M 1 THE TORTURES OF RHEUMATISM Driven From the System hy Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Seen in Paris Shops. V shaped necks are finished with shadow laces.- # . The simple semi-neglige gown is much in demand. . Fashion now boasts & skirt narrowest narrowest at the hem. In the new millinery, chin straps are gaining in favor. The combination of lemon yellow and white is much used. Gloves either match the gowns; or form a striking contrast.- _ Gowns of white cotton voile are trimmed with colored linen The sufferer from rheumatism who haa not gone about curing himself in the right way must expect expect a return of the torture with every change to cold or damp weather. weather. It is not the change in the weather that causes the rheumatism^ rheumatism^ but it does start the aches and pains. Rheumatism is a deep- seated disorder of the blood. You cannot possibly cure it with outward outward applications or hot fomentations, fomentations, as so many people in their ignorance of the real cause of the trouble try to do. Rheumatism can only be driven Striped and spo .. out of the system by-driving out •adually winning P°P the poisonous acid in the blood. Long veils of black or white chan | can only ^ done by making Do You Feel irritable, Depressed? When That Languid, Laggy, Easily* Tired Feeling Gomes, Your Liver to Slow. Telle How to Cure Quickly. un ERUPTIONS ON FACE tilly lace are much worm^ I the blood supply rich, red and Hats are turning up at the back in piquant fashion. Thomas M. Osborne, Chairman of Hew York State Prison Prison Reform, who a few days ago, of his own accord entered -Auburn, N.Y., prison for an indeterminate pure. It is in this way that Dr in MmbTnation I Williams' Pink Pills cure rheuma The black and wbite tombmation .yen after other remedies ...■ -- r - still good for >oung g have failed. These Pills make rich, term to ascertain the effects of im- coate. _:u red blood: they go right to the root prisonment on the minds of crimi- Æ r^o^theU'uh^ and !he pains and|L,s. tumes. size are driven from the system Silver buttons, the sue and] and win not return the blood | CHUBCH 0PEN TWICE A YEAR. ehane of a penny, trim some of the supply m kept pure. That is the enape oi * pen j, whole secret- of curing rheumatism, new suits. & variety of I and'if "you" are a sufferer begin to I English Traveler Visits Unknown Belts Qf® Tamr ^bout "he "waist I cure yourself to-day by taking Dr. I Parts of Lapland, ways. They hang about tne wai I wi n i ^ m „, p ink p ills . Among the rather than encirole it. man y gu ff e rer6 from rheumatism Frank Hedges Butler, one of the ticoats are still narr^ __ ' I ^ i j v.. I erreatest travelers of that much "Even when I was young I was not robust and healthy like other girls. I suffered from headaches; and had sort of blue feelings that; deprived me of the joyful spirits and pleasures other girls seemed to get. After I married I found I could not throw worries off like other women, and those full feelings of despondency and weariness made me very unhappy unhappy There was no cause to feel so, and my doctor said my liver was sluggish, and this accounted for my poor color, my tiredness, langour and despair. The pills the doctor gave me were too purgative, made me weaker weaker because they were too active for my constitution. Dozens of my friends recommended Dr. Hamilton s Pills, and they were so mild mid helpful. helpful. Well, I never used a pill that acted so quietly as Dr. Hamilton's. They were so comfortable to use, I was afraid they might not help. But in a week I knew they had been actively actively engaged in cleaning up my system. system. They did the^work- of a tonic and blood medicine combined. I improved improved to a marvelous degree with. Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and I now maintain maintain the most perfect kind of health by using them just once or twice a W0ôk*^ • It is Mrs. E. V.