S 1 £ i? y n fP \ I v $ s 1 4 5 t b V Ç I -b Kidneys Cured, or Money Back Jpg There is no risk in buying GIN PILLS. They are sold on a positive guarantee kE?EBESsf^%K.-ss^5 take the empty boxes to 7*" deal» 50cT That shows how oertain^aretl^tGinPÜls^IlcuMyou. 50c. a 6 lor $2.50. Sent pn receipt of price if * PP Y Sample free if you mention this paper. NATIONAL DRUG AND CBBgCAL C>4 OF CANADA U^fiUP. 50c. a box; you. 186 TORONTO. and all now and Influents, pink *y e ', epi *®S Uc ' n di *^" r ^ r no matter how "ex- thT J5"havto? any cf thL di.ea,e, with 8P0HN'» fiiiss. Three to six doses often cure - L, ?* U ' One Mtie P guarSnte?d to"àkT ro. "ÜeBt' Yhing for brood case. ... _ n +>, e blood Druggists and harness phope. mares. Acts on the mooa DRUGGISTS. ^POhÏTmEDICAL CO. Goshen. Ind Chemists, Goshen, Indiana, U.S.A. 7°/ INVESTMENT ■ /O High Glass Profit-Sharing Bonde. Sarla^-SlOO, »SOO, SI OOO -after one year mTBSTMXNT m.7 'Bond, «twb- Si « d»y.' listed 28 yeare. NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED r.nuFF DERATION LI PE BWILD1NG TORONTO, CANADA ternal leading-strings. *Hence tb six yeius' war betwcf©n the two. Slapped Father's' Face.' In relating some of - the episodes in which the Grown Prince has figured figured - the article says that -his open repudiation^ of Chancellor Ret-h- mann-Hollweg-s Moroccan policy was equivalent to. slapping his father's father's face before the whole world, and that his ' '.Bravo !". to von _Rem- ter bears the same significance as thé Reichstag épisode. Whatever the^ original attitude,, of the Kaiser was to the incidents at Zabern, he had the good sense to make a scapegoat scapegoat of the Chancellor when he saw that; the Reichstag would stand; no nonsense. In these circumstances the son's telegrams, though they anticipated his action, can have only one .meaning. They were, if not an attack on his father, an attempt to dictate his policy for him. It is not supposed that, whatever his Reichstag insolence meant, it was directed against England; for it is characteristic of this : erratic young man that he has great enthusiasm enthusiasm for Great Britain. A serious serious attack was made on him some time- ago in a section of the German "Salaria" Tea ls u Hill-Grown" "Hill-grown" tea has the small, tender leaves-- with full, rich, delicious fragrance, redolent of the spicy tropics. accompanies the alcohol is .ais beneficial beneficial as the alcohol, in "arousing the circulation. - -- A salt rub is a good thing for a youngster with a cold. Rub the body briskly "with a little fine salt after a warm bath and a cool spray or sponge, and then dry thoroughly. A SCARCE ARTICLE. Tea is grown high up onjtlie mountains of Ceylon--with its native delicacy and hftgrance held captive in the sealed lead packages. BLACK, GREEN or MIXED , 068 " Moving Pictured Make Money Industry, you know that Tf you know anything of the Motion Picture it is exceedingly profitable. -- become a Preferred Shareholder m unvtea iiuv 1 in Toronto, Mont- •*. whloh oontrols^lx of p ? 0 flts at the rate of . real, Ottawa, and Buffalo. $100,000 A The Preferred Stock carries interest at per cent. Common Stock. Write to us for most complete information 7 per cent, and a bonus of 100 Edward Cronyn k Co. Oronyn Bldg. - - Toronto OR Peltaff A Pellaff Trader» Bk. Bldg., Toronto. for Brightness Black A Paste UnWiorr AND LlGHTNESS.USE Knight „ No Dust Through the Sand-Glass. Undoubtedly the- ancient sandglass, sandglass, apart from marking the course of time, has served many other purposes. Thé purpose for which it is most utilized to-day is to time the boiling of eggs.