THE SECRET OF GOOD HEALTH >-•; -: -.-/t; _ - ■ ■ -.-, 7,7 -.;■ ^«gSreg® . ' ,--•V"- ■'"=' • : ^HPHS '■- •• - . Keep-the Blool Bich and Pare with Br. Williams' Pink Pills The Willow Branch. It was a holiday, and the child; her said ren were planting trees in the garden. garden. . ~; x "My tree is an oak," said Kenneth, Kenneth, "and, the -oak is the king oE "Mine is a pine-tree,' 7 said Bertha. "I love to hear the pine- trees sing !" "I am going t-o plant a maple said Bose, as she flourished little spade; "then it will have prettv red leaves in the autumn. "X wish I had a little tree, iBahy Dot. . , The children were busy, and did not notice Baby Dot till she came up and waved a long willow stick, with which Kenneth had been play- .ing horse. ■ ■ "I found a tree !" she" said again 'and again. - Bertha and Rose smiled at each other while the baby dug a tiny hole, "in which she--set, the willow branch; then she stamped down the earth with her little soft shoes. 1 'Don't tell her that her tree won't grow," whispered the thoughtful Bertha. "She will forget forget all about it -to-morrow. * True enough, Baby Dot did forget her tree, and moreover, there came a week of rain, so that the children could not go into the garden. But the willow branch liked the ram; it pushed a little white root, into the ground, and a little green leaf 'into the air, and it grew just as fast as it could. . , . "Why, see here !" cried Bertha, •one day, when she was looking at the trees. "Baby Dot's tree is The condition of the bipod makes all the difference between health and sickness. Impure blood and strong healthy nerves and muscles never 'go together. I-f the blood is thin every ..part of the body becomes becomes weak. The- stomach fails in strength and the appetite becomes poor. The body does not obtain enough nourishment from the "food, and soon the nerves begin to complain complain and the person becomes irri table, despondent, worn ,out anc nervous. For a time there may be no actual sickness, only a rundown, rundown, weak condition, but there is no defence against disease and from such a condition spring .disorders such as anaemia, rheumatism, indigestion, indigestion, neuralgia, and even paralysis paralysis itself. People with, impure, thin blood should take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Every dose helps to make new, rich blood, and new blood means health and strength. They stop the progress of disease, and red checks, good appetite, new ■strength, declare the general improvement in the health Here is an example. Miss Ellen Maude McQubdale, Harriston, Ont., says: "I fèel it my duty to add my voice to the many now recommending recommending Dr. Williams' Pink Püls, For years "! was a sufferer with backaches, backaches, rheumatism and nervousness. nervousness. I was eo bad at times that I was confined to my bëd. I felt sleepy and heavy after my meals, and had flashes of light before my eyes, and a difficulty in collecting my thoughts. After using several - began The Fat in the Fire. Sir George. Reid, High Commis- eioner for Australia, is well known for his geniality, his bulk and his ready- tongue. Talking to him not long since,_ a correspondent asked him had he ever found himseff at a loss for a back-answer. Wen, he said, "I was fairly nonplussed a political me eting PRINCE ISvA DEAF MUTE. Tie Second Son of King and Queen of Spain. ;;4 The - Infante, Don J aime, second son of the king and queen of Spain, now five years old, was born deaf and dumb. For a long time no One outside infirmity, infirmity, land there., it was scarcely mentioned except: in whispers. The one day at a political meetly* i ^ pa lace knew of the prince's 'down-under.' It was near the | it... ti" ----- close of my last campaign, and I^ .. yAWt , remarked' that I thought, of retl J" n^te premier, Senor Canale j as, rin- ing from politics, ' as I felt 1 I nounced two years ago that the lit- nearing that bourne f tie prince had a form of tubercu- which ho traveller returns. Upo josis which prevented him. from which a voice at the back of thc I hcar i n g <j r t a6ing.