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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1913, p. 8

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læpi5^>5r^r^^-.^KSs5*=&^â^@ae@s®^^- aSSS! ^ **=® v-ï^f ■*- KS®# j||g|p| :^V ^*"" J '-'y- ËSs&tâ&Æ mm ses MIE «SlBSfcS ggggj ;:• ÿ.:.:ï- ■ : ■' '/VV' ■ -r■ ;'• ' : 8hb@b';SSV~ BOWMAN VILLE, QCT. 16. 1913 mtr- |9S£ zf • pas if W < Z) £ To the Public :•-- In order that there may be no questions raised later on, we Wish to announce that no person connected with „„ or any ~f'S^.'.o" ioï S»LÏÏ. M> "° .1.81. •<•*• ""■" 1 "J-yu!»? î>r . at any price. We are going to give the beautiful $350 D - minion Grand Piano now on exhibition at our store to ttm person presenting to us the greatest number of Piano Votes on December 31st, 1913, Absolutely Free. For every cent of your purchase of anything in our store, you are entitled to one Piano Vote. APPLES WANTED. _ Lam prepared to grind apples for cider, also buy any quantity of ' cider apples, highest prices paid. • : >" s f J. BUI SON,- 40-tf corner Church & Brown-sts. ■ EBENEZER. A rare treat is in store for The people I of this district when Mrs. Scott, Principal of Margaret Eaton School o Expression, will give a Public Recital of ! the "Hour Glass" at Ebenezer Church on Friday evening, OcUlZtb, at 8.15 Mr F L Fowke, Oshawa, will occupy the chair. AUCTION SALES. MAPLE GROVE. Yours faithfully, Miss Olive Fowler, Moorefield, spent Sunday With her cousin, Mrs. Wm. Snowden. Snowden. .. .Miss Bessie Crago, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Burgess and family, Base Line, spent Sunday at Mr. Truman Power's.... Mr. and Mrs. F. Swallow and family visited visited friends in Whitby... .Mr. J. H. Dolan, Oshawa, will occupy the pulpit here next Sunday, it being the last Sunday of the missionary campaign.... Mrs. A. Morr s and daughter Irene, Tyrone, visited at Mrs. Wm. Jeffery's. ...Mr. Geo. Steven son, Oshawa, spent Sunday at Mr. John Snowden's Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wer- ry, Solina, visited her aunt, Mrs. S. Cole, Monday... .Large' crowd attended Rally Sunday......Mr. Edward and Miss Lily Trenouth, Hampton, visited at Mr. John Snowden's... .Miss Minnie Baker, Sonna, spent Sunday at Mr. Thos. Snowden s.... ....Mi^. W. Chas. Werry and Miss And rey visited at Mr. Thos. Penfound s. Regular Two Ton Bolster Springs at Ten Dollars per pair for the next two weeks at Mason's, Bowmanville. Friday, Oct. 17--Mr. James Dempster, Gânanoque, will sell on Fair grounds, Bawmanville, a 1 carload of stock, consisting consisting of 12 milch cows from his own herd, 2 choice feeding. steers and 16 stockers--steers and heifers. Sale at I -o'clock. See bills. L. A. W. Tole, auctioneer. Friday, Oct. 17TH--Mr. Lyman Gifford will sell by auction at the stock yards, Canadian Northern Station, Oshawa, 25 cows renewed and springers, 4° heifers and steers. Sale at 1 o'clock. See large bills for further particulars. Jas. Bishop, auctioneer. Thursday, Oct. 23--There will be sold at Hampton by the executors ot H. Elliott Elliott Estate, a quantity of household furniture, a so house and lot and about tiyo acres^of land. See bills. Sale at i o'clock. Jas. Bishop, auctioneer. SATURDAY, OCT. 25--Miss „ Mabel Borland Borland will sell the whole of the household household effects at the residence of the late Mrs. R. H. Turner, corner Centre and Lowe-sts., Bowmanville, consisting of parlor, dining room, bedroom and kitchen kitchen furniture and furnishings, garden tools, etc. Splendid opportunity to get some antique furniture. See bills. Sale at I o'clock sharp. Terms cash. L. A. W. Tole, Auctioneer. BULB FROM HOLLAND, FRÈE DARLINGTON NEWS. Messrs Jury & Lovell want your ear. Read aloud in your family circle their advt. in this paper. It should interest you if you love flowers. Boys and girls should buy a few bulbs and see which can grow the nicest flowers. It is a pleasing occupation occupation in the home and does not cost much. Try some of those imported bulbs and try your luck this winter. Jury & Lovell will tell you how to plant and care for bulbs. Be sure to