ïSBSSr - . • ' - ■• -■*?î-. 0*sÇ5Kii4)k«îîSi î *SE! ,..•■■ --^C-,■. 8 H:--'---.. ,i - ' j» , ':■ " V . -'-"■ ■ '■ ; .. - " "'• : - _ -_ - ' ■ ' < /' ■ '. ". -. ' ; ■• --. . ss?,> lEN ■ T""'K■;. ■' *.r : • - ,-;"> "•'-*• '*, v/-<<_,y "; ;Tfr, HOW TO TREAT 0n§ Was Eaoegh. The Spite House. "You're mean, Kitty Perkins/ ' "So are you; Patty Barker; and if you don't look out I shall take - all my things out of this playhouse and have 'em somewhere, else. - Then how would vour old playhouse . look 1" -- To grandma, : sitting on the veranda, veranda, the cross voices were waft- -W^ed" loudly from the corner . play- hoüse under the plum tree, ' and grandma looked troubled. "Kitty, Patty!" she called, clearly. At first Kitty and Pàtty did not hear, their own voices were " too loud, but when grandma came down across the lawn and stood in the. doorway of the playhouse tney both looked up just a little ashamed. ashamed. - • "Did you .ever hear about the old Spite House in Marblehead ?"_ask- - ed grandma, smiling. "Come lip on the verandah and have a peppermint peppermint while I tell you about it." Kitty and Patty loved peppermints, peppermints, ..and, moreover, they loved - grandma's stories, so ALL SKIN TROUBLEb^ kffe&SS | hence sees little to admire in the I commonplace verses of Alfred Greasy Ointments No Use--Most Be fe; s Cured Ihrough the Blood. once brought to Mr. Bridges two very long odes that he t. • • , , , . _ I proposed to submit to the English it is not a. good thing for people Review.- , vr " // ' with a , tendency to have pimples "I'll, read them both aloud," the anu a blotchy complexion to smear young man said, "and afterward themselves with greasy ointments, you will tell me which is, in ÿbùr I in fact they couldn't do anything - Head so Itchy Could Hardly Stand It, Dandruff Showed on Cjat Collar, Collar, Cuticura Soap and Ointmënt ' in One" <S&G4f looking at each other, they walked stiffly beside grandma up to the veranda. * 'Down in the -*queer old town of Marblehead, on the Massachusetts Massachusetts shore," began grandma when Kitty • and JPatty were settled on either side of her, munching; the -pink peppermints, "there is a'"very worse, - because the grease clogs the pores of the skin, making, the disease disease worse. When there is an irri- tating rash a soothing boracic washf may help allay the pain or itching, but of course it doesn't .cure the trouble. . Skin complaints arise from, an: impure condition of - the blood, and will. persist until the blood - is purified. Dr. Williams'. Pink Pills have cured many cases of eczema and skin diseases because they make new, rich blood that drives out the impurities, clears the skin . and imparts a glow of health. The - following proof is o£- ^fejred. Mrs. Fred Tremble, Gunter, Ortt., says : * 'For more than a year I was steadily afflicted with salt rheum or eczema. -My hands were Lithnnt • sore - *kat % P'ould not put them m water without the skin cracking open. T tried all sorts of ointments recommended for thé trouble^ but I they did not do me" a particle of good. .1 was told Dr. Williams' Pmk Pills would pure " the trouble, and began taking them. 223 Elizabeth St., Montreal, Que. "Cuti cura Soap and Ointment cured me permanently permanently from dandruff and scalp itch that I was suffering with sides over a year. I had an inflammation of the lungs and a very strong fever. When I recovered, my head was covered with scales and dandruff, and It was so itchy I coiüd hardly stand It. The dandruff showed on my coat collar. I had used various medicines without relief. I heard of Cuticura Soap and Ointment and decided to try them, and I am very glad of it, because I am perfectly cured. I used two boxes of Cuticura Ointment with the Cuticura Soap. It took one month to cure me. I take pleasure in recommending Cuticura. Cuticura. Soap and Ointment to anyone who is suffering with .scalp, or «iHn diseases." (Signed) Hector Parras, Dec. 30, 1911. ,1 $'£à *.. v Reaves the skin--no matter how tender--soft--white--aromat- lzed. Perfect - for nursery and toilet; Albert Soaps Limited. . .Mon£»aL WHY YOUNGSTERS HIDE. Game of Hide-and-seek Is An In born Characteristic. TO REMOVE DANDRUFF Not only in the home of the duke, but in the. home of the workman, you will fail to find a more popular game with the children than hide- Prevent falling hair, remove crusts and scales, and allay itching and irritation of 1 and-seek. the scalp; Sequent Shampoos with Cuticura ] Two of the first words baby lips Soap, assisted-by occasional dressings with ' learn to list> are "neen ho " ™ P Cuticura Ointment, afford the speediest and ' ' - P. are P ee P bo most economical treatment. They assist In Precocious Talent. J Tommy Was