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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jan 1914, p. 6

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Chicago Glee Club will âppear àt the Bôwmanvîlle Opera House Wednesday January 28,'14 Under the auspices of Morrison's Goodyear Orchestra Plan opens at Mitchell's Drug Store on Wednesday, January 21st Admission - 35 cénts n G. X. BOWMANVILLE GOING BAST. Express, 8.52 a. m. Express 10.18 „ Passenger 8.36 p. m. Local 6.49 „ Passenger 7.18 , Mail 9.58 . : Daily dOZ; STATION. going west ;Express 4.22 a. m Local 7.02 <• Local 0-45 i. Passenger J.,38 p.m. :Passenger 7.19 ,, BOWMAN VILLE, JAN. 22, 1914 Mr of Meadow Brook Meat Market Will fill your order promptly, satisfactorily and at reasonable- prices for all kinds of meat and poultry for the holiday season. Tf you are nota regular custom- send us a trial order to-day. Many trial orders make for us regular customers. Choice butter, fresh eggs, best canned goods and cooked meats always in stock. Your order will be atcd. Good Friday is April io. Mrs. Jas. Scobell, Ottawa, is visiting at Mr.'S. W. Scobell's. Hear Chicago Glee Club in Opera House Wednesday Jan. 28. Miss E. McClellan is visiting her sister, Mrs. B. Brittain, Chicago, 111. Mrs. F. A. Fhilp, Colborne, visited C. L. Munson over the week-end. A branch of the Victorian Order Nurses may be established in W r hitby. Miss Llewella Everson, Oshawa, has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Jas. Courtice. Mr. T. W. Underwood has been elected President of the East York Conservative Association. - The girls of the Durham Glove Club njoyed a jolly sleigh-ride to Oshawa Saturday afternoon. I Miss Powell, elected to the Board of Education in Whitby, is the first woman to hold public office there. I The Gully post office has been closed and mail will be served to patrons Rural Route No. I from Grafton, i Mrs. T. Wesley Cawker will receive Friday Jan. 30th, afternoon and evening, and afterwards on the first Friday. I Mrs. C. Rehder and grand-daughter, I Miss Yvonne Hazlewood have been visiting visiting friends at Paris and Hamilton. Mr. A. M. Hardy, Foreman at the Goodyear Goodyear factory, left Saturday for Akron, Ohio, in the interests of the company. Don't miss hearing the Chicago Glee Club, Wednesday Jan. 28. Tickets 35c. Mrs.Clarence Meath,Wellington-st, will receive on Friday of this week and afterwards afterwards on the fourth Friday of the month. on Oranges at 17c a T. n. Knight's. True Nobility--commit two verses to memory--on inner page. Greatest bargains in oranges this season 17c per dozen at Knight's. Splendid array of talent in the Opera House Feb. 2. See press notices. Should you require the services of an ambulance phone 10. L. Morris & Son. Tremendous bargains in all kinds ^of furs and fur-lined coats at Couch, |John- ston & Cryderman's. T. H. Knight's is offering IO cases of oranges at Ijc doz, call 72 and order at once. They are fine. Reserve your seat for the Chicago Glee Club concert Tan. 28 at Mitchells drug store. Plan now open. See M. A. James, Steamship Agency, Bowmanville, about your tickets and booking to Great Britain. tt Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are giving giving one-third off the price of all ladies and children's cloth coats. Rev. B. H. Hayden is greatly enjoying his work as Professor of Bible history at Milligan College, Tennessee Parties having ordered plants, seeds or bulbs at Murdoch's for the Fall and Winter Winter will please call for them. Miss Gladys Jackson, Newcastle, filled a concert engagement at Moorefield anc visited friends in that vicinity recently Subscriptions are taken at club rates by M. A. James & Son, Bowmanville, for any paper or magazine published in the world Mr. Percy Piper