.v.-i» : r /-y*;^rygvg '"' :---ÿ • : ^^«I#æ3wFSs5- • v' " ■ *. " - 1i8SS™HHf ægâ-- X !.. <T- , O K r. x^'vSSV^ -.- . V ; . A good Xmas program consisting of ! dialogues, drills, choruses, etc., will.bql given by the pupils of Shaw's School Thursday, Dec. 18 at 8 p m. Admission | ISc. ; . 49-3 v Should you require the services of an ambulance phone TO. L, MORRIS & SON. (/ t! / ~x* DARLINGTON / > . 1 "A ll Base Line Sunday School will hold their annual Christmas arch and entertainment entertainment Tuesday evening Dec. 23. ine Brooklin Male Quartette, which is very popular, will assist in the program and render some comic songs. „ Dialogues and recitations by home talent; come and en- j joy the evening. Admission 20c. FREE JUDGING COURSE v « *1 L J For Her hReavy silver plated , sugar bowl and creamer of beautiful design from $7.00 to $12.00 SUGGESTIONS For Him Gold filled and solid gold cuff links in the very latest designs from $0.50 to $5.00 Rings of very latest pattern, pattern, set with all the different stones ...from $1.25 to $70.00 \/y\ Scarf Pins Our assortment is particularly particularly large in both gold and gold filled from 50c to $12. Ladies' 15 jewel South Bend XVatch of diminutive design in beautiful engrav ed gold filled case, cruaranteed permanently, permanently, for .,..$20.00 Other Laddies Watches from $10.00 up Lockets, gold filled ...$l.%to $ 5 -°0 Ne gold tlted. P . en . d ^3.00 to°$25 a 00 Bracelets, gold and gold, filled, $ from Hat Pins".'.'. $0.50 to $ 1.00 Gent 1 e man's 15 jewel South Bend Watch in gold filled l case, guaranteed permanently. ; In either plain or engraved engraved $17.00 Other gentlemen's • and Boys' Watches l $1.00 to $48.00 Livestock and Seed Judging Course will be held in Bowmanville under auspices ot Provincial and West Durham Fanners Institute, Agricultural... Society and the local office of the Ontario Department ot Agriculture as follows: Wednesday, Tan. 7,1-30 to 4 P-m. Seeds, T. G. Raynor, Ottawa. Thursday, Jan. 8, JO to 12 a*m; Light horses, Dr. J. A. Sinclair, Canmngton. i to 3 p.m., Dairy Cattle. 3 to 5 Beef Cattle; R. H. Harding, Thorndale. Friday, Jan. 9> io to 12 a.m., Poultry, demonstrations in killing and preparing fowl for market and egg caudhng- b. JN. Marcellus, B.S.A., O.A.C., Guelph. T.30 to 4.30 p.m., Heavy Horses; Dr. J. A. Sinclair. Sinclair. . . Stock and poultry judging in Agricultural Agricultural Building on Fair Grounds; seed judging in Council Room. Public meeting in the Opera-House Wednesday Jan. 7 at 8 p.m. Addresses will be given by Dr. Geo. C. Creelman, President of the O.A.C., Guelph, and the instructors. Good musical program is being prepared and the ladies and town s people are especially invited. All sessions sessions free and everybody welcome. Bring your poultry to Snowden and Painton's and get highest cash price. No due bills. X\ V V tf/à \ \ DARLINGTON ELECTIONS i\ 42 i ,0 Coat Chains Military Brushes.. Chains ■ Fobs .... ...$1.50 to $ 2.50 . $2.50 to $ 5.00 ... $1.00 to $ 8.00 ... $0.75 to $ 6.00 Silver Spoons Food Pushers For Baby ...$0.60 to $1.50 Solid Gold Bings $0.75 to $1.50 ..$0.60 to $ 1.50 Baby Bracelets Drinking Cup $1.00 to $2.50 Tf vrm don't find what you want listed above come in and look SouSocî -you wifi find what you want at the right price. c. H. HADDY, Jeweler selling Agenta tor South Bend Watches Monday Noon, December 29. Electors of the Township ot Darlington I W in meet at the Town Hall, Hampton, Monday Dec. 29 at 12 o'clock, noon, for nominating candidates for reeve, deputy- I reeve and councillors for the ensuing year's council. Should more candidates stand for election election than can by law be elected, polls will be opened on Monday, Jan. 5,. 