m. smaasMsag gpjgipip . ; ^ -?. ■>• - ••' -!.-v-^ /.:v<: m sp ^^mmmms w wmmm j - ,-.■ v-'v:?% - - ~ - - w RADIUM POSSIBILITIES. 1 Trip to the Planets May Be Made In a Few Hours./ ; Ernest Archdeacon, the aerial Cook's Cotton Root Compound. v The great Ûtorlriê Tonic, and safe effectual Monthly _ lator on which women can depend. Sold in three degrees of strength--No. 1, *1 ; No. 2, 10 degrees stronger, fS; No. 3, for special oases, 85 per box. Sold ny all druggists, or sent prepaid on rooeipfc of price. / X Free pamphlet. Address : THI COOK MCDUINI C«..TORONTO. Ont. (formerly Windsor) ih. - WHY WE EXCEL is? We have the most modern, the most practical and the best equipped school in Eastern Ontario. ' The courses are thor* cugb and fascinating. An entirely - , ÇaiiadîatL Business Procedure for the training of the ambitious young people of our country. Our Graduates ■ l are successful. Ask any student or ex- student; they are our best advertise- .ments. Kome Study Courses. LINDSAY BUSINESS COLLEGE/ C. B. BOWER. W. H B. BOWER, Principal. Enter Any Day SPOTTOX, President. IS YOUR MONEY EARNING 15 PER CENT? AN AGREEMENT OF SALE for $3400, on a house in western city worth $7000, can be bought for 53000. This is re-payabfe $75 a. a HiOHth. with interest at 8% on $3400. This investment will pay the purchaser purchaser of the agreement about 15% per annum, providing an income of $900 a year for about five years. Title is clear and will be investigated investigated by Trust Company, which will also handle collections if desired. Apply to Drawer B, Bowmanville. THIS isa HOME DYE that v r ANYONE, ! can.use [The Guaranteed "ONE DYE for All Kind» of Cloth. Clean, Simple, No Chance of Mistakes. TRY IT t Send for Free Color Card and Booklet. I The Johnion-Richardaon Co. Limited, Montreal scientist, in anr article in La Controverse, Controverse, of Paris,. France, expresses the conviction that in a few centuries centuries aerial navigation as we now know it will be a thing of the past, as the horse is to-day as a mean® of transport, and that through' the energy of radium, engines rocket around' the earth in a feW minutes v or to the planets.iri a few hours, "For /numerous reasons," he writes, "it appears unlikely that flying machines will ever considerably considerably exceed 125 miles an hour. At this rate we should take "200 hours, or a little more than eight days/ to make a circuit of .the earth.-. ,-It is evident that we shall soon discover something infinitely Better than the aeroplane. It is certain that our children will girdle the earth, 25,- 000 miles, in a period of which we at present can have no idea. 'All the people of the earth will then form a Sole and single nation. Our planet will have become much too small for the mobility and activity activity of its inhabitants, who: will evidently evidently be borqd to see ;ever . the same little landscape with which their eye® are satiated. ' "According to the mathematical calculations of M. Esnault-Pelterie, the new. means of interplanetary •communication will be Jules Verne's cannon-ball transformed : c ' Wei I : Known Ontario f : Merchant Has Faith Because " Frult-e-tlves" Cured HIm oysters and Brontb, Ont., March 1st. 1912. *'Fruit-a-tives has made a complete cure in my case of Rheumatism, that had at least five years standing before I commenced the treatment. The trouble wàs principally in my right hip and r shoulder; The pain .from it was. almost unendurable. Not; being ablè to sleep on that side, if 1° chanced to turn on my right side while asleep, the pain, would immediately. awaken me. This kept up until ? I started taking ' 'Fruit-a-tives' '. I started by . taking one or two tablets with a large glass of water, in the morning before^breakfast A LESSON IN SWIMMING. How a Coon Mother Taught Her Young the Art. Her • , -, and experienced pronounced relief very into a continuously self-propelling sho rtlyV After a continued treatment rocket a self-contained velocity of " * 11 kilometers (about seven miles) a Colonist Excursions Sept. 25 tô Ôct. 10 inclusive From all stations, in Ontario at very low rates to Vancouver, B. C Los Angeles, Cal. Victoria, B. G. - -.San Diego, Cal. ' r - Nelson, B. C. San Francisco, Cal. PrinceRupert,B.C. Mexico City, Mex. Portland, Ore. Seattle, Wash. ; Spokane, Wash. X: ONE-WAY SECOND-CLASS TICKETS ONLY WILL BE ISSUED. Proportionate low rates to other-points in Arizona, British Columbia, California, Color- arto.Tdaho. Montana. Mexico, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, Washington