* Erlanger, well known at Gloucester, who relates the above experience. She proved what you and all others, men and. women, can prove--that Dr. Hamilton's Pills " h and best In perfect Body Covered With Running Sores, Çould Not Sleep from Itching and Pain. Cross and Fretful. Tried Fifty Remedies Without Result, Cured in Nine Days by Cuticura Soap and Ointment. SUN WELL ABSORB WORLD Savant Thinks New Solar System Will Be Created. SO .Champagne St., Montreal, Quebec.-- "I have a flve-year-old boy who was suffering suffering from what the doctor said was "la gratelle." His body was all covered with running sores. The trouble started with pimples and opened up into sores. Of course scratching made it worse. The eruptions eruptions appeared on his face and disfigured him awfully. ' 7" The boy could not sleep at P^yicoats are still narrower, I many -- - ~ , . 2, j; | crrpn.t,PRt travelers of that much can prove--that Dr. namme trim £bl7deV eeP flOUMea 01 laM «t: L a Miss ee M«y r D. KeUy, ^Uaveled bo4y, the. RoyalJeog-4" lie" ÏAtemtn 0r At"lor the fall -- Dr. are the foulards and dar p k £ rheumatism At times I known parts of Lapland. In the Pills> 2 Bc. a box, five for, $1.00, at all silks. , , , at"tack of Ttoumt ' . _ course of his journey he had two druggists and- storekeepers, -or post- Extensive is the use of tart a n wouid be a l mos t novel experience's--he attended a paid by the Catarrhozone Co , . plaids -with other materials. | I service in a church which is thrown | talc, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. >' night from the itching and pain, and I did not know what to do with him. It made him cross and fretful. If I have tried one, I have tried fifty remedies without result. At last I got samples of Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and after using them two days I noticed a change. I then bought a full-sized cake of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cuticura Ointment and I used to give the boy a hot bath dally using Cuticura Soap freely, and then applied the Cuticura Ointment. He had suffered three months with the horrible disease before before I started to use the Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and nine days after the boy was cured and bas not been troubled since.. (Signed) E. Cloutier, Dec. 12, 1911. Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment are sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. A single set Is often sufficient. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card Potter Drug Si Chem. Corp., Dept. 40D, Boston, U. 8. A« GROWS RECORD WHEAT CROP. Ball trimmin^are^een p^ral^ withth 6 "h Gl I ^ =n only two days in the year. new serge skirts--usually edging my back and legs /im-nprv could not walk, and my joints were drapery. . £ I -u» --J ---n-- I consulted dif- ÀUSTRALIAN BEEF EXPORT. Postman Discovers New Grain ol Remarkable Quality. A romantic story of the discovery of a wonderful new wheat by a ed Speaking of 'his trip Butler said : Elephant gray is one of the favor-I stiff and swollen. I consulted dit I ordinary 3 service is held once I In 1911, 382,000,000 Lbs. of Frozen I ^^ tman name <j Cook, at Buckden, shades for fall. Another is deep ferent doctors and took their medi- * _ &t £ fcAep- In July o{ each I Beef Were Sent Out. ' " ' ' 1 ' " plum. , I year a general wedding service is I Fresh meat ia 8e nt all the way I just come to light. near Huntingdon, England, has ivilli• . - , i , v , » . .-l,' 4-irm^x « year a scuciori y»cuuiu B ov* w-wx,. , grésil meai; ia bcui i *.«**.