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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1913, p. 7

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T7*rr'>; y~- •' ; <r " v:v -■ -v . Cake made with N keeps fresfi and moist. Besides it is lighter, finer grained and more wholesome. EARLIER DATS AT OXFORD, CLKT*LASO BiKIXG POWDER CO., Mew York. A. E. Md-ATTGHLIN. Barrister, Solicitor and Conveyancer. Office:--Bleakley Block, King 8tr# *** Bowmanville. Money to loan at twasoer able rates. 4S-Urr, Wood's Phosphodiaa, B.J.Razlewoode M.D.,O.M BOWMANYILLE. . OUT. OLD MEDALI8T of trinity Un The Great English ^Eemedv. Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes new Blooa in old Veins, Cures JVcrvo«s DebUity.^MentaJ. rice SI per box, six deney, Loss of Energy, -- -- Memory. foiï? 'Sold by .u rlrncririfttfl or mailed in plain _p G ( druggists or xuuwDv. ™ vugwoOD Si ED I CIN^Cof, T010ST0, OET. (Fwwdy Wleiwr.) iyereity., Toronto? Four ye*r*_A.ttendfr^ Physician and* Burgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital ^Off^ce^'and Residence Wellington fl t. Tel 1 cecHo. 1M. TAILOR MADE SUIT AT $15. Jos. Jeffrey & Son are busy these days catching up with orders for their Famous Tailor-made Suits at $15--really worth $18 to $30. They have an excellant selection (firworsteds and tweed suitings to choos<x from. Why not have your suit tailc^inade instead of wearing a misfit ready-made suit? You never saw better bargains at this price, quality and work considered. Have your measure taken to-dav TAILOR MOVED. Mr. J. T. Allen has moved his tailor shop to the Mason Block over Anderson Clothing Co's Store, where he will be pleased to attend to the wants of all. his old customers and any new ones requiring suits made, clothes pressed, cleaned or repaired. repaired. Work done promptly and satisfactorily. satisfactorily. Did You Know That your father's uncle's brother's brother's wife is your 'great-aunt? ? That your aunt's mother s father's wife is your great-grandmother great-grandmother ? , That your mother s nephew s daughter's son is your third cousin cousin ? , , , , . That your brother's son s sister s mother is your sister-in-law ? That your sister-in-law's father- in-law's grandson is your nephew ? That your sister's father's stepson's stepson's mother is your stepmother ? That your uncle's father's only granddaughter is yourself ^ } That your brother-in-law. s wife s grandmother's husband is your grandfather ? . ; That your father's father s daughter's daughter is your first cousin ? That the granddaughter of the only son of your mother's mother- in-law is your niece ? Student Lite of Fifteenth Century Had Many Odd „ Sides. The undergraduate at Oxford University in. 1413 in order to obtain obtain his B.A. degree studied the high logic of Porphyry and Boethius, Boethius, something 7-of -Aristotle and enough of arithmetic to enable him to find muster, says a writer m Harper's Weekly. Three years more were usually spent in studying studying geometry, astronomy and astrology. astrology. _. .. He lived in college. His allowance allowance of money was a shilling a week. His breakfast was a piece of bread and a pot of beer at dawn. His dinner was eaten at ten in the morning. He was given one suit of clothes yearly. Three times a year each student was required secretly to tell the masters of the misbehavior misbehavior of his fellows, who then received "competent castigation." The rules of the university prohibited prohibited visits--to taverns or spectacles," spectacles," the keeping of dogs, the playing of chess and other ' noxious and illicit sports, shooting with arrows arrows or other missiles, dancing, running, wrestling, or other incautious incautious and inordinate amusements." amusements." An Agreeable Core For Catarrh & Prevents Return of These Troubles, Every sufferer from coughs, colds, bronchitis and all-throat and chest needs a soothing, healing which goes direct to the in the chest and r,t the ailments medicine breathing organs lungs, attacks the trouble source, disperses the germs °f disease, and cures the ailment thoroughly, And this medicine is "Catarrhozone "I have been a chronic * uf J* rer fr J™ Catarrh In the nose and throat for over eight years. I th . ink . * four hundred dollars trying *° 8 e * lief. 1 have spent but 8lx /[oHara on Catarrhozone, and have been com pletely cured, and, In fact, have been well for some time. Catarrhozone is the only medicine I have been able to find that would not only give temporary temporary relief, but will always cure permanently. permanently. Yours sh £erely (Signed), WILLIAM RAGAN, Brockville, Ont. For absolute, permanent cure use Catarrhozone. Two months outfit costs $1.00;. smaller size, 50a, at all dealers or the Catarrhozone Com- pany BuSalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada. ,\ • Especially on Forehead and Chin, ^shamed to Go Out. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured in Month and a Half. McMilllan St., Oil City. Ont. --"My face was nearly covered with pimples, especially on my forehead and chin. The trouble began began with pimples and blackheads and there were times I felt ashamed to go out. They were little red lumps and then festered and I squeezed the matter out. "I rubbed on different remedies, Salve and Cream but they did no good. Then-I saw the advertisement of In Wrong for Once. "I, never knew old Simpson ^acknowledge ^acknowledge that he made a mis- The only recreation permitted take >> was the assembling round the fire on winter nights to indulge m "singing or the reading of poems • m/1 isrwviyil ASA /"If rB'âlni H'HO. Ol and chronicles of the realm the wonders of the world." The college was summoned to dinner by two poor scholars, who ran round the quadrangles shout- bad Latin and French : Ah, I did once. "Really? How did it happen? "He put the lighted end of his cigar in his mouth. Liquid Sulphur mg m manger, ' 'Temp us est vocadi a seigneurs !" The "seigneurs obliged to eatdn absolute silence O were CHILDHOOD AILMENTS. PEATE'S CLOTHES CLEANING CLEANING AND DYEING. The cleaning and pressing works in Bowmanville is carried on by Thomas Peate, next door to Scott's Grocery. He has a solution for putting on garments garments that makes it impossible for grease and dust to remain. Old clothing reno- V xaJted and made to look like new. Leave '^■KWs at Scott's Grocery if no one is In when you call. Thos. Peate, King-st., Bowmanville. Laid or Lied. Son--Dad, when you put a hen on eKgs to hatch-them, do you sav _-u„ ic "clffino-" or "setting" ? A she is "sitting" or "setting^ hen can't really sit, can she l Pa^-^Don't bother about little things like that. What concerna me most is to know when she cack- es whether she has laid or lied ! Ailments such as constipation, colic, colds, vomiting, . etc., seize children of .all ages, and the mother should be on her guard against these troubles by keeping a box of Baby's Own Tablets in the house. If any of these troubles come on suddenly the Tablets will cure them, or if the little one is given an occasional dose of the Tablets he will escape ^hese troubles. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers dealers or by mail at 25c a box froin The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. is proving its value as a home remedy remedy every day. Mothers who have children going to school in the congested congested districts of Toronto gargle their throats every morning with LIQUID SULPHUR. Prevention of disease is better than a cure. Price 50 Cents a bottle. All druggists druggists or SULPHUR PRODUCTS LIMITED, 158 Bay Street, Toronto. Cuticura Soap and Ointment and sent for a sample. I got It and began using them and in a week's time I noticed a change. I used the sample of Cuticura Soap and Ointment and one box of Cuticura Ointment from the. drug store with the Cuticura Soap. In a month and a half the pimples and blackheads blackheads were gone and I am completely cured. - (Signed) Miss Lydia Mcllwaln, May 23, *13. A generation of mothers has found no soap so well suited for cleansing and purifying the pHn and hair of infants and children as Cuticura Soap.- Its absolute purity and refreshing refreshing fragrance alone are enough to recommend it above ordinary skin * soaps, but there are added to these qualities delicate yet effective emollient properties, derived from Cuticura Ointment, which render it most valuable in overcoming a tendency to distressing eruptions and promoting a normal normal condition of skin and hair health. A single cake of Cuticura Soap and box of Cuticura Ointment are often sufficient when all else has failed. Sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post-card Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Dept. D. Boston, U. S. A. THÉ TURK'S CHARACTER. $100 REWARD, $100. WHY DOCTORS PRESCRIBE Useful Hints. waffl may be made the evening batter If convenient, the wattle' before it NX N0X Because it is not a patent medicine, but a prescription of a very eminent doctor. 108 Nox a Cold in one day. and 50c per bottle at all drug Jury & Lovell, special agents. 25c stores. In all countries. Ask for our INVENTOR'S INVENTOR'S ADVISER,which will be sent free. • MARION & MARION, 304 University St., Montréal. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires requires a constitutional treatment, rlajl s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature m doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address : F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. constipation. * Sir Thomas Dewar tells a very good story of a skipper who ran a small steamer up and down the Clyde. One day at low tide he managed managed to get his vessel on a mud bank, and after he had exhausted his entire vocabulary m describing the Clyde, his erring et earner, and still more to be condemned he leaned gloomily over the his crew, side waiting for the tide to rise. Very soon lie saw approaching the Notice to Creditors. is used. The waffles will be lighter and more easily digested. . Those who are prone to neuralgia and rheumatism will find relief by adding a little oil of turpentine to a warm or hot 'bath. . If something, you are cooking happens to scorch,_ set the kettle m cold water immediately, and there will be no scorched taste. For wiping oiled floors use an oiled oiled cloth made by wringing a duster out of keïosene and hanging it outdoors outdoors till perfectly dry. Tarts that ' will please the children children can be made in gem tins. The tarts should be filled with strawberry strawberry jam and covered with cross- b& In making gored dresses for little little girls, stitch a long strip of selvage selvage material down the bias skirt seam of the back, and the skirt will not sag. river a girl carrying a bucket. Obviously Obviously she was coming down to get some water, and the skipper s wrath flamed up anew. Leaning over the side and shaking his fist at her he gave her this fair warning : "My lassie, if you tak' one drap o watter oot here till X get afloat again I'll warm yer ear for t. A WARM WINTER COMING. «June weather will prevail in California., the land of eternal flow ere. the ideal Wintering Wintering place, reached comfortably and conveniently by the Cbicazo Union Pacffio & North Western Line, via the fastest. a ■a -mnat direct routes, amidst the luxurious Groundings of the compartment, club Three splendid trains ^aily-^The Over lakid Limited, fastest tram^to San Bran la the Surrogate Court of the united counties of Northumberland and Durham, Durham, in the matter of the Estate of RICHARD FOSTER, late of the ' Township of Darlington, in the County of Durham, Esquire, deceased. N OTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Statutes Statutes in that behalf, that all creditors and other persons having claims against the itate of the said Richard Foster, who died on >boub the 27th day of October, 1918. were- __lred to send by post, prepaid, °J to delive rto The undersigned, the executors of the last Wi 1 and Testament of the said deceased, on ® r J? ef Q ml the 5th day of January, 1914, their names and cisco--The Los Angeles Limited, three °f City_and thé I things are not Turkish, days to the. Magic City ian eh Fr e âncÿ:o Sa LiiMted : Ubuhle _ track, they were electrih hl^kehrnal protection rock ballasting ballasting finest dining car service. Bates, mustràted matter and full particulars illuBtrateu B H Bennett, General Agent, 46 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. His Manliness and Dignity Stand Out In Bold Relief. Writing of the characteristics of the Turk in The Atlantic Monthly, H. G. .Dwight says ; "There is something about him which I can not help liking--a simplicity, a manliness, a dignity. I hke his fondness for water, and flowers, and green meadows, and spreading trees. I like his love of children. I like his perfect manners. I like his sobriety. 'I like his patience E like the way he faces death. Une of the things I like most about him is what has been most- his undoing-- his lack of any commercial instinct. I like-, too, what no one has much noticed, the artistic side, of him. "I do not know Turkish enough to appreciate his literature, and his religion forbids him--or he imagines imagines it does--to engage in the plastic plastic arts. But in architecture and certain forms of decoration he has created a school of hie own. It is not- only that the Turkish quarter of any Anatolian town is more picturesque picturesque than the others ; the.old palaces palaces of the Sultans in Constantinople, Constantinople, certain old houses I have seen, the mosques, the theological schools, the tombs, the fountains, of the Turks, are an achievement which deserves a more < serious study than has been given it. "You may tell me that these not Turkish, because; modelled after Byzantine -originals or because Greeks, and Persians had much to do with building them. But I shall answer that every