^ '. ■ "• " '-'M -:' ppgg^jgpg SSti ■ ■l Good Health c~. ' In vour race for success don't loose sight of the fact that only in good through good health can you attain success. " ' The tension you must necessarily place upon you: nerves, and the sacrifice of proper exercise you have to make at times must balanced in some way. be Dr. Pierce*» Golden Medical Discovery BOWMANVILLE JOTTINGS. Providence* Is re- Mr. Amasa Fuller* ported seriously ill. Mrs. James L. Powers, Kirby, is home from Wellesley hospital, Toronto, much improved in health. > Our ambulance is fitted with Marshal mattress and all modern conveniences. Morris & Son. Phone 10. L. b thé balancing power--• vitalising power. It acts on the stomach and organs of digestion and nutrition, thus purifying the blood and giving strength to the nerves, indirectly aiding the liver to perform its very important work. Dr. Pierce'• Golden Medical Discovery has been successful for a generation as a tonic and body builder. Sold by medicine, dealers in liquid or tablet form- trial box of "Tablets" mailed on receipt of 60 one- sent stamps. If in failing health write Dr. R. V. Pierce'* faculty at Invalids' Hotel* Buffalo, New York. ML pram CREAT FAMILY DOCTOR ROOK, The People'» Common Sense Medical Adviser --newly revised^ up-to- date edition--of 1008 payes, answers nests of delicate question» which every woman, sins la or married, ought to now. Sent FREE in doth binding to any address an receipt of BO ene oont-stamps, to cover cast et wrapping and mailing only. THE Established 187» S ECURITY for both principal and interest is the first essential of an investment ; die ability to. realize quickly the second. Judged by these standards, a deposit in the savings department of this Bank is an ideal form of investment. OF (SAMAJBA <yçg>ï> OFF/Q? TORONTO BOWMANVILLE BRANCH *37 A. N. McMILLAN, Manager. (R. H.CeuUon, Manager), Newcastle, Orono, Oahawa, B Branches ehe at Blnckstoclc (R. H. CeuUon. Manager), New Whitby. Breoklin end Newtonville. HAMPTON MILLS BEST BREAD AND PASTRY FLOUR, BRAN, SHORTS, CHOP, CORN, OATS, ETC. ALWAYS ON HAND. CHAS. HORN, HAMPTON PHONE 129, r. 6 James Papers employ no agents. __ Pay subscriptions at office and get receipt or send by mail and receipt will be sent. Mr. Alex Wight and son, Providence, packed 1020- barrels of good quality apples from their orchard this season. Mr. and Mrs. E. Mundy, Oshawa, haye returned home from a three months trip through the western states and the Canadian Canadian North West. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Gamsby, Orono, have returned from a pleasant outing in Muskoka, A. A. bringing a fine deer and a quantity of small game. A kitchen shower was given MissLaura Mitchell, Orono, at her home Wednesday evening, by a number of her young lady friends, previous to her marriage with Mr. Wesley Cawker. In the Bowmanville News of last week there is an article on School life which is worth reading as it is full of good old common sense--"Thoughts on Education by a country school teacher. Get a copy and read it.--Orono News Cor. The teachers-in-tralning at the Mode School were greatly privileged last week in listening to an instructive and interesting interesting course of lectures given by Mr. J. J. Tillev, former Inspector of Model Schools. Orillia Packet. Mr. A. A. Rolfe, Orono, won first prize $8 at the horticultural exhibition held at Toronto for the best new Ontario apple. It was a British Columbian new Seedling Spy--a cross between a Northern Spy and a Snow Apple. Orono News' Bowmanville correspondent correspondent writes : Councilman Barber occupied the pulpit of the Disciples church Sunday morning last and gave one of the best sermons we have heard- from him yet, the pastor thro illness was unable to be present. present. One of the boys of the old brigade was in town the other day in the person of Mr. Fred D. Cherry, Schenectady, N. Y. Fred like a dutiful son drops in quite frequently to see his mother, Mrs. Robt. Cherry, Church-st., but all the same the boys are always pleased to see his aldermanic form form loom up in Bowmanville. All orders promptly filled for wedding invitations, printed or engraved; call and see samples; M. A. James & Son. Disney Bros., Oshawa, have sold out their furniture business to Mr. Chas Lander. Mr. Lander has leased the store and will dispose of the furniture stock and put in a stock of hardware. The business will be known hereafter as the Lander Hardware. Mr. Disney still retains the undertaking, and picture framing and will conduct the same at 44 Simcoe-st., north in the new Everson block.