The range with pure white enamelled steel reservoir stamped from one piece. e M e Qay* Pandora reservoir is seamless Mid clean enough to use in cooking, and preserving. See the McClary dealer. « SOLD BY R. G. STURGEON & CO. maple qbovb. Miss Muriel Everson, Oshawa, visited her cousin, Mrs. Wm. Snowden... .Miss Mabel Cox and Mr. Chns. Cox, town, soent Sunday with Mr. Thos. Snowden and other friends Miss Edna Snowden is visiting friends m Toronto...,. -Mr- Ewart Everson, Oshawa, visited Mr. lie Snowden... .Mr. and Mrs. H. R. hoi -y and daughter Iva, and Mrs. Walter Foley tpent Sunday with Mrs. Jared Tyler, town Miss Mary Finlay, town, is visiting Miss Laura Lane • -Miss Martin, Les- kard, is visiting Mrs. Arthur Trimble .... Mr. and Mrs. S. O'Brien, Town, and Miss Reuit, Brucefield, and Miss Nellie Burgess, Burgess, Base Line, visited at Mr. Truman Power's. Twine--save money--F. O. Mason. TYRONE NOTES. X See These Bargains in Implements The following are a few slightly used implements, etc., which we are offering at great reductions Manure Spreader--Clover Lèaf, No. 2. Cream Separator--Dairymaid, 650 lbs capacity. Team Waggons--1 heavy waggon, 2 farm waggons. Rarrie BuffffV--New, sell at cost for cash. ' Sewing Machine-Singer, just as good as new. Special Discount on Mew Machinery. During the next month we are making a special discount on all NEW Implements. Be sure to get our prices before placing your order. Machine Oil--while it lasts, reg. 50c gal. for 40c. S. FOSTER, Bowmanville Visitors: Miss Alberta and Mr. Herbert I Morris, Toronto, and Mr. Orton Bond, Grand Rapids, at Mr. W. Moore s; Misses Rena and Kate Virtue, Toronto, at Mr. I Arthur Virtue's; Mr. and Mrs. John Sam- eli's, Nestleton, at Mr. James Collacutt s; i Misses Effie and Mabel Wight, Providence, Providence, with Miss Mabel Wight; Mrs. S. W. Roach, Rochester, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. I W. McLaughlin, Oshawa, at Mr. James Hodgson's; Mrs. M. A. Herring and children, children, Oshawa, at Mr. A. Morris ; Mr. Norman Rundle, Toronto, at his father s, Mr. John Rundle.... Mr. Stephen J. Washington, Washington, Glendive, Mont., called on old friends Women's Institute meeting held at Mrs. Tames Storie's was well attended attended .... Annual Harvest Home services Sept. 6 and 7; particulars later..... -Miss Lila Cole has been visiting at Mr. b. Kob- erts, Columbus... .MissE. M. Werry spent ! the week-end with Rev. and Mrs. J. S. McMullen, at Queen-st. parsonage, Lindsay Lindsay ... .Young people ought to organize a j singing class. Binder tongue trucks; see F. O. Mason. PROVIDENCE ITEMS. Phone 166 IMPLEMENT AGENT Bowmanville School Clothes for the Boys and Youths mi 4i m ». X Ü The boys will need some new clothes with which to start school. We have just received our new Fall Suits and have some splendid splendid values and new styles. Double breast two piece suits, bloomer pants will be most worn, although there will be a lot of Norfolk styles worn. Boys' Suits--Tweeds, Worsteds," Browns, Grays, plain and mixed, $3.50, 4.50, 5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00. Youths' Long Pant Suits-- Tweeds, Worsteds,. Serges, all the new colors, styles and shapes, with just the snap to them that the young man likes, $5.00, 7.50, 9.00, 10.00, 12,50, 13.50, 15.00. Boys' Odd Knickers--50c 75c, 85c,-$1.00, 1:25, 1.50. Caps, Shirts, Stockings, Jersies. Everything for Boys. r.v> The Anderson The Swell Dressers Store Com'y. Bowmanville Visitors : Miss Stella Blackburn at Mr j Fred Blackburn's; Miss Ida Peebles, Col- borne, at Mr. C. J. Smale's; Miss Aura Osborne, Ebenezer, at Mr. C. A. Wight s, Miss McCombe at