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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1913, p. 8

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WsMsSBsÊfi- xî ••;■ •-_'• • -'< _ • - ' ,; .;-• - ..; . ? " - % _ _- : ^^asaei '^5 : ^y^-y. SEED CORN! FULL STOCK OF GOOD SOUND Also Feed Corn, Bran;' Shores, Chop, etc. Flour of all grades, and prices right. CHAS. HORN, HAMPTON - - PHONE 129, r. 6 BOWMAN VILLE, JUNE 26, 1913 ENFIELD JOTTINGS. Mr. and Mrs. W. Trewin arid family, Enniskillen, have been visiting at Mr. W. Cm« KIm m •* J "fc IT A 1 /« . •'« Smith's... .Mr. arid Mrs. Alex. Smith were guests at the Scott-Hislop wedding at Mr. Adam Hislop's Mr. George Gray, Newcastle, visited at Mr. George Ormiston's... .Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Ormis- ton and Everett at Raglan .... .Masters Everett Ormiston and Elmo Ashton wrote on the Entrance Exams at Solina.. School closed last week.. . Miss Ethel Gilbert was writing on exams' at Peter- bord. Normal.. . .No service at church here next Sunday.. . , ...Painters have improved improved appearance "of several homes around here recently. Recognised as the leading specific for for the destruction of worms; Mother Graves Worm Exterminator has proved a boon to suffering children everywhere. It seldom fails. LONG SAULT The Long Sault School will hold their annual Picnic in " Mr. Richard Woodleys grove on Monday June 30th. In the after noon there will be races, and a game of Foot-ball bet ween Tyrone and Enniskillen. At 7. p. m. a program consisting of dialogues, dialogues, recitations, drills,etc., willbegiven by the School andthe young people of their section. Everybody come and bring your basket. - -, OOUETICE BRIEFS. TYRONE NOTES. ■ • t ! Try Eclipse Four for and Pastry. Picnics are the order of the day. Don't forget our Sunday School picnic to be held on Saturday, Tune 28, in Mr. A. W. Annis' field. All are welcome, come and bring your baskets..... .A great many from this appointment attended anniversary anniversary services atBethesda....Next Sunday ReV* ^ . It makes delicious pies, cakes and fancy pastry. It Tkes Less SHortening thrin Manitoba flour. - That's why so many of , the best cooks prefer Eclipse Flour-- • .'V it is economica 1 . Sold by all Grocers. _ Manufactured by Fred. C. Phone 77. Bowman ville. R. Edgerton Johnson, Pickering, will preach here in the morning, no service service in the evening on account of Haydon anniversary . . .Misses Velma Staples and Pearl Skinn r were appoi ted delegates to attend the Summer School at Belleville I July 7 to 14... . The ladies entertained .the gentlemen right royally at League Thursday Thursday evening, when about fifty young people enjoyed an excellent .program and refreshments. Its your turn ext boys!... ...The W. M. S. -will; hold their summer social at the home of Mrs. F. G. Byam, Thursday, July 3..Genial John. was stalled in the swamp for some time the other evening. A word to - the wise is I sufficient--take,plenty ' of 'gasoline next time; ;... Mr. and.Mrs. W. J. -Haycrai t, Miss Jean Haycraft, Brooklin, Mrs. J. J. Croskem, Osnawa, were guests of Mr. J Rundle, Monday...... Mr. N. N. Cole, Winnipeg, Man., and Mrs. L. Annis, Ebenezer, have been calling on relatives here. Visitors : Miss Jessie Woodrow, and Mr. Roy Penfound, Toronto, at Mr. Simon Penfounc'j; Mrs. Lucy Cryderman, Bowman Bowman ville, with Mrs. L.. M. Courtice; Mrs. Blake Courtice and Douglas with her sister, sister, Mrs. Chas. Wight; Master Ronald Courtice has scarlet fever.. . >During the summer months evening service will commence commence at 7.30 p.m. at Ebenezer Jury & Lovell have installed an entirely new developing and printing outfit, so let them finish your pictures if you wish to get the very best out of them. LAKE SHORE BOWLERS Annual meeting of Lake Shore Lawn Bowlers Association was held at Oshawa June ôthrPresident John Lyle, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, in the chair. Financial statemen : showed a considerable balance. Fee this year to be $2 New officers are: Hon Pres., W. F. Eaton, Oshawa. Hon. Vice do., Fred Hatch, Whitby. Pres., J. W Bickle, Gobourg. _ Vice do., Sheriff Paxton, Whitby. 