--P*former. Today meals "extra" he caa eat three square and. sometimes on# because Chamberlain'S. Tablets cured Stotnach Troubles and "gave him a" good digestion. You- try, them. 25c. a bottle. All Druggists and Dealers or, by Mail. 3 INSPECTOR TILLEY'S REPORT CHAMBERLAIN'S . TABLETS . Mr. George James Scott, Oshawa, announces announces the engagement of his youngest daughter,. Katharine Lowrie (Kittle) to Mr. Norman Charles Henley, Calgary, Alta. The marriage to take place in Central Methodist Church, Calgary, the latter part of December. Miss Katharine Scott will receive with her sister, Mrs. Thos. Miller, 109 King-st., E., Oshawa, on the afternoon and evening of Friday, Dec. 5th. Mr. Samuel Barker received the shocking shocking news Nov. 17 that his son John, a young man in his 34*h vear had died suddenly suddenly in Montreal. His remains were brought to Oshawa and the funeral took place to the Union Cemetery from the the home of his sister, Mrs. Archie McDonald, McDonald, Lloyd-st., Wednesday afternoon. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved father and family who are well known in Bowmanville and vicinity having former- ly resided here.--OsTiawci TttjovTYiev* December session of Counties' Council convened on Monday for closing up the year's business. At no time in the counties' counties' history has public affairs been more carefully looked after than during the administration administration of the present council. Mr. Jos. Hickson, the retiring warden, had the good-will and hearty co-operation of every member of the council, which great ly aided him in conducting the business in a way to inspire confidence.--Cobouvg Post. Writing of Local Option in Bowraan- the Orono News coir, has this to say in its favor : Thanks to local option we have one of the most orderly towns of its size in the Province. We have no bars where money that should go to the families is being paid over the counter on pay days at the factories. We have no grog houses where after a man has spent his last nicke he is hustled out in the street arid wanders home to his miserable family, all on account account of drink. When you repeal the local option by-law in this town the conditions conditions will be different to what they are today. • So get wise on the subject. Following Is a copy of Dr. W. E. Tilley's report to. the Minister of Education Education on the con tinned effic ency of the Teachers* Institute in his district: As to the continued efficiency of our Teachers' Institute, I beg to report as follows: The three Institutes of these United Counties held a Union Convention this year in the new Public School building, building, Port Hope, on Oct. 23 and 24. The attendance was large and the papers, addresses addresses and discussions helpful. Prof. H. J. T. Coleman, B.A., Ph.D., Dean of Fac- u'ty of Education, Queen's University, was with us and his work thrùout was ■particularly helpful and inspiring and was very highly appreciated indeed by all in attendance. In Northumberland and Durham Inspectorate Inspectorate No. I there are 68 rural and 27 urban' teachers: 53 rural and all the urban teachers were in full attendance at the convention both days. Seven rural teachers attended Lindsay convention and eight attended no convention. Enclosed Enclosed card will Indicate our plan of recording recording attendance. With two exceptions the cards were properly filled in with reasons for absénee on back in case of :hose who did not attend, and promptly landed or sent to the Secretary of our Institute. The more common reason tor absence was illness, but two taught on Convention days under the Impression that in so doing they were complying with the requirements of the Schools Act and Regulations. Attendance by Municipalities: Cartwright--6 Cartwright--6 at Port Hope arid 3 at Lindsay; Clarke--17 at Port Hope and 2 at no convention; convention; Darlington-- 20 at Port Hope and 2 at no convention; Manverg--10 at Port Hope, 4 at Lindsay, and 4 at no convention; convention; Bowmanville 10, Port Hope 15, Newcastle 2--all at Port Hope. ft ROYAL--the most celebrated ©I all the baking powders in world--celebrated for Its great leavening strength and purity. It makes your cakes, insures yon against alum and all forms of adulteration that 00 with the low priced brands. The cheapest of Mother Grèves' Worm Exterminator puts it within reach of all, and it can be got at any druggists. One of several types of lighthouses lighthouses being tried in Germany for guiding aviators throws different numbers of flashes into the air, each combination signifying a special town. Experts have estimated that, if the forests of the world were scientifically scientifically operated they would yield the