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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1913, p. 3

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11 - I ,J ' jpp| ■■ $g®pp@g; Ef$ -'ZZZ-^Z. :\:-.y IN delicious cup of tea would not bring you a more than you may hare at your ovm toble by usmg Try Borax. Bo rex is, literally, almost as "cheap as dirt. 5 ' The extraordinary extraordinary variety of uses to which it can be put is astonishing. An old and faded carpet can be brightened and cleaned by being | 'rubbed with warm water ond ammonia ammonia in which a tablespoonful of ! borax has been dissolved. Added to the rinsing water of handker- CHASED ALBA CORE. Discouraging. VV U.U.O r x.f 1 Hr. Jordan was touring by-motor-1 chiefs j t will give them a delightiui md arrived at a crov late one evening It is the world's choicest tea, ** *** finest hill-grown Ceylon--in sealed lead black, GREEN op mixed car and arrived at a crowded village village inn quite' late one evening. There was no spare bed to be had, which "was a. great disappointment, as he was tired, and very much disliked disliked the thought of driving farther farther that night. , ,, f 'Haven't you at least a bundle of hay you can give me ?" he demanded demanded of the landlady. "There isn't a thing left, she answered, "except a bit roast beef." semi-stiff ne ss T Cockroaches < and beetles will retread in a pamc before before powdered borax.. Added the last rinsing water it imparts a snowy whiteness to clothes. For children's teeth, a little^ 18 " solved in warm water, will keep them clean and sound. A teaspoonful teaspoonful added to a gallon of hard water will make it beautifully soft--a . , • boon to those with tender skins, of cold | thrush in children can be treated wiping out the mouth with a! Dominion Expérimental Farm U ""' tions to Applicants for Grain and Potatoes Flying-Fish Are Relentlessly Pursued Pursued By Them. The home of the flying-fish is along the path of the North Atlantic Atlantic trade-winds. In "Memories of the Sea," Admiral Fitzgerald of the British Navy says that in sailing down the trades you find the sea fairly alive with these fish, which are relentlessly- pursued by -the albacore, the largest of the mackerel mackerel family. . ' , From my commanding position at the end of the jib-boom I could look - straight down on the strange : scene. There was a shoal of some dozen albacore swimming along ahead of the ship. Sometimes one or two of them would dart off on either bow, or right ahead , for thirty or forty yards, and then drop back again until they were straight under where I was sitting- The ship was going ahead about seven knots. As it sailed along, the flying-fish would rise out of the wa- T XS m . S : I "I was a fool ever to marry you Bobbed Mrs. .Winks. "Now, my dear," said Winks nobly, I can-1 blemishes not permit you It was A despatch from Ottawa says. T H Grisdale, director of Dominion Dominion Experimental Farms announc- by wiping out me muuun " i es that by instructions o t e ^m earner s-bair dipped in borax ^ tb(not old, or la T ) and^» ^ill be^durin^ can be removed by a be sent to sali- for that, for ever asking you The mistake drachms, ro coming winter and spring to Cana Man termers. The samples for SJSSÆ5TW ssyStStiS S«3 to take the blame mixture of borax 1% ounces, I* who was the tool cylie acid 12 grains Sperme 3 daily. It removes freckles. X LUBYS hair restorer Restores GRAY Hair to its NATURAL Color, makes it grow, and cures Dandruff, AT ALU DRUOOIST8 SO CENTS A BOTTLB m a V drachm of powdered borax- 1 ounce of lemon-juice and A drachm of sugar. Mix this, let it stand for three days, and then rub on the face occasionally. ' It is the best cleaner of . a hairbrush. hairbrush. Add to a teaspoonful of borax borax a tablespoonful of soda in water. water. Dip the brush up and down in this--not touching the _ back, of course--then rinse and dry. It is an excellent and proved preventive of "hair falling out." An ounce, of borax and half an ounce of camphor mixed in a quart of boiling water should be rubbed gently, into the roots of the hair, once a week. When washing sateen, or the new cotton materials . satin finish, always, rinse in borax water to get a gloss._ A soothing lotion lotion for-sore eyes is one gram of borax in one ounce of camphor wa- field peas (5 pounds). sent out from Ottawa. A distribution