« . Hexagon mesh veils, with chen- temporary relief. At held and Lappcouples living within f rom Australia to' Great Britain for Three, years ago Mr. Cook was ille, silk, or velvet dots, are ire " | ujeighbor^ k I » 200 mile radius who wish to 6 e t | a shade over J^d. per lb. The price I walking through a wheatfield at quently seen. " mB ' ™ 8 - "Ü hnxea spliced come to the service. walking through ICUUIJ ..... , I . ... , . • ' L AT . fl I spliced COUlti UU the semov. , lg a - , „ , , Zibeline, especially in two tone|g U ppiy^ After taking & i.e <<j a-rrived" at the church just in excellent return to the farmers and ears which were bowing m the wind i I time to witness the affair. It was | pagtc)ra li s t B of the Commonwealth. | he detected one which was different LIOAAO -VWA ^ ^ * XT - I V - « , • 1 realizes at iSmithfield gives an Graveley, and among the myriati effects will be often chosen for j found they were 6 ---- v --x™= i eSecta ' ' 1 me, and I continued their use until 1 time dressy winter coats. I me, and 1 continued tneir use uuia!, icturesque ceremony. Th® I i n the flve years ending 1911, 382,-1 from all the rest he could see. He Never have more expensive silks the trouble completely disappearea. brideB (there were five of them) ^ qqq 0 f frozen beef were ex- plucked it and took it home as a "j were attired in red, with red ported from the Commonwealth. Of curiosity. > .. - ~ , , , , , , . . i scarves and tassels, white shoes, . thjfl upW ards of 246,000,000 lbs. It was a large ear, of peculiar fashioned of plain or brocaded did from the pangs and tortures ol ^ fup ga iters. The church was I went to the United Kingdom, while shape, thickening gradually to- de chine, or char- rheumatism." , , crowded, and, in accordance w ith $4 000,000 lbs. went to the Philip- ward the top, with an extraordin CU3V . You can 'get Dr. Williams j. custom, accommodation was found i 8 i an d s , and 36,000,000 lbs. to ary number of grains. _ Sleeveless tunics of brocade »P" Pills through any dealer in medi-l ^ end c £ tke dhurch for . the ^yth Africa. It is interesting to The wheat was sown m Cooks ;ar on some of the new charmeuse c i ne or by mail, post paid, at 50 re ^ n d eer who had borne the brides no rtce that Egypt is an increasing garden and when harvest time came cents a %>x or six boxes for $2.50 ohurch, and also for their l r Australian beef, and takes he had a wonderful crop. Tim seed rm - " Medicine I ^,, about 2,000,000 lbs. each year. ; In was carefully flailed and stored and I addition to this Australia exported the second seeding took place on in the same five years oyer 637,000,- Ms allotment. He now had enough pear g 0 ft, crushahle velour hats f^ r |from The Dr. Williams wee girlies are now to be seen in c 0 ., Brockville, Ont. the shops. I * On the finer undergarments, laces of cobwebby texture and the finest Valenciennes are used. Heavy white tussors, elaborately embroidered, is a popular , material The whole of the present solar system is ultimately to fall into the sun, causing an explosion that .may result in a new solar system.. Such is the theory put forward in the Weekly Journal of Natural Science by Prof. Philip Fauth, a well- known British astronomer, whose reputation has rested principally upon his researches into conditions on the moon. The novel feature of Dr. Fauth's theory is-that it is based upon the supposition that a great part of the known solar system, including especially especially ^the planets Jupiter, Uranus Uranus and Saturn, are not composed of mineral matter at all, but are trèmendous masses of ice, or balls of ice, surrounding a mineral kernel. kernel. Furthermore, he declares, a part of what is now known, as the Milky Way is not mineral or gaseous, gaseous, but "a ring of ice dust," masses of particles of ice suspended in space, the outer planets receiving receiving a constant addition to their ice mass from this source. Prof. Fauth declares that the world already at some remote period period has had a similar experience, resulting in the death of nearly all animate nature and that all species of life as we know it have arisen since then. Eventually the planets swinging through their narrowing orbits will fall into the sun, causing a new explosion and perhaps the birth of a new solar system, but for thousands of years before that time all life, either on earth or elsewhere, elsewhere, will have disappeared. The child's delight. The picnicker's choice. Everybody's favorite. W. C3ABK. MTr., Montreal. 