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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Sep 1914, p. 3

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m I GRAND TRUNK svsTEMf i COLONISTS FARES (ONE-WAY SECOND-CLASS) I From all Stations in Ontario to certain points in s « 3T ALBERTA ARIZONA COLORADO MONTANA OREGON UTAH BRITISH COLUMBIA CALIFORNIA IDAHO NEVADA TEXAS WASHINGTON, Etc HOME up. in CAN GET WELL On Sale Sept. 24th to Oct. 8, inclusive. Full particulars from agents or write C. E. HORNING, District Passenger Agent, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. Full particulars and tickets from agents or J. H. H. Jury, Phono 78. X' V. CANADIAN NORTHERN ONTARIO RAILWAY; BOWMANVILLE TIME TABLE (Effective Aug 18th) TRAINS LEAVE 1 cr Toronto and Intermediate Itaton 9. C3 a.m. 7.37 p.m. 8.37 p.m Sunday only 1er Trenton, Belleville, Yarker, Kingston, Brockville, Smith's Falls, Ottawa and intermediate stations. 10. E6 a.m. 7.19 p.m. 3.48 p.m. Saturday only I or Coe Hill and Intermediate Station! 10.56 a. m. Selected Recipes. German Sauerbraten.---Take a large piece-of nice beef without &ay bone, preferably five or six pounds. Make pickle enough to cover it by boiling together two-thirds vinegar and one-third water with bay leaf, cloves, a few peppercorns, and two pieces of lump sugar (large or small to taste). While that is boiling boiling hot drop the meat into lh ana let it remain for four or five days, turning once. Take the meat out of the vinegar the night before it is to be used and thoroughly drain. Put some butter in a pot with one whole onion, add the Bee wl . salt and pepper and a cup of liquid (some people use a little of tn pickle diluted, others use meat stock and others water, while those who are expert cooks add nothing but the butter since none of the juice which cooks out of the meat is lost by too much fire). Cover the pot closely and cook for two hours and a half over a low fire: Take up the meat, thicken the liquid for a ravy, adding a little sugar. Serve with boiled potatoes. This is good cold as well as hot and is used for andwiches in Dortmund. By Taking " Fruit-a-tives " Says Gapt. Swan .For Yarker, Tweed, Harrowamifch. Sydenham tterruediate Stations on Bay of Qmnbe tt/. -and Intermediate Stations on Bay 10.56 a. m. TRAINS ARRIVE From Toronto and Intermediate station* 10.56 a. m. 7.19 p. ra. 3.48 p.m. Saturday only From Napanee, Belleville, Trenton and. luter- n ediait Points; also Picton and C.O. tt. trointi) (.03 a. m. 7.37 p. m. 8.37 p.m. Sunday only From Maynooth (C. O. R.) 7.37 p. m. From Sydenham, Tweed, Yarker, ate. 7.37 p. m. Trains run daily except Sunday unless other wise marked. T ci farther particulars see other advertisement appearing in this paper, or apply W. G. GIFFLER, Depot Agent. PROMPTLY SECUREDI In all countries. Ask for our INVEN TOR'S AD VISER, which will be sent free. MARION & MARION, 364 University St., Montréal. .Wood's Fhosphodino, The Great English^Remedy Tones and invigorates the whole I nervous system, makes new Blood 'in old Veins, Cures Nervous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despondency, Despondency, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart. Failing Memory. Price $1 per box, six for SI «1 One will please, six will cure Q oold by ah druffii s or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt oi price. A Vic pamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD MEDECINE CO.,TORONTO, ONT. (Formerly Windier..- Life is very miserable to those who suffer with Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach and Biliousness. This letter from Captain Swan (one of the best known skippers on the Great Lakes') tells how to- get quick , relief from Stomach Trouble. Port Burwell, Ont. , May 8th, 1913. "A man has a poor chance of living and enjoying life when he cannot eat. That was what was wrong with me. Loss of appetite and indigestion was brought ou bv Constipation. I have had trouble with these diseases for years. I lost a great deal of flesh and suffered constantly. For the last couple of years, I have taken "Fruit- a-tives" and have been so pleased with the results that I have recommended them on many occasions to friends and acquaintances. I am sure that "Fruit- a-tives" have helped me greatly. By following the diet rules and taking "Fruit-a-tives" accordingto directions, any person with Dyspepsia will get benefit". h. SWAN 11 Fruit-a-tives ' ' are sol d by all dealers at 50c. a box 6 for $2.50, or trial size 25c. or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. posed to. the .suf.