FINDS NEW INDIANS. t Cleans Cut Glass and all Glassware--- j easily, thoroughly and quickly. Leaves them [ bright and highly polished--absolutely clean, I For every kitchen use Panshine is equally effective. It keeps woodwork and paintwork spotless. Panshine is a pure, white, and clean powder without any disagreeable smell-- IncwJ^r- os** To* PANSHINE the magical kitchen cleanser. Sold in handy * sifter top can lUCi At AU Grocer. PS Either Bitten or Stung. An aged colored man was passing ) fish store when he stopped to )xamine a huge turtle chained in )he doorway as an advertisement. He had never seen a turtle before before and he prodded the strange )reature. Suddenly he popped his \nger into its mouth with a howl of lain. After the finger had stopped jleeding he gazed at it ruefully, hen eyed the turtle apprehen- ively. ""What's the matter, 'Rastusî asked the fish .dealer, with a grin. "NuBn\ sah, nuEn\ Ah was jest wondering whether Ah had been bit or stung." Brazil Explorer Says Savages Worshipped Worshipped Him as God. . Albert Lang, who is exploring the sources of the Amazon for the Brazilian Brazilian Government, has written of the discovery of a new tribe of Indians, Indians, a thousand miles from civilization, civilization, between the headwaters of Gairary and Mo]u Rivers. .Mr. Lang gives a picturesque description description of the. savages, ^hp^, he ok him for a god, embracing .hjs feet to shdrw their devotion. Their tools,' hewrites, are ; , stone and their ideas so unusual as to suggest their belonging to another age. The Jewish, cast of their features might lead one to infer that they were of the lost tribes, did not their ignorance ignorance of iron and writing argue against it, ,, I am a maloca (hut), writes'Mr, Lang, "of a curious tribe of genuine savages, arriving here after taking my six-man canoe above the headwaters of the Cair- ary and Mojd Rivers, fighting our way through five dangerous rapids to get here. After x fifteen days search I got in touch with a virgin tribe, which can be so described because they are wholly untouched and unspoiled by civilization. They use stone axes and by their aid have cleared away some thirty acres of jungle, and so blunt are these tools that the trees look as if they had been chewed off. "They grow cotton and yet go wholly nude, only the women wear- waistbands. I was received Tea At Its Best "SALADÀ" TEA is always the same, no matter when or where you buy it._ b the choicest tea--green, black or mixed--from the finest tea* growing country in the world--Ceylon, with its exquisite flavor freshness protected by the sealed lead packages. o66 rub the inside with a hard crust of bread dipped in salt, then wash with hot soda and water. Always wash the lid of a saucepan as care- , fully as the pan itself, for the flavor flavor of one dish may cling to it and spoil the next which, is cooked in that particular pan. Place all fish- kettles and saucepans, in front of' the fire for a few minutes after washing so that they be thoroughly dried inside. This keeps them in good condition and makes th^m last longer, "When Gladys Makes a Cake. On Saturday at breakfast time You'Ll hear Miss Gladys say : "Now, mother, you and Bridget Must have a holiday ; So don't come near the kitchen,. But rest, for pity's sake, While I do all your duties And make the Sunday cake/*- When removing baking tins from the oven, use a damp cloth and your hands will not get burnt. When frying sausages, roll them in flour before placing• in the pan. This will prevent them from bursting. bursting. z Then, O, a track of sugar Across the spotless floor ; And, ah, the jelly, smudges On the handle of the door j v . Lo, the citron, spice and raisin» ing waistbands. I was received I And the cochineal so pink hospitably and carefully watched, j j^ re daubed on chairs and table They embrace me frequently and And even in the sink 1 give me bad drinks. I am here to look up the indigenous tribes for I Eleven cups are needed the Government of Brazil and as- To separate the eggs ; certain their possibilities and the And corpulent old Bridget best means of entering into