aaüms ... h il & \ \ > A •>- s( >: > ,3 J>--' S s 2 That Weak Back distress for a woman. She may De growing *rw » later : - T €° g S DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription h" Vn'^-^5rîibtJ?f t oS r 2 wTu" *hi mS 1 S bT^ioin.' dealers^ trial box by mal ! R on J? c ^6V f i^a C ^^ Wt^^Dr. Pierce said: "l was completely Elizabeth Lordahl of Berkeley, Cal., in a J" t . n j_.-_a WSBSO nervous that I could scream aaH.lil|Mm'niii'ili*'J ACTIVITIES inrLrm_n_ruu~>njmn Pierce's health." Prescription. INVESTMENT Mifk Class S-Year Bends that are Profit-Sharing. Serles-SlOO, $500. $1000 INVMTMSNT may be withdrawn »sy tip* after en# T**J» national securities corporation, limited COMPEOERATIOII LIFE BUILOIIIO • - TORONTO. ©AMâDA FARMERS' SONS ! Short Course in Agriculture CLUBBING LIST. The Durham County Branch of the Ontario Ontario Department of Agriculture is arranging arranging to hold their third annual course in Agriculture in the Town Hall, Mill- brook, from January 19 to February 20, 1914. In previous years this course has been held in the Port Hope High School. The Advisory Agricultural Committee deemed it wise to hold the course in some other centre than Port Hope. This year Millbrook has been selected. Another year most likely the course will be held in West Durham. This course is intended intended for farmers' sons ranging in age from 15 to 30 years. A comprehensive and practical programme has been prepared. It is hoped a large number of young men will avail themselves of this opportunity. No fees, no examinations. The only expense expense is for board and railway fare for those coming from a distance. Calendars and application forms maybe obtained upon request. R. S. DUNCAN, Department of Agriculture, Port Hope. The Statesman or The News will be furnished for 1913 in connection with the under named publications at prices stated :-- Daily Globe *4 5» Dailv Globe, rural route 3 5° Daily Mail & Empire 4 50 Daily Mail & Empire, rural route. • • 3 50 Toronto World .. -- 3 5® Daily News. 2 5° ! Daily Star, in country 2 50 Dailv Star, in town 3 5® Weekly Mail & Empire 1 75 Weekly Witness 1 °° Weekly Sun 1 ®5 Farmers's Advocate -- • 2 |o Family Herald & Weekly Star 2 00 Home Journal 1 75 Christian Herald 2 5° Christian Guardian 2 50 Canadian Farm • I Canadian Countryman 2 00 The mills of Belfast, Ireland, employ employ nearly 30,000 women workers. Over 900 nurses are employed in the Moscow hospital, the largest in Europe. __ - , , Women's colleges in the United States are better equipped than those for men. Miss Elspeth McClelland is one of the most successful architects in England. Women are prohibited from working working at nights in Massachusetts; Nebraska Nebraska and Indiana. According to the latest statistics there are 2,000,000 French families without children. Berlin has a store where the pictures pictures of women who wish to become brider are displayed. England has 86 women plumbers, 231 women blacksmiths and 66 female female carpenters and fourteen women women masons. Mme. Nazimova, the Russian actress, actress, has never worn a corset because because she does not believe in torturing torturing herself. Washington public schools are teaching girl pupils how to keep a father, mother and three children on $9 a week. Granny fScott, who died recently in England at the age of 104 years, had smoked a pipe for nearly 100 Fresh from the Gardens of the fittest Tea-producing country in the world. Ceylon Tea. Sealed Lead Packets Only. Try it--it's delicious. BLACK, MIXED or GREEN. TRUE NOBILITY. years. During the first six months of the fiscal year 751 Japanese arrived in British Columbia, of which 239 were women. Allowing for losses in.slack season, season, three quarters of the women | workers in New York city receive less than $400 a year. Miss Christie Holmberg has been elected clerk in Santa Barbara, Cal., by an overwhelming majority over her male opponent. The extensive Allen dyeing works in Philadelphia is conducted by Mias Katherine R. Allen^ daughter of the founder of the business. Woulds't thou from sorrow find a sweet relief ? Or is thy heart oppressed with woes untold 1 Balm woulds't thou gather for corroding grief? Pour blessings round thee like a shower of gold. 