- ' V : His lack of. hearing was proved by making a : loud noise suddenly near the boy. He did not move. Although three years of age at that time he had never uttered a sound, arid already had the fixed look and strange behavior characteristic of the deaf rind dumb. Spanish spe-. cialists . adjudged : him incurable. One of them. performed a difficult operation without beneficial result. The child was sent to the sanitarium sanitarium -of- a celeti rated physician in Switzerland, but he returned' in the same condition as before. . Don Jaime at present is under the care of Valencian nuns whose mission mission in life is to educate the deaf and dumb. . The name <xf Miss Helen Helen Keller has - been mentioned in the palace, but nothing definite has been arranged about asking her to undertake the" teaching of the boy. One difficulty is that Miss Keller, who does not know Spanish, would have to teach in a foreign language. Chappèd and Cracked. Could Not Put Them in Water. Skin Red and All Swollen. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured in Two Days. Emeriti; J>. E. I.--"I got my Banda; chapped and they cracked. If I would close my hands the cracks would bleed. I could not put them in water or do hardly any - work. The skin was red and nay hands -- oil swollen. They were so sore I could not sleep. I tried everything I could get in the drug store, and all kinds of ointment," and they did me no good till I used Cuticura Soap and Ointmen|. They cured my trouble in two days. Guti- cura Soap and' Ointment are the best that can be made.". (Signed) C. "W. Murphy, Dec. 23, 1911. . ERUPTIONS COVERED FACE 415 Huntley St., Montreal, Quebec.-- "My one year old son was troubled with eczema in the face. It started with redness redness and irritation, then it was like à pimple. Afterwards it was an'open sore with matter matter oozing out, causing itching and keeping him from sleeping at night. His face was covered with eruptions; After unsuccessful attempts with different remedies, T tried All ready baked to a nicety ; whole, mealy and full > flavored; Heating only is necessary. QUEEN MART'S NEW FAD. She Keeps He*: Flesh Down hy Rowing and "No Potatoes." There is ne doubt that within recent recent years there are fewer stout women in the smart set in Europe and -America. . Almost every day we are shown Mrs. X. or Mme. Z. who was onoé abnormally large and at present is as slim as: the slimmest.- slimmest.- It is no secret that there are many ways of reducing flesh, some more agreeable than others, rind that most stout -people have tried some method. • that has been recommended to them. As ri rüle, these, methods succeed- owing to the amount of walking thaVthe patient - has to do, or the hot water she has to drink, or through the many pleasant, fatmaking fatmaking substances" from which she must abstain. In fact, the majority of people to-day have some fads about diet that; they would suffer untold- -agonies rather than disregard. disregard. : For instance,. Qrieen ; Mary, whose weight is 16 stones, pins her faith to rowing arid "no potatoes," but the craze now attacks all meal®, even afternoon teas for bridge. Thus at \these gatherings China tea is invariably preferred, arid in sinart -houses is brewed with Malvern Malvern water,. which can be got m bottles. Lemon instead of milk or I Q OOO free homesteads and tm- • -, . • • .. ■ j _£ I "j""" proved. farine, $15.00 to $45.oo cream, saccharine msitead or BU- j per acre> Best grain" aod jnixed farming .... -- * of H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. . q . : F SUIT, STOCK, GRAIN AND DAIRT Farme in all sections ot Ontario, Some snaps. .