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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jul 1914, p. 2

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\ ..a- y fSw I S your money working for you aâ It.lhoiild? if it is earning less man five per cettl Vou . are nol receiving What it is worth; Upon request we shall be pleased to suggest statable statable investments for ÿoti. À. H. Martens & Co. Members Toronto Stock Exchange BOND and SHARE BROKERS C.P.R. BUILDING, TORONTO £-14 Notes ANb cdMSiËNts X. îîcL ATTGULIN; Barrister, Solicitor and Conveyaneaf Office:--Bleakley Block. King Street! Bowmanvllle. Money to loan at reason* able rates. 4S-UT B. J>Hazlewood, M.D.,G.M BcÿrrMAiiyiLtiË! * qst» Pbybk-lsn and Surgeon F1 On^e *scd'Ke*làence Welllngtoa Hb *61 1 mKfr. 10?; bur iikitfg foi* tire tiiosquito is a strange foible: We not? oblÿ ioler- ate if; Wê irâisé it: We provide hatchêriéê; With Êâre or careïesâ- iieS'S \Vë leave large or small pools of stagnant water for ike birth, cômfori; Xnd stïslènanëë of the wrigglers: wrigglers: À few pieces ef tile or a gallon gallon of kerosene would drain the pool or kill the wrigglers: Both tile and oil àrë easy to he had: We do not use them-, the conclusion is îrresistabié: We must like the mosqhito:. that's & curious foiblê; In return "the mosquito deprives us of the greatest charm of summer: It denies thé garden to us in the sweet of the evening: When the sun comes down hot and commanding on the lawn and flower bed oti young green corn and ripening me Ion, the mosquito will give you leave to be out: But when Venus shows in the evening crimson, when the night breeze conies through the aisles of the woods* when the Great Bear walks overhead, and Arcturüs is incandescent ill mid sky, the mos quito chases you* his indulgent prey, indoors and puts yoti under â. hot roof. CLUBBING The Statesman or The >"ill be furnished tot t§ii in connection with cf<& hàined btiblicatlons ai prices the tin stated : : : : : : : : : 1 • • : 11 : DaiiV Mall & Ènipire î : : : i ordntp World .. : ally News.. .. ;. : : : : : ! )aily Star, In country- ; ; : : : ; : : > i 5aiiy star, iti town-. Week V Mail &C Empiré Week y Witness : Weekly Sun ; : : : : : : : : : : i • 1: 1 ; ; Êarmers'ç Àdvocatë arrti. and Dairy amlly Herald & Weekly Star ; ; Home Journal Christian Herald ; i : : : : : I ; : : i 11 Christian Guardian Canadian Fariri : : : : : i : : ; : i : Canadian Çountryhaart : : : : : : : : : ; Saturday Globe Sunday World : $4 ho : i 00 : : : ; • £0 : 2 5o Aged u.s. senator. The summer day has wrought the GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barrister and Solicitors. Notaries Public, j perfection of the Summer * night-. A. K. GOODMAN, D. 0. CALBRA1TH 508 Lumsden Bldg. Yonge & Adelaide-sts Toronto Ontario W, H. ALEXANDER, V. S. Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. College. ^Diseases of all domestie aninaals treated by latest known methods. Office at his residence, King-st, East Bow manvillei Phone 193-. 20-lyv. LOSCOMBE & SENKLER Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public» R.ViLoscombe, K.C, B.S.denkler, B.À. Money to Loan, - Office; Mason Block, King Street ' " Bowmanvllle. Ontario. DR. J. C. DEVITT, DENTIST, Graduate of Boya.1 Dental College, Toronto. OFFICE! Temperance SL Bowmanvllle, tjnst ofl King St.) OFFICE HOURS'. B &. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Rhone 90a House Phone 90b SHAW'S Business Collège Toronto, Canada, give high grade courses and qualify young people to earn good salaries. They include The Central Business Business College, Yonge & Gerrard St., and Six City Branch Schools. Curriculum sent on request. Enter any time. W. H. SHAW, President. British American College Leads in age, influence " and successful graduates. Specializes in Gregg & Pitman Pitman Shorthand and all Commercial Subjects. Subjects. Fall term opens August 31st. Write for our catalogue. _ Address T. W. Wauchope, ' Principal, Yonge & McGill Sts., Toronto. If you expect High Grade Employment Employment you must make High Grade Preparation- Preparation- One school that is well-known throughout Canada for strictly superior training is the LLIOTT Toronto, Ont. Graduates of this school readily obtain employment because there are thousands of openings in this city every year and we are called'npon to fill more than we can. Enter any time. College open all year. Write for catalogue. W. J. Elliott, Principal, Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts. You' may have the heal of the day, but not the beauty of the- night, Unless your skin be rhinoceros thick and your blood virus proof. Silent or singing, the autocrat of the summer evening arises out of the tangled green, ont of the rose_ bush, out of the viburnum, out of the bracken, up from beside the milkweed and the clover, by the wild sunflower and the aster, and asserts its dominance. It comes from the close cropped lawn and the poppy beds, from the dahlia and the gladiolus, out of the mignonette and alyssum and makes makes evident its feudal supremacy. It is the night rider, the .poison pest the pirate of lawn and woods. You slap, scratch, and burn joss sticks and then-flee. -The beauty of the warm, moist night, scented on earth and starred in the heavens, is net for the irritated, scratching, burning burning mortal who has sustained sixty poisoned punctures. Back to th-e screens for the mosquito's serf ; under the roof to get what there may be had.