HcLAUGHLIN. Barrister, Solicitor and Conveyance* Office:--Bleaklev Block. King Street» ■ow man ville. Money to loaa at reaae** rates. 4»-lyr. NOTES AND COMMENTS WEST DURHAM FAIR B. J.Hazlewood, M.D.,O.M BOWMANTILLE. . ONT. C 5 0LD MEDALIST of Trinity Un. ' iverelty, Toronto; Four years Attending Physician and Burgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital Ht Tel Iverelty, Toronto; Four years Attendis* iyi" Pittsburg, Kjs. Oil ce and Reeldence Welllngtoa IctcKc. 10?. GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barriateis and Solicitera. Notaries Public, A. K. GOODMAN, D. C. GALBRAITH 508 Lumsden Bldg. Yonge & Adelaide-sts. Toronto Ontario W. H. ALEXANDER, V. S. Honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. College. Diseases of all domestic animals treated by latest known methods. Office at his residence, King-st, East Bow- manville. Phone 193. 20-lyr. Belgium's protest against the bombardment .of Antwerp by a Zep pelin will excite sympathy everywhere, everywhere, since Belgium was one of the powers which signed The Hague conference declaration of Oct. 18, "1807, prohibiting the discharge of projectiles and explosives from airships. airships. . Such methods of attack flagrantly, increase -the horrors of warfare and undo to a large extent the progress made in the last century century toward a humaner consideration consideration of the rights of noncom'bat- ants. LOSCOMBE & SENKLER Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public. R.R.Loscomfee, K.C. E.S.Senkler, B.A. Money to Loin. Office: Mason Block, King Street Bowmanville, Ontario. ■ DR. JE. C. DEVITT. DENTIST. Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. OFFICE: Temperance Sfc. Bowmanville, (just off King St.) OFFICE HOURS: 9a. m. to 6 p. m. dally except Sunday. Phone 90a House Pho'ne 80b TAILOR MADE SUIT AT $15 Jos. Jeffrey& Son are busy these days catching up with orders for their Famous Tailor-made Suits at $15--really worth $18 to Î20. They have an excellant selection of worsteds and tweed suitings to choose from. Why not have your suit tailor-made instead of wearing a misfit ready-made suit? You never saw better bargains at this price, quality and work considered. Have your measure taken to-dav Autumn Session is now open in Central Business College, Toronto, Toronto, and in each of its Six Branches. Free catalogue explains courses. Write for a copy. W. H. Shaw, President, Head Offices, 593 Yonge St., Toronto. ?-- Neither Germany ntir France signed the declaration of 1907 regarding regarding aerial warfare and neither of these countries holds itself bound 'by it. Belgium may not be able, therefore, to make out a di rect case of treaty violation against •Germany. The only international compact which- holds Germany s article 27 of the rules of land war fare adopted by The Hague con ference on Oct 18, 1907. This says "In sieges and bombardments all necessary steps must be taken to spare, as far as .possible-, buildings dedicated to religion, art, science, or charitable purpos_es, historic monuments, ' hospitals and places where sick and wounded are col lected, provided they are not being used at the time for military purposes." purposes." (Prize Li st continued) Fruit Coll apples--R Brooks, F B Lovekin, R Collacott ; coll dessert apples--Love* kin, Collacott ; cooking apples, Lovekin, J Samis, Collacott ; fall dessert, Brooks, W L Buttery, T Bottrell & Son ; alexan- der, F Allin, S Snowden "Sc Son, W J; 5 Rickard ; wealthy, J F Osborne, Jno Snowden, J "Wight; snow, S Snowden 6 Son, Jno Snowden, Lovekin; winter dessert, 1 Lovekin- F ■■'Allin. Penfôund Bros ; . king tômpkins, W .J Bragg, J Samis, JF Osborne; faliawater, Osborne, Samis. Collacutt"; pewaukee. Brooks; M H Wight-, Jas Leask & Son; belle fleuf, M H Wight, W Nichols, JFOs^ borne; colvert,' Osborne, A Taylor, R Pooley ; duchess, Ida Hoskiu, Lovekin, Snowden & -ï-on; St Lawrence, Fred Downey, R Collacutt, M and J Nokes ; Blenheim pippin, Osborne. Brooks, W J Bragg; ribston pippin, R Collacutt, R Brooks, A Welsh ; gravenstein, Osborne, A Tamblyn & Son, Brooks ; Rhode Island Island greenings, Osborne, Bragg, W Nicholls; American golden russetts, J Snowden, J F Osborne, A Whlsh ; Ontario, Ontario, Osborne, J D Stevens, J Wight; stark, Lovekin, Bragg. R Pooley; bald- win, Osborne, "W* J Hoar, Bragg; northern northern spy, Hoar, Osborne, Brooks; Beu Davis, Osborne, R Pooley. J Samis; crabs, J Samis, R Brooks, G A Stephens Stephens ; table _pears, F Allin, R Brooks,; Lawrence, Hoar, Brooks ; Bartlett, F Allin, A E Bellman; Sheldon, A E Bellman, Brooks ; Duchess D'Angou- leme, J W Sparling, Bottrell & Son ; Beurre Olairgeau, M & J Nokes. R Brooks ; Seckel, W L Battery, Brooks ; Beurre D Anjou, W Nicholls. Brooks; Flemish Beauty, F Allin, Lovekiu ; Reine Claude, W J Hoar ; Moore's diamond diamond grapes, W F Allen, Sparling ; Niagara, W F Al'eu, Sparling ; Brighton, Brighton, W F Allen, Brooks ; Lindley, W F Allen ; early Victor, Sparling ; Moore's early, Brooks; watermelons, Brooks, W H Tonkin ; muskinelons, J Samis, R Brooks. Vegetables Winter Cabbage--R Brooks, James made up, Mrs T Percy, Belle Allen; washable sofa cushion, Belle Allen, Mrs Tourjee ; table coyer, not white linen, Mrs Senkler, A Percy; bedroom towels, E?Morris, Mrs Percy ; bedroom towels, Mrs Percy, R Percy; bedroom towels emb in colors, Mrs Percy; tray cloth, Mn Percy, Ida Hoskiu ; tray cloth, drawn work, Miss McClellan, Mrs Percy ; 5 o'clock tea cloth, emb oil white linen, Mrs Tilley, A Oawker; 6 o'clock tea cloth, handmade -lace, MrsPercy, -N. L Pattinson, centre, piece, huckaback, Mrs Senkler, Mrs Meath; centre piece, coRr-. ed, Mrs Senkler, N L Pattinson, .centre piece; punch'work, Mrs Meath, B Allen; centre piece, emb and lace trimmed, E Morris,. Sirs Percy ; centre piece, any 1 other, Mrs Jas Knight, A Ciwker ; bat- tenburg lace, Mrs. Percy, Mrs W Pearn; Mount Mellick embroidery, Mrs Senkler, Senkler, Mrs Percy, 1 Roman out out embroidery. embroidery. E Morris, Mrs: Percy ; Wallachian emb, A Cawker, Mrs Tourjee ; shirt waist, punch work, Mrs Meath, Mrs Percy; shirt waist, emb. Mrs Tourjee ; corset cover, Mrs Percy, Mrs Senkler; corset cover, crochet yoke, Mrs Pearn, MrsPercy, drawn thread work, Mrs Percy, R Percy ; outline work, B Allen, Mrs Meath; sideboard scarf, Ida Hoskin, Mrs Percy; dressiug tible cover, Mrs Percy ; pillow shams, Mrs Pearn, Mrs Percy; pillow cases, Mrs Senkler, N L Pattinson; coronation braid work, Mrs Percy, Mrs Tourjee ; tea cosy, B Allen, Mrs Tourjee; crochet baud bag, Mrs Pearn, Mrs Percy; pin cushion. Addle Cawker, Ida Hoskin; work bag, B Allen; A Cawker; emb hand bag, B Allen; table mats, Mrs Jos Olafcworfchy, Mrs J Lyle; 'table mats, asbestos, Mrs Percy, Miss McClellan; afghan, wool, Mrs Pearn, I Hoskiu; fancy work aprou, Mrs Pearn, B Allen; work basket. Miss' McClellan, Mrs J Nokes; luncheon set, Mrs Percy, R Percy; emb- collar and jabot, Mrs Percy, Mrs. A. Taylof; Irish crochet jabot, Ethel Morris, Mrs Pearn; Irish crochet,-Mrs Tourjee, Mrs. Pearn; Italian Italian Relief emb, Belle Allen, Mrs Percy; knitted bedroom slippers, Miss McClellan, McClellan, Mrs H N " Allin; crochet bedroom slippers, G Cawker, E