I 38 * | Special Sale of Suitings G. T. BOWMANVILLE GOING EAST. DURHAM OLD BOYS. TOWN COUNCIL. SPRING SUITS. Kxpress Express Passenger ' ocal Passenger Mail : Daily 8.62 a. m. 10.18 „ s.sep.m. 6.49 „ 7.18" , 9.58' , STATION. GOING WEST 4.22 a.m 7.02 „ . I : Express Local Local Passenger :Passenget 9.46 1.38 p.m. 7.19 „ will .be held during the month of February, when ;U Winter Suits will go at a sacrifice to make room for new Spring BOWMAN VILLE, FEB. 12, 1914 goods. a so r You will be able to get these , fine goods at ridiculously low price, don't fail to take advantage of this offer. Material, fit and workmanship guaranteed guaranteed the best. A. Crossman High Class Tailor Horsey Block, Bowmanville Opposite Post Office k ? 3*05=^: g PlC ture Framing This is a good, time to have pictures framed. We have good stock of a tes I % in § mouldings and can do them promptly. Bring in your Xmas photos and pictures and have them done in the latest styles. jS W. T. Allen "Big 20" Bookstore meadow Brook Meat Market Will fill your order promptly, satisfactorily and at reasonable prices for all kinds of meat and. poultry for the holiday season. If you are not a regular custom^ send us a trial order to-day. Many trial orders make for us regular customers. Choice butter, fresh eggs, best canned goods and cooked meats always in stock. Your order will be appreciated. appreciated. Offices to rent. See advt. Miss Lena Haddy is visiting Miss Ethel Kirby, Oshawa. Mrs. J. Fleming is visiting Mrs. (Dr.) John Moore, Brooklin. Miss Ethel Kirby, Oshawa, was recent guest of Miss Lena Haddy. Mrs. Wm. Roy, Yale, Mich., is visiting at Rev. W. C. Washington's. Attend first carnival of the season at Taylor's Arena Thursday I2th. Rev. W. Limbert and Rev. Jos. Barnes visited. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Courtice recent ly. Mr. Regnal Roden and Mr. Chjas. Haddy, Toronto, spent Sunday at ~ dy's. Mrs. W. McKay and Miss Murdoch wil not receive until the second Friday March. Mr. Fred Knox, Madoc, was recent guest of Mr. Fred R. Foley, of the Parlor Boot Shop. Mr. Geo. Pollard Orono, has sold his farm to Mr. Wright, Manager of the Toronto Toronto Electric Coy. Mrs. Thos. Sherin has returned from a very pleasant visit with her son and daughter in Toronto. Tremendous bargains in all kinds of furs and fur-lined coats at Couch, Johnston Johnston & Cryderman's. Miss Ethel L. VanNest was in Oshawa Tuesday evening attending "Geisha" as guest of Mrs. C. U. Peeling. Mrs. (Rev) Thos. Brown, Lindsay, visited visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Courtice and sister Mrs. T. G. Mason. Regular old time fancy dress carnival at Taylor's Arena Thursday, Feb. I2th. Mr. Bruce Purcell, Wascana, Sask., and Mr. Arthur Purcell, Welcome, visited the former's cousin, Mr. W. J. Williams. Mr. Samuel Rickard, Shaws, was 2nd prize winner in Barley (O.A.C., No. 21) in the Field Crop Exhibit at Ottawa Fair. Miss Lottie Couch, Cowanville, was recent recent guest of her aunt Mrs. W. J. Williams Williams and attended League convention Miss Ford, B. A., Newcastle, and Mr. Scott, Queen's Varsity, Kingston, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Kice. The Woman's Hospital Auxiliary will meet on Friday Feb. 13, at 3 P- m * parlors over Tod's store. All members attend, Mrs. T. J. Harris and Mrs. E. J. Bale, Oshawa, visited their sister Mrs. James Courtice last week and attended the convention. convention. Harry Cann, Insurance and Real Estate Agent, has a few 1914 calendars which his customers are welcome to, by calling at his office. Man's gauntlet lost. Return to STATESMAN STATESMAN office. Peterboro will shortly vote on a by-law to provide for a grant of $10,000 toward the erection of a tuberculosis sanitarium in the district. Miss Pearl Ferguson, Oak wood, and Miss Mabel Fergus m, Cannington, visited their aunt Mrs. Wm. Foley and attended the League Convention. Mr. Alpha Pinch left Friday for two months visit with his son^ Mr. W. Pinch, Cleveland, Ohio, and his brother Mr. B. Pinch, Roswell, New