mention this paper so that you may' obtain "the free bulb. Anderson Clothing u . BOWMANVILLE Miss Lela VanDyke and Mr. Floyd Willoughby, B.A., attended Markham I Fair Miss Stella" Blackburn has return ed home after spending her holidays at Elmvale Misses Nellie Burgess and Bassie Crago spent the week-end at Mrs. Truman Powers', Maple Grove... .Silo fil ing is all the go around these parts.... Miss Phyllis Holt is visiting friends in Pickering Special meeting at League Sunday evening on account of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving. ... A number from here attended Rally at Maple Grove Base Line Sun day School raised $18 at thçir Rally for Missions Mr. E. F.. Willoughby, B.A., has returned to Toronto to attend the Faculty of Education... .Mr. Leslie and Miss Nellie Guy visited friends at Highland Highland Creek.. . .Miss Ruth Holt, Toronto, and Miss Evelyn Holt, Pickering, have been home on a~ visit.... Mr. E. J. Burk i and daughter, Birdie, have been visiting friends in Toronto Miss Pearl Parsons, Whitby, was home recently. Mason sells all kinds of Roofing. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. Port Hope H. S. foot-ball club came to Fowmanville on Saturday to play a game with the B. H. S. club. The day was wet but the warriors met and battled for .victory .victory which resulted in favor of the home team by two goals to one. The line up for B. H. S. was : goal, Koken; backs, Manning, Gale;half backs, Peters,Browne, Cox; forwards, Baker, Mingeaud, Roe- nigk, Bird, Rice. The return match will be played at Port Hope bn Oct. 18. The .return match between the B. H. S. and Oshawa H. S. football teams and also also between the girls' basket ball teams of the school will be played at Oshawa on Oct. 25. the time for Coat Sweaters. We have prepared for the demand better than ever before. The most popular Coat Sweater this year is the shawl collar in the Shaker knit. We have these in all the new colors and at all prices, S3 50, $4 00, $4 50, $5 00, $6 00; cheaper lines at $1 00, $1 50, $2 00, $2 50, and $3 00. The very heavy Jumbo Knit at $8 00. Boys' Jersies, Sweaters and Coat Sweaters, Sweaters, we have a big stock of these tor the little chaps. Cashmere, Worsted and Heavy Wool Sweaters at 50c, 75c, $1 00 $125; Coat Sweaters at 75c, $1, $150, $2, $2 50. HAYDON NEWS. HAMPTON NEWS. 1 Order Coal Now 1 APPLES WANTED. LEHIGH VALLEY COAL ? I aim receiving almost daily several cars of the best Lehigh Valley Coal, shipped direct/from the mines--Chestnut, Stove andpea sizes, Send y our'order in now and have prompt delivery After Sept. 15, we will be prepared to receive any'quantity of apples for evaporating evaporating purposes at Bowmanvilfe evaporator, evaporator, opposite the High School for which highest prices will be paid. Mr. . Donald McDonald will continue as foreman. John A. Holgate & Son. Successor to J. R. Finkle,. Bowmanville. 37-tf Yards and Office at Holgate's Evaporator, Corner Division Queen-sts., opposite High School. Phone* 177. and m »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»*♦ m s October Visitors: Mr. Fred Wilbur, Oshawa, with friends here; Mrs. (RevJ C. W. Barrett Barrett and sons with her parents in Lindsay; Miss Barrett, Newcastle, with her brother at the parsonage; Miss Grace Rogers, Toronto, guest of Mrs. C. Stonhouse; Mr. .Frank Gully, Toronto, with friends; Mrs. M. B. arid Hilda Cryderman home from Markham; Thos. Wray, * Oshawa, with friends here Miss Ruth Johns has been ill but is improving.... Mrs. J. E. I.. Cole has been quite indisposed for several days ... .The new church fence is béing put in place and will give things an up-to-date appearance...... Miss B. Colwill is better from her recent .illness New departure in our S. S. next Sunday in the way of a debate; come and hear what the contestants contestants have to say; all welcome We don't know when the event will take place but Clifford has the house ready. The League of the Methodist Church, Hampton, having assumed thé financial responsibility of erecting a fence around the spacious church grounds, now solicit 3 our presence at an entertainment to be