Oregon, Nevada, and Wyoming. Full particulars, berth reservations, from any Grand Trunk Agent. etc., No matter where you are going we will de- liver your tickets to your home or office if you eall up Phone 7S. J. H. H. JURY. Agent. THE LIMITED QUARTERLY DIVIDEND Notice is hereby given that a Dividend of Two and One-half Per Cent, for the current quarter, being being at the rate of 1096 Per Annum s on the Paid-up Capital Stock of this Corporation, has been declared, declared, and that the game will be payable payable on . and after Wednesday, the First Day of October next, to Shareholders of record at the oloae of business on the 20th day of September. Early one morning, writes a cor respondent of the Youth's Compan ion, I was standing on the bank o a small stream that runs along the border of a heavily timbered ssamp I had been quiet for some time, listening to the song of a bird, when I heard a rustling in the bushes little distance away,, and the shrill whimpering cries of some anixial Suddenly a mother coon and two young ones a little more than quarter-grown,, emerged, from the cover.. The cries were coming from these babies ; perhaps they were protesting, against what was about to happen. When the mother reached the stream, she plunged into the Water and swam about for a few moments in great enjoyment". Then she returned returned to the shore, arid taking one of the little ones in her. mouth as a cat carries a kitten, she started back into the stream. - The young coon was not eager for the b ath. He kicked and cried lustily, lustily, : but . there , was no help for it. His. mother would hold him by the neck,' and -with what' purchase she could grit in 'the water, throw .him as-.far as. possible...from her. _ If hie tried to..swim shoreward, she would head: him off. If he swam to. her, she would swim away from him, or push him under with her nose. She appeared to .be enjoying herself, but the poor youngster was far from happy. ' " > At first I almost thought that she intended to drown her offspring, but I soon found out that she knew what she was doing," and why she was doing it: After eight or ten minutes of this heroic instruction in the art of swimming, she helped the half-drowned kitten up the bank, where. he sat: and. shivéréd, while she repeated the performance with ...his .brother. Then the.family returned quietly into the swamp. second,; which would be* sufficient for it to leave the circle of terrestrial terrestrial attraction. At this velocity: our planet could. be girdled, in 66 minutes, and the journey from Paris Paris to Nice covered under two minutes. minutes. . - " "Now, with 27 . kilogrammes (about 60 lbs.) of radium, a projectile projectile of one ton could be shot from the earth to the moon in ' about forty-nine hours. The molecular projections of radium would be made to work by reaction. Of course, the difficulty would be to find out how to release in forty-nine hours all the energy contained in the radium, which in the present state of science it would take 2,800 years to set free; But this: difficulty difficulty doe® not seem insuperable, when we think of what has already been achieved.- With, - 400 kilogramme® (3-5 of a ton) on board, a visit might be made to Venus and back to earth again." ; : for about six months, I was cured and am no.w in firstolass health. This, I attribute to my-persistent use of "Fruit- a-tives" and I heartily recommend your - remedy to any Rheumatic sufferers. ' * » JAMBS DOBSON. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.5o^-trial size, 25c. \t dealers "or sent postpaid 011 receipt * *• •' ' - t-a-ti ves Limited, Ôttawa. mixing this liquor. " - . . '■ ■ ■ Gimlet Toast.--Stew the giblets of chickens until tender, putting a stalk of celery and a quarter of an onion in the water. Remove these, chop the giblets fiine, thicken the liquid with a tablespoonful. of browned flour, rolled in a stable spoonful of butter ; season with salt, pepper, and a little kitchen bread, toast it lightly, dip . each slice for an instant in boiling water, water, :1^ the pieces on a hot platter, and périr the gravy ; arid giblets over them. - , Kidney Toast'.