■ "171 ACTORT SITES, WITH OR WITHOUT JP ' Railway trackage. in Toronto, Brampton and other towns and cities. PROPERTIES IN R ESIDENTIAL Brampton and .a dozen other towns. H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto attempts "with different remedies, •*> _ and" drv toast in plaice of cakes country. : Write Commissioner, Board cuticura Ointment. wW, I used ono tm* 8^, «« "Jf _ Ant ;,. t Trade. Humboldt. Saak; . ■■ Sir George H. Reid. hall observed sardonically, 'My word, the fat will be iri" the fire then, Georgie !' " Glancing down AWFUL ATRO CITIE S. ,. , - , ■txz'Uza qxtov "hprird remedie-s without benefit I alive and. growing KWho ever heard I. Dr _ wiffiams , pink pills and oLanything so v v-Wg used ten or twelve boxes in all. 4- ree w hen they saw it put out new They gave me the best health 1 have leaves and shoot up so fast that it enjoyed for years, and I have not wîs soon far khead of the slolw since had the least return of the msinip nnd the slower oak. And trouble. when Baby Dot grew to be a tall You can get these piUs_from any eirl her willow-tree was a great dealer m medicine or by mail at deal taller than she.- The robins! 50 cents a box or six then, ueorgiei / v Result ot the Withdrawal of Troops at his ample -waistcoat, the portly I avvbiuv ui _ . . ^ , High Commissioner continued, From British-Somaliland. <'The roar of laughter that greeted} ^ i^rrible- story of atrocities in this sally was Homeric. I faced it j British Somaliland is told by. a Bri- :or a few moments, but nothing ef- officer who had been serving in fective by way of reply occurred' to this district.- # , : me, and I sat down--absolutely | ' The British posts were withdrawn sat in it and sang, and built their $2.50 from The Dr Williams Medi- branches.--Youth s I c ine Co., Brockville, Ont. nests in its Companion. PULPW00D EXPORT. Increased Quantity. Went to United States in 1912. the NEW CHEESE PROCESS. Cheese May Be Stored in a High Temperature By the use of pasteurized milk for Cheddar cheese two Wisconsin - -- e miTn- i experimentersi-- J. L. Sammis and A total of 1,846,910 cor-^ ° i A. T. Bruhn--claims to have, over wood were eut m Canada ^^^ Lome the uncertainties of the manu- 1912, an increase of twenty-one and k^re one-half (21.5) per cent, ovpi- the . ^ p rooesses have varied from total cut of 1911. Of this large cut t o day, with- corresponding over one-half was- exported r}® variation in the ^product itself, as a United States, the remainder being resul{ . cf -tiie -great differences in the manufactured into pulp !? y n ^ e | kind and quantity of bacteria in forty-eight mills operating- m Cap- milfc ^ the outset, but heating 'flummoxed' for, I think, the first time in my life." and he was completely cured of eczema, . are carefully (Signed) Mrs. J. NT. Racicot,^ Nov; 15,1911. biscuits -are also Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment are ceived. Anti-fat thankfully re sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. For a liberal free sample of each, with 32-p. book, send post card to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Dept; 52D, Boston, U. S. A. MALE HELP V/ANTED. A T ONCE--MEN WANTED; LEARN Barber Trade; great demand; good A new idea is to have small silver , „ 3 thirty advertised for , ... - , , IUU1.V iu xmu»™ papers alone. Can teaoh that sandwiches,, may be eaten you in six to -eight weeks. Send for Oata. without damage to dainty gloves | logue. Moler College, 221 Queen East. To and delicate finger-tips. At Buckingham Buckingham Palace and Sandringham, I stamps and coins. by the Government from the interior interior of Somaliland in 1910, and the 'administration v is now confined to the coastal region, including the towns .of "Berbera, Bulbar .and- King George to Have a Movie. Following the - example of the Kaiser and Alfonso, King George I Zeyla,' whose protection is entrust- has given orders for a picture e d to a small garrison of Indian theatre in miniature to be fitted up I troops. at Buckingham Palace. " This is The Mullah, the British officer m mainly intended ; fop the Royal chil- question said, had been our enemy dren, but their Majesties them- there for many years past,. and selves are very f ond of seeing the k evera l expeditions had beén direct- world on the film. The.Kaiser has éd against him. But as the country had a picturé palace rill to himsrilf I-^ a g not a valuable one, and our at Potsdam for over a year, and policy had recently been to with- during the recent wedding f estivi- 3. ra w from : the hinterland and con- ties this was a very popular haunt yentrate upon Berbera, the natives for august guests anxious to see had been left at the Mullah'© mer- themselves on the screen. cy, arid he hrid burnt and sacked -«•-r-- ; I the villages, kMled the men, taken UNDER BIEB6L FRENCH £ VETERAN OF BOER WAR WHO LOST] HEALTH ON THE VELDT TELLS EXPERIENCE. MERCHANT SHIPS ARMED. . 