who is at present ai. Gelert, while near South Lake, was in the bush for two days recently with the thermometer thermometer at 44 0 below zero. Having had numerous requests for the use of an ambulance, we have added one to our equipment and it is ready for calls on short notice. Phone 10. L. MORRIS & Son. Town Council, Port Hope, contains five Liberals and four Conservatives, four members of Masonic Order, two Orangemen, Orangemen, two Sons of England, and several Oddfellows. Rev. W. S. McTavish, Toronto, of the Dom nion Alliance, who has been thrc»ugh week at REV. T. W. JOLLIFFE VERY ILL IN TORONTO His many friends in Bowmanville and surrounding country will be sincerely sorry to learn that Rev. T. W. Jolliffe who went to Toronto on business and whose illness we reported last week is much worse, with very slight hopes of recovery. recovery. ' Rev. H. B. Kenny has received word that he has been removed to the iospital and is now in a semi-conscious condition. It seems that the trouble was caused by a corn aud ganerene set in causing the illness. 1.0.0. F. Visit of Port Hope Patriarchs Members of Albert Encampment No. 12 I.O.O.F., enjoyed a visit from Victoria Encampment, Port Hope, on Friday night last when the visitors put seven candidates candidates through the First and Second De grees in an exceedingly commendable fashion. Supper was served by Patriarch T. A. Milne, after which short speeches were* given by D.D.G.P. Geo. Wilson, Whitby, P.D.D.G.P. F.oberts, and Rev. Patriarch H. B. Kenny. Victoria Encampment Encampment left on 11.58 train for home. D.D.G.P. Geo. Wilson, Whitby, installed installed the following officers: C.P.-- F. C. Pethick; S.W.--E. W. Loscombe; H.P.-- K O. Whyte; J.W.--Chas. Adams; P.C.P. --Ed. Osborne; 1st G:O.T.-- W. L Ctilley; 2nd G.O.T.--P. Williams; I.S.^Geo. R. Mason; O.S.--Jas. Johnston; R.S.-- W- J. Bennett; F.S.'--Frank Burden; Treas. William Edger. , % . Albert Encampment members go to Port Hope this Thursday night. ' The Third Degiee will be put on. Every member is requested to come. Train leaves at 7.18 p.m. ) FF BARN FOR SALE--28x56 ft. Apply to S. " E. Werry, Solina. Phone 167 r6. 2tf C OTTAGE WITH LAND--Wanted to rent cottage cottage with some land for poultry and vegetables, vegetables, close to Bowmanville. Address with full particulars to Geo. Nelson, 159 Close-ave, Toronto. 32 w ANTED--Applications will be received for the offices of Clerk and Treasurer for the municipality of Darlington up to Jan. 30th, 1914. W. E. COURTICE, HENRY ELLIOTT, Reeye. Clerk. Hampton, Jan. 6,1914. . 23 NOTICE TO PATRONS. A meeting of the Patrons of the Hampton Butter Butter and Cheese Factory will be held in the Town Hall, Hampton, on Saturday January 24th, 1914, at 2 p. m., for receiving annual report of the past season's business. An earnest request is extended to every patron to be present. W. R. ALLIN, Secretary. Hampton, Jan. 9th, 1914 3 2 road new appreci- J. H. Mutton (Formerly Challis & Mutton) _^Horsey Block - Bowmanville Dundas-st. public school, Whitby, was,^ umiI omor ,t= for Field damaged by fire last week to the extent Darlington making arrangements for P ieio I of $iooo. Cause, supposed to be an over- j Day on Feb. 2', in this *" " c heated furnace Mr. Percy Chapman, Orono, bought the old toll gate house on the Hampton and intends building a barn on his place with the material. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Anderson are now occupying their new bungalow home' on Queen-st. It is a very comfortable and commodious residence. Misses Winifred and Bernice Bragg and Messrs. Ernest Rundle, Bowmanville, and Arthur Hawley, Oshawa, spent Sunday at Mrs. J. H. Pethick's, Newtonville. A friend of the Bowmanville STATESMAN STATESMAN rejoices in the name of Cusson. No relation, you may be sure, to our Russian friend Schwearoff.