-^. pillow -slip- -to dry/,. If the bottoms of pots and kettles are greased before. " putting over the fire they will not become black. If you are caught in the rain and the color comes off your coat on to your blouse, put the blouse to soak in milk over night. A piece of sandpaper, over which borax has been nibbed, is very convenient convenient for ironing day--cleans and waxes at the same time. An easy way tq r clean glass bot- 4-1 Ad is to cut lemons in small pieces, drop into the' bbttlè, -half fill the. bottle with watery and shake well. Dampen a carpet, a small portion portion at a "time, with a cloth wrung out in strong sàlted water, then ruib dry with a clean duster. This will revive the color -wonderfully. Some cooks have better success " baking bread by getting their oven hot, really hot, - putting in their bread, and then entirely turning Fashion Hints Roasts retain their natural flavor- bread, cakes, puddings, etc., baked in a Fads and Fancies. The smartest tunics reach almost to the skirt edge. Wide girdles are frequently seen on after non gowns. Dolly _Varden bonnets are trimmed trimmed with roses, and 'blue ribbon streamers. There is nothing like the dark silk kimonos, very plainly made, for travelling. At the present moment the charm of the costume depends on the little little things. - White organdie is everywhere--- in collars and blouses and girls white dresses. Long -belted redingotes are really Pandora always çome fresh and sweet so off the heat tor twenty minute, or | fit y ng B garme nts with -set-in sleeves. In Paris fur is being worn on lace hats--and the effect is not odd, but from its perfectly ventilated oven. See the McClary dealer in your town. Sold by R. G. STURGEON & CO. Virait "tit-For any pot ! ^contain raisins, and ramns are used in New Zealand curries roast the chuck is in I w jth lemon instead of sour apple or sidered the best, cu t hut a,d°mw l ^ In the book of -101 mianpp pxnert some years oat*. . ,, » .• tic science expert some years . gauc€g „ there is fche following chut- 'Remove the seeds from showed by experiment that as as economy w . as f C fl °"; C r er ^ d ', fc ^ e ^ib one-half cup of raisins and one vantage ^^ s d ^ erence between the green pepper ; add three green to- roast if t j mue loss matoes, two small onions, and chop two was 2 cents, a pound. ne loss | ^ tine.e-ar roast was one Put one pint of vinegar pound^ and" two I with one cup of brown sugar and ^ 1 one tablespoon of mustard seed on in cooking in the case of the chuck | all fine ounces and only ten ounces m ease , the choped mixture and °î-vîi e rlb F°n S lf tbe^huckwas one I one teaspoon of salt and simmer edible Potion of chuck was one ^ hour ^ Then - add six gre en sour .pound and five ounces, of the no pare d, cored, and cut eleven ounces recommend- small. Cook slowly until soft and Anot er pi boiling keep in a well corked bottle. Used low the sirloin steak part. Some butchers will give a piece off the round when asked for a pot roast, | Mix a cake of cream cheese with Two drops of camphor on your toothbrush will give your mouth the freshest, cleanest feeling imaginable, imaginable, and will make your gums rosy and absolutely prevent anything anything like cold sores or affections of your tongue From four to eight times as much gas is often used in boiling as . is needed. When vegetables boil dry before they are cooked, too much delightful. -Silver and gold embroidered lace and tulle trimmed with fur and velvet are already seen. Although the new skirts are much fuller the materials are clinging and often transparent. Light colored taffeta dresses fire has | *>™»d ' a cover a great economy can be for garden party wear , a cover, a g ^ ; ment in | The cotton crepes and see, suck effected with an the flavor When your bread or rolls rise be.