3 " • ,, , T,. ,V . x -v- 1 however, tea is a;square meal. Admiralty s Plan Carried Out by | ' Steamship Companies. The decision of the White Star Line to arm its new steamer Ceramic, Ceramic, which will be the largest,boat in the Australian trade, in _ accordance accordance with the British Admiralty s plans for the defence of merchant ships, disposes of the contention that its fleet does not come within the scope Of that scheme. This was pointed out when thé "question was first raised, as also was the fact of the agreémënt which was concluded cood Advice for AH Who Have IndlgeS' between Gerald Balfour, as presi- tion 0|1 stomach Disorders, dent of thé Board of Trade, and the . we late J. PSrpont Morgan on Sep-I in hie home at Taldegrove, N.S., tomber 27,. 1902, to. the eSect that ™ £°Z & Own Sue the British companies in the com- sars _ gpeaking of the -ill-effects of a cam bine were to rémain British, "not paign upon a man'e constitution, the merely nominally, but in reality." sergt.-Major writes: *'I served under Gen -- In addition to- the Royal Mail era i French during the late Boer war, in - Steam Packet Company's steamers the capacity of Sergt.-Major. It was per- Aragon, rind Amazon, which carry haps owing to a continued diet of bully two 4.7 inch ' guns^ eacli, several! beef, hard tack,- and- bad water, -but- at Peninsular arid .Oriental liners are TAMP COLLECTORS--11U M L>KKD DIP- is. Catalogne. Marks Btaop* ferent Foreign Stamps^ Catalogne. Albnra, only - Bevén Cent». rVrrnnn nv. Tormiro ■ ANGER. TUMORS. LUMPS. BTO, internal and external,, cored wit*- rain by enr home treatment, write ns before too late. Dr. Bellman Medtoai Co.. Limited. Colllnewood. Ont. The Heart of a Plano is the Action. Insist on the "OTTO HÏGEL" Plano Action no Sergt.-Major ' ada. Thesé are the figures given out by the Dominion Forestry Branch, Ottawa. This increase in. quantity of raw to 160 degrees to 165 degrees Fahrenheit Fahrenheit kills 99 per.cent, of the bacteria. bacteria. . After next increasing the acidity AUTOMATIC SPRING BUMPERS aW riy the women, and left a miser- ^ : " [able remnant of mutilated old wo- Special Prices to Clear Out an meil arid young children who were Overstock by August 1st. starving, and unable to remain m The Russell Mctor Car, -Corn-] the decimated viUag e3 ■ pany, Limited, Toronto, " are offer- These wrethched ,--. -v--, - mioi-we. au Alter aeih mvj _ --matonal. exported in l912 over the X f ^ milk to 0 .25 per cent, with _ amount exported m 1911 was prob- hydrochlorîô - à cid, a'priië culture ably due to the decline m P" 06 , ^ IJ lact . ic acid baeteria is added. The pulpwood in the local morket, the I ^ rat £ on , s can be earned out average pri-ce^ paid by Canadian i regular time schedule. The profirms profirms being six dollars per cord, d ^ ct f g st&ted ^ be not only of whereas foreign-firms paid^an aver- more un if orm , quality than that by age price of six dollars ™ , | the ordinary method, but the aver- two .cents ($6.82) per cord f ™- J*e e y ie id is higher, the losses oï fat pulpwood exported. This exported » J reduced. wood, had it been worked up m The cIl€esô may be safely stored Canada, woitid have been sufficient ^ a high temperature. The de- to supply fifty-four pulp m . ls Utruction of possible disease' organ- the average, size operating in the j ^ & sanitary ad- country at present. It would have produced 773,136 tons .of pulp,, which, at the average export price of $17.10 per ton as compared with the price of $6.82 paid for the unmanufactured. unmanufactured. pulpwood, repre- i vantage. CHILDHOOD DANGERS No symptoms that indicate any of f * 1 