r- . si Ice Cream. The Cream that advertises itself. itself. It is always good; Try a dish and you will always want City Dairy Ice Cream. We also also supply Cream in bulk and bricks in all flavors.. Phone us your order. " ' V " Nasmith's is visiting very .41 ys Purity and Quality--these two essentials explain the great increase increase in demand for Nasmith's Bread. Try- à loaf to-day. Fresh every morning. W. J. Bagoell BOWMANVILLE £4 - r.f 'BIG 20" CIRCULATING LIBRARY This is a good time to join, cheapest ;way' to secure good reading for the warm weather. All the latest books. W. T. ALLEN "Big 20" Bookstore Phone 30 Bowmanville /! S Own a and you own the key to real pleasure Take pictures if places' and faces you are interested in and you have a lasting record yon will not take any money for in years to come. . Let us show you how easily'a kodak is operated. - . - We rent cameras 10c. a day.- We develop films properly. We print good pictures. Jury & Lovell The Safe, Satisfactory Druggists and Opticians. DR. W. WILSON PORTER CHIROPRACTOR The cause of disease removed by adjustment of the spine. . Hotel Bowman Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 9.30 a.m. to 1 p.m Phone 55 Consultation Free Ii-tf Address : 17 King-st., E., Oshawa RODERICK M. MITCHELL Baritone Teacher of Singing Pupil of Mr. Bussell G.-McLean, Toronto. Studio at Residence, Wellington-st., East, 54>r information and terms apply at B. M. , Mitchell & Co's. Drug Store. L Phone 92a<fc b Bowmanville. GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barristeis and Solicitors. . Notaries Public, A. K, GOODMAN, D. C. GALBRAITH 508 Lumsden Bldg. Yonge & Adelaide-sts. Toronto Ontario LOSCOMBE & SENKLER Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public. - P, I?, Loscombe, K.C, E.S.Senkler, B.A, Money to Loan. Office: Mason Block, King Street Bowmanville. Ontario. ELECTRIC FIXTURES & SUPPLIES House Wiring and Motor Installation Consult us about the ligbtingTJfyour home, l your office or your store. H. HUffirHRIES, K. WHYTE, Contractor. Mgr. Elec. Dept. ; Phone 210. Horsey Block, Tempe rance-st-. BOWMANVILLE, Mr, Harry Wilson visited in St. Marys Miss Elva Power is visiting her cousins in Ottawa. . ~ Miss Aura Caldwell is visiting re 1 atives at Midland. -- ' - ^ > ^ Miss Jollow recently visited Mrs. R. Girven, Norwood. Mrs. Elgin Wight has been visiting relatives at ' Orono. ; - Mr. J. D. McCoy, Toronto,; Mr. Clarence S. Mason. According to Cobourg papers burglars are getting very bold there. ; Miss Armour has returned from a pleasant holiday at Muskoka. - Miss Muriel Bunner, Trenton, is visiting her aunt, Miss M. A. Bunner. Miss Reta R. Cole is visiting her cousin Miss Florence Brunt, Orono. Miss Gertie Cox is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wilfrid Addinall, Huntsville. _ Miss Violet Kivell, Salem, has been vis iting at Mr. A. F. Carscadden's, Orono. Mrs. James Wharton, St. Catharines, spent Sünday with Mrs. Ellenor Saunders. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Roy Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. Geo. Roy's, Wellington-st. Miss Robinson. Columbus, has been visiting ; her aunt, : Mrs. David Moffat, Orono. ' . Mrs. (Dr.) Harnden, formerly of this town, visited Mrs. H. Doncaster, Orono, recently. Mrs. (Rev.) H. W. Foley and children, Centre ton, have been holidaying at Mr. Wm. Foley's. - ^ Messrs. Donald and James ' McDonald, Toronto; spent . Sunday at their uncle's, Mr. James Smith's. _Dr. S. W. Clarke, Mifibrook, is ^leaving for the West. He has been a resident of Millbrook 25 years.. . Mr. C. A. Goodfellow and a v couple of gentlemen friends of Whitby, are holiday-: ing at Honey Harbor. Miss Vera M. Irwin and Master Max Irwin, Port Hope, have been visiting their aunt, Mrs. Archibald Tait. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. : Washington and daughter Rhilda, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. W. C. Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. May and son Howard, autoed down from Toronto, and spent the week-end at Mr. W. J. Bragg's, Providence Mrs. T. Néwsom, Miss Heard, and Miss Farr, Harmony, were recent guests of the former's brother, Mr. W. G. Cornish, Salem.- Rev. Dr. M. P. Tailing and wife, Toron to, .who have been, touring on the conti- nentrfor the past nine months have returned returned home. Mrs. Frank Peate, Orono, attended reception reception to her brother, Private Hockin, Winner of the King's Prize, at Toronto Saturday evening. The Trull family picnic will be held at O >hawa-on-the-lake. Wednesday August 27th; all interested will please make a note of this and attend. J. A. Culverwell, Port Hope, donated a silver cup valued at $25 as first prize for Roadster foaled in these United Counties at Cobourg Horse Show. Miss Etta M. Pugsley, whose card apr pears in this issue, is a pupil of Professor F. H. Kirkpatrick, Ph.D., Principal of the Toronto Conservatory School of Expression. Expression. Mr. and Mrs; Thoriaas Den caster, are. the oldest married couple in Orono, their union taking place in 1850, sixty three years ago; their ; combined " ages is 174 years. ' . • Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bragg and Miss Leta visited Mrs. F. L. Bragg, Orono, Sunday week.'. Mr. Bragg assisted the Methodist choir and sang a solo in the evening. "The Christian Conception "of God" will be Rev. Mr. Drumm's subject next Sunday morning in St. Paul's Presbyterian Presbyterian church; the evening subject "The Originality Originality of Jesus." Mr. and Mrs. John Pye, Enniskillen, Ont., announce the engagement of their daughter, Addie May, to Mr. Herbert JohnstonJof Toronto, Ont., the marriage to take place early in September. Mr. and Mrs". A. H. Fletcher and family, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ruth, Miss Pearl Ruth and Miss L. Mills, Mrs. L. J. Crossley and Master Eddie Crossley, Peterboro, and Mr. HoroId Caswell, New- tonville, were Sunday guests at Mr. Wm. Caswell's, Zion. Miss Theresa Jones, Bowmanville and Miss May McDonald, Davenport, la., visited visited MrsT Bert Reid, Clarke, recently, who also enjoÿed a week-end visit from Miss Flo Reid, Vancouver, Miss Laura Farrow, Goderich, Miss Jessie Reid, Port Hope, and Miss Mary Mulligan, Bowmanville. Miss Gwladys Phelps, Clifton Springs, has been spending her holidays with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. L. Phelps, camping at Presqu'île, near Brighton. Rev. Phelps accompanied his daughter to Clifton Springs, where he will receive" special treatment for the betterment of his health. Wonder why James Nokes has been replaced replaced as Deputy-Returning Officer in the South Ward--a position he has. filled carefully and efficiently- for several^ ears ? Are the Anti-Local Option advocates knifing the good men ? The public has not been informed yet who supplied the liquor at South Ward polling booth last January; they would be greatly surprised if they knew. We were favored with a call from Mr. J. Albert Pay; City Clerk of St. Catharines Catharines on Saturday on his way home irom the TO O F Grand Lodge at Belleville; he visited the Alexander Hospital and says it is one of the best for its size he hàs seen; he said also that Misses Moore and Troxall are two of the best nurses who have graduated from St. Catharines General General and Marine Hospital. Mr. and Mrs^H. Wilbur Hutchinson and son, McGregor, Winnipeg, Man., visited visited Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Zurbrigg recently. recently. Mr. Hutchinson who is a brother of Mrs. Zurbrigg is in close touch with conditions conditions in the West, being one of the leading implement manufacturers in the country. He' stated that while real estate estate business is very flat at present general general business throughout the West is fairly