'Tis when the rose is wrapped in many a fold, Close to its heart the worm is wasting there Its life and beauty ; not when, all unrolled, Leaf after leaf, its bosom, rich and-fair, Breathes freely its perfumes throughout the ambient air. , Some high or humble enterprise of good . Contemplate, till it shall possess thy mind, Become thy study, pastime, rest, and food, And kindle in thy heart a flame refined. Pray Heaven for firmness thy whole soul to bind To this thy purpose--to begin, pursue, With thoughts all fixed and feelings purely kind; Strength to complete and with delight review, And trraoe to give the praise where all is due. --Carlos Wilcox. There is no more effective vermifuge on the market than Miller's Worm Powders. They will not only clear the stomach and bowels of worms, but will prove a very serviceable medicine for children in regulating regulating the infantile system and maintaining maintaining it in a healthy condition. There is nothing in their composition that wil injure the most delicate stomach when directions are followed, and they can be given to children in the full assurance that they will utterly destroy all worms. Dread of Asthma,, makes coutless thousands miserable. Night after night the attacks return and even when brief respite is given the mind is still In torment torment from continual anticipation. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy changes all this. Relief comes, and at once, while future attacks are warded off leaving the afflicted one in a state of peace and happiness happiness he once believed he could never enjoy. Inexpensive and sold almost everywhere. * DAILY PAPERS CHEAPER. "There's a great art," an Irishman Irishman onoe declared, "in knowing what not to know whin yez don'l want to know it." 108 N0X A COLD The best Cough Medicine for children. 25 : per bottle, at all drugstores. Jury's drug store special agents. AR. v-/ O ✓ERY BUSY > Every little while you read in the papers that so many persons have died from Consumption. Consumption. - - It is all very far-off and matter of fact and possibly it scarcely arrests your attention. attention. , Do you ever realize that each one 01 those "cases"--mere items in an official record--is a black tragedy to somebody, that behind each one of thorn lies long, hopeless .days of pain, feverish nights of despaiç^ lifetime plans that must be laid away,'grinding poverty, perhaps a wife to fight her own way afterwards or children who know hunger now that the father is gone. , Just suppose it were your tragedy. Suppose it were your father, your mother, your brother, sister, husband, wife, your child, or perhaps your sweetheart, and you with the hospital doors shut in your face, wringing your hands in utter helplessness while the crowds hurry by, engrossed in their own affairs. But no! You are in that crowd and you don't hear either because you are busy. But wouldn't you given-arid gladly--if you knew that what meant so.little to you would go far to bring back the glow to somebody's wan face or the laughter to somebody's lips? Just sit down and think of the one you love best in the world. Then say " If she lay there--or "If he lay there---- and see how it sounds. What would become become of all your plans and your busy days For eleven years now the Muskoka Free Hospital for "Consumptives has cared for those whom, others love best, and hundreds of them have gone home again well and happy. It keeps its doors open because a few ousy people like you stop for a moment and remember. . . Are you going to remember this unriac- m Don't put it off. Use the attached form in sending your contribution. To help the Muskoka Free Hospital Hospital for Consumptives continue its Farmers who enjoy rural mail delivery are subscribing for daily papers more generally generally than ever before. Far more orders have been taken at The Statesman office already than in former years and newspaper newspaper subscription season is young yet. Publishers of metropolitan dailies are reducing reducing their prices so that we are enabled to offer inducements in clubbing with the James Papers. For instance, we now furnish furnish rural route subscribers with The Daily GloJye, or The Daily Mail and Empire, and either of our papers at $3 5°? Saturday Globe and either of our papers for $2.00; The Toronto Morning World to Sept. I, to new subscribers, and either of our papers for one year for $2; the Daily Telegraph of Montreal, really one of the cleanest and best daily newspapers published in Canada today, for one whole year and either of our papers for a year for only $2. Other clubbing rates are found in our clubbing list in another column. We have no agents so that to obtain these reduced rates orders must be $100 REWARD, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly, upon