- fore you are ready to bake-them, you may wait as long as you please if you will place the pan of dough in the refrigerator. The cold will pre vent the bread from rising any more or souring ers used for -children's dresses per mit a great economy in laundry work. The vogue of garish and eccentric eccentric colors is about over, to judge by the furore for black and dark colors. English eyelet embroidery is re- Usually GOD IS SO FAMILIAR DIETY The Circumference of His Being is Nowhere and Its Centre Everywhere Culinary Wrinkles. In pot roasting or braising meat vived for lingerie dresses it should never he necessary to re- they have colored silks slips below, new the Hquid. Flavor is lost, the Tulle and lingerie skirts are made cooking has to he watched, or the with loose long waisted corsages m. ^eat will burn, and there are other dark blue taffeta or velour chiffon, meat will ^ ^ y toQ much Muslins, chiffons, and voiles have n a j. v n-L,® „, irl>OS e never been so pretty as now, and r ^ they come in dark as well as light _ color. HOW S ThlS ? I Nothing in the way of head- (a) "How shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land 1 ?" Psalm cxxxvii., 4. (b) "If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost uttermost parts of -the sea ; even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me."--Psalm cxxxix., 9, 10. How fundamentally at variance the points of view of the authors of these psalms ! The first is very clearly one of the exiles who was carried away captive captive 'by Nebuchadnezzar after the destruction of Jerusalem. Here "by the rivers of Babylon" he was "re.miired" to sthsr ^one of .the TEXTILE MILLS ARE BUST. Present Conditions Arc Favorable to Full Operation. The stimulating effect of present conditions upon the Canadian cotton cotton industry has resulted in the resumption resumption of full working time in the ten mills of the Dominion Textile Co., Limited. During the eight months prior to the commencement of the war in Europe the 7,000 employees employees of this company were working working on an average only 70 per cent, of full time. Since the outbreak of hostilities they have been, working full time, and if the present demand for Canadian cotton continues, as is likely to be the case, overtime and double, shifts in certain departments will be necessary. The operation at full capacity of the ten mills of the Dominion Textile Textile Co., Limited, will mean the placing in circulation annually of. upwards of $10,000,000. Most of this large amount of money will be' but this is really too dry for the -whipped cream t? until light, then purpose. The "heel" of the round, Utir through it bar-le-duc until which is generally made into Ham- highly colored. burg steak, is often boiled and may For afternoon tea serve fresh even -be used for a pot roast if graham crackers put together with cooked expertly. _ marshmallow frosting." For fish a butter sauce with one Flavor rhubarb pies and canned tablespoon of mustard to a pint is rhubarb with grape juice, best. A butter sauce is made Just Serve salmon flavored with like a white sauce except boiling- orange juice instead of lemon, water instead of boiling milk is Use equal parts of. cold 'boiled thickened with flour and butter, macaroni, cooked, diced carrots, Thére 'ârtT a ;great many other ways and canned or fresh peas to make of making mustard sauces, some of a novel salad. which contain ten or a dozen ingre- Serve a loaf of baked dressing dients. with roast of beef or leg of lamb. Pickled Eggs.--Take eight hard Mold cold boiled rice in balls, boiled eggs and, having shelled I sweeten, roll in cocoahut and serve them, stick four cloves in each, with boiled custard. Heat' one quart of vinegar (it may Serve crushed maple sugar with need to be diluted if strong) to apple pie. / boiling and add a teaspoon, each of An artistic border for creamed salt, pepper, and mustard or scant fowl or meats is made of a ring of these somewhat. Put the eggs into boiled rice sprinkled with finely a glass fruit jar, pour the boiling chopped parsley. vinegar over them, and let them Dates stuffed with walnuts and stand two weeks or use sooner if to raisins and then dipped in melted taste. Serve sliced with broiled | sweet chocolate make a delicious We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- dresses is correct if it re-calls those ward for any case of Catarrh that can- 0 f