good. Development is held back considerably considerably by the scarcify of European capital. Mr. Hutchinson's firm the - John Deere Plow Co. of which he is the "Winnipeg ger has immense warehouses in all the Mr. Geo. Power left Tuesday to the North-West. > . , ■ Miss Eva Hellyar is -holidaying Caesarea with friends. , Snowden & Painton's v phone No is send your order early. An epidemic of typhoid fever has broken broken out. around Bethany. Miss Amy Armour has been visiting Miss M. Davidson, Omemee. Miss F. Steirihoff, Toronto, is visiting Miss Ada Wight, Providence. Miss Mabel Dickinson is visiting, relatives relatives in Brighton and vicinity. Mrs. F. A. Haddÿ is visiting her sori, Mr. Byron Y. Haddy, Toronto. Miss Margaret Rouséll, Paris, Sunday-' ed with Miss Mary Cryderman. Miss Mildred Williams is visiting her aunt, Mrs. T. G. Colwill, Whitby. Rev. T. W. Jolliffe is visiting his daughter, daughter, Mrs. A. C. Denike, Hayelock. . Miss Allie Nesbitt, Newtonville, recent guest of Miss Elva B. Bragg. - : , Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davey are visiting relatives in Norham and Warkworth Master Leighton Souch is visiting his cousin Miss Ethel Kerman, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. F.,H. Mason are holiday- Peterboro progress 2s --pop. 22;soo. ' - This is bargain time in. Bowmanville. ' Oshawa is^oo bùsy for a. civic holiday, Phone 243 for fresh groceries; Snojvden & Paihton. ; - "" - • Mr. Arthur Baker is: visiting friends at Woodstock. " Glover's bus has been brightened by a coat of paint. > . Mrs. Fred Heal,.Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. W. W. Allin. . - ~ Mr. Leslie Gibson has been - holidaying at Blackstock. and Caesarea. Girls, take repose - and enjoy yourself and lefonother do thé work. ^ Miss Lepha Clogg, M ontreal, waà recent guest of Miss Ethel VanNest. ' - ■ Get a- box of Willard's Forkdipt chocolates at Jury & Lovell's. Members of the Canadian Order of Foresters, Woodmen of the .World, Ancient Order of Foresters and Sons of England headed by the Goodyear Band will hold a union decoration service Sunday Sunday Aug. 24 at 2 p m. at Bowmanville cemetery. : was mg with Orillia. their son, Mr. L. L. Mason, has been holiday- s, Keénè and e Mrs. Wm. Richards ing with friends Lakefield. Miss Alice Werry> Bethesda; spent the week-end with Miss,Effa and Ella Wight, Providence. ; Misses'Lola and Enid Souch are holidaying holidaying with their cousin; Miss Hazel Kerman, Port Hope. r - Our ambulance is fitted with Marshall mattress and all " modem, conveniences. L. Morris & Son.. Phone id. Mrs. (Col.) Sylvester bias returned from a two weeks' visit with Oshawa arid Bowmanville; Bowmanville; friends.---Lindsay Post. Our lady readers should not fail- to see the great bargains which Couch,-Johnston & Cryderman are giving in ladies'.t il its. Mr. Milton Tariiblyn, leadër Orono band, plâfyed with the D. O. & P., Co., band at Port Hope Foresters Demonstration. Demonstration. ' ^ Mrs. C. W. Hicks and family, ..Grand Rapids, Mich., are visiting her mother/ Mrs. John Perkin and sister Mrs. Arthur Battle. ; - : Mrs. Taft and daughter, Miss Hattie Taft, Davis, Mich., were week-end guests of her uncle, Mr. G. M. Cawker, "Norway Cottage." . " - . Mr. Geo. ; W. Jamieson, Vancouver, B. C., is Visiting his m other,>:-Mrs. ' jas. Jamieson, Tyrone,, and other relatives hereabouts. " > Miss Trewin and Miss Willan, Black- stock, Mr. George Creeper and Mr. Leslie Graham, Haydon, spent Sunday with Mr. John Graham. Miss Vera Mason, Oshawa, Mrs. Harry Hooper and daughter Olga, Orono. and 243 is Snowden & Painton's phqne num- ber; phone early for groceries. Mrs. T. G. Baker and MissMarion;Baker visited friends in Toronto recently; Snowden & Painton's Telephone- No is 243; fresh groceries always on hand. Mr. Roy Moyse, Rochester, : N. : Y., has been visiting at Mr. Wilson Heads'. Let us develop your films