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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1914, p. 5

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.>5^> ' friends visited D. M. Johnston, C. H. 6. Fletcher&Co. Realty and Insurance Brokers BARGAINS OUR SPECIALTY In homes, vacant land, stores or factory sites. We ex- change anything in real estate. Farms, country homes,. Northwest town sites and farm properties. It you are looking for good sound investments call on us, we have them. Our cars at your service any time you make an ap- pointment-- remember you are under no obligation. It you are not perfectly satisfied come and get your deposit. TOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS %s f I Ys !v I * u s y t is ts 948 Gerrard-st. E„ corner Pape=ave., Toronto Telephone, Office Gerrard 951 Eesidence Gerrard 2526 Residence Garrard 2322 Meadow Brook Meat Market Will fill your order promptly, satisfactorily and at reasonable prices for all kinds of meat and poultry for tlie holiday season. If you are not a regular custom- send us a trial order to-day. Many trial orders make for us regular customers. Choice butter, fresh eggs, best canned goods and cooked meats always in stock. Your order will be appreciated. appreciated. J. H. Mutton (Formerly Challis Mutton) ^STorsey Block - Bowmanville Stiff and soft hats clearing at less than cost at Mayer's. Order Fertilizer now and get it at the old price. F. O. Mason. Buy your oranges at McMurtry's Friday and Saturday J8c and 33c"' Cream separators--several good second hand ones at F. O. Mason's A great opportunity to buy Jaeger goods at McMurtry's, 20% discount. Orange Days at Snowden & Painton's Friday and Saturday. 30c doz. for 19c. Should you require the services of an ambulance phone 10. L. MORRIS & SON. Parties having ordered plants, seeds or bulbs at Murdoch's for the Fall and Winter Winter will please call for them Having had numerous requests for the use of an ambulance, we have added one to our equipment and it isuready for calls on short notice, Phone 10. L. Morris & Son. Snowden & Painton are holding their first Orange Days Friday and Saturday when you can get nice sweet juicy navel seedless oranges, reg. 30c, for 19c doz. Steel ankle supports for hockey skates half price at McMurtry's Durham County Boys, school reports, our New Years' greetings in verse, In the Editor's Mail, Counties Councillors, local option results, Farmers' Sons, hockey notes, clubbing list, Sunday in the West and other interesting articles crowded out last week are on inner pages. 20% discount on all Jeager goods during during the January sale at McMurtry's. 1 VJ % Distinctive Tailoring IS what we stand for. Every garment is tailored tailored to the individual requirements of each customer, customer, thereby ensuring a more perfect fit than could otherwise be possible. possible. All our customers are satisfied and we can satisfy you. «[ Up-to-date methods and good of the best quality only used. c Ladies' materials made Try us with your up. next order. Cleaning, repairing, and pressing promptly done. YOU A. Crossman High Class Tailor . Horsey Block, Bowmanville l - f ! mmsmaMi: 1,1,111,111 py i Picture framing % $ I :S ! § « XÉ This is a good time to have : pictures framed. We have a good stock of mouldings and can do-them promptly. Bring iny our'Xmas photos and pictures and have them done in the latest styles. a Vf. T. Allen "Big 20" Bookstore ¥ arc not going t he satisfied wfth that smoky oil lanrp in the long winter evenings Whv not install ELECTRIC LIGHT The CLEANEST, SAFEST AND MOST ECONOMICAL ECONOMICAL LIGHTING LIGHTING for the home Electric Irons Ask about our t 'FREE TRIAL" offer on Electric Irons. SEYMOUR POWER &! ELECTRIC CO. "AT YOUR SERVICE" PHONE 192 Miss Hilda Tabb is visiting Oshawa. Mr. James Carruthers recently Colborne friends. . Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Haddy are visiting friends in Toronto. Miss Barbara Yellowlees, Toronto, has been visiting Mrs. L. Jollow. Men's Furnishings clearing at great%re- duct ions this month at Mayer's. Oshawa hockey team plav in Bowmanville Bowmanville Friday night at 8.15 o'clock. Miss Gertie Roenigk, Lindsay, has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. W.F. Dale. Miss Addiè Chalk, Port Hope, has been guest of her cousin, Miss Beryl Percy. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lowe recently visited visited her sister, Mrs. G. VanSlyke, Brigh- ton. Mr. Harold Hayes and bride, Columbus, recently visited her uncle, Mr. W. W. Down. Barrie gave 159 majority for local option but fell 80 votes short of 3/5 requirement. requirement. Messrs. Irwin and Fred Bragg are visiting visiting friends in St. Mârys, London and Hamilton. You will want several dozen oranges when you see the 19c navels at Snowden & Painton'?. Mr. Wesley Down and bride, Holland, Man., visited his cousin Mr. W. W. Down, Kingston Road East. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are giving giving one-third off the price of all .ladies' and children's cloth coats. The Queen Esther cantata is being presented by the music lovers of Port Perry on March 5 and 6. Miss Ethel Trimm, Darlington, is spending a week with her-aunt, Mrs. H. Fowler, 1550 Balhurst-st., Toronto. McMurtry's will sell three coon coats at less than manufacturer's cost. Subscriptions are taken at club rates by M. A. James & Son, Bowmanville, for any paper or magazine published in the world. Agricultural Society annual meeting in Council room, Bowmanville, next Wednesday Wednesday Jan. 21, at I p m. Every member should attend. Friends of Lieut.-Col. R, H. Sylvester will regret to hear of his illness, he having having suffered a partial stroke of paralysis. --Lindsay Warder. Mr. and Mrs. H. Gilbert, Lindsay, have returned home after spending Christmas and New Years' with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Vanstone and other relatives. Toronto Morning World--to new^sub- scribers--from now to Sept. I--outside < f Toronto--for one dollar. Order thru M. A. James & Son, Bowmanville. We omitted to mention that the retiring retiring public school trustees in town were all re-elected--Messrs J. A. McClellan, C. H. Anderson and Dr. Hazlewood. Gasoline engine and tread power nearly new, at F. O. Mason's Mrs. Mary B. Lyle, Peterboro, has been treasurer - of Charlotte St. Methodist Church Ladies' Aid Society for 22 years. Mrs. Lyle is a sister-in-law of Mrs. John Allin, Bowmanville, and is well known hère. Mr. Harry Brimacombe left town Tuesday morning for Toronto where he will be engaged for some days cutting down tile in the Goodyears' new building on Simcoe-st. See the big remnant table at McMurtry's. Tuesday Jan. 13 will go down in history as the coldest day in Ontario known to this generation. Thermometers registered registered 30 below zero in Bowmanville and 34 in Enniskillen and Tyrone. Bowmanville hockey team was defeated in Cobourg Monday night by 12 goals to 3; half-time score 9-2. About 75 local sports took advantage of the special train to accompany the team to the county town. Read Mayer's advt. on last page for bargains in fur and fur-lined coats, hats and gents' furnishings. Rev. T. W. Jolliffe, Vice-President of the Hospital Board and member of the High School Board, is quite id in Toronto where he went-last week on business. He is at the home of a friend, Mr. T. A. Manning,^ Manning,^ Alvin-ave, and is reported to be convalescing. Mr. James Murray, gardener and caretaker caretaker ot the Bowling Green, has shown us a copy of the Lake News of which his son Mr. William G. Murray is the Business Manager. The News is a very clean, newsy, well printed journal. Remains of Samuel Wesley McClung were brought here on Saturday from Sonya for interment where he has been a general store-keeper for several years He was not married and was ill but a fortnight. He was a Bowman-ville boy. The Daily Telegraph, Montreal, one of the cleanest and