ancient Greek and Roman wo- not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. men F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Lace and chiffon capes are seen We, the undersigned, have known F. £ oi . cas ino wear. As a rule they J. Cheney for the last 15 years. and^be-1 ape lined with black or colored chif- able fon ïieve him perfectly honorable in all bus-1 are iness transations and financially to carrv out any obligations made by his firm. National Bank of Commerce, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle, Sold by all Dfrnggistk Take Halls' Family Pills for constipation. constipation. WORSE THAN DEFEAT. spent in Canada--in wages, m freight and cartage, in coal, oil, and other factory supplies, and in the many other items that enter into the cost of the finished product. As the ten mills of the company are scattered scattered from Kingston to Halifax the benefits accruing from, the circulation circulation of this Large amount of money will be spread over a wide area. SECURITY. beefsteak or mutton or as you will. | confection. Horseradish Sauce. -- The Germans Germans have numerous ways of making making horseradish sauce which is a great favorite with them. For one ^ thing they freeze it with whipped I a r j d ge. cream for one of the daintiest ac- All pickles Household Hints. Instead of hemming a silence cloth, buttonhole it A hem makes should be kept at companiments possible for boiled i €as t one month before opening fish. They make a sauce with pure j ars f or use . cream with a little vinegar and To clean collars on men's coats, about half as much grated horse- sp<)n g e with ammonia water first, radish as hot cream. They make it then finish with alcohol, with a -white sauce, to which this To have dumplings fluffy and editor, once a friend, is now a per- hfght,- keep the pot 'boiling steadily sistent foe. And here is one of the [ f rom the time they are dropped in. recipes from one of tne most authoritative authoritative of the great German books on cookery : Two tablespoons of grated horseradish, about half a cup of beef stock, an ounce of but- about the same quantity of Delicate colored blouses should be dried out-of-doors, but not ex- German Socialist Points to Danger of Industrial Stagnation. The Berlin Vorwaerts, the Socialist Socialist organ, takes a pessimistic view of the German situation so far as the economic position is concerned. "The greatest danger," it says, is not that Germany may be defeated, defeated, but that the war will take a .long time. Germany's economic danger is that the English fleet will prevent' the importation of cotton, silk, copper, oil. lead, leather, rubber, rubber, and other raw materials "which are necessary to the continuance of Germany's industrial life, and that therefore she will be compelled to close her factories. "Already the number of unemployed unemployed is immense. If it is not possible possible to help this army of starving people it will become -a greater danger danger than the danger of the military army's defeat." 'Some of the Latest tunics are open in front to show the long skirt beneath. Always they reach well below the knee. For everyday there is no better method of dressing a child's feet than in brown, black or white shoes with socks to match- Broad tail cloths are used for en tire skirts--indeed, it is said that fur cloths .generally will be very important this season. Short- white skirts ohpique or serge are -worn -with brightest of colored silk sports coats, with black or white sashes knotted one side. .--. >!-■ -- required" to sing Songs of 2ion" in praise of Jehovah. the Lord of hosts. But how could he sing such a sonv. he asks, in this "strange land," hundreds, of miles distant from the sacred places of the Most High 1 God is not here m this city of the Gentiles, but far away there to the west, awaiting amid the ruins of the holy city the return of His children and the re storation of His temple. There Alone He Can Be Found. and there alone can He be praisei in prayer and song. The best that His faithful servant can now do is to remember God, and Jerusalem, the city of God, and look for. the time when he may return to Zion ence V' And he leaves us to infer, by his own failure to answer, that * the place which-he