2nd Vice do., H. B. Rosevear, Port Hope. Sec. Treas, D. M. Hall, Oshawa. Oshawa. Arthur Lambert, Oshawa, and J.H. McMurtry/Bpwman ville, were appointed delegates to Dominion Lawn Bowling four ament Toronto. Bowmanville's new green is to be opened some time in July with a big tournament Oshawa's tourn àmènt is on July 1st and 2nd. MUSTARD SPRAYiNG DARLINGTON NEWS. Demonstrating spraying for the control of common mustard or wild charlock has been undertaken by the Port Hope branch of the department of agriculture this year. It has been proven; that mustard can be killed if sprayed with the proper mixture at the right time without injury to the crop in which it is growing. c. . xr v y . . , spray which is recommended is a Sergeant Elmer VanÇamp, Lieutenant 20% solution of Iron Sulphate (green Gordon Vancamp and Mr. Roy Metcalf stone); this is prepared by dissolving 80 • G!a n dvsPower ' Jbs of the sugar form of the sulphate in Wilke Metcalf and Morley Burgess are hot water and making up the 40 gallons; the ttntrance exana... .Mrs. G., about 50 or 55 gallons of this mixture per '"A daughter ^f^n recently j acre is applied; spraying should be done • E. I. Burk....Mrs. W. Cory, as late as oossible before the flower hnH« late as possible before the flower buds open. Last vear Mr. R-. S. Duncan spray- writing ori the Entrance exam... .Mrs. G. f Fitzgerrald visited Mrs. Oshawa, has been visiting at Mr. John 1 XWiJ uuu . .. *-*? Ir * ?? 7 rt ^ tf 4-^ es ^ leto, \» 1 ed one field* in an experimental way and visited his sister, Mrs. W. H. Wood and the results were so conclusive that parts took .m the excursion to Guelph accomp-. of four fields are being treated this wear amed by his niece and.nephew. % as object lessons. It was intended to Only the uninformed endure the agony ' spray a field in a badly-affected district of corns. The knowing ones get Hollo- south-west of Bowman ville, but it Was NEW GROCERY FIRM £3 Messrs. Rd. Snowden and. Wm. Painton have rented the store formerly occupied by T. H. Knight, and Kirill be ready for business early in July/Watch for opening announcement. * Y 1 ----* • - - " • " - FIVE BETTEk THAN THREE. « Bo t manviUe Waterworks debentures are" now/ pn the market and the investment investment of Triist and Estate moneys in them is an idem one and sanctioned by Government. Government. They furnish an undoubted security, bear interest at the rate of five per cent and have been issued with coupons attached attached so as to mature in any number of years up to thirty and be sold in sums of $500.00 and upward. Full particulars can be secured ; on application application to L S. MOORCRAFT, Treasurer, Town Hall* Bowmanville. 2I-tfsn a Dominion Excursion SINGLE FARE (Minimum Fare 25c) Monday and Tuesday, June 30 and July T Return Limit July 2nd . FARE AND ONE-THIRD June 28th, 29th, 30th and July 1st, Return Limit July 3rd. ways Corn.Cure and get relief. HAYDON NEWS. HAMPTON NEWS. ' Le high Valley Coal FRESH FROM THE MINES - A number from here took in tl e Excursion Excursion to Guelph.; Mrs R. * very, Mrs. Chas. Horn stayed over until Friday evening in ; Toronto...... Miss Mattie Oliver has re- ... - turned home after spendingthe winter with I tenor » Miss Pearl O'Neil, the comedienne The anniversary of" Havdon Sabbath School will he held as follows: On Sunday June 29 Rev. D. Edgerton Johnston, B.D., Pickering, will preach at 2.30 and 7.15 fMn;_collection in aid of. school funds; special singing by the school. On Tuesday Tuesday July I a baseball game will be played by .Courtice vs Kendall, followed by a football game Tyrone vs Enniskillen; Goodyear Band of Bowmanville will furnish furnish abundance of music: dut-ng the: afternoon; afternoon; tea served from 4 p m. In the evening evening a grand concert will e given, by the following high-class anists: Mf. Robert Wilson, the renowned humorist and entertainer; entertainer; Mr. George Neil, the found that already progressive Darlington farmers had realized the value