and • see how much better your pictures will look. Should you require; the, services, of an ambulance phone 10. L. Morris & Son. Mrs. Geo. P. Freeland and daughter, Toronto, . are visiting at her - father's, Chief Jarvis. Miss Young "spent the week-end with .Mrs. W. Henderson, Cubourg, and attended attended the Horse Show. We direct attention of orchardists to an article by . Dr. Dandenb, A.M., Plant Physiologist and Pathologist, this town. In order to make a clearance Couch, Johnston & ." Cryderman are selling off a lot of ladies' suits at ridiculously low prices. " - Mr. arid " Mrs. J.. G. Langmaid and daughters, Misses Georgie and ' -Hilda, Zion, spent Sunday with Mr. arid Mrs. W. C. Cole. Having had numerous requests for. the use of an ambulance, we have added one to our equipment and it is ready for calls on short notice. Phone 10. L. Morris & Son.-- r - - ■ .'; ■■ Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Jeffery, Mr. Ira Burnham, Toronto, spent the holidays with their parents, Mr. and - Mrs. Chas. Burnham, the two gentlemen coming down in their motor boat. August meeting of Bowmanville Worn- Institute will be held at Mrs. W. G. Mutton's, Church-st, Friday August 29 when another quilt will be made similar to one made at July meeting; members will please make a note, of this and come prepared. A night-blooming cereus of the Cacti plant family was quite" an attraction at Mr. R. A. Treleven's Wednesday évenirig. Many citizens called and"had a look at this rare and beautiful flower. Mr. S. J.Jackr irian & Son, florists,have had a great num THÉ EDITOR'S BOUQUETS. The Belleville Daily Intelligencer congratulates congratulates Editor James of the Bowman^, ville Statesman, upon the completion of his 35th year as a newspaper man. Mr. James has done a creditable work for his town, both as a journalist and private res-; ident. ■■ His hosts of friends and - admirers will wish him many more years of equal prosperity in his chosen profession. The Statesman is a model * of mechanical neatness, refreshing in a literary sense, and a welcome contribution to our desk. The St. Marv's Journal one of our very, best Conservative county weeklies, says: M. A. James, publisher of the Bowmanville Bowmanville STATESMAN and one of the most esteemed esteemed of Canadian editors has completed thirty-five years' connection with his p per. Mr.. James has made The Statesman in many ways a model weekly weekly newspaper with a strong wholesome influence in its- constituency. :v The past year has been a record year for business in the James Publishing House. That the STATESMAN may. continue to "occupy its strong position and its editor continue at the helm for very many years to come is the wish of his brethren of the Press. G. X.R. BOWMANVILLE STATION. GOING EAST. GOING WEST Express : 8.52 a. in. rExpress - 4.22 a. in Express 10.18 „ Local -7.02. Passenger 3.36 p.m. Local 9.45 Local ,6.49 Passenger . l.to p.111. Passenger 7.18 " , rPassengèr 7il9 Mail 9.68 -, | : Daily .. ■ . , is here and we-are prepared tor it- with all new spices of the.highest quality and the best vinegar «ru-.f ai T^ e bough*, including XXX Cider, XXX White .Wine, Proof and English Malt." Our stock of meats include the best brands of Break- last Jlacon; Back filacon, Smoked Rolls. Smoked Ham, Cooked Ham, Corned Beef, Bologna, Long u 163/1 Bacon, etc. Grive us a ti îal order for your c,ured meats and get satisfaction both in quality and price. The best brands of canned goods always in stock and prices right. Tea, Coffee, and m fact everything kept in a first-class Gfoc- ery. Farmers, bring along your produce and get the highest cash pi-ice. No due bills Ladies, Ladies, drive to our store and your horse will be cared for and you will receive prompt attention, All kinds of fruit in season. One door east of L. Morris & Son's. PHONE 243 BOWMANVILLE BIRTHS Cooper--In Clarke, Aug. 11, to Mr. and Mrs, Frank