seeks cannot be found. That/the second and not the first of these variant viewpoints represents represents the truer idea of the Divine is more and more becoming the conviction of men in our time. God is no familiar deity, exclusively associated associated with some one locality or people. He is not to be confined to one altar, bound by the walls of one church, or .held within the borders borders of one country. No Land is "Strange" to Him, no soul outside the knowledge of His love. For He is a universal spirit--an all pervasive presence, in every star that shines, in every flower that -blows, in every bird that- sings, in every child that laughs, in every heart that leaps with joy or breaks in sorrow, is to, be found" the .revelation of the divine divine presence. God is synonymous with life, and life is God. "We can- __ not- he where God is not,' says a modern psalmist. All of which means that the problem of religion is not to meet God but to recognize Him, not to find Him but to experience experience Him, not to come unto, but to be conscious of His presence. How beautifully has James Russell Russell Lowell voiced this true gospel and enter: once again into the divine POWERFUL BRITISH GUNS. X g a Ton Throw Projectiles Weighin Nearly 12 Miles. Germany's- inferiority in regard of the living God in the lines from his "Cathedral" A cat will not look at a king there is a mouse in sight. if ter, Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of "Y See Fac-SlmMe Wrapper Below. m Y ary, a--aR a»d-S» easy to taka as ruga** roe HEADACHE. CARTERS A ' FOR DIZZINESS* FOR*BILIOUSNESS' forJtorwdli YEFf. SALLOW SKIN; c fiaa&fPnrelyVegetaMe. FORTHE COMPLEXION ^aram siu*r*xvx eLn||ATU " * 7. CURE SICK HEADACHE. onion, two tablespoons of flour, and then another cup of beef stock with salt to taste. Peel and grate the horseradish quickly and let it draw in the half cup of stock in an earthenware earthenware dish. Make a sauce of the butter, flour, and cup of -stock, seasoning seasoning to taste, and then add the horseradish and half a cup of stock to this. If the horseradish taste is then very sharp add two tablespoons tablespoons of milk or cream. Mustard Sauce.--Mustard sauce, especially when made with either white or 'butter sauce, is not a thing to recommend for the digestion. digestion. Another way to make it is to j mix a tablespoon of French mustard mustard with -three or four tablespoons of good meat gravy, or better, a greatly reduced and highly seasoned seasoned meat stock, one in whidh many vegetables have been used to flavor. flavor. In that German-American publication called "The Settlement" Settlement" cook book there is the following following recipe: "One cup white sauce, one tablespoon vinegar,, one tablespoon mustard, one-half teaspoon teaspoon sugar, one teaspoon cold wh- ter, and stir info the white, sauce two minutes Before , serving. Se&- son to taste. More or less mustard may be added as desired. Serve hot with meat or fish." Raisin Sauces.--Recipes for raisin raisin sauces, under, that name, . .aFe rare, -but there are chutney sauces Lord Roberts Inspecting the City of London Regiment (Rqyal Fusiliers) at the Temple Garden. to naval armament will be even more marked in a few weeks--when the 15-inch gun makes its appearance appearance on two new British superdreadnoughts--than superdreadnoughts--than it is at present. We already have on duty in the North Sea (points out Archibald Hurd, i-n the London Daily. Tele graph.) thirteen ships mounting i gun--the 3.5-inch weapon--which is still without its equal in any of the navies of the world. In October next two ships---the Queen Elizabeth Elizabeth and the War-spite--are due for delivery. They mount an even more deadly weapon -the new 15- ineb gun. The First Lord of the Admiralty recently gave the nation the Admiralty's Admiralty's views of the triumphs of the British naval ordnance authorities. authorities. Speaking of the efficiency of the new gun over the 13.5-inch weapon, weapon, he said : When the first of these guns was tried, it yielded ballistic results which vindicated, with what. is to the lay mind -marvellous exactitude, the minutest calculations of the designer. designer. It is the best gun we have ever had ; it reproduces all the virtues virtues of the 13.5-inch gun on a larger -scale, and it is the most accurate accurate gun at all ranges that we have, ever had. As it is never pressed to its fu-11 -compass by explosive explosive discharge, it will be an exceptionally exceptionally long-lived- gun. Its power .may be measured by the fact that, whereas the 13.5-inch gun hurls a 1,400-pound projectile, a 15-inch gun discharges a projectile projectile of nearly a ton in weight, and can hurl the immense mass of metal ten or twelve miles. That is to say, there has been an increase of rather more than 30 per cent.