the blood and mucous surfaces surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they Offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials Address : F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. constipation. Neglect is the Cause of Grey Hair Easily Corrected if you only Will. No woman nowadays need lose the charm of her rich, lustrous hair with advancing advancing years. Gray and faded hair destroys destroys a woman's charm as nothing else will do. It seems a shame that any woman should suffer the annoyance of gray hair when it is so easy to restore it to its natural natural color. Hay's Hair Health is so simple and easy to use find so sure in its results that no woman can afford to overlook It. _ It is not a dye, just a real tonic that brings new life and vigor and that natural colored colored healthy look to the impoverished scalp and hair roots, restores the original, natural natural color to the hair. It removes dandruff. dandruff. Your money will be refunded to you if it fails after a fair trial. $1.00, 50c, 25c. Get it at our store. Sold and recommended by Jury & Lovell, druggists, druggists, Bowmanville, Ont. f Had Heard of Burbank, Brown (to his neighbor Jones)-- He says lie's experimenting with a vegetable which will bring him in thousands of dollars. Jones--What is it? Brown--He's trying to rear an onion with a violet scent. ' QUEENS COULD EARN LIVING Sought to Converse. Seated comfortably iiv the railway railway carriage a commercial^ traveller traveller found beside him a rather sedate sedate looking gentleman with whom he sought to converse, and began by explaining what goods he sold, and in what large quantities he sold them. "And you, my friend," he added, "what is, your line?" "Brains," answered his companion gruffly. "Ah! brains, you say? That must be nice. You carry no samples, I see." *- Pat's Character. Courtesy to the gentle sex is a feature in Pat's character, and he is an adept at courting. "It's a great pleasure entirely to be alone, especially when your sweetheart is wid ye," observed "one reflective swain. "Ah," said a sweet Kerry maid to her lover, "if you were me, Tim, and I were you, I-would be married long ago." "Do you dream of me, Mike?" asked a girl of her young man. "Dream of you, my darling? Why, I can't get any sleep for dreaming of you?" *-- Breaking it Gently. "I hev come to tell yuz, Mrs. Malone, Malone, that yer husband met with an accident." "An' what was it, now ?" wailed Mrs. Malone. "He was overcome by the heat, mum. " "Overcome by the heat, was he. -An' how did it happen ?" "He fell into the furnace over at the foundry, mum." Most of Them Are Experts Sciences or Arts. r 'tiMU I treat opinihq- run. DI * tCTl0Nl i powotity ^GiLLETT COMPANY UjJjS "«"Hg TORONTO ONT FOR MAKING SOAP "SOFTENING WATER DISINFECTING CLOSETS,DRAINS SINKS, 6= V m Interesting information concerning concerning the queens of different countries countries is given by the Neue Freie Presse, showing that if the occasion occasion arose many of them could easily easily earn their livelihood. Queen Elizabeth of Belgium possesses possesses a doctor's diploma of the University of Leipzig. Besides, she is an excellent musician and plays the piano and violin with great skill. Queen Mary of England paints, sings and is extremely clever with her needle. Queen Victoria Augusta Augusta of Germany is a specialist with the camera and produces a special kind of art photo. Queen Wilhel- mina of Holland paints miniatures and porcelain, while Queen Maud of Norway is a distinguished playwright, playwright, using the psuedonym of Graham Irving. She is also a com petent bookbinder, dressmaker and painter. • Carmen Sylva (Queen Elizabeth of Rumania) is a world famous poetess poetess and novelist. Helena, Queen of Italy, has jokingly remarked that in case of need she could easily earn a high salary in the music halls of London or New York as an expert swimmer and rifle woman. When a mother detects from the wri things and fret tings of a child that worms are. troubling it, she can procure no better remedy than Miller's Worm Powders, which are guaranteed to totally expel worms from the system. They may cause vomiting, but this need cause no anxiety, because" it is but a manifestation manifestation of their thorough work. No worms can long exist where these Powders are used. Conceit (Limited). Post--Thinks he's the whole thing, does he ? Parker--Well, I'd hardly go as far as that ; but he certainly considers considers himself a quorum. , --* Warts