--Orillia Packet. You can't afford to miss the orange op portunitv at Knight's--17c dozen Mrs. Hughes, wife of Col. the xxt».o.-1- ■■ ini , nf the town clock able Sam Hughes, Minister of 1 Distinctive Tailoring we s tand is garment individual is wliat Every ored to the requirements of each cus- 'tomer, thereby ensuring a more perfect fit than could otherwise be possible. possible. All our customers are satisfied and we can satisfy you. Up-to-date methods and good of the best quality only used. <j Ladies' materials made up. Try us with your next order. after a visit to Holland Canada via Japan. Clarke Township Liberal Conservative Association new officers are: President I. T. Chapman; 1st Vice--John Lowery; 2nd Vice--Thomas Smith; Secretary--D. J. Gibson; Treas-- T. H. Powers. Bowmanville Vf omen's Institute will hold their next regular meeting at Mrs. W. L. Key# on Friday Jan. 30 at 3 p.m Good program and refreshments. Col lection of 10c in aid of* Institute funds. Mr. J. B. Baggett, chef for Stein & Reade of the u.P.R. Construction, was in town Thursday on his way to his home at county, gave us a call Wednesday évening. Mr. M. C. Selby, bailiff of the Second Division Court, Markham, has resigned. Mr. Selby, it is said, has bought out a barber shop in Lindsay and will shortly move his family there .--Markham Sun. Rev. and Mrs. L. Phelps were advised on Thursday that their daughter, Gladys, at Clifton Springs, N.Y., had suddenly been attacked by appendicitis and had undergone an operation. Brighton Jhn- sign. Misses Winnie and Lillie Bounsall gave a very interesting progressive euchre and dance Monday night in honor of Miss Mabel Walker, Toronto, Miss Kate Percy and Mr. Reynolds Cousins being the prize winners. Cottage wanted with some land attach- Honor-1 ed > to rent or buy * Se6 advtl Militia, The installation of the I the Pnct Office tower has ucw <- , At night the dial is illuminated so that everyone can see clearly time--it they come near enough. It is most regrettable that the tower cannot be built 25 feet higher. Mrs. M. A. James gave her annual dinner dinner and entertainment to members of The Statesman staff, the young ladies of the Post Office staff, and a few other- friends Wednesday evening at Lorne Villa in honor of the Editor's 66th birthday. birthday. They all thoroly enjoyed the good things provided, the music and the pleasant pleasant social intercourse which followed. Mr. F. R. Foley in a few happy words on behalf of the company thanked Mrs. Notices of Births 25 cents* Marriages 50 cents; Deaths, 50 cents, each insertion When fnneral cards are printed at this office, insertion free. births. 'Stoive--In Oshawa, Jan. 14, to Mr. and Mis. Alex. Sfcorie, a son. Cameron--In Oshawa, Jan. 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Angus C. Cameron, a son. Tamblyn--In Clarke, Jan. 12, to Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Tamblyn, a daughter. Allin--In Clarke, Jan. 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Irving ti. Allin, a daughter. Wrekord --Jan. 5, at Plymouth, England, the wife of Sydney W. Wreford, of twin daughters. Formerly of Bowmanville, Ont. '/The Elite Grocery" Week-End Specials Last week we sold 6 cases of Oranges, but we still have a few cases left which we will clean out on Friday and Saturday ot this week at the following prices : Regular 30c Oranges, sweet and jucy for 19c Regular 35c Oranges, sweet and jucy for 24c Regular 10c Salmon, small tins for .5c Fresh stock of Catsup, regular^ 20c bottle for 15c Griffin & Skelly's Seeded Raisins for .10c lb Stiowden & Paiiiton The Elite Grocery - Bowmanville, Ont. Skaters, Attention! The Fun Is On. We have studied the matter of comfort and quality to increase your pleasure during the Winter. LIGHTNING