Cooper, a son. Fice--In Bowmanville, August 8, to Mr. and Mrs. William F. Fice, a son,. Stainton--At Zion, August 12, to Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton, a daughter, (Bernice Eleanor.) McKowan--At Cranbrook, B. C., August 3rd. to Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McKowan, a daughter, (Ruth Maxine.) - 6 en's Miss Lillie Stanlcy/ Toronto/ are visiting l her of these,, beautiful flowers and have at M,- t? n ■-•-■■■'•: 1 others yet to bloom. Mr. John Devitt, Lindsay, announces the engagement of his only daughter, Jane [ Grey, (Tennie) to Mr. Arthur W. Gilson Ops, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Gilson, Lindsay. The imarriage, which will be private, will be solemnized in the Queen street Methodist church, Lindsay, on September 3rd, at 7.20 o'clock, a. m. at Mr. F. O. Mason's. The Mission Band of the Methodist church enjoyed their annual picnic on Williams* flats Monday afternoon. All had a very pleasant time. At the examinations held recently m Brockville y the London (England) College College of Music, Mrs. (Rev.) Will H. Montgomery Montgomery was awarded a first-class certificate. certificate. . . ; - Mr. Floyd J. Smith, wife and daughter, Ruth> Toledo, Ohio, Miss Ella Cameron and Mr. George Waite, Buffalo, Mrs. Dave Kimball, Rochester, N. Y., have been guests of Mrs. Marvin Burk. Mr. and Mrs. James Stevenson, sons, Earl and Arthur, Mrs. Jos. Rickaby^ sr., Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Jewell, son and daughter, Bowmanville, were recent visitors at Mr. John Rickaby's, Orono. Mrs. T. G. Humphrey, Toronto, Mrs. Fred Humphrey and Mrs. Maxwell, St. Louis, Mo., Mrs. L. G. Bennett, Port Hope, Miss Muriel Trull> Solina, and Miss Sadie Bennett, Newcastle, weré recent guests at Mr. M. Mayer's, Jr. Mr. G. H. Linton formerly of Bowmanville Bowmanville Foundry Co., has disposed of his interest in ^Daly House, Toronto, for which he is" 1 reported to have received $80,000. He has bot a $15,000 farm about fifteen miles east of Toronto. During hot weather the starch, fats and sugars of the ordinary diet should be reduced reduced at least one-half. Buttermilk is an excellent food and drink combined. Water to the extent of 4 to 6 pints daily between meals should be taken. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sharpe, Orono, announce the engagement of their daughter. daughter. Iza Margaret, to Mr. Donald Alexander Alexander Mackenzie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ewen Mackenzie, of Toronto; the marriage will take place Saturday September 6. Monday last week two rinks of Cobourg Bowlers came to Bowmanville to play a game in the Eaton Cup series and were beaten II shots, and Wednesday morning 2 Bowmanville rinks visited Cobourg to play the return game when Cobourg won by 7 shots. - Miss Ella J. Sutherland, Assistant Superintendent Superintendent of the Tuberculosis Division of the Medical Health Department, Toronto, Toronto, and Miss Bessie Buchanan, of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, late of Christ Hospital, Jersey City, have been guests of Mrs. M. A. James, Lome Villa. Mr. J. A. Culverwell, Port Hope, the donor of the Silver Cup for District Roadsters Roadsters was so well pleased with the quality of "Sapet Story," the winner, that he gave $10 in dsjsh additional to its owner, W. J. Maher. Mr. Culverwell is o. e of the most ardent supporters of the Cobourg Horse Show. . • The many friends in town of Mrs. Moyse, sr, who resides with her son, Mr. John Moyse, King-st., will be sorry to learn that while about to sit down on a chair Monday forenoon she slipped and fell/breaking her left thigh. Being in her 93rd year it is doubtful if she will ever be able to walk again. Previous to this Mrs. Moyse has been quite smart THE EXHIBITION CITY Toronto Fair opens Saturday this week. The new Live Stock Department will give splendid accommodation