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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1913, p. 6

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iÉIfcÉE SBaBM|p-- -igHjglBE -:v-';-'iPB^BiwWBHBB[^s-: : M | g --fip| Çfe h -t *" ■;/ g.: r £ r ^ j»V t> Tf' ' U> v NOTES AND COMMENTS '■- : - o* .:.. Motherhood Assist Nature now end thon, with a gentls cathartic Dr, Pierce* s Pleas - and Pellets tone up and invigorate invigorate liver and bowels. Be sure you get what you. ask for^ The women whoTiaye used Dr. Pierce's Favorite !Prescription will tell you that it freed teem from .pain-- helped them over painful periods in their life^and saved them many a day; of anguish and misery^ This tonic, in liquid form, was devised over 40<years ago for the womanly system, by RV. Pierce, M. D., and has been sold ever since by dealers in medicine to the benefit of many thdusand women. Note--if you prefer--you can obtain Dr. Piercers Favorite Prescription tablets at your druggist at $1 per box, also in 50c size or send 50 one cent stamps to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. for trial box. GRAND TRUNK !ys^m y HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION To Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Each Tuesday until October 28, inclusive - Via Chicago or Sarnia WINNIPEG AND RETURN... . $35-00 EDMONTON AND RETURN. . . .$43.00 Proportionate low rates to other points. Return limit two months. Through Pullman Tourist sleeping cars aTe operated to Winnipeg without charge via Chicago and St. Paul, leaving Toronto ii.go p. m. on above dates. Tickets are also on sale via Sarnia and Northern Navigation Company. Full particulars and reservations from Grand Trunk Agents, or write C.E. Horning; Horning; D.P.Al, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. No matter where you are going we will deliver your tickets to your home or office if you call up phone No. 78. •v J. H. H. Jury, town agent A. B. McI.ATXGHi.IN. Barrister, Solicitor £nd Conveyancer^ Office:--Bleaklev Block. King Street# BowmanviUe. "Money %» loan'at reaeonr able rates. . 48-lyr. B. J.Hazlewood, M.D.,O.M JBOWMAK VILLE. • OUT. f3_OLD MEDALIST of Trinity Un vJ ivereity, Toronto; Foar yeare Attendis* Physician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital Pittsburg, Ki, Office and Residence Welling to a St. Tel ■ l ere No. loe. ; - ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL To Liverpool From Montreal "Tunisian ......June 27 ..........July 22 Victorian......July 3. . July 29, Corsican July if. vAùg 5 Virginian. July 17. .Aug 12 To- Glasgow Pretorian June 28. .July 26 Grampian-..'.. July 5 ............ July 31 Scandinavian . .July 12...........Aug 9 ' Hesperian July 19.........., Aug 14 To London and Havre Corinthian.. . . June 29 .......... . Aug 3 • Sicilian,......July 6 ..Aug 10 Ionian..... »v .July 13........... ■ .Aug 17 Pomeranian : .July 20............ Aug 24 Scotian.......July 27............Aug 31 For tickets and full particulars of rates, etc., apply to M. A. James, local agent or. ' ..... THE ALLAN LINE, ; / : 77 Yonge St., Toronto Wood's Phosphodinsi The. Great English Remedy. Tones and Invigorates the whole nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins. Cures Nero- Mentaland Brain Worry, Des - ^gJtuclI Weakness, EmissioTis, Sper~ matorrhœa,and Effects of Abuse or Excesses. Price $1 per box, sir for $5. One will please, six will cure. Sold by all druggists' or mailed in plain pkg. jon_ receipt of; price. New. pamphlet mailed, free; The Wood Medicine Co. (formerly Windsor) Toronto, Ont, oxi8 Debû pondeney. Fall Term Opens Sept. 2 Make Your Decision between Success and Failure. A course in the .popular "" ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. will prepare you for an. excellent position in jin the Business World;' The first step is important--dhe important--dhe choice of a school. : Our catalogue explains why this college ranks among the best on this continent. Write for one to-day. Enter now.- ' Cor. Yonge & Alexander-sts., W. JÏ ELLIOTT, Principal. There ; aire artists ye$k> find .the latest fashions in woman's dress altogether altogether charming, but possibly they do not intend to cover all the fashions by their praise. Most of those who write on the question in England and; this country affect to be disturbed and agitated, seeing moral anarchy ahead and linking certain extreme, stylés with militant suffragism, easy divorce, political radicalism and theological heresy. The London Times, after publishing some particularly' foolish articles, on the alleged social and moral'dan- gers of which dress is a symptom, finds it necessary to throw cold water water on the outraged correspondents and to deliver with, a magesterial air a lecture on the philosophy of clothes and their relation to character. character. . - She Was S^lÙr- Restored to || Health by Lydia Ei Pbk- ham's Compound. Pentwater, Mich.