- A big surgeon, however, has discovered a far more vital use for the article. It was. found that some of. the younger surgeons of the hospital at which he operated' were a trifle lax in the matter of thoroughly cleansing cleansing their hands before operations. The regulations prescribe four processes processes of five minutes each, but rarely was this rule strictly adhered x>, the excuse being that it was difficult to estimate the time. The eat s u r geo n settle d ; the ■ matter ly installing a sand-glass over each wash-basin. For five minutes the surgeon now washes his hands with soap and hot wafceh, and then cleanses his nails. The sand-glass is turned, and another washing with soap and hot water follows. Another Another turn, whilst the hands are washed in alcohol ; and, for the last five minutes the hands go through another sterilization. Over all the sand-glass stands as arbiter. . The German Crown Prince. TWf FF Dalley 0» ltd.Hamilton. Ont. I NoJRusr Debentures There has been during the past few months a very keen demand * • - - - 1 1 yyg for municipal debenture* and pmoes are trending upward, are recommending clients to take advantage of present pmces, Among our present offerings are the following: Town of Sudbury, Ont. Town of Weaton, Ont, City of Toronto, Ont. City of Woodstock, Ont. City of Victoria, B.C. City of .Sydney, N.S. City of Swift Current, Saak. City of Wetasklwin, Alberta. To Yield From A.SO to 6.75% Tewn of Yorkton, Saak. Town of Estevan, Saak. - Town of Humboldt, Saak. Town of Fincher Creek, Alta. Write for particulars. A. E. AMES & CO. Members Taranto Stock Exchange- (E»t*t>H*hed I8S9) Investment Bankers. U "Ion Bank Building Toronto GERMAN CROWN PRINCE. The Thrifty Scot.- Jack (after several drinks)--"Say, Mac.Cohen, you've been used t-o wearing the. kilts, .haven't you V' MacCoken--"Hey, mon, rather!"' Jack--* 'Thought so. I haven't, noticed you put your hand in your pocket lately." . Mrs. Newlywed--"I wonder why we are growing tired of each other ?" Newlywed--"I haven't an idea." Mrs. N.--"Yes ; maybe that is the reason." Early Succession to Throne Would Be Menace to Europe's Peace. When the present German Emperor Emperor ascended the throne it was confidently expected that his reign would be one of blood, one war would succeed another in rapid succession. succession. But the Kaiser has -not had a war during his long regime, and there is no immediate prospect of any. Whatever alarm is now felt concerns concerns the heir to the throne. The Crown Prince has shown himself very reckless in the attitude he takes -not only toward foreign nations, nations, but also towards certain sections sections of the German nation, and his own father in particular. When the Crown Prince flung his "Bravo!" to the grotesque von Reuter, rattling his sword in the market place of Zabern, he pro claimed to Germany that the heir to the throne threw in his lot with the Mailed Fist against the people. Kings rarely get on well with their eldest sons. The Hohenzol- lems have not .only dragooned their people, they have dragooned their children, from the time when old Frederick William clapped Frederick Frederick the Great in prison and onward. onward. They have been martinets in their own family, and the tyranny tyranny of a martinet always leads to reprisals. ' It has done so. in the present case. 3 Until his son's marriage the Kaiser Kaiser held him in . with the tightest of reins, and the Lad, curbed and regarded regarded then as rather- sullen .by comparison with his popular brother, brother, Eitel Fritz, seemed to give little promise of trouble ; but with his marriage to, the daughter .of the (Duke of Meoklenburg^Schwerin he took the bit in-his teeth and bolted. Tiré union -made him at least>as rich "as his father, and with- riches he a-c- press on the ground that during the winter sports in Switzerland he had not 'merely worn English clothes--which he commonly does-- and uses English terms, but that he had systematically cut the society society of Germans in order to spend his time with English and Americans. Americans. He Likes England. He denied this impeachment ai terward, but he is indisputably fond of English country houses and of Americans. Love for British games and for the customs of British British country houses,. however, would be dr poor basis on which to build confidence in regard to so incalculable incalculable a personality. Moreover it would be unsafe to place trust in a Prince who was not on good terms with his own people. It may be, of course, that wisdom wisdom and sobriety of judgment will ! come with responsibility, and that ! the Crown Prince will falsify all 1 expectation ; but, all the same, we may wish a long life to the Kaiser | very sincerely. Let him live to the normal age and Germany will have completed its emancipation. Then the Crown Prince'may come