of such treatment and had been spraying for some years; Mr. R. E. Osborne of Ebenezer locality says he is quite positive that spraying mustard pavs in i creased yields and ease, in handling at harvest time. It is hoped that more farmers troubled with this serious pest will take the trouble to kill the mustard by spraying. MAKING FARMS PAY. - ^ If you are needing more coal t,o put you through the Winter, Winter, we have the best now, just fresh from the mines, in all sizes--EGG, STOVE, CHESTNUT and PEA COAL. Also plenty of DOMESTIC COKE which so many have been using this Winter in place of coal._ Our prices are always right and you can depend on getting the best when your order is booked with us. her sister Mrs. Jno. T. Nunn, Col borne • . Mr. M. B. Cryderman has been painting painting his pretty home Mr. Webster Vir tue spent Sunday with his wife anddaught- er at the home of Mr. John Ranton...... j. Miss Alice Kerslake has sold her pretty I home to Mr.Earn^ Montjoy, Haydon. ... Mrs. Will A. Robbins, Swift Current, Bask., ; is visiting her sister Mrs. Ed. Haggith. ... I Several of our young people attehded Anniversary Anniversary service at Bethesda Sunday.... Mr. Percy Clark has been ill for several days but at time of writing is on the mend .... .Mr. S. Salisbury, Mitchell, Dr. W. E. Tilley and Mrs. P. Trebilcock, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, were recent guests of Mrs, Jesse Cole. ■ ■ •reader and entertainer; Miss Grace Bon- nick, accompanist, all of ; Toronto. Admission: Admission: tea and concert 40c, children 25c; tea or concert 25c, children 15c. W. H. Creeper, j Milton Slemon, Superintendent. Secretary. OSHAWA Harry Gerry, aged 28 years, Oshawa, an employee of Fittings Limited, left his It is often charged that farmers as a class do not read books and other publications publications oh how to make farming profit • ble. Top many think .they know it all now. How many farmers have ever tested the quality of the milk from their cows with SrnttUb 1 à view to weeding out the unprofitable ones. We have just received a new book that we saw advertised and ordered a copy. It is packed with new practical money-making ideas. The author is C. C. Bowsfield'who metaphorically takes the farmer by the hand and leads him along thoroughly practical paths to success and larger profits. It is not only a book of theory, but tells just how to get the best results with the least labor and the least waste; if tells how to mix brains with the so 1 and get the most out of an acre, Every phase of agriculture is considered--the considered--the raising of vegetables, fruit, flow- work Monday morning June 17, complain- ers, poultry and stock. Intensive farming mir nr nnt fPAlincr «roll A lfU/% ^1:1: j i»- • * * . ? E. W. Loscombe Yards and Office at Holgate's Evaporator, Corner Division and Queen-sts., opposite High School, Phone 177. zmtm. 73m X 5V I I $ I as $ I y 1 I I SB $ : F. A . HADDY, GROCER Wants Your Grocery Trade ' BOWMANVILLE Canned Fruits and Vegetables Just now fresh fruits and vegetables are scarce and high and in order to fill the bill of fare canned goods are in order. You want the best. We* offer the fol lowing list from the best packers, including Aylmer arid Peerless brands. Money back if not satisfactory. Pumpkin,......... 10c Com, ••.10c Plums, extra fine ....... 10c Peas . ... ......>,.2"for 25c Peaches, extra fine. ...15c Tomatoes. .. 2 for 25c Beets............. 2 for 25c Pork and Beans ...... 10c Try an assortment. Prunes--Choicest California Primes, large size, usually usually sold for 13c lb., our price..'. .........4 lb. for 25c Salad and Fruit Dishes--Handsomely decorated • fruit and salad dishes in a variety of styles, worth up to $1.00 each, will give you your choice for................50c , Bananas--We will endeavor to have a stock- of fine bananas for Saturday at special prices. REMEMBER, F. A. Haddy, the reliable grocer will look after your wants if you give.him the opportunity. Wednesday Half-Holiday This store will close at 12.30 p. m. each Wednesday dur- • ing June, July and August. . . 