Mexico. Congratulations tc^Miss Eva Smith, pupil of Miss Mayme Shaw on passing her Primary exams in piano with °* Executive Committee of the Durham Old Boys and Girls made the following arrangements for two meetings in February February : Monday 16, there will be an exhibition exhibition of views by Mr. Cassel Tait of the grand mountain scenery of British Columbia." Columbia." Mr. Tait has spent' two. summers in British Columbia and his photographs are as fine as any ever made. This exhibition will be given in King Edward School at .8 p m. Every Durhamite invited. An annual annual rec eption will be held in the Central Y. M. C. A. building on Thursday Feb. 26, at 8 p m. This will take the place ot the annual banquet. The whole of the magnificent magnificent building will be open. A very pleasant evening is assured. A.few songs will be sung during the evening. Lignt refreshments will be served at 9.30. Tickets fifty cents. We hope to see a great gathering of the Durham girls and boys. THE LAMPLIGHTER. Just because you were born in the 19th Century is no reason why you should con tinue in the old ways and customs of the past century. Get in touch witn 20th Century ideas--be- up-to-date. For instance, instance, are you continuing to be a 'back number' by having your house dimly lighted with the old fashioned coal 01 lamps ? Every morning you hear mother or daughter saying, "Father, I'm sick anc tired of cleaning chimneys and filling lamps every day. Why dont you install electric light. It's cheaper, much cleaner and a better light." Father used to say 'it cost too much', but that excuse doesn t go now when the Seymour (pronounced see-more) Power Co. are supplying the electric juice at such low rates. As an extra inducement to get you to use electric lights the company is actually offering to pay 20% of the cost of wiring your house. This is an opportunity you cannot afford to overlook. No cottage is too small or mansion too large. Call at the Seymour office, two door east of Hotel Bowman, or phone 192 for f 11 particulars. Electric light is the cleanest, safest, cheapest and most convenient light obtainable. A PIONEER GONE 3 Stephen Hogarth, Soljna Stephen Hogarth was born near Kendal, Westmoreland, England, on June 3 0t n, 1822. He came to Canada with his mother mother and three brothers; other three elder brothers had preceded them in 1835* He lived but a few years in Scar boro, but came to Darlington while still a _young man. In 1844 he married Jane Elford. Shortly after the) moved to Mariposa township where they lived a few y e ^ r ^- They returned to Darlington about 1858 and settled on lot 24, con. 5> south of Solina. His wife died in April 1899, and since that time he has made his home with his nieces who live on the adjoining adjoining farm. They had three children --John, now living in California; Mrs. W. L. Law and Mrs. Charles Stacey, Oshawa; the latter died in 1899, shortly before her mother's death. He enjoyed quite good health until about three weeks before his death,'which occurred at the residence of his granddaughter, Mrs. John Stacey, of Oshawa, Thursday Jan. 22nd. He was r buried at Solina beside his wife and his daughter on Saturday January 24th. At the time of his death he was in his 92nd year. Mayor Hillier was absent from town ieb. 2, so council meeting was held Feb 9 with all members present. R. H. Souch, W. Stevens and Fred J- Mitchell asked permission to cut down trees. First request granted ; others re- : erred to Roads & Streets Com. Applications of F. B. Whiting for asses asses or, Herman Robison for engineer of pumping station, and Peter Martin to have charge of connecting sewer pipes to private- private - connections were laid-on table. Letter from Engineer Chipman in reference reference to bill of $20.68 for repairs on pump was referred to Water & Sewage Com. Finance report with accounts amount ing to $520.63, and Water and Sewage report for $447.49 were adoted. Cemetery Com. recommended purchase of J0 acres south of cemetery and that price of lots be raised. First clause not entertained ; price ot lots will be raised A. E. McLaughlin was appointed High School trustee to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Rev. T. W. Jolliffe. By-law was passed appointing town officéi s :-- Town Clerk--John Lyle, $800; Treasurer--J. S. Moorcraft, $300; Assessment Commissioner -- W .M. Horsey Collector--R. Jarvis, $200; Chief Constable--R. Jarvis, $750V Night Constable--Walter Hall, $600; Caretaker Cémèterv --W. Bagpell, $600; Chief Fire Brigade--Wm. Edger, $75; Engineer " * --Jas. Lunney, $150; Asst. " " --Thos. Percy, $40; Supt. Chem. Engine^--H. Creeper. 