McClellan; infant's bootees, E McClellan, Mrs Percy; infant's jacket, Miss McClellan; infant's hood, Mrs Tourjee; fancy knitting, E McClellan, A Nokes; early do--Brooks, G H Richards; Percy; crochet lace, Mrs Tilley, Miss Kat- You cannot do better than attend the British Americàn College Yonge & McGill Sts., Toronto, for a Business or Shorthand Course. Fall Term is now open. We ask yon to write for particulars. Mr. T. W. Wanchope, Principal. It is evident that an airship operating at- night at a considerable considerable distance above a city cannot discern the marks which should give protection to such buildings. It is also evident that in a hurried night flight- over a city "all necessary necessary precautions" cannot be taken to spare the buildings which ought to be spared. -*- Cook's Cotton Root Compound. A safe-, reliable regulating viedicine. Sold in three degrees degrees of strength--No. 1, $1; No. 2, $3; No. 3, $5 per box. Sold by all druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Free pamphlet. Address : THE COOK MEDICINE CO., TORONTO. ONT. (Foraurly Windsor.) The present European war will engage at least ten millions of men. A great number of these will be young men, who otherwise would marry and rear families. After the war these young men will be considerably considerably older and many of them would never marry. A vast host of lives will be destroyed by shot and shell, by sickness and disease, by exposure and famine. Thousands will lay down their lives or else be broken wrecks for the remainder of their days. In all countries. Ask for our INVEIN-" TOR'S ADVISER,which will be sent free. MARION & MARION; 364 University St., Montréal, A POSITION FOR FALL and WINTER We have a sound business proposition for a reliable energetic salesman for this district to sell fruit trees, small fruits, flowering shrubs, etc, Pay weekly, outfit outfit free, exclusive territory. OVER 600 ACRES of fruit and ornamental stock under cultivation. We sel 1 through our salesmen salesmen direct to the consumer and guarantee guarantee delivery of fresh, high grade trees. Our agencies are valuable by reason of the service we give and the volume of business done. Established 35 years. Write Pelham Nursery Co,, Toronto. P. 8. Handsome catalogue on request, either--to applicant- or those wishing Nursery stock. 87-22 Notice to Creditors. In the Matter of the Estate of "Frederick Mayes Chappell late of the Township of Darlington in the County of Durham, Farmer, Deceased. NOTICE "Li hereby given that all persons hay }ng claims or demands against the late Frederick Mayes Chappell, who died on or about the sixth 4ay of November, 1913, at the Town of Bowmau- Yllle, are required to send by post prepaid or to r Edward Me* Estate of tp me, -any--H Morris, F Morris. " Orig Can landscape--H Morris, A Irwin. Landscape--A Irwin, H Morris. .Flowers--A .Flowers--A Irwin, H Morris. Fruit--A Irwin, H Morris.'\Orig. any--E'Waddell, A Irwin. Drawing--E Waddell, A Irwin. Portrait--A Irwin, E Waddell. Pastel portrait--E Waddell. Pencil drawing ligure-- A Irwin, E Waddell. Animal-- E > Waddell, A Irwin Pen and ink sketch--Mrs Meath, A Irwin. Crayou drâwing-- E Waddell, A Irwin. Coil- post cards--C Mutton, Mrs J W Sparling. Sparling. Photos--H Hum pries, .