-^Split lamb kidneys, kidneys, taking out the core, sprinkle them with salt and pepper, roll them in flour, and lay them in hot buttêr in a frying pan. Cook for five or ten minutes, until tender, take them out with a fork and chop them coarsely. Add.' a cupful of hot water and; one of gravy to the flour- and butter in the pari, and stir until smooth, adding a little browned flour if the gravy seems rather thin. Season with a couple of teaspoonfuls of Worcestershire sauce and two' tablespoonfuls of sherry, boil up once, put trie minced minced kidneys back in the gravy, and as soon, as they are hot pour over toast* which has been laid in a hot dish after dipping and buttering in the toast. .. •5 - - ÇhicIâfttt^Tôast.-- This 'is another of the same kind. For this' you. may; rise any scraps of- cold poultry of- any sort, cooked. in any way. Prepare a cupftil arid a half or two cupfuls of chicken soap', using sème | you have left. over or making it from the bones of the chicken,; or utilizing a 10 cent can of chicken soup, or diluting your gravy that, may remain with, stock or with milk. Season it' judiciously with onion juice, celery salt, salt, white pepper, and thicken it m the DIDN'T KNOW That Tea and Coffee Cause Trouble. Kinds of Toast. Baked Milk Toast.--Trim slices of read cut about half an inch thick and toast to a delicate rown. Don't scorch it, whatever you do; and if this accident. accident. should happen* cut off the charred portion and throw it away. Spread each slice lightly with but- ter, sprinkle with salt, and arrange trie slice's in a deep dish. Pour over them enough milk to cover the toast, putting it on "slowly, that it miy soak • into the toast. If wish to expedite the work of you pre So common is the use of tea or LP ai *ation, heat the milk; but if you coffee as -a beverage many do not know that they are the cause- of many obscure ails which are often attributed to, other things. The easiest way to find out for oneself is to quit the teai, and coffee :or a while, at least* and note re sults.. ' A lady found out in .this way, ana - e 1 av . e arid also learned of a. new beverage.I ^ as plea- By order of JOHN the Board II. McWHINNEY, . General Manager. Getting Even With Taxis. An important decision was arrived arrived at recently by one of the London, London, England, magistrates in regard regard to taxi-cabs. It was laid down that it was for the fare and not for -the cabman to choose the route,- and that a driver who deliberately travels the longest way round is only entitled to the. fare for the di- . rect route, irrespective of the amount registered by the 'clock." It- now. rests with passengers :to stand on their legal/ rights in the event of attempts to overcharge them by choosing an unnecessarily lengthy route. Second Ugliest Man on Earth. Lufungu is a Corçgo chief who is rated as the ugliest man on earth. But it is said that he might have to withdraw his claim to that distinction could he have met John James Heidegger, .London Court favorite' and manager of the opera, in the early part- of the eighteenth century. Mrs. Delaney described him. as ' 'the ugliest man ever formed," and he was so proud of it that he challenged Lord Chesterfield Chesterfield to produce a more hideous face in' London. ' A woman was found who ran him very close, but when Heidegger put on her headdress headdress he was unanimously, pronounced pronounced to be the winner. FOR DRINK HABIT So uniformly successful has ORRINE been - in restoring the victims of the m restoring the victims "Drink Habit" into sobea-'and useful citizens, and so strong is bur confidence in its curative powers, that we want to emphasize emphasize the. fact that ORRINE is sold under,.this under,.this positive guarantee. If, after a trial, you get no benefit, your money will . be refunded.- ORRINE costs only $1.00 per box. Ask for Free Booklet at Jury Sc Lovell's, King St., Bowmanville. To safeguard the child from dam-; age that w-orms cause, use Miller's Worm Powders, the medicine par excellence for children. These powders will clear the system entirely entirely of worms, will regulate and stimulate trie organs injuriously affected affected by the worms, and will encourage encourage healthful operation of the' digestive processes. As a vermifuge vermifuge it cannot be surpassed, in effectiveness. effectiveness. "V . . v ; New Cook. "What new dishes have you had since you have had your new French cook 1 ?" asked Mrs. Squire of a friend whom she met one morning. ... 