1914- at 9 a m in the places with returning officers I and poll clerks as follows: ; Providence, Melbourne Wight, Edward Hoar. , Tyrone, Sons' Hall, Percy Clemens, I Herbert Scott. , Maple Grove, Sons' Hall, T. J. Cole, I Truman Power. Hampton, Town Hall, A. B. Cryderman, I Jos. Clatworthy. Enniskillen, Byers' Hall, H. J. Werry, I Albert Oke. Mt. Carswell, Sons' Hall, A. B. Werry, I Arthur Osborne. Bradley's School, W. Smith, Hugh | Annis. We have not heard of any contemplat- | ed change in the council for next year, nor any complaint whatever against the work of this year's council, so their record seems to have been entirely - satisfactory, and so merits favorable consideration ot I the electors. Make Snowden & Painton's your head- i quarters Fair Day and hear their prices on Xmas stock. of Special Merit for Men The things that men appreciate above everything everything else are the practical gnte ® things for everyday use--things that me recipient would buy for himself. Cravats that are different 25c to $1.50 Mufflers and Silk Neckscarfs 50c to $3.00 House Coats suitable & comfortable $2. 50 to $6. 00 SOLINA DOINGS. Bath Robes and Lounging Robes $3. 75 to $7. 50 HAMPTON NEWS. Gifts That Are Useful I T is useful presents that are appreciated appreciated and this is why we offer offer the following suggestions to busy ) Christmas shoppers : Christmas Tree and Entertainment will be held in the Methodist church Wednesday Wednesday Dec. 24th at 8 p.m. Excellent pro- 1 gram of songs, recitations, dialogues, etc., I will be given. Come and have a good time. Admission J 5c and ioc. Members of Bethesda Sunday School are preparing for a grand entertainment in the church on Friday, Dec. 19th at 8 pm. An interesting' program of dialogues, dialogues, recitations and music in being prepared prepared and a good concert is : assured all who attend. Admission 15c and 20c. 50-2 TYRONE NOTES. SALEM n U n _ -,>- c In Imitation Leather, Jap- dUll UZlbvd anese Matting, Woven Cane, Genuine Iieather and Sea Lion Grain Suit Cases,.all weights and sizes. Prices from .$1.15 to$ 15.00 V n„U Dorfe Split Cowhide, Heavy willU Paris Grain Leather, Sea- Lion or Walrus Hide and Alligator Skin, different different shapes, leather and cloth lined. Prices f rom .$2.00 to $25.00. Mr. Arthur Blewitt spent Sunday in ; CLhawa... .Miss Hazel Colwill, Lemberg, 1 Sask., is visiting friends here.... Mrs. Edward Rutledge is visiting relatives at Orono... .Miss Bradley is visiting at her uncle's Mr. Blewitt... .Clarence and Elsie Yeo, town, spent the week at their uncle s S Mr. Alex Front... .Several of our young ! people attended the concert given by Tyrone League and report a good time Don't forget Bowmanville Xmas hair this Thursday.. • .Solina choir are giving a special song service Sunday. The best Kitchen Cabine t for the money at F. O, Màson's, Bowmanville. Trunks Canvas or leather bound, brass -- trimmed, deep set in trays with covered hat compartments, .steamer shape or square. Prices ...