for the fine ani- mals for which the big Fair is no tech It also adds a finish to the grounds more than anything'else has done. The Exhibition Exhibition City with its $2,500,000 worth of buildings, its paved streets and its lighting plant of 40,000 lamps has rib rival on the American-continent. You should see it. MARRIAGES Morris--Mott--In Toronto, Aug. 14, by Rev. H. B. Kenny, Bowmanville, Miss Carrie Louise Mott, Toronto, and Mr. Frank F. Morris, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. DEATHS Elliott--At Port Hope, Aug. 18, John Donald Elliott, in his 89th year." Aug. 14, John I Thickson--In Bowmanville, Thickson, aged .70 years.. ^ Pickup--In .Toronto, August 14, Elizibeth •Scott, relict of the late- Richard Pickup, Mill- brook, aged 99 years. Barclay--At the residence of Mr. Wm. Wilson, near Cæiarea, Cartwright, Aug. 15 Marmaituke Barclay, aged 48 years. Interred at Bowmanville. Bowmanville. COOKE--At Revelstoke, B. C., August 10, of cancer,;EminavAnn Kenner, beloved wife 'of | Henry Cooke, and eldest danghter of Rev. William William Kenner, Peterboro, aged 42 years. At Weston Sanitarium, August 18, Lillian Phillips, beloved wife of Fred Miller, 592 Logan Ave.,.Toronto, and youngest daughter joï the late William Phillips, Bowmanville, aged 24 years. . . ■■MMMUÉÉ I When attending the Toronto Exhibition make it a point to see the interesting exhibit of South Bend Watches in the Manufacturers' Building. AN D REMEMBER, we can supply you with these watches in all grades at the very best prices. prices. If interested in a really first class time keeper, keeper, we strongly recommend the _ South Bend Movement. Try us for Watch Repairing. Bowmanville. - "Lest We Forget" E. R. BÔÜNSALL, - Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marble. Bowmanville, Ontario. TO THE MAYOR. DEAR SIR,r-rBeing a riiedical man and well versed in sanitary» conditions, I am astonished that you allow an army of railway navvies to camp in town without any provision being made for Nature's demands." They have pumped- our wells dry for water and if we don't have a plague or outbreak of typhoid it wont he to your credit. It is a shame to permit such a nuisance in a residential section. High Street. TOWN COUNCIL August meeting was held Monday evening evening I lth inst., owing to first Monday being civic holiday; Mayor Hillier presided; others present Reeve Tait and Councillors Cornish, Grigg, Tole and Trebilcock. Nomination to fill vacancy at Council Board is on Thursday August 21 at 7 30 p m, polling a week later if more than One candidate qualifies; . - . _ Liberty Place will have a roadway constructed, constructed, Mr. Tole estimates, at $40 and pavement on north side to cost $185 of which Bowmanville Building Co is to pay FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Most Complete Equipment Sunday and night . calls" promptly attended to. Bowmanville Phones 10-34 Branches ORONO HAMPTON DR. J. C. DEVITT, DENTIST. Graduate of Royal Dental .College, Toronto. OFFICE: Temperance St. • Bowmanville; (jo»t off King St.) OFFICE HOURS: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily - .except Sunday.;} BLACKSTOCK: 1st Monday of each month. Will be at Bowmanville ofiBcë rest of time. Phone 90a , House Phone 90b E-3 Et; ETTA M. PUGSLEY, B.A..A.T.C.M ELOCUTIONIST Teacher of Elocution and Physical Culture at Moulton Ladies' College,. Toronto. For concert ! work address - - 34--4 w.- 126 York ville Ave., Toronto Accounts were passed as follows: Eyan H McLean's account, statement statement doesn't say for what service $150 00 BRAND NEW MIDWAY leading centres.--^. Mary's Journal. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S 'ASTORIA A brand new midway with brand new shows is what the Canadian National offers this year; to those who like to wander wander down the "Pike"; the removal of the cattle barns has necessitated the new midway, while the engagèm. nt of the Con. T. Kennedy Shows guarantees every- thing^entirely new in this lirie of amusement. amusement. The Kennedy Shows are a whole circus in themselves. They carry a band of fifty pieces, a wild animal show, with representatives of all the denizens of the forest à nd jungle, a Wild West Show, illusions, illusions, curiosities/etcr": L Cornish, trip to Ottawa. :..... ; W Pointon, labor.... ;... .. ... . . .. MLambert,labor.... ............ James McDonald, teaming. H S Barrie, teaming'....... McClellan &" Co ..1......... Seymour Power Co. L.... E W Loscombe, coal... ... R Carter, labor. v . W Luxton, • R' Carter,- T Percy, watching bridge fire (ahem !) Repairs for pump............. John Cox, trip to Toronto, services Goodyear Tire Co, repairs...... Bowmanville Foundry^Co, repairs Heaps & Fletcher,labor.......... Bell Tel Co, repairs fire alarm.... S J Jackman, flowers, etc... ... A Bagnell, labor.....,.. >...;.. Clerk's advances........ ..... :.. Clerk's acct, sundries.. ...'. Waterworks acct, sundries...... 2 2 00 49 60 48 60 12 00 12 00 69 80 194 30 78 35 5 00 6 00 21 05 77 5P 7 47 I 35 3 25 6 62 19 05 53 60 8 80 5 80 22 23 $979 91 Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought - Bears the Signature of ) DR. R. W. CLARK, Physician, Surgeon, etc- OFFICE:-- Silver Street, Bowmanville. Successor to Dr. L. Potter. PHQNE 23. , . 4-1 vr. s&n. W ANTED--Two gentlemen boarders, good lodgings. Apply to Mrs. CHRIS. ROBINSON, I Queen-st., Bowmanville. 34-2w LADIES > SUITS, the balance of our Only Spring Stock at the following prices : $li^nits for *••**.*.. ....é.. ................. .é. .... 13.75 Suits foi 15.00 and 15.75 Suits for 177^ Suits foi^ ......... 7.75 9 75 10.75 13.75 These are all new this season, and it is à great chance to get a nifty suit at small cost. Ladies' and Children's Dressés Be sure and see Dresses this week, prices from 5oc up. \ our new House and Street Also Children's Dresses at G OOD GENERAL SERV ANT WANTED. Good | wages. Apply - to Mrs, \V. B. McMurtry, Wellmgton-st., Bowmanville. 29tf C REAM SEPARATOR--For sale, Shaples, good as new. Apply to W. NY, cor.'King & George-sts., Bowmanville. 32-tf sn cheap, . G. Pen- I Corsets : We have a* special Corset for stout ladies--the "Mona"--at $1.75 a pair. F ARM TO RENT--ISO acres of lot 2 con. 5. Dar- Hneton. east of Bethesda, 10 acres orchard, well watered, fall plowing doner immediate possession. Apply toM. Ai James, Bowmanville. ~ - ' " . ' " 14-tf sn H 2- OUSE TO RENT--On king.st, E., large storey frame house; furnace. Large stable and "driving shed. Apply to W. Quick, Elgin street. Bowmanville, 83-2w ssi F OR RENT--11-room house..." on corner of Church and Silver-sts. - In good repair, electric electric lighted, hard, and soft water.. Possession Aug. 22nd. Apply to John Percy, Bowmanville. - ; . 32-tf " " B uilder and cement block manufacturer--ah- manufacturer--ah- kinds of briek work or cement blocks promptly attended to. Address Address A. TURNER, Concesaion-st., E., Bowmanville. Bowmanville. - X ' ■> ■ - 29-7w* F arm FOR SALE OR TO RENT--90 acres, lot 10, Con. 4, Darlington, f of a mile from C.N.R. station, about 7 àeres of orchard and good buildings. Possession April 1st.- For full particulars particulars see John Somers, Bowmanville, P. O. LnV:;}. 33-tf ' H OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE--One of the most desirable medium sized residences in Bowmanville, brick: new furnace; electric lighting, 1 acre lot,; excellent garden, fruit trees, good stable. Inquire onpremises;. JOHN ElliûTt, -Centre-st, Bowmanville. " - < ' 3otf- L Spécial Notice -- Half-Holidây This Store 1 is closed every WEDNESDAY AFTER NOON during June, July and August. Shop Wed* nesday morning. i W I : y Agents for Home Journal Patterns S. W. Mason & Son Next door to Standard Bank, Bowmanville^ m ¥3 sééee#esss#»#eee#se#s»eesï m i -Z: -s S' • ; .-y: .-a.-. - 2 ll