architecture was derived, from another, in days not so near our own, and that, after all, it was many different' industries, even including including foundries, require wood to carry on their operations, but it is equally noteworthy that twenty-six of the thirty-four kinds of wood used should grow in Ontario. The supplies of some of them, it is true, are nearing exhaustion, but this was not always the case, nor is it likely, with the steady rise in wood prices, that this will long continue to be the case. Mr. E. J. Zavitz, Ontario Forestry Forestry Commissioner, says :--"There is .at present in the old settled portion of Ontario an aggregate of about 8,500 square miles of farmers' woodlands. It is safe to say that there is, in addition to the assessed woodland, another area of 8,500 square miles, which is suited only for forest growth. This means that southern Ontario could eventually have over ten million acres of pn v-ate woodland." Ontario was once a land of valuable hardwoods, and will be so again. -, Another remarkable thing illustrated illustrated by this bulletin is the variety variety of uses to which woods, : still common in Ontario, may be put. Elm and basswood arc used in thirtv-one industries, and ash is another valuable hardwood with a wide range.of use. Maple, Ontario's Ontario's most important hardwood, has over one hundred listed uses, while birch and beech are being increasingly increasingly used, especially for hardwood flooring. Pine forms 21.7 per cent, of all the wood purchased by these industries, but it is being gradually replaced by spruce, as the supply is nearing exhaustion. By observing observing the uses and then consulting the classified directory of manufacturers' manufacturers' markets may be ascertained for cherry, apple, sumac and other supposedly little-used hardwoods, and. also for many forms of wood- waste . V MINCE MEAT V Choicest fruits etc.,--perfectly balanced--ready to use. Saves endless labour. One I quality : --the best. W. OURK, M't'r., 'v/jti.1 Meetreal. a EDUCATION. E LLIOTT'f BURINES8 COLLEGE. Toronto. Toronto. Canada's Popular Commet ci al School. Magnificent Catalogne tree. farms for sal*. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. Ninety Colborne Street, F YOU WANT TO I r Fruf£ F took. Grain, or Dairy Farm, write H. W. Dawson, Colborne Ft.. Toronto. BUY OB. FELL or Dai Brampton, or W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto. NEWSPAPER FOR SALE. N ewspaper and job office in Gravenhuret. Proprietor being a druggist, is. unable to give the pnn_mg office the attention necessary, and etrera it for sale at a. sacrifice. No 0 P r, , < l F ! ^* 0 P; One of the best newspaper openings jn the Province for a practical man- Wilson Publishing Company. Apply Toronto.' WANTED. T IVE FOXES AND LT V E MINE |_J price -when writing. Reid Broe., Bothwell, Ont. UNINJURED MINK, MARTEN L IV and Fisher. ~W.~D. Bates. Ridgetown. Ont. FOOT CEDAR „ _ inch tons. Quote Reid Bros.. Bothwell. Ont. POSTS FIVE E 1 ?™ <Z£?'ovZSr»Sl~*Z Bothwell. MISCELLANEOUS Best Thing Known For Croupy Children l ANGER. TUMORS. LUMPS. ETO-. ^ internal and external, cured » ^ ont nain by our home treatment, write ne before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical tv.°A. noTUnffwo<-n. Ont C' A Mother Tells Her Experience, • "Bringing up young children has its responsibilities under the best of circumstances," circumstances," writes Mrs. E. G. Fagan, of Holmes' Corners, "but croupy colds add considerable to the worry. My little family of four all went through j the croupy era, but I always had Nerv -1 line on hand and never felt nervous, ; just followed the directions, and 1 can tell you that nothing I know of is surer to cure croupy colds than Nervi- "In our home we use Nerviline frequently. frequently. For cold in the chest, pleurisy, pleurisy, hoarseness, etc., it is simply wonderful. wonderful. My husband uses it for rheumatism, rheumatism, and I often employ it for neuralgia neuralgia and sick headache. Nerviline has so inafiy uses that 110 mother can afford to he without it." The large family size bottle which sells at 50c., is the most economical; trial size, 26c. Your storekeeper or druggist sells Nerviline, which is prepared prepared by the Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, Buffalo, N. Y. . : * ^ ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD- Vx der Stones, Kidney trouble. Gra '-1. Lumbago and kindred ailments cored with the new German remedy Tanol." price $1.50. Another new remod, lor Diabetes-Mellitufl. f. nd 00 U -n "Hanoi's Anti-Diabetes." Price $2/)o r n druggists or direct. The Sanol Mann a. luring Company of Canada. Winnipeg, Man. Limited. DO YOUR. STOCKINGS SHRINK from washing $wnd hurt your DcTthe children com pi a in? The IDEAL STOCKING STRETCHERS make old Blockings feel and wear like new. relieve tired feet, ease corns and save darning darning Two eizss, adult and cniiu- ren'e. 50c. a pair by matt. l. YORK A CO., Waterford, up A Soft Answer. g} ie --You really should give smoking ; it affects the heart. He By that reasoning 1 ought to give you up also. Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery E> cs or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smait Pc This Sad Old World. Pointed Paragraphs. An egotist is an "I" specialist. Even the union dentists believe in an open shop. It's as hard to make a hero as it is easy to unmake one. If all men were to get justice, more of them would be in jail. After a gossip tells all she knows she gets busy and tells more. Marriage is never a failure--but the contracting parties frequently are. Tf is a, good idea to wipe carpet, fact, that , , • cloth wrung out of neighborhood were charged to h . Accounted For. A darkey named Dick wasdenown | ™ m u ^ w ^ 0 created the oppor as a notorious W, ^ ^if/t te^foreign artist and all ammonir^b-een A U > added. (Two teaspoonfuls to a. gal lon of water.) Death Nearly Claimed New Brunswick lady ) ? keys stolen, and he had Dick arrest- "You stole Mr. King's turkeys? asked the jud^e.' "Well," ordered what he wanted. Is Britain Tired of Canada ? "If you could have your choice, j asked the beautiful maiden , "would you rather have luck genius, Mf. Smallwitte . "I have always thought Id prefer prefer luck. But 'that's the way in this world. One always has to be satisfied with what is not one s fiist choice." --Soothes Eye Pain, druggists SeU Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. An Kye Tonic Good for All Eyes that Need Core Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicane A Season of Recuperation. "So she has sent back all the pi sents you gave her and refuses see you again V "Yes. Gee, what a relief it is n- t to be in love." L > I was cured of Rheumatic Gout by MIN- ARD S LINIMENT. aNDBEW KING. t w^ured of A«at= BroniWU. by MIN- C. CREWE READ. We don't think bo. but we are Bure no Suseex.^ yf A<?nte Rheumatiem by man has any chance of cur in e corne un- Putnam's Corn Extractor., It and branch, cures * t-.. , -, ^T'll i lee« he usee said Dick slc/WiJ, . I takes out root, stem, 24 hours. Use only Put- 250. at all dealer®. tell you, sir ; I didn't steal dem tur Dainle6Bly i n but last night I went cross j nam . 3- 25c. a MINARDH LINIMENT. c g BILLING Markham. ^ cfieldi Que „ bet, 9. 1907. U l O MlUiXl J % » , , , e * ... „ address es and full particulars ,of_ fc „ he l r .£r,™ S ; rifled and the nature of th ®, if anv held by them, and after the said 5th day ox Janua'ry 1914, the said Executors will proceed to distr.hute the assets of the said deceased among the nersons entitle! thereto, having regard only which thev then shall have had 0 to th° claims of which they then _ notice, and that they will not be liable for the said asstffVir. any imrt thereof te any P^on^or persons/ nad not! DateuT»? 29th day of November, 1913. 'rwr^mRONTO GENERAL TRUSTS THETUUU^xu crx, CORPORATION, Executors of Estate of Richard Foster, S3 Bay Street, Toionto. Messrs. Malone, Malone & Long, 85 Solteitors fo'r the Executors. 49 eow. zx keys, „ , Mr. King's pasture and saw one of my rails on de fence, so I jes brought it home, and, confound it, when I come to look, -dar was nine turkeys set tin' on de rail." Mlnard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Was Restored to Her Anxious Family Family When Hope Had Gone. St. John, N.B., Dec. 15.--At one time It was feared that Mrs. J. Grant, of 23 White St., would succumb to the dead- ly of a,dva,nc6d kidney trouble. "My first attacks of backache and kidney trouble began year» ago. For six years that dull gnawing pain has Kaon nrpqent When I exerted myself have an egg- , ~v w .-u ItWLS terribly intensified. If I caught before her. She took the top off, cold the pain was unendurable. I used an< j as ked her mother if she mi môst everything, but nothing gave that €a ^. ^ It was It Was Evidently' Bad. breakfast time. and to Queenie, aged: six, was going to have an egg. The egg was placed Knew Him Too Well. "You've met Burroughs, haven't materia V ' you ? "Yes " C C -Do you know him well V • - ■ ■ - .1-11--' worth. "About forty dollars' Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Her Intimate Friend. "That girl has pretty hair, Mlnard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Some people use poor marei when they make up their minds. Intellectual 'growth shouldn t necessarily, necessarily, cause a man s head to outgrow outgrow his hat 5 J re- The fellow who always wants ^o certain grateful relief that came from Dr Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. Instead of being bowed down with pain, to-day I am strong, "Eat it Certainly V "But it's bad,, mumiriy, "Bad ? 