1 I Cash Paid for Butter and Eggs 1 -- MF. A H A H nV CHINA HALL » I IiTIy 1/ I ) Q O Ç E R Y _Dominion day: will be celebrated at Hampton by the Methodist Sunday School aS -ii l ows * Cn Sunday June 29, sermons will be preached at 10.30 a m and '7 p m by Rev. C. W. Barrett. Singin'g by .members .members o f the school under leadership of Mr. j A. B. Cryderman. Collection in aid of school funds. Tuesday, July i the folldw- ingprogram °f sports will take place in Willow Park commencing at 2'p m., foot races, etc., for young and old, male and female, a tug of war between married and single men, and two football games» for the winners of each event valuable prizes will be given. Music will be furnished aun g the afternoon and evening by Orono Brass Band. Tea served from 4 P ro. At 8pm the beautiful Cantata entitled "Crowning the Fairy Queen" will be presented by about 70 members of the school, when the following characters will be portrayed : Queen, Princes, Princesses, Fames, Sea-nymphs, Mer'i aids, and Miners. Patriotic selections and a May I pole drill will be given. Miss Myrtle Pascoe, A.T.C.M., Toronto, elocutionist, I will assist on the program. Music By Orono orchestra. Admission : Tea and concert 40c; children no t members of school 25c; tea or concert 25c, children 15c. G. W. BaRRETT, THEO, SÀLTTR, \ .Pastor. Superintendent. mg of not feeling well. Altho diligent search was made for him and bloodhounds bloodhounds were .brought from Toronto, no trace of him was found until Sunday morning when two young men, Harry Wyler and Morley Jacobi discovered his remains stuck fast in 1 the slime and mud near thé second bridge in the marsh. Owing to the chemicals used in the-water that flows from the tannery which is just above, the body was past recognition, a letter in his pocket being the only means of identification. He is a son of Mr. Samuel Gerry, Elgin-st, Oshawa. The funeral took place Sunday evening under auspices of I. O. O. F. of which deceased was a member, service being conducted by R v. S. C. Moore, pastor of King-st. Methodist church. cause, is assigned for the. y oting man's-" actions as he was a steady, respectable young mam. He is nephew of Mr. John Sanders, Chapel-st., Bowmanville. SOLINA DOINGS. and diversified farming are ably handled. The care of the soil, the treatment of farm diseases, the use of by products intelligently intelligently meeting the market demands and selling at the best price are a few of the important" topics which are treated with great care. The book, which is published by Forbes and Company, 443 South Dearborn-st, Chicago, price $1.15 postpaid, wvl be of immense value to every farmer large and small. By all means order a copy. It will be impossible to read the book thru without^ receiving, many dollars' worth of information. COAL ! COAL ! ENNISKILLEN NEWS. E3 Is 3 m i t* Mr. Aimer Herring has purchased a gramophone... .League last week was in charge of Literary and Social Vice-Près, Mr. Russell Gilbert; good progrom. The gentlemen treated the ladies to ice cream; gramophone music was given and a very" pleasant social time spent.... Messrs. Elias Ashton and John E. Virtue have been ill **.*.... Measles in abundance; here/ some families having four patients.. ;... Rev. J. E. Robeson in his farewell sermon Sunday evening made an impressive and earnest appeal to his hearers to put first things first, make their lives -what the Christ would have them be. . . .Misses Minnie and Vera Baker, Solina, Miss Gladys Lammi- roan, Woodstock, Mr. Leslie Snowden, Maple Grove, Mrs. Geo. Taylor, Hampton, Hampton, at Mr. F. W. Lee's... .Misses Addie Pye, Grace Slemon and Florence Trewin attehded Bethesda anniversary Mr. and Mrs. John Slemon were gu sts of Mr. W. G. Rundle...... .Mr. H rold Emerson, Port Perry, visited his mother at Mr. Jas Maroney's recently.... A number of ' our young men and Mr. H. Rogers are attending attending camp at Kingston..... . Visitors:; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burke and daughter .Ruth, Rochester, are visiting at their brothers'- in-law, Messrs. Frank Robbins and James