f --. f » "L ■ I fi I* a .1 y-- v 11 i F ""i ^3 k- sents a net loss to the country of I the ailments of childhood should be over six and one-half million dol- j allowed to pass without prompt lars. attention; The little, ailment may Statistics show that spruce still fl0on become a serious one, rind per- constitutes over seventy-five per haps a. little life passés out. If cent, of the pulpwood cut, that Baby's Own Tablets are kept in the there has been an increasing use of I ho U se minor troubles can .be balsam fir in the eastern provinces promptly cured and serious ones and western ' hemlock in British I averted. The Tablets are guar an Columbia with very satisfactory teed absolutely safe: and cam be results in each case. When the gi veIL to the newborn babe, as well sulphate process, recently brought as the growing child. Thousands into use in Canada, comes into 0 £ aethers use no other medicine wider use, there, will be a decided^ £ or their.,little ones. The Tablets increase in the amount of fir and ar ^. gold by medicine dealers or by hemlock used for pulp. This pro- mad at 25 cents a box from The Dr. -cess, which is used at present by williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, three mills in Quebec, yields excel- Q n t. lent pulp for the manufacture of ;" --■ ~ ■-- finer grades of paper, and for wrap- «j shan't go to their house people were a cross cut Tr ' • +r sniimrer iriutilated by having mg an Automatic Spring Bum P er £ rom the chin to the abdomen, and at a. greatly reduced prMe. V left to-find their way as best they This bumper has solved; the prob- ^ S€ek British protection, em of full elliptic springs. A v r- ^ frequently did this happen that tieal and-horizontal adjustment ^ ^.^hyeLrthé mosttoowardly mits o£ its being fitted .W f".: O b«Ss, had flunked up courage When fastened to cars with semi dog &n £ attack these miserable elliptic spring® there are no holes ag they crime dow;n to the f astens the * co ' as k The reason for this condition condition of things is that Somaliland is an absolutely worthless country ; it was a bad bargain which the British British wished they were -well out of, and it is because of the expense that drilled in the frame, ^enious hook clamp bracket firmly to the frame. Prices : brass, $6.70; nickel, $7.25. ; *- •" The Gould Millions. Mr. George J. Gould, the; head; of I hiçdberïand has been abandoned the Gould family,; is a millionaire |. Q W ay. who is conscious of the responsibilities responsibilities entailed by great wealth. He has a family of six children, arid they are rill being trained for definite definite careers, though. in the course Of time they will inherit millions of money between them. : The story of how the BOTH GAINED. Man and Wife Fatten on Grape- •• iïutSé Goulds 1 The notion that meat is necessary -1 for real strength and : the founda- provided with gun platforms, while , the Houlder boats La Rosarina el Uruguayo, La Negra el Paraguayo and Là Correntina, running between between Liverpool .and the River. Plate, are beingi similarly equipped.. It is also reported that the two Union Castle liners recently ordered ordered at Belfast and the Pacific Steam Navigation Company's Andes will be fitted for guns. The Cunard liner® Lusitania and Mauretania, which were built- under a subvention subvention from the Admiralty, are of course in a different class. ■ -- . Equipment. ^Is yorir new motor a self-start er Y 3 ^ t'Noreplied - Mr. Chuggms, "only a self-stopper." ----* . - . Are Your Feet Calloused ? Easy to remove lumps by applying Putnam's Putnam's Corn - and. Wart Extractor. This purely, vegetable remedy acts painlessly and Is guaranteed. Ineist on "Putnam's" only, 25c. per bottle. ■ : amassed wéalth partakes of a to e. Jay. Gould he family, for started : life at fifteen as. -S' 1 "*" j «lutrcish^ a, part of the time because StiiSISÿSK St'ây&îi. * - m*» t . Gould the tion o£ solid flesh is no W no longer any rate any etomacb entirely gave out I was- in such a state that I could eat nothing without the greatest suffering. The army doctors