- of the summer loveliness. loveliness. The night is the mosquito's The Panama zone was cleaned up because the mosquito there meant death. The pest-ridden territory was made as clean as the polar rigion in winter. If we wish to escape escape the pest we must go where ten years ago it was most abundant, where nature is most kindly to it, where every condition favors its prosperity. In that region there are no mosquitoes. Senator Isaac Stephenson Is Cana- Ûiail Bern! 'à have no specific "rules on longevity longevity to offer," said United Stdtes Senator Isaac Stephenson on the 18th ef June* when he was 85 years old.^ lI I believe my long life and good health is due to the -fact that so much of my youth was_ spent^in the open. Many is the time I ve slept on the snow in the woods. Just, think right and live right, and spend as much of your time in the out-of-door world as you can. and you'll he as young as I am at 85. Why, Ï don't feel a day older t-hatt I did the day I was 20.*' By reason of strength this tall slender man has reached more than O' Gorman of New York was not borii hntil .Senator Stephenson w ai 31 years old, and yef; his beard la as iron-gray às that of the man who was &3 years old the 18th of Jurie d hoth Senator Lewis ot Illinois, the the youngest matt. the Senate to wé a¥ a beard, arid Senator Sutherland Sutherland of Utah, only a feW.years older* older* rite fetili Untouched With the streaks of. Whitei- , . L Â smooth shaVèti, handsome chap approached Senator Stephenson not long àgd Oü thé Subject of beards. ... 11 Why do you wear whiskers, anyway* Mr: Senator* in thiti hot weather % ,* , . ir Well) how, my boy* said Uncle Uncle Ike* * 'when I was a lumber jack up there in Wisconsin--were you ever Up there in^that çiart of the. country in the winter 1 i _ ïhe Smooth shaven* handsome ÿdun.g man confessed to knowing nothing about northern Wisconsin at anÿ time ot the year except as he saw it on the map, "Well, it's cold*" said the Senator Senator With" one of his kindly* whimsical whimsical smilés* 1 'and to protect my throat* as well as for many other practical reasons, I let my ( beam crrnW- And now"'--he hesitated, groW-. And now . "well* how T , I'ni Used to it* and I've hever found any sufficient reason reason to take it off. So--there it 18.' Til AN OLD TOAST BOOK. Is Contains More. Truths Than GcnciNally Supposed. Are you the owner of a toast book and have aimlessly turned its , , - pages 1 A frivolous little thing it four-score years* and his l >o as l t lti pretends to be, but it frequently that he has worked hard ever slnce I contains more truths than a conte conte Was a small boy m Fredericton, f esse( l book of ethics, essays or New Brunswick. philosophy. For instance, who According to Senator Stephen- connect so riotous a sound son it is the idler who will be eut Lg ^.Ue clinking of glasses with the off years before the allotted s _P aîl following sane advice 1 ? of three-score years and ten, given | our s€cre .t s --May they never be imparted to a stranger, for they are scarcely safe xvith a friend." And upon the very next page is a toast that rivals the first in wisdom wisdom : To the cad--Malediction up oil the man who has more tongue t-ban discretion." Wise indeed are these sayings ELECTRIC FIXTURES & SUPPLIES House Wiring and Motor Installation Consult us about the lighting of your home, your office oryour store. H. HUMPHRIES, K. WHYTE, Contractor. Mgr. Elec. Dept. Phone 210. Horsey Block, Temperance-sfc TAILOR MADE SUIT AT $15 Jos. Jeffrey & Son_are busy these days catching up^ith orders for their Famous Tailor-made Suits at $15--really worth $18 to f20. They have an excellant selection of worsteds and tweed suitings to choose from. Why not have your suit tailor-made instead of wearing a misfit ready-made suit? You never saw better bargains at this price, quality and work considered. Have your measure taken to-dav So why have the mosquito ?' Why submit to its control of such a, natural natural resource as a summer night? Why be chased indoors and out of the beauty of the night? Why be dominated, terrorized, and sacrificed? sacrificed? Why itch and scratch and burn ? Why raise the mosquito as a pet and be helpless-before it as a pest ? Wha-t is the mosquito, anyway," anyway," that it should be master of men and controller of his hours? If folk ean be rid of it in Panama we can be rid of it here. an even chance with the man who works. . K "Work is the greatest blessing on earth," he repeated, "work, and the open air 1" Also Richest Man. The . oldest man in Congress is also the richest,&atid he carries the responsibility of one distinction as I 0 £ followers of Bacchus, yet we simply and naturally, as the other, cannot but think that they belong It is a far cry from the boy in exclusively to the earlier part of the New Brunswick, who canoed up evening. As. we further sift the the St. John's River on a logging leaves, we find toasts that are sure- trip when he was 11 years old, to ly meant for "that part of the night the United States Senator from- when-discretion has deserted the Wisconsin, who, when he was 84, | fable in wrath. But if the earlier. toasts are not without wisdom, those gelonging to the -night grown old are not without humor. One of the latter is to "the darkness." To "the henpecked might be more appropriate. It. reads as follows: "-'May we find : |£jp,Hght in the hallway hallway nor wife phrfehed on the stair's " And yet another : "A toast to that good latchkey that softly finds its appointee place." Then there is the man perhaps the woman, " who would keep youth in their hearts, and they toast to "harder times," saying: "May we keep;a little of the fue of youth to warm our body in ole age." There is the essence of wisdom in that line. There may be some of us who will despise the beauty, the wisdom of a toast because it is a toast. But, ye prejueliced ones take heed. Toasts are duunk in water water as well as wine. Then there is a bit of advice to the host on the next page. Surely no book of etiquette or entertainment entertainment could exhibit more wisdom. The toast book gets at the very heart of successful entertainment when it says : "To our guests--Let us charge these guests with the electric current current of our good feelings." The pessimist would be whacked upon the next page when he read : "To the pessimist--Malediction upon upon the man who will not see the light." And for the woman who would Deafness* . ïwo éssèttiïal to P er ^ feoA hearing --A free passage of the Waved id ihé internal ear, ànd tt healthy condition of the apparatus apparatus that perceives sQun-d in the internal ear and. in-the 'brain. Disease Disease of thé auditory nerve at any part of its course from its origin in the brain to its termination in the internal ear causes the most sen ous, and fortunately the least fre quent* form of deafness. Disease of the auditory nerve can be caused caused by a chronic inflammation that has extended inward from the middle middle ear j by exhaustion of the nerve by excessive noise, as in thé case of boiler-makers, of sailors during a battle at sea, or of artillerymen ; by constitutional disease ; or py. some affection o-f the brain itself. The other form of deafness--that caused by interference with the passage of the sound waves to the auditory nerve--is. often curable; at least, the hearing can usually be helped by some form of -apparatus. One cause of deafness is an accumulation accumulation of wax in the ear ; another is the 'blocking of/ the Eustachian tube, Which admits air to the middle middle ear from the throat. The aurist can often remove the wax or the obstruction obstruction in the tube, and so restore restore the hearing. Catarrhal deafness, which is owing/ owing/ to the spread of chronic inflammation inflammation from the mucous membrane membrane of the nose or throat, is more intractable. In such oases the joints of the chain of little bones hat conduct the sound waves from the drum membrane to the internal ear become so stiffened that they do not perform their office perfectly. perfectly. Even then the aurist can sometimes sometimes reduce the 1 inflammation, and restore suppleness to the little joints; even if he cannot cure the deafness, he can arrest its pro- EStABUSHED 1873 S ECURITY for both principal and interest is the first essential of an investment ; thé ability to realize quickly the second, judged by these standards, a deposit in the savings department of this Bank is an ideal form of investment. ©F ©AMABA OBFl Ce TORONTO B O W M A N V 1 L L E BRANCH A. N. McMILLAN, Manager. r a _ . . . 