$2.75 to $7, . House Slippers Can you think of anything more useful and acceptable as a Christmas gift than a nice pair x>f house slippers ? We have them stylish and comfortable. • Gents 65c to - $2; Ladies' 50c to $1.50; Children's 25c to 50c. bnpibld happenings. Oar Motto i Shoes That Satisfy Fred R. Foley /, ; Parlor Boot {Shop cm the Satiny Side t Photie " V Bow«te«vllle Mr. George Heatlie, Brock, visited friends here Mr. and Mrs. Shunk, Port Perry, are guests at Mr. C. Niddery s.... After being confined to her bed with The best medical attendance for a month, Mrs. John Niddery died on Dec. 12 m her 60th i year, of anaemia. Deceased was a thought- 1 ful mother, an agreeable wife, and a >pat- '• ient sufferer. She leaves to mourn her loss a husbatod and five sons^-Robert in New Liskeard, Alonzo at Manchester, Norman in British Columbia, George, m Winnipeg, Clare on the homestead; and a • daughter, Mrs. W. Lamb, Toronto. . They have the sympathy of the community^ m ; their bereavement. Mrs. Niddery nad lived here for 40 years on fnendly^teras i with att. The funeral was well attended i on Monday, conducted by Rev.^ W.&. ! Honey, interment being m Hampton cem- ; etery. The pall bearers were: Messrs. John Hepburn, George Cochrane, Jamps Gilbert, W. J. Ormiston,. John Hobbs, j" Benj. Powëll. j, Do your Xmas ^hopping Thursday ^m Bowmanville and attend the great W inter 1. Fair. ~, , -- - -x - . ' ' - You arc -invited to Solina next Sunday afternoon. ^ ' ' 7 , ; J Visitors: Miss Louie Annis, Solina 1 with Miss Greta Oke; Mr. Kenneth Çour- tice, Courtice, and Mr. Stanley Dix, Little Britain, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Trull, Oshawa, at Mr. A. E. Clemens'; Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith, Enfield, at Mr. H. Col- lacutt's; Mrs, Geo. Scott, Oshawa, at her father's, Mr. L. Skinner; Mrs. L. Cook, Toronto, afMr. J. Colwill's; Mr. and Mrs. j H. Mutton in Toronto., Mr. Russel Virtue has gone to Toronto for the winter ... .Mrs. C. W. Kelly, Ogdensburg, N.Y., has returned home after spending a few wèeks with her mother, Mrs. J. Jamieson, who has been very ill• .Miss Myrtle Moore is under the doctor's care.... Mrs. j j Lord has been enjoying a visit at her father's, Mr. George Gray, Newcastle.... Did you find a black crocheted shawl on Manvers -Road recently. If so, phone Statesman Office... .Don't forget to attend attend Bowmanville Christmas Fair. It will be a good time to do your Xmas shopping.. shopping.. . .Hear the "Roll Call" in song and story at Solina Sunday afternoon. ; , Epworth League concert in. the Sons Hall Friday evening was a decided success, success, proceeds amount ng to over $00. The program opened with a ch oru s and orayèr by the chairman, Rev. Wm. Higgs, followed by a, club-swinging exercise by seven girls^n white ; dressy with, silver stars and swinging silver clubs. The cantata cantata "Santar Claus on Strike", given by thé luhiorsl, deserves special mention and showed how Santa Claus, tho sometimes tired,Always risesto the occa^n under the influence of the children. _ The Ram ^w DriÜrln ebaxg^pf-Miss Florence Glémérià, was spldtolHly given, by sixteen ydhng ladies in drws^ pf rainbow colora and carrying bows* The drama . entitled "The Dist^t School àt Blaeberry Corners" Corners" cleverly given by thirty members, was very amusing, tafang more To bid school da^. The, Miss Vera Colwill as cônveùer, and Misses Misses E. M* Werry And Velma 1 Staples as accompanists* Cadets of Temperancè will hold their Xmas tree entertainment Tuesday Dec. 23 in Sons' Hall, Solina. Mother Goose and her children and Santa Claus and his ] family will be there to help eptertam. Dialogues, singing and music by the members members and others. Doors open at 7* 30» con-, cert to begin at 8 p m; admission 15c, two for 25c, children ioc. The amalgamated meeting of Farmers' Club and Women's Institute was very in- teresting and attendance large. Dr. Clin- | ton, Officer of Health, Belleville, and Mr. R. J. McKessock gave good addresses, also an excellent report of Women s Institute Institute at