<3 Mutton. Architectural and mechanical drawing-- A Irwin, Mrs Percy. , Industrial design --H Morris, F Morris. Photo in ink or crayon--A Irwin. Writing, under 16yrs --Frances Clatworthy^, Wriving, under 10 y rs- -Frances Clatworthy. Perspective Perspective drawing--Mrs Percy. ~ Domestic Science Canned goods--Mrs Lovekin, Mrs Nokes. Jellies--Mrs Sparling, Mrs Lovekin, Lovekin, Mrs A Taylor Pickles--Mrs Nokes. Mustard pickles --Mrs F J Mitchell, Mitchell, Mrs Meath. Mixed pickles--Mrs Taylor, Mrs Nokes. Chili sauce--Mrs Sparling, Addie Cawker. Tomato Catsup--A Catsup--A Cawker, Mrs JTRundle. Orange marmalade --Mrs Varcoe, Mrs Sparling. White bread--Mrs M H Wight, Mrs W S Bragg. Brown bread--Mrs Lovekin, Mrs Tamblyn. Plain buns--Mrs Wight, Mrs Lovekin Currant buns--Mrs Wight, Mrs Lovekin. B P buns -- Mrs Varcoe. Mrs Sparling Soda buns--Mrs Wight,Mrs Lovekin. Ginger snaps-- M Katerson, Mrs Rundle. Cookies-- Mrs Sparling, Mrs Rundle. Cocoanut cake--Mrs Lyle, Mrs Varcoe. Jelly cake --Mrs Lovekin. Sponge cake--Mrs Sparling, Mrs Lyle. Devil cake ; --Mrs Lyle, Mrs Mitchell. Fig cake--Mrs Lovekin, Mrs Rundle. Nut cake--Mrs Lovekin, Mrs Sparling. Fruit cake-- Mrs Rundle, Mrs Sparling. Angel cake --Mrs Lovekin, Mrs Sparling. Apple pie--Miss Katerson, Mrs F J Mitchell Custard pie--Mrs Rundle, M Katerson. Lemon pie--Mrs Wight, Mrs Lyle. Chocolate pie--Mrs Lovekin. Cocoanut pie -- Mrs Lyle, Mrs Lovekin. Raspberry Raspberry pie--Mrs Nokes, Mrs Rundle. Established 1873 deliver to the undersigned, Arthur Edwgrd Laughlin, Administrator of the Estate of the gald Frederick Mayes Chappell, their names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by thepa, And take notice that after the Second day of October, 1914, the said Arthur Edward MpLangfi- lin will proceed to distribute the assets of tfie s& Edward liable ior the said assets or any parV thereof to fl cLaughlin jvill not be irr thereof to not then have Arthur for the any person-of whose claim he sha! received notice, Dated at"Bowmanville the Fifteenth day uf September, 1914. A. E. MCLAUGHLIN,' Prawer T, Bowmanville, Administrator of the estate of the said Frederick Frederick Mayes Chappell, deceased. 88 3 *■ i.-'Pf :■ -A---- • : Youthful Shir on Grandpa> "Pon't you he is too cqtq £gr anything asked the prpucj young mother, referring to her paby. _ - 'Q, I-Cipn't replied her i7-y9ft^old fcjo$e?: We eBPÜsfc, I kit* J 04 jajidh of people who hadn't Sny teeth.- ; „ With women already in numerical preponderance, what will this signify signify to them ? It is seen at a glance that the surplusage of females will be such as to cause them to 'be drafted more largely than ever into industry and into forms of enterprise enterprise from which they have as yet bee# exempt. These women, deprived deprived of the opportunity of marriage marriage and bringing up families and forced Ito enter forms of toil that will cause the stamina of the sex greatly to deteriorate, wil-1 constitute constitute one of the tremendous calamities calamities of the war. * Oil for Toothache--There is no pain so acute and distressing as toothache. When you have so unwelcome a visitor apply Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil according according to directions and -you will find immediate immediate relief. It touches the nerve with soothing effect and the pain departs at once! That it will ease toothache is another fine quality of this oil, showing the many uses it has. The Right Answer, The three youn^ Borden children were visiting their Grandma Bort den, and the occasion was one of great merriment for diem, AfteT a while it proved a trifle too noisy for grandma and ghe said reprovingly reprovingly î "Oood gr&oiw, children, why are you so noisy tp-day 1 Can't ypu try and be a little more quiet You are making my head ache." ,f Now, grandma, ;/ said little six- year-old Dorothy, u you mustn t scold us, You see if ifc wasn't for