rela- j s run clean off her legs ; tions with them. They are like big,. I For she must mel/fc the butter, savage children, kind, but euspi-1 And she must mix the dough, clous. Some of. the men have He- ! while Gladys grates the chocolate braie features. They show great J And smears it high and low. spoonfuls into smoking hot fat. Cook them carefully, for only a short time, drain them on brown paper, and serve immediately. Scalloped oysters and oyster pates are old standbys that we cannot afford. afford. to give up. To make scalloped scalloped oysters fill a buttered baking dishjwith alternate layers of cracker cracker crumbs, oysters and seasoned moistening. Moistening, of course, soaks through the cracker crumbs. Make it of equal parts of the oyster liquid and hot milk, seasoned with melted butter, pepper and salt. Top the dish with buttered crumbs and moisten them with half a cupful of liquid, to which a beaten egg has been added. Bake the oysters covered covered for half an hour, then remove the cover, and brown quickly. This is a good recipe for the filling for oyster pates : Chop a quart of She Knew. Teacher--Have you looked up the meaning of the word imbibes, Fanny 1 Fanny--Yes, ma'am. Teacher--Well, what does it mean 1 Fanny--To take in. Teacher--Yes. Now give sentence sentence using thé word. Fanny--My aunt imbibes boarders. boarders. ^GILLETT COMPANY UKJT^ TORONTO ONT- Storing Apples for Winter.--The apples should be spread on . clean, dry shelves, and a little distance must be left between each apple. Never allow the apples to touch, as nothing causes them to rot sooner sooner than this. When shelves are not available, shallow boxes filled with dry sand can be used, the apples being packed in the sand. When a fellow carries a picture in his vratoh there is usually a woman woman in the case. for oyster pates : L,nop a £ A Remedy for Bilious Headache. ZiT- M.L- too tablMDOonlula of 1 -- T -Of" subject O' biliou. heed- FOR MAKING SOAP SOFTENING WATER DISINFECTING CLOSETS.DRAINS SINKS, 6= j! vvv JT knife. Melt; two .tablespoonfuls of j Vegetable Mis butter, add the same amount of acne, ^ ^ +n flour, cook and then add a cupful of rich milk. Season with red and black pepper and salt. Add the j minced oysters- to the cream sauce and cook for five minutes. Have the pate shells hot, fill them with skill with the bow and arrow, some of the former measuring eight feet." FAMILY OF FIVE ) w 0^ Alas ! the devastation In that kitchen prim and clean ! A stack of sticky silver And utensils seventeen ! Please, mother, can't you finish J fled, up?" Miss Gladys then will say ; ( ( 'ft * ■ ./U. All Indulged Freely From Infancy. It is a common thing in this „ country to see whole families "1 quite forgot I'd promised growing up with nervous systems | To attend the matinee weakened by tea and coffee drinking. drinking. 1 Delicious Oyster Dishes. That is because many parents do I oyster Soup.--Oyster soup not reakze that tea and coffee con- ^ luncheon soup, especially sat tain a drug -- caffeine -- which , vv . _ children. Then the oyster mixture, and set in the oven for a minute before serving, very bob. Oyster Salad.--For oyster salad drop, large oysters into their own liquor, which should be strained, and scalding hot, and leave them there until they are plump and ruf- l^rain them on a sieve and dry them on cheesecloth. Cool them and quarter them with a sil ver knife. Mix them with chopped celery and mayonnaise and serve them on crisp, white lettuce leaves- Did it Taste Any Different! "Waiter !" "Yes, sir." are recommended as the way to speedy relief. Taken according to directions they will subdue irregularities irregularities of the stomach and so act upon the nerves and blood vessels - . that the pains in the head will "What is «us? That - S(me cea c e There are few who are not O, I m sorr>, sn. t retime subject to bilious of the manager's phonograph <W and familiar with its attendant Sorry it got mixed up with jour evils. Yet none need suffer with plate of pancakes, sn. It s a these pills at hand. take, sir. is a Timely Hints. ; ,(G< i s,-A Tfjmember the English <violtts in your grandmoth- er's garden? You •will catch their fragrance again in this soap• , . j •or.VnWi i 8' juu j.u.uwi.ov^L --i "v -- | TTonifl Cleaning Hints.