given by them in the church on the evening evening of Thanksgiving Day, Monday, Oct. 20th,' at 8 o'clock. A choice program of dialogues, recitations, sAos* quartettes, I etc., will be given by local talent assisted by Mr. H. Pearce, Newcastle. Admission, Admission, 20c and ioc. Recent visitors: Mr. J. A. Charlton, Toronto, with his niece, Mrs. Sherwood Rundle; Mrs. R. McNeil and Mrs. James Pooley, Tyrone, at Mr. Theo Slemon's; Mr. Albert Moore with friends in Toronto; Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Challis, Misses Effie and Addie Rutledge and Mrs. J. Rutledge, Salèm, at Mr. T. S. Mountjoy's: Mr. and Mrs. Theo Slemon and son John with friends in Bowmanville ....... Mr. P. Mallory has greatly improved his residence residence with a coat of paint. THE Anderson Clothing Go. THE SWELL DRESSERS STORE PHONE 61 - BOWMANVILLE M sXlem Miss Reta Caldwell and Miss Kate Stephens spent Sunday at the former's home A young son arrived Oct. 13 to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Davis Rev. T. W. Jolliffe preached a very able missionary sermon on Sunday^..... Mr. James Darch's sale was well attended and stock sold for a high figure ... Miss Mabel Stringer, Clarke, spent Sunday at Mr. F. L. Squair's. . .. Apple pickers are dusv around Jiere these days.... Councillor Councillor Stephens and daughter, Miss Kate, attended Port Hope Fair Mr. H. B. oster had a successful barn raising Monday. Monday. CHIN A HALL BOWMANVILLE SOLINA DOINGS. TYRONE NOTES. Wherever you travel, you will note that the best-dressed men wear shoes like yours--- if you wear Régals. $ BARGAINS In All Lines of Furniture Our Dining Room Suites are in different finishes finishes and are greatly deduced in price. We are also showing a splendid assortment of Bedroom Furniture at specially low prices, and intending purchasers in these lines can save money by buying buying now. "We sell "No Brush" Furniture Polish, applied with a cloth. Makes old furniture look like new. Just the thing for the woodwork of - your house, hardwood floors, linoleum, your automobile or buggy. L. MORRIS & SON Furnlturè Dealers and Funeral Directors F houes 10 aud 34 The young fellows who are keen after "high toe" effects will find in the Bump just the shoe they are looking for. It has a full high, toe with plenty of outside "swing." The heel is high, too, as is the arch. For all these "high" effects, the Bump fits perfectly perfectly and gives a large measure of comfort as long as it is worn, keeping its original shape until discarded. Bump Black King Calf and Tan Gun Metal Blucber F. R. Foley Parlor Shoe Shop,, Bowmanville Miss Marjorie Trull, Oshawa, Miss Emily Goodman, Raglan, spent Sunday with friends here... .Miss F. Virtue attended attended the wedding of her nephew, Mr. Frank Virtue, at Forest last week Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hodgson returned home Saturday from a trip through the West.... Mr. F. N. Farrell returned home this week after spending six months on his home stead in Saskatchewan... .Rev. P. H. Neville, Bethany, preached on this circuit Sunday, Rev. Wm. Higgs taking anniversary anniversary services on the Bethany circuit:. Mr. Harrison the representative of the Upper Canada Tract Society is in this vicinity and will "call at each home anc suDply their needs in Bibles, Hymn books and Religious Literature Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martyn, Bethesda, accompanied by Mrs. Tohn Amey, a former old resident of Darlington now residing in the States visited visited their son, Mr. W. J. Martin, Oronb, recently. Riding plows--several, used a little- cheap at Mason's. School report for September ; names in order of merit : Class V, Maida Amsbary, Irene Farrell, Roma Phare ; Jr IV, Alma Cuttell, Mary Higgs, Harold Clemens, Gordon Farrell, Edy the Clemens ; Sr III, Reta Amsbary, Irene Werry ; Jr III, Earl Byam, Fred Partner, Mary Richards ; Sr II, Vivian Amsbary. Eileen Higgs, May Thompson, Hazel Hodgson, Lola Richards, Richards, Marie Werry,. Gladys Collacutt, Geraldine Clemens ; Jr Il. Cyrus Farrell, Hazel Werry, Clayton Gardiner ; Class I, Brenton McCullough, Willie Little, Margaret Margaret Moore, Lewis Gardiner ; Pnmer, Harold Burgess, Dorothy Higgs, Johnny Hatherly, Myrtle Anybary, Irving Clemens, Clemens, Harry Hatherly, Hilda Prout, Verna McCoy. M. C. Cox, G. Ramage, teachers. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lee, Mrs. C. J. Pas- coe, Enniskillen and Miss Melissa Stevens visited friends here Sunday Miss Gert rude Pascoe has been spending a few days ] at Oshawa Mr. Stewart of Deaf and Dumb Institute, Belleville, will preach on Missons here Sunday The new shed ] addition at Eldad is completed... .Song service announced at Eldad for Sunday has been postponed Mrs. I. Elford, Is- j lay, and Mrs. Jas Vice, Oshawa, has been visiting relatives here... .Mr. Paul Williams Williams was called to Port Perry by the ill-1 ness of his father In the absence of the organist Miss Margaret Hillis presided at the organ Sunday .Miss Alice Kers- lake, Hampton, and Mrs. Wm. Mason, Oshawa, visited friends here. Thanksgiving Specials For Friday and Saturday / 8 I GRAPE FRUIT--Fine Jamaica Grape Fruit, 4 for 25c and 5 for 25c. SWEET POTATOES--Fancy stock of Sweet Potatoes, Potatoes, 5c lb., 6 lb. for 25c. 1 GRAPES--Grapes are short crop; while this Jot •J lasts 30c basket. ENNISKILLEN NEWS. CHOCOLATE CREAMS--Assorted flavors, fine chocolate creams, regular 40c quality, for 30c lb. - For Infcnts and Children» Thitbtd YraHan v 1--^ *\4*r ZlA r ' Bears -the Signature of A little son has come to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Trewin Mrs. (Dr.) Slemon and little son Harold returned home Saturday after attending her brother's brother's wedding and visiting friends in city Mr. Honey, Little Brittain, is visiting visiting his son Rev. W. E. Honey, at the parsonage... parsonage... .No league service last week. New cement walk around church was unfit unfit for use Miss Marion Orchard has returned from visiting her. sister, Mrs. Fred Heddon, Golumbus... .Rev. W. E. Honey will address the League Convention at Newcastle,.... .Sunday School Rally service Sunday evening. . .Presbyterian W. M. S. had a social meeting last week. Blackstock W. M. S. ladies providing pro- granr---home ladies the tea Death has again entered the home of Mr. Elias Ashton taking their infant son, this is twice within a year the dark angel has come and taken from their little family. The sympathy of the entire community is with them in this double bereavement.... Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lee received a phone message Tuesday to go to Pickering, Mr. Harry Remmer, Mr. Lee's brother-in-law is lying at death's. door Visitors : Miss Rosa Mount jov, Nestleton, at Fred Mount- joy's; Mrs. Thos. Slemon and son Mr. Cecil, Mr. and Mrs. S. Trewin, Haydon, at John Slemon's.. ..Mr. Fred Cowling, Purple'Hill, at Mr. John Cowling's; Mr. J. L. Metcalfe, Base Line, at Mr. C. E. Stewart's; Mrs. C. E. Stewart and Miss Margaret with Mr. A. Morris. Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry and children with friends at Blackstock; Miss Editha Virtüe home again 2from a visit with jfriendsi SALMON--Choice red salmon, regular 25c quality, for 20c. 1 DOORMATS--Doormats, all sizes andZqualities, r om 50c to $3.00, ai 10% discount. A FLOWER POTS--from 3c to 50c each, all sizes. Cash Paid for Butter and Eggs F A. HADDY, ™T c ë ALL RY / What Cures ^Eczema ? We have had so many inquiries lately regarding Eczema and other skin diseases that we are glad to make our answer public. public. After careful investigation we have found that a simple wash of Oil of Win- tergreen, as compounded in the D. D. D. Prescription as made m the D.D.D. Laboratories Laboratories of Toronto, can be relied upon. We would not make this statement to our patrons, friends and neighbors unless we were sure'of it--and although there are many so-called Eczema remedies sold, we ourselves unhesitating recommend D.D.D. Prescription. Drop into our store today and kit us tell you more about D.D.D. Ask us also about D.D.D. Ask us also about D.D.D. Soap; it helps. _ Jury & Lovell, Bowmanville SSawdSaak'- o- '

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