Moorey; Mr. and Mrs. Silas Trewin, Miss Ethel Ashton, Haydon, and Mr. H. M; Babcock, Lindsay, at "Cedar Lodge"; Mr. and Mrs. Webster, Eldon, and Mrs. Rd. Slemon, Haydon, at Mr. Geo. Argue's. If its in the line of drug store goods we have it; we often have things not to be found elsewhere; come here first; Jury & Lovell. ■ C lui dr en Cry FVS/FLETCHER'S C A m T OR I A Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S 5 AS T ORI / I Recent visitors: Wesley C. Ashton wife and family ànd Miss Clemence, Newcastle, Newcastle, Thos. Pascoe wife and Miss Margaret» Margaret» Hampton,, at Mr. H. E. Tink's; Nor- roan E. Wright wife and family, Black- stock, ,W. J. Clemence "and wife, Shaw s, Mrs. J. F. Brooks, Courtice,- Mrs. R. Brimacombe, Bowmanville, and Mrs. S. Thompson, at S. E. Worry's; Mrs. J. Fall-» lis, Oshawa, at W. N. Pascoe's; Mrs. S< Bray, Enfield, with numerous relatives here;Miss Troxall, Bowmanville Hospital, Hospital, with Miss: Werry- ...John J. Cooledge received a telegram Thursday from Blake Balson, Saskatchewan, that his son Chas. 3ooledge had been instantly killed by 'ightning. Mr. Balson with his team brought the body 68 miles to the railway station and aftèr having it embalmed he brought the remains here. The funeral Monday was. largely attended by friends and neighbors to show their respect to a young man. of exemplary-character. Rev. C. W. Barrett conducted the service; Bearers were: Messrs J. Baker, J. Yellowr lees, Cecil Pascoe, R. Robbins. - Clarence Vice and Blake Balson.. .. .Dr. John Fletcher, Kalamazoo, Mich., died of cancer cancer of the liver after a lingering .illness, on Sunday last..... .Election of officers at Division this Friday night...... Farmers' Farmers' Club meets on Wednesday night next week..., Tweuty-one candidates wrote on the Entrance exams here, Principal F. J. Groat, Hampton, was presiding examiner.Sixty-six persons took train at Solina on Farmers' excursion to Guelph, more than at any other on C.N.R. General Passenger Agent Hood was thru this section;and thinks we may get a real station hère soon .. . . . .Blake Balson is visiting friends before returning to Sask., . ..... .Miss Gladys Brooks and the Misses Hillis visited at Toronto .. . ; Miss Florence Vice visited her grandmother at x Oshawa . . . .Mr. and Mrs. W. Werry.are on their golden wedding tour to Lindsay, Fenelon and other Victori%friends, including Mrs. Isaac Elford, Mr. *Werry's sister.... Mrs. Silas Williams is convalescing.... Chas. Kerslake had a brick bee from Solina Station for his new residence... .No service service at Eldad next Sunday ..... Mrs. S. Penfound, Courtice, and son from Toronto Toronto visitedJiere Sunday... .Leslie Thompson Thompson wife and daughter visited at D. Yel- rowleès' . ... v Mrs. Albert; Washington, Toronto; is guest at "Maple Lane" residence residence of her son Norval. Are free"from^alLcrtide and irritating matter. Concentrated ^ medicine only. Carter's Little Livèr Pills. Very small; very easy to take; no pain; no griping; no purging. ... ry them. .. . The undersigned has a quantity of new mined coal in the sheds at ' C. N, O. Station, Station, Bowmanville, Parties purchasing now may have same at summer price Also a few barrels of Niagara Brand Lime Sulphur Spray. R.-* H. CollacoTt, box IOI, Bowmanville. Phone 146 r 23-3 Train Service On Saturday and' Monday afternoon Special Trains leave Toronto at 2 p. m. and Bowmanville at 3.39 p.m. Returning train leaves Napanee Sunday night at 5.10 p.m. and Bowmanville at 8.44 p.m. On Tuesday Special Train leaves Nap- anee at 3*10 p.m. and Bowmanville at 6.44. p.m. For tickets and all information apply to 26-lw A. M. WILLIAMS, Agent. OTTAWA 5 - 13, 1913 Central Canada . EXHIBITION Freight Paid on all Live Stock Exhibits from Ontario and Quebec Points. Two Daily Aeroplane Flights starting from front of Grand Stand. Great Spectacular Show, "Siege of Delhi," and latest creations in Fireworks. That Will Prove Into Into You. 1 « m Full Programme Six Days and Six Nights* New $100,000 Implement Hall Completed* $20,000 m Premiums Exciting Horse Races