HITCH SriCEitrln Hope, Tan. 15, Benjamin Spicer, sr, 14, Nelson Mar- 1 lviimia 111V __ town clock in and Miss Aileïn Hughes are. in gig | DEATHS Bamsey--In Hope, January 13, George Bamsey in his 82nd year. MARSH--In Hope, Jan. 7, Wm. Osterum Marsh, in his 84th year JEIfc- in his 72im year. Marlow--At Blackstock, Jan low, in his 74th year. - , Wagstaff--At Newcastle, Jan. 14, Wm. W ag- staff, aged 61 years. Coulter--At 'Newcastle, Jan. 12, Charles Coulter, aged 65 years. HORNER--At Port Hope Hospital, Jan. 16, John Horner, in his 74th year. Brown--In Newcastle, Jan. 12, Margaret Bell, beloved wife of William Brown. Fairbanks--In Cobourg, Jan. 19, Dr. C. S. B. Fairbanks, aged 51 years.- Native of Oshawa. ALLEN--At Millbrook, January 16, Ida Margaret Margaret Fair, beloved wife of Henry Bulk Allen and daughter of William Fair. - Dobbin--In Peterboro, Jan. 18. Max Jeffers, third son of Mr. F. H. Dobbin, formerly publisher publisher of Peterboro Review, aged 22 years. MERRILL--In Hampton, Jan. 17, at the residence residence of her son-in-law, Mr. LL- Brown Jean Taylor, relict of the late C. C. Merrill, aged 80 years. Kennfa--On Jan. 15, at his late residence 9, Shaw-st, Toronto, Thomas B. Kenney, beloved husband of Matilda clindinnmg. Father of Mr. U. B, Kenney, teller m Bank of Montreal, Bon- manville. "Lest We Forget' The Best Hockey Boots for the smallest investment is our aim, and the wonderful sales we are making making is the best evidence of our success. W e carry a large stock and great variety. Prices from $1.50 to $3.50. We specialize on McPherson's "Lightning Hitch," the best known Hockey Boots in Canada. Fred R. Foley Phone 12 Bowmanville C. H. Haddy, Jeweler Selling Agents for South Bend Watches One door west of Batik of Montreal BOWMANVILLE S t iec Martin's Point, Nova Scotia, where he will j ames f or the pleasant evening which was spend a month's holiday with his family, followed by all singing "For they are ... . t> i rvivT^r Cleaning, and pressing done. repairing, promptly A. Crossman High Class Tailor Horsey Block, Bowmanville 8s Picture framing This is a good time to have pictures framed. We have a good stock of mouldings and can do them promptly. Bring in your Xmas photos a,nd pictures and have them done in the latest styles. W. T. Allen it Big 20" Bookstore Those who heard Miss Pearl O'Neil, entertainer, at Haydon on Dominion Day will be delighted to hear her again at the Bowling Club concert here on Monday Feb. 2. She is an excellent entertainer and no one will be disappointed. Rev. W. H. and Mrs. Adams, Mark- dale, are spending a few days in Orono guests of Mr. R. Knox. Rev. Mr. Adams, who was a former pastor of the Methodist Methodist Church here, has been granted a year s vacation to recuperate his health. News. Mr. Chas. Coulter, Newcastle, a well known resident, died quite suddenly Jan. 12 from heart failure. He moved into the village from the farm some years ago and was a member of the village council; he was also member of L.O.L., No. 311 Newtonville. Now is the time to secure great bargains bargains in oranges only 17c per dozen at Knight's Grocery. Phone ^2. Drovers have been notified by the Department Department of Agriculture that after April 1st next all cattle for shipment must be dehorned, otherwise $2.00 per head will be deducted from the purchase price. This is owing to the large quantity ot bruised meat put on the market. Mr. Gerald McKeen, son of Rev. J. A. McKeen, Orono, who has been on the McLaughlin McLaughlin office staff, Oshawa, for several years, has gone to the Northwest. Miss Eva Brown and'Miss Stella Johnston entertained entertained the staff when Mr. McMeen was presented with an address and a token of remembrance from his office companions, Methodist Adult Bible Class, Orono, elected these officers: President--Dr. M. M. Tucker; Vice Pres.