Newso/Interest to all Christmas Shoppers F. A. Haddy has a stock of the brightest and cleanest variety of choice goods for Christmas trade, everything selected with care and special attention paid to quality, which is the real test of cheapness. Christmas Fruits, Nuts, etc. Drained Peels, Orange and Lemon.. .„ 20c lb * Citron 25c lb. Mixed Peel 2 ^c Best Valencia Raisins _• ^ b - Best Valencia Raisins -....3 lb. for 25c Best Sultana Raisins, in packages 18c lb - 1 lb. pkg. Best Seeded Raisins • • 12 l c 1 lb. pkg. Best Seedless Raisins Best Vostizza Currants - 12-£c lb. Best Patras Currants 10c lb. Best Hallo wee Dates ^ b ' Fine Layer Figs ; ••• 15c lb. Medium Layer Figs • 18c lb. Extra Large Figs • • • 2 ^ c ^ b * Fine Table Raisins 2 ^ c l b * Extra Table Raisins 30c lb. Best Walnuts 20c lb. Filberts 20c lb, Almonds ••• ^ b ' Peanuts 20c lbl Shelled Nuts.. 50c lb . Extracts. 10c to 25c bottle. Icing Sugar ^ b * ^ or 2 ^ c Bag Eclipse Pastry Flour Olives Plain Olives, from 10c to 75c per bottle. Stuffed Olives, from 15c to $1.00 per bottle. An extra large stock of choice Olives. Fruits Malaga Grapes, extra fine .20c lb. Oranges, Fine new seedless Navels, all sizes and prices, these will be extra good value. A fine assortment of Grape I Fruit, 3 for 25c, 4 for 25c and 5 for 25c. Confectionery Our stock of Confectionery is now complete, mixtures of all kinds : No. 1 Mixture at l^c No. 2 Mixture at 25c Cream Mixtures at 20c, Chocolate Mixtures at 30c are specials. Humbugs, Kisses, Gum Drops, Turkish Delight, Mints, Marshmallows, Marshmallows, Maple Cream, and many other kinds at reasonable prices. China Departmént Our China Department is replete with choice designs in Imported Imported China, consisting of many usëful articles suitable for presentation. presentation. Some dainty patterns in' open stock. - Dinnerware both in semi-porcelain and china. You can purchase a single article or a full set. Toilet Sets in great variety at all prices. Call arid inspect our stock of china. . We will be pleased to see you and will try our best to please. A. HADDY Hall Grocery Bowman ville BOWMAN VILLE, DEC. 11. 1913 SHAWS* SCHOOL A good Xmas program consisting of I dialogues, drills, choruses, etc., will be given by the pupils of Shaw's School Thursday, Dec. it at 8pm. Admission 15c. 49-3W 1 Should you require the services of an I ambulance phone io. L. MORRIS & SON. BETHBSDA. Members of Bethesda Sunday School 1 are preparing for à grand entertainment in the church on. Friday, Dec. 19th at 8 Ip m. An interesting program of dialogues, dialogues, recitations and music in being pre- pared and a good concert is assured all 1 who attend. Admission 15c and 20c. 50-2 DARLINGTON Base Line Sunday School will hold their annual Christmas arch and 'entertainment 'entertainment Tuesday evening Dec. 23. The Brooklin Male Quartette, which is very popular, will assist in the ■ program and render some comic songs. Dialogues and recitations by home and foreign talent; I come and enjoy the evening. McLaughlin Cutters at ^Jason's. OOUBTIOB BRIEFS. A large congregation was present Sun- | night when the male choir rendered an I excellent song service. The United Choirs I will furnish Christmas music on Sunday, Dec. 21 The funeral of the late Mrs. Harry Balson was largely attended Mon- I day. Pastor Dixon officiated and letters I of condolence were read from Revs. Drs. Briggs, Ockley, Tovell and Rev. J.J.Red- | ditt all of Toronto. The Methodist Book Room, Toronto, with, which Mr. Balson was formerly employed for many. years, was represented by Messrs Whittaker, j Gammon, Saunders and Taylor. Ex-Alderman Ex-Alderman Youmans was also present. Interment Interment was made at Union Cemetery, west of Oshawa. DARLINGTON NEWS. Bowmanville Camp, W. of W. No. 54» held their regular monthly meeting Monday Monday night when these officers were elected elected for coming year : P. C. of C., Jas. Nokes; C. of C., F. W. Bottrell; A. L., Wm. Kellman; Escort, L J. Bottrell, Clerk, Rd. Moyse; Banker, Rd. Jarvis; Sentry, F. Spry; Watchman, Wm. Barra- ball; Managers, P. Alcumbeck, Dr. R. W Clark, A. F. Crossman; Physician, Dr. Clark; Delegates to Grand Lodge, Rd. Jarvis; Alternate Rd. Moyse. At their next meeting in the S. of E. Hall on Dec. 17th, Oshawa Lodge will confer the degrees degrees on several candidates. WARDeÎ7hÏcKSON^ tched County Councillors ^ of Durham and Northumberland attested their feeling of the high worth of their Warden for 1913» Mr. Joseph Hickson, when on vacating the chair at the winding up of the session held on Thursday last, he was presented with a magnificent gold watch with chain and fob attached. On the outside the initials initials "J. H." were beautifully engraved, and on the dome inside the inscription read: "Presented to Joseph Hickson, Warden Warden of the Counties of Durham and Northumberland, Northumberland, for the year 