equivalent of from 2 to 120 times the present consumât on of 1 wood annually. ^ ONTARIO IN LEAD AT APPLE EXHIBITION D.D. D. Northumberland and Durham Exhibit Exhibit Cleared Board at Recent Show. Standard Skin Cure- The Best Collective Christmas Fair and preventive of the numerous ailments caused by defective or irregular action of the organs organs of digestion--is found in the safe, speedy, certain and time-tested home remedy bowmanville THURSDAY, DEC. 18,1913 GREAT SURGICAL FEAT Young Whitby Man Will Have His Face Made Over--Flesh From His Arm Will Become New Lips and Piece of Rib Will Be Used For a Nose. k Sold everywhere. - In boxes, 25 cent». BUTTER 1 Five lbs. in prints $2 2 Five lbs. id. crock 2 3 Ten lbs. in prints 2 4 Ten "lbs. in crock 2 3 Twenty lbs. in crock.. 2 6 Fancy design in butter, 2 CHICKENS 7 Heaviest Chicken $2 8 Best Dressed Pair 2 9 Heaviest Pair..... 2 10 Largest Exhibit 3 DUCKS Tl Heaviest Duck $2 12 Heaviest Duck Chick 2 13 Best Dressed Pair 2 14 Heaviest Pair...." 2 15 Largest Exhibit 3 TURKEYS 16 Best dressed hen $ 2 17 Heaviest hen (chick) 18 Heaviest hen. 2 19 Heaviest gobbler (chick) 20 Best dressed gobbler 2 tl Heaviest gobbler 2 22 Largest exhibit 3 GEESE 23 Heaviest Goose ....$2 24 Heaviest Goose Chick. 2 25 Best Dressed Goose 2 26 Largest Exhibit 3 HORSES 27 Heavy Draught Span $5 $3 28 General Purpose'Span 5 3 29 General Purpose Mare or Gelding. 4 2 30 Single Carriage Mare or Geld ing, I5J£ hands and over. 4 2 31 Single Carriage Mare-or Geld ing, under 15hands 4 2 32 Roadster Span 5 3 33 Single Roadster Mare or Geld ing 4 3 34 Carriage Span 5 3 35 Best Lady Driver 4 2 36 Best Lady Driver who has not won a prize previous to 1913 4 2 37 Best Gentleman's Turnout 3 -, 2 APPLES Plate of five apples 38 Northern Spy $1 .50 39 King I .50 40 Baldwin I «50 41 Rhode Island Greening....... I .50 ' 42 American Golden Russett .... I .5° 143 Belle Fleur I .50 44 Snow « I «5° 45 Talman Sweet... --......... I .5° 46 Mackintosh Red I .50 47 Ben Davis I .50 Wood's Ehosphodine, The Great English Remedi _ „ V- Tones and invigorates the whole nervousAystem, makes new Blood in old veins, Cures Nervous Dest for $5. One wfll please, six will cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed in plain pkg. °n receipt of mice New pamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD fiflEDICINE Cof, TORONTO. ONT. (Fwwrl, WUiw.) 1 PROMPTLY SECURE! In all countries. A-sIc for our INVENTOR'S INVENTOR'S AD VISER, which will be sent free. MARION & MARION, 264 University St., Montréal. Rules and Regulations POULTRY No entry fee will be charged exhibitors and the public will be admitted free after judging. All exhibits must be in place at ten o'clock, at which hour the judges will commence work. The Fair will be open to the public from 12 o'clock to the close of the Horse ' Show, and no exhibits must be removed before that time. Exhibitors will be at liberty to display ss much poultry as they desire, whether entered for competition or not, and to make sales. Entries can be made with Mr. Moor- craft before the date of the Fair,, but no entries will be received after nine o clock on the morning of the Fair, Merchants and dealers are debarred from competition. No fowl is to: be exhibited in more than one section 01 a class. All birds shown with exception of largest largest collection must be for sale. From St.John, N.B. Steamer From Bristol Royal Edward Wed. Dec. 3 Royal George Tues.„Dec. 16 Wed. Dec. 31 Full particulars and tickets from M. A. JAMES, Bowmanville Agent for Canadian Northern Steamships HORSES All horses to be shown in harness. Entries in the horse classes must be made before one o'clock. The Judging will commence at two o'clock. All horses to be shown in front of the town hall, between King and Wellington- sts. Heavy Draught Team to weigh not less than 3000 lbs., each horse to weigh not less than 1500 lbs. General Purpose horses, weight in this class not to exceed 1300 lbs. each animal. A General Purpose horse is one suitable for buggy, saddle, plough, second team on farm or for delivery wagon. No animal to be shown in more than one class, but may be driven in class for Lady Drivers. No charge for entries. Entries to be made with J. 8. Moorcraft, Town Hall* Dr. G. C. Bentiyea9tle, President F» R. Kersla1re, Sec.