1 ELECTRIC DYNAMO 0* GENERATOR FOR SALE A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY 30 K.W., 110 VOLTS, 0.C, 675 R. P. M. At a Very Reasonable Figure foi ' Immediate Sale. S, FRANK WILSON & SONS, 73 Adelaide St. West, TORONTO. EDUCATION. T^LLIOTTT BUSINESS COLLEGE, TO* li ronto. Canada's Popniar Commercial Commercial School. Magnificent Catalogue free. FARMS FOR SALE. N. w. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. GRAIN AND DAlBT F SUIT, STOCK. _ . Farme In all sections ot Ontario. Borne an ape. ACTORY SITES, WITH OH W lTHOUl f, Bail way trackage, in Toronto, Brampton and. other - town* and cltlee. KING'S VALUABLE stamps. THE FALL WEATHER Collection Includes Postal Emissions Emissions of British Empire. For many years King George has for evening and afternoon wraps-. U en aQ €n thusiastic stamp collec- m essaime petticoats are | but- a^rding to D. B. Arm- trimmed Dark m essaime pemcoars K but, according to D. rimmed with bands of Bulga | s ^ ron g^ a well-known authority, in . 000 lbs. of frozen beef hnd mutton, seed to" sow nearly three acres.. . HARD ON LITTLE ONES of which 583,000,000 were bought by Mr. Cook stated m^an interview ; United Kingdom. During the that he was persuaded that a bet Canadian tail weather i, extreme- | pa=t few menths ; muehjnteree^hae | ter, wheat known^ ^ ly hard on little ones. One day it | been awakened in Australia l^r a , ,, -_x I Her ie8 of experimental shiploads of Joss' are supposed to" be the cham- •36 ^arm and bnght and the next | series oi_experime^ ^ an d wWts round here," he said, wet andZcold These sudden frozen beef to San Franvisco, and p jon wheats round here - I • -- T--- 4- < û vafliilffi I * this entirely bents them- embroidery six inches deep . I ch^berê's " Journal, the intrinsic I unfeaT baby's little^stom-1 that the Union Steamship Company h 6 VMivalue oi his collection is hy no | ^'fright the^esult may be | of New Zealand ha* decided to add A stunning vest can _:riped satin or bens , cords clearly defined Tapir hide is one i thers for handbags and purses mg on colds, cramps d | so p TT J?„ n «+o.m=>ii*Ti Onmnanv I "The characteristics of the wheat are developed wonderfully compar its I ed with other sorts. I have looked service. | in Striped satin or >eng.Une ? with the ! ^ commonly re, | "to equ>i | tvojw , - ^""07^ Encyclopaedia of lea . | puted and certainly does not *"*18^,7*6 0*1. Tablets in keeping the Sydney^an I Agriculture and I cannot find any Tapir hide is one of the new $500,000 or so at which it in I one >, we ll. They sweeten . .w. «w SiFHIESïsL.S.-fltiS I 16 86 Cheviot serge coats trimmed wth | ^ The moat hig My special- ^ TabletArè sold by medicine likely ^ /"^trlüa^ m^irraSd ized sections are those devoted to . mail ' at 25 cents a box whole of Australia ■ 1B he stamps of Great Britain, Maur- The Dr. Williams' Medicine upon the stall- SS? OC Brockviile, Ont __ | ^'u^W^ fur will be worn with checked skirts. Such coats ; are often girdled. The charm of the flounced skirt has returned to favor, and many pretty dresses show kilted flounc- ings of tulle or lace. * Foolish Teacher. Small Tommy--Our teacher whipped whipped a boy to-day for whispering, but it didn't do any. good. Mamma--Why not 1 _ Small Tommy--'Cause it made him holler ten times louder than ne whispered. Hot water and lemon juice effec- ">tively cleanse cane seats. SiUichap : "We all admire a, man who says just what he thinks. Cynicchaip : "Yes, about other people."