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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1913, p. 8

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• .'i 1 s V i I ;'-vt , > S S, ;C i X rf > <- _ > I 5fe." A, ■ V ,V z ORÏÏÏTD iS TTSfoM k Rl ILlii Y SYSTEM FARM LABORERS' EXCURSIONS Si0.00 TO WINNIPEG via CHICAGO AND DULUTH; Proportionately low rates to Edmonton and intermediate stations -AUG. 22--From all stations Toronto to Sarnia Tunnel inclusive,* via Stratford, and South - thereof in Ontario. . -Z .. , . - ' ... .. •. a AUG. 25--From all siations Xorth.of, but not indu ling Main Lm*. Toronto t«) Sarnia Tunnel, viaStratford, all stations Toronto aud-North and Bast of .Toronto to Kmgsto . SEPT."3--From all stations Toronto and East, and East of Oi^Ann^Seotia Jcti • SEPT. 5--From all stations Torontç to North Bay inclusive apd N est thereof in Ontario. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is theishortest and quickest route bptween . r Winnipeg, Saskatoou, Edmontoti.. .. . Z :. Canadiatt Nati(md Éxkif)iiioti r Torpiltp BOWMANVILLE TO TORONTO AND RETURN $1.30 Aug. 23 to Sept. 6, . . '■ ./}. inclusive. , - $1.13 Aug. 26 and 28; September 2 and 4. ; ' All tickets valid for retürii ûntii Se^. 9zl0i3v> Z ^;rZ: ,jz : Full particulars at any Grand. Trunk Ticket Office. T. H. H. JURY, Passenger - and Ticket Agent," -Phone 78. ; -- ' Z- : CORN GUTTING Having a corn binder t am prepared to; to cut corn at $1 per acre. Farmers requiring requiring corn cut shôuld send woi d as early as possible to John Brock, 34-2 w* -* - Hampton. SHAWS AUG; 23 - B, 1913 Why stand up ? Travel via C. N. R.; Every effort effort will be made to see that alt passengers are supplied with a comfortable seat. Special Low From Bowmanville Station $1.15 From Bowmanville Town $1.40 In effect : Aug. 26 and 28 Sept. 2 and 4 Single Fare for Roaiid "rip- In effect : • " ' Aug. 25 to Sept. 6 Return Limit Tuesday, Sept. 9 Special Exhibition Train Leaves Bowmanville daily except except Sunday, Aug. 25 to Sept. 6 at. -12;46 p. m., arriving Tor- ' onto 2.20 p. m. , . REGULAR TRAIN LEAVES v.. 9.15 a. m. and 7.44/p. m. Returning ' regular 'train^leaves Toronto 9.30 a.ra. and 5.40 p.m. Special Exhibition Train leaves, r. Toronto 8.00 p.pi. Apply to L jcal C. N. O. Agent for further information regarding regarding reduced fares and train services,"and askfTtfr au Exhibition -Time Table folder containing a map of the Exhibition grounds.. - • 34-4w ... HIGH IDEALS AT A LOW PRICE S3 BOWMANVILLE F. A. Haddy offers the following Meals at special prices for One Week: Ideal Baking Powder Guaranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. Regular 20c per lb. tin, Special price for One Week,..15c Ideal Laundry Soap 5c worth of satisfaction in every bar. Special for one meek................................................i ■ bais for «•: oo Ideal Ammonia Excellent for the laundry, kitchen floor or bath,-makes the hardest water soft. Special for One Week, 3 for 25c Ideal Tea High grade, delicate flavor and excellent value • at 40c per lb., in black or mixed -- 4 lbs. for $1.50 No. 2 Quality, better than many package teas, 30c per 1 b., 01............................................. 4-lbs. for $ 1.00 SATURDAY SPECIAL : Humbugs The good kind with the good flavors.,. Ÿour ehoice-of f o -iv flavors.............................................. 1 oq psr lb. Our Policy--To correctly represent our goods, to give good honest value for the money and satisfactory service: Try us with an order. Highest - price, cash or trade for GOOD Butter and Eggs. 1 l ; $ Cash Paid for Butter and Eggs F. A. CHINA HALL 9 GRO C E RY mmz is Wb- FARM LABORERS' EXCURSIONS, EXCURSIONS, $10 TO WINNIPEG . Via Grand Trunk Rail wav, plus half- cent per mile from Winnigeg to destination, j but not beyond MacLeod, Calgary or Ed- j monton. ' RETURNING--$18 from Win- ! nipeg, plus half cent per mile from points east of MacLeod, Calgary or Edmonton to Winnipeg. - Going Dates. August 22--From all stations Toronto to Sarnia Tunnel inclusive, via Stratford, and south thereof in Ontario. August 25--From all stations north of, but including main line, Toronto .to Sarnia Tunnel, via Stratford; all stations Toronto and north and east of Toronto to Kingston. September 3--From all stations Toronto and east, of Orillia and Scotia Junction. September 5--From all stations Toronto to North Bay inclusive, and - west thereof in Ontario. Farm Laborers' special trains will leave Toronto at 8.30 A M on AUGUST 22nd, via Hamilton and London, and at 2.00 P M on AUGUST 25 and SEPTEMBER 5th via Guelph, Berlin and Stratford. This is an exceptional chance to visit the "West, which is truly called the land r f 'Go den Opportunities" and many pros- 1 1 perous farmers and business men now residing residing in Western Canada can trace the original'of their good fortunes to a" "Farm Laborers Excursion". The route via Chicago is an attractive one, many large cities and towns being passed en route, which breaks thejnonotariy of the journey there being something new to see all, the time. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route between Wirinipeg-Saskatoon-Edmonton, with a smooth roadbed, through the newest} most picturesque and most rapidly developing developing section of Western Canada. Full particulars from J.H.H. Jury or at all Grand Trunk Ticket Offices, or write C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, G. T. Rly., Toronto. - TAILOR MADE SUIT AT $15. J65Û Jeffrey & Son are busy these days catching up with orders for their Famous Tailor-made Suits at $15--really: worth $18 to $20. They have an excellant selection of worsteds and tweed suitings to choose from. Why dot : have your suit tailor-made instead of wearing a misfit ready-made suit?. You never saw better bargains at this price, qualify and work considered. Have your nieasurê taken lo-dav . ■ è "-■'■ '..'y Mrs. W: G. - Allin, Glencoe, Misses Verna and Ruby Jewell attended Cobourg Horse' Show.. ....Dr. and Mrs. S. G. Clemence and son Jack, Victoria, B. C., motored to Toronto where. they spent Sunday with his . sister, - Miss Maud Clemence . : . Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Weather- ilt and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jewell took in the Cobourg Horse Show Thursday. L 'If you are nervous or dyspeptic try Carter's Carter's Little Nerve Pills. Dyspepsia makes you nervous, and nervousness makes ' you dyspeptic; either one renders you miserable and these little pills cure; both: A: MAPLE GROVE. Mr. and Mrs. Will Vaughan and son Charlie have returned to Toronto after a pleasant visit with Mrs. F. Swallow... , Miss M. Cartwright, Toronto, recently visited Mrs. R. >. Armstrong... Miss Ruth Armstrong has returned home after à pleasant visit with friends in Toronto. A . Miss Hérmia and Mr. John Lee,. Kedron, recently visited their cousin, Mrs. Thos. Snowden, and other friends.... Mr. Eber Snowden had his left leg broken while playing football in Mr. S. Snowden's field ......Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Coates have returned returned home to Brantford after spending their holidays with her mother, Mrs.- S. Cole....... Miss Jessie Mil Joy, Toronto, is visiting Mrs. R. Armstrong..... .Mr. and Mrs. A. Burgess, Base Line, spent Sunday with, her brother, Mr.. Truman t owér ...... Mr. Howard Woods left this week for the Northwest.... Miss- Lila Wilkins, Salem, has returned home after visiting her cousin, Miss Hilda Foley....... Miss Bernice Hockin is visiting friends in Toronto. Toronto. ... - Consult Jury & Lovell's optician about your eyes. ; • .- , A woman who is weak, nevrous and sleepless and who has cold hands and feet cannot feel and act like a well person. Carter's Iron Pills equalize the circulation remove nervousness and give strength and rest.'. --. ! The Driving Club advertise 2 races each .day--September q and I0> mile heats, best 3 in 5, each purse $20d. Z < : ^ The grand stand attractions are from New York; They.perform Tuesday 9th, Wednesday loth, at grounds, and-at night in the Opera Hoiise.. • The poultry show will be the biggest vet--$350 is offered in prizes. Dates : September 8, 9 and lb. Tuesday and Wednesday are show days.• •• FALL BOWMANVILLE;.;;^/ ^ • Blackstock.