distribution of potatoes (in 3-pound samples) samples) will be carried on from several several of the experimental farms, the Central- farm at Ottawa supplying only the Provinces of Ontario an Quebec. All samples will be sent free, by mail. any of with a Applicants must give particulars in regard to the soil on their farms, and some account of their r ^L P 7or ence "with such kinds of gram ( potatoes) as they have grown so that a promising sort for their con ditions may be selected. Each application must be _ separate,' separate,' and must be signed by the applicant. applicant. Only one sample of giam and one of potatoes can each farm. Applications an any kind of printed form cannot be ac- copied. If two . or more samples are asked for in the same letter only one will be sent. ., , As the supply of seed is limited, farmers are advised to apply early ; but tire applications will not neces- sarily be filled in the exact order in which they are received. Pre- ference will always be given to the most thoughtful _ and explicit requests. requests. Applications received after the- end of January will probably be too late. . . , All applications for gram (and applications from the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec for potatoes) should be addressed to the Dominion Dominion cerealist, Central'Experimental Farm, Ottawa. . Such applications require no postage. If otherwise addressed delay and disappointment disappointment may occur. . _ Applications for- potatoes from farmers in any other province should be addressed (postage prepaid) prepaid) to the superintendent of the nearest branch Experimental Farm in that province. ter before it, spread their wings and soar away to the right or left. Often I could see.exactly what happened. happened. As the flying-fish rose, one of the albacore darted off in pursuit, pursuit, and kept almost underneath him until he dropped into the water again; then there was a splash like the rise of a isalmon, and the flymg- fish flew no more. But the albacore did not always wait for the flying-fish to. touch the water. - On several occasions I saw them actually take their. prey .in the air, by making a huge jump out of tthe water. I remember once reading a book called "Hall's Frag- wherein the writer de efforts as rather a lark, not serious enough to cause them any uneasiness. uneasiness. - * at a luncheon, told Bishop Moore, a story about one of the clergymen of his diocese, a divine noted for the large offertories he could always raise. Lawd, said the Bishop-det us call him Lawd--was addressing last month a Sunday Schsol. his address Lawd ' likened himself to a shepherd, and his congregation he likened to the sheep. Then he asked the children : "And what, dear children, what does the shepherd shepherd do for the sheep?" An \itchm piped shrilly : 'Shears em : ;>J "vdj -'d I >' >• $ •i The traffic over London Bridge averages daily 100,000 pedestrians In ! and 20,000 vehicles. That Nagging Pain in the Back .d hv iust one thing -- PILLS ill; ment-s, . .. scribes a somewhat similar scene, and records that he had seen ^he albacore-almost catch the flying-fish in the air; but I .saw him do it. There was a man down cq 1 dolphin-striker--a- spar under 1 bowsprit--with the five-pronged fish grains, trying to spear one of the albacore; but he never succeeded succeeded in making a good shot; he did not even appear to frighten them. They seemed to regard his is caused by just one thing -- weak, strained, irritated kidneys, there is just one way to stop it GIN strengthen and heal the kidneys -- neutralize the urine--stop those scalding scalding passages--and quickly relieve the pain in the back and limbs. Gm Pills are also tjhe recognized cure for Rheumatism and Sciatica. 5 oc - a box; 6 for $2.50. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price. f ree if you mention this paper. NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO., OF CANADA LIMITED, And i C0.V*' t Y 183 TORONTO. ■7°/. INVESTMENT 0-11 '-s ^ - - . 