1913." The prsentation was made by Reeve J. v. Kells, of Millbrook, assisted by Reeve A. A. Colwill, of Newcastle, and Reeve Norman McGill, of Cavan. The. speech of the day was .made by the latter gentleman, gentleman, who gave a history or resume of the career of Warden Hickson sinqjHus first entering into the municipal fiera. The members all dealt with the Wardens good work while in council, and regrets were rife when Vfarden Hickson informed informed his colleagues that this would be his ast appearance amongst them as a county councillor. Mr. Hickson has served 18 years in council, twelve of which he has spent in the Reeve's chair, and he was granted the unprecedented privilege of aking the seat for ten years by acclamation. acclamation. ENNISKILLEN Send all news letters Monday for next two weeks as The James Papers will be printed a day earlier. All changes for advertisements must reach the office by Monday noon, too. PHOTOGRAPHS FOR CHRISTMAS. What can you give that is as much appreciated appreciated ? Photos of the children for grandfather, mother, aunts and uncles pictures of yourself and wife for. your children and your family. They will be delighted to receive them instead of soirie useless ornament. We take them anc take them so well that they are just like fife; That is the kind of pictures you want to give your friends. We have jus received an assortment of the very lates thing in mounts. Some swell folders among them, from $2 to $5 a dozen; the $5 line is something very nifty. Plain mountings from $1.50 a dozen up. You know the place. James Block, opposite Bowman House. THOS. ROBSON, The Old Reliable Photographer, Bowmanville m - Miss Etta Amsbury is visiting Mrs. I Pringle, Cobourg Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Parsons spent Sunday with their daughter at Whitbv Mr, Wilbur Britton, Rou leau, Sask., has been visiting friends here ... .Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Guy were in Toronto Toronto recently... .Dr. C. Wallace, Kent- I ville, visited Mrs. D. W. Downey, on his [ way home from Chicago, 111 Mr. and Mrs. Ira Pearce visited her father at Osh- l awa and attended the funeral of her I brother John who died in the hospital in 1 Montreal after a very short illness... Mr. Roland Fitzgerald, Toronto, visited his uncle Mr. E. J. Burk.... Miss Philp I and Miss Morton, Port Hope, is visiting Miss Stella Blackburn. If you order your Fertilizer now we can save you money at Mason's. SALEM Notice to Creditors. Christmas tree and concert consisting of choruses, dialogues, drills and recita- | tions etc., will be given by the school assisted assisted by other talent in Salem church, j Monday evening Dec. 15. Admission 15c. Mr. and" Mrs. J. G. Plunkett have been visiting relatives at Marmora Miss Marjorie Collacutt spent the week-end in town with her grandmother, Mrs. Thos. I Knight Miss Mary Martin visited with I Miss Mabel Cballis... .Miss Ivy Hamm, Oshawa, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Arthur Blewitt's... .Miss RetaCald- | well spent Sunday under the parental roof at Osaca Mr. S. J. Honey has com I pleted his steel barn. Fertilizers--You will save money by ordering now at Mason's, payableFall 1914 TYRONE NOTES. Don't forget the annual concert under the auspices of the Epworth League in Sons' Hall on Friday evening Dec. 12th. An excellent program is being prepared consisting of a cantata "Santa Claus on Strike", club swinging, "Rainbow Drill" by sixteen girls, and a drama "District School at Blueberry Corners." All are 1 invited; come and enjoy an evening's en- | tertainment by the Leaguers. . The monthly meeting of WMS on Dec. 4 was well attended, President Mrs. W. Brent in chair. It was decided to hold a social in the Parsonage Feb. 5 Particulars later. Mrs. A. Morris was in charge of the program which was greatly enjoyed. Miss Vera Colwill sang a solo, and readings were given by Miss, L- Virtue Virtue on "The History of Herbie Bellamy", and by Miss E. Werry on "The Joy of Christmas." Next meeting Jan. 8. Mr. Thos, Goodman and daughter, I Emily, Raglan, spent Sunday with Mr; L. J. Goodman. One of the nicest Xmas presents is a I Kitchen Cabinet. See them at Mason's. Special services all this week; those who fail to attend are missing something of great benefit.... Mrs. VT. McLaughlin, Mrs. Walter Oke and Mrs. Wm. A. Herring Herring have been sick. Dr. Slemon is a jusy man these days... .Mr. Arthur Moore who went on one of the harvest excursions out west has returned home, looking as if that country agreed with him. Mr. Warren Preston is staying out there with.his brother....Mrs. A. Hayes returned home to Mr. C. W. Souch's - Saturday Saturday from Sanitarium Toronto, improved improved in health No League service during special services.... W. M. S. hold last meeting for this year Wednesday... .Mr. and Mrs. Hooper, Burketbn, Mr. and