1 - "Oh, a whole new dinner set," replied the other, "and several pieces of cut glass and she's only been with us about a week." is wholesome as well to drink" She writes . rim 40 years old and all mÿ ife, up; to a year and a half ago, I lad been a coffee drinker. "Dyspepsia, severe headaches and heart weakness made me feel sometimes; as though I was about to die. After drinking a cup or two of hot coffee, my heart would go- ike ri clock without a pendulum: At other time® - it would almost stop and I was so nervous Ï did not like to be alone. " Tea is just as tiariii-1 lightlri. ul, because it contains caffeine, dip the same drug found in coffee. "If I took a walk for exercise, as soon as I was out of sight of the house I'd feel as if I was sinking and this would frighten me terribly. My limbs would utterly refusé, to support, me, and the pity of it all I did not know that -coffee was causing the trouble. - "Reading in the papers that many persons were relieved of such ailments by leaving off coffee and drinking Postum, I got my husband to bring home a package. We made it according to directions and I liked the first cup. Its rich snappy flavor wa® delicious. ;'I have been using Postum about eighteen months/ and to my great joy, digestion is good, my nerves and heart are all right, in fact, I am a well woman once more, thanks to Postum." • Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Write for copy book, "The Road, to well of the little Wellville." Postuni comes in two forms : Regular Postum -- must be boiled... Instant Postum is a . soluble powder. powder. A teaspoonful dissolves quickly quickly in ». cup of hot water and, with cream and sugar, makes a delicious 3everage instantly. Grocers Sell 30th kinds. >. "There's a reason" for Poetrim; It's" easy to fool the. man who thinks he knows it.all.. To start things coming your go after them. way, Another Outlet. this paper." said Mr, sell for $35 m tins paper, "that garnets "I see Noovoh, a ton." - ' 'Ain^fc that nice 1' ' ejaculated Mrs. Noovah. "Wouldn't folks net up some, Jim, if we, burnt 'em^in the furnace ittstid of coal next winter winter !" have plenty of. time, you can put it on cold. When the dish is full coyer it and set it in the oven and leave it there for twenty minutes. At the end of the time the contents of the dish should 'be., soft arid steaming hot. Remove the cover ,and léave the dish in the oven long enough to. crisp the top layer-- J. about ten minutes--and serve from the dish in which it was cooked. . Cream Toast.--This is a modification modification of the milk toast, intended especially for an invalid . whose strength needs to be built up. Cut the crustless bread into rounds, toast it, and proceed as with the milk toast, making- the milk' half or two-thirds cream - and cooking the toast in à small owl or: de ep -dish. ; Tomato Toast.--Make as you; Would thé milk toast, trimming 'off- the crust and toasting the bread : Do riot utter it.- dry, but | riach slice for a second into boiling salted water, spread, butter , on quickly, and sprinkle salt on it I after you lay-it on the disl^ Make ! a good tomato sauce and pour this • over the toast, lifting the slices- with a fork, so as to let the sauce get. in between them. Cover the dish and let -it stand a few minutes before serving. If you like you can set it in the oven and bake for ten minutris-- ^either way : it is good--or you may pour over the: toast the stewed, tomatoes which you have freed from lumps and seasoned well, instead of converting the strained tomato: liquor into sauce. This is easier and quite as effective. effective. Oyster Toast»--Put, a half pint of oyster liquor over the fire and cook in it for three minutes a dozen oyster's oyster's which have been chopped coarsely. In another^.vessel heat a cup of milk, thicken it with a table- spoonful of butter and one of flour, stir until it is smooth, rind put with it trie chopped oysters. a,nd liqiior. Season to taste with salt arid pepper, pepper, and, if; you like it, a pinch of mace or a grating of nutmeg. Have •ready toast browned,; dipped in riot writer, buttered, and salted as for tomato toast, and pour the oyster sauce over it and between the slices. Set in thé oven 'just lo/ig enough to heat through--all the ingredients and the" dish should have been pipings hot--and eervo. This makes an excellent lunch, or aupper dieh, is iV eâiijÿ prepared, nourishing rind wholesome; y/. Clam Toaet.