--I aim purposely purposely vague on this point--in the weight of the projectile for an addition addition of 134 inches to the calibre. This increase in the capacity of the shell produce® results, in far greater -proportion in its explosive power, an-di the high explosive charge -which the 15-inch gun cAn carry through and' get inside the thickest armor afloat is very neatly half as large agajti in the 18-Inch presence. ' Altogether different is the idea pf God set forth in the 139th Psalm. Here is a man who sees the spirit of God so far outreaching the borders borders of Israel, or even the bounds of the universe itself, as to be absolutely absolutely unescapable. Talk abou l leaving God behind when one jour- nevs a few miles across the desseru to ^Babylon! Win- if we ascend up into heaven, or -go down into bell, God is there. If we go to the "uttermost "uttermost parts of the sea" His hand shall still hold us. If we think to hide ourselves in the darkness, even the night becomes light aboat us. "Whither shall I go from thy spirit," exclaims this writer, "or whither shall I flee from thy pres- I hear good t tfan su re tv for "If sometimes I must men debate Of other witness oi Thyself Thou • • • My soul shall not be taken in then- snare, To change her inward their doubt. . I fear not Thy withdrawal ; more- C fear. Seeing, to know Thee not, hoodwinked hoodwinked with' dreams Of signs and wonders, while, unnoticed, unnoticed, Thou, Walking Thy garden still, commun'st commun' st with men. Missed in the commonplace of miracle. ' --Rev. John Haynes Holmes. gun as was the- charge in the 13.5- inch. _ h i It i-s interesting to recall that even though the war should last until next spring, when two more British ship® with 15-inch guns are due for delivery, Germany will still possess no -ships carrying -a heavier weapon than the 12-inch gun, which we superseded in 1909. She has to- da y only nine ships at se-a mount in-g even as powerful a weapon as this, the remainder hating either 11-inch or 9.4-inch weapons as their primary battle armament. A PRETTY GREASY MENU Men of Sliackleton Expedition Will Subsist Very Largely on Lard. Whi-le marching across the ice fields the men engaged in the ShacMeton expedition to the South Pole, will have three meals a day-- breakfast,- luncheon and dinner at night. The menu for breakfast and dinner willl be the same, each man being given three ounces of lard, two ounces of sugar, one of dried milk, wheat protein and oats. The luncheon will consist of nut- food mixed with oil and dried milk and oat-s. "You may feel rather sick when you hear of it," Sir Ernest said during a recent interview, "it's rather rather a greasy compound. Indeed, when we tried it in Norway we thought it a very unpleasant- sort, of ration, but I can assure you that, scientifically considered, it is the finest' that lias ever been devised. I hope, that this time hunger will play a- very small part in our troubles." troubles." All the provisions have been packed packed in sausage skins. Out of Commission. Nervous Wife--Oh, Harry dear, do order a mouse-trap to be. sent home to-day. Harry--But you bought one last week. Nervous Wife--Yes, dear, but there's a' mouse in that. SgSSH For Headaches Here's the Reason and the Cure copie at some time or another suffer from Most fièàdàc! people :his-5rdisoriered stomach, liver or bowels is the cause--any one can be cured--one woman says: Chamberlain's Tablets did more for me than I ever dared hippo for--c ured headaches--billousn5el^*and tdnsd hp my whôls System--I feel like a new wo- i h * k> ,.,-y ■£ -'■..'■■A:;-..--.:.:. tv:: ^ -•.rr- ; mm mm CèkÈ':

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