are unsightly belmishes,and corns are painful "growths. Holloway's Corn Cure will remove them. We offer for investment, subject to prior sale OGILVIE FLOUR MILLS CO., LIMITED 6% FIRST MORTGAGE GOLD BONDS, DUE 1932. Price tOO and accrued interest, WE! recommend these bonds as a safe and sound investment, investment, and shall be pleased to send prospectus describing this issue on application. HANSON BROS. Cept w ST " 1 fl HOURLY NEED AND DANGER Story of the Israelites' Wanderings Applicable for Our Own Age and For Every Age Seeking Distraction. "Why do you suppose it is," she asked, "that nearly all the great men of this world have been married?" married?" "I suppose," replied the ole bachelor, "it's because they had to do something to get their mincU off the troubles they had at home." Makes Home Brighter and Labor, Lighter. the F. F.DalleyQ. HAMILTON. CANADA I A Paste No Waste No Dust No Rust iSpeak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward.--Exodus sent to M. A. James & Son, Bowmanville, ! x iv., 15. or paid into the office of JamesPublishing House. Order at'once to start as near the first of the year as possible. * A Pill That it Prized.--There have been many pills put upon the market and and pressed upon public attention, but none has endjired so long or met with, so much favor as Parmelee's Vegetable Pil s. Widespread use of them has attested their great value, and they need no further advertisement advertisement than this. Having firmly established established themselves in public esteem, ;hey now rank without a peer in the list of standard vegetable preparations. igl CHIPS WITH THE BARK ON. No man is-rich who does not think he iR. The man of few words often ceeps them buey. It is pleasant to have a square man 'round. It is becoming orthodox to op pose orthodoxy. Remember the fate of the steak that is tough--it is made into hash , ife.~so.ving work, I gladly enclose Address. 5.00 will provide, maintenance for a week. Muscular Rheumatism Subdued.-- When one is a sufferer from muscular rheumatism he cannot do better than to have the region rubbed with Dr. Thomas Electric Oil. There is no oil that so speedily shows its effect in subduing pain There is more virtue in a bottle of it than can be fully estimated. * During the Tiff. She--Before we were married )'cu used to catch me in your arms. He--Yes, and now I catch you in my pockets. / * Asthma Victims. The man or woman woman subject to asthma is indeed a victim. What can be more terrifying terrifying than to suddenly be seized with paroxysms of choking which seem to fairly threaten the existence, of life itself. From such a condition Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy Remedy has brought many to completely completely ' restored health and happiness. It is known and priced in every section of. this broad land. When the Israelites were wandering wandering through the wilderness to the promised land they encountered all sorts of vicissitudes. Day after day they were brought face to face with privations and disasters, un- 1 ;il it seemed as though flesh and flood could endure no more. What shall we do ? they cried. Whereupon Whereupon "the congregation" divided, in answer to this question, into three distinct and mutually antagonistic antagonistic parties. First, there were the people who looked back to the good old days in Egypt and clamored to return. They had been in slavery in those days, to be sure, but they had had plenty to eat and had been secure from the perils of trackless wastes and the attacks of unknown enemies. enemies. "Would that we had died in the land of Egypt," they said, "when we did eat bread to the full, for ye have brought us forth into this wilderness to kill this whole assembly with hunger." Set up the Golden Calf. Next there were the people who, at the end of each day's journey, were well content and desired therefore to go no further. The manna and quails were abundant, the water gushing "from the rocks was sweet and the heavenly portents portents seemed propitious. * "This _ is the promised land," they said. "Let us remain right here !" It was this party, we may believe, which set up the golden calf at. the foot of Mount Sinai and worshipped at the" new made shrine. , Lastly, there were the _people, few in number but mighty in courage courage and spiritual insight, who were willing neither to return nor. to remain remain but insisted - always upon pushing ahead. They realized that they were wandering in a;n,unfamii- iar country and were) beset