best of Canadian dailies, will be sent to any post office in the Dominion, Dominion, outside of Montreal, with either of Thejames Papei s at $2 for both papers. This is the greatest newspaper offer. W. C. Mùrkar, who has been on the staff of Standard Bank, Sunderland, for nearly two years, has been transferred to the branch at Blackstock. > Before leav- ine Sunderland he was presented with a purse of twenty dollars by the reside of the village. Dr. and Mrs. Carveth, Toronto, have issued invitations to the marriage of their .daughter, Alicia Gwendolyn, and Mr. I Austin Russell Campbell, on Thurstiay, Jan. 29, at 2.30 P-m. in the Church of St Stephen, College-st., and to a reception after the ceremony at 28 Cecil-st. Ladies' fur sets at greatly reduced prices prices at Mayer's big sale. We are pleased to know that Master Albert Anderson, the eight year old son of Mr. Chas. H. Anderson, is recovering nicelv from his recent accident. While spending thé Christmas holidays with relatives relatives if London he fell through a trap door and fractured his skull, the .wound Measuring five inches in length. He was taken to the hospital where the best of medical attention was given him and he is now on the way to recovery, The annual installation of officers of the Canadian Foresters took place-at Court Bowmanville, Nb 964. on Tan-8th when these officers were mstaheti.C R Geo. R. Mason; V.C.R. Fin. Sec.-- F. R. Foley; Rec. Sec.--F. W. Couch; Treas.--Ed. Carr; Chaplain S. O'Rrien* S W.--W. 7 Mercer; J.W.--G. Bagnelfi S.B.-- C. Morris; . Veale; Conductor-R. Copeland; Guards-Bert r Fennell and Rd. Snowden; Physician-- liSSSTUlhy" The business <%r, refreshments refreshments were served followed jby interesting interesting games. Avery profitable and en joy able evening ■ was Honor roll for December: Sr IV--Doris Courtice, Dorothy Johnston, Johnston, Marriner Muir, Evelyn Joness, Jane Qrigg, Bessié Eastwood, Gordon Cornish, Clement Leggett, Louise Morris, Arthur Tucker, Charlie Rowe, Gordon Moor- craft, Marian Wordën, Frank Calver, Evelyn Evelyn Dickinson, Melville Westaway, Frances Frances Clough, Ronald Snowden, Margaret Kerr, Birdie Scarfing, Lawrence Mingeaud, Wreford Soucb. Jr. IV--Enid Souch, Emma Coleman, Eric Boddâm, Harry Alliston, Aileen Hazlewood, Marion Moorcraft, Mary McClellan/Helen McClellan/Helen Worden, Greta Muir. Sr. Ill-- Mildred Lawrie, Alice Standen, Ray Dilling, Sam Mason, Ted Pethick, El va - Veale, Harold Mollon. Jr. Ill--Cecil Dudley, Eva Corden, Helen Lunney, Jennie Merchant, Herbert rONEY FOUND--Between Courtice and Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Apply to Russel Sulley, R.m.d, No. 1, Hampton. Phone 133 41. 2tf • NOTICE TO PATRONS. A meeting of the Patrons of the Hampton Butter Butter and Cheese Factory will be held in the Town Hall, Hampton, on Saturday January 24th, 1914, at 2 p. m., for receiving annual report of the past season's business. An earnest request is extended to every patron to be present. Hampton, Jan. 9th, 1914. W. R. ALLIN, Secretary. 3 2 . NO l ICE TO SHAREHOLDERS.. The annual general meeting of the Sharehold-. era of the Hampton Butter and Cheese Manufacturing Manufacturing Company, Limited, will be held in the Town Hall, Hampton, on Saturday, January24th, 1914, at 3 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing electing a Board of Directors for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. W. R. ALLIN, ucjcu ...wvuui.v, - Secretary. Goddard, Evelyn Fice, Vera Veale, Harry l Hampton, Jan. 9th, 1914., 3 2 Bennett, NormanDickinson. » Second Class (A)--Nellie Bounsall, Dorothy Bellman, Queenie Wrenn, Albert Anderson, Charlie Morris, Gilbert Jones, Leighton Soiich, Isobel Bennett. Second Class (B)--Leslie Rowe, Ted Bird, Ross Tilley, Harold Jewell. Part II, (Central)--Lily Tabb, Fred Tabb, Renee Merton, Helen McGregor, Stu rt James, Yvonne Hazlewood, Edward Edward King, Catherine Rowe, Mabel Goyne, Howard Cowle. Part II (S. Ward)--Gordon Witheridge, Marion