Industrial Displays 8 Vaudeville Troupes Free Band Concerts Lowest railway rates Big improved Midway. Entries close Aug29 Prize List, Programme, etc., sent on application. application. v E. McMahon, Manager, 27-6* 26 Sparks-st., Ottawa. ' A story of better shirts for less mouey--of an assortment assortment so large that every man will be satisfied. satisfied. A shirt tale of rare interest to every ^nan who has new shirts to buy soon, no matter what your needs, work or dress, style or comfort. Read these prices-- then come and see the shirts £ 6 Negligee Shirts with separate collars and French cuffs in Cham- brays, Zephyrs, Prints, Mercerized a 11 d Haw Silk in green, mauve, blue, black and white, in fact, all colors, $1.00 to $2.50. Negligee Shirts with collars attached 50c, 75c, $1.-00 and $1.25. We like to please the Hard- to- Pléase -- and we do. HAVE CLOTHES CLEANED Gents' clothing cleaned, repaired and beautifully pressed. I go all over those garments with a solution; no grease or -dirt can remain; when finished can't tell them from new. Shop next door east, of Scott's grocery, where garments or orders can be left if I am not in. Thomas Peate, Dyer and Gleaner, PHOTOS DOMINION DAY. What are you going to do on Dominion Day ? Why not have that photo taken you have been intending to have for such a long time but were always too busy to come on work days. This is your chance. Come and have it done-- on a holiday. I will be open for business all day in the same old place. James Block, opposite Bowman House. Thos. Robson, The up-to-date photographer. EXCURSION TO PETERBORO Wednesday July 9: Fare $1.25 ' The S.O.E. and A.O.U.W. Lodges of Whitby i vFill irun their annual excursion to I*eterboro via Lindsay on Wednesday July 9th. Excursionists from Bowmanville Bowmanville will take the reg ilar a.m. train connecting connecting with.special at Whitby Jet. at 8.30. ; Fare from Bowmanville $1.25; tickets tickets good returning following day. For. other information see posters.., 25-3 w The Up-to-Date BUTCHERS >>■ CHALLIS & MUTTON On TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS THURSDAYS and S AT URD AYSChal- lis <fc Mutton will have their peddling wagon doing the town and will be pleased to call if not now doing so. Call us up by phone and give us your name. " When you want the best butter butter and eggs, fresh from the farm, get them from us and you will be sure they are fresh. Canned Peas, Corn and Tomatoes Tomatoes always in stock. Pink Red Hart Salmon, choice goods, at 24c per tin. White Seed Beans, and White Table Beans of excellent quality for sale. The Anderson Clothing Co'y* The Shirt Store C- Phone 61 Bowmanville will be here on Tuesday, so do not forget to obtain a supply of films. If you have not a KODAK, KODAK, now is .the time to buy one and tell the story of your Dominion Day outing by means of pictures. Cash for Farm Produce.- Challis & Mutton PHONE 225 Horsey Block '- Bowmanville We can supply cameras any price from-$1.00 up. We develop films properly. We print the best pictures. at LIVE STOCK NOTES. y.: _MACLADDIE 10432,--This pure bred Clydesdale Stallion has been- enrolled, (No. 427) and inspected by Government Inspectors and holds the highest registra-i tion certificate that the Stallion Enrol- • ment Board gives. He has proved himself himself an excellent stock horse, i some ot the foals having won highest awards at the Fall Fairs. Terms $io; See cards. Route for 1913 ; He will not observe any regular route but will be kept at his own stable con. 1» Clarke, for public service. Frank Allin, Owner. Blue Bell Cream Separator I s 9|If you arè contemplating getting getting a Separator be sure to call and see the Blue Bell bdfore purchasing. It is giving the best of satisfaction and is easily looked after. For prices and all information see Jury & Lovell The Kodak Store Are you using Naismith's Bread Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S 5ASTO R I A T; Hobbs Bôwmanville a try loaf TO-DAY. Fresh e very morning. W. J. BOWMANVILLE MÊMÊÈâ a ■ ■■■ i II

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