--Miss M. E. Wise; Sec.-Treas.--C. A. Chapman; and several teachers to take class in rotation. I ne chief officers elected were: Superintendent--Heber Superintendent--Heber J. Souch; Assistant Supt.--C. T Hughson; Sec'y--Milton Staples; Treas. i --Thomas Smith; and a full staff ot teachers. teachers. Miss Edna H. Bottrell, who has been a member of The Statesman office staff for nearly six and a half years, left Saturday Saturday for Toronto where she will take a course at Remington Business College. Before leaving she was presented with a suit case and a pretty pearl pin with the good wishes of the members of the firm and her office associates. Miss Bottrell has been a very faithful and capable member member of the staff and we are sure success will attend her efforts in the future. Mr. and Mrs. John Somers held a family family gathering on Wednesday January 14» when their hearts were gladdened by the presence of four of their children Mrs. W. J. Bragg, Mrs. Thos. Jackson, Mrs. John Fee, Omemee, and Dr. J. S. Somers, Toronto. Mrs. C. W. Hughan, Lindsay, was unable to be present owrffg to illness. illness. . This worthy couple have both reached the age of 84 years and if spared to April 6 next will celebrate 60 years of wedded life. Mr. and Mrs. Somers are enjoying fairly good health. jolly good fellows' E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marble, Bowmanville. Ontario. WORTHY PAIR HONORED In our last issue, which was much crowded crowded a report was given of a surprise given to Mr. and Mrs. William Trewin at their new residence, King-st. E., and this week we make room for the address which was read by Mr. T. C. Jewell on behalf of the 45 friends present, Mr. C. M. Cawker being being the chairman. Mr. W. Trewin is the superintendent of the Methodist Sabbath School where his faithful services are very highly valued, and we are quite sure the officers, teachers and scholars of that school, the members of the Official Board and the members of the congregation generally generally all join in heartiest congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Trewin on their Ruby Wedding. The address follows: Mr. and Mrs. Trewin: dear Friends--An old adage says that "Time flies", and it is also sometimes said that "The world is full of surprises . You are probably somewhat surprised at the presence of so many unexpected, but we trust not unwelcome, guests, this evening, evening, and the flight of time reminds us that, it is about forty years since you went into partnership, for better or for worse, and while we recall many occasions when you might have bèen discouraged with the shadows through which you have had to pass yet a kind Providence has mingled the sweet with the bitter, and you have been - spared to struggle bravely along L. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Morris & Son Most Complete Equipment Sunday and night calls promptly attended to. 10-34 Bowmanville Phones Branches : ORONO HAMPTON -Taking Reduction Sale M AID WANTED--Thoroly competent, general. general. Apply Mrs. Thos. Hardy, Liberty-st., Bowmanville. north half of F A ?oU 31,°32, 33 A hFthe 2 3°rd a Con%f Haldimand, 1* situated 7 miles from Cobourg statiôn, miles from village of Baltimore, on good road with mail delivery everyday. First class brick house heated witïi furnace. 2Gi acres ^.^ rcl ^ e °° k d timber 14 acres of pine and cedar witn creeK, 2 wells.' Barn 100x35 with stable underneath Well fenced. Can have possession any tune. -.0 acres of fall crop in, 90 acres m grass and fall ploughing almost done. Will sell on easy_L.erms t if wind up estate. A. E but I 2, Baltimore, Ont. Children's, Misses' and Ladies' Coats At Quick"Sale Prices--Must Go This Month All Coats up to, .