Clough, Doris Kellv, Harold Cousins, Cousins, Nellie Martin, Harvey Rice, Muriel Dech, Frances Worden. "The Elite Grocery" Takes the Lead in Reducing the Cost of Living. Everybody is watching our advts. and windows, windows, as citizens are realizing more than ever each week as they become regular customers of ours that we give them best values possible Here are a tew FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS Nice large juicy NAVEL ORANGES, reg. 30c doz. for 19c Laurentia Milk in tins, reg. 12-^c for lOc Macaroni, reg. 15c lb 2 lb. for 25c Infants Delight Soap, reg 2 for 5c, 6 for 10c Fresh Wlit^Fish and Salmon Trout every Thursday and Friday. ■ . -, Snowden & Painton The Elite Grocery - Bowmanville, Ont. R. D. Davidson, Principal. Child's purse found. Inquire at STATESMAN STATESMAN Office, Tremendous bargains in all kinds of furs and fur-lined coats at Couch, Johnston Johnston & Cryderman's. Friday and Saturday orange specials at McMurtry's. The 30c kind for 18c; 50c for 33c. Three years must elapse before Cobourg can vote on Local Option again unless I the election is voided, in which event another another contest could be brought on in January January of 1915- Editor C. W. Richards of The Mirror. Millbrook, was elected to the village council Jan. 5, receiving the largest vote given to any candidate. He is an exceedingly exceedingly modest man--his card of thanks occupied occupied only three lines of 8 point. Shake, Brer. Richards. Millbrook elected R. J. Doak as reeve for 1914 by 158 to his opponent's 64 votes --94 majority--and he felt so good over his victory that he invited "all the elec- Skaters, Attention ! The Fun Is On. We have studied the matter of comfort and quality to increase your pleasure during the Winter. Fpherson's LIGHTNING HITCH tors, male and female" to an oyster sup per in the town hall at 9.30 p m Jan 12. The practical and delightful way of showing showing his appreciation will "make his elec tion sure" for another year. Notices of Births, 25 cents; Marriages 50 cents; Deaths, 50 cents, each insertion. When fnneral cards are printed at this office, insertion free. BIRTHS.* Pickard--111 Bowmanville, Jan. 10, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Wi Pickard, a son. Colville--In Bowmanville, Jan. 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Colville, a daughter. MARRIAGES The Best Hockey Boots for the smallest investment is our aim, and the wonderful sales we are making making is the best evidence of our success. We carry a large stock and great variety. Prices from $1.50 to $3.50. W e specialize o n McPherson's "Lightning Hitch," the best known Hockey Boots in Canada. Fred R. Foley iPhone 12 Bowmanville to a Specialist rs YOUR WATCH KEEPING ACCURATE TIME? Has it been cleaned or oiled lately ? Bring it in to-day before it causes you further trouble and extra expense. We have studied the anatomy of a watch thoroly and can cuie the most'desperate cases. Let your watch spend a few days in our watch hospital and it will come forth almost as good as new. All work guaranteed and promptly done. Take advantage of our 10 and 15 per cent. Discount Sale during January. C. H. HADDY, Jeweler Selling Agent for South Bend Watches One door west Pank of Montreal Bowmanville- Hayes--Down--In Oshawa, Dec. 24th, by Rev. B. Greatrix, Miss Marion Gra- e, daughter of Mr. Edwin Down, Oshawa, 'and >'<. Ha rold Gordon Hayes, Columbus. Brent--Coates--At the home of the bride's parents, Jan. 1, by Rev. J. W. Totten Mr. John R. Brent, and Miss Gertrude, daughter of Mr. James Coates, Shirley. DEATHS Hill--In Oshawa, Jan. 9, William Hill of Bond Head, aged 82 y^ars. Pascoe--In Hast Whitby, Jan. 6th, William A. Pasco e, in his 65th year. Cassels--At Oshawa, Jan. 13, Larratt Godfrey Cassels, son of the late W. G. Cassels, Toronto. Bailes--In Oshawa, Jan. 6t.h. John fiiiy Bailes, eldest son of Frederick J. Bailes, aged 7 years. Stephens--At Port Hope, Jan. .9th, Martha Hancock, widow of late W r