to the throne without the power of doing mischief ; but then he, too, will be growing old and will have ceased to want to do mischief. The alternative is a collision between between the throne and the people. Collisions of that sort only end in one way. HEALTH iÊtti l. Only Seventeen Pounds of Radium In the World. A recent census concerning the quantities of salts and radium existing existing at the present time in the scientific and medical laboratories of the globe shows that there are not more than six or seven kilogrammes, kilogrammes, or about seventeen lbs., of metallic radium in the whole world. ' The industry of radium was born in 1899 from the impetus given it by the studies of Pierre Curie. At a lecture given at the Society of Civil Civil Engineers of Paris Paul Besson ! lias just now recalled the fact that j from that period till 1904, from thirteen thirteen tons of pitchblende residuum it Warding Off Bronchitis. At this -season of the year many I was only possible to extract about elderly persons are subject to dis- 1 two or three gi amines of radium, très sing attacks of bronchitis, re- which served specially to supply the. covery from which is particularly laboratory of M. and Mme. Curie tedious. But with ordinary - care But an Austrian law put a stop many of "'these attacks might be to the exportation of the radio-Rewarded radio-Rewarded off. The great thing is to five ores of Joaehimsthal. Radium keep the bowels acting freely, and was then extracted in France from not to overload the stomach with much poorer ores, which contain food. Every morning or every sec- only from a half to two milli- ond morning, as may be necessary, grammes of radium per ton, where a glass of mild aperient water as? the residues of pitchblende con should be taken" unless the desired tained from 100 to 200 milligrammes movement of the bowels can be | 0 f radium per ton. "Nerviline" Cures Cramps Ends Misery Instantly. NO REMEDY SO SPEEDY OR EFFICIENT. brought about by means of fruit or other articles of diet. Brown bread should be taken in preference to white ; baked apples are useful, especially with a small quantity of brown sugar. Two or three glasses of hot water should be drunk in the During the last three or four y ears Austria lias not treated more than three or four tons of pitchblende pitchblende per year, from which were extracted annually less than one- gramme of radium. America and England do not as course of the day, not at mea ime&. . p r(M j uce radium salts. It is No indigestible food or rich, greasy -p rance : w "} 10 a ,^ present controls the dishes should have ap ace in \ production and the market of the diet ; everything must be light, yet j * nourishing. Warm milk will often precious metal. The price of a gramme of bromure of hydrated radium remains about $76,000. The principal owners of radium are Mme. Curie and Sir Ernest Cassel of London. A real cramp cure ? - ' ■ Yes, a real one--In a twinkling the cramp Is a dead one, and the last squirm is over, once you get a stiff dose of Nerviline, on the inside. This- isn't mere talk--it's a solid, truthful fact. No other remedy--not a single one--will cure cramps so quickly and harmlessly as Nerviline. It hits the spot in a jiffy and saves a heap of misery. "Last Saturday night my stomach felt like an infernal machine," writes T. P. ^Granger from Hartford. "I was awakened from , a sound sleep and found myself suffering thé worst kind of torture. I was so doubled up I -could hardly cross my room. I had used Nerviline before for the same thing and took a reaT good dose. Once I felt the warm, soothing sensation of Nerviline in my stomach I knew I was all right. It finished the. cramps--just one single dose." Sickness at night is rendered a nightmare of the past if Nerviline is handy. It may be earache, toothache or cramps. Nerviline in every case .will cure at once and save calling the doctor. Nerviline is a family physician physician in itself. The large 60o. family size bottle, of course, is most economical. economical. Small trial size costs a quarter. quarter. All dealers sell Nerviline. be found very beneficial in cases of bronchial -trouble. See 'that the room is properly ventilated, yet kept warm, and that no direct