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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1913, p. 7

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c ■ V V T r y Eclipse F ovir for ° and Pastry- It makes delicious pies, cakes and fancy pastry. It 4 ' TaKes Less Shortening than Manitoba flour. That's why so many of the best cooks prefer Eclipse Flour it is economical. Sold by all Grocers. Manufactured by Fred. C. Vanstone, , Bowmanville. Phone 77. Mr. Ivan M*Law is unloading another car of coal this week. Several : cars jp coal have been sold from this -PJ ,n * the last couple of months all of which have given satisfaction to the consumers. -AdSÎ" VSE. Norval. S. Washington has brought in a fine lot of pure-bred Holsteins from Brockville Mr. A.Bai son with his force of hel . pe 5* tip the apple packing at _ the fruit house this week. : McLaughlin Cutters at Masons. D ARLINGTON NEWS. eeeee*ee*ee*e**eee*eeee*w Order Coal Now LEHIGH VALLEY COAL I am receiving almost daily several cai s of the best Lehigh Valley Coal, shipped direct from the mines--Chestnut, Stove and pea sizes, Send your order in now and have prompt delivery E. W. Los com be Yards and Office at Holgate's Evaporator, Corner Division and Queen-sts., opposite High School. Phone 177. Maple Grove League visited Base Line C E. Friday evening. They: gave a good program of music, readings & .recitations. Vir. Harry Freeman, president occupied the chair and Rev. S. F. Dixon read the scripture lesson. A lunch was then served and a social hour spent... ; Miss Margaret Oke, Oshaw , has been visiting Mrs. Mark Blackburn. ...Misé Olive Parsons is visiting visiting her father, Mr. J. L. Parson^ postmaster. postmaster. . I .Mr. John Holt has improved his place with new stables. Mr. Rowland Cale has finished apple packing in this vicinity... .Mrs. Jones who lives on the Stanley farm is recovering from a very serious illness. If you order your Fertilizer now we can save you money at Mason s. COURTICE BRIEFS. Mrs. R. H. Nunn has returned to Winnipeg Winnipeg after a visit among friends here Recent visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Chubb, Clifford; Clifford; Mrs. James McKenzie, Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. Walters, Port Hope; Miss Lyla Osborne, Miss Carlottà Courtice and Miss Mackay, Toronto Splendid prog rams have marked the Epworth League meetings this Fall. Miss Florence Osborne Osborne is in charge this week.... Mr. Kenneth Kenneth Courtice spent the week-end in the north......Mr. A. B. Werry and Pastor Dixon attended the Conference for men at Whitby Annual Thank-offering of the Ebenezer congregation for the W.M.S. will be given Sunday evening, Nov. 30th, when Rev. S. C. Moore, B.A,, B.D., Osh- awa, will occupy the pulpit. A ladies choir will give a musical service. Mrs. W. Wotten wishes to express^ sincere sincere thanks to friends and neighbore for their kindness in her time of trouble " the death of her 4ate husband, William I Wottenv -i /-V/ v V MAPLE GROVE. Mrs. W. J. Snowden visited her sister, Mrs. D. J.Gay v Oshawa..™' founds Courtice, Mrs. Jas. McKenzie, Columbus, Columbus, spent Sunday with their br ?ther, MKS/c. Rundle ...The League visited the Base Line Christian- Endeavor Friday evening and spent a pleasant ti-...- ^ Leslie Snowden went alone to^Tauuton^to District Division--not like old times, eh. .. .../Miss Elsie Collacott has R reSlgne ^5 preceptress of our academy. Better Iuck next time, trustees. ■ " Cutters and Sleighs at Mason s. haydon news. Get Your Winter Suit NOW You will be getting a Sait or an Overcoat this Winter. Then why not get one made to order. There is no form we cannot fit and our selections of Serges, Tweeds, Worsteds and Cheviots are the finest that can be had. We guarantee all the work that we turn out and can suit you perfectly. Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing done. Albert Crossman Practical Tailor Horsey Block, Opposite Post Officé - Bowmanville Visitors: Mr. George Creeper with friends in Toronto; Miv and Mrs. Sam Mount joy with Mr. Wm. Mpuntjoy, ^ - field; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Elliott, Cadmus, at Mr. Rd. Slemon's; Miss Annie Ureeper with her sister, Mrs: A. Grant, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. John Rundje, their son, W. RS-Rundle.. see Mr. and Mrs. John Wright m ou midst again... .Master Lloyd Ashton is recovering from the effects of a L° arm... ..Rally Day was observed m our Sabbath Sbhool Sunday af te f noon; the service wasVery instructive and interest ing and was Very creditable to al taking part Rev. WxHiggs, in his genial manner, manner, congratulated the school on the ad mirable way in which the program was conducted. LOCAL OPTION NOTES. In this issue are running an announcement