us you wouldn't be a grandma at all." red do--Richards, Brooks; savoy do-- Richards, W H Tonkin; white celery-- Brooks, Richards; red celery--Brooks, Richards; • cauliflower--Brooks, Tonkin ; red onions--Brooks, J Branch; white do Richards, Brooks; potato do--Richards, do--Richards, F B Lovekin; yellow do--Richards, J Walter jr; pickling do--A Taylor, Richards; Richards; long blood-beets --T Bottrell & Son, Brooks; blood turnip beets--J Butson, Richards; parsnips--Richards, . Brooks; long scarlet do--Bottrell & Son, Richards; Richards; tomatoes--Brooks, S. Jose; sweet corn-- W H Tonkin, R Brooks,, long red mangolds--Brooks, A E Bellman; yellow do--A A Col will, F H Joness; sugar do Lovekin, J D Stevens; white carrots -- Brooks, Bottrell & Son;) long red do - Bottrell & Son, F Allin; short red do -- Brooks, M&J Nookes; turnips-- W C Blackburn &Son, F Allin; table squash-- Richards, Lovekin; hubbard squash-- Brooks, Richards; pumpkins--Brooks, A Welsh;-citron---Brooks, S Snowden & Son; early pototoes--Brooks, J Branch; any kind do--Brooks, E Hancock; coll, potatoes--Brooks; largest squash-- G H Richards, R R Loscombe; assortment vegetables--Brooks, W H Tonkin. Flowers Greenhouse plants-- S J Jackman, Roy Jackman; window plants-- S J Jackman; dahlias-- S J Jackman & Son ! & 2; balsams--Jackman balsams--Jackman & Son 1 & 2; Stocks-- Jackman, Geo N Gallup; comet or chrysanthemum chrysanthemum asters--Jackman & Son 1&2; do any other--Jackman & Son 1A2: roses--Jackman & Son J; verbenas --C Mutton, Ida Hoskin; pansies--C Mutton, Mrs Nokes; single petunias-- Jackman, W H Tonkin; double do-- W H Tonkin, Jackman; phlox--Jackman & Son 1&2; phlox drummondii-- G H Richards, Richards, Roy Jackman; sweet peas --Mrs Senkler, Mrs W Ream; cut flowers-- Jackman & Son 1&2; everlasting flowers --Jackman & Son 1&2; Doublé- zinnas-- Jackman & Son 1&2; french marigolds-- Mrs J Nokes, R Jackman; african do-- Mrs J Nokes," Jackman; gladiolus--Jack- man & Son 1&2; snapdragons--Jackman, Mrs Senkler; carnations--Jackman &Son 1&2; tuberous beeronias--Jackman & Son l & 2; nasturtiums--Mrs Senkler, Ida Hoskin; dark geraniums--Jackman,'Geo Varcoe; light geraniums--Jackman, Geo Varooo; coleus - Jacuman & Son 1 & 2; fuchsias--Jackman & Son 1&2.J window box--Jackman <fc Son 1&2; ferns--Jack- man & Son 1&2; specimen plant--Mrs J Nokes, Roy Jackman; hanging basket-- Jackman, G Varcoe; table bouquet -- Jackman & Sen 1&2, hand bouquet-- Jackman & Son 1&2; floral basket--Jack- man & Sou 1&3; floral design--Jackman (fe 8on 1&2; funeral design--Jackman & Son 1&2. Ladies' Department Coll fancy work, Mrs O Meath, Beile Allen j, hardnnger, N L Pattiuson, Mrs Tourjee ; English eyelet embroidery, Mrs T Percy, Ethel Morris i table cloth and napkins, initial, Belle Allen, Mrs. T Percy | table cloth and dpyiies, linen, Mrs T Percy, Mrs W. E Tilley" ; table CQver, crochet, and doylies, Mrs W R R Cawker, Mrs W E Tilley; s 'fa cushion. S AVINGS deposited in this bank draw the highest current rate of interest. Withdrawals of part or the whole amount may be made whenever whenever desired without delay. *35 ©F €ÂMA1 OFf: ice TORONTO BOWMANVILLE BRANCH A. N. McMILLAN, Manager. 