draught can be felt. Any one liable to attacks of bronchitis must be careful to -avoid going out in wet weather, but gentle exercise in the best and brightest- part of the day will do much toward keeping up the general standard of health. Deep slow breathing may be practised 'with advantage, several times _ at intervals during; the day, keeping the mouth closed, and inhaling and' exhaling only through the nostril-s. r T , 0 submit to a headache is to waste energy, time and comfort. JL To stop it at once simply take NA-DRU-CO Headache Wafers Your Druggist will confirm our statement that they do not contain anything that can harm heart or nervous system. 25c. a box. NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED. 124 ARE YOU A BAROMETER! Strange Phenomena Which Has Never Been Explained. How to Stop Children's Colds. There are charming hot waiter bottles for babies. But when a ba by'.s feet are cold it is far better to |mb them gently until they are warm ai d then to wrap -them in a little blanket, made especially for the purpose of keeping its feet warm, than to de-pend on a hot water water bottle. One mother who dreaded croup always used t-o rub her children's chests and throats with pure sweet oil whenever they seemed chilly or hoarse. She would then tuck them into warm beds in rooms full of reeh air. They never had croup-- and it is only fair to think her preventive preventive treatment had something to do with this fiact. When small children come in the louse with damp feet rub the feet with alcohol to prevent colds and throats. The friction -which IMTERnflTIOrmL POULTRY food o, W, MONSON, one of the best known poultrymen in Indiana, says -- "I heartily recommend INTERNATIONAL POULTRY FOOD, as I have tested It on my hens. They laid cg-gs all winter. No one around here did as well with their poultrv, and my results were caused by INTERNATIONAL POULTRY FOOD." OSORQE PETERS writes : Highland Grove, Ont., March 35. « International Stock Food Co., Limited ! Dear Sirs.--I must say your Poultry Food is all that you claim. I never had my hens lay all winter before this and they have laid steadily." INTERNATIONAL POULTRY FOOD Is the "belt poultry tonic In the trerl«l, H as one admirer pats it* It makes hens lay all the winter, because it keeps fowls strong and healthy. It is a wonderful egg producer--prevents producer--prevents chicken cholera--cures roup-- and is a prime fattener. Eggs are way up. Now is the time to make money out of your hens. Feed INTERNATIONAL POULTRY FOOD and double your egg production. For Sale by Dealers Everywhere. From Great Lakes To the Rockies WOMEN SING THE PRAISES OF DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Saskatchewan Lady Adds Her Testimony Testimony to What Has Already Been Said of the Great Work Dodd's Kidney Pills Ar# Doing. Gaesarville, Saak., Feb. 9.--(Special).---The 9.--(Special).---The scarcity of female help in a new country subjects the women women of the prairies to unusual strain, and careful observation has established the fact that this strain first makes itself felt in the kidneys'. kidneys'. For this reason Dodd's Kidney Kidney Pills are making an enviable reputation from the Great Lakes to the foothills of the Rockies, Everywhere you will find women singing the praises of the great Canadian kidney remedy that has banished their pains and weariness, weariness, and brought them baek to health. Among the many is Mrs. Edgar Cowen, an estimable lady of this place.- "I have found Dodd's Kidney Pills very beneficial," Mrs. Cowen states. "If anything I can say will help any sufferer I am glad to add my testimonial to what has already been said." The kidneys strain all the refuse material out of the blood. If they are out of order this refuse remains Undoubtedly there is a great relation relation between .the elements and certain complaints, in the same manner that some seasons of thé year more than others render certain certain people liable to illness. The lower we investigate in the animal world, the more prone are its subjects to be affected by the weather. A cat for as much as three days beforehand feels a coming coming storm; a horse's fine nostrils, can sniff approaching rain in an uncanny manner. The birds of the