did not help me much, and since leaving the service I have been very miserable. Some few months ago a friend told me he had been a great suffer- from indigestion- until he tried Dr. Hamilton's Pills; they cured him. I confess confess it was without much faith I bought a box, but the first dose made me feel better than I had been for a long time. Dr. Hamilton's Pills' completely cured, and now I can eat everything and anything. anything. . I - have recommended them to others and in .every case the result has been similar to mine." Quick, sure results attend the use of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They cure disorders disorders of the stomach, "correct indigestion, ina-ke you feel uplifted and strengthened. To renew or maintain health, Dr. Hamilton's Hamilton's Pills always prove a good prescription. prescription. 25c. per box, five boxes for $1.00, all dealers, or the Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston', Ont. ---->*- " Logic. "It surprises me that you can say such cutting things about your best friends." "Why shouldn't II I know them better than, anyone else RÏGHEUEÜ SOMIO, NAMGATIOl IAGARA To THE SEA Your Vacation Trip / WHERE TO GO Niagara Falls, Toronto, Thousand Thousand Islands^ St. Lawrence Rapids, Montreal, Quebec and the Saguenay River--one of n a tur e's most impressive scenic wonders^ Low rates tor tickets including meals and berths. For information information apply to local ticket agents or Hugh D. Paterson, Gen. Agt., Toronto, Toronto, Ont., or H. Foster Chaffee, P.T.M., Mont- treal. Que. Q order to improve his education he ping. The solution used for dis- 1 aga i n : » "What'sthe matter 1 solving the. chipped wood into pulp Didn > fc they ask you to Bingl of seventy-five per cent. << VoQ » "And didn't you Î ' No. -< consists of seventy-five per sodium sulphate ("saltcake ), and twenty-five per cent of lime. No acids are used, giving economy of maintenance, and almost- all kinds of wood are adaptable to the process, process, which is, in this way especially, especially, superior to soda and sulphite methods. . , . - 7 V*' - - ----* The girl who throv/s herself ati a man mustn't be surprised if he drops her. • ' ^ Waiter--The egg? Why, wasn't it boiled long enough, sir ? _ Guest- Yes ! The trouble was it wasn't boiled soon, enough. )> Her Exception. 'Grabbed Old Lady (sarcastically) "I don't suppose there is another baby like that in the whole world?" Young Mother--"Oh, yes, there is ! I left one of the twins at home with mother." <;< 'So your wife has gone off for a vacation," said Jenkins to his partner partner "Yes," was the response "she's gone to the Thousand Islands." Islands." "How long is she going to be gone ?" "Well, I don t know exactly, but I advised her to spend S day on each island. Yes." "And didn't you . When I asked to be excused they merely let it go at that. I eupposed, of course, they'd insist on it." Mlnerd's Llnimeiit Cure» Diphtheria, A tourist who had been * caught in a severe storm in the Highlands of Scotland finally came to a solitary solitary cottage and eagerly accepted an invitation to stay over night. After supper while he was wearing a suit of the guidman's clothes till his own were dry he met the mistress mistress on the stairs. She bore a broom in her hands, from which he got a sharp thump on the head, followed by the exclamation: "That's for askin' for the man to stay a' nicht !" their food; and the] undigested por- was accustofaed to râe ™ X'VMnd^f^i^thnf^t the morning. In, this m»n"^^he , blood arid nerves, thus acquired a knowledge of mathema- upon n « vstem tiel and secured a post assist."* he |vy & meittat"cr," to ri purveyor. 6 ^^ u ally he. m- 1 g Westernman, "and up to quired a sum of $500, and with this writes^ vv . verv poor capital he started én his own as a ^ith Î suffe'red with indigestion maker of maps.^ His work was of 1 only weighed 95 ^>unds:. such an accurate nature^ that ere # *h>^ heard a b ou t Grape-Nuts long 5? f° Un > SS Th^ foJ lLl decided to try it.