--To dry taH1 & trouble (The same is ^factory for school children. There clean & w fiite jersey, rub powdered causes _ the tro b . ( are several w&ysrof varying it to starch well into the soiled parts, f ° "There five children in my make it tempting. The first re-1 n up tightly, and leave for two t m nlv " o Western mother quisite for good oyster soup of any L Then shake out all starch, family, writes a Western motner^ oysters only long + ,i_ 1 - A , eAV w m h« nnite clean. Smell Violets then smell this soap Get Jergens Violet Glycerine Soap from your dealer today and smell it. Know why everyone is insisting on getting this particular soap. , . Upon the violet, nature has lavished the sweetest, most appealing ot perfumes. Everyone has always wanted this odor m soap, but heretofore it has evaded soapmakers everywhere. In this soap wa have caught it the real fragrance of violets. Everyone finds this soap a most inexpensive and effective means to increase increase the pleasure of shampoo or bath. It imparts to the entire body to. exquisitely fresh fragrance, diffusing from the hair and the hands a wonderfully wonderfully persistent perfume, contributing its own sweetness to your toilet. out medicine and are entirely re- came through a pi c Ueved of heart trouble. Then boil it, skim it and add (Caffeine causes heart trouble the oysters to it When the oy- when continually used as in coffee sters are ruffled and plump take it drinking ) from the fire, add a pint of hot "Our eleven-vear-old boy had a milk, well-seasoned with salt and weak digestion "from birth, and yet pepper, and a little butter, and always craved and was given cof- serve immediately. Vary this P fee. When we changed to Postum by adding two taiblespoonfuls of he liked it and we gave him all he chopped celery to the hot milk, or wanted. He has been restored to a teaspoonful of chopped^ onion or health by Postum and still likes parsley, or a tablespoonful of finely n grated cheese. Sometimes thicken Name given by Canadian Postum I it with a tablespoonful of butter Co. Windsor, Ont. Write for the I and a table,spoonful of flour rubbed little book, "The Road to ; Well- together. Bometimee add a few oy- ville." j eter crackers when you mix the oy- Postum comes in two forms : sters and hot milk. Regular Postum--must be boiled. J Another Lunch Dish.--Oyster loaf Instant Postum is a soluble pow- j is another satisfying luncheon dish, der. A teaspoonful dissolves quick-J To make it take off the top crust ly in a cup of hot water and, with from a loaf of bread and scoop out cream and sugar, makes a delici- the soft crumb part from the m- ous beverage instantly* Grocers s ide, leaving a wall at the sides and and the jersey will be quite clean. To clean a light-colored costume, take equal parts of oatme'al and whiting, and with a pad of clean white flannel rub well into the material. material. Leave for a short time, then shake out and press on the wrong side. To clean a white lace blouse, rub thoroughly with block magnesia, magnesia, leave in an air-tight box «for. a day, then shake out and press. On Washing Saucepans.--When a saucepan is burnt or blackened, CARTERS CURE Blok Headache and relieve aU the troubles til* /Lent to a bilious state of the system, auoh as jDizrinesa, Nausea, Drowsiness. Distress after eating. Pain in the Side, &o. While theirmoet remarkable success has been shown in curing- VIOLET sell both kinds. "There's a reaao-n" CAUSE OF FOREST FIRES. Send for sample coke today. Ask your druggist for it first. If he hasn't it, send us à ac stamp for a sample cake. Address the Andrew Jergens Co., Ltd., 6 Sherbrooke Street, Perth, Ontario. bottom three-quarters of an inch for Postum. 