air have- but to be watched to see the • way, in which they seek tlieir nests at a hint of danger in the air. The very trees and plants tremble in a peculiar .manner before a se- atorinJ Many human beings arexjust as,, sensitive to the march of the elements, but do not always realize the significance of their sensitiveness. Arthritic, rheumatic, and neuralgic people know at once when bad weather is approaching. Old wounds make themselves felt at certain times, and the stumps of members long since amputa tec give pain. , : Médical men have never satisfac toriïy explained these sir ange ph-e nomena, neither-can t-hev tell why some people instinctively become restless and excited, or moody an-c sullen, before a thunderstorm. * : is "Now -that your engagement broken, are you going to make her return all Your love letters'?"^ Yon bet T am. I worked hard thinking out those i'letiers. They're wo.rth using again. " sore THE WAY OUT From Weakness to Power by Food Route. Getting the right start for the day's work often means the difference difference between doing things in wholesome wholesome comfort, or dragging along half dead all day. There's more in the use of proper food than many people ever dream of--more's the pity. "Three years ago I began work ing in a general store," writes a TTe'O eend yo« a free copy of onr S.I.HI Stock null poaltry book.* Write Xor.lt* International Stock Food Co. limited TORONTO* t Smell it/ Tht moment you do, you will ava.nt it in the; blood, and becomes poison That's why sound kidneys,- mean-|-that poverty brings but pure blood and good'health. Dodd's | good pointé . Well, so it "The advantages of poverty: are o verrat edj'v said a m-an w h o> had- experienced experienced Sti . -"The rich déclare " ' ' ' à man's does--by man, "and between frequent deliveries deliveries and more frequent customers, I. was kept on my feet, from morning morning till night. "Indigestion had troubled me for some time, and in fact my breakfast wa-s taken more from habit than appetite. At first- this insufficient ' diet was hot noticed much, but at work it made me weak and hungry long before noon. ~ "Yet ' a breakfast of rolls, fried foods and coffee meant headache, nausea- and kindred discomforts. Either way I was losing weight and strength, when one day a friend suggested that I try a 6 G rape-Nuts breakfast-.' "So I began with some . stewed fr.uit, Grape-Nuts and cream, a soft boiled egg, toast, and a cup of Fostum. By noon I was hungry, but with a healthy, normal appetite. appetite. . The-' weak, languid feeling was not there. "My head was cl-earec, nerves steadier, than for months. To-day my stomach is strong, my appetite normal, ray bodily power splendid, and head always clear." ^ Name given by Canadian Poatium Co., Windsor, Ont. Read '(The Road to Well ville," in pkgs. "There'a a- Reason." quired the independence of the pa- Kidney Pills make sound kidneys, the roots l" Brer r«*d the above letter? A new one appear» from time to time. They are yehnlne, true, and full ot humas interest. I 8 I is B Bring to your toilet the fragrance of English violets You will never know how delightful the bathing of your face and hands can be until you bring to it the delicate, fragrance of Jergens Violet Glycerine Soap. Here is the real odor of "violets, caught in a soap the color of fresh, violet leaves'--z. beautiful, translucent translucent green.' Any water, anywhere, releases its delicate perfume r Jergens tth< Jergcix VIOLET Glycerine Soap Hard water or soft Violet Glycerine Soap lathers as freely in one as in the other. Its sweet, elusive perfume is left clinging clinging to your face, hands and hair, and the glycerine in it makes your skin soft, smooth and white. Go to your druggist and get a cake. Many soaps have been made to imitate It---be sure, therefore, that you see the name Jergens on the wrapper and on the cake itself. S«nd for a sample oak# today. If year dealer hasn't it. send B 2e stamp for a generous trial alee take to the Andrew Jcrgens Co., Ltd-, 6 Sherbrooke Street, Perth, Ontario. Par sale bf ail Canadian drutfists from r.dlai coast to toast, including Nswfour.Hond 10c a cake--three for 25c. Get a quarter's worth. xe <88 v - •V ÉÜÉ .. . - h - • - - ' i ■--- X- -y. m