- Many a poor woman thinks »h© caq, do nothing without a husband, and when she gets one finds she can do nothing with him. Sanford--So you don't believe ir. judging a man by his clothes Orabshaw--No, indeed 1 That b the way we judge a woman, and look how we got fooled ! ILLEGIBLE HANDWRITING. omes. Among numerous interesting specimens specimens in the King's Great Britain ^ ate p oet 0 f Sierras Said to Be collection may be noted the artist s Worst Writer of the Age original pencil sketch of the cele- 3rated Mulready envelope and a Illegible handwriting may inrove nair of rough water color sketches an aid to prosperity. The late Lord showing the general èffect of the Goschen said of his father : He has first "Queen's Bead,*' the penny told me, half m joke and half black and twopence blue drawn by earnest, that when he came to hffl- Bir Rowland Hill and submittedby don he was obliged.. tofou ° dafi ™ him to the Chancellor oi the Ex- because he wrote such a bad hand cheauer for his approval. . that no one would take him for a cnequer i yy clerk." Of Lord Goschen himself T rnr/»d biographer remarks: "In his LUIDDdgll LUI Vu. j latter years he might have spelt as Sweet Charity. Johnny--Please, pa, let me have a quarter to give to a poor, lame man. Pa--Who is the poor, lame man, Johnny ? Johnny--Er--well, pa, he's the ticket seller down at the circus. type of wheat resembling this sort. < fThe shape\of the ear is different from any I knbw. It is longer and grows thick andsbea^-y,at the top. It is sturdy in growth and', is inclined inclined to be a little later than other wheats." » At. eminent scientist, the other day, gave his opinion that the most won derful discovery of recent years was the discovery of Zam-Buk. Jus" think! As soon as a single thin layer of Zam-rBuk is applied to a wound or a sore, such injury is insured against hlood poison ! Not one species of microbe has been, found that Zam-Buk does not kill ! Then again. As soon as Zam-Buk is applied to a §ore, or a cut, or to Bkin disease, it stops the smarting. That Is why children are such friends of Zam-Buk. They care nothing for the science of the thing. All they know is that Zam-Buk stops their pain. -^'Mothers should never forget this. 1 • „ _ . . Again/ As soon as Zam-Buk is applied applied to a wound or to a diseased part, the cells beneath the skin's surface surface are so stimulated that new .Èëalthy tissue is quickly formed. This forming ot fresh healthy tissu» /rom below is Zam-Buk's secret ot healing. The tissue thus formed is worked up tp the surface and literally casts off the diseased tissue above it. This is why Zam-Buk cures are permanent. Only the other day Mr. Marsh, of 101 Delorimier Ave., Montreal, called upon the Zam-Buk Co. and told them that for over twenty-five years he had been a martyr to eczema. His hands were at one time so covered with sores that he had to sleep in gloves. Four yeara ago Zam-Buk was introduced, to him, and in a few months it cured him. To-day over three years after his cure of a disease he had for twenty-five years--he is still cured, and has had no trace of any return of the eczema! All druggists sell Zam-Buk at 50o. box, or we. will send free trial box if you send this advertisement and a lo. stamp (to pay return postage). Address Address Zam-Buk Co.. Toronto. PROPERTIES R esidential 1 Brampton and a dozen other town*. -H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto STAMPS ANf OINS TAMP COLLECTORS--HUNDRED DIF- i. Catalogue. Marke Stamp S feront Foreign Btampa. Catalogue. Album, only Seven Cente. Cnrnnp r>v Toronto NEWSPAPER FOR SALE. C OUNTRY WEEKLY NEWSPAPER FOB Sale In good Ontario Excellent opening for man of energy. Write WUson Publishing Company. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS of our atmo»- Strange Phenomena pnere--whence ? 119 pagee. 10c. Joseph Grolg, Paulding, Ohio- ETC.. TUMORS, LUMPS. 0 A bS«n'al Vnd/eiteroal ; jnied jrlth. cot pain by our home treatment- wnte ue before too late- Dr Sellman Medical Oo.. Limited. Collingwood. Ont. all stones, kidney and blad- Grader etoneB. 'Kidney trouble. Gravel, and kindred ailments poeitively Lumbago and kindred -- - - onred with the new German rmnedy. ^8^5x1.