m. Stephens, aged 70 years. . BLIGHT--At Mvrtle, Tan. 10, Richard Blight, in his 70th year. Brother-in-law of Miss E. E. Haycraft of The Statesman. Finlay--At Nicholls' -Hospital, Peterboro, Jan. 7th. Thomas B. Finlay, aged 66 years. . Brother of Mr. Robert Finlay, Bowmanville. McOLUNG--At Sonya, Jan. 8th. Samnel Wesley McClung, son of Samuel McClung, merchant, Blackstock. Interred at Bowmanville. Ramsay--In Oshawa, Jan. 8, Jennie McLaughlin, McLaughlin, beloved wife of Mr. J. a. Ramsay, Ott.iwa, aged 36 years. Interred at Bowmanville. Barrett--• In Amherstburg, Ont., Jan. 6th, Sarah Ann. beloved wite of air. Marwood Barrett, Barrett, ex-collector of Customs, in her 64th year. LORRiMAN--Suddenly at Grand Crossing, Chicago, Chicago, 111., Jan. 10th, of pleurisy of heart, Geo. T. Lotriman, formerly of Bowmanville, Ont., aged 57 years. - Stock-Taking Reduction Children's, Misses' and Ladiés' Coats At Quick^Sale Prices--Must Go This Month All Coats up to .$5 00, Quick Sale Price..... from $5.75 to 7 75, V ; from .9 75 to 12 75, from 13 75 to 20 00, u u u u $2 75 . 3 75 7 75 .10 75 \ 'Lest We Forget' E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marble. Bowmanville, Ontario. Ladies' Suits, Skirts and Dresses Your choice of any Ladies' or Misses' Suit at about half regular price •Ladies' Tailored Skirts--North way make. Your choice of any sknt up to $5.95 for $3.75. Ladies' and Misses' Dresses, a good choice, silk or wool materials, al at - WHOLESALE PRICEb FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Moat Complete Equipment Sunday and night calls promptly attended to. Bowmanville Phones 10-34 Branches : ORONO HAMPTON F OR S ALE--Two.good milch cows. Norman S. B. James. Apply O FF BARN FOR SALE--28x66 ft. Apply to S. E. Werry, Solina. Phone 167 r6. 2tf R OOM AND BOARD -For two ypung men in private family. Afi modern conveniences in he .louse. Apply to Mrs. Wilson, Carlisle-ave, Bowmanville. 3 name painted, on OUR NAME--Have your yonr store front, office window or glass SWL in beautiful gold leaf or silver letters. Address, Address, PERCY Piper, Bowmanville. 52tf C OTTAGE WITH frAND-Wanted to rent cottage cottage with some land for poultry and vegetables, vegetables, close to Bowmanville. Address with full particulars to Geo. NELSON, 169 Close-aye, I Toronto. 31 iARM FOR SALE.-240 ac'res, north half of i lot s 31, 32, 33, in the 3rd Con, of Haldimand, - situated 7 miles from Cobourg station, miles from village of Baltimore, on good road v/ith mail delivery every day. First class brick house heated with furnace. 25 acresofhard wood timber, 14 acres of pine and cedar with creek, "wells Barn 100x35 with stable underneath. Well fenced. Can have • possession any time. 20 acres of fall crop in, 90 acres in grass and fall ploughing almost done. Will sell on easy tenns to Xi up estate. A.'E. CRUiKSHANK R M.D. 2. Baltimore, Ont. - - v - na w 25 doz. Ladies' Waists Biggest bargain we have ever shown in waists. 20 doz Waists, regular value $1.50, Stock-taking Sale Price 3 <( ... " 2.U0,* 2 " - " 2 50 r u u u ( t ,98 1.25 1.50 Black and Colored Dress Goods Reg. 50c and 60c, sale price 38c yd. Reg. 75c and 85c, sale price 58c yd. 8 Reg $100 to $1 25 yd., sale price 79c yd. «ut ire Sneoial sale of Dress and Blouse Silks, all shades, reg. 60c for yï; reg 75c to 85c for 58c yd ; reg. $1.00 to $1.25 for 79c,yd. HOSE- 15 doz. Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose, plain or ribbed, special n Sale Price 19c. -- PRINTS. Etc --Prints, Ginghams arid Muslins, reg 10c for 8c; PKlNi», civ . I2le to 15c for lOe. ' reg. All Furs at Manufacturers' Price Men's Linen Collars 5 for 25c ANTED -Applications will be received for the offices of Clerk amT Treasurer for the municipality of Darlington up ta J aïi. 30th, 19 w:E. COURTICE. HENRY ELLIOTT Reeve*-■ • vient. - - 28 Hampton, J an. 6,1914. S. W. Mason Next Door "to Standard Bank & Son Bowmanville ■ L 3EC imi - vr!. /f !

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