Mr. S. S. Bragg's; Mrs. John Fee, Omemee, with her father, Mr. John Somers; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dunn and children, Toronto, Miss Annie Murray, Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. Pvobert Rodgers, Hamilton, at Mr. W. J. Bragg's; Mr. Fred Hoar, Miss Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wight and son Wrightson motored to Lake Scugog Sunday; Miss Minnie Hoar I with, friends in Toronto; Misses Effa and Ella Wight with relatives at Tyrone and Haydon recently; Messrs Irwin and Arthur Bragg and Fred Wight attended Cobourg Horse Show;- Mrs. Chas. Wight I and Miss Minnie Hoar at Mr. Robert Courtice's, Courtice, recently; Mr. Melbourne Melbourne Wight at Reaboro; Mrs. W. ri. Hoar, Miss Mileta and Mr. Will Sunday- led at Mr. D. Yellowlees', Hampton We congratulate Miss Effa Wight on ob- i taining her Physical Training Certificate accompanied with a $15.00 cheque which she obtained in Peterboro in addition to I her Normal course. Separators, three good second-hand, at ! F. O. Mason's. SALEM Miss Marian Squair, Toronto, is visiting with relatives Miss Ivy Hamm, Osh awa, and Miss Alice Hamm, Winnipeg, are guests of their sister, Mrs. Arthur Blewitt Miss Hilda Foley, Darlington, I is visiting her cousin, Miss Laila IVilkins Mr. Wm. Smith and sister, Miss Mary Wybrow, Oshawa, are visiting Mr. Alex. p r0 ut Miss Ruth Squair is vi iting at I Mr. E. Power's, Clarke Union Miss Katie Stephens has returned from a pleas- j ant visit at North Bay Miss Emma Petley spent Sunday with her brother at Providence.... Miss Dora Prout is visiting 1 friends at Sandford Dont forget I Salem Harvest Home next Sunday and Monday Best wishes of the community are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bellman Bellman (nee Edna Collacutt,) Toronto • j No League for two weeks on account of Salem and Tyrone Harvest Homes. Harvest Home services and Chicken I Pie Supper will be held as follows: Sunday Sunday August 30, sermons will be preached at 2.30 and ^ p.m. by Rev. R. P. Bowles, I M.A., LL.D., Chancellor of Victoria University. University. Special music by the choir. On Monday August 31, a baseball match between between Providence and Salem teams will afford great amusement. Supper from 5 to 8 o'clock when a grand concert will be given by Mr. Dobel, violinist, Prof. T. A. Brown, Ottawa, Mr. Roy H._ Rickard, Miss Reta M. Caldwell, soloists, and addresses addresses by Chancellor Bowles and resident resident ministers. Tickets 40c; concert only 25c; children 20c and 15c. ENNISKILLEN NEW». Councillor Thomas Hall, Brooklin, recently recently visited Mr. J. J- ÇV? 1S t°x * T? nn * VT. Pascoe, California, and Mr. J. 1. bundle, bundle, Solina, recently called on relatives here... .Mr. J. Niddery has been visiting in Brock.... Mr. Ernest Cook has enlisted in Toronto for service in the war.. ..Mr. and Mrs. Sturgess have returned^ to onto after spending vacatl °P L,, A * Powell's... - Miss Irene Ashton fell from a swing and fractured her coUar-bone Thursday.. . .Mr. John Ormiston ~as got his cement silo built.. - -Mus* and Dorothy recently visited jn Toronto ;.. . Miss Lillian Ashton is visiting Miss Reva McGill, Haydon. SOLINA DOING». Mr. N. S. Washington, Mapl .® r L ^ Farm, is building a new silo.. ^Mr. ana Mrs. H. E.Tink gave a picnic Monday in honor of Dr. M. W. Pascoe of Tait, Lai., who is spending a week around home visiting scenes of his boy • There were about 30 present an 3 Y good time was spent bv all.. • , • * 1 Routley, Toronto, is visiting his cousin, Mr. Robt. Wonnacott... • Miss Gussie ,uke, Kedron, has been spending a weeK with friends here...