31-cWock (R. H. Coulooa, Manager), Newcastle, Orono, Osh aw a. Branches also at Blac Brooklin and Newtonville. She Had Tried Electricity. Mrs. Carter had suffered from rheumatism until she declared that had "no patience with it, but she was always eager to hear of possible remedies, and when her sister wrote that she knew of a cure that had been tried with great success, success, and would tell her all about it on her next visit, Mrs. Carter was all excitement. "Now Ellen," she exclaimed, eagerly,' a few minutes after her sister had reached the house, "do tell me about that cure for rheumatism rheumatism ! I am so anxious to hear -about it that I could hardly wait for you to get here." "Well, Caroline," began her sister, sister, "it's electricity--" M rs. Before she could continue, Carter interrupted her. "Caroline "Smith! The idea of suggesting that to me ! Don t you remember that only last summer I was struck by lightning and it didn't do me a mite of good ?" No Fiction. "I want to get a book for wife," said the man entering book store. "Something in the way of tion?"- asked the clerk. "No; I've given her a lot of that, but she doesn't seem to care fur it." fic- Anyway, a man never sits .down on the floor when he puts on his hosiery. Wood's Fhosjphodino, ■ a* he es a nerVoh* system, The Great English^Remedy. Tones ancj invigorates the yholg lt( $100 REWARD, $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able-to cure in all stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Care is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional constitutional disease, reguires a constitutional constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous "'surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The jiroprieters have so much faith in its enrative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address :f.j. cheney&oo., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Tones ' voii? sy „. 6id Vet ÜÎ, . ...... „,Jui£//. Mental and Brain Warty ZksÈçm- 2encv, Loss of Knergv, Palpitation of the Heart. Failing Memory;. Priée $1 per box, six for $6*# One will please, six will cure.QSold by all- . druggist" or mailed in plain pkg. onreceiptof nrice New pamphlet marled free. THE WOOD *6 ED ICINE COTORONTO, ONT. (Feratrl, Wisiw.) -.'in all countries. Ask for our INVENTOR'S INVENTOR'S ADVISER,which -will be sent free. MARION & MARION. $64 Uv/versity St., Montréal. Ladylike Husband. Mrs. Goodwin--I wish to select & present for my husband and I can't find anything suitable. He doesn't smoke or drink or go out nights or play cards. x Salesperson--Is he fond of fancy work?" Singleton--"Do you believe in the old adage about: marrying in haste and repenting at îeisiire ?" Wed- derley--"No,T don'tV. After aman marries he has no leisure. gress. ' , ■ . , - In most cases of chronic and incurable incurable deafness, some form of apparatus apparatus will help the trouble. A small and inconspicuous horn, a speaking tube, a fan shaped piece df gutta-percha held against the teeth to transmit the sound waves through the bones of the head, or an electrical appliance that works on the principle of the telephone are all used. Different forms of apparatus suit different cases, and sometimes it is only by repeated trials that the patient can select the aid that gives him most help. The telephone-like apparatus usually most helpful in a public place, although for conversation (provided your . upper teeth are your own) the gutta-percha fan is very useful.--Youth s Companion. Health Hints. For inflamed eyes the white of an egg beaten to a froth is sooth- in°\ Many cases of defective vision are caused by the "habitual use of coffee. For grit in the eye apply a drop or two of castor oil ; it relieves the irritation. Two or three slices of lemon in a cup of hot tea is said to be a cure for sick headache. An excellent method of relieving a'cough is to place a half filled hot water bottle over an alcohol flannel flannel on the chest. . Senator Stephenson. fumbled a check for $7,000,000 in his fingers. "I've just sold a little lumber, he said to the Senator across the aisle. And that was only one of many checks made payable to Uncle Ike Stephenson in the seven- c ^ arm -there is unlimited informa ty-three years since he began work in a lumber camp. Senator : Stephenson lives on a farm at Marinette, Wis., where his chief enjoyment is his horses and cows, Percherons and Holsteins. Whereas he takes pride and delight in his horses and has for more than fifty years, he confesses to an ever- increasing fondness and admiration for the gentle, placid co-w. He says that the cow is a philosophical philosophical animal, practicing patience patience and calmness in a way that is soothing to behold, and that should be-a perpetual lesson to all mankind. Perhaps it is because as, he insists, insists, the cow has a really beautiful personality that he gives each one of the kine he lovés best a friendly, familiàr- name, the most distinguished distinguished of which is Pauline. - She was .presented to President Taft and his family, and figured conspicuously conspicuously in the domestic history of the last administration. tion in the batehelor's toast-. "To woman : When she is pretty when she is witty and when shé is not too wise." -, The next time you are in need of advice don't overlook the unpretentious unpretentious little toE^st book. -* After a girl has smiled at every man in town and finally snared a boob into an engagement, she believes believes that there should be a law making flirting a felony. FOREIGN POPULATION. "Doesn't it give you a terrible feeling when'ydu run over a man ?"' they asked him. "Well, if he's a large man," replied the automo- bilist, "it does give one a pretty rough jolt." His Whiskers Not White. The oldest and richest man in Congress is also one of the five men in the United States Senate who wear' whiskers, and be it recorded to bis youth they are not white.