Mrs. R. McNeil, Tyrone, Mr. Fred Cowling, Purple Hill, at Mr. John Cowling's..... Miss Grace Slemon spent week-end with Miss Elsie E. Rundle at Bethesda (Last week's news received too late for last issue is on another page.) Mason, Bowmanville, delivers Kitchen Cabinets at a remarkably low price. HAMPTON NEWS. Members of Court Archer, I. O. F. are requested to meet Wednesday evening Dec. 17 for election of officers and other general business. Full attendance requested requested Mrs. H. J. Hoidge, Kirkfield, is visiting her parents and other friends.. . .Mrs. Davey, Port Perry, is guest of her sister, Mrs. Theo Salter... .Master Oscar Ward isquite sick ...Mr. George Taylor has moved the house recently purchased from Mr. Ambrose Trenouth and will shortly move into it. Mr. Frank Ruse, Exeters will take possession of the house to be vacated by Mr. Taylor... .Rev. C. W. Barrett is home improved in health.. .. Mr. A. Barber, Bowmanville, preached to a good congregation Sunday night Thank-offering services here next Sunday at 10.30 a m and 7 p m. See posters. Rev. R. A. Whattam, Orono, will occupy the pulpit at both services... .Mr. J. George, Toronto, was guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. L Clemence Miss Pearl Ranton and Miss Minnie Horn visited with Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Clemence, Kirby.... Master Levi Niddery had a nail run through his foot Saturday. • • .Congratulations Clifford.. Christmas tree and concert Xmas eve. Particulars next week. In the matter of the Estate of William Henry Cawker, late of the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham, Merchant, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Re vised Statutes of Ontario" 1897, chapter 129, that all creditors -and others having claims against the estate of the said. William Henry Cawker, who died on or about the twenty-sixth day of October, 1913, are required, on or before the twenty-ninth day of December, 1913, to send by post prepaid or deliver to A. E. McLaughlin of the Town of Bowmanville in the County of Durham, Durham, Solicitor for Charles Mathew Cawker, the administrator of the estate of the said deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Administrator will proceed proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled-thereto, having regard regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and that the said Administrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated at Bowmanville the eighth day of December, December, 1913. A. E. MCLAUGHLIN, Solicitor for Charles Mathew Cawker, the Ad ministrator of the Estate of the said William Henry Cawker, deceased. 50 3 Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the Estate, of John S Ashton, late of the Township of Darlington, Darlington, in the County of Durham, Farmer, Farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Revised Revised Statutes of Ontario" 1897, chapter 129, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said John S. Ashton, who died on or about the Sixth day of September, 1912, are required, on or before the Twenty-ninth day of December, 1913, to send by post prepaid or deliver to A. E. McLaughlin, of the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham, Solicitor for Frederick Thomas Ashton and John Colwill, the Executors of the Will of the said decease^, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons Of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. • Dated at Bowmanville the Eighth day of December, December, 1913. A. E. MCLAUGHLIN. Solicitor for Frederick Thomas Ashton and John Colwill, Executors of the Will of John S. Ashton, deceased. SO 3- ENFIELD HAPPENINGS. Recent visitors : Mr. and Mrs. A. Nid dery, Manchester, Mrs. W. Lamb, Toronto, Toronto, Mrs. J. and Mr. Mervin Mahaffy, Purple Hill, at Mr. J. Niddery's; Mr. Lome and Miss Jenkenson, Toronto, at Mr. Alex Smith's; Miss Hepburn, Kedron, at Mr. A. Qrmiston's; Mr. R. Pascoe with retatives in Mariposa..... .Mr. J. Martin has rented the farm of Mrs. Arthur Annis ... Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griffin gave a reception reception to Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Topping before their departure for Edmonton. A very enjoyable evening was spent... .Mr. Geo. Ormiston attended Guelph Wintér Fair and exhibited a good Clydèsdale. .. ... .Christmas Tree and entertainment here Christmas eve, and real old Santa Claus is expected... .Mrs. J. Niddery is ; I very low at time of writing... .Mrs. J. Smith Improves very slowly ,... Weather has been favorable for farmers who were in arrears with work and short of feed as | cattle were lèft in the pasture until this ; week. 1 >■ '. • For Infants and Children. The Kind Yon Haw Alwaji Bought 80LINA DOINGS. Recent visitors: Miss Muriel Lammi- man, Oshawa, at Mr. T. Baker's; Mrs. Woods, Salem, at her son's, Mr. John Kivell's; Mr. Roy