fourteen, and Tom- my a. father and mother--both serious serious people--had decided that it was time to fix on a profession for him. Accordingly Tommy was 'led to a room in which >were a~ knife, an apple, a fat theological book, and some small change.: His fond parents had decided : rto leave him alone .with this assort-, ment to discover which he liked the best." If the book, took his fancy, they intended to make a clergyman of him; if the knife, a surgeon ; if dhe apple, a farmer ; and ifihe chose the money, he was to go into a bank. At the end of half an hour the mother went t-o the room, but/ returned returned immediately--in tears. ? " What's the^ matter, dear 1" asked asked papa anxiously. "It's no good!" she sobbed. Tommy is sitting on the ; book, with the knife in his hand. He-- he's eating the apple, and the money, is in his p-pocket !" "Good!" said the father. "That settles it! He's evidently cut out for a lawyer 1" *- promoting the growth and beauty ortho hair by removing those conditions which Tight Money Pinching Many. mi Thousands more are being squeezed by ±nen aching corns which can be cured quickly when the kiddies can tpddle one of with" Putnam's Corn Extractor. Being «r; 1* . . • ~ - . V.7 - " * wuuftiu D Ml iJAtl the earliest games they play IS free from caustics, Putnam's is painless, hide-and-seek. And don't they Used successfully for fifty years. Use no Mr. Alfred Noyes. tend to make it dry, thin, and lifeless, often just love it ! The littlé brain in its other, 25c. at' all dealers.. leading^ to premature grayness and loss of | excitement is working at its highest ---- --<* - _ I took the. Pills steadily for six or eight' week's opinion, the more likely to be ac- and they completely cured the <*pted by the English. Review." z ■^dd-looking house. It-looks just : trouble. •. This was several years Poor Mr. Bridges sighed and set- as if some one had taken a big and I have never been bothered, tlfed himself 5 in his chair and Noyes knifp. si,nrl slinpri -mif. n. min.vfpr nf with it smce. ,, ' - I in h-îô J T i. • ' ' •> , t ' haJr ' ^? ap and ° uticura Ointment ! pressure. And the shouts of wild are sold by druggists and dealers throughout ! , V-L 1 .lithe .lithe world. Liberal sample of each mailed r fL fl r ^ ^ Uarry 1S found^To hear them makes yotrr- own heart Her Reason. . f, Pd like to have an X-ray. pho- free, With 32-p. Skin Book. Add^ post tograph taken of OhollyV brain." Dent. D ? a k raster--particulaiiy if the <<r>n vm i +Mnir t»rd o Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Debt. 46D, Boston, U. S. A. knife and sliced out a quarter of with it since, it, just as you cut a square corner out of a. loaf of cake." "How funny !" cried Kitty. "What made it that way 2" ask- - ecKRktty. , ' "That's just what I'll tell you if you'll listen," said grandma. "There once were four brothers who lived together, in that. house when it was-a whole house and not three-quarters of one. And then ... one day the brothers had a quarrel, quarrel, and one of them said--- " Tf I can't have my own way ■ I'll go off, and I'll take my share of the house with me.' "But the brother did not give up, and the next day the other brother brother come with workmen, and they measured the old house and divided divided it into quarters. Then they sawed and chopped and cut and took away one quarter to another place, and the fourth brother lived all alone. Every one in Marblehead Marblehead knew about the quarrel; so the story has come down to this day ; and if you go to Marblehead, following a little -winding street to the water's edge, there you will see the 'Old Spite House,' as it has been named." j in his loud, harsh voice, read the Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold i first ode. It was very long, and at py all 'medicine' dealers or by mail its conclusion Mr. Bridges leaped at 5° cents a box or six boxes for to his' feet and said briskly : r $2*50 from The Dr. Williams' "Now, my young friend, I can Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. | advise you. • Send the other ode to FOOD THE TEST OF FIANCES. NEW DETECTIVE METHODS. Kitty and. Patty were very quiet ' m *" ' V^as grandma finished the story. T Then Patty said slowly--"I guess we don't want our lilayhouse to be a spite house. Come on, Kitty-- let's have dinner for the dolls." ; "All right," said Kitty happily. "And there are some pink peppermints peppermints for dessert," said 'grandma, 'grandma, as she kissed each little girl. TESTING MANNERS. Some Odd Experiments Alleged to Have Been Made. Lord Rosebery's recent lament of the decay of manners has led an investigator investigator to test the question by the laboratory method, and he has • made the