5t45? Stewards Fire Dept.--Thos. Osborne, Creeper, $27.50 each; . Street Commissioner--Wm. Barrie, $600, Ward Constables--Thos. Heighten, Sam'l Glanvilïe, A. Mathews; t Fence Viewers--Wm. Barrie, Harry Allin, Alpha Pinch; Weed Inspector, Pound Keeper, Truant Officer--R. Jarvis. Motion was passed that all accounts not in hands of clerk by 5 o'clock day of meet ing will not be considered that month. Mr. C J. Thornton, M.P., was thanked for having Government place clock in post office tower. Conn. Percy asked Mayor if Govern ment had made an _ appropriation for Bowmanville armouries and received a negative answer. Coun. Barber asked for information re McGill bequest. The Mayor thought that Bowmanville was practically out of the deal. The town solicitor will be asked to communicate with Washington to enlighten enlighten the councillors. A new location will be sought for the fire alarm as the town hall is not considered considered a fit place for an alarm. Now is the time to order your Spring uits. The House of Hobbei iin are sending sending their expert tailor to Bowmanville this Friday, Feh T^h, whpn he will be at The Anderson Clothing Co*s store all day. He will have a lull ine of the latest materials which will be worn this Spring. Call and see what the well dressers will >e wearing and have your measure taken for a real stylish suit. FORD AUTO GARAGE Bradley Bros., district representatives fob the Ford automobiles, are opening à garage, show room and auto repair shop at the corner of Silver- and King-sts., Bowmanville. Mr. Geo. C Alehin, a graduate of the Y.M.C.A. Auto School, Toronto, has had considerable experience in repairing and overhauling autos, will be in charge of the repair dept, and will be ready for business as s.oon as alterations alterations are made to the building. In the meantime parties wishing to haye their autos repaired and ready 'or early Spring use should secure further information at Jury & Lovell's store. . Each Week And then do your shopping at the Elite Grocery. We have a large a superior quality of pure clover honey--made in Durham--in 5 and 10 lb. pails. Try a pail and you will want more. Our stock of marmalade oranges is extra fine. The use of our slicer is tree for the asking. Come to our store for Fresh Fish, Finnan Haddie, Ciscoe Herring, Oysters, Cooked and Smoked Meats. Blessing tti Bowmanville Ladies. Quality best and the prices Right H. This is the season when good housekeepers housekeepers commence to think of cleaning house and having carpets taken up and' cleaned. Why not avoid necessity of having carpets taken up by investing in a Vacuum Cleaner which will bring up every, particle of dust and purify _ your carpet or rug aà no beating on the line or grass will do it for you ? Call on Mr. A. H. Scobell, or send him a card to Drayrer S, Bo a man ville, and have him demonstrate demonstrate the Domestic Vacuum Cleaner (for which he is agent in this section) in your home, and try how easily you can work it. It is hand power and the price is right. Cleaner demonstrated at your home in the day or evening. A demonstration solicit-/ ed. Snowden & Paint on The Elite Grocery - Bowmanville, Ont. CHEAP EUROPEAN TOUR. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S 5AST OR I A BRITISH ONLY 3227.50--CONTINENT 3335.26. Sailing from "Montreal June 27 on Allan Line S.S. Grampian, a tine large steamer--11,000 tons. Returning about August 20 & or stay may .be short-, er or longer. Many teachers will take this European Drip. '1 he party will he in charge of a most popular conduct or of wide experience. Outline of Tour will be furnished on application and includes cost from' Toronto to Montreal and return, ocean passage both ways, rail, steamers, coaches and motor busses in Scotland and. England, England, and on the Continent, also all hotel bills in . litish Isles, and on the Continent, all cost of transportation of trunks in British Isles ami of bags on the Continent, all tips for b iggt.ge and at hotels everywhere but on steamship-i. Cost Of lunches during day travel not included--possibly included--possibly not over 12. Arrange with your friends to take this very cheap but instructive and educative educative tour. Send address of friends who are likely to go that we may send them 'circulars. Write to M. A. JAMES, Steamship Ticket Agent, Bowmanville, Ont. 6tf D. M. Johnston, C. H. G. Fletcher & Co. Realty and Insurance Brokers We are Making Thousandsior others and a little for ourselves ■i When you. want a safe investment, home, or a business site, call on us. houses ranging from $600 to $40,000; terms easy a beautiful We have Notices of Births 25 cents; Marriages 50 cents; Deaths,50 cents, eachinsertion. When funeral cards are printed at this office, insertion free. BIRTHS. Delve--In Wooler, .Jan, R. A. Delve, a son. 17th, to Rev. and Mrs. The first fancy dress carnival of the season will be held at Taylor's Arena, Bowmanville, Thursday, Feb. 12th. Watch for bills for complete list of events and prize. Band in attendance:' Admission Admission 25c. JOHNSTON, FLETCHER CO. 948 Gerrard=st. E., corner Pape-ave., Toronto Telephone, Office Gerrard 951 Residence Gerrard 2526 Residence Gerrard 2322 < 4 MARRIAGES Bradley--Edoerton--Bv Rev. MID-WiNTEE WEDDING. J. H. Mutton (Fo^nerly Challis & Mutton) Horsey Block - Bowmanville Grand Central We have just received choice lot of Playing Cards - 10c to 50c Mouth Organs, 25c to $1.25 We are headquarters for smokers' supplies. ocolates and Candies nr chocolates and candies are always fresh. We carry the best lines, including Ford, Bruce <fe Hunt, Fry, Sevoy, Jersey Cream Co. Crumpets and Muffins Besides getting Nasmiths Bread fresh every morning we afbiO receive Crumpets and Muffins every Wednesday and Saturday. Try them. When requiring Ice Cream ask us for City Dairy. W. J. Bagoell bowmanville Phone 150 honors at Toronto Conservatory of Music. Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin. Harkaway, and her sister, Miss. Bentham, Thornhill, Man., are visiting friends at Toronto, Oshawa and Bowmanville.--Makddle Standard Big time at Taylor's Arena Thursday Feb. 12th--fancy dress catnival. Are you a Lamplighter ? If so, read Seymour Power Co's special offer to new customers. It's almost too good to believe, believe, but there is no strings attached to it--almost something for nothing. Mr. A. W. Carveth accompanied by his nephew, Wilbert Spry, and Percy Hills, has returned to Grande Prairie, Alta. He takes with him a car load of live stock, farm implements and provisions. Miss Emily Dobson, Oakwood, .Rev. W. R. Archer, Woodville, Rev. J. U. Robins, wife and daughters, Marjorie and Doris, Little Britain, have been visiting visiting their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hardy, Ontario-st., the former three bj- ing delegates to the Epworth League Convention. It is stated that Capt. William Peacock ot Port Hope and Capt. William Savage of Picton have purchased the Schoonér Oliver Mowat, from McClellan & Co. of Bowmanville and intend operating her in coal trade on Lake Ontario the coming season. The Mowat has a capacity of ive hundred tons and is equipped with steam outfit. Port Hop° Times reporting the Sunday services at the Baptist church in that town says: "The organ was in charge of Miss Gladys Westaway, and the young artiste showed herself to great advantage. The various numbers played would have been credit to an organist many years her senior." Miss Westaway is daughter of