-Treas. • T r- . ' - fame» Publishing Hens# GRAND TRUNK sysTe m y "Only Double Track Railway between Toronto and Montreal, and Toronto and other principal cities in Canada, Also Double Track and solid trains between Montreal and Chicago; also between between Ontario points, New York and Philadelphia, via Niagara Falls." Mr. Ross Allin, a young Canadian from Whitby, Ont., has entered St. Josephs Hospital at Baltimore, Md., to get a new nose and a new mouth. The whole front of his face, including nose and lips, were shorn away in a sawmill accident four years ago. The young man will, undergo a remarkable series of skin grafting operations operations whereby a new nose and two new ips will be built upon his face, When.he came to the hospital his face was nothing jut a mass of scarred flesh. In 4 months time, if the operations are successful-- and the physicians are confident that they will be--Allin will go forth with a face as normal and as regular as anybody s. The first step taken by the doctors in charge will be to build up the two lips. The flesh of his arm will be cut just the shape of the lower, lip, and one side will remain attached to the arm. Then the flesh around the mouth will be cut away until fresh tissue is exposed. The arm will then be bound across the patient s face and remain two weeks. The . arm will then be cut away from the patient s mouth and the new lip trimmed up. Practically Practically the same slow, careful operation will be gone through in building up the upper lip., When that is healed on perfectly perfectly Allin will be given a rest until he feels strong enough for the final and most difficult of the series--putting on the new nose. To do this the man's chest will be laid open and a piece of fresh cartilege càt away from one of his ribs where it joins the breast bone. The flesh of the forehead will be opened down to the bone, and in this slit the nose cartilege will be placed, being pushed under the skin of the forehead bone. All the wounds will then be sewed up and left for seven weeks until the cartilege nose hardens into bone there on the forehead and at-, taches to itself fresh skin. The new bridge will then be brought down and placed in position on the man s face just where the nose ought to be. The side flaps will be shaped until the nose is -normal -normal and shapely. The scarred skin will be cut away so that the new nose, will grow on, and then.the whole face will be bandaged for several weeks until the new skin grows.--Toronto Mail ana, Empire. Mr. Allin is a nephew of Mrs. Thos. E. Osborne, WelTington-st., Bowmanville, and our citizens will watch with considerable considerable interest the result of this wonderful wonderful operation. Prom, Toronto Daily Globe. It is acknowledged, on account of inter national winnings, that Canada is the bes apple-growing country in the world, anc that Ontario is the best apple-growing Province in Canada, and that Northum berland and Durham counties are the best apple-growing districts in Ontario. Fur thermore, this record was exemplified the first National Live Stock Show held In Exhibition Park last week, when the Northumberland and Durham Apple Growers' Association cleared the board of prizes in the fruit section by gaining" a total winnings amounting to $485. The apple sweepstakes were won by a box of luscious Spys, which appeared too perfect to be real, while the first prize-winning 300 box lots of Spys and 100 box lots of Baldwins were almost beyond reasonable comment. List of winnings: The total list of Northumberland Northumberland and Durham winnings at the first National Live Stock Show are: Firsts 100 box lot, baldwinsj first, 20 box lot, spys; first, 20 box lot, bald w ins; first, ro box lot, snows; second, 5 box lot, spys; second, 5 box lot, greenings; first, single box of greenings; first,- single box of spys; first, single box of McIntosh reds; second, single box golden russets; first, single box tolmon sweet; first, single box cranberry pippin; second, single box of snows (wrap- p d); second, single box of snows (unwrapped); (unwrapped); second, single box of any other variety; variety; sweepstakes, best box of apples in the exhibit, won with a box of spys; first, 10 plates, five on each, fallawater; first, 10 plates, Ontario; second, 10 plates, snow; second, single specimen, snow. Barrels-- first, stark; first, bald wins; second, gano; second, ben davis; third, baldwins; third, ben davis. Besides the foregoing, a set of 55 boxes consisting of snows, - greenings, . russets and spys, from the demonstration orchards, orchards, p ; eked under the supervision of the district office at Port Hope, were exhibited. exhibited. The Northumberland and Durham Durham exhibit of 600 boxes was purchased by the Robert Simpson Company belore 25 boxes wdre opened. Each of the 300 boxes of spys contained 100 apples. writes I have yet a pres- Dr. Geo. T. Richardson frankly "D.D.D. is superior to anything ever found. . Soft and soothing, powerful agent." To do the work, D.D.D. Prescription must be applied according to directions given in the pamphlet around every bottle. Follow these directions--and see. And it certainly takes away the itch at llCUe XMAS IN THE OLD LAND] Special Ghristma» Sailing» via Allan Line To LIVERPOOL . CORSICAN-- 25 Nov. From MONTREAL > VIRGINIAN-- 6 Dec. From HALIFAX TUNISIAN-- 10 Dec. From ST. JOHN. NJJ. To GLASGOW SCANDINAVIAN--4 Dec. From PORTLAND ♦HESPERIAN-- 11 Dec. From BOSTON ♦IONIAN--. 