$5 00, Quick Sale Pi ice. from $5 75 to 7 75, from 9 75 to 12 75, from 13 75 to 20 00, u u it « . it u tt $2 3 75 75 7 75 10 75 CRUiKSHANK, R.M.D. 44-13*ns Ladies' Suits, Skirts and Dresses Your choice of any Ladies' or Misses' Suit at about half regular price, Ladies' Tailored Skirts--Northway make. Your choice of any sknt up , to $5.95 for $3.75. Ladies' and Misses' Dresses a good choice si]k or wool materials, all at WHOLESALE PRICES NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS, The annual general meeting of the'Sharehold ers of the Hampton Butter and Cheese Manufac taring Company, Limited, will be held in the Town Hall. Hampton, on Saturday, January -dth, 1914 at 8 o clock p. in., for the purpose of elect- intr a Board of Directors for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting^^ Secretary. u u u ( ( .98 1.25 1.50 thrrm cffTthèse years and permitted to see | Hampton, Jan. 9th, 1914 & va the non- ------ _ _ L ^Œ^nrâgr^oît^ bowmanville market indmatdyAcquainted 6 anTX^have as- Corrected Wednesday sembled to-day to give expression to their FLOUR tf 100 tts. n S ÎS o oo continued friendship and the high esteem WHEAT, Fa 1, bush ^000090 fn which you are still held by those, who | " Spring 0 00 to have known you best. We also desire to r congratulate you on the acquisition of Goose such a cosy, beautiful, and well appointed BARLEY, tf bush, No. 1 . - home, in which we trust you may be | Oats, white spared for many years to enjoy the com- Red Fife 00 to 0 00 to 0 00 to 0 00 to pany of your family and friends, and " "1 • 11 r«r\mfnrf fhp. PVfitltlQC Rye Buckwheat " - sDend in weff-eaVned comfort the eventide 1 Peas, Blackeye, tf bush, of vour liTe As a slight token of our es- | " Canadian Beauties teem we ask you to accept Ç 18 reading lamp and silver service which we trust will serve as a reminder, not only of the present occasion, but of many pleasant associations and litelong friendships. John Slemon. Thomas Slemon. Richard Slemon. ! c. M. Cawker. Nathan Horne. T. C. Jewell. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. John Smith wish to extend their sincerest gratitude to Seman 6 ,friends for .he kindness shown 0 00 to 0 00 t o 0 00 to 0 00 to Small.".;... --o 00 to *< Blue 0 00 1° Clover Seed 5 001° Timothy Seed • -- 1 50 to Butter, best table, tf tt> -- 0 25 to Eggs, tf. doz. 0 00 to Potatoes tf bus.. Hay, tf ton 0 00 to 0 85 0 90 0 80 J 0 60 0 36 0 60] 0 60 o 00 o 00 0 00 0 00 9 00 2 50 o 25 0 35 0 60 Reliable Alarm Clocks -- For These Dark Mornings COLD DAYS--DARK MORNINGS MORNINGS -- tendency to oversleep. Best thing you can get to counteract counteract this tendency is a good reliable Alarm Clock. Our prices are low and every clock is guaranteed. Prices range from $1 to $3.00.- Ask to see the popular BIG BEN "Alarm. We recommend this clock to anyone wanting a really first- class alarm clock. n u ■ 1 ' 12 OO to 14 OO CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought 25 doz. Ladies' Waists Biggest bargain we have ever shown m waists. 20 doz. Waists, regular value $1.50, Stock-taking Sale luce $ Q ' it " 2.00, 2 " " 2 50, Black and Colored Dress Goods Reg. 50c and 60c, sale price 38c yd. Reg 75c and 85c sale price 58c yd. ë Reg. $1.00 to $1.25 yd., sale price <9c yd. , CÏ1 J.Q o ,p('i n 1 sale of Dress and Blouse Silks, all shades, reg. 60c for S 3 L 9cyI; r^ iôe to SSc for 58c yd.; reg. $1.00 to $3.25 for 79c yd. HOSF-15 doz Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose, plain or ribbed, special " uac Sale Price 19c. „ POINTS Etc --Prints, Ginghams and Muslins, reg 10c for 8c; reg. ^ ' ' 12£c to 15c for iOc. All Furs at Manufacturers' Price Men's Linen Collars 5 for 25c S. W. Mason & Son Next Door to Standard Bank Bowmanville

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