-.......... .. Oshawa V . A: ' Sept. 16-17 . .Sept 25, 26 .. VSept 8-10 ................. . _ .Sept 11-13 Lindsay .. .Z. ij.i/ . vrvV/'-; .Sept 18-20 Cobourg '... • . Sept 24-25 iOrono r . r.: : .. -Sept 25-26 Çolbor né ; .4 ^ ; : ;. v.>v .Sept 30!, .Oct 1 273 7-8. 1-3 MILiLBROOK .yjathes Eastcott's barn, South - Cavan, was struck bÿ lighfningïduring: the; severe electrical storm Satnfdàÿ r flight and was burned with his season's crop.; His grain hàd been taken in except about five'acres of oats. Everything else was in the: barn. The storm was an exceptionally severe one. Following. -a sévere flash of light.-, ning.the barn burst into flames and the puny efforts made to fight it were .useless. Nothing could be done and the building and contents were a total loss, partially covered by insurance. : • ' j My friend, look here! you know ; how ' weak and nervous your wife is, and you . know that Carter's Iron Pills will relieve 1 her, now w.hy not be fair about it and buy her a box? > The village of Milbroolc is among the latest places to be honored by Col. the Hon. Sàm Hughes with.a new drill ha}I which is to cost $11,003. " Millbrook't population according to the last ce-su» was 793, as compared with 917- in 1901. "The Colonel" should, be more popular with the contractors than wit 1 the taxpayers. taxpayers. " ' ; " •- ENFIELD HAPPENINGS. Everyone cordially invited to the circuit circuit gardèn party at the church on Thursday Thursday August 21; good program, game of football and splendid tea: Come and bring vour friends..} ' : zv GIVING UP BUSINESS Peter Murdoch is retiring from business; business; call at his store, corner King and Silver-sts., and get bargains'; the,, goods must be sold; at what .they , will bring. Take care of vour potatoes; "Bug Death" keeps the bugs, from stripping the . leaves off the. vines;, use it.early when } the ; vine is"small.... : NEW GROCERY OPEN FOR BUSINESS; Having purchased the grocery business formerly owned by W. W. Roberts, King St., West, I will be pleased to receive a call from all who desire choice groceries, groceries, confectionery and fruits in season. A trial or er will, be appreciated - a n d promptly filled. ' G. A. COOK, Horsey Block; King St., Bowmanville. ■ 0 TRAP SHOOTING. HAMPTON NEWS. 1 Thursday last the Gun Club held their final shoot for the Dominion Cartridge Co's trophy--Gun Case. T. Adams,Cour- tice, won the prize with a score of (163 and handicap of 15)--178. W. H. Dustan 169 and R. Gay 169 tied for second ; thé other s ;ores were:. TYRONE NOTES. Annual Harvest Home services will be held as follows : Sunday August 31, Rev. J. S. McMullen Lindsay, a former pastor, will preach at 10.30 a m and 7 p m. Monday Sept. I, Labor Day the ladies, will serve the usual good supper after which a -first- class program will be given by Miss Blanche Walters, elocutionist, The Excelsior Excelsior Male Quartet, Toronto, andotners. Football match between Tyrone and Bowmanville Bowmanville at 5 p m. Tickets 35c; children 25c. Miss Kate Woods, Toronto, is spending a Week with Miss Ethel Woodley,. ...Miss Leta Cornish, .Salem, has- been Visiting' her cousin, Miss May Hooey...,. .Mr. W. H.'Halfacrë left Monday for Manitoba to visit his son George and help take in the harvest.... Mrs. J. Cooper and two daughters, daughters, Mary and Alice, Toronto, are visiting visiting at Mr. Wm. Biette's.. . .Miss Stewart, -To.onto, is with Miss E. M. Werry.... Mrs. Honeywell, Ceballos, Cuba, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bruce and son Keith autoed from Toronto and spent Sunday at Mr. W. R, Clemens' . Mrs. George Scott, Oshawa, and Miss Ethél bkinner, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, at their father's, Mr* Levi Skinner's. Skinner's. . : .Miss Kath.een Holmes,. Lindsay,. visited at Mr. J. H. Mutton's. Mrs. H. J. Hancock and child en, Courtice, visited her sister, Mrs. A. E. Giemens... .Misses Mary and Jean arid Master Gordon Thompson, Thompson, Cold Springs, visited their aunt, Mrs. A. W. Annis.. : .Mr. and Mrs. F. G, Byam are expected home this week after a pleasant trip to the Northwest...... A number from here attended Cobourg Horse Show... Everything is in full swing now to make the Harvest Home a grand success; see bills for particulars. 