following report to the London Daily Express : "After a careful and prolonged examination, I have great pleasure in certifying that the 'general civility civility of London i's_ _well_maintained, and might even be said to show a marked improvement over the fig ' ures for the corresponding week last year. / ~ "The first Londoner subjected to observation was a top-hatted city man in a Liverpool street omnibus. Applying the treadin g-o n-t-h e-toe "' test, the operator exerted a twenty eight pound pressure on this man's patent leather shoes, and in "response "response to the apology, 'Awfully sorry,"was gratified to hear the • subject come triumphantly out of the ordeal by his immediate ans- Criminals Are Now Divided Into Various Classes. The new system of detecting criminals criminals is based upon the facts that the criminal class is composed of many classes and sub-classes, and that each sub-class is composed at last of. individual human beings each with a distinct and distinguishable distinguishable individuality of his own, says the London Times." The. criminal criminal is an artist in his own department department and stamps his individuality on his crime. If this spems on the surface of it unlikely, it is easy to .show . that certain crimes of widely different nature never are and never could be committed by the same criminal. The tramp who : snatches linen from a hedge,. or the area sneàk who steals the milk cans j could not be a fraudulent trustee or company promoter., nor could the fraudulent trustee pick, a pocket,fnor would he steal the milk cans.. r The truth is manifest enough in the case of crimes so different, but is still .true "of crimes much - more alike. The mumping sailor with his false tale of shipwreck could , not change places with the bogus parson or doctor with his false Tale of having been robbed or lost ^iis purse.. The weleher and the racè-course thief, both carry on their operations on the turf, but they never exchange parts; the man who passes base coin does not pass flash banknotes ; the railway .thief is not an hotel thief, and vice versa. , the Review." players are your own little ones Scientists and doctors explain Do you think there is anything the matter with Jt ?" "No ; but I'd like to be sure he l-ight- A Tightwad. Fred--Brown is an awful wad. Fred--I should say as much. He won't even tell a sto*y at his « , expense. i.i w u Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, E tc. "Oh! Shame, Tommy. You're too old to cry." "Yes, an' I b C fc I'm too young to have what I'm crying for." " farms FO* sali. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. ÜRÜIT, STOCK. GBAIN AND DAIJU' J- Farms in all sections <i| Ontario, home snaps. • Are You Droopy, Worn Out ? Here Is Good Advice to All Who Feel as if Their Vigor and Life, Had All Oozed Àw;ay. This Condition; Can be Quickly. Cured by a Good Cleansing Medicine, - Dobbins : "I say, old fellow, you are getting thin since you retired from business." Tobbins (ex-shopkeeper) (ex-shopkeeper) : "That's right. *, You see, T don't -weigh as much as I did." Tour experience is probably somewhat^ similar to that described by Mr. . J. T. Fleming in the' following letter from his home in Lebanon: "I think I .muet ■ have the meet sluggish sort of a liver, in the morning my mouth was bitter, and that foul, soft feeling that tells yon, No breakfast - needed' here this- morning.' A cup of coffee, would sort of brace me up, but iii two hours I was disposed to. quit work, all energy having oozed out of me. Supper was my only good meal, but Î. guess I didn't digest very well, for I dreamt to beat the band. A friend of mine put me wise to Dr. Hamilton's Pills. I think they must have taken hold of my liver, perhaps my stomach, too, because a L the very start they made things go right. Look at me now--not sleepy in thé day-time, but hustling for- the - mighty dollar and getting fun out-of lifé every minute. That's what Dr. Hamilton's Pills have done for me--they have re-built and rejuvenated my entire system." To keep free from headaches, to feel young and bright, to enjoy yôur meals, to sleep sound and -look your beet, nothing nothing can help like Dr. -Hamilton's Pills, 25c. per box. five for $1.00 at all druggists and storekeepers or postpaid - from The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. French Writer Bids a Girl Watch Her, Intended Eat a Peach. -"Tf you want to know the character. character. of the man you intend to marry, marry, watch him eat a peach," is the- advice tendered by Elie Dautrin, a well-known French -writer. To girls in love he gives the warning: warning: "You should' watch carefully ( at table the young man on whom ! your whole future will depend. If he bend over his. knife and fork and finish his roast in three gulps, beware beware ! He is not the man who will be able to submit to tender sympathy, sympathy, and he is careless if he éats nr_ -at . i • without enjoying what is put before JN 0 MOFC NCUT3l£13. ! him and cannot tell you the menu y the minute* after/ It means disappointment disappointment for you. He will never appreciate the hats you wear, nor the style of your dresses, and you will look pretty for nothing. "If he is. immoderately fond of sweets he is of a nervous disposition disposition and will nag. If it be cheese and roast he ^prefers, he will 'be muscular and placid. If he be a Z ^ « b -» ^fore I marry him.