Blair and Master Harold and Miss Gertrude Pascoe at Enfield; Mr. and Miss Williams, Caesarea, at their uncle's, Mr. Silas Williams'; Mr. and Mrs. W. Werry at Kedron; Mrs. J. T. Rundle at Mariposa; Mrs. W. H. Worden at Oshawa; Oshawa; Miss Effa Brooks at Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs, S. E. Werry and Gordon at Blackstock Mr. Samuel Bush and fam ily, having purchased the house and lo : from Mr. Walter Vice, have moved here .... Thank-offering services at Hampton Sunday so no preaching service at Eldad, Sunday School at 2.30 p m as usual Song service here on Sunday Dec. 21.... Farmers' Club meeting on Light and Power question was well attended from the whole district. Editor W. L. Smith, of the Weekly Sun, gave a clear and concise concise address on uses of electricity, cost of installing, etc. Messrs. Barry and Whyte Bowmanville, were also present and addressed addressed the meeting favorably. Committees Committees were formed to see what power and light can be sold. Messrs. A. J. Reynolds, Reynolds, S. E. Werry, Ivan M. Law, G. J. Northcott will call on Solina people and vicinity ... . The choir under leadership of Mr. James Jebson is preparing an English Christmas service in story and spng for Sunday Dec. 21. A great treat is in store for all who attend. Cadets of Temperance will hold their Xmas tree entertainment Tuesday Déc. 23 in Sons' Hall, Solina. Mother Goose and her children and Santa Claus and his family will be there to help entertain. Dialogues, singing and nirisic by the members members and others. Doors open at 7.30, concert concert to begin at 8 p m; admission 15c, two for 35c, children ioc. Fertilizers for all kinds of crops at reduced reduced prices at Mason's if ordered now. OLildreri Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAST O R I A. GRAND TRUNK syst^ CALIFORNIA FLORIDA AND THE SUNNY SOUTH The Grand Trunk Railway is the most direct route from all points East thru Canada via Chicago, Detroit or Buffalo. ONLY DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE Round-trip tickets at low rates, giving choice of all the best routes, together with full particulars, may be obtained at Grand Trunk Ticket Offices. J. H. H. JURY, City Passenger and Ticket Agent, Phone 78. Bowmanville No Better Meat on the Market Our big, juicy steaks look nice enough to frame, but there is a more practical use for which they are intended--that of making making you look healthy and happy. The kind of meat you get here, no matter of what nature, is the no : better-on- the- market kind. You can safely tie to that statement. statement. We take as much pride in our business and have as much regard fvr our integrity as though we were running a bank. We handle all kinds of good things in meats. Highest cash price paid for Fresh Butter, Eggs and Poultry of all kinds. Your order will be appreciated. Challis & Mutton PHONE 225 » Horsey Block - Bowmanville Holiday Gifts of Special Merit for Men The things that men appreciate above everything everything else are the practical gifts of things for everyday use--things that the recipient would buy for himself. Cravats that are different 25c to $1.50 Mufflers and Silk Neckscarfs 50c to $3.00 House Coats suitable & comfortable $2. 50 to $6. 00 Bath Robes and Lounging Robes $3. 75 to $7. 50 Fine Hosiery cotton, lisle or silk 25c to $1.00 Men's Gloves Fashion's latest shades $1 to $3 Handkerchief a magnificent line 10c to $1 Sweater Coats all color combinations $1 to $5 Dress Shirts handsome new designs 75c to $2.00 Stylish Hats make acceptable gifts $1.50 to $4. 00 And then, too, you raise his opinion of you just anoth- / er bit higher when you present present him w T ith something practical and sensible - something something he would buy tor himself. himself. > - Every time he wears tne Scarf, the Shirt, or the CravajT or Housecoat, or the Bathrobe, Bathrobe, or the Hose, or the Suspenders, Suspenders, or the Gloves which you gave him, he thinks of you. Every time some friend speaks a word of admiration for the gift you made him, it brings a happy recollection of you. Every time he sees the ornamental, ornamental, perhaps, but unuseful unuseful gift of someone else, he unconsciously remembers y ou for your practical, useful and sensible gift of something to wear. So, when you select a present present for "him." remember, men are practical. They cherish the memory of a practical, useful gift, but soon forget the opposite kind. And make your gift to_ "him" somethirig-he will re^^ ly like better than all tlfe^ other presents he receives-- let it be something to wear. And don't lose sight of the fact that most men instinctively instinctively know that any thing which bears this store's label is absolutely right in style and dependable in quality. We box all Christmas goods appropriately. The Anderson The Style Store for Men Phone 61 Bowmanville