Mr. J.L. Westaway, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, Port Hope, and granddaughter granddaughter of our old friends Mr. and Mrs. John Westaway, Hampton. There are so many concerts now-a-day that one hardly knows which to patronize. But for an evening of genuine pleasure you should not fail to attend the Leigh- Smith entertainment in the Opera House, Bowmanville, Wed. Feb. 18th. This company was here last, year and put on one of the best concerts of the season. Seldom is a local audience privileged to enjoy a harpist of Miss Smith's ability and the whistling of Miss Mullin will again be a. Midc T «fcîrrtVc rPQHinCQ Lord--Phillips. The marriage of Ruby Pearl, eldest daughter of Mrs. L. G. Phillips, North Yonge-st, Toronto, and Mr. Milton G. Lord, formerly ot bowmanville, was solemnized solemnized at eight o'clock Wednesday evening Feb. 4th. The ceremony was performed at the parsonage by Rev. Dr. Wilson, pastor of Elm-st. Methodist church. The bride was attended by Miss Mabel Fossey while Mr. Mansen J. Brad- ley assisted the groom. After the wed- ding the bridal party returned to the bride's home where a sumptuous dinner was enjoyed by the very immediate friends, among whom from a distance was the bride's cousin, Mr. Edgar Martin, North Bay. The decorations were white roses and carnations. The bride received many beautiful and costly gifts from her wide circle of friends, a beautiful kitchen cabinet from her uncles at North Bay being included. After a very pleasant evening spent in games and other amusements amusements the happy couple left, amid a showers showers of confetti for their new home on St. Clair-ave.. Toronto. M.,B. Wilson, M?Am Miss Edge 1 ton, dangtiter nt Win, E-igerton. Leskard, and Elmer Bradley, Enniskillen. Waddell--Wiley--At Seattle, Wash.. Feb. 4, Miss Ida Dean Wiley, and Mr. David Wad. e l, Los Angeles, Cal., elder son of Mr. Jas. Waddell, Or--no. Lord--Phillips--In Toronto, Feb. 4, by Rev. Dr. Wilson, Ruby Pearl,.daughter of Mrs. L. O- Ptiillips, and Mr. Milton, Q. Lord, poth of lor onto. Saunders--Barrabxll--In Orono, Feb. 4th, by Re/- R. A. W hat tarn, Mary Jane, daughter of .vi r. Harry Barraball, and John A- Saunders, all of Clarke. Dearborn--Patterson--At Orono, Feb. 4th, by Rev. J. A. McKeen, B.A., Leah Muriel, dan h ter of W'illiam Haiterson, 1 ar evale, bask., and | I--I W arren E. T. Dearborn, Oshawa. Foster--Thompson--At the residence of the bride's brother-in-law, Mr. N 'iauiblyn, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, February 4. by Rev. H. B. Kenny, Mr. Frederick C. J. Foster, Bowmanville. and Miss Florence, daughter 01 the late Chas. Ihompson, Kendall. DEATHS Clemens--At Locust Grove, Tyrone. Feb. 11th, Percy Courtice, only son.of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hi. Clemens, aged 27 years, 4 months. Funeral Friday at 2 p. m. to Bowmanville cemetery. Wakelin--In Bowmanville, Jan. 23rd, William Wakelin, aged 80 years. DEAN--In Hope, Jan. 27th, Margaret Jane Booney, beloved wife of William Dean, aged 50 years. Reduction FOSTER-- THOMPSON. . very pretty house wedding took place at the home of the bride's brother- in-law, Mr. C. N. Tamblyn, Bowmanville, on Wednesday Feb. 41 h, when Florence Eva, youngest daughter of Mrs. Mary Thompson, was united in marriage with Mr. Fred J. Fes 1 r. At 4-30 P* m * 1° ihe strains of Lohengrin's Wedding March, played by Miss Robinson, the bride entered entered the room leaning on the arm of fier brother, Mr. Chas. Thomp-on. The ceremony ceremony was performed by the Rev. H. B. Kenny, the bridal party standing under- an arched bower of greenery bedecked with pink and white crepe and candles. Little Annie Thompson, piece of the bride, looked charming in a fpink frock of nun's veiling and carried the ring on a silver tray. The bride was gowned m white Japanese silk crepe, draped with shadow lace and wearing juliette cap and veil fastened with a wreath of orange jlossoms and carrying a bouquet of cream jridal roses. Alter congratulations a splendid wedding breakfast was served in vhe dining-room, the decorations being carried out in pink and white. The happy couple left on the evening train for the The bride's going away IN MEMORIAM. Henry William Killick, who entered into rest Children's, Misses' and Ladiës' Coats At QuicH, Sale Prices-Must Go This Month All Coats up to.. .