3 Branches also at Blackstock (R. H. Coulson, Manager), Newcastle, Orono, Oshawa, | Whitby, Brooklin and Newton ville. erso'n; crdchet doylies, Mrs. Tourjee, Mrs Tilley; crochet, wool, Miss McClellan; crochet, silk, Miso McClellan, Mrs Percy; crocheted wrap, Mrs Pearn, Mrs Tilley; crocheted with fancy braid, Mrs Tilley, Ida Hoskin; underwear, Mrs Knight, Mrs .Tourjee; handkerchiefs, Belle Allen; fancy work by lady over 75 years, .Mrs James Knight, Mrs Ellen Leask; fancy work by girl under 14 years, Winnie Varcoe; darning, darning, Mrs. Percy, Mrs Tourjee; child's dress, Mrs Tilley, Mrs Tourjee; crochet yoke, nightgown, E McClellan, N L Pattinson; Pattinson; centrepiece holder, Mrs Tourjee, Belle Allen; hat pin holder, B Allen, Mrs. Percy; Berlin wool work, A Percy; dressed dressed doll, Winnie Varcoe. Domestic Manufacture Rag mat, Mrs J T Rundle, Mrs Leask; crochet quilt, cotton, E McClellan, G Cawker; knitted quilt, Mrs Clatworthy, A Cawker; woollen coverlet, M Katerson; crazy patchwork quilt, Mrs J T Rundle, Ethel Morris; log cabin quilt, Mrs Mark Blackburn, M Katerson; patched quilt, Mrs Pearn, Mrs Nokes; quilting, A Caw- kef, Mrs Pearn; woollen mitts, Mrs Lovekin, Lovekin, Mrs Pearn; stockings, Mrs Richards; socks, Mrs Richards, Mrs Leask; woollen quilt, Mrs. Tourjee.. K,.. Decorative and Constructive Art China " painting, Ethel Morris, Helen Morris; bread and butter plates, Helen Morris, Ethel Morris; burnt leather work, M Katerson, Mrs Percy; burnt wood work, Mrs F A Crago, Ethel Morris; hand painty ed tea set, H Morris, E Morris; burnt 41 wood work, H Morris, Mrs Crago; dec painting on china, H Morris, E Morris; photo frame painting, Helen Morris; folding folding screen, Mrs Varcoe; plaque, E Morris, H Morris; pottery decoration, M Katerson, Katerson, E Morris; jardiniere, E Morris, H Morris; punch bowl, E "Morris; figure work on vase, Ethel Morris; wood carving, carving, M Katerson, Mrs Tourjee. Decorative And Constructive Arts China, painting --Ethel Morris, Helen Morris; bread and butter plates --Helen Morris, Ethel Morris; burnt leather work -- M Katerson, Mrs Percy; burnt, wood work--Mrs F A Crago, Ethel Morris; hand painted tea set->-H Morris, E Morris: Morris: burnt wood work-- H Morris, Mrs Crago; dec. painting on china--H Morris, E Morris; photo frame painting--Helen Morris; folding screen--Mrs Varcoe; plaque, E Morris, H Morris; pottery.decoration, pottery.decoration, M Katerson, E Morris; jarden- iere, E Morris, Helen Morris; punch bowl, E Morris; figure work on vase, E Morris. Wood carving, M Katerson, Mrs Tourjee. Fine Arts Oil paintings, portrait--E Waddell, A Irwin. Figure--E' Waddell, A Irwin. Animal--E Waddell, A Irwin. Marine -- F Morris, H Morris. Orig. Can. Marine Marine --E Waddell, A Irwin, Orig. Can. landscape-- E Waddell, A Irwin. Landscape-- Landscape-- H Morris, F- Morris, Fruit--E Waddell, H Morris. Flowers --H Morris, Morris, A Irrwin. Original, any--E Waddell, Waddell, A Irwin. Water colors, ligure -- A Irwin. Portrait--E Waddell, A Irwin. Animal--A Iiwin, E Waddell. Orig. Can. marine--A Irwin, H Morrÿs. May When flanked by equally tall neighbors, neighbors, they may look better than low buildings, but when set off by themselves the appearance is entirely entirely changed. It is much like a forest tree that * appears weU surrounded surrounded by tall trees, but that looks like an exclamation point when standing by itself. There are certain certain types of houses that always look well. The latest fashions are soon out of" date.. The farmhouses farmhouses should be -built in a style that always looks good. One builds a house for 50 or 100 years, not for a season only. be the case, the training of -addi- .. tional shifts for night work will be necessary. The Canadian manufacturers of tungsten and incandescent lamps had some problems to face in connection connection with the- securing of certain raw material which has been coming from some of the countries involved involved in the war. It is understood a 'solution of