Toronto by Mrs. C. W. Souch Entertainment under auspices of the Library Board was well patronized. Mr. Harry Pearce, Newcastle, recited two good selections; Mr. Walter Rickard sang in fine voice good solos, as did also Mr. L. W. Souch; Miss Florence Cameron and' Mrs. James Jebson also sang m good voice; Mr. and Mrs. Cornell on violin and | organ gave good selections; Mr. W. Van^ Nest and Miss Verna on violin and organ well sustained their reputation; Mrs. Cornell Cornell also whistled and on being encored gave "Spring is Coming; Miss Frances E. Conley, Bowmanville, delighted the audience audience with three recitations. Mr. T. Baker, President, occupied the chair with his usual ability. Proceeds $20... .Miss Edith Baker is home from Macdonald In- stitute, Guelph Messrs. Alf and Mat I Dewell attended their grandparents golden golden wedding at Toronto... .Mr. A.L. Pas- coe is hauling gravel for a silo... . Wedding Wedding bells are to ring again soon Re cent visitors: Miss Vera Baker in Toronto; '■ Mr. Marshall Soules, Oshawa, and .Miss Gertrude Brooks, Courtice, at Mr. S. E. Werry'?; Mrs. A. L. Pasçoe at Kedron; ! Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rickard and Mr. Harry Pearce, Newcastle, at Mr. Thos. Baker's; Mrs. S. Montgomery, Toronto, at her son John's Special song service entitled the "Roll Call" will be given next Sunday aftèrnoon -in thé church. Mr* I James Jebson, leader, And his choir Will give the story in song while a lady will read the other parts of the service. It promises to be good, so don't miss hear-, ing it....Big time in BowmanvilleThurs-1 day at the Xinas Fair; seethe show and then do your shopping. '_V If you order ÿour Fertüizer now we can save you money at Mason's. _ -, Snowden & PaintotiAre prepared to buy any quantity of poultry. Get their prices before selling elsewhere. ' " Ohildren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ' b AS TORI A Fine Hosiery cotton, lisle or silk 25c to $1.00 Men's Gloves Fashion's latest shades $1 to $3 Handkerchief a magnificent line 10c to $1 Sweater Coats all color combinations $1 to $5 Dress Shirts handsome new designs 75c to $2.00 Stylish Hats make acceptable gifts $1. 50 to $4. 00 And then, too. you raise his opinion of you just another another bit higher when you pre-p sent him w 7 ith somethings practical and sensible -- something something he would buy tor himself. himself. . Every time he wears'^he Scarf, the Shirt, or the Cravat or Housecoat, or the Bathrobe, Bathrobe, or the Hose, or the Suspenders, Suspenders, or the Gloves which you gave him, he thinks of you. Every time some friend speaks a word of admiration for the gift you made him, it brings a happy recollection of you. Every time hé sees the ornamental, ornamental, perhaps, but unuseful unuseful gift of someone else, he unconsciously remembers y ou for your practical, useful and sensible gift of something to wear. So, when you select a present present for "him." remember, men are practical. They chefish the memory of a practical, i useful gift, but soon forget the opposite kind. And make your gift to "him" something he will really really like better than all Me other presents he received- let it be something to wear. And don't lose sight of the fact that most men instinctively instinctively know that any thing which hears this store's label is absolutely right in style and dependable in quality. We box all Christmas goods appropriately. Clothing Co, The Style Store for Meif Phone 61 Bowmanville I X SgfSÿgÆi; v â ■ - 1 a :L;zr v : ÏËÊtæÈ&Êi S; 4, àffis I v '7'^' : m mm 1 1,8 8 îlËSÉc"-"' ;■ :81 É