^dhe label. This is a guarantee of quality and excellence. Sageine Sageine is the world's foremost hair tonic. Siageine is so good we guarantee every bottle and if you are not satisfied that Sageine is the besf scalp cleaner, dandruff eradicator and hair beautifier you have ever used, we will refund your money as cheerfully as we take it. R. M. Mitchell & Co are sole agent, in Bowmanville for Sageine so be go to R. M. Mitchell & Co's drug store, other stores dont have it--only 50c a large bottle. Don't forget the name. A GOOD MARCH March calls for many drug store wants, and it is a mighty good idea in March to get acquainted with the Jury & Lovell Drug .Store Service and you will know satisfaction. If it is a prescription prescription you. want filled, we can fill it correctly and quickly at a reasonable price. Your doctor will be pleased with our careful compounding. We have whatever whatever you may want from a drug store, and in fact, your many unusual needs can be supplied here; To us, being in business means pleasing you and selling you satisfactory goods. We can serve you. Tell us in what way. Jury & Lovell . X The Safe, Satisfactory Druggists'*^ and Opticians. V:V y A A.