17 Nonsense, mylehild. It's Cheerful. Patient : "Shall I ever get well again, doctor?" enjoy splendid appetite, sleep soundly Lost properties have been Into my blood--cheeks, are roBy with 7 7 a fresh egg- , . • ., . » Queenie lapsed into silence. A few minutes later her mother was marked the young man. "Yes," said the damsel he was with, "and she lias some at home that is even prettier." get something for nothing can wavs get in a free fight. It doesn't take much to please_ lot of people who are pleased themselves. a with Wise Sayings. Silence may be golden, hut you can't buy the^ still small voice of conscience. 4 , , „ Some people are so fond -of borrowing borrowing trouble that they never get out of debt. . Some people ought to wear smoked smoked glasses for fear they might have to look on the bright side of hie There is a good bit of counterfeit virtue in the world, in spite of the fact that it is supposed to be its ov n Our sins may find us out, but they have an unpleasant habit of calling a *Never trust a man who deceives ^ On the other hand, the lack o virtue is also its own punishment, It's when the doctor s bills come in that we wonder if life is woith 1 living. f CLUBBING LIST. The Statesman or The News wil be furnished for 1913 m connection with the under named publications at prices stated ;-- Daily Globe Dailv Globe, rural route • A Daily Mail 8t Empire 4 50 Daily Mail & Empire, rural route. • • 3 50 Toronto World 3 5 Daily News : \ Daily Star, in country * Dailv Star, in town . 3 Weekly Globe. n - J 75 * Weekly Mail & Empire ... 1 75 Weeky Witness .. 1 Weel^fcStin . < " \ FarmâKiyAdvocate 7 5o Farm JOPfDairy... ...... * ^ ■ 5 FamilyHerald & Weekly Star . .V. . 2 OG Home Journal ... - - - • *-• \ -■ - Christian Herald...... • • ••• Christian GuardjUtn . ' Canadian Fann ...... Canadian Countryman Doctor : "Most certainly. I've had a lot of experience of your complaint. Why, I've been treating treating another patient- for it for the last fifteen years." color, and I thank the day that I heard aS tonished at the timid que.ry grand a medicine as Dr. Hamil-1 "gfiall I eat the beak and all, mummy ?" of so _ ton's Pills." _ Every woman should use these pills regularly because good health pays, and it's good, vigorous health that comes to all who use Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake and Butternut Pills. » *-- DODD'S 'v. Successful in all the numerous ailments caused by defective or irregular action of the organs of digestion and elimination-certain elimination-certain to prevent suffering and to improve the general health-- A Spoiled Darling. Hub--She may not be a first- class dressmaker, but she's the one vou can afford. • : S , Wife--But I've never been used I to go^ig to 'a dressmaker, that I could afford^ - -j kidney Mlnard's Liniment Cures Garget In Cows, ■ " WOOD. FOR ALL INDUSTRIES. PILL V.'!" x c o'ri i | ' L L S •* j I «•••••» • 7 toU miywIwN* 1® boxes, 251 Those Artful Girls. Maud--Didn't 'Jack kiss you s O XJ by surprise last night? - . - . B etty^-Oh, no ! He only thinks he did. & u , C V M A ; c h H ! , » H T S DDh ' À man who is satisfied with himself himself does not want much. A - Ontario Grows All But Eight of the Thirty-four Woods Used. Practically all industries are more or less dependent on-wood. In Ontario Ontario alone,. exclusive of the manufacturers manufacturers of rough lumber, oyer thirty-eight industries, represented by 1,200 different firms* supplied the statistics recently compiled and published by the Forestry Branch, Ottawa, - in a bulletin entitled, "The -Wood-Using Industries of Ontario." These firms in 1^2 purchased purchased 80,46,000 feet, board measure, measure, of rough lumber, valued^ at $19,161,384, which, when manufactured manufactured into several hundred finished products, ranging from handles to hearses, represent a turning over of several times this amount of ED. ISSUE 51--'13. C tot only is it remarkable that so Whether For Yourself or as a Gift to your Friend PERRIN'S The well known Perrin trademark as shown in cuts should be on every glove you get, as this assures .you perfection of Stylé, Fit and Finish. Sms, dmalsrs th* world ottor soil *ho g onulno PERRIN'S CLOVES. 6-n-ia^ x •4 ◄ 4 1 1 A~'- z V t .> : X' mm «9

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