by the perils of the desert-and its savage inhabitants. But they also realized realized that- to return to Egypt witi to" go back to bondage, to stay here' at the night's encampment was to remain remain in a perpetually insecure position, position, and that, above all things else, to dp either of these things was to miss the promised land. Therefore, under the leadership of WONDERED WHY And Found the Answer. Many pale, sickly persons won der for years why they have to suf fer so, and eventually discover Moses, did they insist upon moving I that the drug--caffeine--in tea and on! And in so doing, we are told, coffee is ^ significantly enough, they obeyed trouble. the word of God. For it is written, "I was always very fond of cof "Jehovah said unto Moses, Speak fee and drank it every day. I never unto the children of Israel, that I bad. much flesh and often wonderec they go forward." ! why I was always so pale, thin anc Now here, v in this story, do we 1 W eak. have a parable for our own age and j "About five years ago my health for every age. Always, in "the j completely broke down and I was critical periods of history, &re I confined to my bed. My stomach these the men who talk about I W as in such condition that I could "The Good Old Times" hardly take sufficient nourishment and find an escape from present to sustain life. . . , dangers in the traditions of the "During this time I was drink- elders and the customs of the fa- in g coffee, didn t_ think I could do thers. Always are there the men without it. (Tea is just as harmful also who are well satisfied with because it contains caffeine, the things as they are and therefore de- same drug found m coffee.) precate any agitation for move- "After awhile I came to the comment., comment., either backward or forward. I elusion that coffee was hurting me, But with neither of these two I and decided to give it . up and try parties, in the last, analysis, is there I Postum. When it was made right true wisdom. For this we have to J --dark and rich--I soon became go toe those lonely and valiant spir-1 very fond of it. its of ■every age who see with per-1 "In one week I" began to feel bet- feet clearness the needs and dan-1 ^ er> j could eat more arid sleep gers of the hour, and see with equal better. My sick headaches were clearness that these can be success- j ess frequent, and within five fully met not by retreating, n i or j months I looked and felt like a new _* * *_ - • * * » . 3 yet by standing still, but only by advancing boldlj 7 into the unknown future--the prophets, apostles, martyrs, seers, who behold the promised promised land in the far distance and speak unto men the will of God, that they "go forward !" To-day, as in the days of" Moses, these are the counsellors who must be heeded if the race is to be saved. At no, --^ tQ Wel i v in e ," in pkgs time more appropriately than at trie j p ^ Htnm now com beginning of: this new year can we remind ourselves that being, headache spells entirely gone. . "My health continued to improve and today I am well and strong, weigh 148 lbs. I attribute my present present health to the life-giving qualities qualities of Postum." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Read "The "New occasions teach new duties, Time makes ancient good uncouth uncouth ; Postum now comes in twç> forms: Regular Postum--Must be well boiled. ■ Instant . Postum--Is a soluble powder. A teaspoonful dissolves quickly in a cup of hot water and, Concrete Hog Houses and Feeding Floors Enable you to raise bigger hogs and better pork without heavier feeding. A concrete feeding floor permits the animals animals to clean up all the feed without waste, and eliminates the possibility of your hops contracting disease. To you they _ 6 Mean Bigger Profits Hog houses of concrete arc sanitary, easily cleaned, maintain an even temperature and give plenty of light and air, which tend to better the quality of pork. Concrete will not rust or rot. Never needs repairs or painting. It will outwear any other material for farm structures. Write for thk beautifully illustrated free book "What the Farmer can do with Concrete," It shows how to buHd Hog Houses, Feeding Floors and many other things the farmer needs. 'Farmer's Information Bureau Cae&io Cemeet Company Limited g,o MereM BelWÉae. MeaSreel We nm^-upward still and onward, with cream and sngan, makes a dc Who Wjduld keep abreast of licious- beverage Instantly trutjC" era sell both kinds. John Haynes Holmes. I "There's a Reason" Groc- for- Postum. CEHOlt