these problems has- been founds and there will be insurious insurious inconvenience on this score. " 4- How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Care. F. ,J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe believe him perfectly honorable in all business business transations and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. National Bank of Commerce, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle, Sold by all Druggists. Take Halls' Family Pills for constipation. constipation. PL ANNIN G FOR FARM HOUSES City CANADIAN MADE LAMPS. Our Factories Will Be Busy on Account of the War. The tungsten and incandescent lamp industry in Canada will benefit benefit -through the industrial conditions created by the w£V There have been large importations of tungsten and incande-scent- lamps from Continental Continental Europe into Canada, and these importations will be greatly curtailed, if not completely . shut off, &.s a result of the war. This will reSU lt--indeed his resulted already in greatly increased demands upon the Canadian manufactureis of these articles. There are technical difficulties in the ■ way of operating, a double shift- m a tungsten or incandescent lamp factory. The work is of a technical nature and it takes a new employe some considerable time to become adept at it. However, if the present demand upon the Canadian tungsten and incandescent lamp factories continues, as is'likely to Relief for the Depressed.--Physical and mental depression usually have their origin in a < disordered state of the stomach and liver, as when these organs are der* anged in their action the whole system is affected. Try Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. They revive the digestive processes, act beneficially on the nerves and restore the spirits as no other pills will. They are cheap, simple and sure, and the effects are lasting. Complimentai, . Gebhard von Blucher, the famous Prussian field marshal, had as surgeon surgeon major of his army a man wh<> was very homely, but ext rente'v proud and vain. One. day, Blucher ent r-ri -insurge -insurge on's tent and fou-.. I L.m standing before a loyking-g-as-e arranging arranging his toilet and admit me himself generally. "Doctor. cud Blucher,'laughing. "I suppose imiL you are the luckiest- man in me world!" "How's that. sir. may 1 a-k ; ""Why, here you are quite in !"ve with yourself, and you single rival!" haven t a Enthusiasm is to power is to a bullet. a man wxat Conquers Asthma, To be relieved from the terrible suffocating due to | asthma is a great thing, hot to be safe- ! roed for the future is eveq greater. ! dt Qtily dges Dr, j, D. Kellogg's As- j thm* Remedy bring prompt relief but it i introduces a new era of life for the affile- ! ted» Systematic inhaling of smoke or | fuiyee from the remedy prevents reattacks j and often effects a permanent cure. ! Hunter, '.'go Jacÿe married? marry for beauty'?" 4 - "No, booty." Did he No matter how (ieep-rooted the corn or wart may,be, if must yield to Holloway's Com Cure if used as directed, ' "^Vhen members of a family quarrel quarrel a; lot of truth leaks out. One of the G tins of the Canadian Field cry. Type Not Suited to Requirements Requirements of Country Life. Nearly everything about a farmhouse farmhouse should be entirely different from a- city house. This is the reason reason why architects' plans are near-1 ly always out of place on a farm. Such plans are usually for city or suburban conditions. The fees for planning farm-houses are not- large enough to attract architects to study the problem. On the faf-m the- back door, of the house, or the side door, is the entrance entrance chiefly used. Most persons who come to the house g-o to the back door, because this is. where the people are working. The back door should, therefore, be as good as the front door. The farm activities activities centre in "the back part of .the house, in the backyard, and at the barn. These should be attractive. Farm-houses should provide storage storage room. The farm family does not depend on half a dozen deliveries.