--: - 'À year ago I was very weak and the doctor said I had a serious displacement.. displacement.. I had back- arid bearing And what it says is sense. There are times when f etih inine' clothes express a social ideal or state of mind--just as novels do, we may add--but ordinarily they stand in no relation to* morals vr ideals, of conduct. - Ingenious tailors tailors and dressmakers, especially in Paris," issue their mandates, swinging swinging from extreme to extreme, arid the. world follows them, at least tin- til* parody and imitation, provoke a reaction. This has gone on for centuries, centuries, and il instability in fashions argued moral anarchy, oui* civilization civilization would have collapsed long ago. V. ' /' ■ Richelieu & Ontario Lines S. S. CASPIAN Cobourg--Port Hope--Rochester . . Effective June 2nd - SOUTH BOUND Leaves Cobourg, Ont. 1.30 p.m. Leaves Port Hope, Ont .2.30 p.m. Ar. Charlotte, N.Y. (Port of ' Rochester... .7.45 p.m, NORTH BOUND Leaves Charlotte, N;Y. (Port of Rochester).... 9.15 a.m Ar. Cobourg.1,30p.m Ar. Port Hope..... ;..-.......2,30 p.m S. S. BELLEVILLE Toronto-Montreal Route For Montreal--Lv. Port Hope ai a.m. and Cobourg at 6 a.m. on-Tuesdays, calling calling at Bay of Quinte ports. For Toronto--Lv. Cobourg at 3 p. m. and Port Hope at 4 p.m. tin Sundays, Freight handled with despatch at reas- able rates. W. J. Colville M. A.James, Agt., Port Hope Agt, BowmanviUe WHY WE EXCEL We have the most , modern, the .most - practical and the best equipped school in Eastern Ontario. / The courses are thor-" p ough and fascinating. An entirely, x Canadian Bnalness Procedure for the training of; the ambitious young - people of our chantry. Onr Graduates . are successful. Ask any student or sx- student; they are our best adverbis'è- ments. - Home Study Courses/ - LINDSAY BUSINESS COLLEGE, C. K. BOWER,. -Principal, Enter Any Day ■ " • -18-y W. H. SPOTTON, President. From Montreal Steamer From Bristol /'Royal George" Sat. July 26. Sat. Aug. 9 Royal Edward Sat. Aug. 9 Sat. Aug. 23 - Royal George Sat. Aug. 23 Sat. Sept. 6 . Royal Edward Sat. Sept. 6 • Sat. Sept. 20 and Fortnightly thereafter Full particulars and tickets from M. A. JAMES, BowmanviUe. -Agent for Canadian Northern Steamship. OTTAWA 5 - 13, 1913 Cëniral Canada EXHIBITION Freight CT» "alt'Live Stock Exhibits from Ontario and Quebec Points. Two Daily Aeroplane Flights starting from front of Grand Stand. Great Spectacular Show, "Siege of Delhi," and latest creations in Fireworks. Full Programme Six Days and Six Nights. New $100,000 Implement Hall Completed. $20,000 in Premiums Exciting Horse Races Industrial Display?. 8 Vaudeville Troupes Free Band Concert 1 » Lowest railway rates Bigimproved Midway. Entries cJ^seAug29 Prize List, Programme, etc., sent on application. application. E» McMahon, Manager, 27-6* 26 Sparks-st., Ottawa. A GOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE ^For over 52 years the British American American Business College, Toronto, has trained successful business men and womfn. __If interested in the courses we give, it will pay you to write"for a copy of our latest catalogue. New Term begins Jan. 6/1913. ' - T. M, Watson. Principal.- LEARN THE AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS during the winter month» and be prepared for the opportunities ■ - of the early spring. - / TAKE A COURSE IN THE BIG TORONTO Y. M. C. A. ^ AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, Dept. 10 275 BROADVIEW AVENUE Write for Free Booklet to-day In short, there is ho feminine, rebellion rebellion in dress, and no thought of individual expression in most cases. There is no conscious relation between between styles and character'; the rapid rapid and mysterious changes are due to the desire of a host of purveyors to please, to make money, to exercise exercise their skill and art. Sometimes they strike a lovely idea, but generally generally neither utility nor beauty is allowed to dominate. Variety and change are sought for their own sake. Thus spake * The Thunderer in substance. - Civilization is reassured, reassured, and morality, likewise; ache down pains so bad that I could not sit in a chair or walk across the, floor and I was in severe pain all the time.' I felt discouraged as I had