- They are no grayer than Senator Lodge's trim, proper, New Eng- ( land cut of beard, although he is.' twenty-one years younger ; Senator mw CHILDREN GROW Children grow by nourishment not overloaded stomachs y rich foodÿ bpt j burn qualities that are readuy converted ■ into fife-sustaining blood; too often their digestive powers cannot procure these qualities from çrdinary foods which results in weakness, dullness and sickness. If your children are under-size, underweight, underweight, catch cold easily, are backward, pale or frail, give them Scott s Emulsion which js.pure médicinal nourishment. nourishment. It sharpens ;the appetite, builds healthy flesh, firm L muscl es and active brains. . Scott's isf growing-food: for children. Refusé alcoholic substitutes» . ; i j*- . Form Large Percentage of Canada's Criminal Classes. That the growth of the foreign population in Canada has also added added to our criminal statistics is shown by the fact that there are at the present time no less tha-n seven murder cases under review by the Department of Justice and in every ease it is a foreigner involved. involved. The last Canadian criminal statistics available, those for 1912-13 show that in that year there were 52 charges and 25 convictions for murder. Of the 25 convictions no less than 17 were foreign born- foreign born meaning elsewhere than in Canada,, tbe United States or Great Britain. One was born in Scotland, One in England and the remaining six in Canada. During thé same period there were 31 convictions for attempt to murder, arid of these only- three were Canadian born. The nationality nationality of three were not given and the remaining twenty-four were born outside of Canada. Of these six were Americans and four English, leaving fifteen what are known as "foreigners." ■ According to the last census figures figures those born in foreign countries--excluding countries--excluding United States and Great Britain--formed 6.2 per cent, population, yet in 1912 -the foreign offenders of all classes were 17.2-per cent. The Canadian born offenders represented represented 36.1 per cent., although Canadian born form 77.9 per cent, of the population. British born outside outside of Canada were 19 per cent, of the offenders, but formed 11.6 per cent, of the population. American born- formed 4.2 per cent, of the population, but the, convicted of American birth were 7.6 percent. ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS To Liverpool - Glasgow - London - To take the Allan Une means that the Ocean I* voyage will be one of the pleasantest memories of your trip abroad. Large, comfortable steamers,'replete steamers,'replete with every convenience and luxury-- the beautiful sail down the sheltered waters of the St. Lawrence--^the courtesy and attention qf the ship's attendants--are not easily forgotten. 2 For rates, sailing dates and beautiful descriptive i -- a--a -- a -- a a lnnsl avankl OT * booklets apply to local agents or THE ALLAN LINE 95 Kin* St.. West, Toronto. M. A. JAMES, Steamsh ip Agent, Bowmanville. m Fare * 3 92 BETWEEN Buffalo land >T Length 500 feet; breadth 93 fee' WM pere Greater in coet-larger in all proporüons-ncner m an .ppv ' " inland waters of the world. In service June loth. Magnificent Steamer. "SEEANDBEE," "City of Erie" and "Cit, of Buffalo Daily--BUFFALO and CLEVELAND --May 1st to Dec. ut Le Buffalo - 9:00 P.M. . _ * . ' ! ™ Arrive Cleveland - 7:30 A.M. Arrive Bufttlo - (Eastern Standard Time) Connection. .tClclnn,. for Pn.-in-B.c Toledo. THE CLEVELAND & BUFFALO TRANSIT CO., Cleveland. O. Try Eclipse Flovir for (♦ and Pastry. v It makes delicious pies, cakes and fancy pastry. TaKes Less SHortening than Manitoba flour. That's why so many of . the best cooks prefer Eclipse Flour-- it is economical. Sold by all Grocers. Manufactured by It Fred. C. Vanstone, Fjione 77. Bowmanvllle. s LEHIGH VALLEY COAL I am receiving almost daily several cars of the best Lehigh Valley Coal, shipped direct from the mimes--Ghestnut, Stove and pea sizes, Send your order in na w and have prompt delivery sco rn be Yards and Office at Holgafce's Evaporator, Corner Division aud Queen-sfcs., opposite High School. Phone 177.

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