^orloe $1.50. Another new remedy for DlabeteB-Mellitue, and 8ure__ "Sanol'e Anti-Diabetea." Price $2^)0 from druggiste or direct- The Sanol Manufac- taring Company of Canada. Limited. Winnipeg. Man. -- FOR SALE Pulleys & Shafting Suitable for Mills. Meiwfaoturleg Fleets, Printing Houses, Ho. $5,000 LIMERICK PRIZE. The winning of it can't ease the pain of the corn, but "Putnam's" will eaee, cure and prevent oorne and warts. Guarantee Guarantee goes with every bottle ot Putnam's." Putnam's." Use no other, 25o. at all dealer». Breakfast Sunshine Evprv A rbf' CfYlIP he chose, for no one could have af- EYCiy AU1C UUUU firmed with certainty how_ many Ts' he might have put in 'al- Thous&nds Still Suffering That Can though.' At length hie script be- Be Quickly Cured By came undecipherable, even by Gos- "Nerviline." Ichen himself. He could not when speaking in Parliament make out The Case of Harold P. Bushy. I w hat it was that he had put on pa- * ■--* I per, and he thus came in later "Three years àgo I discovered that years to abandon almost entirely man subj_ect to lumbagomight just nraotice of making notes." T oasties and Cream as Veil He ae»a I cl the A countryman, going into one of the big London stores, saw for the first time an electric fan buzzing busily on the counter. He watched it with great interest for some time : then turning to the salesman, salesman, he said-"Golly! That's a livëly squirrel you've got m there, ain't it 1 ter of H. P. Bushy/^t well-known man Sierras," who died a few months In the piumblng and tlnsmithing bus!-1 ago, has been put forward as the ness. \ . very worst writer that ever lived. "One attack came after another, and The secretary of a literary society lumbago, got to be a chronic onoe i nv ited him to attend a bam- work'beS tW&B.'Suel paln Uuet and received an answer ol would attack my back. I used a gal- which no one could ^decipher a Ion of liniments; not one of them ! word. He wrote again to the poet, seemed penetrating enough to get at stating the difficulty and suggested the core of the pain. I read in the ^h&t. in replying, he should make a Montreal Witness about Nerviline, j cr<>66 the foot of his letter if he Sij5t*!î were ^aÿ» drcle il he oould A Scotsman the other day went to a London dentist with the tootii- aohe. The dentist told him he would get relief by having it out, "Then I must have gas, replied thÊïScot. While the dentist was getting ready the Soot begun ta count his money. The dentist said, Eomewhat testily. "You need. DGjfe pay me until 'it ■ out ! - • replied the Scot; "but aâ There's a delicious smack in these crisp, appetising bits of toasted corn that brings brightness and good cheer to many and many à breakfast table. we It Isn't His Fault. Howell--Edison says that sleep too much. Powell--Well, it isn't his fault ; he has invented enough ^things to keep us awake. Mlnard'e Liniment Cures Dandruff. Why He Needed It. Small Arthur--"Mamma, I hurt my finger. Please tie a ra£ on it. Mamma (after an examination)-- It isn't injured enough to need A Use for Everything. Aspiring Vocalist--Professor, do you think I will ever be able to do anything with my voice! Persrpiring Teacher -- Well, it might come in handy in case of fire or shipwreck. Wllnard's Liniment lor sale everywhere. Boarding House Repartee. He was one of those fresh young fellows, given to the use o{ u°S disms and stale slang. At - the breakfast table, desiring the milk he exclaimed : "Chaee 2 Wood Split Pulleys, 12% x 43 in, for 3 15/16 in. shaft. 1 Wood jSslit Pultey, 12% x 48 in# for 2 16/16 in. ehaft. I Wood Split Pulley, 13*4 x 28 in# for 3 7/16 in L shaft. 1 Wood Split Pulley, 10>£ x 36 in. for 3 7/16 in. shaft. Pulley* of smaller «lees and F hatting of various lengths and idea» to be sold at very low figure». Box 23, Wilson Publishing Co., Toronto. Natural Result. "Banks is broke." "That's why he looks all gone to pieces ;; the cow Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eye» or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn t Smart --Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c. down othis way, please." Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tnbe», "Here Jane," said the landlady, 2 5c, 50c. Eye Bodks Free by Mail, take the cow down to where the I < C calf ia bawling. )> Aa Eye T.nle Oeed fer AH Eyee Hut Need Cmf Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago i ( ) J tying up, dear Small Arthur--"Well, tie a rag The eucceseful man you what he is going to do next never , telle on it, anyway, so I won't forget « i Awn Afnxt which finger it is that hurts." „ j A Well-KnO WI1 JM.au. Minard'* Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. Mlnard'e Liniment Cures Burns, Eta naln-relieving action every time it was aunUed. When I got the disease under under control with Nerviline, I built up my strength and fortified my blood by taking Ferrozone at meals. This treat> ment cured me permanently, and I urge everyone to give up the thick; white, oily liniments they are using, and try an up-to-date, penetrating, pain-destroyer like Nerviline. "Please publish my letter the world over. I want all to hear of Nerviline." Nerviline." . „• Don't be cajoled into receiving anything anything from your dealer but * "Nervi- line • Large family size /bottles 60c., triai size 25o., all dealer* or The Ca not be present. Miller complied with the reques* but nobody could decide whether the mark he made was intended tot S 6T 6 croiMk Toaetiea sure untouched by hand in makings and come in tightly sealed packages-- clean and sweetr---ready to eat with cream and sugar. Just Her Husband. A woman mounted the step of a car, carrying her umbrella bke a reversed sabre. The conductor touched her lightly, lightly, saying, "Excuse me* madam, but yoti are likely to put out the eye of the man behind you. "He's my husband," she snapped, snapped, with the tone of full proprietorship. proprietorship. It Rarely Happens. ,# I never fail to help a brother in with | distress if I can do so as well as not." Minard'a Liniment, Oo., Limited. Teooimnend yonr Mirv ARDS Ii rN im-Jsjtx- for Rheumatism Bpr%B. M I ha excellent r v Toute I ' ^Have you helped anybody re- 8. John, j cently V "No. It beats the d'ekens how seldom one can give help a» well as not." Dr. Morse*» Indian Root Pills 'n that " re're aboot to make me unconscious I t arr hozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and just want to see how I stand 1" Kingston, Canada. r The Reason Why. "Why do they say 'A» smart as a steel tra-p ?' " asked the talkative boarder.- "I never could see anything anything particularly intellectual about a steel trap:" ' "A steel trap is called smapfc," explained the elderly pereojd, in His sWèteet voice; ; ,! oçxi6RMie it knows exactly the rigrjat time to shut up." Wholesome Nourishing Easy toServe aie made according to a fonnula in Use nearly a century ago a Indians, and learned from Sold by Grocers everywhere. CsExtlan Poe»--OormA Oo. Ltd.- - Windsor. Ontario. . o among the x>m them by Dr. Morse. Though repeated^ attempts attempts have been made, by phy*- cians and chemist», It h»s been round Smposeibk to improve the fwmuW or tbepüls. Dr. Mor*'» Indian Root Pflla area household remedy throughout throughout the world for Constipation and a# Kidney and Liver trouble». They act promptly and effectively, and Fact and Fancy. There's no fool like an old sage. Parrots are left-handed. The Japs hold t/he world's record aa divorcers. Make ope person -happy to-day, even if it's only yourself. The Spanish beggar is the only one who smokes while on duty. Don't go t& law unies* you are prepared to stay a long time. Natural furs fade more quickly! than dyed ones. . . . Ladies, if you make artificial violets violets at home, you can earn three cents a gross almost anywhere. Kisses are good for their DODDS KIDNEY; PILLS ? tyixwN'S^ K vxx v ' :/ ou !DNt y thb ? ' face X Cleanse tLe System value. g ED. 4. ISSUE 43--T8. Si Wmmm V TYtTTYYTt t