6 sheets sticky fly paper for 10c at Jury & Lovell's. Holloway's Corn Cure takes the corn blit by the roots. Try it and prove it. Visitors : Dr. J. E. Brown, Toronto,'Mr, T. A. Brown and wife, Miss Jessie and Masters Alan and Chanes.-Ottawa, at Mr. I. L. Brown's; Mr. H, J. Hoidge and wife, Kirkfield, guests of Mr. M. B. Cryderman; Misses Mildred arid Marjorie Cole at Ked- TÔn; Miss Ethel Ruse, Toronto, with relatives; relatives; Master Fairbâirn Cole, Toronto, and Miss Lillian McLean, Bowmanville, at Mr. Howard Cole's; Miss Helen Brown, Lindsay, at the Parsonage; Mr. John ZB. Horn, wife and children, - Bradford, guésts of Mr. C. Horn;|Mr% (Rev.) Harrison and Miss Birdie Harrison, Lethbridge, Alta., guests of Mrs. C. Tohns; Mrs. J. L. Johns and Miss Louise spent the week-end at Orono, Miss Ruth Johns with her sister, Miss Annie Johns; Mr. Frank Cryderman and family, lot 2, B F; Darlington, spent Sunday with his father, Mr. M. B. Cryder- mm; Mrs. J. Berinit, Bowmanville, with friends; Mr. J. T. Cole visiting Mrs. Cleve CIemence> Kirby; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brown and Miss Brown, New Park, at Mrs. W. I. Clark's Sunday :..... W. M. S. met at home of Mrs. Ed. Ward Tuesday ... '. Mrià. George Taylor recently enteri tained her S. S. class,..... Mrs. and Miss Ranton entertained a number of young ladv friends one afternoon recently-- ,. A feW lady friends were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. I. L; Brown Friday after- 11001.....Mrs. W: G. Doidge entertained a number of young lady friends. Tuesday afternoon; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Horn entertained entertained a number, of friends Monday afternoon. Last Thursday • ••••• F^eeieeei • • • • ••«23 ••••••■ • ••••«• 32 *•••«< V OO • ■•••• M • • • • • • I • •*•••» O •■••••« • ••••*• 21 •••»••« T. Adams .... R. Gay W. H. Dustan r . F. Worden. G. Worden M. Gay ..... : . S. S. Brooks T. Dustan..........21-17-18 . G. R. Mason....... 15-20-11.. Ç. H. ^Anderson............... A. Gay...... ........ ..*... F: W. Couch : II. Ë. Paeton.................. F« H. Morris. .24-24 .... The Club is holding a big open handicap shoot on Wednesday afternoon August 27th._ This being a handicap shoot everyone everyone will have a chance; and don't f il to attend. Prizes will be awarded. * -> Total ...163 :..I69 ...I69 ...I64 .. .156 ..-. 142 ...142 ...139 ...136 ...120 . . .119 . . . 6l . . . 60 SOLINA DOINGS. Recent visitors: Mrs. William A. White, and Misses Mildred and Mosetta, New York City, at Roselandvale; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tink, Brooklin, at Mr, H. E. Tink's; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dudley, of Blackstock, at Mr. S. E. Werrv's; Mr. arid Mrs. W. Richards, Bowmanville, at Mr. W. H. Westlake's; Misses Pearl McMullen McMullen and Norma Sheppard, Kendal; at Mr. Thomas Baker's; Mr. Cecil Vice, Toronto, with friends; Miss Lepha Clogg, Montreal, at Mr. W. Werry's and with other relatives... relatives... .Mr. A. L. Pascoe is beautifying bis house with a coat of paint ..... Mr. Henry Brown, Weston, visited his cousins, cousins, Mrs. B. G. Stevens and Mrs. R. C. Scott, last week...... Mr. Blake - Stevens, P M, has purchased the property formerly ownèd by Mr. S. Shortridge... .Miss Mae Reynolds has returned home after a a months vacation with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Affholder, Toronto.... .Dr. J. B. Dan- deno, wife arid daughter, visited at Mr. John Reynolds....Miss Vera Gibbons has returned hone to Toronto accompanied by Miss Mary Reynolds. ' Women's Institute -entertainment and social at Mr. W. T. Taylor's Wednesday evening last was a decided success; the evèning was everything that could be desired; desired; there were good waiter's and waitresses, waitresses, plenty of ice cream, lots of good provisions and a good program. Mr. Walter Rickard sang two nice solos and Mr. Harry Pearce recited two humorous sélections very creditably; the other part ot thé program was by local helpers including including a laughable play entitled "Whÿ we never "wed" by seven young ladies and an equal number of young gents, The President, Miss Luja Reynolds, presided; receipts $48.85. > i - " For Sprains And Bruises.