- are two of the inborn çharacteris tics of every human being. We get the habit from our savage ancestors. ancestors. Then, the predatory habits of the people Jed. women and children to hide from strangers in fear of their lives. . - Hide-and-seek is mimic war. 'Scoutcraft for boys has developed , ^ scientific lines. So the next j time you see your kiddies playing ' hide-and-seek reflect that it is the outward and visible sign of an in stinct which has dwelt for count less centuries in human beings. -, St. Joseph, Levis, July 14, 1903. Minard's Liniment Co,, Limited. Gentlemen,--I wae badly kicked by my horse last May and after using several preparations on my leg nothing would do. My leg was black as jet. I was laid up m bed fçr a fortnight and could not walk. After using three bottles of your MINARD'S LINIMENT I was perfrotly cured, so that I. could .^tart on the road JOS. DUBES, ■v Commercial Traveller. "Cl ACTOR Y SITES. WITH" Ott W LTHOCTT a. Railway trackage. in Toronto, riramnton and other towni *nd iiitlei. T> ESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES iff " * Brampton and a diizen other town». H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto STAMPS ANf- Of N S S TAMP COLLECTORS--HUNDRED DIF- ferent Foreign Stamps. Catalogue. Album, only Seven Cents. Company. Toronto. Marks Stamp MALE HELP WANTED. / A Journalist Tells of The Advantages Advantages of Keeping Nciwilinc Handy On the Shelf. Fifty years ago Nerviline was used from coast to coast, and in thousands of houses this trusty liniment served the entire family*- cured all their minor ills bread-eater at times, he is fond of i and kept the"'»octor's bill small. To-day the country. If a -lover of fine old : Nerviline, still holds first rank in Can- wine, he has the soul of a landed ada among paiu-relieving- remedies-- BACILLI LIKE MEAT DIET. wer, 'Not at all. not at all.' l "On, leaving -the omnibus, the ^mannérs tester increased the pres sure to forty ^pounds on the same toe, but the experiment could hardly hardly be classed as successfuL "X'sing the reverse test--that of allowing the toes to. be trodden upon--in ten cases of w r hich- record wag taken nine persons said 'Awfully 'Awfully sorry,' and the tenth declared that persons with feet like that ' v ought to sit on the top of the omnibus omnibus and hang their legs over the rails. "The- soup test, ' as applied at several West End restaurants*. " yielded equally successful results, the percentage of noise to the quantity quantity of soup consumed being slightly slightly under three per cent. These fig-, ures, however, . are only approxi- ( mate, as some dine_rs were eating soup in a distinctly foreign accent, and these cases could not properly be included in th-e English total. | J"Children in all parts of the city ^(piw a well marked desire to be polite, and there is a distinct- iin- • prove ment in the manner of asking for cigarette cards." and Cream Thin bits of choicest Indian Corn, so skilfully cooked and - toasted that they are deliciously crisp and -appetizing. Wholesome Nourishing Easy to Serve Sold by Grocers everywhere. Post Toasties Mctchnikoff Shows that Enemy of System Shuns Vegetables. Mctchnikoff, the .eminent investigator. investigator. and bacteriologist, appears to be intent _ on bringing back to earth the widely soaring price : of meat-. Ill pursuing his investigation investigation of thé pernicious little colon bacillus he has reached the conclusion conclusion that this busy and ungrateful parasite would not have such an enjoyable enjoyable time in the human system but for a meat diet. His recent explorations explorations into the realms of bacilli led him to the. celebrated conclusion that the sour milk bacilli combatted the colon bacilli, but more lately he has concluded that the sour milk forces merely subtract from the nourishment of the deadly colon bacilli. Abstinence from meat subtracts subtracts further-from the. happy eh- vironment and bounteous commissary commissary of man's principal enemy iii