1 ter. Apply with a lmt pad several times daily. . , , Cracked lips pan be quickly cured cured by being frequently moistened with a mixture of: borax half a drachm, glycerine one ounce 1 , rosewater rosewater one ounce. . A powder, which will clean teeth id notYhurt the enamel,, is made as follows : 1 ounce of borax, precipitated precipitated chalk 2 ounces, myrrh A ounce, orris root jounce. Gyms, teeth, and breath all benefit from this. . Every housewife, of course, uses it when she makes her starch, toilet water which can he made up cheaply, and which prevents p b ^ces heads and greasiness, and effaces the marks or ' scars of burns scratches, is as follows : X ounce of powdered borax, 19 fluid ounces of orange-flower, water, and 1 ounce of glycerine. Mix and shake well, and apply- , Not a bad list of uses for. borax, or in combination ! butter, 1 lb. sugar, 3 IPs. flour, 4 eggs Cream the butter and sugar together, add the well-beaten eggs, stir in the flour, roll out / mch thick, cut into diamond-shaped pieces, break the edges around with a knife. Sprinkle with comfits (tiny colored candies) -and bake a ^Milice Meat.--Two bowls of finely hopped meat,, four bowls of apples Clearly Unjust. to school , $500, $1000 ABSOLUTE Hiffh Class 5*Year Bonds that are Profit-Sharing. S.rl.s $101 Ever since they came that morning two of the boys had been persistently naughty. At last, therefore, the teacher, now thoi- ghly exasperated, turned to them. and said that they must stay in during playtime until each had written his name one thousand the ou angrily, SECURITY. currants, one-half bowl two bowls of' raisins; one bowl of one bowl of sugar and of suet, one-third 1 pound of citron, one-half cup of New Orleans molasses, two teaspoons teaspoons of mace and two of ground cinnamon, one teaspoom of cloves, two nutmegs, salt. Mix all together, add cider, and cook This recipe has been used by ma y good cooks and has been found to be an excellent one. The bowl referred to holds one and one-half pints. Genuine R)rABrigkt (BeectdlIütcher alone, Your Bad Taste In The Morning Is Due To Catarrh times. j Plavtime duly came, and, as rest of the class rose and hastened from the room to enjoy a spe 1 o freedom, the two miscreants settled down to their irksome imposition. Five minutes later the teacher returned returned to see how they were getting on, and found a heated argument m progress. "Come, come ! "What's the matter now? Whereupon one of the boys burst into tears. . . "'Tain't fair, mum 1 be gasped. "His name's Tim Bust, and mine s Alexander O'Shaughnessy ! Carter s Must Bear Signature of she^ V' asked. Satisfaction as to Style fit and Durability is assured by purchasing "PERRIN GLOVES At leading dealer», everywhere. % ■ f / Christinas Cooking. It is a good plan to get some of the Christmas baking done early early in December, as there is always plenty of other work to do as the holiday season draws near. Id Christmas cake, the mincemeat and the pudding may all be made seve - al weeks before needed and will be all the better for being kept. Christmas Plum Pudding.--1 lb. suet Chopped, 1 lb. sugar 1 lb. each of raisins and currents, A lb. mix- ed peel, 8 eggs, % lb. breadcrumb», i/ lb. flour, 1 teaspoon each of gin- ger, cinnamon, cloves, rose - wa ^??' vanilla, lemon and salt. This amount will make three small çud dings. It is well to put partem f cloth, and the rest m dishes o bowls ond cook for six hours. The pudding in the cloth can boil in the Lt below the steamer while the. Inhere steam. On the day requir- ed, steam for two hours more. Carrot Pudding.--A good substitute substitute for Christmas plum pudding, and does not require* eggs. Une cup each of suet, * sugar, raisins, currants, grated potato, and grated carrot. A little mixed peel, one and a half cupa of - flour, .teaspoon each of salt and soda. ,Steam or boil three hours. A little ginger, cinnamon and cloves may be a<l- de Christmas Cake.-l lb. each of raisins (stoned) and currants, A in- each of- butter and sugar, 3-4 lb flour, 5 eggs, 2 ozs. mixed^peel 1 - teaspoon each allspice amd omna^ : -, iz mit.mesr (grated), /i - cup Destroy This Poisonous Disease Before Before Your Health Is Seriously Injured. jsss'SS the same. When the attack is severe, your eyes^are watery and took weak. Tour breath is offensive, due to inflamma tinn in the nose and throat. At last science has discovered areal remedy, a new scientific marvel which acts like no other Catarrh remedy on earth "Catarrhozone" operates on a new plan; it is a direot .remedy, goes I n«tantiv to the source of the trounie. Its rich, fragrant essences and healing balsams are breathed in vapor form through a special inhaler and give Sta CaUrehozone doesn't stop at the re net stage-it goes «urther-^epsmn Stone Blind. Proudly he walked up to his betrothed, betrothed, and drew from his pocket, a small morocco case. Opening it, he took out a ring--a single diamond--and diamond--and placed it on her tapering tapering finger. She looked at it. ** "Its very small i" she said, ana paused. Then: "And not very brilliant, brilliant, either 1" . , Poor fellow ! His smile vanished vanished ; but, quickly recovering himselE, ie laughed, and said • "Ah, sweetheart, but love is blind !" . , ■ Raising her limpid eyes to his, she said : , .. » "Yes, dear, hut not stone blind . 