taken everything I Could think of and was- no better. I taking Lÿdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Vegetable Compound and' npw I. am strong and hetithy^^Mi^^LicÉ Darling, It. F.D. No. 2, -B^ 77, Pentwater, Mich. ReadWhatAnotberWoman says: Peoria, hàjd such backaches that I could hardly stand on my feet. I would feel like crying out lots of times, and had such a heavy feeling in my right side. I had such terrible dull headaches every day and they would make me feel so drowsy and sleepy all.the time; yet I could not sleep at night. /'After I had taken Lydia E-PInkham's Vegetable Compound a week I began to improve. My backache was less and that heavy feeling in my side went away. I continued to take the Compound Compound and am cured. - ^ You may publish this if you wish." --Miss Clara L. Gauwitz, R.R/No. A, Box 62, Peoria, 111. Such letters prove the value of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for woman's ills. Why don't you try it? The poverty and in expressiveness of our ordinary speech 'strikes us anew whenever a revised dictionary dictionary with its added ' Verbal weailtih makes its appearance. Notwithstanding Notwithstanding the. amazing growth of the English tongue--scholars say there are added to it something like 5,- 000 words a year--there is no apparent apparent gain in the richness and force of our daily talk,, so that it is hard to see wherein we are better off than our ancestors. Few of us, for example, express ourselves with more - skill than Shakespeare or even than Milton in spite of our incomparable advantages,' advantages,' The truth is we forget about as many words as we learn, and language, doesn't grow like a snowball. We can't even be certain certain that only the best words will stick" most successfully to the general.tongue. general.tongue. good many words that might, have beën included >in the monument of his labors, so that it is misleading to assume that the English tongue has added something like 400,000 words since his death. So wonderful wonderful and impressive a thing is scholarship scholarship that the men who are now working on the great Oxford dictionary dictionary will be able to giye us, when they complete their labors, a much more accurate notion as to how: many English words there" were when Johnson wrote. " , Highland Blood. ^ J Lord . _c~sed with a remarkable constitution, for, in spite of hie advanced, age, he is as well able to get through a day's work as any "man in his primé/ It is several décades since he entered the employment of the Hudson Bay Company, and he has rendered valuable valuable service to the country that brought hint, wealth. < _ As a patriotic Scotsman, he recalls recalls with, a chuckle. an ; incident which he witnessed, in! /his / early days. A fellow Scotsman, who was working with'him on 1 the same station, station, produced a set of bagpipes and commenced playing "The Highland Laddie. " The Indians and Esquimaux who gathered round were delighted with the performance, performance, and expressed their joy in their customary fashion. A dis- CANADIAN NORTHERN ^^•QNTARID RAILWAY ; Tweed, Harrowamith, Sydenham axaxe Bay of Quinte By, BOWMANVIUE TIME TABLE (Effective June 14th) TRAINS LEAVE For Toronto and Intermediate Station* 9.15 a. m, 7.44 p.m. (8.44 p.m.. Sundayonly For Trenton, Belleville, Deseronto, Napanee and • Intermediate Points; also C. O. R. Station! between Trenton and Pictou. (Daily except Sunday) 11.15 a; m. 7.24 p. m. (3.39 p.m., Saturday) • For Coe Hill and Intermediate Station! • 11.15 a. m. For Taiker, e*.7 T*.* erstw 1 » cciirvtc* - , 11.15 a. m. _ - TRAINS ARRIVE From Toronto and Intermediate Sfctttorw 11.15 a. m. 7.24 p ra. (3.39 p.m. SâttttdAÿ only) From Napanee, Belleville, Trefitôn and Inter mediate Points; also.PIcton and C.O.R. Points ) 9.16 a. in. 7.44 p. m. (8.44 p.m. Sunday only) " From Maynooth (C. O. R.) 7.44 p. m. From Sydenham, Tweed, Yarlcer, etc, , 7.44 p.m. Trains inn daily except Sunday unless other- * wise marked. For further particulars see other advertisement appearing in this paper, or apply A. M. WILLIAMS, BowmanviUe Agent True prayer brings ou.