$5 00, Quick Sale Price « . from $5 75 to 7 75, 14 " % 1% u from 9 75 to 12 75, " " 10 7 r u from 13 75 to 20 0.0, 44 " 1U Feb. 9th, 1913, aged 2) years. „ "Whom we h *.ve loved, <uhi lost aNt nue. Mother and Sisters, England. iLest We Forget* E. R. BOUNSALL, Ladies' Suits, Skirts and Dresses Your choice of any Ladies' or Misses' Suit at about half regular price. Ladies' Tailored Skirts^--North way make. Your choice of any skirt up to $5.95 for $3.75. Ladies' and Misses' Dresses, a good choice, silk or wool materials, all at WHOLESALE PRICES Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., in Granite and Marble. Bowmanville, Ontario. 25 doz. Ladies' Waists Biggest bargain we have ever shown in waists. ^ Stock-taking bale Price $ L. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Morris & Son 20 doz. Waists, regular value $1.50 2.00, 2 50, 3, 2 u u u u u u u (l 1.25 1.50 west. .was of amethyst velvet with hat to match. The bride received a very handsome colection colection of wedding gifts. a distinct feature. Miss Leigh's readings and the violin selections by Mr. Robinson will complete a program that will be hard to beat. ' This is the second concert of the Star Course. Plan opens Saturday at io a.m. at Mitchell's Drug Store. Non-subscribers Non-subscribers 50c a ticket, and it will be well worth it. Couch,. Johnston & Cryderman are giving giving one-half off the price of all ladies' and children's cloth coats.. Most Complete Equipment Sunday and night calls promptly attended to. Branches Bowmanville Phones ORONO 10-34 HAMPTON Black and Colored Dress Goods Reg. 50c and 60c, sale price 38c yd. Reg. 75c and 85c sale price c y 8 Reg. $1.00 to $1 25 yd., sale price 79c yd. „ O FF BARN FOR SALB-28X56 ft. Apply to S. E. WERRY, Solina. Phone 167 r6. «su its Snecial sale of Dress and Blouse Silks, all shades, reg. 60c for S 39? vd ?eg 75c to 85c for 58c yd.; reg. $1.00 to $1.25 for 79c yd. costume sy OOD GENERAL SERVANT AT ONCE ; Ap- Q°ply to MRS. (Dr) J. C. Dbvitt, Queen street, Bowmanville. DO YOU LOVE FLOWERS? R hode island reds bred pullets. Apply at Statesman office. FOR SALE- to Norman -27 well James, If so Become A Member of the Horticultural Horticultural Society. Those intending to join this year will confer a favor if they will send their name with one dollar as soon as possible as it gives a better chance to make all arrangements arrangements for Spring distribution. You can take all your order in the Spring or part !n the Fall, or all in the Fall When sending your name please say definitely which way you want it. - Call at the house Queen-It for send it by mail and your ticket will bé sent by return mail. > James Deyman, Secretary. P. O. box 44- Phone 54» 7 2 Bowmanville. S EED BARLEY FOR SALE-Quantity of OAC No. 21, seed barley. Apply to S. bickard, R.R. No. 4, Bowmanville. 7 2* 39c yd ; reg HOSE-15 doz. Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose, plain or ribbed, special reg. EED GRAIN FOR SALE-0. A. C. No. 21, Ibv. Banner Oats, and to John Baker, s or Phone 167 2. Barley, Banner Oats, and Empire State Potatoes. Apply Solina, 6 2* Auction Sale of Chùrch Property Sale Price 19c. PRINTS Etc --Prints, Ginghams and Muslins, reg 10c, for 8c; ' I2ic to 15c for iOc, All Furs at Manufacturers' Price' Men's Linen Collars 5 for 25c The Trustee Board of Mount Vernon Methodist j church will sell by public auction on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16. on lot 27, con. 7, Darlington, the church building, 32x44 ft., solid bnck ; also furm- ture and church lot. * , TERMS OF SALE : All sums cf $10 and under cash ; over that amount 30 days. -- Sale at 2 p.m. . JAMES BISHOP. Auctioneer, S. W. Mason & Son Next Door to Standard Bank Bowmanville 62 31C 1WZ ■ (4 (i 1 r -u:;