-Mr- and Mrs Edward Edward Pascoe, Whitby, visited at M •■)■-• Rundle's... .Miss Emmerson, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, visited at Mr. Silas Williams .... • • Mrs. Stevenson and Mr. Short at Mr- • J* McKessock's Coun. Thos. Baker is building a new sheep barn. He is raising it Wednesday. Mr. B.J. Stevens is the contractor... .A large congregation greeted greeted Pastor Barrett Sunday... .Mr. James Motley, London, visited at Mr. J Baker's... .Harvest Home service will be held at Eldad. Watch for particulars. ... Mrs. H. G. Pascoe has gone to visit her sister who is ill. ; • • Are our young people going to have a singing class r Gold Medal twine at F. O. Mason's. Mrs. Wm. Werrv, "Roselandvale", gave a family picnic Tuesday afternoon in honor of the visit of Mr. and Mrs. Mar shall A. James from Cleveland, so that the cousins might spend a social time to gether. The Werry sons and daughters with their families, Mrs. John VanNes and Mr. M. A. James and their families and Mr. Norman James and family, ana Mbs E. E. Haycraft from town Master George Faulkner, Foxboro, and Mrs. bam. Bray, Miss Bray and Mrs. Chas. Groat, Enfield, comprised the company. A sumptuous supper, of which chicken pie was an attractive feature, was served. The weather was perfect and all enjoyed a jolly good time. For the best twine see F. O, Mason. TRADE NAME is Here ! "WHAT IS PENSLAR" We will tell you.' It is the biand-name of the finest line of family remedies and toilet preparations preparations ever brought to this town. And the goods have arrived--.a big shipment. There are about 100 Remedies, each for a particular particular purpose. The exact formula or prescription for each remedy is plainly printed on the label so - that every one may know just how it is made. These remedies are prepared by one of the best- known manufacturing chemists in this county and conform to the highest standards of purity and quality. The Toilet [Preparations also are particularly fine and meet every requirement of the modern toilet. We have been appointed exclusive selling agents here for the Penslar preparations. Only one drug store, carefully selected for its high standing standing and progressive methods, is given the Penslar Agency in each town. That is why the Penslar sign is so widely known as" 6 'the Sign of a good Drug Store. Come in and examine these splendid preparations. preparations. Y ou will be surprised and pleased to find how much they can add to your health comfort. -r M«M. R. M. MITCHELL & CO. A Full Line of Nyal Goods always on hand. Bowmanv.lle, Phone 92a, Night calls 92b HAYDON NEWS. Mr. Elgin and Miss Vera Moimtjoy spent Sunday at Mr. W. Samells', Caesarea. Caesarea. ...Mr. and Mrs. Theo Slemon visited visited his brother, Mr. H. Slemon, Toronto ... .Mr. and Mrs. T. Brown and Mrs. A. Grant, Toronto, are holidaying at Mr. W. H. Creepers Dr. W.- T. Brimacombe, Supulpa, Okla., Dr. and Mrs. T. W. Brim- acombe and son Forest, and Mrs. Hall, Marion, Ind., are with relatives here Miss Ethel Ashton is with friends in Toronto Toronto and Oshawa...... Mj. and Mrs. S. Rundle spent Sunday at his father s, Mr. J. Rundle, Tyrone.... Mr. and Mrs. F. Crossman, Taunton, were guests at Mr. Thos. Mountjoy's this week A picnic party of 42 young people journeyed from here to Caesarea last Saturday morning and enjoyed the day to the full on Lake Scugog and Washburn Island. Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Honey and little son are gone for a fortnight's vacation Rev. E. A. Tonkin, Bowmanville, wil I supply the circuit work Song service I Sunday evening was enjoyed by audience; solos by Dr. McQuade, Toronto, and Miss Jessie Brown, Ottawa, beside choir num- jbers Interesting and well attended League service last week in charge of ! social vice president. Topic "Life of Augustine" by Pastor Honey, solo by Miss Viola McCulloch, Toronto, and I other numbers Miss Florence Trewin I entertained a number of ladies an afternoon afternoon recently Mrs. B. B. Sloss and Mr. S. J. Washington paid farewell visits to relatives here last week before starting on return trip to their homes in Minnesota and Montana. Mrs. H. D. Babcock, Lindsay, has been spending a week with her mother at "Cedar Lodge". Mr. Babcock Babcock spent Sunday there Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Coakwell, Mrs. H. Dewsbury and Mr. Frank Battv, Brooklin, Sundayed at Mr. Geo. Argue's Mrs. Abernethy, Toronto, is guest Mr.-and Mrs. A. Smith ... .Mr. and Mrs. R. Philp, Burketon, Mr. Peter Werry, Tyrone, and granddaughter Irene, Mr. Everett Hoar, Bethesda, and Rev. Mr.Cobb at Mr. H. J. Worry's... Mr. C. J. Pascoe in Toronto this week... Mr.F. W. Lee, Mrs. H. Remmer and Mr. Jos. Martin autoed to Whitby Saturday Miss M. Webber, Bowmanville, with her sister Mrs. Wm. A. Herring Miss M. È. Motley and Miss L. Nix, Winnipeg, guests at Mr. John Slemori's .Mr. anc Mrs; A. Harding, United States, visited at Mr. S. Hoskin's What about a singing class ? ; . HAMPTON NEWI. 0 Visitors : Mrs. E. Brimacombe, Hamilton, Hamilton, with her daughter, Mrs. S. T. Mount- joy; Miss Maude Reynolds left Friday to visit her brother, Mr. H.E. Reynolds, South Roxton, Que.; Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Elliott, Fort Erie, with their patents, patents, Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott; Miss Hamm, Pickering, Mrs. A. E. Clemens, Tyrone, Mrs. and Miss Thomas, Peterboro, Peterboro, recent guests of Mrs. Cephas Johns; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wray, Oshawa, at her father's, Mr. Chas. Horn; Misses Aloah and Naomi Horn returned to their home in Bradford; Mrs. John Robbins, Winnie and Clayton at Mr. Myron Rob bins', Taunton; Miss Jessie Brown, Ottawa, Ottawa, with her cousin, Miss Winnie Robbins; Robbins; Miss Snowden, Maple Grove, with her friend Miss Lyra Trenouth; Mrs. Murate Robbins and family home from a pleasant visit with her parents in Janesville, Janesville, Wisconsin; Dr. Marcus Pascoe, California, California, with his father, Mr. Thos. Pascoe; Mr. R. Wesley Redman, Bowmanville, Mr. Frank Hannam wife and child, Toronto, Toronto, at John Westaway's; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tamblyn and family, Orono, at M. B. Cryderman's; Miss Frances Clatworthy with friends in Bowmanville; Mrs. E. Stevens, Mrs. Bert Stevens and Mrs. White, Kenilworth, at Mr. and Mrs. 1. L. Brown's; Mrs. Walter Kellar with her daughter at Consecon; Mrs. (Rev.) C. W. Barrett returned from visiting at Lindsay .Mr. Jess E. L. Cole has purchased a dandy new H. C. R. auto.... On Aug. 19 an airship passed over north east towards Tyrone bearing to the south before reaching reaching that place .. .Several from here attended attended decoration services at Bowmanville Bowmanville cemetery Sunday Dr. and Mrs. Lome Hastings bade good bye to their^ many friends here after several weeks pleasant visit... .Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Horn on the advent of a son... .The entertainment Tuesday evening evening week under auspices of the Epworth League" was a great success. The artists were Misses Frances Clatworthy, Jessie Brown, Ottawa, Edna Snowden, Maple Grove, Prof. Thos. A. Brown, Ottawa, Rev. S. G. Brown, Almonte, Mrs. (Rev.) C. W. Barrett, Mrs. W. N. Brown and a chorus of girls. Every number was well rendered and received hearty applause. Miss Nora Horn presided at the organ. The social part-of thé program was much enjoyed by all. Proceeds $38. Mrs. (Dr.) Brimacombe, Marion, Indiana, sang a solo Sunday night in the Methodist church which pleased the large congregation who were present The many, friends here of Mrs. William Frayne, Springbank, Alta., will be sorry to hear of her death in Calgary, on Aug. 12 after a short illness. Deceased was a daughter of theTate Jok" Johns, Hampton. One sister, Mrs-Kent, of Saginaw, Mich., and two brothers, Messrs. Johns, Hampton, and C. W. Johns, Winnipeg, survive.... . I he Women's Institute will meet on Thursday Sept. 3, at Willow Park. Subjects for discussion "Thanksgiving Grapes tand their value" to. be taken by Mrs. 1. J. Clake, Mrs. C. Stonhouse, Mrs. A. Clemens and Mrs. W. J. Clemens also roll caD What are you doing to help our.Institute Meeting begins 2.30 P m- ® nn ?, baskets and have a good time.... Mi s. Brimacombe, Hamilton, Dr; W._T.Brim ; combe, Supulpa, Okla., Dr. J, W. Brimacombe, Brimacombe, Mrs. Hall, Marion, Indiana, and Miss Annie Mount joy, Toronto, are. visiting visiting at Mr. S. T. Mountjoy's.. • Those interested interested in singing should get together and have a singing class A Call On Us Will pay you big clothes dividends, for there is never any question but that you get the best that the market affords, and the best workmanship ,hat skill can produce,--the two things essential in clothes satisfaction. Let us measure you for your next suit. You will be correctly dressed with greatest, economy possible, for our prices are low, consistent with quality and durability. rorseV block. ( card of thanks :,1h$ W. W. Horn* General Merchant, Hampton, Hampton, thanks all friends an? -customers for liberal patronage afford^ hua during h^ first business vear which is just complétée and trusts that he may merit a: continuance continuance of their confidence and patronage in future. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAStnRIA if Is essential to success in business. If your watch is not keeping correct time you are handicapping yourself unnecessarily, for some day a few minutes may mean many dollars to you. Now is the time to avoid future disappointments by having us repair your watch now. Our repaii department is at. your service. C H. HADD Y, Jeweller The House for High-Grade Watches Bowmanville F\ A. H AD D Y The China Hall Grocery Pickling Season Near at Hand Spices The best|and purest only carried in stock. You can depend on the quality ol our spices and the price is no more than you would pay for inferior goods. School Time Means New Shoes For The Children And W-ve a lot of new. boots and shoes for boys and girls that for style, quality and price will outclass any stock you'll see elsewhere. This year we have taken particular particular care in selecting our stock of footwear for boys, and Xirls.' They are made of extra grade of strong leather with good wearing qualities and a style that has distinction. Yet with all this the prices are. very moderate. It will pay to bring your children to the Parlor Boot Shop to be "booted." The balance of our Summer Goods clearing at prices careful buyers cannot afford^ to miss; [. R. Parlor Boot Shop . . „.. On the Sunny Side Phone 12 , Bowmanville K ri t\X fcx & I K5 Vinegar White Wine Cider, Fruit and Malt Vinegars, from the best factories aud guaranteed to standard as sold. Ir Vegetables Pickling Vegetables as we can procure them in the best markets. Rv K§- W& Fruits Oranges, Peaches, Lemons, Melons, Pears, Plums, Bananas and all foreign and domestic fruits in large quantities, quantities, . FA. Phone 62 OKina Hall Grocery Bowmanville r- ■;V.'