\ wants to heaven and lèaves them there. \ According to ope of the editors of the-Standard Dictionary--a new editioii of which will appear in the' fall--there are now abolit 450,000 words that can be recognized as English, which is quite an advance over those known "to Dr. "Johnson, We now. know that Dr:. Johnson, for all his erudition, overlooked" a Do not allow worms to sap t J he ..vitality of ye§r children.. If not attended attended tô, 'ÿor ms/may work irreparable irreparable harm to the constitution .of the infant. The little sufferers cannot cannot voice their ailment, but there âre many signs by. which mothers .are made aware that a dose of Milder's Milder's Worm P.owder is necessary. These pqwders act quickly and will expel worms from the system, without,any without,any inconvenience to the child. Lord Strathcona. cussion afterwards arose a^ to whether^ whether^ the Esquimaux were of Icelandic Icelandic or Mongolian extraction. "Hoot, mon ' y y GOT 1 KING AND 3 QUEENS. Genuine Must Bear Signature of Sir Harry Prendcrgast Had Strange Exp erience in India. - The death of that celebrated old warrior General Sir Harry Pren- dergast, V/C., recalls the fact that it -is to him. that Britain owes the possession of a country larger than France, for it was he who with only 10,000 men achieved the conquest of Burma and the dethronement- of King Theèbaw. Of that iniquitous monarch Sir Harry himself has told many stories. stories. His massacre of seventy or eighty members of the royal family in one day the General had declared declared to be beyond doubt. . "But this/'; said Sir Harry, "was strictly in accordance with, the traditions traditions of his* position, and probably probably any of his predecessors would have behaved exactly in the same Way; The massacre was strictly a measure of political precaution." The surrender of Theebaw at Mandalay was ' graphically described described by Sir Harry, and the final episode episode ' - is worth recounting. Sir Harry took Theebaw and his family family in bullock carts to the Irrawaddy, Irrawaddy, • delivered .them over to the officer of a steamer, and obtained a for "one King, three ., one Prime Minister. and three Councillors." ;-■/ receipt. " êé* Pâc-Slmîis Wrapper Below. nr omell aad aeaaajr to take sm ngax* TON HEADACHE. FOR DjniNESS. FDR HIUOUtHEiS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR COtfSTIPATIOR FOR SALLOW $KIR. FOR,THE C0MPLEXI0I <?U2T- SICK HEADACHE. Grains' of Gold. 'A man neyer rises so high as when he knows ' not whither he is going.--Oliver Cromwell.- ^ ; To be free-minded and-cheerfully disposed at hours of meat, and .sleep, and. exercise Is one of the .best precepts of long lasting.-- 1 Bacon. ' . ' ' ^ ^ Wealth is honorable, and may be used most blessedly when men regard regard themselves as being what indeed indeed they are--stewards of it, and not the owners;-- F arrer. . , : • The middle class is a large. and important class of the population, which is often over-looked, which has to be^r a great many of the burdens of the State in almost undue undue proportion, arid' which does -not iri these days.receive either the sym- pathy .or the attention or thé credit credit which dt deserves.--Lord Bal- f four of Burleigh. , ye re a wrang, exclaimed the enthusiastic piper. "Didye no see the çhirls this morning morning whilst I was, twirlin' the pipes'? I've nae doot--nae doot ava-- they've true Hieland blud in their veins 2" A STRANGE TRADE. Manufacture of Bogus Pre-Historic Tools and Relics. In the low country about Ely, a town within 72 miles of London, Eng., there is carried on a flourishing flourishing industry which the, world in général knows little about. This is the manufacture of bogus prehistoric* prehistoric* implements and relics. The workers- at " this trade are known "knappers," or flint clippers, as and they use the same tools and work in much the same manner as the men of the ' Neolithic age. The kriapper of Ely, says Har per's Weekly, finds his material ready to hand . . in the extensive strata" of flint lying amid- the chalk beneath the surface. Shafts.. are sunk direct to., the floorstorie, and from these burrows are made into the chalk. This mining is all done in the most primitive fashion, as the men, for the' most part, work singly, -without fear of syndicates or corners. Each has ^ his own claim, his own workshop. Quite often, though, he employs help, in gétting his wares ready for market. The claim is about a: man's length and three feet wide. Generally he digs down about. 35 feet* and thence in a horizontal or slanting line, as bestauits his purpose. ; His pick is shaped like a figure seven, arid he goes down the shaft by toeholes, ascending ascending by the same means. His workshop j like/ his mining, is also primitive, being a rude, cheap shed in his garden/,the only fittings of which are a "block of oak tree truqk,' rather smaller than a butcher's block, a seat, a little stove to dry the flint, pails and ; some old tin cans. It might be supposed that flintlocks flintlocks went out of use ^about the 5*; ferny seventy attribute their good health to SCOTT'S EMULSION because its concentrated nourish- ment creates permanent body4pdwer, and because Scott & Bownc, Toronto. Ont. AUYs^ There's no" fuss or bother getting a meal, with 's Toasted Corn Flakes Always ready to serve, fresh, tasty nutritious. Sold by all Grocers at 10c the package. Look for this signature. 