^ deliveries.^ day. The cellar must- provide provide storage not only for products for home use, but usually also for products to sell. Very rarely does a city home provide a place w ; here a- barrel of apples can be kept without without spoiling. The first floor, the cellar, and the fuel shed should all be handy, as these are the centre of operations. The back door should be near the ground, so that there will be few steps to climb. There should be a place in the back part of the house for men to wash. If the farm has. running water and sewage disposal, there should be a wash-room in the back part of the house on the first floor. It is also desirablë to have a bathroom bathroom on the second floor. The second floor of thè farmhouse farmhouse is usually used for sleeping- rooms. The outdoors is so much a. part of the house that there would be too much gping up and down stairs if the seconçl floor were used for any other purpose. Since household help is hard to secure, and since the farm family usually has to do its own work, all arrangements fc& saving work are of great importance, vit is usually desirable to use the same room for a clining-room and living-room, The majority of farm-houses also have this same room for a kitchen, but a separate kitchen is desirable if. it can be affprdecj on account of the ïiegi in summer, . "City noffiès aïe, in other respects, not of a type to suit the farm. The superabundance of gables and striking shapes may not be conspicuous conspicuous in a city, but in the country they give an appearance, of lack of dignity. A house that is to stand alone must have strong lines. City houses are almost-always too tall to well if standing alone. h ALLAN UNE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS To Liverpool - Glasgow - London - Havre To take the Allan Line means that the Ocean • voyage will be one of the pleasantest memories of your trip abroad. Large, comfortable steam- j ers, replete with every convenience and luxury - j the beautiful sail down the sheltered waters of the St. Lawrence--the courtesy and attention of I the ship's attendants--arc not easily forgotten. / 2 For rates. Balling dates and beautiful descriptif* booklets apply to local agents or THE ALLAN LINE 95 St., West, Toronto. w a ito'A sv.ifcïgfcs $ M. A. JAMES, Steamsh ip Agent, Bowmanville. 4 2 Try, Erclip.se Flour for CaKes and Pastry, It makes delicious pies, cakes and fancy pastry. It TffiKes Less SHorteningf than Manitoba flour. That's why so many ot the best cooks prefer Eclipse Flour-- it is economical. Sold by all Grocers. Manufactured by Fred. C. Vanstone, Phone 77. . Bowmanville. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦J ♦ ♦J ♦ ♦y ♦ ♦ ♦y ♦ ♦y (♦ # Order Coal Now LEHIGH VALLEY COAL I am receiving almost daily several cars of the best Lehigh Valley Goal,- shipped direct from the mines--Chestnut, Btoya and pea sises, * Send your order in now and have prompt delivery St 1 ,V*.. o.e- *t> s e 9 e * E. W, Loscombe Yards and Office at Holgate's liva.pqr-q.tor, Cgpner Diyision and Queen-sts.* opposite High School. Phone 177. f