5m FaoSlmlle Wrapper Below. [Yery email *• eee 7 to take as arnfam iroeeuoACHt re* Diumcss. - roii iiuoum». 1 urn Foiimm uvt*. IV t|> rgjftoHSTIPATION roifwuow sum; re* the cowrit*! 6 * w oaNlna wuer jia m*i i -- i ©UBF- SICK^ HEADACHE* APrsté NoWaste NoDust NoRusTvo^ To any boy or girl who will sell 30 sets of ^^'^"VTsend a «wVbunt of pov send u» the money and we seno you -- Dept. 159, uoMER-WARREN CO TORONTO CEMENT. BREAK WHISKEY * S GRIP ON YOUR LOVED ONES. Drunkards will tell you with tears of sincerity that they do not want to dnnk. tw. woxrîntr rominfif from the inflamed Tins label, on every bag, identifies identifies Canada Portland Cement cases are^ureffi ms you can judge from ^"craving coming from the following letter: "Every morning ^ mbrane# D f the stomach drives them to for six ■ months last winter I awoae with a had taste, an awful breath and feeling in my nostrils, of Regina. It stuffed up , wax ^simply 'an'awfhl iase o£ chronic P Relief first came from Ca- tarrohozone. f used that inhaler twen- Catarrh: ty times a day and"^"^^ bed with z,- nieht. I am cured, and bythe use of Catarrhozone stay well- Now T am free from irritable throat trou- ble coughs. colds, headache, or ca- ta 5o medicine on earth is .^certain to cure every form or catarrh or " Get throat trouble as "Catarrhozone. Get tnroa u ei Afk i as ts two months-] fnd la s r Ç.ara 0 nteed Z r 'medTum size 50c.; sample size 25c.; all storekeepers and druggists, or The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. inon, /"a nutmeg .. . good molasses, - cup almonds (shelled, blanched and; chopped), small teaspoon baking P'^der- Cream the huttere,and sugar to- gether, add the well-beaten . eggs and molasses, sift some oi the flour over the fruit and peel. Into the balance of the flour put the powder and spices and. sift several times. Mix all together and bake from two ^âiWin^r^erate; -- ^ Christmas Short Bread.--l lb. well. Drives Asthma Before It. The smoke or vapor from Dr: J. D. Ke - loge' a Asthma Remedy gives asth-- ma no chance to linger. It eradicates eradicates i the cause. Our experience with the relief-giving remedy shows how actual and positive ^-the succor succor it gives. It is the result of long Alcura will soothe the trembling nerves and remove the craving that is ruining vour home and stealing an otherwise kind husband or father from you. It costs only $i.oo per box and if it does not cure or benèfit after a trial the money will be rC Alcura' No. I, is tasteless and can. be given secretly in tea, coffee or Alcura No. 2 is taken voluntarily by those willing to help themselves Alcura can be obtained at ohr store ask for free booklet telling about it and give Alcura a trial. Jury & Lovell,Druggists, Lovell,Druggists, Bowmanville. -» ; A WARM WINTER COMING. June weather will prevail in th« land of eternal flowere, the ideal Wm , -ni ace * reached comfortably and conveniently * by the Chicago Un wn Jac^c . xrzvwtVi Western Line, via the faetest ana and observation parlor, or the more moderate moderate priced and OvS- Three splendid traîne dai y Fran- di'v^to^thwMaglc%ity of the Land of Khtoe/ vie sMfcfLek. nitv^end the San Francisco Limitea. certain of complete success in by always using your concrete work Canadian farmers with the highest quality of Portland Cement it » make. possible We are supplying for h™»n drill , Canada PortUnd Cement until it i. within you, reach fo, practically t the only building material that i. not » co.t. City-rand Double? traok, Œ ^^erintent^^ SU Be sure Canada to ask fqx Canada in bags. Company Limited, Montreal •' . ' ; j „ /j... -f li What -tÀ* farmtr ca* do nvii/t Concret» t ' ' 'turtle our htf+rmatton (/ «.■Uw «« pr»ca,al ■'-msMâ At ' .*5- 5 -■ mm. mm ÈÊÊÈÈSÊÈÊÈÊ •i. -'v,:- ; : È . -ÈÊËÈÈÈÈÈÊÊÊÊÈÈÊÊÊËm zmMÆm

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