80 J CORN FLAKES close of the Revolutionary War, but these knappers still find the steadiest steadiest and most important branch of their, industry /the , supplying . of flints for - this old-fashioned; firearm. firearm. Where dé these relics of bygone da^s go? To make muskets forth© negroes in Africa. Some are; shipped shipped to South America and China. As yet there has been no decline in the demand. Another odd shipment shipment was made during the 'Boer War, when 14,000 tinder flints - were sent to British troops so that they could get light when wet ruined the matches. "Remains of the Neolithic age," now to be found in many museums and private collections, were manufactured manufactured by this little community in England. They consider their business entirely legitimate, andin a way it is, for it is. the shrewd, unscrupulous unscrupulous middleman who sells for a goodly priée, these valuable antiques antiques to the innocent. A great many schools and public educational educational institutions are supplied by these knappers, and, whether the objects are known to be imitations or not, they, are much more valuable than diagrams or illustrations _ in the teaching of history and geology. To Be Well Dressed. Don't be extreme in anything. Don't.spoil the gown for a j^ard of stuff./ "Don't wear red or purple veils. Don't go in for the style of "sweet seventeen" at 40. Don't wear a new. ; dress with a dowdy bonnet. - Doti't wear too. many rings. Don't wear evening jewellery jewellery at breakfast. Don't pinch yo.ur feet and hands by taking a size too small in shoes or gloves ; it tends to make the offending members members all the larger. Don't wt>9 a fur boa with a cotton dress. Don't wear a flowery hat with a coat and skirt. Don't adopt a color merely because it is fashionable. Don't drink - lemon juice to make you thin. Don't forget that "a etitch in time saves nine." Don't make a visit of condolence in gay-colored clothes. Don't wear gold or silver jewellery while in mourning. Don't wear bright jet in the first stage of deep mourning, only dull. The cooing stops, with the honeymoon, honeymoon, But the billing goes on forever;/ forever;/ "A woman," says an observer of thé sex, "has as much excitement in getting lier fortune told as a inan hai in making his. " m 1. SL< r 1 I?'- m m tr Tile Modern Shinè! Easier to Use --. - ~ Better for the Shoes TRUNK. SYSTEM X : Between TToronto, Sarnie, Séxilt Ste. Marie, Port Arthur, Fort ^Winnipeg STEAMBOAT special •Mon., Wed., Sat. Effective June Westbound 7th -3.00 p.m. Tues. Lv.Toronto, G.T.R................. " Hamilton, " "London " ; " Sarnia Wharf, Nor. Nav. Co... " S. S. Marieront., Nor, Nav. Co A r. Port Arthur, Nor. Nav. Co... ■ " Fort William, Nor. Nav. Co... " Winnipeg, G.T.P. Railway .. Parlor-Cafe, Parlor Cars and First-Class Coaches between Toronto and Sarnia Wharf. Standard Sleeping Cars (electric lights in lower and upper berths) Colonist Sleeping Cars'(berths free), Dining.Car and Coaches between Fort William and Winnipeg. Commencing June 16th a throegh electric lighted Standard Sleeping Car will bo operated operated between Fort . - v * . .10.45 ..11.53 a.m - .. 2.18 p.m.-- 4.15 p.m.-- .11.30 a.m.-- 7.30 a.m.-- 9.00 a.m.-- 7.45 a.m.™ Thurs., Sun.- Mon, Fri. Mon., Fri.-- 2.S0 p.m. Wed. Tues., Thurs., Sat. 16th a throegh electric lighted Standard Sleeping Car wil 1 William, Winnipeg, Saskatoon and "Edmonton. , This is thé inauguration of Grand Trunk Lake and Rail Route Service between Eastern Eastern and Western Canada: A Special Train will run the reverse way--urom Sarnia Wharf to Toronto, commencing commencing June 8th, and each Tuesday, Friday and Sunday thereafter. Full particulars. Reservations on Steamers or Trains, may be obtained tion to Grand Trunk Agents, or writo / -r ZZ : ./'X ; C. E. HORNING, D.P.A., _ , . X- ;•.;/ Union Station, 10RONTO, ON.. - No matter wliere-vou ate going we will deliver roar tickets to your home "if you call up Phone 78. J. H. H.-JUKŸ, Local Agent. on / -J: wmi ^ ^^*E^ËS&BB5SBsiKëêSSSiSSSÈSÊëlX5BëSBÊSaêëiessme8B&BSëenas&IÊKSBBams*anmemm»&**»*Bâ&S5BS X--y:-/■-.•v'-/ 1 ^ •/•/-:./,: MÊÊÈÊÊêMÊÈêmÊ&^ v "Y- . / •. J.

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