-. My creased to a round $5,000. J-uen i a ùghed at me at first, but (te migrated to »ew Yod: and be : whe n I gained to: 125'pounds.and came a leather merchants felt ©o fine, she thought she would For years he struggled l ^t Grape-Nuts too. Now she is fat til his great chance came. The Er ^ nd : bris gained" 40 pounds: Railroad was on the brink of rum, ^ ^eveé have indigestion' any work J A «uM W b^m^tolnto I more and seldom feel the desire for prosperous concern He succeeded, ne i<rhbor of ours, 68 years in co n j unction^ with twopartners old> A was troubled with indigestion in securing sufficient capital to b y vears and was a heavy meat up the stock, and in a ® hort eater Now since he has been eat-. hey hsd he says , between them out of the railroad. . we n an d never has indiges- Jay Gould continued to buy up ne- istoi auu. : ® glected railways, and eventually ^ ^ name a lot of persons made his pile. who have rid themselves of indiges- At his .death he left fifteen mil- wno uav ^ ^ lions to his eldest TOn >.. , G ^ ) 5 ge> d i et ^ Grape-Nuts." "There's a whilst, his four other children re- „ n ,, ^ame given hv Canadian ceived ten millions each, g laid down in the will :fchat George | i;+tle Look "The Road^ to Gould should look after the money, ^ - »* SO EucoesBEully h»e he done tins | ^ ^ eppeare from time to time. genuine, true, amt lull et human Interest Wlnard's Liniment Cures Colds, Eta. Fat Again. : Pat was buying a clock, and in recommending one to him the shopkeeper shopkeeper remarked that it--was an "eight-day clock. " ( 'And phwat is that?" inquired Pafc. : "Why, it goes eight days without winding. ' 'So much as that," exclaimed the Irishman in astonishment. Be- gorra, there's wan thing I'd loike to . be after axirig ye : If it goes eight days without winding " how long will it go if yez do wind it up?-'-' - " ' . - ' Mlnard'e Liniment Cures Distemper. A. native station master on _ the East Indian Railway had been given strict orders not to do .anything orit of the ordinary without authority from the superintendent. This accounts accounts for his sending the following telegram: '-'Superintendent's Office, Office, Calcutta--Tiger on platform eating, conductor^ Please wire instructions." instructions." When Your Eyes Need Care Watery Eyes and Granvüa*ed Eyelids^ Illue». trated Book in- each Package. Murine is conmonndèd hy our Ocullatti--not a "Patent Medicine^-- Medicine^-- but used in successful Physicians Prao* tice for r^ny years. Now dedicated tp the Public Public and sold by Druggists at 25c and 50o per Bottle. Murine Bye Salvo *ln: Aseptic Tubes, 2»o and 60c. Nlurlrie Eye Remedy Co., Chicago ssm that he has increased the family » e... j pile to one hundred millionB. ED. 7. ISSUE 26--'13 Liked to Wear Wife's Shoes. Margaret Blum filed ri bill for a divorce from John Blum, a carpenter, carpenter, of Liverpool, England, because, because, she. alleged, her husband insists upon wearing", out shoes which are given her by her mother.. Blum, it. appears, has very small feet, of which he is extremely proud. - He likes to. dress them well arid on Sunday®, thé wife charges, he was wont to wear a pair of fine patent leather boots which had been a present to Mrs. Bluin' from her mother: ! < '. • "Don't you think everyone ought tp look for the.good in the world?" "Yés, but instead of looking for the good, they seem to be looking for the good tilings." . -ffg: ' ' : . I was cured of Bronchitis and Asthma" by HINAED'S ™IM|ST. iviNasT0KB Lot 5, P. E. I. . . , I was cured of a severe attack of Rheumatism Rheumatism by MINARD'S ™^BNT Mahone Bay. JOHN MADER. I was cured of a severely sprained leg "hv MINARD'S LINIMENT.^ ' by MJJNxVtuj JOSHUA A. WTNACHT. Bridgewater. Edifying. Do you think that if women generally generally were given the hallot it would help them to understand the national issues ?" "Well, it would help them to understand understand that the men do not understand understand such things any better than the women do." <n What mân has done man may do -better. aift'Buk _ ihe) bes<é t»en^8y known for wnpunK beat» "rashes, ofc» i» DrutcUU W p- I