1 thick. Dry the middle of the bread and crumb it, and add it to two tablespoonfuls of melted butter. Make a cream sauce from three _. \ , tablespoonfuls of butter, two of Discarded j ^ our aI1 d half a cupful' of milk. Scald a quart of oysters in their SICK yet Carter's Little Liver ,PU1* D 111 10c a cake. Three cake» for 25c--Get a quarter's worth For sale by Canadian druggists from coast to coast including Newfoundland HONEST TEA IS THE BEST POLIO' rs 1 A A ^ ; -X G L S F S A L E Sun's Rays Focus on Empty Bottles. ^ _ v - Governmental authorities are al- own liquid and them . and = ^J ways anxious to find out the cause .the bread case with the oyeters and o£ forest fires, since Canada has cream sauce and crumbs in alter- cured -- ■ 1 -- HEAD IN TML WORLD Hfgh class 5-Year Beads that sro PreBt-Slisrlng. Serles-SlOO, $500, $1000 INVSSTMKNT may be withdrawn any time national SECURITIES C0RP0RÂTI0II, umited èeerEOiiUTioe urt auiLOiae - - Toioim w»*»* suffered severely in this respect in recent years; According to some theories, the cause is very often empty glass bottles. It is an unfortunate fact that in practically every hunting camp there are men who are fond of their drink, and they are careless where they -throw their discarded flasks or beer bottles. This heavy glass cast intb'-â- bundle .'.of--dry ; leaves -will - catch the rays of ; .the; sun and; start a fire just as ;a. naagni- fying glass would. An inspector while walking along a wooded trail one day, saw a thin curl of smoke arising from leaves nearby. He went to the spot and looked'carefully, but could see no cause for. the fire. As he was in the act of stamping it out, he^dis- covered the bottom of a beer bottle lying on the leaves^ upon which the sun was playing its rays. This may appear to be a trivial reason to account for some of our great forest fires, but if it is true that fires are so caused, measures taken to prevent prevent hunters and lumbermen from throwing empty bottles carelessly Away,biay L mean the.preyebtionTof mbcb costly destruction^ / y naifce layers. Top the filling with crumbs. Bake tit for twenty minutes, minutes, until the crumbs are brown. Entrees of Oysters.--Oyster fritters fritters are onè of the best oyster entrees. entrees. To make them drain two dozen good-sized oysters and; chop them-fine. Beat two eggs light, add a cupful of niil|; and à cupful and about; Bevenréijghtihs-ja scant , two cU^fiilà^df ;flôu|. sifted with : half à; teaspodnfi^^^^rig#^ 6 ^-: this batter "smoOtii, aml -seasdh- it with salt and pepper. Add the oysters oysters and>droptiie table- Aohethey wonld be almoatpricelew to •offer from thii dietreeaing complaint; butfort^ nately their goodness does notend here,and those who once try them will find theeeUttle Pülsvalac able In so many ways that they win to do without them. But afte^aJl sick head J Y1AVLIVLAW waw***s -- ACHE ÎS the bane of bo many lives tha t here 1» where we make our great boast. Our pilla cure it while ° t Ca*tor's I L?ttle Liver Pills Are very and very easy to take. One or two pm» m *keadMa Th«r are strictly vegetable and do not-gripe o* purge, but by -their gentle action plea» nee them. - THE big, roomy house or in the small Cottage there is always some cold comer where extra heat is needed. Ft \ mb m as ifRFECtlO zS Smokeless Solid Comfort in Cold Weather gives you heat, where and when you want it. The new model Perfection Heater, just on the market, has improvements that make it the best heater ever made. No smoke -- automatic-locking flame-spreader. No -w smell. Flat font insures steady heat. Indicator in sight. Bums nine hours on a gallon of oil. Finished with blue enamel or plain steel drums; nickel-plated. Stock àt all chief points. For best results use Royalite Oil THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY, Limited Toronto Ottawa Halif Montreal Quebec St. John Winnipeg Calgary Regina Vancouver Edmont on Saskatoon the efficacy of |tÙs : ' jühorbqghly tried home remedy là never misplaced. In every-way^in health, strength, spirits spirits and in lbbloi--women' ;fead them- selves better . after timely use of U Wear them --Give them PERRIN For Holiday Social Affairs - or for Seasonable Gifts / See that the well known trademarks as shown in cuts are on every glove you buy and- you wiU then be sure of perfect Style, fit and Finish. B.,< dealer, «wyeAere «*• gmnulnm PBRRIM'S GLOVES 4-iwa -,$g