--There is nothing better for sprains and contusions than Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. .It will- reduce reduce the swelling that follows a sprain, will cool the inflamed flesh and draw the pain as if by magic. It will take the ache o.ut of a. bruise and prevent the flesh from discoloring. It seems as ifz there . was magic in it, so srieedily does thé injury disappear under treatment. . : >■ Now is the Time to Get Rid ' • These Ugly Spots of There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your. freckles, as the prescription othine--double strength--is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of bthine--double strength--from your druggist and apply a little pf it night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom that more than one ounce is needed to completely clear the skin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength othine as this is sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. ENNISKILLEN NEWS. A circuit garden party under auspices of Entrisklllen, Enfield arid Burketon congregations, congregations, will be held on Thursday August 21 at Enfield Church; foot ball match will be played between Enniskillen and Solina teams during the afternoon. Tea served from 5.30 to 8 p.m., after which a good program will be furnished by the Goodyear Band, Bowmanville, and Mr. Rbbt. Wilson, Comic entertainer, Toronto. Toronto. . Admission 35c. Everybody come and have a good time. To have the children sound and healthy is the first care of a mother. They cannot be. healthy if troubled with worms. Use Mother Graves' Worm Extermin itor. ; Mrs. (Dr,) G. W.Slemon arid Miss Grace Slemon rëcently entertained their Sunday School classes, about seventy in number, who report a good time...... A number from here attended the lawn social at Mr. Wm. Taylor's, "Maple Corners".... Rev. W: E. Honey preached in Oshawa Sunday, supplying for Rev. S. C. Moore; Mir. Salmon, Oshawa, very acceptably supplied here; solo by Dr. James Brown, Toronto, and duet by Dr. James. and. Mr. Thomas Brown, and trio by Messrs. Brown and Miss Gertrude Stevens on Sunday evening were very much . enjoyed. . . Mr. and Mrs Fred W. Lee and Mr. and Mrs. Çhas. J. Pas :oe autoed to Cobourg to Horse Snow Wèd esday; Masters Russell Russell and Chas.Smith also attended...... Mr. and "Mrs. F. W._Lee treated the choir to ice cream, recently. :.. Remember the circuit lawn social at Enfield this (Thursday) (Thursday) evening. ... .Recent visitors:. Miss Beatrice Babcock, Toronto, Miss Emma and Mr. H. Babcock, Lindsay, at "Cedar Lodge"; Mrs. Groaf, Canisteo, U S., and Mrs. Wilson, Claremont, at Mr. Charles Stewart's; Miss Re, ta Hooey, Long Sault, at Mr. Fred Mount joy's; Mr. Wallace Stainton. Toronto, at home; Mr. Frank Virtue, Toronto, * hr»me; Mr. Frank Knox, Orono, at Mr. H. J. Werry's; Mr. and Mrs- I hoir as Brown, Ottawa, and Dr. James E. -Brown, Toronto, at" Mr;. Enoch StevemV . ; / . WHY STAND UP? Exhibition Travel is generally associated associated in the public mind with crowded trains arid aisles filled with standing passengers. Such occasions with tbe cheap rates attendant attendant create a congestion of traffic that only the most ample equipment can cope with. Patrons of the Canad : an Northern Lines, however, need have jittle fear of being obliged to sttmd for special provision provision has been made for equipment to handle handle the Exhibition excursionists.arid every effort wid be made to see that all passengers passengers are supplied with a comfortable seat. For the accommodation of Exhibition visitors the Canadian Northern Ontario Railway will operate, a Special train daily except Sunday, August 25 th to September 6th inclusive, between Napanee and Tor- O ito.: The equipment will consist of high- b îck first class coaches, parlor cars and dining car service will be given on the westbound trip. This train will leave Bowmanville at I'.46 p.m., arriving Toronto' Union Station Station at 2.30 p.m. Returning leaves Toronto Toronto Union Station, at 8 p. m., arriv ng at Bowmanville at 9 31 p.m. Regular trains leave Bowmanville for Toronto at 9.15 a.m. and 7.44 p. m.; returning leave Toronto Toronto Union Station at 9 30 a.m. and 540 p.m. Dining and parlor cars are operated on all regular trains between Trenton and Toronto. „? ; - .