the 'bacteriological field. An interesting experiment is reported reported 'by Metohnikoff in support of this idea. He inoculated ehoppéd meat and vegetables in .separate culture tubes and in j ected^ the cultures cultures into a rabbit. From the vegetable vegetable cultures the rabbit experienced experienced no inconvenience. But the colon bacilli in thé meat culture had multiplied to such an extent that the rabbit's demise followed quickly. ' *- ■ proprietor*. "The best test of your future husband husband is to watch him at thé moment of dessert. See how he handles a peach. Does he take it distractedly distractedly or like a man in. a hurry ? Does he swallow it hastily ? Then you say to yourself, 'He is not tne husband husband for me.' But ^ he takes it slowly, tenderly, like a. connoisseur who appreciates what he eats ; if he does not swallow it at once but peels it with the air of an artist and treats it with devotion, then don't hesitate to marry him as quick as you can." Appreciated No Less. Elsie--I didn't know he could afford afford to give you such an expensive engagement ring ? Egeria--He couldn't--but wasn't it dear of him % scarcely a home you can find that doesn't doesn't nee it. From Port Hope, Ont., Mr. W. T. Greenaway, Greenaway, of the Guide newspaper staff, writes: "For twenty years we have used Nerviline in our home, and hot for the world would we be without it. Ae a remedy remedy for all pain, earache, toothache, cramps, headache, and disordered stom- -ach I know of no preparation so useful and' quick to relieve '-'as Nerviline." Let every mother give Nerviline a trial; it's good for children, good for old folks --you can rub it on as a liniment or take it internally. Wherever there is pain, Nerviline will cure it. Refuse anything but -Nerviline. Large ; family bottles. 50c.; trial size. 25c., at all dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Z., and Kingston. Ont. WANTED YOUNG MAN BE A BARBER. I TEACH yon quickly, cheaply, thoroughly and furnish tools free. We give you. actual «hop experience. Write for free catalogue. catalogue. Moler College, 219 Queen St. East. Toronto. Puzzled. "I can't understand that man." "Why so ?" "He's a lawyer and .a little while ( ago hevadvised me to keep out of litigation, as long as possible." "It seems to me that was mighty good advice*" "Yes, I feel sure-that it was, but he didn't charge, me a cent for it." MEN WANTED miscellaneoua iüIÏVE DOLLARS A DAY CAN BE MADE i by smart man with $100 to invest. Write Drury, 45 Moutray St./ Toronto. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. •' --v-- ----.• ROYAL FEATURES. Wise Woman. Low Colonist Rates to Pacific Coast.. Via Chicago and North Western Railway., Railway., On sale daily Sept. 25th to Oct. 10th inclueive, from all pointe in Canada to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Salt Lake City, Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, Vancouver, Nelson, Rossland, and many other pointe. Through tourist sleepers and free reclining chair cars from Chicago. Variable routes. Liberal stop overs. For full information as to rates, routes and literature, write or call on B. H. Bennett, General Agent* 46 Yonge Street, Toronto. "She sets an awfully poor table and yefc she always manages to have plenty of boarders." "Well, she always engages the prettiest waitresses she can find." - Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Canadian Poatnm Cereal Co., Ltd. Windsor, Ontario. The Singer. ; The Caller--Who is that singing ? The hostess--That's our new maid. She always sings at her work. The caller--What a happy disposition. disposition. Mercy, how . loud she sings. . . \ ■>' The hostess--Yes. When she sings loud she's breaking some-' thing. ' ■ Made Up. The teacher meant to convey a profound lesson. "You must forgive forgive your enemies, boys,' ' she said, "and then your enemies will forgive forgive you. I want you all to try it." The next morning Johnny ; Jones came to. school with a very black eye. \ " "Why,. Johnny;: what's the matter matter ?" # "Aw," replied Johnnv, . "I've been fqrgivin' Scrappy Gren, an' makin' him forgive me." , The Bends. On à tree grew apples green. Little ..Willie, seeing them - With a grin, came on the scene And was bent on eating them. Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart --Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, 50c.V Eye Books Free by Mail. . Ey« Tonic Good for All Eyes that Need Care Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago < c Those Tomcats. Each dog has his 'day , " - - Is a proverb e' er trite / So we add, if. we may; "Each cat has his night. : Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. Characteristic Looks of Some Famous Famous Houses. King Ferdinand of Bulgaria is a Bourbon, and even those who might not be aware of his family connections connections and yet were familiar with the characteristic features of. that famous Royal House," could scarcely scarcely fail to Connect him "with it the moment they" set eyes upon him. All the . Bourbons, e practically without exception, have inherited thé bony aquiline nose of .their great ancestor, Henry IV. of France and Navarre. The most familiar example of this nose, so far as British people are concerned, concerned, is possessed by that popular | young ruler, the King of Spain. . Our own Royal family have the "Guelph eyes." It is not too much to saj r that ih-only the eyes of -photographs -photographs of our late beloved King Edward, his own son, King George, and his brother, the Duke of Connaught, Connaught, were visible, ninety-nine people x out of every hundred would; recognize to whom they belonged. It is a large and protruding eye, and all Queen Victoria's descendants descendants possess it. The King and the Prince of -Wales have it in a marked marked degré, and it is very noticeable also in the German Emperor, v Everybody, knows .the Cavendish lip, and the remarkable way in which it has persisted through,, many generations, but it may .not be as generally known that the House of Hapsburg, the head of which is the Emperor of Austria, has a similar feature. It is a protusion and enlargement of the lower, lip which, though highly highly characteristic, is far from graceful. graceful. It is a remarkable fact ' that the young King of Spain, already mentioned, not only 'has the Bourbon Bourbon -nose, but lie has also the Hapsburg lip, derived from liis mother, mother, Queen. Christina, who was a member of the Austrian royal family. G anger, . tumors, lumps, etc., internal and external, cured • with out pain by oiir home treatment. Write ns. before too lato. " Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited.- Collingwocd, Ont. ... ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD- der Stones, Kidney trouble. Gravel. Lumbago_ and kindred ailments positively cured with the new German remedy, "Sarol," price $1.50. Another new remedy for Diabetes-Mellitus, and sure cure, la "Sanol's Anti-Diabetes." "Price $2.00 from druggists or direct. The Sanol Manufacturing Manufacturing Company of Canada, Limited, Winnipeg, Man, The Heart ofa Plano is the Action* Insist on the •OTTO HIGEL Piano Action 99 ■ and Telegraphy Çouraes of the most - complet-e - and modern kind taught right at your o <vn home by Shaw's Telegraph and Railroad School, 1 G?r- rard St. East, Toronto. Write for particulars and sample lessons.. W. H. Shaw. Pres. m cham P f :iip Is the Washer for a Woman : In the first place, Maxwell's "Champion" is the only washer that can be worked with a Crank ' handle at the side as well as vzith the top leyer! Just suit your own convenience. Another Maxwell feature-- Lever and BalanceWheelare so accurately _ adjusted and work up suchspeei that the washer. runs along even when you have-stopped working the lever. There'a no doubt about Maxwell , s , Champion" being the easiest run n i ng washer on the market. Write for. new illu'st* ratedbooklet Ifyourdealer does not htndls Maxwell's ■Champion* . Washer. DAVID MAXWEU A SONS. It. Mary eSaS. 92 for sale ED. 4. ISSUE 3&--'13. >fiddle,' A Poiut of Resemblance. A well-known violinist adversely criticized his owi)/j>ortrait, which had been painted by a ^celebrated artist. The family had agreed upon this harsh verdict without a dissenting voice, until the artist appealed to the youngest of the household, a bright little boy. "Who is that, Dick?" he asked, pointing to the picture. "Papa./' was the immediate answer. "So it is, my dear. "You see, sir, your son is a better judge of the likeness likeness than you. So you think.you'd know it was papa, my boy?" "Oh, yes, sir," was the innocent reply. "It's very much like him about the Too many people spend to-day what they, hope to earn to-morrow. Pulleys ^ Shafting Suitable for Mills, Manufacturing Plants, Printing Mouses, Eto. 2 Wood Split Pulleys, 12% x 48 in, for 3 15/16 in. shaft. - You will find relief in ZanvBukl It cases the burning, stinging pain/stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with Zam. Buk, means cure. Why not prove this ? -4M Drufiffiats and Store».-- - v SOo box. 1 Wood Split Pulley, 12% x 48 in. for 2 15/16 in. shaft. 1 Wood Split Pulley, 12^ x 28 in. for 3 7/10 in. shift. 1 Wood Split Pulley, 10% x 36 in. . for 3 7/16 in. shaft. A-LLr SU-/ v \/ v VCR smaller sizes and phafting of various -lengths, a-nd ffiz&s to be «old at.very low figures. Box 23, Wilson Publishing Co., Toronto. SB