--For Mis : the : tc-rig- clams should bç used, |he . hri/d, parts cut from them, and thëirthriy should be cooked just- as yj^u: do trie oysteis. If you riisri tcL iri xke ar lit- dle - richer dish,;beriiirban égg light arid put it with th emilk just before as directed for the other gravies already already given. Put with it your chicken, chopped, taking whatever amount you have. Half a cupful can be used or twice as much or more, and if you are short on the chicken-boil an egg hard, ' hop it, and put this or minced" ham or; tongue with the small- portion cf chicken, and stir all into; the erayy, Prepare your toast as already, directed directed and. pour the chicken arid gravy over it. If you wish you can use, instead of the toast, bread cut in slices and fried to a, delicate brown in good dripping. For Irifents and (Mtaren, The Kind You Have Bears the For Over Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CENT AU Ft Wo MPA MV. NEW VO I. k city. Home Hints. One cold ch-pp will make a. small dish of "creapied or minced ; lamb. Cook the boSe with it and simmer ge-ntly. .Servi on toast and garnish with parsley. -•White wings .and quills van be very successfully cleaned by put ting - them into " a box of cornmeal and shiaking gently. ' ' Brush off the meal with a brush. Sandwiches. prepared in advance of serving time can be kept fresh as. when made, by wrapping them in a napkin, wrung out of hot - water, water, then placing them - in a cool place. When a cork has been pushed into into a bottle it can b'e gotter out by making a loop of a strèng string and carefully placing it under the cork, 'then pulling steadily. Eggs will keep fresh for some time in the following way : Fill a box with ordinary salt, smear each; egg over with olive oil and place it inthe/ salt, pointed end down. .It is best to heat - the plates before before putting hot pies on them when first taken out of the oven. If .hot pies are: put on cold •• plates they sweat," .riaaking the rindercrust soggy:;: % ; -■§;•• If you want . to bake potatoes quickly clean them and po ur ; boiling boiling v/ater over them. ]jet 'them stand oil the stove for five or ten j minutes, then put them in the oven to bake. ; • . It is a matter of economy to have- all the curtains in the house match. Then- from time to time when some of them have worn those that are left can. be matched together for bedrooms, putting,.the' new ones ' in the living room and dining room. -; Silver will remain bright much longer. ' if afte r - the articles have be^n cleaned they are rubbed with a- soft -flanriel cloth dipped in linseed linseed oil, then polished with a chamois chamois : leather. : When making angel cake- add one teaspoonful of cornstarch to the sugar and sift five times. The cake will be tender and velvety. To keep it moist arid tender turn a crock over it. A good way to clean stains fr-tim Mm. J. Westerrelt ot Paterson. N. J.. writes: I haT« * large family ot small children, and It hae saved me many a doctor's bill. For quinsy throaAlt ji ajtiur ovvr thaL My girl has sprained her ankle and Is Ing around Ana.: without any other, doctor Badway'a Ready Belief." • Relief Yo -Æe fltnwt-.eml chest „ smarts and reddens?" Give •T * Pills lu anch dosée as will freely - the bowels. For ; a sudden cold; taka, a AS?®,,®? Radway's Pills, and a teaspoon- fui of ; Relief with a teaspqqnful of- molasses, in r tnmbler of hot water. Relire ht oiicè te bed. A profuse perspiration will breift but, and in the morning the cold will be g*^ - ; : BADWAY * CO., Montreal, Can. the hands is to trike half a cupful of coarse corn meal and one cupful cupful of strong vinegar. Wash and rub the hands well in this, then rinse in warm water. When lace curtains are badly torn they should be first washed and then the worst torn of them should be used to mend the others by cutting- lace from the torn curtain curtain to match the pattern of the curtain to be mended. • Lacquered brass beds can be kept in good condition if after dusting dusting them they, are'rubbed with a flannel cloth, dipped in melted paraffine. paraffine. Polish with a. chamois "leather arid they will look like new. v -v The dark stain on the. inside of aluminum vessels can be ^emo /ed by boiling a solution of - water and borax and letting it stand for some time in the vessels. .: • After filling a rubber water bottle bottle with hot water, press the s'des before screwing on the cap, -.This presses the steam out and makes the wear and tear less. • x v poarae coffee grounds added ;to soap-suds .will clean, water bottles id flower vases. Let tne suds and an< bottle shake the grounds remain in the for an hour or two, then thoroughly and rinse. • - ' ;■ <V -;"v r -V The vagrant straw hat shows which way, trie wind blows/- S m ■ ^3- WSmübSïîS ...- i- ft j■ 11 'SÊÈÊà