-vr.-.w - 70- 1 Apply to Local Agent for further information information regarding reduced fares and train service, and. ask for an Exhibition Time Table Folder containing a map. of the Exhibition Grounds. '34-4W AN OLD ACQUAINTANCE. ■ D ■ a All votes must be in by WEDNESDAY, AUG. 27 and the standing of the contestants will be announced in the store window FRIDAY, AUG. 29 Q Ar 0 ■ 0 ■ n y After this date the votes must, be recorded recorded every Wednesday. Wednesday. D The Anderson Clothing Co. The Swéll Dressers* Store BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO B imr mz mz 1ML EF Q < < 9 9 ELECTRIC IRONS WE know the "Simplex" is the best Electric Electric Iron sold. _ • \ Y r OU will be just as enthusiastic as we are after you have tried it for a month. Ask your satisfied neighbor about it, or better still, phone 192 and let us deliver one free for one month's trial without any further further obligation on your part.; : ■ Guaranteed for five full years but lasts a lifetime. PRICE $4.50. The Seymour Phone 192 Power <& Limited King-st. Very 6ft en we meet an old friend whose looks has changed so that we hardly know them: Some look better and some look old and uncared tor. We always feel badly badly to see a friend going down hill in appearance appearance for looks count for so much these- days; and we enjoy seeing the person who kèeps young. . Being cared for is the secret of keeping young and Sageine is the secret ( of caring for the hair. Sageine cures j dandruff, brings life arid beauty into , coarse dry and faded hair and makes the ! hair luxuriant and attractive. Sageine keeps men arid woman young looking and why should anyone allow themselves to : become old appearing when; they caa get Sageine arid a guarantee to find satisfactory satisfactory results. ; Sageine is sold at R. M: Mitchell's Mitchell's drug store and if it don't do all that is claimed for it your money is refunded. refunded. Be sure to go to R. M. Mitchell's for Sar e : ne as other stores cannot supply you. D» n'c t eglect your hair another day. Sage Sage tie s only 5cc. a large bottle. } - I ta Q 40,000 Harvesters Wanted IONS to W i nn ipe g $10.00 Choice of destination left to the excursionist. Half-a-cent a mile from Winnipeg to Regina, Saskatoon, Brandon, Kindersley, Prince Albert, Battl e- ford, Edmonton, and to all other points on the Canadian Northern Railway- Returning, half-a-cent a mile from all points on C. N. R. to Winnipeg, $l8.00 from Winnipeg to original starting point in Ontario. 'zH ■ DATES OF SALE AUG. 22--From Toronto and Rosed ale on C.N.O., and from stations in Southwestern Ontario on and.south of Grand Trunk main line, Toronto to Sarnia. AUG. 25--From Toronto and all „C.N.O. stations east and south of Sparrow T^vke; all sta- ' ëSS ' tioiis on Central Ontario Railway- and stations on Bay of Quinte, including Kingston also points on other lines north of G. T. R. Toronto-Sarnia line, and east of and including Sharbot Lakt) and Renfrew. SEPT. 3--From Toronto, all C'N.O. stations east and south of Sparrow Lake; all Central •- Ontario and Bay of Quinte stations; also'stations on other lines east of North Bay in Ontario and Quebec, including all stations on the C.N.Q. east of and in- : eluding line St. Jerome to Huberdean, and Q. A L. St. J. Ry. stations. SEPT. 5 -From Toronto to Sparrow Lake on Q.N.O.; also points on other lines Toronto to North Bay, Sudbury and west thereof. • } • . , . The richest country in the West is served by the Canadian Northern Rail wav. The demand for Han esters along its lines is very heavy and the- wages the highest. Write-for Homeseel ers* Guide, showing 36,000 free homesteads awaiting the settler.*' For full information apply to ; X* L; R. L. FAIR BAIRN, G çnl. Pass.'Agt. Can. Nor. Ry., Toronto, Ont ' -5: r ; >-- i$SÙ " : ' . --- -- ■* T- ----C'

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