13 Dec. From PORTLAND *Tke*« Steamers call at Halifax, sailing 12 and 14 Dec. respectively. LAN UNE 95 King St. W. TORONTO Seve-ra-1 white men have married Esquimau women, but the only case of a white woman marrying an Esquimau Esquimau is that of Muss Ellen Groth, a pretty Danish girl, who recently left her native home in Copenhagen Copenhagen for Uperhavik, Greenland, where slhe will be married. The Torture» of Rheumatism SCOTT'S SMOOTH ROADBED FINEST EQUIPMENT ELECTRIC LIGHTED PULLMAN SLEEPER Fall 'particular*, berth reservations, ate., from Grand T»«nk Agents, or write C. Ü. Horning, District Prsseuger Agent, Toronto, Ontario, No matter where f«s are going, we wiU deliver yoer tickets to your home or omce if yon call up Phone 78, ' . - jr. H, H. Jury, Agent, Bogging Off. "Can you direct me to the best hotel in this town V' stranger who, asked the after sadly watching the train depart, had set his satchel satchel upon the station platform. are aggravated during climatic changes because because the impure blood is incapable of resistance and ordinary treatment seems useless--but the fame of Scott's Emulsion for relieving rheumatism is based on logical principles and scientific facts. This oil-food promptly makes active, red, lire - sustaining Uood corpuscles and its FREE to Boys and Girls For Selling 40 sets of our Xmas or Fancy Postal Cards 6 in Set for 10c. 6 in Set for 10c i FOR BOYS --Ever ready Flash-light, Nickel plated hockey skates, Too, box with nine tools, mechanical train with tender, coach and track, and many others. FOR GIRLS--Gold-plated extension bracelet, sewing machine complete dainty gun metal watch, Lady Ann doll carriage and many others. FOR BOYS AND GIRLS--Moving Picture machine complete with films and slides. Serid us your name and address today, plainly written, and we will send cards by return mail, along with big illustrated catalogue of free premiums for boys and girls. When sold, return us the money and we will send premiums post paid. 48 2 w Toronto, Ont. Toronto Novelties Co., Dept. 365 ■! How many hospital patients, suffering j the frightful itch, the raw scorching pain ! of skin disease, have been soothed to sleep by a soothing fluid washed in by the nurse's hand ? That fluid Is the famous D.D.D. cription for eczema. 6 The supervising nurse of one of our prominent Catholic institutions (name of - . .. nurse and Institute on application) -writes once--the moment the liquid lsappliec regarding a patient. "The disease had The skin is soothed, calmed, So thorough- eaten her eyebrows away. Her nose and ly refreshed, delightfully cooled, lips were disfigured. Since the use of All druggists of standing have the fam- D.D.D. her eyebrows are growing, her ous pecific as well as the efficient D.D.D. nose and lace have assumed their natural Skin Soap. expression." But we are so confident of the merits of How many eczema sufferers are paying this prescription that we will refund the their doctors for regular treatment and purchase price of the first full size bot " e " are being treated with this same soothing j it fails to reach your case. You alone healing fluid ? are to judge. Jury & Lovell, Bowmanville. \: 1 m Order Coal Now 1 LEHIGH VALLEY COAL "X can/' replied the man was waiting for a train going body-building properties regulate tbe functions te j other way ; "but I hate to do expel poisonous acids. I am receiving almost daily several cars of the best Lehigh Valley Coal, shipped direct from the mines--Chestnut, Stove and pea sizes, Send your order in now and have prompt delivery "WhyL f 'Because you've seen you will think after that I'm a liar." ott's Emulsion, with careful] it That lightning flashes appear to zigzag is aq optical illusion, according according to a German scientist, who says the effect is - produced- by. the eyes twitching when flashes occur. diet for one month, will relievo the lame muscles and stiffened joints and subdue the unbearable unbearable sharp p ai ins when other remedies fail. 4 .j - Beware inf alcoholic imitatioatt' 1 the paritynf SCOTTIES. XT ALL DRUGGISTS 13-6* W. Loscombe Yards and Office at Holgate's Evaporator, Corner Division Queen-sts., opposite High School. Phone 177. and y ÜË m Æs&fe&iÉH ÉSBSSâliSi mu