announcement showing cash prices on Page Wire Fence, of known high quality to many of pur readers, which should be of particular interest to many Canadian farmers. These are high quality goods at mail order prices. Our readers should not forget to send for the Page Catalogue, showing not only fence but practically everything a good farm needs, and at low cash prices. PHOTOGRAPHS FOR CHRISTMAS. What can you give that is as much appreciated? appreciated? Photos of the children for grandfather, mother, aunts and uncles, pictures of yourself and wife for your children and your family. They will be delighted to receive them instead of some useless ornament. We take them anc take them so well that they are just like life. That is the kind of pictures you want to give your friends. We have just received an assortment of the very latest thing in mounts. Some swell folders] among them, from $2 to $5 a dozen; ^the $5 line is something very nifty. Plain mountings from $1.50 a dozen up. You know the place. James Block, opposite Bowman House. THOS. K OBSON, The j Old Reliable Photographer, Bowmanville. WEST DURHAM FARMERS' INSTITUTE as fol- at I. Regular meetings will be held lows: Tuesday, Dec. 2--At Nestleton and 7 P m > _ , Wednesday, Dec. 3--Kendal, Foresters Hall at 1.30 pm; * Wednesday, Dec. 3 -- Ne wtonville, Sons SOLINA DOINGS. Mr. John Davis, Foley, preached very I acceptably here Sunday Several from here attended District Division at Taunton Taunton Saturday....Miss Edna Reynolds is attending the Fruit and Flower show at Toronto .. .Mr. W. H. Worden ha§ lumbago. lumbago. ...Mr. and Mrs. W. Cornish and family, Leskard, have moved to the Lry- derman farm at Baker's School house.... Miss Vera Hogg is under the Dr s. care ......Recent visitors: Mrs. W. A. Tom, Colling wood, with friends here; Mrs. S. E. Werry and son Gordon at Courtice; Miss Pearl McMullen, Bowmanville High School, at Mr. T. Baker's; Mr. and Mrs. A Hogarth at Windsor; Miss L. Pen- found,Maple Grove, at Mr. W. C. Werry s; Mrs A. L. Pascoe and Miss Nora Werry at Kedron; Mrs. W. Werry, in Bowman I ville. ____________ ZION Cobourg will vote on local option in Tanuary and if citizens of the pou y town could only realize the blessing the by-law has been in Bowmanville clt > z ®" would all want to vote for it. We do not remember seeing a drunk man on our streets for over two years. Any person found drunk in a Local Dp- tion municipality may be compelled to state where he obtained his liquor, and on refusing, may be imprisoned for three months, or until he gives the information. He is also liable to a fine of from $20 to $50 and for a second offence of drunkenness drunkenness to a fine of not less than $40, and a third offence to imprisonment for three months, SONS OF TEMPERANCE. -Orono, Council Alone in the Lead Stands the Happy Thought Range Even if you could "worry along" with a common range why should you?' The "HAPPY THOUGHT" returns you daily dividends i n economy, comfort, convenience-good convenience-good currency, eh ? No one ever hot a "Happy Thought" but was delighted --; a positive fact. Remember that there is no substitute for this range. It has no equal. There can be no "just as good" until perfection meets to match. ^ FOR SALE BY W. H. Dustan Phone 74 "Quality Hardware" Bowmanville Zion church and schoolroom was the scene of a very festive occasion Wednes day evening Nov. 12, when a grand chicken chicken pie supper was held. The church was decorated with pink and white chrysanthemums chrysanthemums and the well laden tables with, ye low chrysanthemums. The waiters, dressed in white served supper, and were kept busy for some time after which a spleidid program was given including solo by Miss F. Cameron, two duets by Whitby ladies, two quartettes by Mr. and Mrs. J. Balson, Miss F. Cameron, Mr. A. Stainton; violin selections bv Mr. W. VanNest and daughters; four dialogues and a fancy flag drill by 12 young ladies. All took their parts well especially Mrs. Muggins and Betty her servant in a cia- logue, (they being Mrs. G. A. Langmaid and Mrs. W. Armour). Mr. W. J. Langmaid Langmaid ablv presided as chairman. Proceeds $54.75. Unless worms he expelled from the system, no child can be healthy. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is the best I medicine extant to destroy worms. SALEM Durham District Division was held at Taunton Nov. 15 and was largely attended attended all Divisions being well represented. District Worthy Patriarch, Mr. Tames 1. Rundle, Solina, conducted the meeting in a very able manner. The Initiation con test tool place about 3 P-®-> two te f competing, Solina and Taunton, the latter team being yictonus. The Grand Patrons Bros. Tice and Kirby were the judges. The evening session was also very largely attended. The Hal could not accommodate the crowd which gathered. A very instructive lantern lecture lecture was given by W. A. Tice, Granc Patron of Cadets. Bro. James Vinson of Oshawa also took part in the program. Shortly after the program commenced it was announced by Bro. Tice that Taunton Taunton had won "the Banner by a large lead. Solina members, it was understood came fully expecting to carry the Banner home with them. District meeting closed by all rising and singing the National Anthem. Anthem. Hall, at 7 P m; Thursday Dec. 4- Chamber, at 130 p m; Friday, Dec. 5--Bowmanville, Council Chamber, at 1.30 p m. Speakers, Mr. W. J. Kerr, Woodroffe, and Mrs. E. B. McTurk, Lucan. Mr. R. S. Duncan", Port Hope, is expected to speak at. all meetings. . . Mr. Kerr's subjects "How to make the farm orchard pay", "Commercial Fruit growing", "Truck 1 gardening for city markets", markets", "The kitchen garden, varieties and methods", "Cur insect friends and foes j evening--"Beautifying the home grounds , "Interesting the young folk in farm and îome". The Women's Institute will make necessary necessary arrangements for Mrs. McTurk s meetings. J. Chas. Hancock, W. E. Pollard, 47-2w President. Secretary. Mr. W. J. Bragg, Providence, is p'acing in the warehouse at the depot for coJd storage for future shipment some fifteen hundred barrels of apples, while Mr. Pearson Pearson of the Old Land is shipping m two carloads from outside points for the same purpose.--Newcastle, Independent. Children Cry ... FOR FLETCHER'S OAST O R I A DAIRYING FOR PROFIT HAMPTON NEWS. Î g 1 Î 1 g I ! Mr. J. G. Plankett's sale Wednesday was well attended and stock brought big prices.... Sunday afternoon a goodly number listened to Rev. T. W. fine sermon from the text "Now He Commanded! Commanded! all men everywhere to repent. ....Mr. Gordon Pollard has returned home. ...Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wilkins and family spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. W. W. Manning, Oshawa.. . .Mr. ana Mrs. M. Murdoff spent Sunday at Mr. Wm. Allin's Mr. an d Mrs. Harry Wilcox and Miss Martin visited at Mr. J. Challis' Miss Ruth K. Squair spent the week-end at Mr. John Stewart s, Kendal...-Several Kendal...-Several from here attended the Gold Medal contest Friday mght at Orono Orono .. .Miss Tena Prout visited Oshawa friends a few_days recently. Soft corns are difficult to eradicate, but Holloway's Corn Cure will draw them out painlessly. - Fertilizers for all kinds of crops at reduced reduced prices at Mason's if ordered now. ENFIELD HAPPENINGS. 1 Miss Mabèl Powell has returned from a lengthy visit in and around Arthur 1 Mr. Frank CampbeU has returned Whitewood, Sask., where he Las farming a couple of years... -Miss ! Bray has been visiting m Toronto. W. J. Ormiston is in Toronto this Mr. Murray Emerson, Nestleton, will preach here Sunday night.... Trustee board of the Methodist church have decided decided to have the paint and varnish all removed removed from the seats and wainscottmg and other important improvements made. They wish to have the inside correspond with the out....Rev. C. W. Barrett is holidaying in Lindsay... ...Miss Elma Clarke, Oshawa, was home Sunday...... Mrs Jas Lang, sr, has purchased the Cole house west of the Post Office and taken possession... .Miss E Doidge has leased j the house owned by Miss Oliver and has moved in... .Miss A Kerslake havingsold her property to Mr S Mountjoy, Haydon, has moved to town Mr. Oscar Welch, Sunderland, spent Sunday here . ...AI number from our village took part m an entertainment at Orono last week ful v sustaining their reputation..... Mr Will Wakely returned from Manitoba recently .... Mr J T Cole is visiting his daughter^ Mrs. Cleve Clemence, Kirby. WMS met at the parsonage Tuesday afternoon and had a very interesting meeting • Mr F Squair, Salem, preached to a good congregation Sunday night. . • • • A Court of Revision was held here Thursday before before Judge Benson. Everyone dairying for profit will find that a cream separator is indispensible. We handle the best cream separator on the market--the Bluebell. The essential essential points of the Bluebell are : simple and durable con- . strucfcion, close skimming, large P capacity, easy cleaning, light running. Won't; you call today and get more particulars ? Power for Profit from been Irene . .Mr. week at the Livestock Show, managing the horses of Senator R. Beith.. .. .Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane,Ushawa, recently visited at Mr. Wesley Knapp's... .. .Mrs. J. Nid- dery is under the doctor s care..... .Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith took th ifdittle1 child to Toronto Hospital recently. Mrs. Smith remained there with the child having ^secured ^secured one of the best specialists procurable procurable to look after it... .Rev. Wm. Higgs, Tyrone, gave a very interesting address here at the social last week. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S G A ST ORIA ENNISKILLEN NEWS. Mrs Wm Trewin is improving and hopes of her recovery are entertained.... Mr W H Stainton was a juryman at Cobourg. Cobourg. .. .Mrs W H Stainton visited friends at Orono... .No school last week on account account of Miss Rundle, teacher, being ill Visitors: Miss Helena .Werry home after spending a month at- Orono; Mr and Mrs W M Wotten and little Ba.b ira a. Mr WO Herring's; Mr W ill Brunt, Clarke, at Mr Levi Brunt's; Mr and Mrs,S Hoskin, Weston, are moving to our village having purchased the Ryan property; we welcome welcome them as citizens. Mrs/Hoskin was formerly a Miss Virtue of this place.. •• Mr Frank Virtue and bride, Toronto, spent Sunday with friends here. The young men of village and surrounding country serenaded them Saturday night and of course received a liberal treat.... Mr and Mrs F W Lee are m city this week. The re-opening services of the Methodist Methodist Church will be held as follows: Sunday Nov 23 special sermons will be preach^ at 10.30 a m and 7 P na by Rev. J. F. Meafs; Toronto; special music; special Offering for repair fund. Monday Nov. 24th at 8 pin an excellentprogram will 4 present^ to thé church: addrgs: Rev. T F. Hears; solos, Miss Irene H. Bray, Enfield; readings, Miss Frances E. Conley, Bowmanville; also music by Jpçal talent. Circuitminister»are expected to be pres erit; admission: adults 25c, children 15c. REV. w; E. Honey, W.^stainton, Pastor.- - Chainnisfir Repair Fund. J BARGAINS in Men's and Boys' [jE HAVE bought for cash from a manufacturer in Montreal who needed the money--A lot of Overcoats at a very low price We are going ^ give you the benefit of this good buy ? . Men's heavy Tweed Ulsters, Ulsters, newest styles $6.00 re si Men's Heavy Tweed UW sters, brown mixture, well lined, belt on back $8.00 Men's Heavy Tweed Ulster, Ulster, plain brown- convertible collar, belt on back...$10.00 A splendid range of all kinds and shapes, all the newest styles and vesy best materials at............$15.00, 16.50, 18.00 and 20*0 Boys' and Children's Coats. Ages 3 to 10--a swell lot of stylish coats, $2.50, 3.50, 4.00, 5.00 Ages 10 to 17--a big range, of the styles that the hoys like, shawl collar, and convertible collar, $4.50, 5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00 and 12 - 00 A good range of Brown's Greys and mixtures, Ulsters and Dress Coats $ 1 3.d0 THE Anderson Clothing Co. PHONE 61 THE SWELL DRESSERS STORE BOWMANVILLE J CHINA HALL GROCERY BOWMANVILLE Aluminum Jelly Moulds FREE ShirrifFs Jelly Powders in all the leading flavors, a delicious delicious and refreshing dessert, easily made, 10c per pkg., 3 for 25c, 6 for 50c, and with each package an aluminum aluminum Jelly Mould. There are six shapes. For °0c you can get 6 packages Jelly Powder and the set of 6 Jelly Moulds a generous offer from an old and reliable hrm. CANNED VEGETABLES CANNED PEAS and CORN from the best factories, at 10c can, $1.10 doz. CANNED TOMATOES, from the same factories .2 for 25c, $1.35 doz. goods Now is a good time to lay in a stock of these they are low in price and the market is on the advance. Dried Fruits for Christmas Cooking New Fruits, Raisins, Currants, Peels, Shelled Nuts, Figs, Dates, etc., for the holiday season are ■ now coming in. Our stock will be complete. For Saturday KISSES--The Quaker quality, several flavors, 15c lb. CHINA for Christmas--We will have a fine display as usual. Particulars later. I. H. C. Oil and Gas Engines do the work of several hired men • and horses. They can be used for running cream separator, churning, grinding feed, chaffcutting, chaffcutting, pulping, pumping water, etc. I. H.-C. Engines are the most practical and economical ones on the market. Call and get a demonstration. We have a snap for somebody this week in a 12 H. P. Gasoline Gasoline Engine and Feed 'Grinder complete, good as new. Will sell at half the regular price. S. FOSTER (Successor to Fred T. Hobbs) Just South of Four Corners BOWMANVILLE F A. HADDY, ™ N o A cS auction sales I When farm stock sale bills are printed at the Statesman office a free notice goes into The James Papers. Others must pay 25 cents a line. I THURSDAY, NOV. 27--Mr. W. A. Hamley I will sell by auction on lot 11, con. 7, Darlington, all of his farm stock, implements, implements, etc. Sale at I o'clock. See bills. L. A. W. TOLE, auctioneer. DR. T. C. DEV1TT, DENTIST, Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. OFFICE: Temperance St. Bowmanville, (juat off King St.) OFFICE HOURS: 8 a. m.Xo 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phohe 90a HOUSE PàtoÈà 90b

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